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5 40. Good evening everyone. I am a wife, im adaughter, a st and proud owner of springfield pharmacy. [cheers and applause] a small busesre in delaware coue 2012. Im an active member of the community and passionateadvocath care possible for the patients of delaware county. We are delaware strong, right . [cheers and applause] as a daughter of immigraperiencd the importance of hard work and perseverance. Through this i was inspired to be a doctor of pharmacy and Business Owner and inspired by■a mission to a advocate for my patients. Drug costs and give enough to the middle man. All to suorback to our communities. [cheers andpp over the past two years, i have seen countless patients struggle to pay insulin and vaccines but we have an ally in president joe. [cheers and applause] the 35 Insulin Program vacce been lifeline for patients through his inflation reduction act. So, that awesome. [cheers and applause] also, through president to impre have been able to create new jobs in our business and o gainful employment. [cheers and applause] i am grateful for everythi this administration is tackling Health Care Costs and help Small Businesses and help owner and i look forward for President Biden to finish the job. [cheers and applause] so now, everyone, it is my honor and my flesh to introduce to you dr. Jill biden and the biden [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting four more years] thank you, thank you. Thank you for that introduction and for sharing your story with us. So, did you last night . [cheers and applause] wast he on fire . [cheers and applause] i was so proud of him. You know, he gave such a strong speech and set out a clear vision of where weve been and where were applause] so its great to be home. As most of you know, im a girl. [cheers and applause] so i grew up in willow grove, just north of the city. And i spent my summers watching the phillies with my dad■u fall and we were watching football and the eagles. Yes, and spein can we give jason kelce a round of applause we are going to miss him, arent we . Yeah. Month, joe showed the world what i see every day. Its what drew me to mehc when i met him 50 years ago. [laughter] at that time, he was a heartbroken father who endured s keeping it together for our family. Knew his constituents wereot in counting on him. The man who placed his faith in because when you go through that type of pain, theres no choice but to recognize■■0 yr powerlessness in the grace of gods providence. E rebuilt our h compassion, love and strength. And as your president , he has rebuilt with that same character. [cheers and joe knows how serious the stakes are in this election. Courts that are stripping away our most basic freedoms, maga republicans that are trying to drag us back to a dark and dangerous place. [boos] frm exreesmists. We are the first generation in half a century to give our daughters aountit fewer rights than we have. Joe is working tirelessly to defend our freedoms, our future and our democracy. [cheers and applause] i wouldnt wish the tragic events of the last several months on any american president , but i am so grateful that joe is our president during these uncertain times. [cheers and applause] he isnt just the right person for this job, he is the only person for this job [cheers and applause] joe wakes up every morning thinking about how he can make the lives of americans better. Donald trump wakes caring about one person and one person only, himself. He tears people down and pits us one another, he mocks womens bodies and devalues our existence. And heres the one thing that gets my philly up. As the daughter of war ii navy veteran and mother of an insults our veterans and disparageses those who died in war calling them losers and successor. How sukers. Donald trump is dangerous to our women, families and our country and we cant let win. We cant wake up the day after the election, like we did in 2016, terrified of the future ahead of us thinking, oh my gode going to do now. No. We must meet this moment as if our rights are at stake, because they are. As if our democracy is on the line. Because it is. We reelect joe biden and kamala harris. [cheers and applause] and that starts here in this room with all of you. So please help me welcome, my husband, the 46th president of the United States, joe bidenbe [cheers and applause] President Biden i think i should go home now. Delco. Im joe biden. Im jill bidens husband. Thank you for being here including something i keep saying we are related. Representative, where are you . There you are. You are doing a hell of a job this district [cheers and applause] if you are tired, you probably watched me last night. [cheers and applause] i got my usual warm reception in congress from march jour retaylor greene and i spo far wd how much is at stake. Folks, our freedoms are really on the ballot. Donald trump and maga