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They earned. And in terms of cutting the program, look, if you are somebody, you know, the president himself, if you look at the president s budgets, that he submitted that a public information, he suggested cutting Social Security by 64 billion. If you receiveless money in your Social Security check i think you are pretty clear to you that is a cut. I know just one small point is that some try to sell a cut and costofliving adjustments. It is not a cut, but of costofliving adjustment your check goes up from your december check to your january check. They argue because your check has not, the amount of the check has not gone down that is not a cut. It certainly is a cut to you because next time you go to the Grocery Store or a restaant you are going to find that prices have increased. If you dont have enough money, if you have the same amount of money in your pocket how are you going to pay for those things . Those people it is very clear to them in that situation that it is a cut. Host shelley icaller i have an regarding the survivor benefit for widows. The mimum age to start drawing on that his 60 years old. Is that going to be discontinued . And then my cohow do they detert that is received . Guest thanks, shelley. Is a good question. In terms of cut proposals, that is one i have not seen and terms of cutting Survivor Benefits. I think it is going the opposite direction. Again, with the legislation we have been talkingroduced by conn larson and senator blumenthal. It does have Survivor Benefits. Is limited by household amount of both spouses. That amount will be increased, so that is a great thing. For survive for Survivor Benefits it is important because of the fact that if you do have one passed away and the other one still there, it will mean a significant drop in the income of your household. And you are going to need that, so that is why we support these provisions that would make Survivor Benefits enough so that people could live a quality life. That is a great question. Host our guest organizations website. Dan adcock with the National Committee to preserve Social Security and medicare. He serves as the policy director. Thanks for your time. Guest half hour from now we wil face the we will address the issues facing former President Trump. Mike davis of article iii project will join us for that. But first we will have open form. If you want to participated is 202 7488000 free democrats. 202 7488001ns. And independents, 202 7488002. You can also text us at 202 7488003. The Associated Press picks up a story that took place on the senate floor yesterday. It was the top democrat, the Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, calling for new elections in israel, saying Benjamin Netanyahu is an obstacle■2 to peace. The leader called on israel to hold those elections, saying he believes the Prime Minister has lost his way. He was a portion of those statements from the senate yesterday. Sen. Schumer israel is a democracy. Five conflict it is clear that israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course . At this critical juncture i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decisionmaking process about the future of israel. At a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. I also believe a majority will recognize the need for change, and i believe holding a new election, once the war starts to wind down, would give israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the postwar future. Of course, the United States cannot dictate the outcome of an election. We try. That is for the israeli public to decide. A public that i believe understands better than anybody that israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah, opposed by the rest of the world. ■oas a democracy, israel has the right to choose its own leaders, and we should let the chips fall where they may. E important thing is that israelis are given a choice. There needs to be a fresh debate about the future of israel after october 7. In my opinion, that is best accomplished by holding an election. Now, if Prime Minister Netanyahus Coalition remains in power after the war wind down and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing u. S. Standards for assistance, choice but to play a more active role in shaping israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course. Host those comments from the Senate Majority leader yesterday garnered a response from the Senate Minority leader, mitch mcconnell. There is a portion of what he had to say. Sen. Mcconnell the israel deset acts like one. The people of israel, atome and in captivity, deserve americas support. Israels unity government and security cabinet deserve the deference befitting a sovereign, democratic country. The primary ac peace in israels region are genocidal terrorists, like hamas and Palestinian Islamic jihad, who slaughter innocent people and corrupt leaders of the palestinian authority, who have repeatedly rejected peace deals multiple israeli governments. And foreign observers who cannot distinctions ought to refrain from weighing in. It is grotesque and hypocritical for americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of a democraticallyelected leader of israel. Host again, that took place on the senate floor. No response from the Prime Minister, but the isrli michael herzog, yesterday posted this. Israel is a sovereign democracy. To comment on the domestic political scene of a democratic ally, it is counterproductive to our common goal. That is a statement from the israeli ambassador. You can comment on that or other things during this open form. For democrats it is 202 for republicans it is 202 7488001. And independents, 202 7488002. This is michael in texas, republican line. Ahead. Caller good morning. I totally agree with mitch mcconnell. I think it is time for him