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President stepped out of the oval office, stepped into texas amid this disaster, what advice would you give him one district today . Thanks for having me, first let me say our hearts go out to the victims in houston and i also want to send a special thanks to all of the rescuers, the First Responders and volunteers and we should have all those people in our hearts and our prayers. In terms of President Trump, and leaving the white house, its important to know a number of things, leadership and if youre on top of the situation, confidence that your people are running the operations appropriately and compassion , if you dont show those things, then you start to have problems and as weve seen in the past with the president that we need to show those things because its also important the location of where hes going to make sure he doesnt go to a place that the disaster zone itself cuand that he is detracting from the rescue effort but if you want to go to a location that far enough away that hes not getting in the way of the rescue efforts and i think president s as shown in the past and ability to go there and do things that really inspire the rescue workers. The fschedule as we know it from the white house is from the Daily Briefing guide on the president s schedule, in Corpus Christi which is right near where Hurricane Harvey made landfall, its expected to be there at 20. 50local time. We had a fire station around noon , he will then travel to boston, expect to be in boston around 2 30 local time. Participating in tours and meetings and Emergency Operations centers there. As your hearing about what the president will be doing, any advice for what should he do when hes on the ground days after a Major National disaster . I wont say hes a difficult president but i dont think he should we do about extraneous barriers. He should focus on the disaster and we dont necessarily want to hear about the other things he likes to talk about. I think you need to be again, as i said, compassionate because if you seem, i think thats a real problem. Nobody should be callous in this situation. I also think that he should listen to the people on the roground. He can have meetings and conferences from washington via a secure ceconference and the like but if youre going on the ground you need to listen to the people and let them hear what they are saying and hear what they are supposed to say. You mentioned tweeting about extraneous matters, the president over the weekend also some other issues including promoting a book of one of his allies and also as the storm was making landfall, last week of course theres that decision on the part of joe arpaio. What do you make of those decisions as the storm was bearing down and over the weekend as we started to see the extent of the storm . Im glad you mentioned this because i think theres very interesting dichotomies going on. I think on President Trumps to that have had to do with the disaster, ive been relatively impressed. They were sober, somber, responsible. They gave people information about where to go to get help and they tried to help the rescuers and the First Responders in terms of saying what a good job theyre doing, i thought that was appropriate. These other tweets like you mentioned about Sheriff Joe Arpaio are not the kinds of things you want to be doing during the disaster and i recognize the white house works with a lot of things and you cant say okay, only disasters during this training. It seems to me that you can say i think it makes sense to tweet in a responsible way about the disaster and i think twitter is a useful tool in a disaster, its a way to reach a lot of people but i also think that there are certain topics that if its not urgent, i think you shouldpass on tweeting about those issues. We talked for the next 45 minutes this morning on the washington journal taking your calls, republicans 2748 8001, democrats 202, 7488000. Kenny troy, the author of the book shall we weaken the president . Two centuries of Disaster Management. I want to read one passage from your book for our viewers. In addition to the proliferation ioof disasters theres also the issue of the politicization of disasters, the presidency is an inherently political job and president ial actions are increasingly viewed from pra partisan lens. When did of these disasters start to happen . When did we start seeing it and youre talking about now in that book. 02 quick answers, first of all the experience of a president getting involved in disasters is something that did not exist at the beginning of our republic. Its something a baltimore time so its in the 20th century you started see president ial involvement in the first disaster i talk about was itthe 1927 mississippi flood. Where president coolidge and secretary of commerce hoover went down to try to deal with the rescue efforts down there. The litigation is something that started to increase later in the 20th century and particularly you first saw that with hurricane andrew. This is in 1992, president George Hw Bush was in the white house. And he was seen as not to have done a good job in responding to andrew. And in the fact that he was seen as someone disconnected, i think that was something that counted against him in the president ial election in 1992 which he lost to bill clinton and bill clinton was very good at using disasters in a way that was politically effective. He had a politically savvy the director and clinton showed