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And now on book tv on cspan2 it as live coverage of the brooklyn book festival. Todays author schedule includes msnbc chris hayes, law professor cheryl and National Book award kathy oneill and recently named National Book award finalist. We will kick off today with a discussion on the immigrant experience. This is a book tvs live coverage of the brooklyn book festival. Good morning. Welcome to the best law school in brooklyn. Those of you brooklynites get that punch line but being the only law school and the best law school in the most vibrant and largest borough of the big apple in the greatest country on earth we got that going for us. So weve got that going for us, too. On this day in late august, our law school welcomed its new class of students of 371 students plus about 35 international students. And they were all enthralled with americans across the country with an extraordinary event that was the day of the totality, the day of the eclipse. People across the United States and her students and faculty gazed up from, with their safety glasses i hope, and it was as if nature itself was conspiring to bring us together, if only for a few hours here but that sense of unity and wonder while fleeting was very welcomed from the tumultuous events that continue to boil this country. Now, as of this writing, floridians, some of them graduates of our law school, some of them lawyers, all the graduates are lawyers but, i mean, also lawyers, or helping with the cleanup and recovery from the devastation of Hurricane Irma in florida, and helping with texans who continue to recover and also from those in the caribbean. I know one of our most highly expected speakers, oscar martinez, is unable to get out there can fact he was unable to get to us, get a message to us angela stent said he will not be a but will have a substitute for his panel this afternoon. But meanwhile, we are returning to things that are on our minds including white supremacists, neonazi marches in cities like charlottesville and boston, north korea menacing this country and others in the pacific. We are worrying about immigrants and their future, giving an ounce of the daca announcement for the white house and we are worrying about other issues in terms of equal justice, peace, safety and our streets and also the rights of all americans, including those transgender individuals who serve our nation in the military. What do all of these events have to do with todays brooklyn book festival . And the answer is, everything. And that is because throughout the history of mankind, knowledge, information, and the free communication among people has always been empowering the democratic use of information and communication has been empowering, and its a critically important thing that we do in this country. Once again in this country we are facing very basic questions that the founders grappled with, how do we elect, had we governed, how do we talk with each other . And like the first panel, which is going to be very compelling, how do we decide what we mean by we the people . And whether we need to include immigrants or not . And other panels today in this moot courtroom, you are going to hear about and get to engage on Critical Issues facing our collective future, issues about Lawful Assembly and free speech, issue about the rights of all our people, issues about how to govern, how to express ourselves, how to reform the electoral and political system. So stay tuned, get engaged. This is an incredibly worthwhile program. I know im looking forward to watching, observing, participating, and im looking for to follow up and watching on cspan any parts that i missed. I would be remiss to say that i would encourage you all to, afterwards, if you dont have them already, purchased the authors books, it will be available in the plaza and also you will have an opportunity to have a word or two persontoperson with our authors. Thank you all very much, and our gratitude to the brooklyn book festival and the borough for sponsoring the signature event of you. This is now the 12th brooklyn book festival and were very proud to be part of it at brooklyn law school. Thank you all very much. [applause] thank you very much, dean allard. I also want to echo thanks for the invitation from the brooklyn book festival, the law school that hosts this Morning Panel discussion, it really all of you to join us a this morning both here in person and watching from afar. I think its good to be a great discussion and a great day of panels. My name is ali noorani. I and the executive director of the National Immigration forum and while my book is not on the panel and the did a turbo job to bring on with it, i did write a book called there goes the neighborhood but enough about me. Our authors who w were going to be hearing from this morning are two incredible people, and they written two books that i think a very different but also very similar because they are books about, stories about people in their places and going through their lives and what are the factors, positive and negative, affecting an impact their places in the lives. First is tarry hum, who wrote making a global immigrant neighborhood. Sunset park a figure most you know where it is but for those watching us from afar it is all bithat south of here, correct . Google maps helped me out. Its a great book in that it ties together the factors