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Next a look at President Trumps priorities for congress with White House Legislative Affairs director marc short. He talked reported at the Christian Science monitor breakfast. He says tax reform and a legislative fix for the daca program or deferred action for child arrivals, are high on the list. My friend, good morning. Im dave cook from the Christian Science monitor. Thanks for coming. Our guest today is marc short. Assistant to the president and director of the office of legislative affairs. This is his first visit with our low cal Breakfast Club come home to what steve bannon called the pearl clutching mainstream media. Thanks for making time for us in your busy schedule. Marc short, a virginia native graduated from washington and lee university. He got his start in politics serving as finance director for Oliver North Senate campaign picky when on to become executive director of the Young Americas Foundation where his role included stewardship of Ronald Reagans ranch. After running the ranch he earned an mba from university of virginia. He worked in my Security Department entering the Bush Administration served as senator hatch and since chief of staff and later was chief of staff with th House Republican confere under then conference chair mike pence picky was later hired by freedom partners for becoming the organizations present. And into the biographical portion of the program. Now onto breakfast mechanics. As always we on the record. Please note my blogging or tweeting. In short no filing of any kind while the breakfast is underway to give us time to actually listen to our guest says. Social embargoing the session is over. It will and probably at 9 a. M. To help you curve that relentless healthy urge will email several pictures of the session to all the reporters here as soon as the breakfast inns. As regular attendees know if youd like to ask a question please do the traditional thing and cindy aristotle nonthreatening signal and i will happily call on one and all in the time we have available. Given the number of reporters today, please try to confine yourself to one question and to others have had a chance. We will start off by offering our guest the opportunity to make some opening comments and they moved to question from around the table. And with that, they seek and for doing this. The four is yours. Ill be very brief because im anxious to get your questions, thank you for hosting me, a special thanks to david and linda for hospitality this morning for me and my team. I know Christian Science monitor has been a leader in helping to not just cover the news but help fridays and we appreciate [inaudible] we appreciate it. Im honored that you included me. Thank you. The Trump Administration has been and remains refocused on jumpstarting the american economy. And allowing the private sector to create jobs. What weve seen already is the president take unprecedented steps in cutting unnecessary regulations come basically getting government out of the way of our economy. The Trump Administration is withdrawn 860 regular joint actions to date and we work with congress to pass 14 pieces of legislation under the congressional review act. The executive actions of legislation combined to save our economy an estimated 18 billion annually. These actions are having a real impact in the lives of American People. To date since inauguration weve created 1. 2 million jobs, 125,000 of those in the manufacturing sector. Wages are up, Small Business optimism is up. The dow jones as you know is up 20 since election day at the and the s p just reached another record high. But theres a lot more that we can do to return jobs to american shores. Thats why the president is focused on providing tax relief this year. We have been working with congress to get unified tax relief to the president s desk. In fact, since april the white house has met with over 250 members of both parties of congress to discuss tax reform. Soon we will relieve an outline with congress and the committees will get to work on a bill. And the spending do we reach with Congress Just last week provideprovide the legislative e need to get this done this calendar year. But as weve all learned, the legislative process is slow. And then this new season of bipartisanship we hope Senate Democrats will end their Unprecedented Campaign of obstruction against some of our nominees. In total we sent 385 nominees to the senate. Only 35 of those of those nominees to date have been confirmed. By contrast, 70 of the Obama Administration nominees had been consumed by the same date in obamas presidency. At this point compress obama had 385 nominees confirmed compared to 133 for this administration. With the emergencies were facing in texas and in florida, the importance of getting these nominees into their jobs is hard to understate. Blocking these nominees during a National Emergency is dangerous and it is irresponsible. So we call on democrats to stop playing politics with our nominees and help us to fill our department. I will say that i am encouraged that last night i spoke with leader schumer chief of staff about a path forward, and in particular as you know today will be a confirmation vote on the council of economic advisers to pass it. We also believe that in much of the recovery at this point it turns to a housing issue in both, particularly texas likely in florida as well. And to date are deputy secretary of hide which is yet to be confirmed despite being voted out of committee three months ago. We do hope that they will allow for a vote this week and occurred some of my conversations last night that that will happen. On top of tax reform nominations on Hurricane Relief we have other important priorities for the American People. We are long overdue six to secure our borders and congress will provide the legislative fix to daca. The president is still committed to rebuilding americas infrastructure in this congress did we so