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Weve got to get the stories out so we can see the damage that we are doing and fix it. For more of this weekend schedule go to booktv. Org. Earlier today congressman adam schiff and senator mark warner discussed the challenges facing the intelligence unity. Congressman schiff serves as Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee and senator warner is the current vice chair of the senate Intelligence Committee. Held by the intelligence and National Security alliance and Armed Forces Communications and electronic association, this is 50 minutes. Everybody, welcome back. [applause] welcome back for day to of the summit. In keeping with yesterdays session with the hectic schedules and the numbers for the summit are notable. They have juggled their schedules this morning to make this happen. Unfortunately their schedules and match up so we will be speaking with each of them sequentially. Also, director of National Intelligence is required at a white house meeting and he wont be available. Deputy director National Intelligence sue gordon will speak to us in stead. It will be one of her first appearances in her new role. Let me reiterate the importance of your questions. Early submission of the questions using email questions at and tell senat summit. Org. For each of the guests, get the questions in early. Concise questions will be much appreciated. Let me reemphasize continuing opportunities to interact with the exhibitors and our appreciation for the sponsors of this event. At this point, i would like to introduce Suzanne Kelly who is the publisher of the brief who will moderate the discussion of congressman schiff and senator warner. Thank you so much. I appreciate being here. Welcome everyone. I hope you are geared up for a great conversation. I am. Im delighted to be in a situation where the house gets to go first. I want to complement imsa for recognizing the proper order of things this morning. I wonder went went on behind the scenes. Its fantastic to have you here. Was so much going on in the Intelligence Community, so much showing up in soundbites on television on a daily basis , so much politics back and forth. When you take a day and sit back and look at all the things we are dealing with, security clearance, an investigation into russia, the 702 coming up for renewal, how do you prioritize what you think is the most important. Well, it is an enormous challenge this year because in addition to all of our day Job Responsibilities of oversight, we also have the rush investigation layered on top, and its not as if the other issues went away. When i think back, and i think all of us have felt a time distorting effect of this year were things that happened just yesterday seemed like it mustve been a week or month ago, but nonetheless, i think we have done a very good job not only juggling these competing responsibilities, but also compartmentalizing our differences. To give you a very graphic example, the chairman and i have our differences over the rush investigation, but we decided we were going to compartmentalize the oversight work that the committee does and not lik let our differences interfere with what we had to do in terms of our oversight, with our authorization responsibilities , and so we produced, after numerous hearings and reviews of documents and interviews, a very bipartisan intelligence authorization act that allocates the funding levels and provides the protections that we need in terms of peoples privacy. It passed overwhelmingly. That doesnt get the same attention as some of the twists and turns in the rush investigation but its quite central to our responsibility. 702 will be another challenge. We have a pretty good track record when you look at how we accomplish the reform of the metadata program, how we passed information sharing legislation. We have a history to build on. I am confident we will get through the 702 debate. Are you saying at works much better than it appears to on network and cable news everyday. I think a lot of the work that needs to get done does get done and doesnt get the same attention and is obviously of vital importance. I view our committee as having perhaps the most difficult oversight job in the congress because when you serve on one of the other committees and we youre doing oversight, if youre on the Transportation Committee and the agencies come in and theyre talking about highspeed rail and what a great project it is and how well its going and how its on budget and on time and all the rest of the, there are any number of outside stakeholders who can hold those witnesses accountable and provide information to the committee and say thats not true and this is a right and you need to ask these questions. In our arena where most of our hearings are in closed session, we dont have the outside stakeholders to the same degree, able to give us input, insight, help us to ask the right questions or know when we are not getting a complete answer. Its a very challenging oversight response ability but i think we are doing a pretty good job. That sound like a very serious, maybe not flaw, but default in the system may have to overcome because you have incredible responsibility with oversight of these programs that are constantly being judged by the American People. When they hear details about what the Program Includes and what it doesnt, its very difficult to get the right information out there. How do you handle that when you dont have those outside people you can go to to bring that level of expertise. One of the most important decisions we make is when we hire our staff. We bring people in who have experience in the agencies who do know a lot of the right questions to ask and have the background and expertise to help us with our oversight. We also depend on the professionalism of people working within the i see. Both on the government side and the contractor side to be candid with us, not just in answering our questions but to bring us problems when they occur. I think that has by and large happened so we benefit from the professional workforce that we deal with. At the same time, human nature is human nature. People dont necessarily like to volunteer their problems and people become vested in the way theyve approached