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As the state capital 10,000 state workers within 20 miles of where we are sitting. Lets go see the capital. And lazore the Legislature Still sits. So how does this play a role in politics . With the steps of a the capital in the front to speak to the crowds that everybody tries to make an address people in New Hampshire take a primary seriously and will come and participate they know it is a sacred duty and they are put to satori with a High Percentage vote in the primary. Just finishing the 11 million improvement that has opened up in the last few months so the eagle hotel where legislators used to stay with they came by train or horse and is facing the state house and this is all brick as you care North Carolina and spiffed up from what it used to be the next call is the Old Opera House Abraham Lincoln spoke their in 1860 at the start of the campaign and candidates to lock is say fairly wellknown venue for campaigning. First you will go to the place that would build the famous concord coach with leather straps with the of premirror belt maker when they did not have rubber in the 18 hundreds. It was the place to constructive of concord coach if you see pictures of the wells fargo coach it was made in that building. There is a lot of history here. People are friendly and are interested in doing the right thing, we may disagree with those issues to be agreeable to with their disagreements it is the very small family of government to be in one year in and out but we run into each other at the gym androsterone and restaurants. We are friendly. That is the nature of a small state and small capital city. Thank you for showing us around concord

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