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Good morning, everybody. Just wanted to give everybody a brief update. Obviously a lot of questions about sensitive things going on both at our observe border and the borders of our allies overseas. Its no secret we are in gridlock in pwo t chambers. Its especially a problem when you have time sensitive matters. Mr. Fitzpatrick there was a group of us that got together and said how can we help move this forward . Ukraine is an ally. Israel is an ally. Taiwan is an have problems at our southern border. The senate had a false start. They tried to advance what many of us thought wa sense, reasonable immigration measure that were tide to foreign aid. That did tied to foreign aid. Succeed. We have a situation where there is a bill that did emerge from the senate, that does provide foreign aid. Does not address our own southern border. And we believe and originally was a Smaller Group thats since grown that if we are going to sustain this effort, because xi, putin, ayatollah, they are persistent threats. We need a persistent message that will be commensurate with that consistent threat. That message is that borders are synonymous with democracies, and safety and freedom. Its a hard, sustainable message to say we should care about some borders and not others when all are born. Obviously we have to secure our own southern border. We cannot allow another situation like laken riley to ever happen again. We dont want funeral in our district of a federal overdose. 200 a week, by the way. Thats the clip that we are losing kids in thiso fentanyl. Thats the equivalent of a 747 airliner crashing every single week in this country. Many of those overdoses can be tied back to our border. And the lack of security thereof. On ukraine i just got back from ukraine about 10 days ago. We cannot allow another city to fall into russian hands. If they continue to penetrate that frontline that could be the tipping point, the point of no return where ukraine can never recover that ground and would allow for more additional russian advances. We should have learned the lessons of history, particularly world war ii history, if you dont nip problems in the bud early they become more costly and deadly in terms of dollars and lives. And we have to be forward leaning believing in peace through strength not war through weakness. Our proposal is meant to do a couple things. Number one, provide a timeline and Pressure Point for house leadership from both parties to get something done. We have no pride of ownership here. We just want the problem solved. This is not a transportation bill. This is not the naming of a post office. This is literally u. S. Domestic security and world peace on the line here. We up and offer a solution to show the intersection of where democrats and republicans, reasonable members agree. Both onboarder security both on Border Security and funding our allies over seas. I pass it to jared golden. Mr. Golden thank you, good morning. Thanks leading this, for coming to talk to me and my colleagues about the need to move forward. Do something together. And obviously thanks to my colleagues standing up here for supporting the legislation. He day that the house delays action on the bder, and ukraine is a missed opportunity it comes at the cost of peoples lives. Since we introduced this bill on february 15, an estimated 3,000 americans have died from fentanyl overdose. As mexican cartels continue to exploit chaos at our overwhelmed southern border. In the same period, we estimate that more than 1,600 ukrainian soldiers and civilians have died in putins war of aggression and territorial expansion. The time for our colleagues in the house to take action is right now. Securing our border is a priority for americans across the political spectrum. We all recognize a broken immigrationcies terpblgs including the asylum system needs fixing because its frankly, overwhelmed. Our bill provides additional enforcement authorities for one year. Time for Law Enforcement to regain operational control and start clearing the Asylum Seekers coming across our border. Foreign aid, particularly to ukraine, is a Critical National interest. Russia is a very clear adversary to the United States, thats sought to undermine our own democracy. And even armed enemi so could kill american troops in places like afghanistan. Putin is actively challenging the International Status quo thats been in place s our bill supports american manufacturers, sends weapons and ammunition to ukraine, and spells defeat for putin. Its a winwin for america. Aid for ukraine today reduces the risk that a future congress will have to send american troops to fight on european battlefields tomorrow. Ours is a divided government, brian pointed this out. Everyone in washington knows thatthat address need support from both parties. So far ours is the only proposal in the house that recognizes this very simple reality. We are calling on ou colleagues to live in the real world with us. Here in the real world our inaction has real consequences. We have pointed fingers and political game enough and its time for to us come together. Next we are going to have don davis come up. Thank you. Its a pleasure to be here. Thank you so much, brian jared to everyone thats standing here today. To all my colleagues thats fighting fthats fighting to help us to safeguard the American People. I would like to share with you my recent experience in ukraine. To travel to ukraine actually representative costa, jim and i just came back. I want to start with this point the spirit of the ukrainians are high. Morale is highly, especially as they most recently celebrated two years of resisting an unprovoked russian invasion. Hi an opportunity i had an opportunity of speaking to ukrainian soldiers. Some have lost limbs. One lost her son. Stories they are telling me are they are in this fight to the end. They are determined. Also, which was a highlight for me, had an opportunity of speaking to u. S. Soldiers. We have