impacting the fastchanging neighborhood from housing regulations disowning to banking, the politics. It will be great to hear from her as a growth of this conversation. She has a long and impressive career, receipts and Honorable Mention from association of collegiate schools of planning, the Paul Davidoff book award in 2015. She is working on a second book on chinese transnational capital and City Building in immigrant new york, forthcoming from temple university. Our other guest is gabriel thompson, gabriel edited chasing the harvest Migrant Workers in california agriculture. Having been myself for in santa cruz, raised in salina, as i was reading through the stories and interviews that gabriel captured, i could see the people that he was talking about as in my own travels through the Central Coast of california and the Central Valley. Gabriel himself is an independent journalist was written feature articles for the new york times, harpers, new york magazine, slate, mother jones and many other publications. He is one a number of prizes including the studs terkel meaty award and the city work. Such amazing people that will hear from, well talk for about half an hour so we have some time and ill take some questions. Tarry, give us a quick sense of why did you write this book about brooklyns sunset park . Thanthank you, ali and thanku to the brooklyn book festival for inviting me to speak about my sunset park book. The reason why the book is twofold. One is that i grew up in the neighborhood. My parents moved to sunset park. I family moved to sunset park in 1974, which was near the height of the new york city fiscal crisis. We were one of the First Chinese families in sunset park, and my mother and father are immigrants and they worked in typical immigrant niches. My dad worked in an industrial laundry in Greenpoint Brooklyn at a restaurant on the weekends. And my mom worked in manhattan chinatown to garment industry. And the inline provided a direct link from the chinatown subway station to eighth avenue in brooklyn. It was home, so during the time i was growing up, definitely observed some very, very dramatic and transformational changes in the neighborhood. Im an urban planner, and i i think that as an urban planning graduate student, much of the literature if any existed about immigrant neighborhoods tended to kind of amplify its enclave qualities of selfsufficiency and insularity, and also that it was they are very homogenous, ethically homogenous. My experience in sunset park is one of course one of the most diverse neighborhoods in brooklyn, even though eighth avenue and oftentimes its refer to as the third satellite chinatown in your city, its actually majority latino. Its majority asian latino neighborhood, historically puerto rican but increasingly mexican. In fact, mexicans are now the largest latino group in sunset park. And in 2013 and just on tuesday sunset park elected the first mexicanamerican to the new york city council. Its also a Frontline Community addressing issues of the bimetal justice and gentrification. I can talk about that more later. Thank you. Thank you. I have to say its one of the best books ive read in terms of really capturing how a a neighborhood is changing again impacted by the broad range of factors that we all deal with, whether were living in a city, server or even a real community. Gabriel, same question for you. What led you to do all these interviews and pull the truly important project together . I think one thing to just underscore is a big agriculture in california is. Its a 47 billion industry. Its hard to find an area in the state were something isnt being grown. You go up right near the california oregon border and Young Workers clanking strawberry seedlings. You go a mile south in view of the u. S. Extra wall and youll see many women stooped overharvesting iceberg lettuce. So the scale of the industry is hard to kind of rap your head around. I got a sense of that early on when i was searching for one of the farmworkers to interview in kern county, in the san joaquin valley, southern end of it is where John Steinbeck did the research and reporting that would inform the grapes of wrath. And i can completely lost looking for this guy. I get lost often. I got lost walking your so its not [laughing] specifically a kern county problem. But kern county, the crops grown in kern county cover morland van new york city, los angeles and San Francisco combined more land. You get a sense of the scale of the work. The other thing is i spent off and on maybe ten years writing about immigrants and especially farmworkers, and what would happen was i would get an assignment, for example, looking at wage theft which is a real issue with farmworkers, and lowwage workers in general. So i would go and sit at with these of hours and they would tell me a lot about their lives, including what i was a would dig into which was the wage theft. I would leave those interviews and think, if the person is telling their own story about what mattered about their life coming from mexico to the u. S. , wage theft would not be central to it. They have a lot of other things that they thought, not that wage theft wasnt a huge injustice but that effectively told a different story. And so i would come back and blow up that small of their life because it fit in with the assignment i had. I did that over and over again. I came to the conclusion that cumulatively almost all