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Milo agency with the tobacco sounding acronym was great in 2008. Basically congress realized that were spending a lot of money there. We didnt do a very good job of overseeing how the moneyon was spent in iraq so they created a special agency. We are an Inspector General office. We do audits, criminal investigations. About 200 of a. We we only focus on afghanistan and we only focus on reconstruction. One of the Reasons Congress did this is because weve spent more money on reconstruction in afghanistan than weve ever done anywhere in the world. We spent more money in afghanistan than we did on the entire Marshall Plan to rebuild europe after world war ii. So congress assumed anything correctly that they needed a special agency just to look at it and weve been in existence since then time you put a regular reports, how often does the seeker office put out these reports to congress tressa we put our Quarterly Reports, unlike the other Inspector General who put up some annual prep we our Quarterly Reports plus we issue Lessons Learned report on a regular basis. We issue audits investigations and inspection reports on a regular basis. Host what is the summary of this report, what is new and different . Guest the Quarterly Report summarizes what is happen l significantly on reconstruction for the last quarter. We are required to do that by the statute that set us up. What was important there was we focused on the classification issue whichio was new. They classified a lotot of information that has been unclassifiedbe before you we alo focused on the casualty issue, the amount of territory under control by the Afghan Government which is decreased to the lowest level since we started collecting data on that. And again we focus on the economic issue. The economy hasnt turned around forhe them. They are facing a bulge in population they dont have jobs or the economy. Thats the main for us the report. Host we will keep the phone numbers onn the bottom of the screen for john sopko, and we will get your calls going in just a couple of minutes. If you think the u. S. Should stay, in afghanistan, youve been added in this particular position with his office come up on the six years now. How would you describe the overall condition of the country currently as we head into 2018 in addition to the effort by the u. S. And the allies over the years to build up that country . Guest its not a blackandwhite issue. Theres a mix, a mix of some success and some failures. Overall, the security situation has deteriorated over the six years that ive been doing this job. Although it stabilize into a stalemate now. We have a better working relationship with the new Afghan Government. They are very cooperative. They are interested in changing. They are interested in changing their military and they are also interested in attacking the serious problem of corruption which is rampant throughout the country. You are not going to win unless you do with the corruption issue. I think theyre serious about now addressing the narcotics problem. Thats the 800pound gorilla which i think i was quoted as in the room, where the taliban and insurgency that most of the funding from the drug trades because you dont do anything about that we are never going to win. Host in the report before we get to Call Security status of funds section here and headline says afghanistan reconstructing, reconstruction money pipeline. E you have a chart which makes everything down. Ai explain what we are looking at here and what the significance is. Guest that particular chartca tries to break down just that reconstruction number. If you look at the were fighting which is i think the higher figure you have quoted the comes from brown and harvard university, thats about 700 billion theyre talking about. But the actual reconstruction, thats the money spent to pay salaries of Afghan Soldiers and police and civil servants. Thats to build roads. Thats to pay the salaries of the civil servants. Thats to build clinics, et cetera. Thats what that chart breaks down. Just how much money is spent for secured security issues, about 70 billion of that 120 billion goes to the police and the Security Forces and the military. And then the rest goes to either humanitarian aid, civilian operations or governance. Host what is your sense coming out of a recent thread on the house side of where congress is on afghanistan and how it views the current effort . Guest its hard for me to speak for allfo of congress. The subcommittee, a very important subcommittee of a very important committee, the oversight and Government Reform Committee in the house. But from talking to members and i a think even talking to citizens, i think theres a war weariness. Theres a weariness about the money. Theres a question of when its going to end and theres a question that when were going to get it right. We are cautiously optimistic with the new strategy that were going to get it right. I think that strategy is more realistic. Its based upon whats going on on the ground right now rather than arbitrary timelines which i think was an accurate criticism. Host to the office and your reports put out have any connection to the white house . This is written for congress