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Is laurent Morgan Crenshaw who is with yelp. Mr. Crenshaw, what do you do for yelp . I am their head of federal Government Policies here in d. C. And what is yelp . A platform that connects users to the best local businesses that are around them. So its really, basically, about if theres, you know, a restaurant that you want to go to or a car mechanic or a dry cleaners, you can go on the platform, see based off of usergenerated content basically, peoples reviews the places that are around them and basically choose that place and go there. Host why are you up here on capitol hill . Guest well, were up here because, one we think its really important to connect with policymakers but two, actually because one of things that yelp depends on most being those user reviews, its dependent upon peoples ability to share their opinions online. Basically, yelp really cares about protecting consumers online freedom of speech. One of biggest threats has been in the form of [inaudible] and, actually, if you give me a moment here, we even have a little hand, you know, strategic lawsuits against public participation. Thats basically when a Business Owner doesnt like a review of their business and says im going to sue you or threaten to sue you. But you as a user the person who shared that experience, you know its firsthand its factual and true, but youre the little guy and you might not have the money to really go to court over what you wrote about a chinese Food Restaurant or that car mechanic. So instead of doing that, you just take off your review. And so while yelps protected because of section 230 of the Communications Decency act. What were really worried about is the Chilling Effect that those types of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits will have on people that would otherwise share their firsthand experience. Does yelp have any position on Net Neutrality . As an Internet Company . Absolutely. So yelp as an Internet Company came out in support of title ii reclassification. We actually wrote a letter on a blog post and made it public a few days before the fcc had their vote on it back in february. So we are supportive of it, and you know, at the end of the day we obviously understand Congress Role on this issue in particular and if congress decides to legislate on Net Neutrality, we just want them to really put forward the best solution that protects internet, the internet as a whole and in particular both users consumers and vibrant disruptive and growing Internet Companies like yelp. Host now, you have quite a bit of experience on capitol hill, dont you . Former chief of staff to darrell issa . Guest well, thats right. I was legislative director by i was on hill for 11 years. I also worked with the majority whips office when roy blunt was the whip and with the republican conference when j. C. Watts was the conference chair. So this is like being back home for me. Im wearing sort of a new shirt up here. I got rid of the button down, but it is like being back home. I think its important that technology Companies Like yelp and others really, i guess id say, you know, have people like myself or others to really sort of make those connections between Silicon Valley and capitol hill so that when policymakers are legislating that they really have a good perspective on it. And i kind of think im able to translate or bring both coasts together. I know how Congress Works and sometimes it works in a quirky way. But i also now know how Silicon Valley and the internet works and kind of, you know, be a translator for the time. Host laurent Morgan Crenshaw of yelp, thanks for your time. Guest absolutely is. Great to see you. Host and now we want to introduce you to steve fay with a Company Called oneweb which does what . Guest Communications Company that is intending to launch a satellite constellation in order to provide highspeed Broadband Access to the masses. Were currently half of the population does not actually receive Internet Access. We believe we can bring that in a [inaudible] and improve the lives of a lot of the world population. Host now, is this, is this a product that uses spectrum . Is it hightech wifi . What is it exactly . Guest well, there are a variety of components that include all of the above including spectrum, that is allocated by [inaudible] but also some wifi components. Our user terminal has the capability of broadcasting a certain signal. It could be 3g lte wifi as you see there but also you can see that we can develop or pick up that signal from a satellite with a variety of types of user terminals that include aviation to public safety. So we have an opportunity to expand our footprint and our invests, because were and our services, because were bringing affordable internet to the ground. Basically covering the entire globe that is not capable of being done today. Host all right. We are looking at this helmetlike thing here. What does it do and where would you put it . Guest actually, theres a gallon straight on the screen right now. This little hell met thing is helmet thing is picking up the satellite signal. As it picks up the signal what it does is it will pick it up and radiate across a large radius in order for people to use their devices to connect and then gain the Internet Access. You just saw [inaudible] where actually the user terminal, if you see this little dome, theres a solar power thats theres a solar panel right next to it. So in those cases in emerging market, you have the opportunity to be able to deploy the system without power and without wire line connectivity in order to [inaudible] host all right. This is a model of the satellite that you would put in the sky. Guest it is, indeed. Host what kind of regulation goes into putting Something Like that in the sky, and how many would you send up there . Guest well, actually, if you pan down just a little bit theres a little pictorial of what our satellite system would look like where you would, effectively, the global coverage. We were intending to deploy about 600 satellites. Host 600. Guest 600 satellites in our first constellation. There are a lot of regulatory items we have to address. Clearly, thats one of reasons we want to be on the hill, but also to express the mission and that is to bring that affordable Internet Access to the masses and also to be able to provide services to public safety, military, other government uses nongovernment uses that will