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Before you today, congress has not yet passed the f. Y. 2024 Defense Budget. So before i begin i want to devastating the failure to pass last years budget request is to ensuring our National Defense and global security. Last year the Department Released the most strategyaligned budget in d. O. D. History. It allocated Critical Resources consistent with our defense priorities as outlined in the 2022 National Defense strategy and the pres the president s nal security strategy. Our goal was to fortify the National Defense against emerging and enduring threats to our nation and the International Order as weno congress inability to pass the f. Y. 2024 Budget Holding back. Needed funding hinders our ability to execute that strategy. The department has no way around that reality. Instead we have been strapped with a series of continuing■ resolutions. C. R. s are a significant constraint on our ability to advance our defense strategy. Forcing the department to operate with one hand tied behind our back for phropbts out of the year, even as we confront new and evolving security challenges each and every day. With supplemental funding for Foreign Military assistance and financing. So we 23450ed copping to come together. The world is watching what we do in this moment. Its tracking and our adversaries in particular are observing our willingness to step forward for our allies and partners. So we must continue to make progress. Progress that will stoke innovation and bolster our ab systems, acquire new capabilities and launch new initiatives. Progress that increases the resilience and lethality of the jo advances our multidomain power, strengthening our ability to deter strategic attacks against the United States, our allies and partners and progress that enables us to develop capabilities and operational concepts needed to deter aggression paced to the threat. This progress cannot wait. Our nation must meet its responsibility to our ontime ao that these goals can be realized. This years f. Y. 2025 budget request at 849. 8 billion would build on and advance generational military investments we put in motion overhe past sevel years. For the fourth year in a row, our budget furthers our goals to defend the nation, take care of our people and succeed thro unlike our prior budgets, however, the f. Y. 2025 request is capped by the fiscal responsibility act. Because of these statutory caps, we made smart, responsible choices to work within those limits. The result is a strong focus on executeability and necessary emphasis on nearterm readiness and people investments. But to be clear, we must grow the Defense Budget in the out years of our future Years Defense Program if we want to i khaoefb the goals of our national to achieve the goals of our National Defense strategy. Now, budgets are statements of priorities and we us a rigorous process guided by our strategy to arrive at the resourcing determinations weve made. That process included close dialogue and collaboration among senior d. O. D. Leaders representing every defense component, military service and combatant command. Together we remained singularly focused on identifying the programs and plans that best meet the demandss war fighters and their families while making Smart Investments in the future. Thats vital because since day e secretary austin and i have emphasized the urgency to innovate. One key focus in innovation is overcoming institutional ability to accelerate delivery of capabilities to the war fighter at speed and scale. Thats the goalf icator, including its first focus area on all domain systems and many similar initiatives the department has under way. So even under the f. Y. 2025 cap, we continue to make investments in basic research, advanced technology, experimentation, Artificial Intelligence and cyber and Space Capabilities and were committed to robust procurement, take, for instance, space. Last year our investments in Space Capabilities were the largest ever. The f. Y. 2025 budget continues the departments commitment to space, investing nearly 34 billion to keep spacee and commercial operations. In support of our first ever National Defense industrial strategyr forging, more than double that of last year. Other key investments focus on strengthening our and Defense Industrial base and improving the resilience of our supply chains so we can deliver what our war fighters need when they needt. For example, the f. Y. 2025 budget request makes an historic investment in the submarine Industrial Base to increase production and reduce backloggings. Well continue to Work Together to increase munitions investments and i appreciate congress partnership in ensuring that we havies we neede right capabilities in the hands of our war fighters, allies and partners. Top of their is multiyear Procurement Authority which is a proven and powerful tool to meet immediate threats, support the Defense Industrial base and surge and maintain munitions procurements. We have awarded our first four multiyear procurement contracts. Weve made significant investments in the munitions Industrial Base and we know that multiyear procurement will be even more effective when we receive appropriations that allow us to move out on these authorities. Our investments will go toward deepening our relationship with our allies and partners and these robust investments reflect our nation at our best. Sparking innovation, leading with our allies and partners and defending our democracy against those forces that would do us harm. Our f. Y. 2025 budget request our people, the Service Members, military families and civilians who work tirelessly to defend this nation day in and day out. As secretary austin said, our success in defending the nation and maintaining readiness is linked to their success. Thats why this budget focuses on their economic stability and family support. The cores of our taking care of people initiative. The budget funds mustpay items related to quality of life and quality of service such as a 4. 5 members that builds on raises for the past three years in a row, including last 5. Last years 5. 