issues or programs and so we need to continue to challenge the agencies to do better and to continue demand accountability in terms of what were paying for certain programs, whether something we been doing the same way for long time continues to be justified, whether we are getting the kind of results and setting the kind of metrics, so we have to be demanding but i think we benefit from a very capable staff and the professionalism within the icy. Do you feel like youre getting the cooperation you need from the people you are overseeing. Yes. There have been very few times where i have felt like we were getting this information. There are certainly times when i have disagreed with the briefer or their conclusion or opinion or question the underlying facts that are being presented, but its not a situation where i think people are deliberately trying to mislead us. There are times i think when we have a fresh perspective, not having become wedded to a certain approach, that can be very helpful and constructive and im sure from the witnesses point of view they may view it differently and think we dont have anywhere near the experience and time on task that they do which is certainly correct, but it seems to work at the end of the day. Obviously in this kind of an era where we are dealing with new challenges in the form of terrorism and asymmetric warfare and also information more with capable adversaries, we all need to Work Together to make sure we have the capabilities we need to defend the country. What you think the Biggest Challenges are right now . You wake up and read the same newspapers and websites of the rest of us do. When you see whats happening with north korea, were trying to prepare and make things are in place for another election, youre dealing with federal levels and state levels and possible attempts to try to manipulate messaging, how do you prioritize these things. Its very difficult because in our tendency, like most institution is to focus on the most immediate problem which is not necessarily the biggest problem or the most longterm problem, or the problem that requires you to be able to allocate resources in the way that builds over time. Im astounded with the number of things going on that so little attention is being paid to the fact that rucker is going to fall soon, we hope, but we have the successful retaking of mosul. The last major urban holdings of the socalled caliphate are about to disappear which is an important success on the battlefield. But its gotten almost no attention because of Everything Else going on. Doesnt mean that the war against isis is over or even nearing conclusion, or no longer a threat. We always worry about how its going to impact us your home. We need to see that thread drawn in that connection made. Do you think thats happening enough in the news. Sure. On korea for example, people have a very vivid sense of the threat when they look at these missiles can now reach anywhere in the United States and maybe they can carry a Nuclear Payload and if they cant today maybe they can tomorrow. In terms of the isis threat, okay, great news that the physical caliphate is disappearing, but what about the virtual caliphate that in many respects holds much more danger to americans in the sense of people being radicalized online in carrying out attacks in the name of isis here in this country. But, i do think, in terms of the two threats that are in the news these days, the threat from north korea and the threat from russia, people are quite vividly aware of the nature and dimension of those threats. How we will confront them though, we still have a lot of work to do. Let me just ask you and then well get to some of the questions from audience members. And your surprise people that the old adage of where you stand compared to where you sit as residents in the sense that members of the Judiciary Committee which have been poor oversight role have one perspective. Members of the Intel Committee have a slightly different perspective. Its not that we dont appreciate the Civil Liberties and civil rights issues. We certainly do. More than the Judiciary Committee does appreciate the intel benefit and the significance of what the program does but in the committee of course we lived daytoday with the understanding of how important it is to our National Security. And also i think having a vivid understanding of how the Program Works is important and what the evidence has been in terms of have there have been the problems with the execution and have there have been any intentional abuses of it and also with respect to proposed reforms, what is the real downstream consequence of back . Does the criminal justice model speaking and Court Approval for example to do a uas urchin person searches that really write it . What happens if the u. S. Person of identity you are searching is a potential victim of a perpetrator or a place, not a person or an address. So having an intimate understanding of the Program Helps in terms of what we think is a viable reform. And abuse of power is a question for people who dont understand exactly how the Program Works. Abuse of powers were the congressional oversight comes into play better you confident with the way the system is running right now with your ability to oversee when there are cases where someone is misusing certain aspects . I do feel. Confident about our ability to oversee this. I hope its not Wishful Thinking but i dont think it is and its not just because of the work we are doing nor just because of the fact that the agencies do come in and selfreport when they have problems but also we have a tremendous value by the fisa court by the fact that the fisa court itself is a very rigorous review of these programs and where they find problems you know they often will suspend an effort until they get the results they want or they will change with what the program can do until they get the results they want. We will have access to those and the concerns raised by the fisa court so i think the combination of what the court is doing in oversight of what we do in our oversight about the agencies do in their Self Reporting is pretty comprehensive. And working. And working. Let me keep good on my promise and take some of these questions. I worked a lot of the audience