the articles i read about farmworkers presented them sorted as of this big mass of miserable, downtrodden, unhappy hyper exploited people. They certainly face all sorts of challenges that i never did, many people here might not effaced, but when i left those interviews that was not the sense that i got from them. One of the reasons i really like this oral history format was for me to sort of step back from the page and let the farmworkers, i would show up not knowing much about them. We would sit across the table. I would ask openended questions and then help editing those, these are three, for our interviews, four or five times. I was asking a lot from these folks to do that. Where they could sort of talk about what mattered to them. What emerges i hope from the book is a chance for folks to invite 17 people into your living room who you probably might not know otherwise, because the fields are a long ways away and sometimes if theres language barriers, whatever, it can be pretty inaccessible, to sit down and just tell them about what matters to them and how they see the lights, has a sea life in the workplace, how the to utilie back in mexico, about the decision to come here. The struggles they have but also the joys they have, though role in which they think im if you dont understand the farmworkers often take a lot of pride and even sort of at times joy in the work, you miss a big picture of what it means to be a farmworker. I thought that was for me, coming up a journalism experts that was an Important Role and it was surprising for me to see how rich the stores were when i wasnt trying to make sure they painted by the numbers as her editor and said i needed to paint by. Before we get into some more of the depth of each project, of each book, i wanted to ask a question, step back a little bit. The title of this panel is its personal, not just policy. For us at the National Immigration forum we think that the, that americans immigration debate isnt about politics and policy, rather its about culture and values. What we struggle with and what i want to ask is, how do you use data to illustrate a story, a personal story and how to use a personal story to illustrate dataquest although youve done that in different ways. In this, and your particular books. So how do you strike that balance to convey the point youre trying to make an balance between data and stories . I am, as an academic, i think that we expected to you empirically based, evidencebased research, although i have to say that in telling the story of sunset park, some of my reviewers before the book was published actually said that they wanted to hear more, they wanted to hear more of the residents of sunset park in the voices. I did try to strike a balance. I mean, given the fact i consider myself as a community stakeholder, because my dad still lives in sunset park and i am involved with that neighborhood. That kind of Privileged Access did give me access to Community Leaders as well as everyday residents. I mean, i think there needs to be the data, the empirically based evidence for some of the claims are some of the trends or patterns where witnessing. One is a very kind of clear example i can give where data is the current struggle against gentrification. I think we all can kind of, we know it when we see it but i think that ultimately gentrification is about the influx of capital and the interests of Real Estate Investment in capital, and one way to document that besides kind of getting stories of peoples struggles with making rent or the fact that their supermarket has been replaced by a gourmet, expensive supermarket where they cant shop, is to document the influx of transnational capital and the kind of Real Estate Developer and that is resulting in these neighborhoods. I think thats how i try to balance this in my research. Theres a lot of facts in this book, hopefully not too boring, not too many facts, but what comes through speedy we are not against the facts. This is real news. But that the people who are in this book all have suffered really major crises that are endemic to farmworkers and actually mostly for lowwage workers. Theres a man named roberto was harvesting grapes in makers to pick a 16 jillson was working next to him. The farmers refused to provide canopy for shade. It was 106 degrees. His son passes out. Hes in a coma for a week. He almost dies. And roberto then goes to become a huge advocate for passing new heat regulations in the state, and they win. Theres another woman who was sexually harassed in the field. She finally, and then is ranked in the fields. She has the courage to come forward after about a year and lodged a complaint worried that she might get fired and then deported within three or four months she is indeed fired and then deported. And so its not, then you can back up some of the context of that. This is not something that just happened happens all over the place. I think for me what moves me in thinking carefully about people is not just those facts, but seeing how they deal with them, seeing how they work with them, seeing the sort of ways in which that word, that trauma would affect the same way would affect my mom. And that, so its not a real either or but its a way to make sure that people are able to kind of see themselves in some way in the stories. And so, but for me when i of the personal reader, if i see a 20 point in crudely depressing fact sheet about how