that disasters could be could go down to your political benefit so it was right around period that the politicization started. What state for President Trumps first big Natural Disaster . Theres obviously a lot of discomfort in a lot of circles with President Trump. People are wondering is he the right person, does he have the right temperament for being president so i think a lot of people are going to be watching to see how he does in responding to this event and how he handles it and whether he can put aside some of the people. People dont like about his presidency and focus on making sure the rescue efforts go forward. Handle it purposefully and d the relations between the state and federal which is an important issue that that is handled appropriately. So far i must say that those are going well, that the Trump Administration gets an a from him so that means the state and federal officials are working well together at this point. From the Washington Times Editorial Board looking into this issue, they say the origins of the magpie media are eager to set the president up for failure. The president put it, there are many of them looking for other mistakes and will try to turn any slipups in the Hurricane Harvey rescue operations against him and shame on them is what the Editorial Board rights. In terms of the focus the media will have on this, you think they are looking for slipups by the president . Absolutely they are looking for slipups but theyre always looking for slipups by the president , thats what the media does. There is perhaps a special fo focus on President Trump in the relations between him and the media are great. T and they might take special pleasure finding it out but f in the first four or five days of the crisis, criticism of President Trump has been relatively mutedbecause most for the federal efforts are going well and they did redeploy forces they are, the federal officials and state officials are working well together. Tweets on this issue have been relatively responsible so thats why there hasnt been that much to criticize about the federal response. Taking your calls as we talked to detroit, we should note that sometime in the 8 00 hour we are expected to have an interview with al green, congressman al green of the houston areaodlikely in about half an hour or so but if hes available beforehand, a busy day for him. We will be talking over inthe course of this conversation, our viewers talk to detroit as well, taking your questions and comments, first in williamsburg, good morning. Caller good morning. And my prayers for those children and families in houston. The president , when he shows up immediately with the task force, that he talks to school administrators. I am four and i have some activities. Host randy, you are going in and out there, can you give us a call back on a better line . Tony is in esvirginia, good morning. Caller how are you doing, can you hear me . Okay, thanks. This guy here, whats his name . Kenny troy. Okay. Just a couple comments. I think that guy is pretty well spot on when he talks about i think the president s visit, even though its good is just basically kind of symbolic. He might be able to give money to maybe like some organizations like the red cross and stuff but ultimately i think its going to be a lot of the people who are affected n, its going to be their insurance. Its going to tell whether or not they get Disaster Relief or they get their houses built. Oneother comment i wanted to make , and id heard this, maybe you can clarify it. Somebody told me once that one of the other callers had said about other nations helping us out, how someone had told me once that the United States basically does not want other nations help during times of disasters. Maybe he can comment on that and the other thing that i wanted to comment on, ive been following politics for a few years and people say im out in left field on this, but its always seems like four years its been democrats against republicans and my philosophy is where that came from was in the Clinton White house, i think before that. Things could be you know, broker out and deals on the table and everything was happy but when the Clinton White house was in and when bill clinton had that affair, correct me if im wrong, Newt Gingrich who was the one who wanted to impeach the president , he was a republican, was having an affair on his wife who was dying at the time. So hes having an affair yet hes pointing the finger at bill clinton. We are all on political history between the two parties, i want to focus on your first question with troy and a few viewers have brought this up already today on why art other countries ou paying to help us, we are always involved when theres Natural Disasters and other countries, is the color correct in saying that he heard that we dont necessarily want that kind of help . What i learned when i was working in the government is the numbers in 9 11, in the sense that there are legal hurdles and challenges and bureaucratic red tape when it comes to accepting fraid from foreign governments. And that theres actually an office at the state department that helps sort through these requests so its not necessarily something that helps in the immediate period and its something that has resources of the federal government figuring out which ones we can accept. We happened to be a wealthy nation, we spent a lot of money on disaster preparation. We have the tools that we need for the most part the deal with these things. There