is thinking oversight resources, authorization and the question about election security. Do you believe the United States government is doing enough to prepare for another cyber attack against our election given elections have responsibility what role should the Intelligence Community play . I dont think we are doing enough and coming from a state where such a powerful Tech Knowledge e. Industry when i talk with tech experts and talk about the murder she married in the elections they tell me and i have no reason to believe that they that the systems are not impregnable. They are vulnerable and i have felt for quite some time well before this past election that any state or voting jurisdiction that doesnt maintain a paper trail is negligent in this day and age. So you know i think theres a lot more that we need to do and theres a lot more that we need to understand. I think the vendors of these Voting Machines need to be much more transparent with the government about the systems with the software so they can analyze vulnerabilities. The states have to be willing to accept the governments help that is being offered and the government and the i see has to be more transparent with the states. States still dont know if they were victims of russian hacking. We have not shared that information with the states and i think thats crazy. I know my colleague mark warner has been very outspoken on this and properly so. I hope that we will have a hearing in our committee, an open hearing where we can bring in some of the state elections people to talk about the vulnerability that they feel in terms of them for structure and the need for us to be more forthcoming with them but we learn each and every day, today there was a report by symantec within the last 24 hours about the vulnerability of our power grid and the fact that outside hackers have been able to get into the operational parts of those systems and not just probe some of the outlying parts of the systems and those systems are far more huma role than people expected. We have been talking about it for years but we havent done a lot to protect the infrastructure. A lot of studies in a lot of meetings. The big area that fell out of the cyber information sharing bill was the effort to deal with Critical Infrastructure. That was one area of there was simply too wide a gulf between the parties in terms of what the federal governments role in protecting Critical Infrastructure so it is largely set by private industry. Now they are obviously a lot of intensive incentives to improve their security but whether those incentives are proper is an open question. I will say the fact that there are still vulnerability doesnt mean that nothing is being done. What it does mean in some cases is that this is a very asymmetric field where the advantage is our all on the offensive because those on offense only get to find one open door impose a defense need need to bar every window in lock every door. Thats inherently challenging and its a particularly inviting field for adversaries because there is always going to be possible deniability. We have good attributions but her adversaries know that we are never going to make public the full capability we have two attributes so they will always have some level of deniability. Thats a good point. We have got some Great Questions here. I know we are running out of time and you have another point may you need to get to this morning that left me ask one more question about the cyber workforce. What is congress doing tube billed the federal private work or specs how can i see compete with private companies to attract personnel with the right training . How can they pay them what they can make especially in the state you are coming from . Is the Federal Reserve corps a real possibility and your future first of all we cant compete financially Silicon Valley. Some of the bright people start in Silicon Valley with salaries higher than yours or mine is certainly higher than mine. Publicly mine too. Im sure thats true so we are benefited by the fact that a lot of People Choose to work in the ic because they feel a sense of patriotism and calling and it draws them to that band. A lot of patriotic people feel the same call to work within the earth that are serving the ic so thats tremendously beneficial but we do need to continually work to recruit people. We need to continue working on diversifying the ic workforce. We also i think do need to explore creative ways to bring people in from industry for period of years and then have them go back in the industry. Yeah ive heard that a lot. There would be a great benefit to that. Their great models for that. Some brilliant people are going to nextgeneration energy technologies. They bring the knowledge they have to the private sector, they go back to the private sector. There are obviously difficulties and complications in the ic environment is nothing that cant be overcome and i think we do need to look to these models as well as some of the interesting partnerships that art exists in terms of venture capitol with the Silicon Valley. Absolutely. I know we need a seamless confessional transition here so i want to thank you very much for taking the time to come here. Know your very busy and i think we should have everyone to your office. These are Great Questions. Thank you for submitting them. If we could invite senator warner. I think he is here were supposed to be here. We have a few more minutes . If hes late to get to talk. Even better. I think we should talk a little bit about the russia question so let me pullout. I think i see senator warner out there. [laughter] i believe you. What is the scope in detail of russian influence operations in the United States, just a small little question that we can bide the time with. Of course thats really what we are able to find out. We are looking at each of the modalities that the russians have used elsewhere some of which we know of with great certainty they employed during the election and others where we still need to find out with these tactics the russians use. I do want to make one point because i know we have limited time to getting to an earlier question of yours a sense of what we do about all of this. There is no Software Patch for what happened last year. Theres no