exported farmworkers are, the feeling i get is a powerlessness. When it interview farmworkers, even after they told me though stories, i dont luckily with a feeling that they feel powerless. So i think thats important to understand, especially terms of the potential changing things is that much more complicated. Just like we all love and hate parts of our job, farmworkers love and hate parts of their jobs, and they are different in many ways than the realities we live in. In fact, their dreams for the kids, the transfer a better life are pretty universal. I got the feeling from both books, again they are very different approaches, but the oral history versus almost the more academic sense, but i got the sense with its neighborhood overall or the individual story that there is a sense of hope and inspiration. There is a path forward. So with that, tarry, you talk about environmental injustices facing sunset park. Give us a quick sense of what the looks like but also give us a sense of where do you think this all goes spermatic sunset park, as some of you might know, is a waterfront neighborhood. At one point had a very extensive Industrial Infrastructure with a very important part of new york citys manufacturing and port economy but since the 1950s really with the start of the industrialization of course many of those factories have left and during the time that my family moved to sunset park in the 1970s, the working waterfront was really kind of neglected. There were definitely infrastructural lack of maintenance that went on. It was a pretty desolate place. Although there were still karmic manufacturing, factories that were in sunset park. And then i think that sunset park, industrial waterfront is a very important part of new york citys kind of we its new image, its new vision for its innovation economy. The Industrial Infrastructure is kind of these beautiful old loft, factory loft buildings and initially Real Estate Developers were kind of pitching it to artists that were being priced out of neighborhoods. And so sunset park sent us a waterfront i think during the late 1990s and to the early 2000 there were many working artists that were in those spaces. But given new york city is kind of the center of kind of Global Capital and real estate development, there is the now a lot of major Real Estate Investors that have purchased properties along the industrial waterfront and really renovating the space to accommodate new york citys new kind of Innovation Ecosystem which defines modern manufacturing as part of the Makers Movement with manufacturing. Thats really cater to the consumption, desires of the elite, of a wealthy class and really not the local neighborhood folks. So i think that sunset park through various points have had to deal with environmental issues, along its waterfront due to the fact that they were power plants that were situated there. It was, it is, there are now several brownfields along the industrial waterfront. Sunset park is also, third avenue, the expressway which is a multilane highway cut the neighborhood from its industrial waterfront and, of course, neighborhood is had to deal with all of the particulates that come from all of this traffic, congestion, and the Health Hazards of it. So sunset park, the residents of sunset park have endured through the years in which sunset park was neglected, and which sunset park did have these very serious environmental hazards. And now that the neighborhood is being rediscovered and food influx of all of this Real Estate Investment, the neighborhood is, in fact, improving, socalled improving in terms of brownfields being remediated, space is being renovated and whatnot, but the question is, can sunset park Longtime Committee residents who are largely again latino and asian, can they afford to continue to live in that neighborhood space . Gabriel, maybe want to pop to stories that you view document. When was grew up as a farm worker and is now Vice President and here is hi of anything but e rover to start his own, start on a shoestring and is grown a pretty big and sizable family operation in the Central Valley. As i was look at those two stories i saw parallel paths in two very different worlds. If you could give more sense of those two stories but are they similar or other just very different and do they have different impact on the world . You know, one of them is a grower, and one thing i try to do in this book is not just include farmworkers who are working currently but former farmworkers and also all the people in their orbit. You know, teachers of migrant, the kids of migrant farmworkers. I think its also poor to look at growers, the farmers because they are a big part of the farmworkers lives. He was someone, his best game of, turned the John Steinbeck, the 30s, the question from oklahoma had a certain number of resources, then go to college, go to uc santa cruz, thought he really wanted to get away from the Central Valley and as soon as he went to santa cruz he thought i would want to go back to the Central Valley. And worked hard but at a certain number of advantages that many of the folks dont. And so grew his company into the biggest sort of stone fruit operation hobbled in california and one of the biggest in the world. Maria, its not quite because although her parents were immigrants and she worked in the fields she also was able to go to college and was able to rise to the ranks of being and really tenacious Union Organizer and took lots of lessons even though she started organizing really with Hotel Workers and restaurant workers, saw there were incredible similarities between those workers and the farmworkers that she had grown up with. Theres another person who comes from he arrives not speaking very much spanish, speaking a dialect, but also has if anyone has the most intense drive to succeed, but has many more barriers placed in front of him, but eventually became an advocate for organization in which he, when he showed up he was in u. S. And he moved across the first comeys living under the orchard sleeping under orange trees, bathing in polluted canals and actually talking about, he was 16. 