think americans deserve relief from the spiraling cost of healthcare insurance and lack of options caused by obamacare. But these are just some of our priorities and theres a lot more to be done. Fortunately what weve seen so far in the economy is the president s policies particularly at executive branch level some of the Regulatory Reform is making a difference. Well continue to work with congress to fulfill the promises the president made to the American People. With that i look to your questions. Thank you. As you know my job is to throughout the ceremonial softball, then well go to john bennet, caitlin, justin, jonathan, elizabeth, heidi, dimitri, alexis, george. That should get us going. There are people who look at the deal that was done, fiscal deal that was done last week as a sign that President Trump is the First Independent president to hold that office, not focused in terms of load on either party trick is that an assessment you would agree with . How does it affect your job as legislative director . I think that the president first and foremost rather than Party Affiliation looks at what he can do best for the American People and to fulfill the promises he made on the campaign trail. I think that the deal that he struck last week enabled us to do the deck and focus on taxable. I think the president has made getting jobs back in our economy the number one priority, and that tax reform is what we think is necessary to get the economy growing again. I confess that i he did find soe of the coverage interesting because imaging and my opening remarks weve been meeting and a bipartisan level with members of congress for months on tax reform. And so the president has sought to get cooperation from democrats on several pieces of legislation, but i confess i think some of the coverage in our initial few months was that, i know im painting with a broad brush so forgive me but i think some of the commentary was this president bushs rely on his face and he cant accomplish lots as he continues to throw out in space to the last few days the coverage is been how windward is is present going to cost anything it be discarded the leadership of his own Republican Party . So theres an irony that its either youre not going to get anything done because youre just rely on your face or your neck anything done because youre partnering with schumer and flows in networking with the colleagues. Think the president s focus of what he can do for the American People. And the less worried about what relationships are come with the coverage is about the goingson with mcconnell, with ryan, pelosi or schumer. And you agree with the comment that he said majority of their made within your times that the deal last week is not as good as it looks for democrats because of the extraordinary measures being employed so that the debt ceiling doesnt happen, what happened until 2018 . I looked at it it was a good for the American People. The American People are tired of impasse in washington, tired of the dysfunction of washington, d. C. In many reasons that was what President Trump was elected. I think there was a lot of frustration about the way washington, d. C. , worked and in the matter of time we came in september with i think a lot of commentary about how in the work of everyone to get to september if theres a robot on debt ceiling, a roebuck and continued resolution, too much contrast to do. I think the president clear the deck effectively at the america people are believed they are not having crisis conversations about a continuing resolution, about a Government Shutdown or about the debt ceiling. I think that again he was looking out for whats in the best interest of the nation. John boehner from cq roll call. You mentioned speaker ryan and taxes. Speaker ryan has talked about a corporate rate somewhere maybe around 20. The president pretty firm is at 15 . Is it any wonder room on that 15 that could bring this some kind of deal together . Or is 50 nonnegotiable . The president wants to get corporate rates down to 15 . I think it doesnt help ourselves to negotiate against ourselves, and so we should anchor what we think is best and i think we all understand that ultimately theres probably compromise to get to the best deal, we think whats best for the American People is a 15 corporate rate right now. We think it makes us more competitive on the national stage. This isnt just about corporate rates. Its about jobs in her country. What we seems because of our unfair tax code that Many Companies have decided to leave america and take jobs within. We believe its important to reduce those rates so we can be more competitive and keep jobs here here. On daca, could you outline what the administration would be looking for and if the villain cox, something that would restore daca to be compared with, other security measures . Are you willing to go for more of the dream act scenario where they get actual legal status as opposed to [inaudible] i think the white house will be laying out legislative priorities that we would like to see, as any part of i daca package in probably within the next couple of weeks. But i will say that broadly there several things that we think are important we do think its important to secure our border we do think interior enforcement is critical and we also think we should be moving to a meritbased immigration system. To what extent that can be one package or not, multiple packages can we dont know. I would ask you got to think one thing that is not received enough attention is that this week on the house floor that will be a vote on ms13 legislation. That is been a priority of the administration to we worked with house leadership to get that on the calendar that has filed legislation that was previously passed on century city. The house passes on the people with several pieces of legislation that we think are critical to our country, and were hopeful that the senate will be taking up those bills at some point this fall. Justin from