was a wild fires in israel in the last year and the Israeli Government have the type of planes could put out the fires and they had to go elsewhere to get the kind of equipment they needed in the us generally not a problem. So dont need the equipment per se. We welcomed packages of food and money to help the f Recovery Efforts but there are a couple of situations. Host frankie in new jersey, good morning. I was just wondering, if there wasnt a mention of mister troys credentials on as to which administration he worked with or, and i dont appreciate interjections about tropes to in the middle of a national emergency. I also want to ask the commentators how much of his book proceeds are going to be donated to the American Red Cross or what organizations hes going to be donating to and thats about it. Host thank you new w jersey, do you want to go through your background . I worked in the Bush White House and i was also deputy secretary of health under the bush administration. Im also a president ial historian, my training i flew down from the university of texas, i have experience in texas and ive written a number of books about the president including intellectuals in the american presidency, a book about their president and relationship with pop culture called today what jefferson red, i watched what obama tweeted so i want to talk about what the president is tweeted and i wrote this book shall we weaken the president . In terms of my proceeds, they are minimal at this point and ive already made a donation to the victims but i think thats agood idea, if i get additional sales , id be happy to donate them. Host were you in the bushes ministration during katrina . I was in the Bush White House at a very difficult time. I have a sense that things were not going well. It was very hard to fix them once the e perception is out there and thats why tony mentioned that thing about symbolic, symbolism matters. Were showing the image of president bush being out in the airplane out of air force one over new orleans. Its absolutely. That moment, that was what dan bartlett was running for Communications Director and one of the worst photo ops of the entire presidency. That moment the siemens the sense, i think it was anaccurate sense but the sense that president bush was not paying attention. He flew over new orleans to look down as opposed to landing on the ground and trying to address the problems and i recognized also as we were talking earlier that if the president does to a disaster area, that can act local resources, you can have a situation where the people who are of the First Responders are instead dealing with purity cordons and setting up motorcades for the presidency, you really want to be careful not to go into the area and tax the resources of First Responders. Fueling rescue efforts. A picture like that, a flyover picture when president bush is not the only one to do it. In my book i talk about Lyndon Johnston in 1968 in washington, after Martin Luther kings assassination. He flew over in a helicopter and looked down at the devastation. Not nearly like president bush and his flyover. Was never a good strategy but sometimes i think going through the disaster area to show leadership, and president bush o i will say wet multiple times to new orleans and the rescue area and the rescue effort area after that terrible photo. One of the viewers earlier called in to talk about interactions nebetween president bush and new orleans residents after not necessarily, not necessarily good interactions between the president , can you talk through how he was seen in the community afterwards and whether it was a good idea that going back to spike some of these actions . I think it was because first of all, he suffered from this perception that he did not do a good job coming to the rescue and they talk about this in my book but theres a lot of blame to go around but nobody would argue that government response to this wasnt a shining glory so theres a clearly republican talking about in his own book owand how the problems of the new orleans response doctrine and the i think ration and so going down there and showing that he was willing to listen to citizens but also that he directed a continuing effort i think was important and i think its also important to remember that right now we are in the rescue days and thats important and there are lives at stake but what would be much longer than the rescue is if the Recovery Period and that will take years and the government have to refocus its energies. Host martin, fairfax virginia, go ahead before thank you for taking my call. Im sending my prayers out to families impacted by this. I like to make a comment and the question there for you, if, it would be good today. So president had pointed down, hes sort of making the sense that our guest speaker is a president ial historian and i imagine i briefly heard. And you know, we talked about the politicization of the events for the impact and Environmental Impact of the hurricane. And what can the president really affect at this point . I would like to hear your comments about undocumented immigrant community not only in texas which is by far the largest. Because thats the destination and what control do or how did your guests given that President Trump just recently put out executive orders and what not finding laws basically making it a little harsher on government immigrants all over the nation. And he just mentioned lives are at risk. Caller i think weve got your point, mario. A