16. When youre 16 youre not always all there, but talked about it, this interesting adventure. You could really see that where he got to was really limited by the sort of opportunities they had. So were going to opened it up to questions as well, so start thinking about your questions and even though i dont think theres a mic back there, what will ask you to do is yell them out, keep it short and i will repeat them so folks on the television and you then. Does that sound like a plan . So wanted to ask both of you a question, okay, so lets say whether you live in sunset park or in the Central Valley, what are the three factors, the three things to keep in mind for the future to improve the quality of life, again what is the farmworker or it is the longterm resident of sunset park . Gabriel, let me start with you. Its hard to not talk about trump at this point, because i did these interviews in 2016, during the campaign. You really cant underestimate how much trump was on the tv and on spanishlanguage radio during that time. I would be driving to visit folks in on the radio on airing about trump and the law and deportation forces. When i get to the living rooms where having these conversations and often in the background the tv is muted and you see its all about the wall pics of is a certain amount of fear but theres also this idea that like this guys too crazy to get elected. At the end of the interviews i would ask him theres a number of undocumented people in the book and i would ask them you want me to use your name or do you want me to use a pseudonym . They all said no, im fine with the name. Then after the election of it back to them and said, is that still the case . They all said, no, id like to change my name. So i think thats really been, and i would use you for example, the last person the book tells a story she runs a Head Start Program in one of the poorest corners of the country. Its 98 latino, and she, the services she provides incredibly important. They are giving really highquality child care to farmworkers otherwise just have to deposit their kids into neighbors, and it seemed this, sometimes just have tv on all day. So when you get to school they are quite behind. When i visited her before the election, she had two other people on the waiting list. The school was packed. When i went out there a couple months ago to do a book event, i noticed behind office that they close the door and said was closed until further notice because they didnt have enough kids. They are desperately going from trailer two trader trying to sign up new folks. What you would see in this area of the valley was everyone was in many ways retracting. They were retracting from services that are critical for farmworkers to a least have some stability. There is a network of folks as a kind help them. I think the real question Going Forward, i mean, its not going to church, not going to movies, not going outside. Also your Border Patrol all over the place. So the way its impacting the delights and the way they talk about this here with their kids. Because you cant say if they are afraid about a monster into bed you can go show them there still wants to and the bed because there is a monster and so try to balance how do you deal with this in a way thats not going to totally stressed out your eightyearold when hes in school. Thats going to be the question Going Forward is, how much damage, psychic amateur and otherwise, is going to be inflicted upon these groups were pulling back from all the services that, although they need more of them, are there to really make their lives somewhat easier . I think that for sunset park and i think for many of, all of new york cities neighborhoods, in particular workingclass immigrant neighborhoods, its really that time is of a struggle to continue to exist, i think. The threat of gentrification and displacement i think are paramount to the kind of character, preserving the character and affordability of neighborhoods for people like my parents, immigrants, who are new immigrants to the country. So i think that these neighborhoods like sunset park a really a testing ground right now in terms of addressing inclusion, both economic, social and political inclusion. I think we also need to kind of address, going back to the policy question. Yes, while many of these dynamics might, they do, they affect our daily lives expenses as new yorkers, as residents of neighborhoods trying to stay in your community. I think that we really need to also address the issue of policy, in particular Economic Development policy. I know that right now we have a mayor who was made this made it to address the tale of two cities underdressed economic inequality. Part of his mandate