to go to his sunset and retire. I think Chuck Schumer isotally outspoken. He should have never made any comments in public about the Prime Minister of israel. That is the trouble with the democrats. They always want to flaunt it out on somebody else, but they dont want to take it. Bout chinas interference, they cry about russias interference, and i will be damned if we are not doing the same thing. Furthermore, i will be glad when everyone of them are out of there. Host ok. Lets hear from pat in this open forum in maryland, democrats line. Pat, hello. Caller good morning. Can you hear me . Host you are on, go ahead. Caller awesome. I understand there are different parties, democrats, republicans. What confuses me is, if they are going to cut and they are sayinghat theyre going to do Social Security. If they are going to talk about the wars that will happen, how did they expect for one man to make a miracle happen . Im talking about donald trump. He is supposed to come in because he was not a seasoned congressperson and change the world. What makes him any different . People lie, and we have to wake up and understand for ourlvanyoe republican or democrat we have to stop and think, people. We need a change. We want america to stay the way that it is. Thank you. Host kathy in ohio. Democrats line. Caller good morning. I wanted to talk to your previous guest, but if they got rid of medicare our county our hospital is the largest employer in our county. Im sure many other hospitals would go under too. I just dont understand the reasoning. That is all. Thank you. Host can call the lines there. 202 7488000 for democrats. Republicans, 202 7488001. And independents, 202 7488002. As always, you can post on our sites during the day, even after the program is over. Facebook. Com cspan. If you want to text it is 202 7488003. Thisn chicago, independent line. Caller hi, good morning. I thought schumersterly shameft reflects the disgraceful biden Foreign Policy, including his activities in afghanistan. I think all fairminded christians and jews and your other listeners should all support israel. Rael struggled to defend itself against a terrorist state, which is primarily most of the gazans■ the the defeatist biden Foreign Policy. We need to remember that hamas is the enemy, not israel. It is a shame and disgraceful policy. Thank you so much for listening. Host chicago, illinoisthis is. This is coming across the wires regarding the former President Trumps case in georgia on election interference, saying a georgia judge ruled that Fulton County District Attorney fani willis should not be disqualified from prosecuting the racketeering case against donald trump and several codefendants, with one major condition. Fulton county superior court judge mcafee found the appearance of impropriety brought about by willis romantic relationship with nathan wade should result in either willis and her officexx leaving the case, war wa or wade. If willis were to remove herself the case would come to a halt. But having wade recuse himself toward ensure the case goes forward without delay. Finding that would have found willis to be disqualified without evidence that the prosecutor required prosecutionr Financial Arrangements had any impact, claims of conflict must be denied. Carol denied. That is where it stands as far as the case in georgia is concerned. Its hear from bill in pennsylv■j. Ahead. Caller yes, pedro. Thanks for having me on. Im calling about what mr. Schumer said in the ha the senate. He spoke for President Biden as well is anyone else, becauseacce secretary of state, biden has been wrong on every major Foreign Policy issue ever. I guess he is consistent on that. As far as israel goes, we must support them. They are not the villains here, hamas is the villains. Nes that committed genocide against the israeli people. They have the right to defend themselves. As far as the democrats saying about supporting democracy, must defend it, i get that, because they have a duly elected government. Pedro, thanks for having me on. Host alana, new york state. Democrats line. Hello, pedro. When it is 7 00 in the morning and i turn on my tv i want to listen to washington journalsao john, good morning to mimi, good america, and good morning to you and me. I want to win at cspan bingo, and im sorry if i yell at you, pedro. I donte in idaho say why all te mexicans have to go. From trump, to biden, toa hunt, china balloons doing spying, obama, commie bots this countr, god help us every day, good morning, everybody, and free palestine. Host alana in new york. This is from david in tyler, texas. The public in line. Hi. Caller yes, i was wanting to talk about the twotiered Justice System and all of the corruption. Host you are on, david. Go ahead. But you are going to have to stop listening to your television, please. Caller yes, i was going to want k about the twotiered Justice System and all of the corruption. I wanted to say the criminal biden family is allowed to do wh they wao but they want to put President Trump in prison the rest of his life. You got a biden fy that is corrupted. The white house is so corrupted. Why did the democrats get away with it but republicans may go to jail for it . David in tyler, texas calling in. It was President Biden himself yesterday commenting on a steel. This is from the ohio capital journal, writing that u. S. Steel should remain a domestic company. The president implicitly rejecting an attempt by a Japanese Company to buy the manufacturer. Issued a brief statement thursday morning. It is important that we maintain strong Steel Companies powered bymerican workers. I told my steelwork i told our steelworkers i have their backs, and i meant to. It is vital for it to remain an American Steel company that is domestically owned and operated. That is the statement from the white house on that. On another businessrelated front, it is