u. S. Soldiers on the ground. Thats assisting with training and advising ukrainian soldiers. We had one u. S. Soldier thats been on the times, and is still committed to the mission. It was nothing greater for me than look the soldier in the eye, coming from the United States, and ukraine and say thank your service. Let me tell you what the soldier also told me. This is a u. S. Soldier. Thats responsible for training and advising. We are running short of ammunition. We need help. Thats what they are saying. What they are saying is, they are grateful for the help thats been received. And they are doing everything this is a d versus goliath type situation. And with a little help here able to defeat russia sooner. We have an opportunity here, unique opportunity here, to show the strength of the United States. While i was there, other countries were there to join in the twoyear anniversary. And so many others are l leadership. Let me share. As i have come as part of the 118th congress, while serving, i have traveled now twice to the southern border. I have spoken to Border Patrol agents. I have spoken to elected officials, democrats and republicans representing communities along the border. They all tell me they are overwhelmed. They are overwhelmed. Its imperative that we do something now. I will also share with you, i was in israel in august, less two months. I was at the can beauties kibbutz, at the very site hraeurl literally where hamas terrorist fighters came in killing innocent babies, children. This is the time is right now. For us to stand together, to move forward. And i believe to my core that this is a vehicle to do it. To get it done. And we have an obligation. We have an absolute obligation of defending our borders and defending democracy. With that im glad to turn it over to my colleague that actually we sat in the road 10 hours or so plus together heading there and back. The distinguished gentleman from california, jim costa. Mr. Costa thank you very much, long time supporter of efforts to bring together Bipartisan Solutions. In that sense i want to thank representativezp golden and the rest of my colleagues here to respect that bipartisan support. Its what is needed if we are going to do the right thing. The right thing is providing support for ufor israel, for humanitarian assistance, for gaza, for 120,000 armenians that have been removed their historic home. And to ensure that taiwan has the support we believe it needs. As representative davis noted we were in kyiv on the 24th, the second anniversary of russias invasion of ukraine. That morning, about 5 00 i overheard growns coming in groans coming in in whichs drones coming in in which the ukrainians were dropping them down, pop pop pop. Securepetroleum reserves and others was the target of russia. It reminded me of what our support has done, that patriot system that protects the city, knocking down 19 of the 20 drones that came in that morning. The kwra lta yalta Economic Security council met its the third meeting i have been a participant in in the last 18 months, to reaffirm the strong support by europe and the United States. We attended a parliamentary meeting with the Ukraine Parliament and they thanked and supported our previous efforts. The European Union just last month provided over 52 billion in additiol assistance to ukraine. As warm as a welcome as representative davis and i received we constantly were asked the question, is america going to continue its support of ukraine . On the panel i participated in i said i believe we are because we must. When the attack the invasion began two years ago, it was described as good versus evil. Is still about good versus evil. The reality is is that today is a syndicate masquerading as a country with a mob boss called putin. Thats the reality. And if you have any doubt, mob bosses, when they have opposition, they usually knock their opposition off. We saw that two weeks ago with the murder of the patriot navalny. Nowho was murdered in the siberian prison. Thats what mob bosses do. And today nato is united like no time since the cold war. Who would have thunk two years ago finland and sweden would be a part of nato. Who would ago that European Union would provide as much Financial Support and assistance as we have . Who would have thought two years ago that now over 16 of the nato countries are putting over 2 of their g. D. P. In their own military defense. The world has changed. This is a seminal moment in america and World History that we are living in. And the ukrainians are fighting for their democracy, they are fighting for their country. And in a larger sense theians are fighting for democracies around the world including our own. Including our own. Ukraine has regained half the land russia took at the beginning of the war. Its reopened the black sea. Its exporting more goods last month than any point since the invasion began. Russia has lost over 315,000 troops. They are trying to get people out of prisons, our american friends there advising by the way, they are on their own as volunteers advising th nd they are cannon tpoud fodder. Thats what russia is. Its a its run by a war criminal. Putin has bombed hospitals schools, innocent civilians to try to break the will of the ukrainian people. I can tell you as representative davis said, their will is strong in every visit i had over the last 18 months. The resiliency, notwithstanng the losses they have sustained which is over 30,000 troops according to the Zelenskyy Administration russia has lost over 315,000. 