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Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome founder and director cpac australia andrew cooper. Wow, cpac. How good is this . I love coming to■ cpac. My name is andrew cooper. I live in a town in a city called lisbon and a story. I know you never heard of it. But its its worth were have olympics in eight years time it is also where we having the next cpac. A mtty big. Brisbane is also famous for this located near the gold coast. Weve got wonderful Great Barrier reef beside it. Weve also got all the things that will kill you. You got sharks and snakesnd and, we got in common is as well kill more than anyone else,■ right . I dont know what he knows but australia is a pretty local place. Nigel farage on this earlystage announced, proclaimed that australia was the locust nation on earth. I think part of that opinion was formed because every time he comes to australia he gets protested cpac austin. We dont get protesters unless nigel turns that, the code with experience in australia was absolutely abhorrent. You know we had pregnant grandmothers pregnant [laughing] thats deathly not woke. We had a grandmothers without masks ins getting dragged off because they were not master. We had a woman that cpac actually funded the legal, the e wrong thing of facebook and got arrested, handcuffed and dragged off. She was pregnant. So you know there some crazy things went on down under, and i guess the question that i i gs we ask ourselves done under and is, why . White with a country like australia which we see ourselves as the outback, y know, you know, rough sort of tumble guys, girls. Why would he do this . I think the problem is in assessment is essentially the liberal party which is the conservative party, the Classical Liberal party, they didnt mount a counter narrative. All the state premiers which is equivalent to your governors, all the lockdowns and mandates are the way to go. The federal liberal party decided, they capitulate, they to the lot in and you have your rinos, we have our and if yo it, of all sides of politics are saying that one party is way to cook up its pretty hard for the disengaged center to i guess separate themselves and think no, this is wrong. Youve got to activist or quit a lot approaches. They got ruthlessly shut down with Storm Trooper like behavior. But at the end of the day when all the parties was in this is way to go, that how we liked her so stubborn that there was get away with this crushing of civil rights. In my opinion. So that was two years ago. Arteaga statistic to show you how crazy this was. If you think about under 50s, the pande■. Mi at the end of july, five people in australia under 50s who died of code. One of them had comorbidities that m them, the make them susceptible to the disease. Six people dd of theastrazeneca. Astrazeneca faxing, which you could call a virus. I would rather die of a shark attack. Its an think im right place you can still swim in the ocean but you allowed to leave your home. Its just incredible. In the back of all that the federal labor party the leftleaning party took power eight months ago and they decide party will, wedge politics, lets introduce a change to the constitution where we create what we call a Third Chamber, a separate form a part of it. We ever house of representatives. We have senate and were going to create this Third Chamber and the chamber had veto powers over the houses that elected by the people. The only people that could be elected or appointed to the separate chamber of government were from one particular race. An indigenous australians. Think about the values that we share come conservatorship across thehis bridge is one of our fundamental beliefs, does it not . That we are all equal, all born equal to one vote went out into how is it one race can more power over the other, all the other races . Weve got a lot of people in australia just a y have. This proved very popular. The reason it was popular initially was because theres not an australian i live that doesnt want the Better Outcomes are some of our remote area and the juices dash indigenous communities. I mean we d but this was never going to help them. The problems in those remote areas is generations of welfare dependency and drug abuse and lots of problems. Kids roaming the streets. His voice this portable was never going to help. But it popular and this is what the left does. They wedge us, they divide us, they tried to divide us by accusing anyone who votes agnst thiseasure wascist. Youve heard this. You get that here, right . Yeah. Its a part. Australia is not a racist country but they will target of one that will listen we are racist and were not. What this was was a fundamental breach of that value we are all equal. Cpac had an absolute fundamental question had its fundamental place to play in the fight back against this legislation, against this revenue, this constitutional change. That cherub who unfortunately beer today was for personal reasons of alaska, australian, a wellknown advocate for indigenous, Indigenous Business and getting People Welfare and advocating f indigenous organizations and people as with individuals to get up and make for the soccer here after he along with cpac a year explaining to australian people that this cannot stand, this Division Within australia, this tearing