bloomberg. I want to go back to taxes and ask both, you met with mark meadows last week. Im wondering how that conversation went and did you guys are able to Reach Agreement on tax reform, and if you anticipate them helping, the House Freedom caucus helping with the push to just kind of fall on the earlier question. You want to get the corporate status as possible. Is it going to mean unlimited extension which Republican Leaders leadership across with said really essential to the Economic Growth that you expected it . Lets take the second one first. On the expensing front we do not think that expensing should be prioritized at the expensive rate. We think thats whats more important to get the economy growing. [inaudible] the question was about expensing relative rates. My dew point is the administration believes that its more important to get rates down and that while we value the discussion on expensing we want to prioritize getting rates down. Regarding the conversation with mark meadows and Freedom Caucus, that is an ongoing conversation i think we partnered well within. We parted well with his conference. As you know they are very supportive with our efforts on repeal and replace. And so thats not an unusual current. I talked to mark prete said. I thought to this morning before coming over here. We value the partnership think that they laid out i think a pretty fair case which says in order to get tax reform done, we will have to pass a budget first. And their position is that we want to know whats in the tax reform package before we vote on the budget. I think their viewpoints are understood a and i think that ty will get details attachable before budget will come. Jonathan from the new jersey starledger. According to the Tax Foundation the state and local tax come with a half of those against a local Tax Deduction made less than 200,000 a year. So how can you describe this as a middleclass tax nobody making to a thousand dollars a year gets the estate tax or pace atop taxi. So can you describe as middleclass families attacks plant as present proposed that illuminates, lowes the cap rate and eliminates the state and local tax exception . Many of the most wealthy in her country and once i think could manage was an deduction think anybody else and i think im making the tax code simpler and more fair you will see will looking to get rid of the deductions that make it easier to comply with fairly difficult tax policy that america has right now. Additionally we would be lowering the individual rates on the middle income so we do want to prioritize income tax relief and despite the analysis that you cite, i think what weve seen in the analysis weve done is that those particularly in the state suffer from the highest tax burden on state and local taxes, and thats a deduction that is public belt probably better dealt with at the state level than the federal level. I want to continue on the theme of donald trump is the First Independent president. Theres been a lot of speculation over whether hes remaking the Republican Party or perhaps fomenting the schism within the party. I just curious what your take is on that and what kind of impact the president might have on the midterms next year . I dont think the president is fomenting the schism within the party. I think in many cases you look at the special election set event conducted zafar and the present is for the stick in many cases he is hoping to get the party granted back with the grassroots activist. So i think hes been an asset in helping us to strengthen the party. But again i think the president was a whats best for the American People. He saw looking at through a prison of what benefits which Political Party more. You want to do a followup . Okay, sorry. The Huffington Post at the end of the table. Thank you. I guess is the administration committed to making sure that corporate rate is extended to s corp and partnership . If so, is the white house prepared to explain how much the president personally will benefit from that change . I think that we are committed to extending it to Small Businesses, and i think the details of that will be coming forward and im going to ask on the second question about the president s benefit. I think thats been a conversation thats been discussed throughout the campaign. I think that he will be happy to share his tax returns when the audit is completed. Heidi from usa today. Thank you. Laying out the priorities on daca, im wondering that the continuous walk along the entire southern border help whatever compromise is reached by the end of the year on daca . I think that we are most interested in getting border security, and the president has made a commitment to the American People that he wants, he believes that a physical barrier is important to that equation of border security. Whether not that is part of a daca equation of whether or not thats other legislative vehicle i do want to bind ourselves into a construct that makes reaching a conclusion on daca impossible. I think the president is also interested as he said in solving the issue of daca and believes that this is an issue that congress has failed on. I think what you saw from the department of justice was an explanation that order of obama was given was unlawful and could not be supported. He has asked congress to fix it. I think we look forward to providing guidelines and seeing how they work through the process and put together a solution they think works. Thank you, dave, thank you, marc. The president in the Campaign Said he was fully committed to maintaining entitlements, and said this over and over. The chairman of the Republican Study Committee as well as congress and schweiker participated in a recent tax reform conference said the only way to achieve to tax reform is to put medicare and medicaid on the table for reform. It was our best opportunity for real entitlement in medicaid. That was something that the president ordered and unfortunately, despite campaigning on that since 