2 pay raise with this budget, our Service Members will have received an 18 increase in base pay during this ni but we know that compensation is about more than just pay. Its about increasing the number of Child Development centers where military families can educate their children and the number of providers in those centers. Its about the conditions on ships and in barracks, its about what were doing to build healthy and resilient communities. And thats why the this budget o include basic Housing Allowance increases, facility investments andance deterrence and improve critical operational infrastructure, making health care, healthy food and child care more accessible, including increasing pay for child care providers and building a safer workplace, including efforts to combat sexl prevent suicide and eliminate barriers to care. All musthaves, not nice to haves, that enable our force to thrive so they maintain focus on their mission. And it doesnt end there. We are only able to successfully defend the nation becausof the support of the American People. We worked to maintain their trust each and every day by beingood stewards of taxpayers hardearned dollars and we know a good measure of trust lies in our progress toward a clean audit. Im proud to several weeks ago the u. S. Marine corps became the First Military service to achieve a clean audit. The level of rigor and discipline and teamwork involved in achieving this milestone serves as a model for teams across the department moving forward. Us one step closer to achieving an overall clean report by 2027 as required by law. We will continue to improve our performance and optimize our processes, practices and systems across the department to deliver the nations war fighters and taxpayers as effectively and efficiently as possible. This budget advances our Nations Defense in the face of an historically challenging strategic resource and operational environment. Our military readiness depends on our ability to pastimely appropriations, f. Y. 2024, 2025 and every year thereafter. So i cannot predictable, adequa, sustained and timely funding, full stop. We cannot afford any more lost time. Time that we cannot buy back. So we urge congress to Work Together to pass this budget request and last year and the National Security supplemental too, with the reck which are sit urgency requisite urgency that our Nations Defense demands. With the right tools and timely resources, we can meet all of our well established defense priorities and outpace our competitors as weve so carefully planned and together we will. Than you. Thank you. On behalf of the chairman and the joint force, welcome here to it is a privilege to represent the 2. 1 million total force soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and guardians. As we discussed the department of defenses fiscal year 2025 president s budget request. Like our f. Y. 2023 submissions before this, we are approaching the f. Y. 2025 budget request with our National Defense strategy and our mind as ouritary strategy at north star. Our 849. 8 billion budget prioritizes National Security through integrated deterrence, campaigning and building enduring advantages to ensure that the joint force is able to defend the homeland, deter strategic attacks and aggression all while positioning the joint force to prevail in conflict if our strategydriven approach is focused on the security challenges of today while also modernizing the joint force to meet the challenges of delivering on the strategic discipline that is at the heart of the National Military strategy. For integrated deterrence, the f. Y. 2025 budget requests funds critical to investments in nuclr enterprise and Missile Defense, along with Space Capabilities which will allow the joint force to address key modernization prioti that we build the capabilities to support critical kill webs and it continues to sreufpbt in Priority Areas at that to invest in Priority Areas that will enable the department to strengthen our cyberspace activities and to expand our long range fires capabilities. To support campaigning, the department is investing in readiness initiatives for operations, training and phaeupt nance, while also maintenance,ises and experimentation that will allow the joint force to support our critical theaters, including indo pay command europe. We do this through investments in things like Missile Defense Resilient Communications and inner operability initiatives so critical with our allies and partners. The joint force also looks to build out our enduring advantages. This includes investing in our people, the certainty of the universe. It■■ is also it means for uso continue to fund invasion through replicator and other efforts. Meanwhile, supporting the Defense Industrial base and supply chains using multiyear procurement authorities reduces costs and provides a consistent demand signal to our industry partners. As we still await the f. Y. 2024 appropriations, i want to reiterate that the joint force is best positioned to maintain and build on our entouring advantages when we enduring advantages when we receive sufficient, timely, sustained and predictable funding. And a return to predictable and routine resources will help ensure the joint force continues to meet the nations National Security needs. Our current strategic advantage gives us confidence against any adversary, but our competitors and our adversaries have in the stopped advancing theires so wee to adapt, advance and innovate at speed and at scale across all domains, prioritizing china as the pacing challenge and russia as an acute threat. Our strategy driven budget does exactly that, it recognizes the ability to translate the National Defense strategy, and the joint war fighting concept . into operational capabilities required to deter our strategic competitors. While resourcing o strateg and making the necessary investments, the joint force can and will remain the most capable force in the world for decades to come. Thank you for joining us today. Madam secretary, thank you for your words today. Is my distinct privilege to be here for the joint force. Reporter secretary, i want to first ask about ukraine. Senior officials who briefed us in advance of the budget say its about 10 billion in the hole when it comes to ukraine. ■■ i want to get your thoughts on how you replenish that, how you get stocks back tohere they a supplemental and if you go into another c. R. Then admiral brady, i wanted to see tuck just talk to us about the readiness impact of having yet another c. R. On squadron hour, ship availability, on the reallife impacts you see in the forces. Thank you for the question on the supplemental and the replenishment provided under that supplemental. We dont foresee a likely alternative outside of supplemental funding or having it added into an appropriation bill in order to achieve the employee replenishment that we need. So we are absolutely ly9er focused right now on making the case for the American People about the need fothsupplementa0 million roughly that flows back to the u. S. Economy and supports businesses, large and small, throughout the country. And also helps warm up our Industrial Base for our own war fighters so they can get the munitions they need in a timely manner when crises arrive. What happens if you dont get the replenishment . If we