includes developing Affordable Housing but the our outstanding issues around the question of affordability, for whom. And at what cost because often those Affordable Housing is coming with 75 majority development. I think we need to address how do we define economic growth. I gave a presentation at new york city Economic Development corporation, and they asked me how do we balance the need to grow and to accommodate all of these new people that want to live in this dynamic global city with the needs of the neighborhood . Well, i think that then equity come one way to rethink that definition of Economic Development is not to define it as real estate driven growth but to think about issues of equity and justice. And finally the neighborhood like sunset park, and i think this is similar for many immigrant neighborhoods, i teach at queens college. I know that the seven line is formally referred to as the International Express because all along the seven line from Long Island City to flushing are dense, multiracial, multiethnic neighborhoods. Largely asian and latino. The issue is a developing institutional capacity, coalition and alliance among asian latino immigrants in terms of addressing issues of shared concern. That may have to do with wages and apply the conditions but also has to do with Political Representation and preserving their communities. Questions . Right here. Before we take the first question i want to let people know that tarry and gabriel will be signing their books downstairs just outside the front door, and we will start speed is you will be, to. I am a terrible. Its awful. Going. Go ahead. In interest of full disclosure my family lived in sunset park in 1964, and many young people have come to realize [inaudible] the leadership was not there always working against their own people. [inaudible] so your question. [inaudible] one of the things that leaves me very unhappy is the lack of the focus of the role both municipal, state justintime for the question. Go for it. The role, because of inaction or lack of capacity from, on the part of political and civic leadership, that our own government, municipal, state and federal have had in all of this. So the conversation turns to justification which has a big racial tone to it. So what are these people able to come in and make all these improvements . They have an education to have access to education. So would like both of you to speak a little bit, if possible, that this is big selfie time. We dont continue making mistakes, with policy, whether it is domestic or foreign commerce in the case of the kind of monies that a bit about to enter the American Economy since the 19 set in new york city so is there our government, in my view, the real facilitators of all of this is not that people come here illegally or undocumented or that some people are smarter than others, that a think we need to talk about that and whether you agree or not . Such as for both of you the question is what are the factors driving gentrification, changing to meet his . I think it applies to the urban environment as much as, as well as the rural environment. I thought the question whether was about policy that is about the role of the state in terms of facilitating not only the influx in terms of immigration policies, people, and also in terms of capital, is that right . The things that easily could have been done to make come to stabilize neighborhoods and get access to the people. This goes back i remember personally. Federal immigration policies have been raceneutral, has never been about come has never been truly opendoor. So i think that there definitely in terms of the federal government, that are immigrants that are more desirable and immigrants that are less desirable. Certainly in terms of the influx of transnational capital, one of the forms of this money is actually an outcome of the 1990 immigration act, which included five employment categories, the type of workers that are needed or desired in the United States. One of those categories is actually an investor category. So that, in fact, if you invested 500,000 in an enterprise that would create ten jobs in the United States in a high unemployment area, you would get a visa for yourself and the members of your family. The provision of that immigration act category is called, simply but category number five which is the immigrant investor. That provision was largely underutilized until the 2008 financial crisis. When Real Estate Developers did not have access to cheap, inexpensive capital and they turned to this program and started to set up Regional Centers to be conduits to facilitate this flow of immigrant investment. 