2010 republicans when given the opportunity were not willing to follow through on that. I think that the president has been willing to make necessary cuts into that program to make sure it is sustainable for the future but the broader issue of the additional entitlement is about balancing the budget in the present port of fiscally responsible budget without making of cuts, and it will be voted on soon in congress. We will go next to dimitri from the financial times. [inaudible] just to be clear on you once it was with 250 members, 250 individual meetings individually in Group Settings and i think that the feedback that we have received from Many Democrats is an interest in they recognize the corporate rates are too high and they recognize the corporate its unfair and causing companies to leave our shores and there is opportunity to partner their and i think typically they have expressed a willingness, as well, to lower individual rates in the lower income, middle income and they are reluctant to lower rates on how higher income and its as well that theyve also expressed a desire in some cases to marry tax reform with infrastructure. I dont think that is a conversation for them to continue to have but its commentary that we have received back from them. We will give you a time check here and were going to go to cheryl. [inaudible] and im also conscious of the fact that we havent had two tables in the back and feeling guilty. Way that me. Cheryl. Does the administration have any initiative plans to cut more regulation this winter or next year and also do you support senator portmans accountability act . Forgive me, on the first question i think demonstration will continue to review legislation and, sorry, review regulations and in many cases there are reviews that are underway but yes, i would anticipate that we would continue to look at ways to rollback and what we felt was an undue Regulatory Burden when this admonition came into offi office. [inaudible] not any to announce this morning. Were going to next go to. [inaudible] the president not only traded but spoke of the weekend about getting to tax form and hed like to speed things up. I want to ask you related to his impression as you said that congress is slow and he would like to move faster. Can you describe what he means by. [inaudible] im not sure what he means by speeding it up and secondly you were describing a sequence of what the Freedom Caucus wants and they want to see the outline and can you help us understand in the presence view what the timing is and are you saying the president is going to tell the committee here is what i want before they actually begin to draft anything in the companies themselves. It sounds like he will stick to his position and tell them to draft something from that. Is that wrong . I think the president has laid out on the campaign a tech support package to get elected and yes, he is still consistent in pushing for the same principles and he recognizes that the markup process will likely alter that some but we have been working with speaker ryan and shearman hatch and chaired and i think the president is our window to get this done and yes, i think we will be seeing him in a matter of days, not weeks this administration pushing out more details on what we believe should be needed in text form. [inaudible] you could have done that months ago. The summer has been about what . I think it was intended to make sure that there are a few issues between the senate and the house and the white house and we needed resolution and were pretty much close to finalizing that to the point that there is some progress on getting to the month of september 19 the white house to do it now and i think youll see it getting pushed to laid out. George, of the national eatonton journal. You said everyone in the beginning understands how slow the last legislative process is. Im not sure that is true in some of your colleagues on your white house after you have to go back to jimmy carter to find the staff that had fewer people who had passed a bill. You and steve are about the only on the original staff has done that. How much does that led to the frustration that clearly the president feels and how much is made part of your job getting across to your colleagues and to the president how the process works. George, i guess when i say to everyone that i should mention that my view is that everyone here in this audience understands the pace of congress. I think the presence prostration is wornout of what hes articulated several times which is to republicans to have promised in 2010 that when given the opportunity to repeal and replace obamacare and the frustration was that that was something that was filed in an expeditious fashion and that we would get it done quickly and there is been some commentary about the presence of fault in expectation but leadership laid out to us in expectation of completing the repeal and replace obamacare before the easter recess. When they give us that expectation president is naturally frustrated that not only we missed that time i but we didnt get it done and its a frustration that he believes the American People are suffering under obamacare. If we continue to skyrocket we will continue to see people lose insurance and. [inaudible] obviously, theres a couple times in particular were rates in arizona have gone up a hundred and 60 in the state of alaska it was 20 and i imagine the president is frustrated and that despite promises that they would get it done that it didnt happen. I think that is a natural reaction and i think right now back to the question hes anxious to say now that we want to text form and how quickly can we get this done. Bbc. Im hoping you can tell us about your former employees and the administration of how it has changed over time as sort of an emissary between the two. I dont know that ill review my role as the emissary but my role is to help advance the president s goals on capitol hill. I think that my sense is that