former President Trumps former secretary putting together an Investor Group to buy tiktok. This is being reported by cnbc, saying that he is building an Investor Group to acquire tiktok as a bipartisan piece of legislation, winding its way throughcongress. The house of representatives on bill that if signed into law would force bytedance to divest its flagship global app or face an effective ban of tiktok in the United States. I think the legislation should pass and i think it should be sold, he said. Dody in massachusetts, democrat line. Caller should i talk . Host go ahead. Caller i am 82 years old and i started working at 16 in a mill at my family were basically mil. I think Social Security is a great thing and i do not think it should be cut. Guest host willie in louisiana. Caller i am 83yearold vietnam veteran. Wounded in 65 and 1966. Understand why nobody is talking about taking out this guy trump because he is a threat democracy. Caller david in host david in washington state. Independenter i agree with mr. R about the conflict in israel. Two people wrong does not make it right. What hamas did is wrong. What israel is doing is completely genocide. 30,000 innocent people are dead and counting every■■ day. This will be a stain on our Foreign Policywe should have a e right away and save what we can save out of those innocent people. Thank you very much for taking my call. Caller host host a beast host abc news reporting assignment declined to dismiss as the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee. The court finds none of the allegations are protected by the speech and debate clause. That was judge cindy stein who wrote on thursday. Senator menendez charges on coo commit bribery and conspiracy to commit extortion and coniract as a foreign agent. This is gene in syracuse. Republican line. Caller i appreciate that you play that sound from senator schumer. I would like to remind senator schumer, nancy pelosi, the person that is currently playing joe biden that you all will reap the whirlwind. We are coming for you. It will be lawful. You will not be able to throw people in jail for it. You will be booted out. I think you get your things in order. Host what you mean by that . What are you saying . Caller i am saying co huck schumer has outdone his welcome in washington, d. C. When he went to the supme stateo brazenly, that was a statement that should have had him in jail and they arrest all these Peaceful Protesters from january 6. They did not get the benefit of the doubt the senator got. Nancy■wnq pelosi, double goes fr her. She is the author of that day host have to leave it there. In rate new york. Independent line. Caller i worked for bethlehem steel and they gave us 410 hour days. We worked five or 610 hour days to build up our pension and then when the steel plant closed the government took pension and screwed everyone of us at bethlehem steel. The unions are just as crooked as our government. That is all i can tell you. Now my wife will not get a pension because the government took over my pension and they took a lot of money out. Something to do with thetock market. Now the stock market is so big and they still will not come back to our pensions. I try to call so many people up and they do not want to know nothing because we are the little guys. Thank you. Host the star tribune out of minnesota reports a visit by the Vice President at planned parenthoods st. Paul facility. An ection year effort to underscore the commitment of President Biden to reproductive care the visit marks the first by a sitting president or Vice President to a clinic that provides abortion. Here is some of her comments from yesterday. Many a fast light my here many have asked why i am here at this facility . It is because right now in our country we are facing a very Serious Health crisis and a crisis is affecting many people in our country of whom are silently suffering. After the United States Supreme Court took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of america, from the women of america■s■. In states around our country extremists have proposed and passed laws that have denied access to Reproductive Health care. Stories abound. I have women who were being denied Emergency Care because the Health Care Providers there and in emergency room were afraid that because of the laws in their state they could be criminalized and sent to prison care. I am here at this Health Care Clinic the uplift the workng inn example of what true leadership looks like, which is to understand it is only right and fair that people have access to the health care they need. Caller you can fight host you can find more of the comments from the Vice President on cspan and cspan now. From lester on the republican line. Caller my question is for the democrats, we have a president that is a child. Im wondering if he is ok. I know he forgets everything he does and says. We need someone who knows what they are talking about. We have a president who does not know what he is talking about. I am not talking trump and that. I am talking about what is going on with our country. We have people coming through the wall killing people. Relatives killed in texas. I cannot see what they are seeing is that people are coming here and killing are not a lot of people that are hispanic. I understand we want more votes, but we want to vote for who we want to vote for. Host richard in chicago, independent line. Caller i want to talk about the border crisis. The United States has to reverse its antidrug policies toward south america, china, and push marijuana up this would slow down the migrant flow from venezuela,mexico, coll america. These countries need Legal Marijuana and if they cannot get it in their country they will come to cities like chicago and new york where it is legal and cause a lot of problems. We have breakins at migrant shelters in chicago. Illegal legal