that does the white house read these reports . Do the act anything . Do they take recommendations . Guest i can speak for the white house itself but but i cn speak for the administration. The reports gopo to the berries agencies we look at as well as congress. Secretary of state, secretary of defense and any other Agency Working in afghanistan. And they do read them. They do respond. I think were cautiously optimistic because of medevac were very happy in the last six months the reaction that the department of defense has had toured many ofe our reports. Ar secretary mattis issued a policy statement all of the Senior Leadership based upon one of our reports. It was report dealing with camouflage, uniforms which were poorly decided. We may have wasted millions on it so were getting a big response to with getting a very positive response. Secretary dunford, excuse me, chairman of the joint chiefs general dunford in recent ethnic comment about how to use our information. The one thing we offer is with institutional memory. A lot of the agencies dont anymore. The people serving in afghanistan, although some have gone through multiple tours, that many stay six months, nine months, a year at most. We have people in afghanistan who are serving two or three years and, of course, our agencies been around for a while. People rely on our institutional memory also. Host calls continue to come in this morning for john sopko, the special Inspector General. Chris, your of first from katy, texas. Good morning. Caller thank you so much for taking my call. Im calling with regard to the drug trade and the Mineral Deposits in afghanistan. The government in 2001 said this isnt a war, this is not a war choice but its a war of necessity. Both president s bush and obama reference 9 11 and i think its important to note the timing of military action in afghanistan as you know came 27 days after 9 11. But since 2001 the production has increased providing upwards of 90 of the nonpharmaceutical grade opiate of the world. So that originated, the world market originated in afghanistan affecting europe, central asia, russia, et cetera. Its importantgi to note that precious mineral. Deposits including the huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, among others, you know, are important to note the critical instructional melts like lithium. Its been said that afghanistan has been characterized as the saudi arabia of lithium. And karzai even claim the Mineral Deposits there are worth upwards of 30 trillion, a quantity that would exceed tota Global Mining revenues by a factor of approximately 60 . These are my questions. You characterize the situation as a stalemate. Does that indicate that our shuttle operation is going according to g plan . And in termsan of war, is this t business as usual . It seems with our military on the ground protecting these assets, protecting the opiate deals and the width of the countries like china mining the assets and using their cheap labor to benefit global trade with the United States. Host thank you for calling. John sopko . Guest first of all i dont do politics. I can say based upon my experience and expense of my office and were looking at, were doing a Lessons Learned report on how we got into afghanistan and the strategy and planning for that we had seen no evidence that we went into afghanistan either to prove or capitalize on this scourge of opium here theres no evidence of that. So i can say that much. As for why went in on extract is for the minerals, weve gotten very little if anything, from the minerals, or we call extract is which can also mean oil and natural gas. So that again we have found no evidence. Weve seen nothing that would corroborateld that. We tryav to develop the extractives industry so that the Afghan People will do better so they can start exporting something other than drugs. In response to the implication that theres a shuttle operation, im not aware of any. Host you mentioned you dont do policy process. But to the caller and several other callers in the program so far, we talked about opium. We talked a a little bit aboute recent bombing campaign, again some of the processing plants there. Does that action affected your process, the process of medice whats going on . Guest well, look, the stated policy is done by the policymakers. We lookk at how you can effectuate and how you can succeed on that policy. So the government gives us the policy, we seeee how you can do. When you talk about narcotics, weve been harping on this for years, that you are never going to win the war if thats your objective on the taliban and thus you cut the funding. And our sources and government sources and other experts weve dealt with have said now, general nicholson had said publicly that over 60 of the funding for the taliban comes from that. We are stating you got to do something about it if your objective is to win with the taliban. Now, whether you should do bombing or maybe you should use dea, thosese are processes that the policymakers will decide on. We are glad that general nicholson has now got the authority and he can focusus on it, and we are glad equally important that the Afghan Government is willing to goth in that direction, too. So the prior regime in afghanistan was not interested in confronting narcotics. And unless youwa have cooperatie government you will never win a narcotics. Host ledger from spokane, washington, now. Spokane, what is your name . Caller steve. Host go ahead. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Ng i kind of want to echo chris is concerned because i was under the impression that prior to 9 11 the taliban religious doctrine did not allow drugs or alcohol taliban was actually, were they not allowing opium growth in taliban controlled areas . Now theyre doing it to finance it because they cant get but the primary financing back there was to pakistan and iran and iraq in different areas. There were trying to play their own political gains within the taliban. So now we are being told that the taliban were the ones who started the opium issue. I truly believe it was marketine plans from Insurance Industries right from the start. Chief narcotics. Now theyve got major portion of america basically hooked on opioids to the Doctors Office is mostly, and now being told its a different story. Correct me if im wrong, was the taliban against drugs and alcohol and does the taliban about opium growth in their controlled regions before 9 11 . Guest for a brief time the taliban stop the production of opium. I think they did it for political reasons. He wanted to get recognition by the international community. The taliban at the time was a government. So they could raise funding, raise money through various and sundry methods. But they did for a brief period right before the attack, 911. Host how powerful is the taliban today . Speak to us about the land they had taken aback. Guest thats one of the significant findings of our ladies quarterlyte report. The taliban have increased, this is the largest, i wont say larges, but the most control that over the country we identified in the Quarterly Report this year. Its hard to identify because theres areas that the control, districts they can control and districts that influencenf on. Likewise, the same thing for the government. But right now i think our data is about as of august 2017 there were 54 districts under insurgent control, and increase of nine districts over the last six months. So about 3. 7 million afghans, which is 11 of the population now live in districts under insurgent control or influence. Host general nicholson we read wants to retake 80 of the territory in two years but realistic . Guest it could be done. Its going to be a hard job andi a hard task, but he has a new strategy on that and he has additional troops for the training, and is also additil authorities. So we are again cautiously optimistic. My job is basically the referee. Im here to see what happens and report on it, so we wish him the best and we are optimistic. Host moving on to mark in whitehall pennsylvania for john sopko. Good morning, mark. Caller good morning. How are you doing . Just wanted to give you a call. Theres a few issues. As far as i get my information from like Different College professors and try to keep my eyes open, Different Things like that. Lets see, the clinton machine supposedly light and dine the taliban, this is according to one of the professors here in lehigh valley, to get transfer fees for the happy pipeline. Im going to take a segue the noble peace prize winner, only fought over natural resources. Villages want to get into the department of defense. Oh, okay, so then there was 91 which im going to be frank i dont believe we were, what were told her i believe the conspiracy was the one we were shown on tv and the truth lies elsewhere but im not going to get into that. So theres also another thing, department of defense, okay then, if a going to be over there for 15, 20, 30 years of muslim just because the department of offense because i also watched cspan3 much and as far as actual terrorist attacks in this country, very slippery just been a lot on the Corporate Media youll see a lot of breaking news and shootings and things like that but its not the taliban thats over here. If you look at the stats on terrorist attacks you will see that really there really are not any. Theres a lot of fear mongering that goes on at the Corporate Media. Host market, let me jump in your make your point. Question for our guestsqu specifically . Caller yeah, i mean, why stay over there forever and ever and ever . You, we dont want to top talk vietnam. That was bad enough. Naturally we dont have the draft anymore but, i mean, as far as im concerned, why do we just let these countries if they want to wheel and deal with the oil and stuff like that and get, me, wide riff to be over there with our military boot proving that were going to use host we get the point. We want to move on to some other callers. Guest real quickly again, market, these are allll good questions. You should ask thehe policymake, the administration and congress. I dont do policy. I do process. The policy as stated by every Administration Since 911 is we are going in to find the people who attacked us, and i beg to disagree, mark, i actually do think it wasnt a grand conspiracy. We were attacked. And we would need to find the that and we went in there to help create a host government, and Afghan Government, that g could contine to keep the terrorists out