charles and david is independent and they will express their disagreements when they have disagreements but i think right now they are very supportive of helping to make sure that we have tech support and was supportive of the administration laid out not just in particular the simplification and getting rid of the deductions that the government choose and theyre very interested to see that individual rates are we look for to partnering with them and there will be plenty of issues we dont partner with them and will be going separate ways. Dallas morning news. You mention that the president has a bipartisan basis on tax form but we all know the main work is being done by six people from the two committees into leaders and from the administration and is there any thought of broadening that group and to bring in congressman neil, senator and those on the committee and is part of that you are you still planning and im hopeful of getting a budget resolution which we still havent gotten of doing this basically threw the republicans recognizing that the last time test was done in congress it took two years with the president and both parties involved. I think the president has been clear that his preference is to get tax form done and its why his first two trips give national speeches into north dakota and its been well reported and they cant join on that trip but many of you have been reporting on tonights dinner that it specifically attacks form. [inaudible] as well, they met with the Senate Finance committee, not just the republicans, to lay out our plans and we are hopeful that we will get partnership they are and the message that they sent was if you go on reconciliation you wont get our cooperation and im not sure that the threat enables us to find a pathway forward but i hope that people will see the benefits of overall text form. [inaudible] the fact is there are ranking members who in the past on this kind of thing would have been brought in from both parties and theres apparently the concept of not to do that. Theres been a conscience effort to look at the before it begins but theres a full recognition that the markup recognition will begin and i think theres plenty of opportunity for us to work with ranking members and Senate Finance committee. Will go next to. [inaudible] , ryan bennett and linda cook. From npr. I the question about relationships between the president and his relationships. Hes always considered himself a possible primary challenge for jeff flake and he has yet to schedule a trip to alabama for the candidate that he endorsed and im wondering if he will support every republican incumbent in 2018 or will he involve himself in the primary process. I dont know that the president has a commitment to avoid primary processes and i think that each one will play out by itself but as far as the relationship with members and with leadership, i think what the president maintains a strong relationship with president mcconnell and speaker ryan. Despite some of the news of the last week i dont know that we think theres any. [inaudible] i think we would argue that the Obama Administration failed to have those relationships across the aisle and it probably hurt them in some of the things that they were trying to do and hurt the country for not getting more done. I thank you will see the president look to continue not to look at as a what do i need to do to stay in the good graces of Mitch Mcconnell or paul ryan and you can say whats in the best interest of the American People and hell have the same making decisions on election. Your say theres no fallout for the way that the deal was made in the relationship between republicans and president . There was a lot of coverage about the fact that Republican Leadership was not supportive of that deal but at the same time the president was on the phone with speaker ryan and Mitch Mcconnell within 24 hours he had dinner with speaker ryan the next nights and their relationship remains strong. La times. Ryan bennett. The president campaigned on unique. [inaudible] there is something that the white house is doing to structurally change the types of people for the positions that the republicans in the household when it comes to trade protection and economic nationalism . Know, there is not. I think how the conference is made up is sufficient for the conference as to what leadership position but i think we view it as actually the diversity of opinions inside the republican is a benefit. I think there are many factions within the rebroken party that sometimes make it more difficult for us legislatively so i certainly can see that there is a lot of a few points but sometimes having those viewpoints can be healthier for the party as opposed to being monolithic. We will go next to todd gilman. In terms of the factions in the Republican Party, im wondering about longterm funding for release and recovery from the storms and how the pushback against the rather large price tag that this will entail. There are some people within the republic and party who want to see budget offsets. How much of an impediment will that be . I think that the votes last week is a good indicator, 300 some90 and certainly, there will be some in the Republican Party who offset but i would imagine, todd, depending on how large the numbers get that will be a growing number but i think the president is committed to making sure the relief is provided for people who need it and that will be the driving factor. I think will end up getting it through congress the support that is needed for the victims of the flood. I thank you know the texas allegations better than anyone else here and there were several members of delegations who oppose this but by and large members who were conservative on their voting record were supportive of providing that age and i believe whatever package comes for florida as well. Unrelated question. Daca followup but can you clarify if the president is open to citizenship for these dreamers . At this