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The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The the swoops, washington the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. March 6, 2024. I hereby appoint honorable mike ezell to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 9, 2024, the chair will now recognize lists e majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the p time d between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes illinois,. Kelly, for five minutes. Ms. Kelly mr. Speaker, i rise today in celebration of womens History Month and specifically in celebration of the black women who have shaped the fabric of our nation often without much acknowledgement or praise. As cochair of the belongal caucus on black women and girls, i am deeply committed to correcting these historical injustices and ensuring that gin the recognition and the resources that they deserve. Black women and girls desve pose in school, at work, and in all phases of life. For centuries black women have been the hidden figus, the Unsung Heroes who have steered our nation through social revolutions, critical periods of growth, and eras of innovation. From the Civil Rights Movement to the labor movement, black women have time and time again pushed the needle of progress forward. I want to acknowledge two exemplary trail blazers i often credit as inspiration for my own work to build a better world. Shirley chisholm, the first black woman elected to the United States congress and the first woman to run for the presidency embodied the spirit of courage and resilience. She was truly unbought and unbossed. She fought back againstuc listed when someone told her that she couldnt achieve her dreams. She was a beacon of hope for those of us with an unwavering commitment to justice. Barbara jordan, the first black woman elected to the texas senate and the First Southern black woman elected tohe United States house of representatives made history in countless ways. She brought the issues of her communities to the forefront and ensure in black women. She rose above partisanship and spoke truth in the halls of power. Today as i speak in this chamber, i stand on their shoulders. But let us not forget whether in the halls of congress, academiay case, my entrepreneurial grandmother and my activist mother, there are m■zany shoulds that we can stand on. Womens History Month serves as a poignant reminder that the contributions of black women must be amplified and celebrated, ensuring their rightful place in the annals of our nations history. Thank you, but i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Joyce, for five minutes. Mr. Joyce mr. Speaker, i rise to address the house. Ask unanimous consent to revise extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Joyce mr. Speaker, week a r ship was sunk by an ira Iranianbacked Houthi rebels in the goff of aiden. This attack example of how under President Bidens weak and ineffective leadership our adversaries have been emboldened and our allies have been left vulnerable. Last year, President Biden agreed to release more than 6 billion to iran. Effectively providing more funds and resources to the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism. This is one acceptable. It shows that yet again President Biden is unwilling and unable to provide the leadershit americans need. When u. S. Ships were threatened with sustained rocket attacks, the Biden Administration waited weeks to respond. Only further emboldening these terrorist groups to contie aggr. Its time to return to leadership that embodies president Ronald Reagans call of peace through strength. The American People simply cannot afford a president that k you. To keep america safe. President biden will be forcedae to confront the growing threat posed by an open and porous southern border. Onth of januarye than 176,000 Illegal Immigrants attempted to enter thenited wase month of december when more than 300,000 Illegal Immigrants again crossed the southern borde because of the open border policies championed by President Biden, and enacted by secretaryl immigrants were bussed to our major cities. The consequences of this decision have been felt in nearly every Community Ins haveo shelters for Illegal Immigrants. In places like new york city and denver, Government Services have been scaled back and city employees, like librarians, have seen their hours cut in order to provide■v handouts to people who are in the United States illegally. And at a time when more than 300 the u. S. ,terrorists have President Biden has thrown open our gates and encouraged this crisis to continue. Ending catching our Border Patrol agents the tools and resources that they need, and resuming construction of the border wall, are vital to keeping our nation safe. It is time for President Biden to reverse his disastrous border policies and put a stopr to this crisis. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from x the Virgin Islands, ms. Plaskett, for five minutes. Ms. Plaskett thank you, mr. Speaker. This7 heralds Virgin Islands History Month. It is the beginning of a month long celebration in the Virgin Islands of our my being on the house floor as a representative, representing my people of the Virgin Islands, is the culmination of g of peoples work. My presence here is built upon the indominable spirit of virgin islanders whose are woven into the very fabric of our culture, marked by their bravery, visionary leadership, and profound sacrifice. Is a mosh cultures and a history as diverse of its people. A history that is not just defined by the of a select few, but a legacy that elevates the collective greatness of all virgin islanders. Above all, we are about selfdetermination that has been chronicled of epic feats. As early as 2020b. C. , the Virgin Islands was originally settled by precolombian indigenous groups. In 1493, we had the first instance of selfdetermination on our island, as columbus expedition resistance from a war party at Salt River Bay on the island of st. Croix. Preventing his men from over the next 200 years, control of the island shifted among various european nations. The they fault colonization, launched relentless raids until they were eradicated by 1590. This enduring resistance is a hallmark of our ancestral leggacy. During 1733,q■n the enslaved alo uprise on the island of st. John. The kings and queen of presentdd people on st. John to seize control of the island for over six months. In their pursuit of selfliberation. This valiant act defiance forced the danish authorities to call the spanishthe rebellion and reassert control. This weekend we celebrated their decision to commit collective suicide rather than go back into slavery. The burning desire for freedom and the belief that such should be a birthright no my kateed clf their fabry kateed fabric ated classification of their opposer. On st. Croix in 1848, enslaved individuals had an armed insurrection that led to this act of strategic ingenuity positioned the Virgin Islands of one of only the western hemisphere where enslaved people successfully fought for and gained their freedom through an organized revolt. All thinkir islanders have attained liberation, they soon discovered that their emancipation and equality were not synonymous. In 1878, in revolt over slave laws which left them pretty much as slave peoples living on plantations, a rebellion was led by what we called queens mary, matildaqu agnes, and queen susanna, even though the movement resulted in blood shed, their deaths were not in vain. Their struggles and sacrifices for improvednditions served as a foundational influence on the 1892bnoal worker strike spearheaded by queen kazaia. This was a pivotal source of inspiration to stand against oppression and fight for greater opportunities. We continue to fight in the Virgin Islands. Although we still face hardships such as our continued battle to attain the fundamental and Constitutional Rights denied by the insular cases, rights given to all americans except those who are in an era that will be a catalyst to spur on the next revolution. To stop■ now, moment, would be a sacrifice sacre lidge to the countless sacrifices and blood shed of our ancestors. We must not take for granted the gifts that they have given us through their blood shed. We must fight on for full equality, selfdetermination, and our own liberation. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Rose, for five minutes. Mr. Rose mr. Speaker, tomorrow this chamber will host President Biden as he delivers his third state of the union address. Hell likely tout his antienergy agenda and outofcontrol Government Spending that has resulted in crippling seen in decades. Since i was a senior in high school. He will also attempt to blame Congressional Republicans for his own failure to secure our which, as most americans know, is the crisis caused by this president. In a rare recent visit the border in brownsville, texas, President Biden expressed a dire need for republicans to, quote, show a little spine and pass legislation. Some of the folks living in that border town saw straight through the visit. One resident put it best, by a stroke of the pen, he said, you could stop this. You dont need congress. Others called the visit too little, too late. I couldnt this isnt just an important issue for the folks living along the border. In fact, this issue is the numberg the country. Its an issue in my home state where 50 Tennessee National guard soldiers volunteered recently to deploy border to her patrol officials combat drug, crime, and human trafficking. Tennessee is k■gwn as the volunteer state because of its deep tradition of volunteer military service. A nickname that comes with a lot of pride. Te that 50 men and women are having to do what the president could do but wont. Andorder. This is a selfinflicted crisis that has turned every state, including my own state of tennessee, into ate. The president halted border wall construction and ended the successful remain in mexico prograg office, hes also admitted more than one million Illegal Immigrants into the country in a blatant abuse of the executive Parole Authority that congress had granted to the exec of it executive branch. Despite having no way of tracking many of these the Biden Administration continues this historic catch and release scheme. It sends a message to the rest of the world that our borders are open. None of these disastrous none of these disastrous policies require an act of congress, just like reversing them wont require new legislation. There have been more than 8. 7 million illegal border crossings nationwide under President Biden. More than 7. 