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President smoking joe biden speaking to reporters, saying the president was on fire, he was lit in last nights state of the Union Address. Jeffreys took questions on the port in gaza. The u. S. Announced it would be building to tilt humanitarian assistance and the status of funding for ukraine. This is about 15 minutes. Mr. Jeffries good morning, everyone. Smokin joe biden was on fire during the state of the Union Address. He was lit. He delivered a compelling vision forrican people and crushed maga extremism. Questions . Reporter one of the more notable parts of the speech is when biden discussed lakens death and said he murdered him as an illegal and people werent mr. Jeffries President Biden laid out a comprehensive vision for fixing our prone immigration system and addressing the challenges at the border. Acknoe horrific nature of the murder and of course emphasized the need more generally to keep our communities safe. Reporter for a followup, there were members of the caucus upset with the language. Mr. Jeffries President Biden d a speech very well received by the American People, beginning, middle and end. Reporter two dinkive things, the tiktok legislation is going on next week and where do you stand . And two you have a photo of George Santos on the post beside you, what do you make of the fact hes back on the scene on capitol hill and currently running . Mr. Jeffries with respect to here was a strongly bipartisan vote that is impressive in nature in any instance but particularly as it relates to something in the social media space which hasnt always been easy for democrats republicans to find Common Ground. I look forward to having a conversation with Frank Pallone as well as the lead democrat on the legislation about the way forward in advance of floor consideration. Reporter in regard to the news just before that. Mr. Jeffries i forgot to address my favorite topic. Kind of an extraordinary thing that this guy wont go away. Its indicative of the reality theres a clear choice in terms of what the American People face between democrats and republicans, between a vision that President Biden laid out to move America Forward and build an economy thats healthy and that putss, and those that aspire to be part of the middle class first as compared to the extreme maga republicans who want to turn back the clock. And stick us with massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the well off, and the well connected. Marjorie Taylor Greene and George Santos the House Republican conference. And at this point its marjorie Taylor Greene on the inside and santos on the outside, but clearly hes trying to come back. Now, heres the choice the American People are going to face over the next few months. Team normal versus team chaos. Team reasonable versus team dysfunction. And Team Get Stuff Done versus team extreme. Team biden versus Team Marjorie Taylor Greene and George Santos, and thats a clear choice for the American People. I was wondering what was happening on this side of the room. Reporter something that wasnt mentioned was the farm bill and after reauthorization this year. Will you set back time or extend it again . Mr. Jeffries its my hope well be able to get the farm bill done by the end of the fiscal year and or the calendar year and democrats, as we other areal continue to find bipartisan Common Ground with our republican colleagues. As i said, any issue wherever possible in order to make life better for the American People, the farm bill has always been bipartisan and as long as the exem in the house recognize that reality, they cant govern without democratic support. Every single thing thats happened that meaningfully impacts the American People in a positive way has been because House Democrats have provided a majority of the votes necessary to get things done. And that of course will be th case as it relates to the farm bill. Ill stick on this reporter there are some republican infighting over earmarks in the government funding package. I believe you have some of your own. What do y backlash earmarks received. Mr. Jeffries Community Funded projects are an important part of enabling members of congress on both sides of the aisle to identify priorities related to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars and that authority rests with the congress, not anybody else, according to the constitution. The congress. And so i do thinking its important in a very modest way, which is the case connected to Community Funded projects that are heavily vetted to make sure that they are equitable and effective and efficient expenditures of taxpayer resources that its a part of the appropriations process that is bipartisan and advances the ball for the American People. Reporter on ukraine some republicans have floated the to get the funds they need to carry out the war. Is that something democrats would consider if it meant getting ukraine aid sg for speao bring up the Senate Supplemental which clearly is not going to happen . Mr. Jeffries the only way forward with respect to meeting the National Security needs of the American People is for House Republicans to put the bipartisan National Security ser from the senate on the floor for an up or down vote. And everybody in the house knows that were that to happen there would be 300 votes or more in support of the bipartisan comprehensive National Security bill so we could meet the needs allies in ukraine and israel and the indopacific and also surge inanitarian assistance, harms way through