2 3 of their tanks. Now is the time, frankly last fall was the time, but we still have the opportunity to make a difference. And the world is watching. European allies are watching our adversary russia and china, are watching. That in this bipartisan package that we also deliver humanitarian aid. Not just for ukraine but humanitarian aid for the palestinians in gaza. Its horrific whats happening there. Over 30,000 gazans have lost their life. Palestinians in gaza. We obviously need to bring a truce together. Over 120,000 armenians are have lost their home. The humanitarian assistance is always something that america stood up for. Im proud to be working with this Bipartisan Group to break the gridlock. I hope to look for an open endment process where we can improve the bill. Thats the way we are supposed to legislate. And i think that with support here we can bring a piece of legislation together that reflects the, i support that exists within the house of representatives. Legislation that then can pass the senate that the president will sign. That is what this group is all about. Partisan delay tactics, sadly, are forcing the ukrainians to ration. Ammunition, as ron said don said, excuse me. Therefore we must act. And the ti want to thank my colleagues and allow our representative tker recommender i believe is the next speaker. Get the work done here. Pass the budget and get the supplemental, our version of the supplemental package across the finish line. Thank you. Good morning. Im lawrie chavezderemer, thank you, by wrapb, thank you for brian, thank you for leading this. And many probably wonder why us, why this group . What brings us together . Why i would work with jared don or represent on a bipartisan with mike lawler . Its affecting our districts affecting america, itsal security across the world. For organ its experiencing its highest rate of dent tp epbtal overdoses in the nation. 1,500 increase in overdose deaths. Measure 110 lit the match to start the crisis, open border policies have thrown fuel on the flames. The statistics make that disturbingly clear. That fentanyl was seized at the southern border last fiscal year that killed nearly six billion people. Federal officials estimate the number only represents about 5 to 10 of whats smuggled across the border. This is a crisis. Its a crisis that has, sadly bled into our schools and taken the lives of our children. Everyday we fail every day we fail, American Families suffer. Thats why they are demanding congress act to defend our National Security. They are also ko upbting on us to pro counting on us to protect our National Security by deterring International Threats and supporting democracies abroad. We are the most powerful country in the world. We are more than capable of doing two things at once. We can secure our own borders while defending the borders of our allies. Thats why the defending borders, defending democracies act is all about. Finding consensus and tackling these Critical Situations with the urgency and demand. The United States must send a with the strongest alley in the middle east, israel. To leave the world a safer place for our children, we must bend act now to deter aggression from putin and communist china. We must implement policies, even if they are temporary immediately secure our own boarder, to curb the humanitarian crycy, and protect our communities from fentanyl. Aim honored to join this Bipartisan Group of my colleagues in taking the lead on these critical issues. Do i urge the rest of my do i urge the rest of my colleagues to join us and be part of the solution. What i know i dont want to be is here at this podium saying, i have now visiting poland, or now have to go visit taiwan because we didnt do the right thing. With this group up here, we are doing the right thing. Thank you for the lead. Thank you for working with me. Thank you for allowing this, brian. I do appreciate it. Americas watching. The time is now. Ill turn this over now to my colleague, from the pacific northwest, in washington, d. C. Excuse me, the state of washington, in washington, marie perez. Ms. Perez thank you to my colleagues who worked so hard to bring this bill together. I have been reading about something called escalation theory. This is a wellknown study that when primates fight primates that walk away from those fights, that wont engage, that go belly up, they exp more violence in the long run and perpetuate more violence within the colony entirely. If there is no repercussion toc neighbor, youll do that. Thats what we are seeing, right . We are seeing this in russia. And it will not end ukraine. We have seen reports there are times when doing the selfinterested thing is also doing the morally correct thing. And this is one of those times. We dont sit name of some imagined peace. There is no peace here. We are supporting the ukrainians in defending their rights and defending the values that undergird our entire society in america. This is a clear moral path. And this is a strategic path. To get them the weapons they need to support themselves. Those weapons, by the way which are manufactured by folks American People, working in familywage jobs. This is not throwing money away to somebody with a clip board to study something. This is real familywage jobs supporting the values we all believe in. Nations have a right and a duty to defend their borders. And that goes for our southern border as well as the ukrainian border. As my colleague mentioned fentanyl deaths are this is everywhere. It is grandmas, it is people recovering from injuries. Teenagers. Its everywhere and its hollowing out america and its time to take this seriously. Not create moreal footballs for the love of god. These are humans. Suffering. And i have some of my colleagues have put partisanship and selfinterest and their fundraising numbers above patriotism and support for the values we all espouse. I am very proud of the people here behind me who have led on this. Thank you. And to my colleagues who are not on this, i would say ask yourself what your favorability rates will be when you are coming back for funding when ukraines fallen and they are going after moldavia. Now is the time to act. And i am sincere in my gratitude for the folks here who have chosen Bipartisan Solutions instead of political footballs. With that mr. Lawler good morning. We are in the most precarious place in the worldceld war ii. The unholy alliance between china, russia, and iran has sought and destabilize the United States our