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For the House Majority in 2024. Lets start with californias third district, kevin kiley. This is probably among the seats that are competitive and republican held. One of the less competitive ones. He is a freshman congressman. This is a seat that trump won by a couple of points in 2020. Depending w the president ial race plays out, it could be competitive. Democrats have a strong candidate in jessica e. We have this as likely reblican moving on to californias 13th district, you have rated this as a tossup. Explain. Have four california districts. They are all held by republicans. A lot of folks that i have talked to think the 13th district could be the most vulnerable republican in california. He represents a seat that is in the Central Valley, contains parts of bakersfield. The democratic candidate last cycle came away from winning. Democrats do have an inherent advantage republicans as the incumbent, he is going resources he did not have last cycle. In terms of the primary is not a competitive primary. Adam gray is running again and hes the only democrat on the ballot anda matchup between them. Lets talk about the open seats. This seatto the former speaker, kevin mccarthy. This is republican held open seat in california this cycle. Also in the Central Valley in the bakersfield area. In terms of control of the house, not going to be competitive. Its interesting that its open now that mccarthy has resigned. You have the regular primary happening on march then you have the special election primary happening two weeks later. In this race, the front runner is a state assemblyman and his mccarthys longtime prote and once it was clear that mccarthy was not going to be returning for another term, he was thought of as the likely successor. He has a couple of opponents it looked like this competitive race initially. Trump just endorsed fong. Trumps endorsement is a game changer. I think he is the pretty clear front runner heading into this race. Thats the 20th district. Talk about the 22nd district. Why should we watch this one . The 22nd district is probably messiest primaries in california along with the 47th district which is held by katie port. The 22nd district is very competitive. Technically the most democratic leaning republican held seats in california right now. David valid dayo has cut out a fairly moderate profile. He was one of the 10 republicans who voted to impeach trump in 2021. Was able to take in a lot of crossover votes. He does have a com race and the concern is that because he has a republican opponent on the ballot and democrats have two candidates, the democrats could get locked out of the general election. This is the case because has an open primary system where the top candidates regardless of what primary move into the general election. Theres a good chance you could have two members of the same partyctually get into the general election. Democrats have now spent over million boosting ray salas. He wont have any trouble getting into the general election and it will be another matchup. But this is a race democrats have had to spend a decent amount of money on just to make sure they actually have a candidate. Moving on to californias 27th district. Also a tossup. This is another perennially competitive race. Its held by mike who has had the same opponent for the last couple of cycles. Democrats have a new recruit, george whiteside. He is the presumptive nominee. This is a to watch and whiteside is incredibly wealthy. Formerly worked for nasa and now has a private spache has put a decent amount of well and has a cash on Hand Advantage over garcia athe moment. For this reason we rated as a tossup. Likely republican. Talk about the incumbent. This is an interesting race. Its held by congresswoman young kim who was electedthis is one of the few seats that biden won in 2020 but we have as likely r. We believe kim is the clear favoritethis is the sort of district that will tend to vote democratic at but also doesnt mind voting for republicans in other races. This is going to be an interesting race to watch. Depending on how the president ial race plays o, it could become more competitive. For now i think kim is the vorite. What is her appeal . She is one of the korean american women in congress in a district with a really large aapi population. Really take advantage of that and to establish her own brand in the district and she has also carved out a relatively more moderate lane and some of the other republe is still conservative on a lot of issues, protect early abortion. She has demonstrated crossover appeal. The 41st district. This is another really interesting race to watch. Ken calvert has been a long member of Congress Since the 90s. But the seat changed a lot in the latest r its mostly in riverside county. Calvert has typically in these safe seats or he doesnt have to worry about serious democrat challengers. His latest opponent had strong democrats were excited about the fact that hes running again this cycle. The seat is more republican leaning that some ofsebecause democrats have such a strong candidaterepublican incumbent has a more long conative record compared to the other members of the delegation, democrats think this is one of their best opportunities of the cycle. The 45th district in california. It has one of the largest aapi populations in the countryit is inland to Orange County and its represented by michelle steel who was elected in 2020 along ng kim as one of the first korean americans in congress. This is a bit more and it is in the lien republican category. This is going tomore competitive. Do have a competitive