republicans are trying to take away our freedoms. Guess what . We will not let him. We will not let him. [cheers and applause] last same building where our freedoms came under assault on january 6, talked ab alabama, 14 months ago, she and her husband welcomed a baby girl thanks to i. V. F. And scheduled treatments to have a second child but the Alabama Supreme Court shut down treatments, and overturning roe v. Weighed and wade and what she went through should never have happened. You know why it happened . One reason, donald trump. He came to overturn roev. Wade. He got his wish and states are g doctors, forcing lap and incease victims forced to get care and maga republicans want to pass pa national been on the right to choose, period. Take it seriously, folks. Let me, this will not happenu on my watch. [cheers and applause] the decision [crowd chanting four■k more years] the decision to■m■. V. Wade, women are not without electrical power. Electoral power any way. Those bragging about oveurning e v. Wade have no clue about the women in the america. No clue. Ey when it was on the ballot in 2022 and 2023 and will found out again 2024. I mean this from the bottom of my heart and i thank Vice President harris for leading on this issue and so many others. You know, in pennsylvania, i have a message for you, sendto t this right, i promise you we take back progress and restore roe v. Wade as the low of the land. Hop hop [cheers and applause] i came to office to restore. I have. I inherited an economy that was on the now our economy is the envy. We have a lord in american hit. 800,000 new manufacturing jobs and counting. [cheers and applause] where is it written that we cant be the manufacturing capital of the world again. Wages are up and inflation is coming down from 9 to 3 . And made so much progress lets talk about the future we can build because we have more to do. Future was the the trickle down and the wealthy begin to pay their fair share, god love the example, americanse as a pharmacist for prescriptio. And i have been fighting the industry since i was in the senate for over 30 years. Guess what . Were ending it. In the law i propose and sign, no one, not one republican voted for it and finally beat big phrma. For 35 bucks. And by the way, it only costs 10 to make and still■sn ettinga big profit. Look, im not stopping there. Lets cap the cost of insulin■ . T 35 a month for every senior. And i finally beat and medicare to negotiate just like the v. A. Does for our military. This doet just save Seniors Money but by cutting the deficit and give them the power to negotiate poisees and going to save taxpayers 200 billion and already saves off and medicare doesnt have to pay that bill. Folks, starting next year, the bill i gotm passed for capping the cost for seniors at 2,000 for extensive cancer drugs even if it cost, 10,000, 14,000 a year. My goal next yo it for all americans, all americans. Lets cap Prescription Drug costs for all americans. The Affordable Care act is still a vy deal. Over 100 million americans can no longer be denied Health Insurance because of preexisting conditions. But donald trump has announce head wants to repeal the Affordable Care act. Colleaguesd 49 other times since obamacare was passed. Its not going to happen on watch. Look, im also working to bring down the cost of housing. Im proposing an annual tax rate to give americans 400 a month over the next two years to put toward their mortgage if they are buying for the first home or if theyre moving to a larger ple to lose the Mortgage Rate they have. But guess what. I cant guarantee you but i bete down more. I bet you that that little outfit that sets Interest Rates is going to come dow going to come down. [applause] folks, were cracking down on big landlords who break antitrusttn fixing and driving up rents. Congress needs to pass my plan to build or renovate two million those rents down. By the way. That cost a lot of money raising the deficit, guess what, we cut the deficit. It cut the deficit trillion. [applause] last guy ballooned the deficit. We passed a budget deal that will cut kept trying to get out of it but they finally agreed. And now its my goal to cut the federal deficit by 3 billion more, by 3 trillion more by making Big Corporations very wealthy and im a kapt list, you can go you can go make a million buck, make a billion buck, good for you but pay your taxes. We have a thousand billionaires in america. A thousand. Guess how much what ei tax rate is . 8. 3 . Anybody want to change your tax rate with them . Think out that. 8. 