allies, and the free world. When you look at the cri internationally and you look at the crises at our southern border the time for action has passed. We are in a divided government. None of us are going to get everything we want. Which is why this group has come together to together Bipartisan Legislation commence legislation commonsense legislation secures our southern border and secures democracies around the globe. We are the leader of the free world. We have an obligation to act. Failure to do so will set a new world order. In which china russia, and iran are leading. That cannot be. The russian invasion of ukraine is an attempt to reestablish the old soviet union. Is from moldova her family lives on the ukraine border. I can assure you if ukraine falls, moldova will be next. And that cannot happen. So it is critically important that we advance legislation to not only address the crisis at our southern border in which 10 million migrants have crossed most illegally, in the last three years, 90 released into our country, 70,000 americans dying from fentanyl overdose annually, the cartels engage in Human Trafficking in addition to drug trafficking. We need to reexert operational control. This bill will help do that. This bill will also provide lethal aid to our allies at a time that they need it. At a time that ukraine and israel and taiwan need our support. So i want to thank Brian Fitzpatrick and jared golden for leading here, for bringing together this Bipartisan Group. And it is time for leadership within the house and the senate to put partisan politics aside and come together for the bett country, for the betterment of our allies, and pass critical legislation to get this done. We are not all going to get what we want in this bill. But we have to make advancements to secure the cause of peace and prosperity around the globe. Thats what this bill does. It requires action. I want to thank brian and jared for leading. With that i call up representative ed case from hawaii. Mr. Case good morning. A recent National Poll reconfirmed what we all know, and that is that the approval of congress among the ame people is at a low point that has not been seen for at least a decade. And when you look at the of that assessment of congress, it is not the dysfunction, it is not the yelling and screaming it is not the constant division, it is a lack of leadership on the compelling urgent issues of the day. Thats what the American People want. They wantd. And leadership in Todays Congress and this world does take compromise, does take does take a commitment to producing a product that is going to work. We know within our country, ou colleagues out there believe that our federal government is not leading. We certainly know at this point that our world questions our leadership on compelling issues of our day. When we look at what those issues are, certainly ukraine israel taiwan, and china, and retaining and regaining control of our borders are compelling issues of our day. So it is incumbent upon us within the congress, this obligation now falls on the u. S. House of representatives because the senate has acted on these compelling issues. And there is a bill here today from the senate. Now, if that bill is not going to be considered, then something has to leadership is not about deferral, not about avoidance. Leadership is not about inaction, not about political manipulation its about acting. This bill is a vehicle to act. It addresses the compelling issues of our day. We believe that this bill would pass the u. S. House of representatives, if it was put on the floor, if it was put oor, and if it was allowed to provide for open debate on some of the critical aspects of this bill as long as the ingredients of this bill were put on the floor. We believe that this bill or a version of it would pass. So we believel should be put on the floor. Should be put to an open discussion. And an amendment process that will produce a mainstream result. Not a result from the, treatments of the political spectrum in the house, but a mainstream result that, yes would pass both the house, would pass the senate, and would be signed by the president. This is a matter of urgency that we all know, especially in the case of ukraine. This i matter of importance, of the utmost importance, and matter of demonstrating leadership. So we are trying to provide that vehicle, that approach. And that opportunity to provide leadership that the u. S. House of representatives is under the spotlight for. We believe that we need to be delivering promptly. Thank you. I now introduce my colleague miss keugians mrs. Kiggans. Mrs. Kiggans im congresswoman keug yeas and nays, i probable proudly represent virginias 2nd congressional district. I am honored to be here with a Bipartisan Group just to emphasize the importance of gettin hat i want to vote on, that i think my district wants all of us to vote on. They Want Congress to get things done. Thats why i ran for congress. And thats what im here to do. This bill is attractive to me, and i think people on both sides of the aisle, for a couple reasons. It provides for common priorities we share. Border security. We are seeing that open border that so many of my colleagues have talked about. The increase in Human Trafficking, drug trafficking. Now Illegal Immigrants here committing Violent Crimes against americans. Im a mom. I care about safety. I care about community safe. I care about National Security issues. I represent a district that has one of the highest military populations in the country. I care about the rest of the things in this bill. This bill is great because it provides that foreign aid that is so needed right now. The United States leads. We are the super power in the world. There is a price with being that super power. Its time we pay that price. Can i think of no other country i want to lead the world aside from the United States. And this bill does that. It provides for aid for people who are our allies. Provides aid for ukraine. We have seen whats