benefit the population in general. Host mr. Fay, one of the things im noticing is that youre showing this big helmet mounted on a pickup truck or an airplane. What does it do to the airplane . Whats the effect . Guest in fact, the airplane will provide not only the rear entertainment that customers typically know, but itll provide a lot better experience than what customers typically know. So you could have the capability of streaming. But also host streaming live tv . Guest streaming live tv. What is also very important though is because of our capacity and because of our System Design and the feed and the volume that we can handle, we also intend to make the Airline Fully connected in that we will pick up data from the cockpit, from the flight systems, from the engineers from the engine, from the braking system weather, a whole host of data will be able to be drawn upon and sent back for analysis and monitoring to make sure thats a very efficient aircraft and it ultimately improves the economics for the airlines. Host whats some of the new technology or proprietary technology that youre using . Guest well, theres a lot of proprietary technology, and i would love to go into it, but thats our secret sauce. And so those are some of the things that make us competitive and our competitive advantage and right now were in a very early stage, and i dont want to host who founded oneweb . Guest well mr. Greg weiler founded oneweb, and he actually has a history of starting satellite companies. He founded [inaudible] initially which is another Satellite Company thats doing quite well. And so this is another extension of the satellite space for mr. Weiler and so greg and i and another 27 employees are working hard right now to launch our system and get it up in space, and we intend to be operational in a few years. St and whats your background that youre involve inside this company . Guest so im the finance guy. We have some technical guys right behind you and we also have some space guys. But my background i came from siriusxm, and so i have done this once or twice before and so has greg. And our team has that type of depth of experience either through o 3d or other hightech companies to bring Mass Market Solutions for greater good. Host and weve been looking at some of the new products by oneweb here on capitol hill. Thank you. And the communicators continues up here on capitol hill talking with Alice Tornquist of qualcomm. First of all what does qualcomm do . Guest so qualcomms a Wireless Technology. Were the largest provider of chips for mobile devices for smartphones and tablets. And were also looking to partner with cities and helping them to manage their infrastructure and their resources more efficiently. So what were showing here tonight is the smart cities demo, and weve incorporated our Wireless Technology in this, for example, in this big belly trash receptacle. Solar powers trash receptacle, and our wireless chip will allow city officials to know when they need to empty it so they can be streakic with their resources. St who what are you up here talking to congress about . Guest okay. So spectrum, the availability of spectrum is something thats very important to us. Wireless connectivity that were put anything these devices putting in these devices requires spectrum, and we set a challenge inside qualcomm to use spectrum more efficiently a how times a thousand times more efficiently over ten years so thats a pretty key area for us, spectrum efficiency host and what about the sharing of federallycontrolled spectrum . Is that something guest we think that there are some ways that that should be done. There are ways to share with federal incumbents also opportunities for federal [inaudible] to clear spectrum, so theres a varian variety of ways this can be done. And for each spectrum band, theres is sort of a different solution. It depends on whos there, what theyre doing, when theyre using it. So a lot of Research Goes into identifying how it can be shared but it can be done. Host from a qualcomm perspective, the new Net Neutrality regulations that were recently published in the federal register, do they affect you . Guest well, were looking at that. Wireless is very different than wireline, so our hope would be that wireless could be treated differently in terms of Net Neutrality recognizing that its a scarce resource. And so its not exactly the same as data flowing over a fiber network, for example. So we think the wireless piece does need to be given careful consideration. Host what kind of reception are you getting from members of congress with regard to your spectrum [inaudible] guest i think very good. I think congress is interested in this. The energy and Commerce Committee had a hearing a couple to weeks ago on spectrum, it went very well. Everyone is recognizing that the world is going mobile, and in order to accommodate that and all the innovation that entails were focused on providing more of it for commercial mobile broadband. Host Alice Tornquist is with qualcomm. And the communicators is on capitol hill to talk with some of the companies who are showing members of congress their new technology, and one of those companies is Charmtech Labs dr. Ye again bro din is with them. What is it you do . Guest we have developed technology [inaudible] from different sources and different formats on different devices. So imagine how much time we spend in front of different screens. People spend up to 10 hours per day easily so its time to break free from the screen [inaudible] so imagine you can listen to a pdf or word document or web pages. You can listen while youre driving, commuting exercising in the gym just Walking Around relaxing, even if youre flying. So this technology is universally accessible, used by people with vision impairments dyslexia and [inaudible] great for students, used by language learners as well. So this is really for everybody who wants to be more productive, multitask and listen instead of reading. Or listen and read at the same time. Host is this something that you developed . Guest yes. We have developed the technology. Its now available on ios as well as desktop windows and mac web forms. You can switch between devices you can start listening on one device and continue with another device. Host all right. Give us a demonstration, if you would. Guest so in a nutshell, its like creating your own pod cost. We have a playlist of articles, and all you need to do is tap one, start