point, im not going to state on that. I think we will wait and see how the process plays out in what deal can be made. You talk about the bipartisan outreach of the president and you have been doing tax reform but im curious to hear your thoughts on what the outreach has been to conservatives. Ive talked to several house members and also conservative in the last few days who have always been skeptical of treasury skeptical because theyre largely viewed as democrats. Then that coupled with the deal that the president cut on the debt ceiling has people wary of tax. What kind of outreach are you doing to these conservatives to make them feel like text form will go in a way that will make them feel comfortable . Thank you, nancy. One thing that unites members from the liberal side, conservative side, moderate side is that theyre all not getting enough attention of matter what. I think that yes, if you focus simply on republicans and the criticism is as well is that youre not bipartisan enough and as i mentioned the beginning your bipartisan than its while youre alienating the Republican Base. So that comes with the territory but i think i dont think were ignoring the conservative base of the party that helped propel the president into his election nor the conservative base in congress that i think has been most loyal and supportive of the president s agenda. As i mentioned before we met with Freedom Caucus chairman and jim jordan last week with secretary nguyen and gary and myself to talk to the plants forward on text form and i talked this morning before coming in and i think we are pretty wellin touch with that and making sure that we continue to work with them closely. I dont think there is a thats a question for them in a lot of ways but i dont think there is a worry that we are leaving them behind. I wanted to ask about what is the most pressing matters trying to come. Also any time chance you might meet with venezuelan president that trumbull meet with the venezuelan president and has either side out for a possible meeting or be open to it. I wont be any help for you. My portfolio is un. I have enough 535 members of congress not having to worry about the un delegation. I am thankful for. I apologize but i dont know the plans and they can get back to you later. Mark, two things. One is what is the relationship with schumer and the. Is there a lot of smoothing, does he send policy chocolates, and secondly is he going to campaign for looser strength. Does he continue to endorse. [inaudible] the president continues to endorse Luther Strange and continues to endorse that relationship. Paul, i dont know if i need to say this a different way and i am not getting through but i think the present looks at says i will do what is the best interest of the American People and sometimes that may be parting with pelosi or schumer but i dont think it is bad i dont think its bad if he is a positive relationship with them. I think the last administration did not have a positive relationship across the aisle and i think the president has spoken to nancy pelosi and has spoken to chuck schumer, on occasion, but i dont think theres a roadmap that says this is how we will navigate that relationship. I think it is more about what can he get done that will benefit the most American People. Annie from the boston globe. I wanted to ask about john kelly. [inaudible] his style might be different and would you credit him with any of this things that happened in the last month or so since he is been cheap staff . I feel that we are very privileged to have a chance to work for an American Hero like john kelly. I think that he has done a terrific job in providing structure to the white house in ways that, i think empower staff to do their jobs more effectively and i think that we are very excited to have him inside the building and its been a great asset to many of us. I dont know what else to offer you accept that. The structure that he has provided has been obviously something that was needed inside our building but also something more than the drama of covering the white house. I think he enables people to do their job more effectively. [inaudible] i guess that i think he views his role as he said to help serve the staff and to help serve the president. What i mean by that is he is not in this to draw attention to himself but to try to help make sure the people get the job done it if they are not, then theyll be held accountable. That is the way it should be run. Teddy davis from cnn. I wanted to follow up with the interview on cspan and 60 minutes. That took a long time to get to that. [laughter] do you and the president s agree or disagree with the cspan that paul ryan in Mitch Mcconnell do not want the president s populous economic agenda to be implanted. I think that paul ryan, Mitch Mcconnell has been terrific allies with the tax for baggage. I think terrific allies on the regular tory front. I dont know anyone who couldve done better than Mitch Mcconnell did. His team was helping us to say here are the piece of legislation that we can target to begin to roll back the Regulatory Burden so i would disagree with steve. I think the leaders have been strong partners in helping us advance our economic agenda. And thomas of the ap. There was a lot of interest around labor day about the president s use of a trade agreement with south korea. Is the president strongly considering pulling out and what kind of pushback have you received from state members, representing Auto Industry and is there a lot of concern that if the us did pull out of that agreement that might hurt the economy or have certain sectors . I think the president has stated many times that believes they can be more strongly negotiated ways that benefit the american worker. We certainly, when there was press coverage there is no doubt that some of the constituencies from the midwest reached out to white house to express their concern but i also think that the president is going to her normal