no fault of their own and also civilians in theaters of war across the country. The bipartisan comprehensive na passed National Security bill is the only way forward. We need an up or down vote. Its time for the houseto suppoe National Security interests of the American People and break from the pro putin maga extremists in their party. Reporter given the decorum last night, is there real bipartisanship for the next election in this congress . Mr. Jeffries well continue to find bipartisan ground, and wherever possible with our republican colleagues on any issue and weve done that repeatedly from the very beginning of this congress with respect to avoiding a catastrophic default in our nations debt and funding the government and repeatedly keepiig it open and avoiding a shutdown, passing the National Defense authorization act, securing 16 billion in assistance for communities that have been devastated by extreme weather events. Passing tax legislation that includes low Income Housing tax credit and enhanced child tax providing the majority of votes necessary to get the first six appropriation bills over the finish line. We are going to continue to govern in a common sense way and were just asking republican colleagues to stop the political stunt. That was an embarrassment last night. A complete embarrassment. Greens basically running the House Republican conference shows up in campaign paraphernalia and these people want to lecture joe biden because he delivered a strong and forceful speech that made them uncomfortable because he exposed their shamelessness . We have one message for extreme maga republicans who want to lecture us about decorum. Get lost. Youre a joke. Exhibit a, marjorie Taylor Greene. Exhibit b, George Santos. Reporter i was worried you werent coming back to me. I wanted to ask you with President Bidens announcement he had, and he talkeabout it briefly during his speech, the emergency pier being set up on the coast of gaza. Can you talk to mouicance of ha, especially because its been a growing concern for many within your own family. Mr. Jeffries it was an important announcement to make sure we can insert humanitarian assistance in gaza in order tooe Palestinian Civilians in harms way in the theater of war through no fault of their own as President Biden articulated. There e that need to be accomplished in the context of the war between israel and hamas. Israel, as President Biden articulated, has a clear, unequivocal right to defend itself against hamas, a Brutal Terrorist Organization that inflicted unspeakable atrocities on 10 7. At we need to make sure that we get the hostages out and can surge humanitarian assistance into gaza. The announcement with respect to establishing a pier that will facilitate surging humanitarian assistance should be welcomed everyone. Because no one should be able to accept the suffering tha weve seen. In israel and now the casualties and the conditions that civilians are dealing with, and as President Biden appropriately pointed out, could care less about its own citizens. And thats a very challenging situation and theres a clear need f t in the way that President Biden has articulateed reporter if im not mistaken, the discharge position for his version of ukraine as it occurs today, and a couple days ago he mentioned there might be in thet might need to happen in the events to try to win other some democratic members for thato measure. Have you spoken with him what the changes would be in order to win other members on your side of the aisle. Mr. Jeffries President Biden made clear in the state of the Union Address we need to make sure we are surging humanitariar across the world. And theres not a dime of humanitarianation thats been introduced by representative fitzpatrick. So thats a nonstarter the House Democratic caucus. Thank you, everyone. Reporter thank you, sir. [indiscernible] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2024] cspans washington journal, our live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics, and public policy. From washington and across the country. Coming up saturday morning, greg garcia, cybersecurity executive director for the Health Care Sector coordinating Council Talks about recent cyber hacks on the healthe industry. I civic ceo louise talks about civics learning week and the importance of civics education. Cspans washington journal, join in the conversation live at 7 00 eastern saturday morning on cspan,w or online at cspan. Org. Since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, cspan has provided complete coverage wihe from the house and senate floors, to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings. Cspan gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided, with no commentary, no interruption, and complely unfiltered. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. If you miss cspans coverage, you can find a anytime online at cspan. Org. Earings, debates and other events feature markers that guide you to news ready highlights. These points of interest markers appear on the righthaâ– 2nd sidef your screen and you hit play on select videos. This timeline made it easy to quickly get an idea of what was debated and decided in wascroll through and spend a few minutes on cspans points of interest. Congressman kevin hern is the chair of the republican committee. He joined the Hudson Institute for a discussion about u. S. China relations congressmas remarks discussing additional Bipartisan Legislation surrounding tiktok

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