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The coming a Nuclear Armed state. President trumps refusal to recertify is a grave mistake that threatens americas security and our credibility at a very critical time. The president is ignoring the overwhelming consensus of nuclear scientists, National Security experts, generals, and his own cabinet, including reportedly the secretary of defense and the secretary of state. The fact is that iran remains in compliance with the Nuclear Agreement. If they did not, we would not be supporting certain cases. But if iran were not compliant, our allies would walk away. They are not. Supporters of the agreement have no illusions about the Iranian Regime. That is why the agreement is based on proof, not trust. It set up the toughest detection inspection and verification framework ever negotiated. Threatening this agreement does not isolate iran. It isolates america. This week members met, our House Democrats met with four european ambassadors, signatories to the agreement who said if the u. S. Backs out of the jcpoa, we will not. Even former israeli Prime Minister and defense minister about barack said that abandoning the deal would be a mistake. He said even if america decides to pull out of it, no one will join. Not the chinese, not the russians, not even the europeans. It will serve the iranians. President trumps actions at this time is particularly dangerous and unhelpful as we cant prevent north korea from obtaining full Nuclear Weapons capability. At the time when we did this agreement, 29 u. S. Scientists called the jcpoa, called it, disagreement, said it could serve as a guidepost for future nonproliferation agreements. It went on to say this is an innovative agreement with much more stringent constraint than any previously negotiated nonproliferation framework. Brent scowcroft, advisor to republican president , said there is no more credible expert on Nuclear Weapons than Energy Secretary ernest muniz who led the technical negotiating team. At the time of the agreement, i was very proud of our members because they studied the agreement. They sought delegation from as i said generals, admirals, scientists, ambassadors, experts in National Security, and got that validation that this is the way to go. They sought clarification every step of the way. And they resisted in outside mobilization against the agreement. And there was positive mobilization as well. Information, validation, clarification, mobilization. So much went into the decision. And i want to hold up this book because its a treasure to me. It is a democratic member statement in support of the iran Nuclear Agreement, summer 201. Where they made their own study, came to their own conclusions, put out their own statement and put it in a book, signed it as a record of why we went down this path with knowledge and clarity and determination to honor our oath to protect and defend. President i think is being frivolous with this. Pick hes made some charges in a statement that, with which we agree, ye, the Missile Program is something we have to address and weve done that and sanctions. We dont like the support of some organizations that we view as terrorist in the middle east, hamas, hezbollah, et cetera we agree. We we have sanctions to address that. But to that to them to the Nuclear Agreement tattoo is just plain dangerous and wrong. In addition to that, the president put forth some statements blatantly not true, and id been on all of you to do the Fact Checking on some of the statements that he made. One in particular was that the regime was ready to fall until we did this agreement. What . On the basis of what is he making a statement . The regime in iran is ready to fall, did you know that . And then we came in and bolstered that. He talks about the money the way to iran. Its irans money picky doesnt tell the American People the money that went to iran is irans money that they had challenged us into International Court on that we wouldve lost and it would have cost more. Sowell is a bit of, i dont even call it knowledge, but stuff is a dangerous thing when you are not giving the public the whole truth. If that were not enough for the day, last night as you know, in the past 24 hours the president has taken radical and reckless steps that imperil the security of our nation. We discussed that, and health of the American People. Make no mistake, last night the president singlehandedly decided to raise Americas Health premiums for no reasons, except spite and cruelty. Costsharing reduction payments are essential to lowering Health Insurance costs. Because of President Trumps decision to cut them off, these costsharing payments, premiums will soar according to nonpartisan cbo, headed by a republican appointee, appointed by the republicans in congress, the cbo says that premiums will soar. Refusing to make these vital payments spikes Americas Health premiums by 20 in 2018 middle income families will be hit hardest because of President Trumps decision last night, middle income families will be hit the hardest. Taxpayers will pay more and these will increase the deficit by nearly 200 billion over ten years. What is he thinking . Yesterdays executive order also earlier in the day seeks to raise premiums on americans with preexisting medical conditions. Sorry, if you have a preexisting medical condition, you better be very, very rich. And will push americans into paying for some junk Insurance Initiative he is proposing with few protections and a little coverage. To add insult to injury last week, last friday, the contraception coverage rule reaches into the lives of hundreds of thousands of women overruled the right to basic Preventive Care and forces them to pay a huge new cost. Leaving it up to their employer to decide if they have access to contraception that they can afford. Congress must act immediately. Clarifying the language to restore the vital costsharing reductions payments and reversing the chaos the president has tried to sell on Americas Health. This is not, this is a matter of life and death. I asked republicans, i would ask them to do this or in the air when the president