review process on that and i dont have any news to make one way or the other on the policy right now but i dont expect any sort of announcement that would change our policy there. They are interlinked. Can, there is no doubt. I think that is certainly a conversation that nsd is engaged with the president to talk abo about. All the way in the back with jeff mason from reuters. Mark, theres been a lot of coverage of gary cohens relationship with the president after charlottesville and hes honestly a big player in text form. Can you walk us through what he is doing on text form and how he feels that role in congress and more broadly on the relationships in the white house can you do jared and eva got help you with and do they reach out in congress or they more focused on other issues. Im not going to talk about relationships in the white house and as far as im i think in many cases way that we look out from a perspective is that each of the principles it in the hill helps us. With the caveat that it should be courting it of its assuming that is coordinated it is productive for them to be helping to advance interests that are part of the president s agenda. With gary, look, we all serve at the buzzer of the president and i know gary is first and foremost on our point tech support. Hes in all of the meetings and he was meeting with us, speaker ryan last night and he was part of the big six meeting on capitol hill today and gary is essential to us right now and our efforts to provide tax relief to the American People. [inaudible] reportedly senator tim scott will be meeting with president on issues of race. You might recall that after jeans bill, senator scott was on television and talking about president s comments undermining his moral authority on the subject and what he wants to talk about with the president is sharing some of his own personal stories and also talking policy points like black colleges into poverty. My question for you is do you see the president changing or modifying either his tone on the subject to deal with this overall moral authority question on issues of race and do you see him dealing specifically with policy points, some of the things that senator scott wants to talk with him about . You may know more about my than i do about senator scotts plans for the meeting but i think the president has condemned the violence in charlottesville and i think that he was clear and outspoken on that. Regarding the meeting with senator scott he asked for an opportunity to sit down and share in the president is happy to do that but im sure we will all learn from that conversation and that is a good thing as to what matters. The way to prejudge right now. The president is, of course, extended us military and given the pentagon broad authority, troop levels and the military presence in syria and iraq certainly doesnt look like the conditions there will be stable enough to allow us troops to leave anytime soon. In fact, theres a lot of arguments but for a candidate who often was on the campaign and even before was criticized extended us military deployments abroad does he intend to seek a new authorization to go to the hill for us military operations. Are they sending mixed signals at times it says we look what we have enough but in briefings to senators on the hill they said they would like new authorization. Where does the president stand on this question. He believes the military forces of his of her needs were not looking to change it. [inaudible] we stand by the 2001 au ms and believe that it provides the responsibility that we need to execute our foreign policy. How do you reconcile that position with his own criticism of extended deployments abroad and how does he in his mind justify a 911 or post 911 authorization against al qaeda for battles against isis on the ground in in syria and even at times regime backed forces. How does he rectify that with his past positions. Its a very good question but i think the presently that out specifically in for meyer when he talked about how those positions on this and in particular wanted to make sure that it didnt create a threat to the American People and his policy is wanting to try to protect american citizens from attack. I think that he laid out his viewpoints in that speech and to the American People and we believe that what is clearly on the books provides the flexibility to execute our foreign policy. Real quickly, on the border wall are you saying that the president will not insist or not necessarily insist on that as part of the daca pics and the section 702 letter came up from security folks yesterday saying they wanted to see a bill without removing the sunset provision and will the president stand by that or is he going to back up what 702 has to be made permit or will you accept no one. I believe we are still working through a position on the 702 but i think it should be coming forward and its going to an internal review process at the moment. I dont want to get ahead of that. Im sorry. On the other question, look, i am cautious of having the president backs off border wall because thats not the position i am anyway trying to convey but the president is committed to sticking by his commitment that a physical structure is what is needed to help protect the American People. Whether or not that is specifically part of the daca package or a different legislative package im not going to prejudge today but he is committed to making sure that wall is built. Anyone who has one yes, maam. Something i didnt hear in all of this is how exactly you plan to pass tax reform. Could you walk us through that and i understand the administrations reconciliation but you have to get a democrat and he seems like hes having the president is having a couple Democratic Senators but not quite eight and could you walk me through how you get the tax reform passed. I just got chambers of the daily mail. Its a great question and i think that we would love to have enough bipartisan support to get 60 