Cyber Defense capable enough. If the russians want to get into the dnc in 2020 they will get them. They want to get into the rnc, they will get in. Really the best protection that we can have this somehow forging a consensus we didnt have last year that no matter who it may help or who it may hurt if any foreign power intervenes in our affairs let alone our elections they will be repudiated and anyone who tries to take advantage of it will be repudiated. More than anything else i think thats what we need to defend ourselves because what has been unleashed is not going to be put back in the bottle and its not going to be just an issue with russia. It will be an issue with any country that wants to influence our affairs and moreover it will be an issue for lots of other countries and their own relationship with each other. You know what wonders me and i wonder if it worries you. When you look at influence operations and how we are looking at fake news whats fake and what is not through social Media Channels is there more for responsibility that needs to be placed on the consumer of the news to question things that dont quite seem like a pattern that we saw like yesterday when things are coming out of left field. Should we all be talking about putting more responsibility on the part of the person receiving the news to say wait a second. Absolutely. Its something thats a challenge for americans and a challenge for people around the world could have often found in russia for example where during soviet times people were so disbelieving of what they read and they recognized that it was merely the party line even though they were so believing of the russia media. Its extraordinary and i wonder what happened to the russian skepticism but i think we all need to bring a certain inherent skepticism. Think we should also take up a very serious look at what facebook has just revealed publicly in terms of its own analysis and one thing in particular, the russians and this is clearly a system in which the Intelligence Community found wanting to sell discord in the United States and look at what they were doing. Look at the issues they were choosing to grow the divisions in america. We have got to recognize that for what it is which is this is a vulnerability that the ac we have. These terrible divisions within our country and if they feel thats a vulnerability we need to recognize it as a vulnerability and we need to do something about it. This is why i think its so important from the top on down that we make an effort to bridge these divisions do not aggravate them any further. And theres my senate. I think hes here. We dont want you to rush off. If we can have everyone in the audience im just kidding. Thank you very much. Senator warner, welcome and thank you for being here. [applause] we need to get a quick photo. Bear with us while we get a quick picture here. And to both of our guests here we are juggling schedules in making this work so a big thank you. [applause] thank you very much. When you pass each other in the hall, what do you say to each other . Before you write the talk about how i had to take up the proper order in things to take up a house bill in the senate. You are always the one. [laughter] thank you. If you could have a seat right over here. Thank you very much. Welcome. Hard to follow that. In full disclosure i was doing an interview and i jumped out of the car and grabbed a jacket and unfortunately i grabbed my aids jacket who is about 6 inches shorter than me. Im not sure thats reflective of being a senator and chair of the intel department. Either that or i put on an awful lot more weight than i thought. [laughter] welcome and thank you for taking the time. I know you are also on a tight schedule this morning. We appreciate you being here and have a wellinformed audience on all of the issues you are talking about on a daytoday aces. We picked through a number of highpriority things and that like to give you the same opportunities. There are a number of issues, we talk a little bit about security clearance and how big is the cyber threats. When you wake up and turn on the news or read the paper that moment of oh wow what next . Let me step back and first of all even before i wake up a couple of general comments. One, this opportunity being vice chair of the Intel Committee is probably my greatest opportunity it still remains as one of the committees that actually still functions on a bipartisan way that gets the bills out the works the issues in ways that i think are appropriate. Not that generally the committee has taken on the whole Russian Investigation but i feel as a virginia guy i have an extra burden and responsibility since so many of our intelligence professionals either live in or retire to virginia. They know where you live. I feel like in the local home guy and its one of the reasons i was so frustrated both during the transition and the early days of the administration. I have a lot of differences with the president but what the president didnt seem to have that kind of respect for the Intelligence Community. I think that is troubling. Hasnt gotten any better . I think he is trying to understand that you cannot be the president of fantasies about having a strong relationship with your Intelligence Community and i think that has gotten better but for a community that doesnt get the eggs thanks and appreciation on a regular basis that it deserves its got to have respect. If we want to continue to have worldclass talent and to be able to do it most important responsibility which is to speak truth to power. We have mike pompeo who seems to be working well with the president dan coats who is phenomenal. Do you felt confident that things are working more now . Are read getting a little bit away from the politics focusing on the issues that will impact all of us . I think there is promise. We have had if you think about robert cardio and sue gordon and trish and obviously rogers, a lot of the community has stayed in place and mike pompeo has a good background from the cia and dan coats served for years and has an appreciation of aic. I think we have made progress here. Some of the issues that may not rise to the level of the news on a regular basis there are things that are a little bit nittygritty that im