3 . Billionaire. Donald trump you sure as hell do. Look. Donald trump enacted a 2 trillion tax cut when he was president. [overwhelmingly benefiting the very wealthy. And exploded the federal deficit. Exploded it. We cut the deficit. And we added more to the national deb in his term in all of history and under donald trump. These guys talk about oh. . [laughter] too many corporations raise their prices and pad their profits charging more and more for less and less. Thats what were cracking down on corporations engaged in price gouging and deceptive pricing. Like companies that you wouldnt notice, they thought you ice but you know if youre get you the same size bag of potato chips with about 250 fewer■] thats not a joke. Some of you may have seen the tv thing on howic . Ers bars, same exact price, dont hold me to the exact number but like 20 less bar. Im serious. Congress needs to pass bobby caseys bill to stop shrink flaition. Shrinkflation. Stop it. These are Kitchen Table issues. Im also going after junk fee, though fees added to your bills without your knowledge. My administration announced were cutting credit ca late fees from 32 to 8. By the way, im not being arbitrary. The law can charge a late fee what it costs them to collect it. It does not cost anywhere near 32, but they make billion os dollars. Literalism youve got 450,000 people paying those late fees. And they charge. They end up paying over billion. Banks and Credit Card Companies dont like it. Why . Im saving families 20 billion a year with those junk fees. 20 billion. By the way, i grew up in scranton and claymont, delaware, the two places i grew up. You know what . It made a difference in my household if you had to pay an extra 50 or an extra 100 a month for things. It isnt fair. Folks, does anybody think the im serious. I dont. Im going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair. Under my plan, nobody making less than 400,000 a year, which ive never made until i became president will pay one penny in additional tax. Nobody. Not one penny. A Big Corporation Big Corporations will finally have to begin to pay their fair share. Really. This is fairness. Its about fairness and decency. This is not were not making this stuff up. In 2020, you may remember. This was a big fight i had with the republicans. 2020, 55 of tht corporations in america made 40 billion in profit. And paid zero [crowd boos] i was determined to change that. Guess what, not anymore. Thanks to the law i wrote and signed, Big Companies now have to pay a minimum of 15 . Its only 15 . Still less than working people pay in federal taxes. This time were going to raise the minimum tax to corporations at least 21 . S and applause] until every billion Dollar Corporation begins to pay their fair share. I want to end tax cuts for big for a marks big oil, massive executive pay that gets deducted. Es a the billionaires in america. Their federal tax rate is 8. 2 , i less than the vast majority of you pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, san days worker,■■7 or nurse. [cheers and applause] thats why i propose, not the highest tax but a minimum tax of 25 for billionaires. 25. Guess what, you know how much money that would raise over the next 10 years . 500 billion. And imagine that would that could do for america, for our future. It could cut the deficit. Could provide for child care. Could do so much we need to do and not raise the deficit. Lets continue to invest in the future by confronting climate crisis. Not denying i dont know [applause] since ive been president ive ofgone■■a from my administration, ive flown over wildfires out west, northwest, southwest. Flew over in a helicopter, all of them. Guess what . Its burned down more timber and more housing than comprises entire state of maryland. Were taking the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the it passed. We got 369 billion passed for climate change. [applause] and still cut the deficit. America ihen i took office. The year before i took office, murder rates went up to 30 nationwide. Biggest increase in American History under the last guy. And now through the American Rescue plan, whichever republican voted against which every republican voted against, i might add, ive made the largest investment in Public Safety ever. Last year, murder rates saw the sharpest decrease in history. Violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in more than 50 years. Im ramping up federal enforcement for the violence against women act which i proudly wrote so we can finally end the scourge of violence against women. These guys fought taking away guns from domestic abusers. I mean, i dont know where we beat the n. R. A. When i proposed and signed the most significant gu 30 years. Now we have to beat n. R. A. Again. Im demanding a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Did it once. [cheers and applaus passed universal background checks. Repeal the that affects gun manufacturers. Imagine if tobacco had the same limitations that gun manufacturers do. The only major9oon in cannot su. Is gun manufacturers. Think aboutt. Been the case with tobacco, how many more people would be dying of cancer . Theres a lot more to say but im keeping you standing too lo. E] [crowd chanting four more years] look, i was watching ont about 0 in the