came in so its very simple language, one or two sentences, that resolve this and it will serve your purpose, should you come up with a Health Insurance bill. And in the spring on the bus we tried to get them to do it again. Again, its a matter of life and death. This gop will try to afford the Affordable Care act but they have purposefully, brazenly, cruelty and spitefully acted to sabotage the law and the healthcare it provides. Its a matter of life and death. Any questions . What do you think of the corkercotton proposed legislation that they are talking about . I havent the faintest idea what it is. They are proposing to amend the Iran Nuclear Review act two, for example, instantly snap back sanctions if it is determined that iran is within one year developing a nuclear weapon, and a list of other stricter restrictions. Im not only with that, but the fact is they cannot amend the agreement. The agreement is an agreement. Not negotiate among ourselves. Its an agreement negotiated among nations. The entire eu, at the centerpiece of it, the p5, that is the members of the Security Council plus one, germany, and then china, china and russia who are members of the p5, ndu, and iran. So thats where the negotiation was, and they came out with the toughest agreement that was possible with that. I dont know what they are doing, but again, it is a path to leaving, if they are not in compliance were all in together on this but we are out if theyre not in compliance so i really would have to read what they have. Because ill tell you this. You heard, babyhood the president said in his comments leaders in the congress are working on language. We havent seen any of it. We havent seen any of it on the democratic side. We havent seen any of it. We do think you might be able to get congress to act on cfr payments . The u. N. On to this comment will that the next opportunity . What do you see people that this could be playing with fire as far as a Government Shutdown . Let me just, maybe we should stay on iran and then, to that. Does anybody else have a question on iran . No question on iran agreement. I prefer the statement put forth by our ranking them on the intelligence committee, adam schiff. I think it spells out the sentiments of many in our caucus very well. And when we see what the president is referencing about the leadership and the Congress Come up with something, ill be happy to comment on it. But we had very difficult and tough, stringent sanctions on iran for the activities outside of the agreement, whether its ballistic missiles, the syrian regime, support, as i said earlier, support for terrorist groups we view as terrorist organizations in the region. The list goes on. And we are there with very tough sanctions. But when it comes to the iran agreement, we are very proud of it, diplomatic triumph that it was. The respect that was given by nuclear physicist, Nobel Laureates and the rest, republicans, and addition to democrats, for the knowledge that we brought to the table. And again, the president claims they are not agreeing to the spirit of the agreement. There is no spirit of the agreement. The agreement is a very tough, toughly debated, negotiated, verifiable agreement. Thats what they have to honor. And so far, the person who called me from the administration, a highlevel state department official, i said very clearly, i they in violation of the agreement . No. What are we doing . So if there are no further comes, read the statement of adam schiff, has great clarity and comes from a place of real serious validation on the subject being the ranking them on the intelligence committee, adam schiff. Thank you. In terms of, you have a couple questions at once what we do about window congress act and you think is out of this at the of your with your best shot, then if youre going to mix it in with appropriations are you risking a Government Shutdown . Theres the risk on our part of Government Shutdown. We do not have a majority of the votes. We have never ever supported a Government Shutdown. That is a tactic of the republicans because they dont like government. For shutdown is a good day for them. Thats what they have given us in the past, the threat of it or a 17 day shutdown the last time they did it. They have the votes, the majority in the house, the majority in the senate. The have the president signature. They alone have the power to shut down government. Thats not in our next. I would like to have the language that would set the record straight. Its very simple. Its what we suggested in the last omnibus. And i said to them this will serve you well if you have good intentions about doing any bill. But out of any funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated the are appropriated to the secretary such sums as be necessary for payment under this section. That one sentence solves it. We hope to put in. There are other vehicles, standalone vehicles, a vehicle that just is attached to supplemental, or down the road in the omnibus. But thats pretty far down the road. Hopefully we could resolve it sooner. The ra there are a number of members was done with this means to constituents it might be receptive to this. Thats it. So no, we are not about shutting down government. When you say you mean towards disaster funding or something have talked to what about that . Im just saying these of vehicles leaving the station. I was on describing those as vehicles leaving the station. Is a something democrats would support . We just want to get this language you would like to be in a freestanding built next tuesday. Thats what we would like. Would like to get it done sooner, but again we had to see if the republicans are of good faith on this. The American People will be the ones who wait in. They are the ones who save the day, saved the country from the horror of trumpcare once, twice, another time. So again we expect that when people see what this means in the lives, their costs, the economic and health security, that their stories will once again when the day. I was not suggesting any one of them. Im just saying these are the vehicles that are leaving the station. There may be