85 of it is from china at this point. Does that . I think we need to address our immigration policies in the local impacts, right . [inaudible] by gabriel didnt get a chance to respond. [inaudible] i do that a lot. Im good at looking like im thinking. [laughing] theres a pretty established pattern going back many years in which you will sort of have this push and pull. At this point we need to bring it a lot of mexican immigrants and thats to a Government Program or just looking the other way when work needs to be done. As soon as it looks like things are tightening up been your programs Like Operation went back in which suddenly they are demonized and they are rounded up and sent back. The big picture about immigration from mexico and also from other like Central America but academics who is theres this sort of schizophrenic policy that ebbs and flows with the economy, or ebbs and flows with lyrical leadership and how much they think they might be able to gain by pointing all of the hills about this numbers of mexican immigrants in the u. S. I think that a sort of like the big picture im which we all, like right now we all begin with the fact theres been a real swing and so thats big picture stuff that we all kind of just have to react to. Of the questions. Right here right in the front. This is for gabriel, largely, but following up on what you were just saying here i grew up in california and have spent time driving through that area for much of my life. So in your story youre trying to really present importantly the richness of the lives of Migrant Workers, and it comes with joint as well as sorrow. So im wondering if theres a complementary view of the growers in that come to the extent to which any of them have more nuanced relationships with their workers . Academic to do that and what you were just saying, what role do you see growers playing, if any, in the Current Trump at the immigration point of you . And clearly you must be seeing the ways in which the workers are totally withdrawing into their communities. Does that affect them . I really dont understand the depth of that relationship. One of the growers i interviewed a number of times it works at a Central Valley and has taken what was his grandfather had an original 40 acres think he got in the 1880s and heralded, grounded into the biggest sort of plum, apricot, stone free operation in the country, or one of them. He was quoted in the times article a number of months ago about this growers in california having second thoughts about trump common saying essentially that if trump tries to do what hes going to do is going to devastate the agriculture industry. Which kind of frame is taking his neck out a bit. He grew up in one of these very small towns. A couple thousand people. And grew up going to school with ethnic mexicans can sometimes first generations. For him it was nothing foreign. It was part of kind of life. He speaks in his oral history about how important it is how those workers are key to his success. And that he has a lot of appreciation for the work and also because he is out all the time in the same fields checking over things come kind of has the same farmworker schedule, gets up incredibly early, that because he is so close to them, he sees him and he gets to know senator casey spammer in a way thats much more threedimensional than some who just reads articles about immigrants online. And so i think he has emerged a little bit as a force in terms of a grower who wants to present a different version of the importance of latinos in the industry. And so hes important because he has a different voice. He is someone who is kind of, hes a big employer. He is someone who im guessing voted for trump, but that really is trying to remind folks who dont interact with these immigrants every day that, that their kids are going to school, that the parents have the same sort of desires for their kids that he has for his kids. I see that being an important part of the conversation Going Forward, which is that folks who are successful businessmen, they are not many trumps but they have done well for themselves, represent a different view and because of who they are and what theyve done are seen as more objective towards that. I think its going to be important. On going to sell one last question to the panelists and before do that just to address this in the book i wrote there goes the neighborhood i interviewed about 60 faithbased Law Enforcement business owners. In the stores and the conversations ive had since then, particularly from the Business Community, the Business Community is increasingly realize that their immigrant workforce is an extension of the family and their community. I was in idaho for five weeks ago and had that very same conversation comes up where they voted for the president. Theyre asking okay, what do i do now . Because o this administration my come after the people ive worked with for decades. In all the interviews i did, at the same time when you are doing or conversations, spring 2016, i would and every interview with the same question. And the question is, what did you hope . What gives me hope, young people pick as an educator i think that what gives me hope is again is young people and in sense of part i think its really our young people that will have the language facility to get to know each other, to cross kind of racial ethnic, status boundaries and really begin to build those ties and those relationships. I think the future of sunset park is really, is going to be decided by the asian and Latino Community in that neighborhood. Gabriel, what gives you hope . In the committee, theres ayes, and about a year ago there was a fight between the teachers whose contract was going out, the one who cut wages and benefits. So the students in the high School Marched out of the school in the middle of the day and they walked six miles to agricultural fields to the district headquarters unlike 10y thought the teachers needed more pay. When you start spending a bunch of time with these committees and talking to them you see there is real fear but that there are people who are crazy militant and you are doing these things that you would think in this context, when