2 million crossings at the southern border alone. Thats greater than the population of 36 states in our nation. More than 20,000 communist chinese nationals have illegally crossed the southr just since october 1 of last year. They made up the Fastest Growing demographic entering our country illegally. You dont need a spy balloon if you can just walk right into the country. For 35 months in a row under of Illegal Immigrants encountered at our southern border was higher than the worst the previous president , president trump. Were on track to break more records this fiscal year. As c. B. P. Has already reported more than one million encounters. Id argue we are no longer w< have a border crisis in this country, we have a border catastrophe. Thank you and ild back. The speaker pro tempore the chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Ms. Leger fernandez mr. Speaker, this weekend oppenheimer is expected to win multiple oskars. In the film we watch the pain and guilt in j. R. Oppenheimer as i face when he heard op hypers face oppenheimers face when he saw what happened to the people in japan. What wasnt told is how thousands of new mexican families were exposed to harmful amounts of we didnt see how radioactive ash rained down on children, families and farms from that first atomic bomb tested in new mexico. We didnt see the tears and pain as those families saw their loved ones die of cancers and Rare Diseases tied to radiation exposure. So i want to present this film one more award. The award for the most incomplete story. For the missing, the countless american lives lost as a result of the trinity test. But congress can write a better ending to this story, a Bipartisan Coalition of senators and representatives, we have amendments to the radiation exposure compensation act which would finally compensate new mexico downwinders as workers n missouri, alaska, kentucky and tennessee and downwinders in other states who were left out of that■c original]g radiation compensation act. Earlier this year, these amendments were included in the ndaa as passed byhe senate. Sadly, Republican Leadership for some unex publicable reason stripped these amendments f the final ndaa. But today, soon, congress can write a happier end in our future funding bills. Lets write an ending that honors those who sacrificed everything ÷ for our national security. Congress can do it. I call on my colleagues to joinr justice. Mr. Speaker, we begin womens History Month, we must remember something historic that has happened to women and to womens freedoms. For 50 years women enjoyed limited but it was certain reproductive freedoms. A trumppassed packed Supreme Court overturned that history, overturned roe. Wade and all of a sudden history, a sad history was made when the first time in history women lost an r. We are going back to a very sad time when women cannot make decisions about how and whe a ft governmental interference. We are going back to a sad time in history when women who were suffering from pregnancy, who were suffering miscarriages cannot get health care, but instead getfs. We are suffering a sad time in history when i. V. F. Is now prohibited in places like alabama. And let us remind everybody, almost 200 republicans in this very chamber have voted for, which mirrors the alabama law, which prohibits i. V. F. As we begin womens History Month, lets not turn back the clock on womens with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair now recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter. Mr. Carter mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate bruce redman on becoming the 2024 Georgia Farmer of the owns shils a 2,800acre farm located georgia, consisting of wet and drylands. Larry redman passed down the art of farming to his son, instilling in him the essential skills and values needed to cultivate the bruce is a very successful farmer, having been named the young farmer of the year for he wassing ham for effingham county. Shiloh farms is one of the three certified tiff quick growers in the world and the largest producer of bahai grass seed in the southeast. The university of georgias cooperative extension nam farmer because of his cooperation with Conservation Research initiatives and dedication to sustainable farming. He willb rresent georgia in competing for southeastern farmer of the year in october. I wish him luck and i thank bruce for his dedication agricu. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to remember the life of joy povik. Joy grew up in savannah, georgia, where she graduated from high school and went on to earn a degree from drawns business college. Joy and her husband, michael, lived in many different states during which joy held a variety of positions. After working in real estate, joy went on to work for Lockheed Martin as a technical writer during the Space Shuttle program. Joy was also an active member of her community. She was a dedicated member of the cathedral of st. John the baptist Republican Party and■u e circle. In 2009 she was honored with the j. C. Lewis outstanding republican of the year award by chaght am county. As a delegateo many local and state Republican Conventions and she was proud to taind the second inauguration of george w. Bush. My thoughts and prayers go out to her husband of 55 years, her children, grandchildren and all those others who loved her. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize john forbes for being designated as the grand marshall for the 2024 st. Patricks day parade in savanna service and cy involvement, the Savannah Community is proud to extend forbes the opportunity to serve as the face of this st. Patricks day parade on its ann. Forbes is continuing a family legacy by serving in the st. Patricks day ceremony. His father, j jr. , was the st. Patricks Day Committee chairman in the early 1990s and was selected as grand marshal following the example set by his father, forbes became involved in the st. Patricks Day Parade Committee in the 1980s and was subsequently named the general chairman for the committee in 2007. Though filled with fun activities, the parade has a deeper meaning for forbes. The holiday is one of remembrance and fellowship as locals and visitors gather to reflect on the areas irish ty man,y. Embodying the current celebration and preserving the meaning and purpose of its history. Congratulations, mr. Chairman. Mr. Speaker, i rise today tok hr recently being named superior court judge for the atlantic judicial circle. Established by the georgia general assembly, the sixth county circuit covers liberty long, brian, evans, mcintosh and other counties. Hendrix received a bashlors degree from the university of florida in 1995. In the years prior, he earned his juris doctor from the school of law in 1999. His past work and experience illustrate that hes a valuable addition to the judicial system. Along with starting his private practice, hendrix has served as solicitor general for liberty county, long county and richmond hill. He also served for nearly a decade as an assistant District Attorney for the athletic judicial circuit. Hendrixs acceptance for the nomination demonstrates his commitment to the legal field hn impressive 23 years of experience. I would like to thank mr. Hendrix for working to serve his community and i look forward toit success. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from north carolina, ms. Manning. Ms. Manning mr. Speaker, i rise today to celebrate the inclusion of Community Project funding in the bipartisan appropriations package that congress will vote on this week. The appropriations process known as Community Project funding is what i consider to be Good Government working f the its a process that takes our federal tax dollars and puts them directly back into our commiten my mission to bring fel dollars home to my constituency. The Community Project funding process has allowed me to do that successfully. Over the past two years, i secured a total of 44 projectsh district of north carolina. That funding supported projects like oneonone tutoring in public First Responder system upgrades, the building of greenways, child care expansion, small businesss and much more. For this fiscal year, i submitted 15 projects for consideration. Im very excited to announce that i secured funding for all 15 projects, a total of 15 million for the sixth district. And im proud to say that every corner of the sixth district is included with initiatives in gilford, foresieght, forsyth and other counties. These projects will boost Economic Development, improve public safety, create Work Force Training programs, support local farmers, complete infrastructure programs and improve Affordable Housing options. I want to take a moment toew ofe initiatives that will be receiving funding once this package is signed into law. Gilford county schools will receive 850,000 for a Work Force Development program to prepare workers for advanced manufacturing jobs relato electric vehicles. Advanced manufacturing training is particularly important in my community where we have batteryt and other electric Vehicle Manufacturers bringing goodpaying jobs to the area. This program will help local students build the necessary skills to take on these jobs after high school graduation. Will receive federal funding to create an advanced manufacturing Training Facility on campus. In gibsonville, Fire Department the Fire Department wil funda new laddered firetruck. The city of winstonsalem will be able to expan tir behavioral evaluation and response team, a Rapid Response program for Mental Health and Substance Abuse 911 calls. S aree examples of how government can work directly for the American People. Id like to thank our democratic leaders, Hakeem Jeffries and Ranking Member rosa dlawra, for delauro, for fighting to make sure these projects are included in the appropriations package. Im looking forward to voting for the appropriations package this week and i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the house and the senate to join me in voting for this it quickly to President Bidens desk. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The chair nowecognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. Williams. Mr. Williams mr. Speaker, i rise to address the house for two minutes and i ask for unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore withou. Mr. Speaker, i rise to honor world war ii veteran, mr. Henry chicago which its of syracuse, new york. Henry is the son of polish immigrants and has lived hisetof syracuse. ■ he served his country as a bombardier on a b17 named the saint. In europe during world war ii. He completed 35 brave missions with the 384th Bombardment Group of the 554th 45th quad ron. On one such mission on july 19, 1944, the crew was targeting a Hydrogen Peroxide and Chemical Plant in munich, germany. He recalls shells hitting the b17 from every which way. He recalls how of his fellow crew members were wounded, including the navigator. And how he helped save the lives of everyone on the plane when he stepped in and navigated them all back to safety. When faced with danger, h did not cowher in cower in fear but did what needed to be done to keep fighting. Upon his return from the war, he still felt the call to serve and did so for 30 years as captain of the syracuse Fire Department. During his time at the Fire Department, he was known for his bravery and leadership. It was even awarded a medal for saving a man from the second story of a while it wasnt easy work, he felt rewarded by the opportunity to help his fellow neighbors and ensure the safety of his community. Even with all this, he still wanted to do more. For over 50 he sold poppy flowers outside of supermarkets to raise money to help support his fellow veterans and their families with and financial needs. Remembering that in plannedders fields the poppies blow between the crosses row on row. And to you from failing hands we throw, the torch be yours to hold it high, we shall rest though poppies grow in plannedders fields. That flanders fields. Dedicated his life in an inspiring way and we can all learn something from his story. I commend him for his brave and Selfless Service to our great nation, his community, and to his fellow veterans. It is a privilege to recognize him today a i wish him many more joyful years. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman fr michigan, ms. Stevens, for five minutes. Ms. Stevens thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to shine a spotlight on a truly extraordinary woman. My good friend and amazing district chief of staff, colleen povar. Today is colleens birthday, and i am delighted to recognize her on this special occasion. Colleen is not only a leader in my office, but shes a leader in Oakland County, micgan, and throughout the Metro Detroit region. As a lifelong michigander, college is a colleen is a proud if not t proudest graduate of the university of michigan. She graduated with a degree in french and obtained the ability to speak the language fluently. Of course, she has an undying passion for michigan football. Whether in the stadium or in shd avidly cheering on the wolverines during every single game. And course, adorning her u of m paraphernalia. Suffice to say, last fall was a pretty good oneen when u of m were the undefeated champions. Since graduating in reality if not in spirit, colleen has spent her extraordinary career making life better for the people of michigan. Colleens contributions as a businesswoman and a Public Servant are truly too numerous to count. Here are just a few. If you have ever flown through the detroit airport and gotten something to eat, thats thanks to colleen who developed the Award Winning buffet of concession options at d. T. W. If you ever had a beer in michigan, thats thanks to colleen, she kept bars opened, and legally serving after being appointed by governor Jennifer Granholm to the Michigan Liquor control commission. And of course, i are a constituent in michigans 11th district, and have ever had a federal government case solved, well, thats thanks to colleen. Who oversees our exceptional Casework Program and has helped the team return thousands of dollars to michiganders pockets. Yes, she even regularly picks up the phone in our office to engage in talk with constituents directly. No task is too big or too small for colleen. Colleen has also worked in the private sector where she served as Vice President of Strategic Public Affairs and director of the new Product Launch st the compuwork corporation as well as director of external relations and Economic Development f. Shes worked tirelessly to represent her community as a member of the Plymouth City commission for over a decade in addition to chairing the brownfield redevelopment authority, serving on the plymouth Economic Development court and overseeing the Fire Department that serves the communities. If there is an arcane or overly complicated municipal precedent, colleen has the ability to explain it and already knows all about it. When shes not making Oakland County run, colleen is also a mom to collegeaged twins, carolyn and will. Whether visiting carolyn in england, or cheering on will at a game, colleen is a woman on the move. Shes a dedicated friend, sister, and Public Servant. Shes whip smart and has a one liner for every situation. She makes us all laugh regularly and makes sure we are uptodate on michigan sports stats. Shes truly a renaissance woman, a role model, and a leader. Colleens ication to Oakland County are just unmatched. And shes clearly not someone to rest on her laure. Shes got a heart for michigan and a head for business. I couldnt be luckier that she is on my team. I truly could notgine these terms in Congress Without her counsel advice and willingness to talk to me on t phone or in person no matter the hour. Colleen, on your special day from all of us in Oakland County and here in the congress, happy birthday. As the washington post, or wall street journal has recognized people born in your birth year, you continue to r redefine norms and transform society. So here are to many more years of making life just a littlbi michigan. Thank you. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from hageman, for five minutes. Miss hageman thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to recognize the life and■r legacy of my friend, mr. Pat otoole, wyoming cattle and sheep ranger rancher who is deeply rooted passion for agriculture and community and state will not be forgotten. I first met him when he served with my father. He championed many issues during his time in the state legislature and the Many Organizations he was a part of. He worked with several governors administrations to advocate for agriculture on the state level and testified before the u. S. House of representatives in u. S. Senate on multipl occasions. Pat was one of the first individuals to ever call my congressional office. He did so seeking help for farmerschers in southwestern wyoming who were experiencing record amounts of snow and winter kill. Because of his efforts working with state and federal leaders, a