of that area so itd would not be used to attack us again, or attack any of our allies. And that is the t stated goal as general mattis and as the president has data recently, and we support the coal. Host t harris is calling from Gainesville Florida now for john sopko. Good morning. Caller i just have three real short questions. I read his report quarterly and, in fact, its in front of me. Number one is, you met how many casualties that are . Why do you admit that . And do you have any idea what of the civilian casualty caused by our bombing and the National Governments . Secondly, your report has always been very critical of in the sf. In lieu of that, you are saying that general nicholson is going to change the course of the war over there. If we give them 70 billion a year and they cant even carry a gun, i mean, whats the use . Again, this this is a policy mr but in your assessment, why does general nicholson is so dependent on that . And the last thing is, in your own process of writing these reports, do you get embedded with the u. S. Military, or you just go free over the with a backpack and start checking things . Thank you so much, thank you for calling. How about the first point . How do you t do your work . Guest well, we work with the military. The military will provide security for us when we go out into the field. We also get security on the state department. So we dont and bad per se, but they provide security where they can. But we are limited because of the security situation may have in fact, is very insecure. We dont just so backpacks on and Wander Around the country. So we take security very seriously so we limited in doing that we also have Civil Society organizations that we have trained and we use them. We also use satellite where we can, and we collected data from other people operating in the country. So thats how we work. We have about 30, 35 people there fulltime all the time. We have the largest oversight presence of any government agency. Host on a 70point spent a year, i dont want to confuse the listener or your audience. When we talk about 120 billion or the larger figure, that is spin from 2001 to date. What were spending just on reconstruction here, anything we noted in the quarterly, is we have about 7. 42 billion in the pipeline. Thats been authorized and appropriated but not yet spent. We spent approximately five, 6 billion a year. Thats what we assume will be spent this year on reconstruction. So its not the 70 billion per year. I think it was a question about how general nicholson host want a simplification on civilian casualties. Guest sure. We site, we dont have the actual data. We site the u. N. Organization which collects data on a regular basis and theyco are very trustworthy obviously, Organization Able to get up to a lot of places we dont. And they noted that there was a 2 increase in civilian casualties from progovernment, thats coalition and afghan air operations, in the first nine months. Now, overall the number of casualties have decreased a bit this quarter, but those caused by the afghan and Coalition Forces has increaseded a little. Host more about your work. R theres headline in the washington examiner, and elsewhere, a concerning classification of data to the selected u. S. Military classifies afghanistan data as taliban may gain a piece of u. S. Military is sharply restricting. The information that the pentagon watchdog can the public about the key measures of t success in the wa, talking about your office. Whats going on . Guest well, this quarter they started hustling a lot of information that we had been previously reporting publicly for years. And some of it includes casualties by the afghans, force strength, operational readiness, attrition figures, and even the number of women they have in their military police. And we again dont do classification. We were a bit concerned by this and our concern is that this is overclassification. And we are a strong proponent of transparency. We feel that the american people, you, the taxpayer, should know how your money is been spent. And by classifying this we cant tell if we are winning or losing. We cantll tell if that money is actually being used or wasted. And so thats why we strong objected to this latest round of classification. It is a memorandum written from the Research Directorate to you about all of this, about classified or restricted information. Can folks read this report publicly . And if so, where . Guest the Quarterly Report is public. Its available on our website, and that www. Sigar. Mil. Ethical report. As o a medic all of our reports, unless they are classified or otherwise would implicate security issues, all of these reports are available on the website. Host we have about 30 minutes left with john sopko who was general inspector in afghanistan. Deborah is next from massachusetts. Good morning. Caller good morning. I want to focus on what you just said quote, we cant tell whether we are winning or losing. Okay. That just goes to the heart of the problem. This is not about afghanistan. This is about the five u. S. Weapons dealers who [inaudible] in selling Weapons Systems to the hot zone, and were in a hot zone. Theres a reason for that. Because we are selling those Weapons Systems, and those