couple things first of all in terms n of undocumented immigrants. Guest nobody is asking for your green card or id after they rescue you off the roof of the building when they help your situation. In a flood. So i dont think thats something that we should worry about too much. And i dont want to focus on those issues per se but the other issue is what can a president do. . Sh i think the president can show leadership which is important. He can pick good people who know about how to handle disasters and if you look at this white house, there have been some throw out that i want dont want to mention was but if you look at that chief of staff john kelly, the general was formerly the department of security so he knows about what fema can do and he knows about disaster Recovery Efforts, Kristin Nielsen came from him, has experience dealing with disasters. , prosser was the Homeland Security advisor, he was acquitted and sell pretty well on tv. Someone with Homeland Security experience from the Bush White House. And the fema administrator and he is someone who was the hand of the response in alabama and really knows what hes doing and hes held a number of cable exercises. Particularly people can make sure that they are doing the preparation and the exercise that they need though they are ready when problems happen and then let those people do their work. Host in your past work as deputy, or as deputy secretary at the department of health and Human Services and yesterday hhs secretary tom price declared a Public Health emergency in the wake of harvey, what does that mean . There is a group at the department of health and Human Services that i dont think get enough credit, Public Health service. These are dedicated professionals who usually su have some kind of greed or advanced degree in the medical field and an nph or an rn. They work at hhs for the federal government during the day with superheroes in the federal government, they might take off their suit and then put on the uniform of the Public Health service which is an unarmed branch of the us military and they go to rescue efforts, disaster areas across the country, often all over the world and they apply their expertise of taking people in trouble so the Public Health emergency is one way , is the way that you trigger deploying those people but also brings up federal resources and expand cooperation to state and local governments but the importance cethat secretary price took on is that. Host albany new iyork, good morning. Caller i would like to say that i dont believe anything on the news about some of the people that have terrorists during this time and in texas, because they only keep reporting only two people died and in all this flood and they had even got a lot of people and i wish they would tell the truth about how many people. Today i heard that it was six people who drowned in a truck trying to come out but theres a lot more deaths than two. And i wish the press would just tell the truth. Host the number is going up, the Washington Post today on their front page having it as nine. Of course, that by the deadline last night when they had to publish that, there were a lot more Recovery Efforts the number expected to go up, ive seen reports of 10 or 12 at this point but at what point will we know the toll of the storm . When do we expect to sort of get those numbers and some actual data of the full effect of this . Guest it can take a while, youre not going to know initially but it raises an interesting port in that the reports are not always fully accurate. I remember in the katrina situation, things that were going on at the superdome that were found not to be true but the death toll is something that we should obviously be watching, we mourn every guest. There will be some people who may have drowned and we wont find their bodies until the floodwaters receive but i think the focus right now is trying to save every life that you can in the affected areas, people who are in danger and thats what we shouldfocus on and we can count and mourn our dead later. One last point, in 1927 the mississippi flood, a terrible, devastating flood, the death count was between 201,000. Here we are 90 years later and we dont know an accurate death count. Host what is the president s role in getting out Accurate Information . Guest im not sure thats the president s role in terms of reporting whats e. Going on in the ground. Ithink its to make sure that everything you say is true and accurate but in terms of finding out in whats going on on the ground , and what the reporters are telling us, that Washington Post headline he pointed to later on down the road when we get that specific statistics will come from some kind of governmental count, i dont know if it will be the federal or State Government but its not the federal job to report whats going on, its really the reporters job and there have been great reporters doing a good job on this but i think the its incumbent on all of them as reporters and president s to make sure they put out Accurate Information so you dont have a problem of the rosetta. Host how do you think social media has changed not just the reporting on Natural Disasters but also the federal governments role and how big is information out there . Im a big fan of social media in general because it opens up a whole new world of access to information can be a good thing. I think the president can tweet and get his message not only to his 30 odd million followers but also the media reports on