listening. [inaudible conversations] listening to to the ebook, documents and web pages you wish you had the time to read. Guest how you can do it is open up the menu, and there are different sources such as drop box [inaudible] file sharing services, book share [inaudible] all you have to do is tap one of the choices and im going to add the pdf document, maybe a powerpoint or word document. I come back to the playlist, and here are the [inaudible] quickly loading. I can go to a web browser. Heres the New York Times web page. I can add a new article by adding to playlist or we have a simplify in the corner that converts the web page into art links host just by pulling up the New York Times like you did there, you can listen to that article . Guest yes. And it cleans it off from any extemporaneous content. Here are the articles loading. I think one has just loaded. Tied to departments after the 2009 bankruptcy. The ruling was an unequivocal victory guest we have 150 different voices, very high quality of voice ares 26 different imagines so you can listen to articles in, lets see, i have an article in spanish right here. Host well, tell you what, before you play before you play that, i want to introduce glenn dausch . What is your role with Charmtech Labs . Guest im the chief accessibility officer, so im responsible for insuring that our products are usable by everyone. Accessibility is a major focus for us because at any point during our lives, any one of us can develop a disability whether its through accident or [inaudible] we need to make sure that our user interface is very accessible for everyone. Host did you help to develop this technology . Guest yes, i did. Host and what was your role . In the development . Guest im sorry . Host what was your role in the development . Guest reviewing the user interfaces to make sure that theyre acceptable and usable for everyone. Host now, do you have a handicap . Guest im visually impaired. Host okay. How do you use this technology, can you demonstrate that . Guest sure. Let me borrow your phone. [inaudible conversations] host now, how do you know what youre pushing . Guest so what ive done is turned on voiceover which is apples builtin screen reader. At any point if i touch an icon on the screen [inaudible] guest it told me [inaudible conversations] [laughter] guest here we go. It told me the title of the article, the length of the article and how to use that control. Go up to the menu here [inaudible] guest these are all of our different sources. Im just going to go back to the playlist. Menu button. [inaudible] guest and across the bottom we have our player controls so i with can just go to the Previous Article host now mr. Dausch, do you have to memorize the screen . Guest no, but the more you use it the more you memorize it. You can just drag your finger across the screen, and it will read out the items to you. Host okay. What about a laptop . Do you also work with a laptop or exclusively on the phone . Guest i do work with laptops as well, but naval be a lot theyll be a lot harder to hear in this environment. Host so who benefits from this technology . Guest i would say that everyone benefits from it. We had initially designed this application to be accessible for users with print disabilities, and in doing so we realized that it was available to more than just users with disabilities because everybody benefits from having to the ability to listen to content. Theres so much that we need to read now days that being tied nowadays that being tied to a computer, being tied to a phone and not being able to step away from that screen, it really prevents us from reading everything that we want to read. Host dr. Gordon dr. Borodin, why are you here on capitol hill . What are the issues you wanted to discuss . [inaudible] host and whats Congress Role . What do you want from congress . Guest well, we want them to ebb force digital enforce digital [inaudible] we have a lot of legislation to make it accessible, but [inaudible] were coming here legally but they dont speak the language. So the technology would help them acquire the u. S. Language faster. But, you know, at least 10 of School Children in Public Schools are learning english as a second language. Is so here the Technology Enables them to translate listen to it learn to read and listen at the same time. Because, you know the language [inaudible] you dont learn to speak. So you have of to combine your visual and auditory learning at the same time. Host Charmtech Labs is the name of the company. Our guest cans here on the communicators. Baptiste tripard is with a Company Called sensefly, and you do what . Guest commercial groans used for civilian applications commercial applications. So what you see here is the eb ag which is the specific mold that weve designed for agriculture. Host this is a drone. Guest and this is a drone can. But more than a drone, its something that will have farmers cop consultants to make conscriptions. Because what we do is we collect pictures thanks to that camera, and all those pictures are processed to create very accurate maps that will actually show the farmers where stressed areas in the crop are. So thats pretty interesting for them. Host now, where was this developed . Was it developed here in the states or in france . Guest weve actually developed that technology in europe because its originally a swiss company. But ive been in the u. S. For three years, and now we have a lot of different partnerships with universities. Actually, many universities with the help do all the research and development for new sensors new technology. Host now, how many farmers or Agricultural Companies are using this product . Guest so so far weve received about i guess, say six exemptions from the faa. So private companies could operate commercially the eb for specialically [inaudible] host when you say six exemptions from the faa, what does that mean . Guest so it means that those companies that receive the authorization from the faa to operate commercially the device in the national air space. Host okay. What are some of the Public Policy issues that sensefly faces with regard to its products . Guest we have two kind of issues. First of all, people need to understand what the drone can do and what are the good applications of drones because there are many good applications. And then i guess its also Data Protection and also like privacy issues. And th

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