the country part and fund the people t racist, this creating extra hours from one liberal democracy ricochet was about. And guess what . We won. It was fantastic. And not just one. It was a smashing. An absolutely smashing. I started 7 by the end of it it dropped under 40 and that so the margin is unheard of. Big proportion of the country change the mind and said that was fantastic. I personally am very hopeful that nigel farage when you pronounce this is the most woke nation on the earth, im hopeful he will take these words back. Because the locust nation o woud against that referendum. Question is likely a deeply conservative country. We elect conservatives more often than we elect. And to me i was very proud of yesterday people, i was proud of lauren and i was proud of, i was art from cpac and we took those back to australia. You know . I think theres her when rna sounds, a pendulum swing back in show, really hopefully underway in u. S. Pirg when we need a change of quebec and we need a change of president here in the you are the light on hell. Youve always been the greatest nation on earth. We need a leader that can project all the good things that are good about the american people. It will effect all the nations on earth. Cpac will start popping up run the world. They are on your site. Side. We all share the values. Were taking the best of cpac address jelly. Others are taking to other countries. We really i just wish all the best. I congratulate you for being here. I congratulate you for supporting the cpac board. If you are here your supporting us as well. Truly bottom of our heart we thank you for all the suppo. Be. Go out there and win this election. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome from florida congressman matt gaetz. Well, we gather here just ten miles away f t capitol but i must say the bites at cpac are very different. In congress im often excoriated, sneered, derided for exposing a corrupt the system that has been weaponized against we the people. I have made it a living hell for the swap rabbits, many of them are retiring now. T, cnn just ran an article blaming me for their departures. You are welcome. Truth is we cant save the nation with the current republican team. And we need newer bolder voices in the United States congress. So if youre out there campaigning and running as a paul ryan or Kevin Mccarthy republican, my message to you is hi anymore. Cnn is accusing me of wiping out institutional knowledge, but if you had knowledge of some of my coworkers and how they made decisions, you would want to put them in the institute. The next phase of our plan is to replace the droves first patriots. Republican primary v■9oters must do their part in the battle space will be full of enemies. Mike pence Just Announced that hes building a 20 million fund to combat americas embrace of populism. Its no surprise to me that mike pence is against populism. He was never particularly popular. People say im divisive but this is the guy racing republican money to weaken maga republicans. Immediate isnt on our side either. The matt gaetz chaos agenda, that was a headline from the liberal new yorker magazine. I must not know what chaos is. Open borders, 34 trillion indel national deficit. Your government might label you a domestic violent extremist if you buy guns or bibles or heaven forbid show up at a sch often. This sounds a a hell of a lote like chaos to me because your chaos doesnt matter to a lot of the folks working ten miles from here. Interest rates on credit Home Ownership essential ethos of the American Dream to our parents and grandparents is now mris for the millennials. They say inflation is down but prices are still up. I never thought i would live to the date where its been 11n or lawmakers is having to write they chaos they willing to inflict on your life is changing things for the worse. I actually want orderly thing like budgets that bound to a single subject spending bills, term limits, block grant medicaid, drill for oil, explore liquefied natural gas to anyone willing to buy it in dollars, to a that i dont know if the government wants to spy on americans, they should have to get a warrant and we should secure the southern border. Does that sound like . For the orderly administration of this country that you deserve. Now, democrats they believe in these things. 20 years and like 20 minutes ago. Now the are the party of forever wars abroad, high prices, reverse racism here at home. And by the way speaking of racism, if it is not racist to ask for an id for a hunting license or a phishing license, then it is not racist to ask for an id to vote in any election in any jurisdiction in in a free country the United States of america. But noticed that are like two plays that House Republicans right now seem to be really good at running. The pond and the blocker and granted ive thrown a few hail marys into the playbook, the punt and the bloc quinta do what theyre their all in on. We blocked the terrible lankford amnesty bill in the United States senate. But we punted on needed spending cuts. We blocked Mitch Mcconnell desire to deficit spending to fund nations of oceans way but we punted on chronically needed reforms for the abuse of the fisa process for americans who are being spied on. We blocked more money to ukraine for now and we punted Kevin Mccarthy who authorized 