happening with putin, the atkpwretsor from russia when he aggressor, from russia when he invaded ukraine. It benefits our Defense Industry. This is a big reason why i support it have seen manufacturing be able to increase. We have taken stockpiles. We have given them to ukraine. We have needed to replenish our stockpiles which has provided an opportunity for things like better technology, new resources. We are putting people back to work on a manufacturing side for our own Defense Industry which is struggling due to a Defense Budget thats been inadequate. For that reason and so many others, but being there to support our ally of ukraine. Go to the boughtic states next Baltic States next. Tphaoepl my district are only a matter time and putin is successful. We see whats happening with hamas antiterrorist groups. We have to be with israel. Our most important ally in the middle east. People on bob dole sides of the aisle are ready to support israel and have been for many months since october 7. As far as Southeast Asia, this is a place near and dear to my heart. I visited recently, lots of the military in japan. We know thatgles there with our allies from taiwan to guam to the philippines, the island countries there, we have to be there to support those guys. They are watching. They are watching what we are doing in the rest of the world. We know that president xi from china is beinge aggressive every single day. Overflying Southeast Asia looking where china is dredging. They are making in the space between china and japan they are encroaching on our allies. Just International Waters there. We have to do a bert job of supporting the people we promised. The world is watching. I want our friends to trust us. Im worried thats not happening. Its an honor to support this bill. Its not perfect. But certainly a step in the right direction. The American People want us to act from congress. They want us to get things don to get done too. Its a privilege to be able to support this legislation. I look forward to voting for it on the floor. With that i turn back over to congressman fitzpatrick. Mr. Fitzpatrick ed talked about legislation being a vehicle to act thats accurate. You have the bill. Then y ever the mechanism. To be clear, we are wrbging with the speaker working with the speaker, the minority leader, i have spoken to both personally about our intentions. This is a vehicle, number one that will provide them with a framework on where the points of intersection are where democrats and republicans can agree on a center outtype solution. On twotime sensitive existential matters. Second is the vehicle. To be clear, the discharge i filed is putting a clock on a time sensitive matter. That is all this is. If the house cannot come to a consensus on a bill to be put on the floor, the alternative cant be that ukraine fails and our border remains opened. We cant allow that to happen. This is not a work around of anyone or any post. This is a Pressure Point. To try to apply pressure to force something to the floor. As far as the vehicle goes, also to be clear, this iso reporter you are speaking on a discharge position. Could you ewill be great pwra eut on your conversation was the speaker. Has he expressed either your bill or compromise bill . Mr. Fitzpatrick i think he wants to get to a yes. Hes a tough political position in our conference. Thats no secret. Its true. Its in a tough political situation. Our conference is very divided on the issue of assisting our allies. Its still the majority of our conference that support ukraine for theres challenges in the democrat conference when it comes to israel. Theres challenges in the democrat conference when it comes to the border. Theres challenges in the republican conference when it comes to how we pay for these things. But are we going to allow the pher to be the enemy of the good. On tim sensitive matters. I say no. We cannot allow that. We need a twoparty solution. We have tight margins and divided chambers. With critical matters that these are legacytype items, i believe. We do not want to be part of a congress that witnessed putin take ukraine. Because out its not going to end with ukraine. Putin himself said its not. He already has a section of moldova. He will seize that. And poland antibaltics and the baltics are next. Its naive to think those things are relegated to the history book. Evil is a very real and present thing in this world. These dictators try to relitigate the outcome of world war ii. Democracy won in world war ii. They want a redo of that. Reporter representative mcgovern has a discharge petition floating around on the senate version. Is there any concern about having two competing discharge petitions on two different approaches here . Mr. Golden they are not competing. Ours is the only one that has bipartisan support. I think that pretty much sums it up. There is no republican support for the strategy focused on discharge petition. There are two ways forward. Either speaker johnson puts something on the floor or a discharge petition that needs bipartisan support because Neither Party will be able to generate 218 signatures by themselves. The working assumption for a discharge petition from mr. Mcgovern or any other democrat on the senate bill you would line up every Single Member of the Democratic Caucus plus a few republicans. Mr. Case i think thats a pretty heavy lift. On the other hand, it is clear to all of us that a majority of the u. S. House of does support some version of aid to ukraine, aid to israel, aid to 250eu taiwan, and regain operational control of the border package. Thats a majority. Today. The question is, if you accept that assuming, i think anybody would have difficulty denying thatthat assumption, then any effort to deny a bill coming to the floor is really just obstructionism for another reason. We dont want to go there. The basic program here is get that bill to the on. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is res

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