interested in. For example jim clapper and i spent a long time with. His last year was get me can we make sure that the Oversight Program for example the notion of a uniform i. T. Back bone across the whole i see is kind of nerdy when you are talking about how we communicate and how we make sure that there is better ability to move past it is something thats very important. The question of clearances. This has been a problem for ages. Our intel bill that they passed out of the senate committee, we start with a reform process they are, long overdue. Particularly if we continue to attract worldclass talent and think about not bringing people as they come out of school but as we think about midcareer transitions into the agency and the intel community. You cant have this 12, 18 month, 24 month security process so we have tried to stay more uniform or cross all of the agencies. I think the main clearance, the main systemic change we are trying to push is rather than having an arbitrary every five year review this ought to be more riskbased and ongoing model from the private sector around security and can be implemented on the ic site. One of the area i want to get out a. U. Forward it to the 702 is russia. An area that i have dived into for some time over the last couple of years a former guy from tech with the whole question of overhead architecture and im a big lever that we need to move from a world where we built on a 10 year cycle the worlds most exquisite overhead architecture and we had a procurement processes that we are going to take a year or two to do requirement and a five to 10 year period before you move from design to launch. That distance and not make sense in a world where overhead things are changing on a twoyear basis and we are building sometimes i think ulta billiondollar products at platforms that are exquisite but i felt the no way for a long time nobody in the ic community had ever seen in james bond movie. The bad guys always use laser beams to blow up satellites. Now we are seeing that. We are seeing a complement moving from that old style architecture and procurement process to something much smaller in some thing much more useful a commercial. The somalis make the headlines but needs to move the community forward. All of this pulls together and says what you need to do is provide good oversight in making sure we are allocating resources. Let me ask questions from the audience. Global coverage the i. T. Is focused on high targeting terrorism. Countries might not be important to others a coup or a pandemic that affects a centrist but its important to understand dynamics. I think there is a growing recognition that problems can pop the pop up anywhere. If you think about it in the last 30 years we have been counterterrorism, we have been russia, north korea and i ran when we are thinking about environmental challenges and when we are thinking about pandemics and when we are thinking about the emergence of terrorism and revolutionary forces that are external to their specific country. Youve got to have a broader footprint of that means we need greater collaboration with their allies. We cannot do it all alone. It needs greater usage of open source documents and it also pushes us completely in a way, in a group of dedicated activists and some small countries can actually challenge our nation particularly within the cyber domain because its so asymmetrical. I think digging through this broader coverage and checking the boxes is an issue that both the community and we in the oversight capacity need to. Do you have time to think about whats coming up next when you arent a daytoday environment where you have things popping up on the radar glitch need immediate attention. You have the time you to plan for the things that have a broader impact on us overall . Well, its not like the congress is getting a lot done in other areas. Can you say that again . Listen you have a carveout. One of the things that richard and i his chairmanship and my vice chairmanship as we try to think through, lets not just, it felt like the first few years i was on the committee being on the committee was a little like eating at a kids soccer game. The meetings were whatever was the hotspot that weaken whatever the bad guys were during that week in a specific location. You are reacting. I think we need to be a lot more forwardleaning. We are trying to move it in that direction but as you mentioned there is always something that requires immediate attention. He will get a classified briefing on north korea today. Thats absolutely critical that we have to be able to sort through what are these emerging threats and for example i have been saying since the beginning of the Russian Investigation that i have real concerns about the way americans and for that matter the world takes the news. I think that we were taking this on and in that appear to meet the very social media sites that we rely on for virtually everything for facebook and twitter its my belief that the russians were using those sites to intervene in our elections. The first reaction for facebook was, nothing is going on. We find their exit was something going on. What we saw yesterday in terms of their reef was the tip of the iceberg. I want to see twitter and others come in. Not to be necessarily critical because youve seen it an example of facebook they denied that they were being used in any way. By the time the french elections facebook took down 50,000 accounts. So here is anna marching and challenge that we have to see from the i see side but also the legislative side. For example even in the craziness at your, with Unlimited Campaign contributions flowing in to our campaigns America Needs to figure out what content is being used on tv advertising. You can look at it and you can look at the ads. You might not be able to find the source within social media theres no such requirement so we may need legislative so maybe a reform process here. I think social Media Companies would not oppose yet when it comes to elections americans ought to be able to know there are foreign sponsored content and thats an area that is a brandnew field of also not i see side. Not necessarily because we think about how we have become more and more dependent on our devices that becomes a method of influence