morning after we got back to the house. The house. The white hsef it as home. I had the tv on. There was a fox news cnt saying, you know, biden is changing from trickle down economics to build from the midd o up, going to ruin america. Ruin america . We have the strongest economy in the world right now. Like i said [applause] like i said. I mean this sincerely. I believed it my whole career. Finally got it done. If we focus on the middle class, first of all first theyre the heart and soul and sinew of the country. If you focus on them and give them anve a way up and the wealy still do very, very well. Still do very well. I sam capitalist. But capitalism when it turns to engaged in noncompetition, it ends up being just stealing. Let me close with this. I know youre couldnt have been around very long. [laughter] when you get to be my age certain things become clear. Never before. I know the american story. Ive seen it again and again in contests between competing forces, the battle for the soul. Some of you may remember when i ran in 2020. I got criticized by the press for saying id run for three ref america. Two, to build the middle class so we could begin to grow again and everybody have an eve unite the country. Those are still my goals. Theyre still my goals. [cheers and applause] the soul of the countrys whoyouu who are over 40, did you ever think wed be in a situation wh we talked to each other like we talk these days . We see things that we see, no matter were and they were really tough in other parts of our history, when you ride down the street, last trump banner with an fu on it and a 6yearold kid putting up his middle finger. Did you ever im serious. Did you ever think youd hear people talk the way they do . Look at it demeans who we are. Thats not america. Those between look, those of us who want to pull america back to the past and those who want to move it lifetime has taught me to embrace the future. I mean it sincerely. Freedom, democracy, future defined america. Honesty. Decency. Fairness. Equality. Treating people fairly. I really mean it we dont always live up to it. Thats the american dream. He sees a story of resentment, revenge, retribution. I have been working like hell to unite europe, nato, and make sure ukraine doesnt get crushed by this dictator in russia. [applause] know, the fact is tht you have a president who literally has invited putin to do what the hell it wants to do, to come into ukraine. He thinks putin strong, decent guy. You know who hes meeting with today in maralago . Orr ban of hungary who s democracy works, hes looking for dictatorship. The only member of nato, thats who hes meeting with. I see a future where we defend democracy. Not diminish it. [applause] i see future where we defend our freedoms, not take them away. I see a future where the middle class has ay pay their fair sha. I see a future where the planet move if the im crisis, away from the gun violence we have so much of. I see a future where america remains the beacon of the world. Ive been doing Foreign Policy since i was a kid in the senate. I was chairman of the Foreign Relations committee. And ive gone now, i spent over almost 200 hours with leaders of europe, the heads of state. I know them all. Ive known them well. And guess what. Ays to me, virtually except orr ban . Im serious. As we lee these meetings they grab my arm, they pull me aside, im serious, they pull me aside and say, youve got to he cant win again. Because my democracy their country my democracy is at stake. My democracy is at stake. [applause] folks above all, i see a country for all americans. A future for all americans. A presidency for all of ama. I believe in you, the American People we just have to remember who in the hell we are. We are the United States of theres nothing [cheers and applause] theres nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. Thank you, thank you, thank tim. [cheers and applause] thank you. [cheers and applause]■ pres. Biden by the way. By the way, she talked about how she i had to ask this woman five times to marry me. Five. And finally, the fifth time, i was downn south africa trying to see nelson mandela, i came back to your apartment in wilmington, delaware, i knocked on the door, i said, you got my irish up. Im asking you one more time. Only one more time. Not when, but will you marry me . She goes like this. Ok. [laughter] i tell you what. She did it. Married a philly girl. [cheers and applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] ■ uu ■w]lh1 ■u ■u ■0 ■k wnn8 ■ du on tuesday, special counsel robert hur will testify about his investigation into President Bidens haling of classified documents when he served as Vice President in the obama administration. Watch the committee heari live n drrvetion span now, our free mobile video app, and online at cspan. Org. Cspan is your unfiltered view of government. 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