state of emergency was declared for the empacted area. Pat impacted area. Pat and his wife operated a ranch in the Snake River Valley and were the recipients of the 2014 wyoming leopold Environmental Stewardship award. Ladder ranch has been in sharons family since 1881, nine years before wyoming became a state, and is an excellent tribute to the otooles devotion to agriculture and conservation. Pat loved his neighbors. Cared for his community and state. And sacrificed his team to bless the lives of others. He passed away peacefully on february 25, leaving behind a legacy of Selfless Service chero knew him. I urge my colleagues to join me in remembering his life. I rise today to recognize the life and legacy of sergeant krinky, who courageously defended our country and Selfless Service to community will be remembered for generations. He dedicated his life to serving others and was a round proud Airborne Division of the u. S. Army during the global war on terror. During his eight years in the army, he earned the ranof was ad numerous accolades, including the Afghanistan Campaign medal, Army Commendation medal, Army Achievement medal, combat infantryman badge, and his jump mast every wings master wings. Following the army, he joined the Sheridan Police department as an officer where he quickly rose in the ranks to sergeant. He cared deeply for his community, or great state, and his wife and daughter. Although bela may not remember her father, she will ow up knowing that his heroic actions protected the lives of all those around her. His integrity, selflessness, and leadership will alwaysnd community. On february 13, he tragically lost his life while serving and protecting his community. I urge all my colleagues to join me in remembering the life of sergeant krinky. I rise today to recognize the life and legacy of mr. Kelly krause, wyoming person whose love of neighbors and culinary arts will continue to live on through all who knew him. Ous as wyoming will continue to cherish him for years to come. He was a remarkable individual whose presence graced the lives of everyone he came across. Kelly along with his wife owned a local eatery called the virginian restaurant where his passion for his community was evident by all who visited. He always greeted ever guest with every guest with a smile and made them feel at homement on march 1 he tragically lost his life in a skiing accident. Passing, please know my sincere prayers and thoughts are with you. I urge all my colleagues to join me in remembering the wonderful life of kelly and standing with his loved ones during these difficult times. I rise today to recognize irrigation districts 100 years of dedicated service to wyoming users. It covers hundreds of miles of platte and delivers water to over 52,000 acres of farmland in my state t maintains and operates a portion of the for the Laramie Canal in cooperation with the irrigation district. Improving the lives of farmers, ranchers, and everyone who lives in the region. Its work is absolutely vital to the prosperity of these local communities. Unfortunately, in july of 2019, tunnel numbe the fort Laramie Canal collapsed impacting more than 100,000 production achers in wyoming and nebraska and causing 89 million in economic impact. Updating this collapsed tunnel has been an arduous process and there is still so much work to be done. However, gauchen goshen irrigation district was quick to respond. Elped us optimize water usage. It has been instrumental in litigating the challenges of i urge all of my colleagues to join me in celebrating goshen irrigation districts 100 years of development and prosperity. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The chair recognizes the the gentleman from cnia, mr. Lamalfa, for five minutes. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to talk to you more about California Water and what it means to the whole country. We see here, President Biden, enjoying iceream there as hes known to do. Ice cream comes from where . Dairy products. So we need cows in order to make the dairy productso make cream, milk, butter, things like that. Part of which you would use to produce ice cream, which almost everybody enjoys, our dairies in this country need to be supported. California, home, very happy cows as it said, getting less happy because they are having to states horrific regulations. But still many strong dairies in the upper midwest and northeast all over the country. Need cowsd milk. Pretty basic. What do cows need . They need feed. We need to grow the feed in our agricultural places. All around the country. In our fields. In without these feed, this forge, we forage, we cant feed the cows, we dont g the feed . We have to have land and water supply. Like this lake here. This depicts st. Louis reservoir which right now is about 68 or 70 full and should be taking advantage of all this massive rainfall and snow pack that mighting melting already in some areas, flowing downhill out through the delta. They have a couple sets of pumps there that could be running, filling this, and topping it off. Its not easy to top this reservoir off every year. We were fortunate it got done last year. There was so much water available, they were able to run the pumps long enough to fill the reservoir up to about two million acrefoot so we have a ways to go to fill this reservoir in order to have the strongest possible position for agriculture going into this year. W so we have grain. So we have many other ag products that californias famous for growing. So lets top off this reservoir. Let get these