votes that ensures a permanent tax form. Thus far, what i think we faced is unfortunately resistance to that because, i think, in many cases rather than looking out for the American People many people in the American Party are looking to try to deny victories to the administration. Getting to 60 votes, i think, will be a challenge but its one that we would like to see happen but it can be a challenge. We differ in many cases the process to those leaders that we have and i think their guidance has been reconciliation will be the most likely past forward but the reason that we are having engagement though is because even if we go with the reconciliation process we still believe that tax relief better done on a bipartisan basis and we also learned the summer that keeping 5052 republicans is not reliable and despite promises of commitment that they made to voters in 2010 we dont feel like we can assume that tax form can be done strictly on a bipartisan basis. Even though its not just a policy perspective but from a vote perspective to try to reach out and earn the support of democrats, as well and as you note, in 1986 when president reagan passed it was done on bipartisan basis. What vehicle, whether its a 60 vote threshold or reconciliation title, we do want to earn democrat support on the tech support package. Where to go next from reuters. Can you talk about the importance of. [inaudible] was that the recognition that perhaps the white house didnt handle healthcare correctly and now youre learning from your mistakes and that t president will go into the public to advocate for this . I think the president is our best salesman and hes our best spokesmen and yes, it is good to have him out on the road making the case for the working people as to why we need to now. I think the Lessons Learned from healthcare and what i would say is a reminder that yeah, i think i have articulated that one of the things that we can learn from the last battle is that in many cases we did not get all of our allies on board with the path forward and therefore, Republican Base was splintered and some of the reform packages were tagged early on and so obamacare no one i will say, and i sure this sounds like a copout but i will say that process began that first couple of days in january we were inaugurated into the month and we didnt have our team really on the field. We do believe that is a process that we had a lot of considered apple allies already attacking house package before we were even in office but you are right and it was a Lesson Learned for us and its one of the reasons why we spent a lot of time over the last several months about what to do in the summer and we were engaged in outside groups from earlier questions of americans for prosperity to heritage and other organizations as well as engaging in business downtown to say heres our plan protection for many years our timeline and we welcome support because you will help us make this possible. Yes, that is a Lesson Learned no doubt. We have about five minutes left and will last do a few less questions. The president and you yourself have talked about republicans in the third person when it comes to healthcare and as a reminder. [inaudible] how much of the blame or whatever falls to him. I think youre reading a lot into my comments and are intended and i think the president has said all along that he is ready and willing to sign a repeal and replace when republicans complete the process and, you know, i also think that weve not had any questions about senator graham and senator cassidys efforts that are about announced tomorrow about the progress theyre making on an effort to still keep them alive so that we can complete the effort for the september 30th winner closes. I think that is not looking to say that were not republicans to but thats a stretch in interpreting. The president continues to repeal and replace the obamaca obamacare. [inaudible] that is a vehicle that will get hopefully get more attention in the next coming days. Im not aware of any Public Comments he has on that right now. I think that the president stated that he preferred repeal and replace, john but he was recognizing that if repeal and replace at that time was too difficult than we should at least do the repeal part. [inaudible] as you just said, you need to do that work to make sure that your conservative allies are with you. When does that decision has to be made mark. I think the budget will be out sometime in october and i think thats roughly the timeline. We hope that we will earn the support necessary to get budget resolution with reconciliation construction passed in both chambers. We want to thank you for appearing at one of our biggest breakfast. We appreciate the help from Lindsay Walters for setting it up. Thank you all. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] the president wants to move assassins can this year, is he willing to dial it down to tax . Way too early for that. That the president has also done the slashing on twitter about enforced cuts. We need to get a territorial system and that requires tax reform. Thats how you get the dollars strategic will you hold out for pass this year to smart. Im not going to say we are going to fall back on. We want to get it done this year. In terms of the schumer and pelosi, is that a. [inaudible] i think there are a lot of people trying to pretend what it means and i view it as a oneoff but i dont think that means i wont be. But right, he can decide in the moment. I dont think its in the moment. Ill be a casebycase. Describe your impression what was going to your mind. No more deals today, please. [inaudible conversations] know, it would have to be done by september 30th. [inaudible conversations] the senate is due back in a few minutes here at 2 15 eastern time when lawmakers return they will take the nomination of the chair of counsel economic advisers. A vote on that is scheduled for 2 35 eastern. 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