come back and kill our troops. Number two, you said that you can only quote the amount of money for reconstruction. Will make a real good salary but they make huge profits and thats all i have to say. Its very simple to figure this out. You were just there you now as a smokescreen for the rest of us so that what is going on here. Our troops are being killed by the Weapons Systems that we are selling to the middle east countries. Host john sopko your reaction to that. Guest we are more than a smokescreen but thats obviously the caller is raising issues going beyond my jurisdiction and my country. But again, we give you the facts on afghanistan and reconstruction. The other inspectors general to were working in other areas hopefully will give you the facts also and i am a Firm Believer in you know i think it was lincoln who said the people have the facts, we will be free. Thats what this is all about. Was gopal is calling from new york city. Good morning paula. Caller good morning, can you hear me . I want to thank you for your work serve. An interesting report indicated the planes that were built from italy at think c. 27a the cost to half a billion dollars ended up eating scrap metal and im just wondering first of all was anybody ever punished for that and if not, why not . It just seems so incredibly outrageous and just the amount of money that is being spent and a country that had a very small economy to begin with, you expect to see a lot more that would have come out of it. I just think its incredibly disturbing. Imagine how long this war has been going on and how much money has been spent in first of all just one example, did anybody get punished and if not, why not not . And how do we think about that much money being spent in that type of small account in me economy. I really like to hear your response. Host thank you paul. Mr. Sopko. Guest dairy good questions and i wish i could tell you somebody was punished on the purchase of those airplanes that were purchased out of a yard in italy and the planes were basically deathtraps. They couldnt fly. We have an Ongoing Investigation criminal in nature that they cant really discuss in great detail. We also have an audit that we have initiated and hopefully we will be able to answer the questions but im outraged. I get angry when i see money like that wasted and we will get to the bottom of that i promise. Even if we dont bring criminal charges we like dennis i why the taxpayer was so much money and the afghans got nothing out of it. It now as for another issue you have there and that is about accountability that is one of the most serious issues. I think if he read all of our reports no one ever was held accountable for wasting money and if you look at every one of our reports and every time ive testified every time we are not Holding People accountable. Why is that . I wish i had the answer. I think it goes back to, we have a lousy h. R. System and our human resources, the problems we see in afghanistan are not because the people sent to afghanistan, the troops, the soldiers, the Foreign Service officers, the aid officers. Its not that they are evil. Its the fact that they are stupid. What we have done is we have it in them a box of broken tools and those broken tools are the same tools that you see when you do a series on the va, on health and human services, on the irs and all the other governmental agencies. Our h. R. System is busted. Our rotation of troops or rotation of people is busted and how we reward people. If our reward system is upside down we werent waist which is basically what we do in afghanistan and we do in the United States too domestically. We reward contracts and officers by how much money they put in contracts, not whether the contract is good or not and as long as that is our mentality you are not going to punish a guy for us tending to 500 million on airplanes adult fly. He actually probably got a promotion and that is the whole system. We have to address the bigger issues here. We just see them on steroids when youre in a war zone like afghanistan. Host before we go back to college on sopko you brought this poster and sigar at the top in red letters. What is the hotline . Guest a hotline is how we get information about cases. That is something we really appreciate. We see this in afghanistan and we also see this in the United States where people will call our hotline and our hotline also answers and ari. Host lets hear from jack in mississippi. Thank you for waiting. You are on the john sopko. Caller thank you. The 4911 the United States was backing afghan. They broke russia. And now we are and they are fighting them. They are going to break us. Another question you are speaking about is the opium trade. Why dont they cut them out . Another thing is what happened to the 8 million he came from a state Hillary Clintons watch what. Host mr. Sopko . Guest the 8 billion under clinton secretary i dont know what the caller is referring to that the issue was we really havent had a strategy and we really have not had a willing government in afghanistan until the recent government so hopefully that will change but you are correct we just did not have a good strategy on how to deal with the opium problem, which is a difficult problem. I