pumps turned on to full blast. Instead we have millions of acre feet of water that are escaping to the ocean, millions. We dont have a water shortage in california. We have a management tension shortage intelligence shortage. Thats the problem. I have Lake Oroville and lake shasta in my district, theyre 600 acre feet short of being full, as we watch them run the spilays pretty strongly and let water out. I know they have to keep a gap at the top for flood control. But theyre not using modern thinking on doing that. They need to be able to bring that every day between now and april 1 is one less day of possible rain and possible inflow. So theyre lookingt to overtop , but if they dont get these lakes full by june 1 or so, then were going to leave water on the table so to speak and leave agriculture out to dry. Next poster, please. So what do we do in order to increase water supply in california . Couple things are going on. And thankfully in this appropriations package coming up, 200 million for federal money■ northern california, which would once finally built add 1. 5 million acre feet to the states water supply. Wena could have been filling it right now with all the runoff. Wed have probably 08 full 80 full if we had that facility there already. We could have been times over tw years. Were losing the opportunity because theyre hemming and hawing in sacramento and lawsuits are coming. We it and study it more. When i took a tour of it 15 years ago, they said, if you cant build it here environmentally, you cant build it anywhere. This here is shasta dam. And this is part of the federal project that was built many years ago. This holds 4. 5 milon acre feet when full. Right now its down to 700,000 acre feet from capacity. Yes, i understand, you have to leave some room for flood capacity before t season. But theyre actually letting the water go down until the last day or so. So are they guaranteeing that this lake is full, that last 700,000 acre feet by the end of the rainy season . Im not sure. We also have an opportunity on top of that. Including buildingisitis reservoir Building Sites reservoir. Wick also raise we also raise shasta dam and have new space. That space if it was there right now, even if it doesnt fill, would mean youre not having to dump the water right now because youd have that extra capacity, that gap for flood control. We would not be dumping and wasting this water. Wed be on top of that theres people in the central valley, while theyre watching this water being dumped, that are going to get only 15 of the requested water right of what they asked for. We need to build these. Please follow the California Water for food and People Movement on facebook. If you want to follow up andguan social media how this works. Its really good, a really good source that anybody can understand. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the air now recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Blumenauer, for five minutes. Mr. Blumenauer thank you, mr. Speaker. Ive dedicated my career to making the federal government ae communities. Those are places where families are safe, healthy and more economically secure. And one of the most important tools in making a community livable is the promotion of Historic Preservation. Its than just preserving landmarks or putting up plaques. The Historic Preservation movement has resulted in preserving over 45,000 Historic Buildings that celebrate and inform our heritage and our past. Historic preservation helps us understand who we are, where we were and what we might be. I fought to protect these historic treasures that enrich communities by recycling buildings that preserve that heritage. Not only do they give definition and c communities, theyre a powerful boost to the local economy. A building that has beeny more s because its labor intense and its located in historically relevant space. Morerving these buildings makes resilient, more Energy Efficient than abandoning historic locations for new construct ofte core area. A Green Building is one thats been revitalized and rebuilt rather than new construction. Historic preservation helps revitalize adjacent properties. The value radiates out from■,he historic property. Historic preservation is a tremendous attraction for tourism. And because it is so labor intense, the historic tax credit has created nearly three million jobs sincereation 40 years ago. And has attracted 173 173 billion in private capital. That means each dolla for credit generates 4 in private investment. Its hard to think of another federal progr such a strong contribution to the sense of place, revitalizing local economies, promoting tourism and encouraging other investment. We will continue fighting to preserve this important private incentive for rehabilitation an. It is changing the face of american communities, both rural and urban, by makingy such an investment, protecting our heritage. By celebrating our past, we promote our future in a way thats Cost Effective and that. I cant think of another program ive been involved with that has had such a profound effect on the lbi of our communities. Historic preservation doesnt just celebrate and strengthen physical community, it speaks to the life and the spirit that is so vital. Preserving a communitys pasts e across the country for projects large and small t such pride and celebrate the past while we invest in the future. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon tod midnight friday to pa it to avert a government shutdown

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