i was in high school i think i didnt walk ten blocks to go get a meal. Here theyre going six or seven miles through incredibly hot temperatures to stand up for the teachers. As you start to drill down and see these committees, even committees what you think theyve got every obstacle in front of them, every reason think they have this president think anyone come the mfn a sot and have criminal, and still sort of like to talk to you see theyre doing a lot of stuff that maybe doesnt make the news but that points to the sense of, they have gone through a lot so this is a new challenge but theyve overcome challenges before. I think that whole sensibility is hopeful. So please join me in giving our panelists and authors a round of applause. [applause] i am going to join us downstairs, gabriel would be signing trifle. Tarry will be signing making a global immigrant neighborhood. I will be signing mine as well, so thank you very much. Really, really appreciate it. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] you are watching booktv on cspan2, live coverage of the brooklyn book festival. That wraps up the of other discussion on the immigrant experience here in a few minutes we will be back with more live coverage. Is a look at some authors recently featured on booktvs after words, our weekly Author Interview program. Harvard University Professor daniel allen discussed how mass incarceration has impacted her family. Radio host mark levin warned against federal government expansion. And wall street journal writer and former editorialpage editor George Malone offered his thoughts on the publications influence. In the coming weeks on after words journalist suzy hansen will reflect on your travels abroad and weigh in on americas global standing. Investigative journalist art levine report on the Mental Health industry, and this weekend on after words Progressive Policy Institute senior fellow David Osborne examines the Charter School movement and offers its outlook for the future of public education. If you have a system with a strong authorizer who was weeding out the worst schools and replacing them with schools operated by the best operators, and is bring in new blood to create new schools and is watching these numbers, that kid will have bee a much better chae of being in a decent school. In new orleans, citizen of the kids at the time of katrina went to schools and the bottom 10 statewide. On performance. Mostly test scores. Now 10 deal. Just like the rest of the state. The point is thereon not too bad schools left indoors because they have a system that wed spin out. There are some and they need to keep weeding them out, its not perfect, but far better for the kids to have that reality than a sort of static neighborhoodbased School System which most of the schools are bad. After words airs on booktv every saturday at 10 p. M. And sunday at 9 p. M. Eastern. You can watch all previous after words programs on our website, booktv. Org. I want to speak with you, have many of your books, as one of our most beloved and noted historians, can you comment on the most recent elevated efforts to take that our national statues, those that have withstood time for over 150 years . Thank you. I started a very complicate an emotionally charged issue. I think that when the statute was built, when the edifice was created in memory of someone, has a great deal to do with whether or not it is something that may be to come down. The statues to the heroes of the confederacy that were put up in the 1890s were being put up at a time when racism was rampant in the south, when black people were being hanged by mobs. It was an ugly, awful on the ideal of equality in our country. If it was a monument erected as for George Washington who owned slaves, that was begun long well before the civil war then i say no, thats not how they felt about the subject then, was very different. Keep in mind the civil war was fought on the principles of slavery had to stop. Slavery was evil. And those who fought against that were saying no, slavery is all right. It can stay. Thats very, very different. We lost more human beings in that war that any war with ever been involved with. And to ignore that as one side was right, the other was wrong is to live in a kind of santa system. Having said that, im more concerned about monuments, statues we havent raised. Here we are in our Nations Capital and theres no monument, no building in the memory of john adams, one of the most important figures in all of our history. We ought to be thinking more about the people for whom we should be honoring. I think there ought to be statues to the most gifted and devoted an important and influential teachers in our country in every city we have, in every town. Because they are doing the most important work of any of us, and they have been doing it all along. They dont get enough credit. It isnt just that theyre not paid enough, we dont celebrate it enough for what they do for all of us, for our children, our grandchildren and for us. You can watch this and other programs online at booktv. Org. Heres a look at some of the books being published this week. Look for these titles in the coming week and authors in the near future on book tv on cspan2. Live from the brooklyn book festival, its nominated author cathy oneil and law professor tim wu, on collection of data and how its being used

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