dont get the 10 billion well have to find other means. Right now were very much focused on the need for the supplemental. Continuing resolutions are always a challenge. They force us to make difficult decisions going forward. Youre familiar with new start and shipbuilding, munitions production, replenishment, those kinds of things. As to our ability to maintain readiness, as the deputy staid readiness and what we need to fight tonight, remains at the forefront of our budget deliberations this year. Im pretty confident that well be able to maintain things like flying hours and ship depot maintenance going forward. We have to keep a close eye on it though. Well watch it very closely. Mike stone from reuters next. Reporter thanks. Madam secretary, i dont see a line in this budget for replicator. Can you tell us what will be spent this year, next year on project replicator. Admiral, can you tell us the top two things china should take note of in this budget . Theres a huge increase, for instance, in the longrangessil. Are there other things we should look at as sending a signal to deter china . Sure, as ive said publicly before, the level of effort spending to think about in replicator in f. Y. 2024 is around 500 million and in f. Y. ■ 2025 is around 500 million. That is a path finder. Its about reducing barriers inside our system in the process the vice chairman and i run. There are dollars associated with getting the actual thousands on the 18 to 24month timeline out the door. It is my fer significant investment potential that is not about replicator. Thats about what the services are going to be able to do on autonomy once were able to lower those barriers through that initial investment. I think any adversary should look at the budget and notice three or four thing. First is continued sustainment for the Nuclear Enterprise and reprioritization and nuclearization of the nuclear triad. That shows you the strong commitment to the importance of that mission area. The second is space. The secretary talked to that. I think it will become one of our great asymmetric advantages■ along with the undersea. Id look hard at what were doing in space. Again, i guess the third one would be the readiness i talked about. 147 billion is a big chunk of readiness. We are ready right now for a fight tonight. Theres dollars for taiwan, First Time Ever in a p. D. A. Can you talk about the rationale for. Why 500 million versus some other, larger figure . Admiral, were there any joint requirements, were there any investments that you pushed in the 2025 budget to reflect lessons from the ukraine war that the United States needs to conquer . So, on president ial authority for taiwan, we were provided authority in the 2024ndaa, i believe, 2024, and so this was our first opportunity, the 2025 budget, to be on cycle, to put forward funding in support of that authority. We believe 500 million is executable. Ls and obviously fits what we need to fit within the fiscal responsibility act cap. Thats how we got that to the amount there. What it will do for us is allow us just as the replenishment for ukinloservices, for anything that we provide to tie won we then would be able t. That 500 million will allow us to backfill ourselves for items we might provide to taiwan. Lots to learn from whats happening in ukraine right now. The jroc takes a lack at all those things and make comight assess. We cant direct fund bug we identify gaps which can lead to requirements. I think too, i would point to you are both manned and Unmanned Systems. And particularly in the Unmanned Systems how we deliver effects on the battlefield, whether i. S. R. , sensing on the kinetic and nonkinetic effects. Both of those then are something i think were learning in the situation in ukraine and by the its across all domains to include maritime. Funded any investments in this budget you can point to reflecting what you just said . I think what if you were to look, the work of the joint counter u. A. F. Office and the work they are doing which is also playing out in the situation in the middle east, you can see where those requirements are translating into how we think about that fight. Louie martinez from abc. Reporter they already have a statement that while this budget keeps up with the fiscal responsibility act he says its not keeping pace with inflation. And the topline for our adversarie id like to get your thoughts on that. Hes looking forward to future, the way the budget is structured right now, puts them at a disadvantage in the future. And admiral, id like to ask you about the red sea operation. Whats the current burn rate for operations there. If you already have, lets say, more than 200 uses of missile, antimissile systems, how are you able to replenish that in the future given all the other constraints youre under for ukraine as well . The law. We also think it represents an opportunity to get timely appropriations. As i commented here, thats our priority. On time, adequate, appropriate appropriations. The back and forth over topline inevitably will occur over the course of the coming congressional cycle. We obviously look forward to Engaging Congress but i just really have to stress what we believe in this department, whatever can get us to actually a bipartisan agreement that produces appropriations is high priority for us. So if thats the f. R. A. , and asw that is absolutely fine with us. I will also stress, as i said in my comment we believe we need outyear growth. That that f. R. A. For 2025 we can make the strategy work. As long as we can realize that outyear growth. Particularly for some of the longer Term Investments that we have to grow capability, for example, after 2030. Capabilities that would produce after 2030. Thank you. The situation in the red sea is a dynamic one, as you know. Im sure youve been following it. You talk about the munitions expenditure rates, certainly something that we watch closely. Very proud of the work that joint force at sea and air have been able to do to protect shipping and back up the International Rules based order there and freedom of navigation. As to the burn rate at sea we wont get into the specifics of what we are shooting and how much. Suffice it to say im very comfortable that we have enough of what we need and that we are a learning organization. So as we apply the concepts of defense in depth it isnt always an expensive missile being shot at u. A. S. Other system, rapidly adjust that concept of defense. Thats what gives me great confidence that well be able to sustain that as long as it takes to change the calculus over there. Were about out of time. I think well wrap it up right there. I do appreciate everybody for coming

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