115 billion to ukraine thate now see flashing around the Money Laundering capitals of the world. We shouldnt have any foreign aid to any other country without corresponding cuts to our own bloated federal governments. Israel, fine, pay for it by defunding the united nations. I want t u. N. To be zero doubt in our budget. The u. S. Should be out of the u. N. And the u. S. Should be out of the u. S. How about that . How about take the money away from the attacking and killing israelis . Seems like a good also. I know weve heard a lot about Alexei Navalny is death recently, tragic. You should be allowed to post the ruling party in your country without risk of poison or prison or death but i would remind everyone, especially the journalist in the back, that ukraine zelinsky imprison an american journalist who then died in prison. Not only that but zelensky supports outlawing an entire religion. The Ukrainian Orthodox church. And he just cancel ukraines president ial election. Now, call me oldfashioned but i tually prefer democracies that hold elections. To be clear, putin iartners wits like iran and is the post americas interest, but realism in our Foreign Policy is being cleang antiwar, not antiamerican. My goals are clearly defined. Nf john bolton and liz cheney and nikki haley say the same . And whats really left unsaid in this ukraine aid debate is that europe fecklessness is a direct result of them becoming National Security welfare queen by julie at your expense. Our european allies would consist of the very wealthy nations understand on the own defense because■. They do paying for much of it, less on his military than we do on the department of interior. I think they are allergic to labor. With frio we really need to be searching behind every sand dune do a Central Asian cave for more enemies . We went straight from a wfare fs to this . American is not the worlds police force and were not the world piggy bank. It is not sustainable. It doesnt make a stronger to borrow money from china to give to another country. We are saddling future generations with so much of debt all while becoming weaker at our core. Democrats want us to believe that joe biden can still beande. Im hoping the 2024 digit o this Getting Better with age. Joe biden is in getting sharper or stronger or smarter. He is getting older, weaker and ss trusting joe biden for four more years in the oval office is like trusting the menu take out your vot risky bet. We all know it is time to take grandpas keys away, and just keeps getting meaner and weird about it. o explain allowing the world presence to be empty and sent across the border . Biden is aiding and abetting th, islamic extremists, chinese spies. Think about, a porous border and in extreme of money supporting a these are great but man are the Simple Solutions like not sending billions to corrupt countries and finishing the wall and endeavoring upon the largest deportation effort in american history. Word is i now have problems with the ethic committee, which seems really odd to me because im the one screaming loudest actual ethics reforms. Members of congress should have a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists or registered foreign agents. We should make it impermissible and disallowed by rule for anyone to accept a Campaign Donation from a lobbyist or special interest packed. Their sole purpose is to buy votes. And for the same reason you dont let the umpire bet on the game. Members of congress should not be allowed to treat individual stocks. How about the Ethics Committee take up those reforms . Now, the republican ethics chairman not only voted for the generous six commission, he has become a probably a stock trade while in office. I admirehe oious geniu right tie to buy Online Gambling stock. His purchase in evolutionary gaming security netted him a hefty 36 gain to unless a Business Insider trading with this monitor if there is perhaps the most suspicious ive seen since Bonnie Willis and nathan wade. So far your financial advisor. Just follow the quantitative account on expert you could abet on the write up with republican Michael Guest on gambling stock that you couldnt make millions like nancy pelosi did on nvidia amid you get a big return return on a raytheon purchase with Armed Services members in oakland the center mark wayne mullen. You see when it offered these critiques that include the context of some fellow dont get me wrong, i prefer to just fight the democrats but if the republicans are going to dress up like democrats in drag, then i will lead the fight against them, too. Im here to fightes house after all. Last time i checked the people hate congress. We have lower Approval Rating than the irs. So i dont give a rip if they boo me on the floor, if theyhe l and they can even try to expel me on if they want but this is a movement that the unit party kill. They will try would with e and even msnbc resistant lives admits you grow stronger by the day. When you know what . In the Maga Movement at cpac my friends matt and mercedes schlapp, all of you, we are all growing stronger andhe strongest fighting these battles with you in my corner. I appreciate your prayers and your hopes and your love and i will never stop fighting for you. God bless you. God bless this great country. Lets go get them. ■c

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