this week and amplifies what hes saying so if he has Important Information to get out, the best way to do it is through a president ial tweet because that goes far and wide. On the downside, sometimes you will see false stories reported there and get retweeted and then they bring on a life of their own and theres a mark twain line about the lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets its pants on. It even works today. Host lets go to jack in shelby north carolina, nggood morning. Caller good morning to both of you. My son took two tours in iraq andafghanistan , came out and obama hold all our troops out. I just wonder did the media ever say one thing good about trump . He didnt vote, hes a candidate the past election that had to do, i would vote for trump. I dont know how many millions of dollars these people are making writing all these books, it looks like they could say one good thing about the man instead of just downgrading him. Im an older veteran and i dont watch the news because i dont believe anything they say and its all against trump, democrats and everybody else. I dont know what kind of president would ever have a chance to make it both of them. Id like everybody else to make millions of dollars off of it, i shouldnt need the money. Dmillions of dollars book writing . Let me state, thank you for your service, to this great nation. I do not make millions of dollars for my books, i barely make thousands of my books. Book writing is a labor of love and it is not a great endeavor except for a small subset. Let me give you perspective on the historical conflict between the press and the presidency, particularly in times of disaster. So i think jack is on to something in saying that the coverage of trump has been pretty negative. I think that trump bears some responsibility hereto because he sets himself up as someone opposed to the media and its a constant fight between the media and trump so it doesnt surprise me that the media will address him in a way that its clear their disdain for him. I dont think its necessarily, theres a story in the New York Times this week about the jared baker, the lawyer in the wall street journal complaining that his staff that they are spending all their time commenting on what trump is doing as opposed to just reporting on what hes doing. That tends to be a problem but also its, if you antagonize the media, they will respond glaccordingly. Host jason in mesa arizona, go ahead. Caller i was wondering as someone who is working in new orleans after katrina whether the same thing is going to happen in houston afterwards where contractors are going to eat use american citizens to do the work to repair the place instead of these tens and millions probably and use illegal aliens as labor force instead of eight to 10 an hour, do the work and chart uncle sam six or seven dollars an hour for the labor and then as far as our trial goes, how come the media tries to make it sound like it was all his fault . As an american of mexican descent, ive had my livelihood destroyed here in arizona because it illegal alien labor and these contractors also who get the labor down to what it was 20 years ago, and that as far as what they expect of families, they take the families back to their home country and how about the illegal aliens who have wife and kids in their home country and a life and kids in arizona for a green card. Host quite issue from dennis, where do you want to pick up on it . Guest if you have that behavior what dennis is talking about where people are charging and about four labor and painless in its talk, i cant whats going to happen in the response efforts here and in terms of the Recovery Effortshere. Sly the federal government has is against fraud rules against fraud. People really spend time making sure the right people get the contracts and the people who do the contracts to the work appropriately. Have been very encouraged by the resilience of the rescuers. I have to applaud one person mentioned in the wall street journal this morning. Of a Hardware Store inside houston. His store was open today and he said, we only close five days a year. Terms of managing the crisis versus managing the recovery and you talk about the difference for a present and is there an x apple of a president who was good at one and not at the other . Guest guest ing the crisis or the response is something that happens immediately. It usually takes a few days. Youre dealing with the people who need to be rescued, youre trying to make sure the watersu recede, youre reopening schools, hospitals, etc. Thats the Immediate Response. The recovery is when you have to deal with people who have lost their homes, their livelihoods, theyre trying to get their insurance checks, trying to get aid from the federal government as appropriate. Ho and that can take months, and in the case of new orleans, years. Now, in new orleans there were some encouragingnd signs in ters ofag the School System is better in new orleans now and that the Police Department seems to havel a better handle on crime. Finish but lord knows thats not theli way you want to go about making reforms in a city, because it was a terrible, terrible tragedy. I hope that the devastation isnt as bad here and that, therefore, the response theon recovery wont have to be as significant, but it does seem that the federal governments going to spend a lot of money to try and make sure the people can rebuild, can get back to their homes. But that is a multiyear effort. In terms