drugs will slow down the influx of migrants. Host that is richard in chicago. Washington post reporting the centrist group no labels announcing a committee of 12 ■3■people who should appear on e groups potential thirdparty president ticket. Led by cochairs Joseph Lieberman will then take its choice to a second group of no labels who will nominate the ticket on 48 hours notice. To other matters of election, when it comes to the Associated Press■d, today president ial election taking place in russia. Russians voting in election holds little suspense. Lets hear from dandre in baltimore, maryland. Republican line. Based on the evidence of the 1967 bombing, 1982 have our state secrets stolen and sold to the soviets at the height of the cold war, i feel like there should be a one state solution. All of the israelis can change their nationality and become palestinians. The peace. I think it should be peacefully dismantled and i think all isel do that for safety regions. Host chattanooga, tennessee. Democrats line. Caller good morning. [indiscernible] United States has the best military in the world. Period. We have more destroyers, carriers, submarines than anybody. North korea is not a nuclear power. They cannot do■y nothing. He cannot make a bomb reach the United States. One more thing. The pr■qesident of israel. He stood on a stage when obama was president and the senate and talked about obama and nobody complained about that. Ok. It is open forum. 202 7488000 free democrats. 202 7488001 for republicans. And for independents 202 7488002. Texting is available. 202 7488003. Posting on our social media sites as well. X. This is from kentucky. Republican line. We will hear from mike. Caller would like to comment on Vice President harris little clip you just showed. Did she not know that abortion was not a constitutional right . If they keep saying that over and over again does thakht . Did she not know or did she want to make everyone else believe it . That is all i have to say. Host mike in kentucky. Karen in pensacola, florida. Republican line. Caller thanks for taking my call. I want to address the medicare issue the gentleman was talking about that you just had on. I am a 65yearold retiree. I worked all my life. I am a former military spouse. I am paying 552 a month for my medicare. That is for traditional medicare. It keeps going up. The reason i am paying so much is because there is a surcharge, the earned income whatever else the letters stand for that i am being charged because of my income. It keeps going up. I find that to be almost unconstitutional they can raise my medicare costs on my income. I do not understand how they can get away with that. Of a medicare Management Act that passed into law in 2003 and was enacted when they had the big medicare upgrade updateit solvent back then. When i hear people say or when the president says pay your fair share, i am paying plenty of my fair share. I dont even take Social Security yet. Yet i have to pay taxes on that. It will just increase my tax base. When they talk about paying my fair share, i am paying for my medicare. Im not getting anything more for it. Host athan in massachusetts. Republican line. Caller good morning. I wanted to call in for a quick second and say over the years ive appreciated the work cspan does in covering politics and covering world forums and giving people an actual academic outlet to view politics and learn, not just fall prey to partisanship you see on other cable news networks. Just wanted to call and share that thought. Host thank you for the compliment. Leading up to st. P, the president , the House Speaker , and the irish Prime Minister seto participate in the an luncd of st. Patricks day. Live coverage of that srtat 1 30 this afternoon. You can see that onspan now, an, cspan. Org. Marie in maryland. Democrats line. Caller first of all i would like to say thank you to cspan for giving voice to america. Like to make a suggestion to end the war ini think the united nae united kingdom, and the united d go back and redraw those borders. Draw the border from the east to side, israel can take that land. On the southern side, the Palestinian People can take that land. In between, have a 20 mile buffer zone so neither side is living directly next to each other. I think that would end this war and i hope somebody in the government wouldsider that recommendation. Thank you. Host cori joins us from florida on our independent l■zin ahead. Caller i agree with the previous caller. Medicare Social Security subject. My father died when i was 12 years old. I am 74 right now. If it was not for the Social Security Survivor Benefits that were institutedbefore 1961, my u have really been hurt badly because my mother was a housewife, high school graduate. Anyway, Going Forward on Social Security i think it is great. Just cracked the 2000 a month benefit with the new call up. It is kind of a milestone for me. On that i would like to say about medicare is ive been on medicare for nine years and going back to me choosing my plan, you will be inundated with advertisements from every cpany that sells an advantage plan. I chose the supplement plan. I have no restrictions on my where for care. The plan that i chose happened to be a no deductible, no copay. If you keep the original plan for two years. I am now 74 years old. I pay nothing to go to a doctor. I paid 35,000 i pay 35 in the hospital for a couple days. Host arc in maryland. Mark inyland. Last call. Caller i want to remind all americans that planned parenthood was founded by a woman sanger who is a proponent of eugenics. In 1939 she wrote to a colleague of hers after she started the socalled negro project in harlem, she wrote to a colleague of hers that she did not want any in the negro race to figure out we are trying to exterminate them. It i■ odd that black

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