primary and it will be interesting to see who comes out of that because a couple of the democrats running their have to raise money. A lot of democrats have lined up behind derek tran who has h demonstrated stronger fundraising ability and could be a stronger candidate il election. The primary is quitelear front runner. California House Republican seats. To follow her, you can go to thank you for having me on. Californians will also be casting ballots on tuesday in one of the closest watched senate races of the year. The latest poll of the states likely voters has democratic congressman adam schiff at 28 followed by republican steve garvey. The former San Diego Padres baseball player in second at 20 . Democratic house members katie porter and barbara lee were third and fourth in the poll. The top performers in tuesdays primary will move on to the general election. Some highlights from the final debate beforec four in los angeles. A resolution that says israel has to impose an immediate ceasefire. Congressman lee . Mr. No. I will have you explain those. D like you to express the 45th president of the United States has said and many people in the United States America First they want us disengaged from the world. Donald trump has said on a number of occasions that he questions whee should be in the nato alliance. There is concerns about u pulling out. What is the role of the United States in the world in terms of American Foreign policy. You have 60 seconds. And global peace and security has got to be a priority for our Foreign Policy. I was former chair of the appropriations committee. Funded all of our development and diplomacy preventingari believe it was about 60 billion. Was 840 billion dollars. We have to rebalance our foreign sure we put more into preventing wars and diplomacy and reduce the military budget. That is the only pathway to peace. The United States needs to ld in seeking a Peaceful World and that is the only thetion is going to always be there, but we must put more of our investment preventing wars and the world. World first of all, israel has a to defend itself. It was horribly attacked on october 7 andsee how there could be a lasting peace as long as a terrorist organization is governing gaza nor do i see how there that is true. Israel must make every effort to avoid civilian casualties and we must get the parties to a two state solution. Turning to ukraine, it has just lost a city they had gained in aireclthat was a terrible loss to ukraine and it was occasion to part because republicans in congress would not approve aid to ukraine which we should approve immediately and im calling on the president to seize russian assets to help fund ukraine war effort. We cannot abdicate that responsibility neither in the middle east nor in ukraine. The United States should be a. Thats the touchstone that should guide our Foreign Policy and we should be shed centered on those values. Its important to recognize that this conflict in gaza, the result of the horrific ak hamas is one in which the parties to the conflict must lasting ceasefire fthe United States needs to support peace. We need to recognize the incredible humanitarian disaster unfoldind we need to be firm and clear to israel that we expect to be a champion for peace and democracy. Important that we live our values this way and that wediplomacy. Donald trump did terrible damage to our standing on theage, allowing iran and russia to grow in power and we are all paying for the consequences. Flooding in the country believe we are overextended. We should focus on the mystic issues and not be the Police Officer for the world. What do you say . Campaign is based onon and consensus building. We are the torchbearer for democracy around the world. The world is watching us and how we support our allies. We are supporting our ally in ukraine. We are looking at taiwan. I support israel yesterday today and tomorrow all the countries we support have a right to their sovereignty. As everybody looks at us for strength or weaknesshat strength so when people look at us, we are a deterrent for china russia, iran. Anyone who feels they can become a threat to democracy. I agree but how is that possible . [overlapping chatter] you took up the seconds that he wasnt using. You can respond to that. I didnt understand what he was talking about. Let me explain. His argument is that you mp twice. Our words the Foreign Policy agenda of the previous president. 30 seconds. Look into this camera and talk to the citizens of oneonone. As your senator, i will do everything to maintain your security. Im not concerned with anyone being, i am concerned with 38 million californians and 330 million americans. Porter, you have 15 seconds. Mr. Garvey has been unclear on where he stands with he might vote for joe biden. There is a republican who is dangerous in this race and that is trump republican eric early. Thank you, congresswoman. About endorsements. Based on your website whiair, you have one house member Robert Garcia out of long beach. You said you didnt go to washington to make friends. Why is that a good thing when a senator really needs to work with other people to come up with legislation and get them to . I of the relationships i have with my colleagues and they have put deputy chair of the caucus. I have also been twice selected to be either a subcommittee chair or ranking member. Because these chair people sought me out. With regard to endorsements, i would say im tremendously proud to have the endorsement of statena these are not your colleagues these are not people whothese are state of california and Elizabeth Warren out of the senate. Why not your