of an example of a president who is seen as not doing well on the response, but onot the recovery i would pointo president george w. Bush, obviously, got bad marks for the Immediate Response to katrina but then generally, i think, ha gotten better marks from historians and from journalists at the Recovery Efforts that took place later. And, in fact, last year we had thee tenyear anniversary of katrina, and some of the articles actually praised him for0 the Recovery Efforts. Ai host the president tweet out about 25 minutes ago that hes p leaving now for texas. Theres his twitter page there. Theres his tweet. Well be seeing the president down in texas, expected to arrive about 11 25 local time in Corpus Christi, also a stop in austin. Hell be traveling with the first lady this morning and this afternoon, expected to returnrao d. C. Later this evening. Were talking with tevi troy about his book, shall we wake the president two centuries of Disaster Management from the oval office. If you have questions for him, democrats, 202748800, independents, 2027488002. Hell be with us until the top of the hour, were expecting a call from one of the congressmen from the houston area to get an update on whats happening in his t district. But until then, patricia, asheville, north carolina, go ahead. Caller well, i was wantingca to call in on a few things. The president has to tweet, it t helps the American People know whats really going on in the world. And the media, media talking about him not, theyre not honest except for fox news. And leftwing, theyre not working with the president. If they were working with him, wewi could get things done in washington. And as far as this protesting on the streets, they need to put a stop to it, because theres too much killing, and our policemen are being killed. Host mig to guest a couple of quick comments on patricia. So im not to opposed to president ial tweeting. Gu i think its a good way to get the message out. I think president s have long used directpp forms ofid communication to get their message out in an unfiltered way. This goes back to Franklin Delano roosevelt and his famous fireside chats via the radio. Si he would speak directly to theha American People because he pelt that the newspapers werent reporting he felt the newspapers werent reportingt accurately. At john f. Kennedy used its very effect used television very effectively in his too brief, tragically, presidency where he was very good at going back and forth, bantering with reporters in live White House Press r briefings. Int fact, kennedys use of tv ws so effective in the 1960 campaign that in one of my books i tell the story about how kennedy walked by a television with oneou of his aides after hd won that 1960 election, and he said, you know, we wouldnt have had a prayer without thate gadget, referring to the tv. I love the fact that in 1960 he was still calling a tv a gadget. Host good morning, youre on with tevi troy. Caller hey, tevi, how youth doing today . Guest good. Hope youre safe down there in texas. Caller yeah, im pretty high up in san antonio. Houston on the other side to the right, though, is not doing so well. Made a few phone calls this morning to see if they could possibly assist. I know joel osteen has come opened up his doors. The hurricane is kind of a big problem. Not many counties have had the supportrt they need, so agent orange is going to be here later on today, and hopefully he can provide some more federal funding or maybe the real man, governorr abbott, can provide some more funding and possibly help out the right side of texas. Host on that note, the president s role here in getting that funding. Congress controls the purse strings, so wha can the president i do . Guest well, the president can work with the c congress. Obviously, the president has veto power, and if the president doesnt approve of what congress passes, he can veto it. That gives him leverage in the negotiating process. We have not seen a lot ofer successful legislation in this a administration thus far. Theres a lot of disagreement within the republicans, but between democratsju and republicans. Im hoping that they can come together and figure out a rescue package here, but im also hoping they can come together out what to do about infrastructure and what to do about taxes. So theres a lot of things that the federal government needs to work on, but i think you needrn cooperation between the executive and the legislative branch in order to get that rescue package together. Host and on the issue of that rescue package, a headline from a newspaper here on roll call newspaper here on capitol hill. Pence says, thats the Vice President , mike pence, the Vice President e saying officials truy believe that ample federal funds are on hand. Can you talk about, does mike pence have a different role than other Vice President s when it comesha to Disaster Response . T is there something unique about the Trump Administration . Guest its hard to say at this point his role manyt disasters, but he has had a very active role throughout the administration in terms of being the administrations voice on capitol hill at representing his point of view in white house meetings, at getting his staffers populated throughout the government. So hes been a very active veterans Vice President , and i think in the last 20 years or so weve really seen the emergence of a much more active Vice President who has ath much bigger role the ply in the operation of government. I think dick cheney, for