dont want to make light of that. We havent had much success in addressing drugs anywhere in the world so to address the narcotics problem during the war is going to be difficult. We didnt have a strategy and we didnt have the will to do anything about it. Host in brooklyn, fred, good morning. Caller good morning mr. Sopko. Im sorry to bother you. I have just one single question. Im very familiar with afghanistan. I have been around it. Its a dry country. There is very limited water available. Why cant we pay the farmers to cultivate opium so they dont cultivate it and get the money in advance because why cant we do that . Guest well its a little more difficult than that and i think the caller says there are a lot of areas that are aired in a lot of areas that are aerated. They have canals and we have helped them build canals but its not as easy as just creating a new crop and we are actually going to have a major report coming out in the next few months looking at what lessons we have learned in addressing the problem. And again because we dont have a strategy we had a hitandmiss series of programs. We do security programs here. We do canal spare, we would do crop substitutions and others districts and we never stayed long enough to do it so its a little more complicated than that. Rather than give away our results on that report which we havent finished yet. We are still running it by the agency, we are going to ask for comments, we will wait until that report comes out. Host john sopko the former state and federal prosecutor served as chief oversight counsel with the select committee on Oversight House Committee on energy and commerce the select committee of Homeland Security and the permanent subcommittee on investigations and a partner at akins strauss howard and filled. He left the firm six years ago to take on this position. Is your position have a guest i serve at the pleasure of the present and the agency itself, the temporaries agency so well made go when they reconstruction funds fall below i believe its 260 million we have seven in the pipeline so we may be around for a while. Im glad we are temporary. Host how many people worked a few at sigar . Guest we have about 190 people. I think our resources are adequate. We keep getting asked to do more things by congress and thats part of our job so if they are more demands we may need a few more dollars to do that. As long as we are there and we are spending this money and we are useful than then we may want to address that but right now we are satisfied with our resources. Host we talked earlier about resources to your work and a challenge. The afghanistan watchdog it leads. John sopko special Inspector General. Many officials call it on plastic claims. The defense had requires Inspector General overseeing a key fund for guinness and for inspection standards for all of the reports and other products of for you, what is different in terms of what congress is looking to do and how will it impact you . Guest that story is misleading because we really follow the same standards of the requirement statute so there is really no change. We always follow the standards and so i dont see much difference and we are glad there is a supply to all of the agents. We only help the dod ig. We will also be able to meet those standards. We follow a strict standards as we can. Host lets move on to carrie in new hampshire. Good morning terry, thank you for waiting. Caller yes, i was curious a couple of former callers mentioned the drug issue and when he first started the segment you mentioned this wont be won until we solve the drug problem there but we can even solve the drug problem in the United States. How do you expect to solve a major issue like that when we cant even get a handle on whats going on here in the United States . If thats what its going to take whether we should stay there or get out. If we cant win that war than i think we should probably get out. Lets deal with our problems here in our country. Guest my response is again i dont run the program to fight drugs. I just look at how they are carried out and i agree with the caller. Its a very difficult task and up until now we havent had a strategy and we havent had a commitment to do much on the drug issue so i will leave it to the experts at state and dod on how to address that problem and will see how well its doing. Host moving on to fold maryland, good morning. Caller john i have seen you testify before congress and i share your frustration but i dont share your gray hair. The question im wanting to ask is basically overall on the temporary agencies. You said you have Lessons Learned. Are there lessons that have been applied and the other question i want to ask is you have sigar in the special Inspector Generals. I was wondering has there have been a comparison between the two temporary agencies and what has been applied . Was piqued my just as your comment saying we aired dealing with growth in tools and nothing is being done as long as we have a strategy on unworkable system to be applied so i would like to get your feedback on that on what you feel could be the result in my last question is one temporary agency is close down. When are you writing a book . Guest well i dont know about writing a