exponentially with tv and radio. Thats a we talked about before. Its a soccer mom mentality, okay understand what people in Political Parties are saying and i understand they are gaining momentum and they are delivering the message their audience wants to hear and catering to the people who support you but is that necessarily the best thing . Thats a great point you brought up about being more critical. This is a brandnew world. We are receiving information in a different way. The ic has to understand that. Lets get to a few of these issues. Do we have the policies Come Organization the capabilities in place to optimize our utilization, reable to effectively deny her adversaries use of back . Thats a great question. I dont think we can deny our adversaries use of space. What i worry about is do we have the resilience or flexibility, can we move away from the model of this exquisite best technical means to a more distributed system because i would argue in many ways our enormous communications, reliance on space and systems reliance on overhead capacity in terms of radar and electrooptical makes us in many ways more vulnerable. [inaudible][inaudible] [inaudible] theres also a lot of Great Innovation going on in the washington area. We need to look them both. We also, and i would say this is on the dod and ic side, we have to its always eerie easier and again, the chairman and i and he should, round on this. You can have a twoyear requirement cycle when you have many words in the cell phone business back in the mid 80s wall street and the coast thought it would take 30 years to build out a single cell phone system. At the end of that 30 years of 5 of americans would have cell phones. They were wrong and i got rich because i started other companies. I feel like were in that same transition and satellites we have to move faster and more rapidly. We may not get it all right. We have been very specific with our colleagues in the ic that they have to speed up the requirements of the procurement process. Ive seen a real positive movement. You have . You think were headed in the right way . Again if you look at the transition on the commercial side and satellite and last three years learn from the cost of the bird to the launch cost there is one tenth the cost of the many cases its one 50th of the cost. We have a question on potus Information Sources. Without getting too political this out there. Most president s have relied on nonpartisan intelligence, do you think President Trump like set that for non policy decisions . To think its change from a president who is just coming into office who had no experience working with an Intelligence Committee the toilet is been in office and have people and places of leadership of these. Have you seen a change and shift on his reliance and confidence in the ics investment . The combined knowledge experience and analysis of the ic versus breitbart . I sure hope so. I worry, that is a continuing worrier think of. To think as people. Listen, its critical, i want the presidency to succeed. Its like the most important for our country and you have to learn that, but it has been a slower process than i had hoped. How is that for an answer . I just want everyone to get along. I just want to have issues that impact all of us. But it is frustrating from the person outside of washington to look at whats going on in think, are we doing the best . Again, the ic role goes up exponentially. Not just for the president but for the average American Consumer of information. The amount of Information Sources that overwhelm you on the normal question we get is what keeps you up the most at night in terms of these traditional threats. I went with the asymmetrical threat around cyber. What really bothers me more in terms of and i think im racist energized me crazy that weve had 21 states broken into and we still have a response that we cannot share with the top election official because i dont have appropriate clearances. We have to be better prepared. If you look at the fact that we havent 10 billion devices connected to the internet were to go to 25 billion, we dont have security built into. Each of those could be taken over. We think about the notion of our technological advance access technologically vulnerable. Sorting through how we get our information and americans deserve to have the knowledge of what is at least the source of the informations they can make a judgment. I think we all have to use our tools more. And thats both to the president and the congress the responsibility to analyze, sort, and get this information to policymakers. Its more important than ever. To wrap up, when asked warmer question. When you look at the role of congress and all of the issues we talked about in their responsibilities, what can congress do better . Beyond just the ic . I would say for john warner it was a series of folks talking about the good old days of congress were people get together, i think there are there two things we can do, i think committees and Committee Chairs need to take some of the power back not have congress continually driven simply by the democratic or republican leadership. Number two, in the stan h we need to realize that most of the issues from our economic challenges i would argue someone who is blessed to do well in business the fundamental challenge weve had from the economic standpoint is how do you make modern capitalism work for not people again. Most of the issues we are arguing about our 20th century issues. Were litigating left versus what right when more the issues our future versus pass. If we can reset that framework on that future versus pass, think theres a new way for alliances. The vast majority of members of the senate get along at least privately agree on 80 of the issues. We ought to produce a better product for the American People the what were producing at this point. Thats a great thought and on. Thank you very much. Thank you for your service. The senate is out for the night. Earlier today members approved disaster bill. The house passed its own version of the bill yesterday. Senators added a debt ceiling increase in a temporarys federal spending measure they keeps the bill open to decembe december 8. Follow the senate

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