example, was obviously very involved in foreign policy, joe bidency seemed to be all over te place when he was Vice President. Al gore, also, reinventing government initiative. So i think Vice President s over the last 2030 years have kind of realized that just sitting around and being available if, god forbid, something happens ts the president is not enough of role, and i think theyve gotten more active. Ac host joe in ohio, good morning. Caller good morning. I think your next book should be how we awaken the American Public with donald trump as the president. This man is aw builder, and hes going to fly down there, and hes going to see the facts of what it takes to reconstruct. I dont think theres been ag smarter president in the white house that knows more about building, construction and from the ground up, and thats whato we need to rebuild the attitude the American Public and theed awakening thats taking place in the American Public. Donald trump is a catalyst that is waking up people in this country. And i think thats going to be a big surpriseth to a lot of the a socialists that want to control this country and i bring it dow. Id like to see these mass masked hoodlums that go wild in california go down there and do some help in the high waters. Maybe that would be a good move for these i liberal, socialistcommunists in this country that want to complainin about the goodness of ouro country. Thank you so much for your timen and youou all have a wonderful time. So write your book about the awakening of the American People. Host tevioop troy. Guest first of all, as an author, i always love book suggestions. Authors are always looking for what their i next book might be, so i appreciate that. In terms of this issue about the president being a builder, i have a great story thats in David Axlerods book, believer, obviously a top aide to president obama. And he said that during the Gulf Oil Spill he got a call from someone who said these generals and the people who are in charge of the efforts to plug the hole dont know what theyre doing, putne me in charge, and i will take care of it, and i will fix it. And the person who was calling wasge none other than donaldth trump. And David Axlerod suggested that they hadd it under control and that they didnt need his help, but they appreciated his call. Ge and then frump pivoted and said that the way that they trump pivoted and saidt that the way they do the white house dinners, the state dinners, was not very appealing, and he said put me in charge, and i can build it, and itll look much better. This might be the only government class you ever take. Youre going to be a voter forever. Youre going to be a juror forever, so i need to give you tools that are going to help you for the rest of your life many those pursuits do them well. High School Teachers william camps and sunshine [inaudible] discuss how Current Events affect their lessons on history, politics and government. As a history component, this is a chance to learn a little bit about their story. Their story actually starts with people who have come long before them, who have shaped the way that the world around them that they were born into operates. So if they start to realize that, wait a minute, this doesnt just start and end with me, but what i contribute and where im coming from is all part of this bigger story. Allowing them to take in other peoples opinions, take in the perspectives of others through social media but also through video, it gives them a chance to be able to really think, okay, this is how i see the world, but why is it that i see the world this way, and how can i maybe expand that a little bit by taking in other peoples perspectives . Tonight at 8 eastern on cspan, cspan. Org and listen using the free cspan radio app. Booktv recently visited capitol hill to ask members of congress what theyre reading this summer. Well, i just finished a book called the immortal irishman about a man named Thomas Patrick maher, leader of Young Ireland Movement and was banished and escaped to america, became a Brigadier General in the civil war and was the first territorial governor of montana. Its an intriguing book and one i would recommend. I just started reading born to run by Bruce Springsteen, one of my alltime favorite musicians and philosophers. Someone ive loved for about 40 years now. Im also in the middle of the fredericksburg campaign, the campaign of marys heights and the crossing of the river down in fredericksburg, virginia, civil war book. And the last book that i intend to read this summer or the book i read this summer, one thatll follow is the new jim crow about criminal Justice Reform here in the United States. What sparked your interest in the Bruce Springsteen story in. Ive been a springsteen fan since roughly 1978. And ive, one of my first concerts was the concert thanksgiving eve in 1980. One of the most memorable nights of my life. It brings me back to my cousin, john moran, who was killed on 9 11. He and i played guitar together and played a lot of springsteen songs. Learning about his life and went went into what went into shaping and molding that mind. So im looking forward to finishing that. Booktv wants to know what youre reading. Send us your Summer Reading list via twitter booktv or instagram book underscore tv or post it to our facebook page, facebook. Com booktv. Booktv on cspan2, television for serious readers. Homeland security, customs and border secuty

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