others, well see, but we hardly are even in turkey we are a day the counts among the days were supposed to be in, and we are not because the speaker wants to keep us in until christmas so we get our work done. Any other questions . It seems like President Trump views the cfr issue as a bargaining chip, and director mulvaney and in a good basically said so. Do you think it is something that he could use in negotiations . He seems to want to pay for the wall or some other item on his agenda in the fall. You are saying the president wants to negotiate the good health of the American People to get a wall between the u. S. And mexico . That wont work. I mean, he should do the right thing. And the right thing is to respect what were trying to do to bring healthcare to all americans, as well as those with preexisting medical conditions. I dont know what he wants. Do you know what he wants . I have the foggiest idea. Do you have any idea from vision, presentation, what he might want . A wall . And ineffective come in moral, expensive wall. I know what i read in politico. Well, it just, lets all remain calm, take a deep breath. Lets curb all of our enthusiasm. Lets do what is right for the American People, and lets do so in a way that is based on facts, evidence, data, truth. Not spite, cruelty and a wall when it comes to the health and wellbeing of the American People. Any other questions . Yes. When you take a look at this weekends totality from the president laying out his demands on immigration, the iran deal today, the Affordable Care act, are we seeing some of the limits of what democrats can do to stop his agenda, the power that it president has even if they cant get a bill through . Well, im not even sure what he did yesterday was legal, and there will be others who question that in the courts. But in the meantime we have a way to remedy, i use that word specifically, to remedy what is needed for the good health of the American People. And its about the American People. That is the court of Public Opinion is the wisest court that there is. And i respect to the president. He is the president of the united states. I respect the job that he holds, position held. I respect the people who voted for it. Im glad they voted or im just people vote, but i do want them to know what it means in their minds when he goes off on a spiteful, cruel tweet to diminish the access to Affordable Care. And this isnt about just people of lower income, but they do suffer. Its about the middle class being the hardest hit in all of this. And the taxpayer having to pay the price. So if it comes to how would meet the needs of the American People, how it impacts their economic wellbeing, and how it impacts the national debt, either the president is being televised or somebody there doesnt know how to do the math. But this is a bad idea or everyone in our country, including the National Budget and the debt. So in any event, again, i thik where to calm the approach this because we have to do this sanely. I just go back to what think because i keep using the word spite. Spite the thing became very clear to all of us when the present out whos going to overturn the Affordable Care act. He calls it obamacare, and not in a complementary way. I call that a complementary way but i call it before and will correct that when he said is going to do on the day it became law. You dont bring anything to the floor in spite to somebody else can something that happened seven years before. You bring it to the floor when you have the votes. That was the beginning of the end of any legislative overturning of the Affordable Care act. So now lets act and respectfully, recognizing the present has a signature. The republicans have the majority. The American People have the boys and we are here for their good health. Any other questions . No . Is senator murray keeping you informed on her work with senator alexander on healthcare . Any idea on how much progress they have made . Senator murray, i i know we support her judgment, her values and they are shared by house and senate democrats. So i have confidence in her as she proceeds. Are they close to anything, do you know . That would be up to them to divulge to you. But it think it will be as close as the republican majority and able to today. Thank you all very much. The House Minority leader reacting to President Trumps decision to not certify the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal among other items. Heres a portion of what President Trump had to save of the deal earlier to say about the deal earlier today. Based on the factual record i have put forward, i am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification. We will not continue down the path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror, and then very real threat of Irans Nuclear breakout. That is why i am directing my administration to work closely with congress and our allies to address the deals miniseries flaws so that the Iranian Regime can never threatened the world with Nuclear Weapons. You can see the president entire announcement regarding the decision to decertify the iran deal online at cspan. Org. Tomorrow on cspan live coverage continues of the values voter summit taking place here in the nations capital. Steve bannon is among the speakers. That starts at 11 a. M. Eastern on cspan. It cover some 6 million people. This is a very heavily automobile commute city, and it was just extend our brand and give people who are involved in the process a chance to listen to. Thats how it happened and it was that simple. Cspan radio app marking 20 years of Public Affairs programming from the nations capital. Listen to the washington journal live each morning beginning at 7 a. M. Eastern. You can you recaps of todays political events on washing today. Weekdays at 5 p. M. Eastern. And get the latest from congress, the administration and important events from across the nation. Cspan reader is available in washington, on 90. 1 fm, on our website cspan. Org, or by downloading the free cspan radio app. Cspan radio at 20 years where your history unfold daily

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