book. People said if i did it would be a comedy but going back to sigar which is, explain to the audience the special Inspector General for iraq reconstruction. That was set up. Stuart bowen ran that for a number of years and they are now out. They did do a number of Lessons Learned reports. They did one major Lessons Learned report. What we decided to do is to do discrete once the first one dealt with corruption and what have we learned about that and what are the recommendations . Is that the one dealt with the Security Sector which is basically how do you train adviseandassist the Afghan Police and the military. We are going to be looking at Economic Development with the next one coming out as well as narcotics. I dont know if anyone has compared sigars findings. We have utilize the information that sigar identified in iraq. So we have kind of utilize those and i think that is as far as i can go in again i dont know if anyone has compared the two reports. Host lets hear from daniel now. Daniel is an tacoma park, maryland. Good morning. Caller the only reason where they are is because we will get a return on our investment insofar we have was voice to one or 2 trillion in both countries iraq and afghanistan and we are never going to get our money back. In high school when we were in afghanistan and there are 20 or 30 more years and i dont want to see any more troops being killed. I guess your job is finding the cost to reconstruct that country. I dont think its worth it in the end of most americans are against us being there. Its that we have had both democrats and republican president s do nothing to leave those countries. Host thank you daniel. Any thoughts . Guest again that the policy issue. I appreciate the callers concerns and again i dont do policy. I just present the facts on how we are carrying out those plans. Host how many times have you been a gamma stand in the last six years . Guest i dont have an exact number. I think its close to 20. I try to go over and stay anywhere from a week to two weeks. Host whats it like to be there . Guest you dont get around this much is he used to because the security situation has deteriorated. He basically stay in the u. S. Embassy and getting out i usually visit with the senior Ministers Office and i tried to get out as much as possible. Ive learned over the years the further you get out from the center more likely youre going to get the truth so we do that. I meet with the president and ceo of afghanistan and try to work with them and tried to talk with them about issues. As i alluded to before the afghans know who sigar is maybe too well because i actually have a target on my back over there. Our reports are being used by the current government to do reforms in so they are fighting the same corrupt influences that we are identifying and people may write bad articles about me here but over there they tend to shoot you and a number of investigators who are working for the afghan Anticorruption Police who have started to identify big fish have been assassinated. Its a totally good for the environment over there that president ghani and the ceo are facing. They are facing people who will kill you if you identify their corruption. We try to work with them and we try to educate them because we have a lot of sources and we try to help them but its dangerous. Host from the report, the sigar reported in october ultimately it says the u. S. Was not able to provide nationwide security especially as a larger threat anticipated after the draw down the Coalition Military forces. Tell us more. Guest well we have the capability of training and advising and assisting. Its just as we got into this we had never done Something Like this before. Usually her Security Sector is and i believe i testified and cited it a four its providing a new weapons system or i. T. System to a developed country to korea, to japan, too whatever. Here you are dealing with a country who has been at war for 30 some years, very little infrastructure. The military police were basically destroyed over the last few years so it was very difficult. We underestimated the difficulty difficulty. We also did not align our capabilities to their needs and we have still got that problem. So those are some of the big key issues. We didnt really utilize our nato allies as well as we could have. Posted on tour last few calls for john sopko. David calling from california. David you were in the air. Caller thank you to cspan. I want to comment first on how the guestbook out late on the militaryindustrial complex and keeping the wars going so weapons can be made in these companies can make hundreds of millions of dollars. Mr. Sopko i want to ask you a specific question. Ive had a couple of things from fox news and cnn about Inspector Generals coming up on the wage fraud report. Hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving and had the opportunity to enjoy down time with your friends and family. You see we are quickly transitioning from thanksgiving to Christmas Season here at the white house. The first ibm failed this years decorations and she personally selected and was personally involved in every detail. The same timehonored traditions were recognized by

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