colleagues . Have ent of Robert Garcia and im tremendously proud of that. I went to congress to not be beholden to corporate special interests. I have a different position on earmarks. I have had people who have powerful special interests push back. They trump ounced he was going to brownsville after it was already known that President Trump was coming to the state of texas. It just go that biden does not care about either tes going on. Now the United States is being overrun by the biden migrant crime. Its a new form of vicious violation to oits migrant crime. It biden migrant crime but thats a little bit long so we will just leave it. Thatro and actually millions and millions of to come. Because hopefully the biggest risk we have is nine months thats a lot of bad things can happen. Speeches and rallies, if you take the 10 worst presidedd them all up, you can add all up. Its not as bad as this one man stun has done to our country. The general was saying he cant believe whats happening. Last year almost a hell of all half of all ice arr 3000 robberies. 6009 hundred burglaries. 7500 weapons crimes. This is all migrant crime. 4300 sex crimes. Es and murderers. These are the people that are coming into our country and they are coming from jails and prisons and mental institu asylums and their terrorists. They are being led into our country and itsi know many of the leaders of these other countries that are doing it. Its not just south america. Its all over the world, the congo. You look jails throughouthe region but more importantly throughout the world. They are emptying out they are dumping them into the United States and these guys try and make isnt it wonderful. They dont have a clue. Nobodys really been able to tell me in business you always want to understand the other side. Yont it out so you can do something. But nobody can explain to me because everybak to says how horrible it is. Nobody can explain to me how wi from places unknownwe have languages coming into our country we dont have anyone that even speaks those languages. They are truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them. They are bringing with them tremendous problems including medical problems. We had title to but they have title two but they have terminated that. The judge that and he let it go. In six months it expires. I just think incredible job. One week . One week ago a beautiful nurs when attacked, almost unrecognizable while out on her was keeping herself in shape, a beautiful younggreat person, best Nursing Student there was. I spoke to her parents yesterday. They are devastated beyond belief. But she was just so beautiful in so many ways and beautifully horrifically beaten, kidnapped and savagely murdered. The monster charged in the dea is an illegal alien migrant who was released intod. I took the name away from hillary. Next, a preview of what you tvs historic speeches series. This week you will hear two speeches from historic run ups to super tuesday. And then from 2016, republican serom his home state of florida ahead of that states primary. Lets begin to end the war in iraq and i have first day. I will start to pl0 days. Have some veterans in this audience and you know how hard and dangerous it is to troops and equipment and we have to take care of our civilians who are there. Weve got to figure out what to do with the iraqis who helped a president and a commanderinchiefs that we have to withdraw from iraq would be perfectly happy to be there for 100 years. I just want you to think about this. I believe that we can have an election this time of the issues including national securitys that democrats can stand and proudly promote. I take a backseat to no one. D my commitment to protect and defend this country. But lets go i did a smart way for a change. And i have traveled this country and i am so proud to be back. There is no place that understands the American Dream better than this this great state of florida. Li country this is a place built by people who always worked hard for a better lifhere in this community raised by people who know how special america is because they know what life is like outside of america. By millions of people who lost their homelanfubut thank god they found this great country where anything is possible, where far as their talent in their work will take them. And their work will take them. But we know the things that make America Special were not an accident. They did not happen on their own. They happen to because for over 200 years, each generation of americans did what they needed to do to leave their children better off than themselves. I know of no place in america who understands that better than we do here. Is a generation removed from someone Committee Supporting robert f. Kennedy, jr. Was able to securethe latest polls snationally with President Biden following two points behind donald trump. A videody campaign has posted across its social media accounts aimed at younger voters. Im an independent candidate for president of the United States. If you are under 30, you probab k name but you may not know much about me. Uncle john f. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. General was himself a candidate for president when he was assassinated in 1968. Although i grew up arounthe white house, im definitely not a career politician. I have spent my career as an environmental lawyer and advocate fighting the large corporateters and corrupt Government Agencies in trying to protect american is wild and the quality of your foodte air that you breathe. My hope is that your generation and that of your will have the same opportunities for dignity and enrichment and prosperity and good health as the communities that earlier generations of americans gave to my generation. And right now, im the top choice for you voters in this country. Im also the feared and hated candidate and washington d. C. Among the elite because im notnot viable. By corporate interests over the big lobbyists. As president im going to end the forever wars. They bankrupted your generation and left youith 33 trillion in debt and nothing in return. Im going to bring the to our communities and rebuild the american middle class. Did you knowfailed every single audit in history . Yourd, pay your taxes and play by the rules. But the govement clearly is not working for you. The political elites want you to own nothing and be happy. The corrupt a merger of state and Corporate Power has systematically stripped mind your generation of its wealth and and turned america from the worlds exemplary democracy into a crooked corporate kleptocp the cost of housing, they are transforming ety to a rental society. When they dob go from being citizens to being subjects. Im going to help you by your first home with a 3 governmentbacked Mortgage Rate plan. Im also going to bringental prices down, which no one in washington seems to want to talk about. And ihy should you believe me . You disenfranchised disillusioned with the whole political process. But folks in power have gotten your generation nowhere. They have crippled you with dead and lets be honest, they lied to you. E when i was a little kid that people in Authority Like and and the Mainstream Media are now lying to us every day. I say th ethats why i look forward to earning your vote. Hold me to account. For more information, kennedy 24. Com. Selfhelp author Marianne Williamson announced wednesday she was unsusp president ial campaign. The news came the morning after she notched 3 in michigans democratic president ial primary falling behind President Bidens reelection effort and more than 13 of voters who chose uncommitted. But ahead of minnesota congressman dean phillips. Next the video she posted announcing her return to the race. Aof today i am unsuspended my campaign for the presidency of the United States. I suspended because i was losing the horse race. Mportant is at stake and we must respond. Right now we have a fascist standing at the door. Are not going to defeat the fascist by what is President Biden offering . He she job. We are talking about millions of voters for whom th cant even survive unless they work two or three jobs. What is he saying beyond the economy is really doing well . Are you kidding me . For whom . That 20 is on an island surrounded by a vast sea of economic despair. 39 of the American People report they are regularly skipping meals in order to pay their rent. Over half of bankruptcies come from medical debt. We are now living at a time where economic anxiety is ity of people. The minimum wage not having beraised and increasing militarism. Whats going on here . We the people Abraham Lincoln said that people who died in the civil war for the union had died so that a government of the people, be people would not perish from the earth. Its perishing now. And on our watch. Government of the corporations by the corporations and for the corporations and we need a president who will turn this thing around. Who inspires the American People. We can do different. We can do better. Thats what it is to make this country great again. To return it to a actually had a thriving middle class and you dont do that with Donald Trumps policies. You do that with medicare for all. Tuition free college. Eliminating the entire college loan debt. Leave and subsidized childcare. Guaranteed housingliving wage, guaranteed sick pay. Change this world and make it more beautiful. We have to respond to Donald Trumps darky. We need to have a Piece Academy as well as a military academy. To have armies of peace builders as well as armies of peace. We need to end americas war on drugs. We need to have reparawe need to have policies that opportunities and the possibilities for the future, for our children and our childrens children. We need not keep ramping up fossil fuel extraction. This cou the direction of hope. That is the vision8 that will defeat donald trump. We are watching a car crash in y knows it. Some people will say, you are delusional. Whats delusional is her eyes and hoping that somehow biden and harris will be able to beat that juggernaut of dark dark vision. We are going to defeat that juggernaut by lifting ourselves up to a realization that new ginn what America Specializes in. Its what we are born from. We ancestors have done when they were challenged. We are hardwired to do great things and we have to do them now. Will read our policies. Are still in this. Lets do this. This is serious. We need to say to the American People, we see your pain and we need to say to donald trump, we see your bs. Lets do this. An update on new jerseys senate race. One of the prominent democrats battling for the seat held by senator bob menendez. To do away with garstates voting line voting system. Representative kims lawyers argued that this system put other candidates at inherent disadvantage. Hisy started airing this ad on new jersey airwaves this week. This is the nras world headquxc4]ters. Its where cowards work. They know their guns are killing ou but they dont care. And week, telling weak politicians refuse to stand up to them. And lets ban military style assault weapons once and fammy murphy and i will make it my mission to take down the nra. I cant be bought, i wont be bullied. A reminder, this program and all

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