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Span as a public service, along with these oer television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. Senate minority leader mitch mccowill be stepping down as republican leader in november. He served as partyr since 2007, the longest sent incident history. Until his current term expireste in january 2027. Here is the announcement heave from the senate floor. Sen. Mcconnell as some of you may know, this has been a particularly difficult time for my family. We tragically lost elaines younger Sister Angela just a few weeks ago. When you lose s one, particularly at a young age, theres a certain introspection that accompanies the grieving process. Perhaps it is gods way of reminding you of your own lifes journey to prioritize the impact of the world that we will all■ inevitably leave behind. I turned 82 last week. The end of my contributions are closer than id prefer. My career in the United States revolution. The truth is, when i got here i remembered my name. President reagan called me mitch odonald. Close enough, i thought. My wife elaine and i got married on president reagans birthday, february 6. Its probably hot the not the most■gzq romantic thing to admi but reagan meant a lot to both of us. For 31 years elaine has been the love of my life and im eternally grateful to have her by my side. I think back to my first days in the senate with deep appreciation for the time that helped shape my of the world. Im unconflicted about the goodwyn oush country and the good with isin with our countr with in our country. Thats why i worked so hard to get the National Security package passed earlier this month. Believe me, i know the politics within my party at this particular moment in time. I have many faults. M misunderstanding politics is not one of them. That said, i believe more ly th americas Global Leadership is essential to preserving the shinning city on a that Ronald Reagan discussed. For as long as i draw breath on this earth, i will defend excep when i was thinking about when i would deliver some news to the senate, i always imagined a moment when had total clarity and peace about the sunset of my work. A moment when im certain i have helped preserve the ideals i so that day arrived today. My goals when i was narrowly elected to the senate in 1984 were fairly modest. Do a good job for the people of doing so they might rehire me for a second term. That was it. That was the plan. If you would have told me 40 years later that i would stand before you as the longestserving Senate Leader in american history, frankly, i would have thought you lost your mind. I have the honor of representing kentucky and the senate longer than anyone else in our states history. I just never could have imagined never could have imagined that happening when i arrived here in 1984 at 42. Im filled with heartfelt gratitude and humility for the opportunity. But now its 2024. Im now 82. As acleastcs tells us, theres a time for every season and a time for every purpose under hech. So serve kentucky has been an honor of my life, and to lead my republican colleagues has been the highest privilege. But■h one of lifes most under appreciated talents is to know when its time to move on to lifes next chapter. So i stand before you today, mr. President , and my colleagues to say this will be my last term as republican leader of the senate. Im not going anywhere any time soon. However, i will my job my colleagues have given me until we select a new leader in november and they take the helm next january. Ill finish the job the people of kentucky hired me to do as well. Xa albeit from a different seat, and im actually looking forward to that. So its time for me to think about another season. I love the senate. Life. There may be more distinguished members of this body throughout were any with any more t there admiration for the senate. After all this time, i still get a thrill walking into the capitol and especially on this venerable floor knowing that we, each of us, represent our states and do the important work of our country. But father time remains undefeated. Im no longer the young man sitting in the back hop colleagues would remember my name. Its time for the next generation of clay said in this body in 1850, the constitution of the United States was made merely for the generation that then existed but for unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual so as time rolls on, there will be a new cuss stowedian soedian custodian next year, i intend to turn it over■4 to a republican majority leader, i have full confidence in choosinghad my replacement and choosing my our country there will be other times to reminisce. Im immensely proud of some roles i have had for the american people. Today is the day to discuss that, because as i said earlier, im not going anywhere any time soon. There are many challenges we ■2 must meet to deliver for the american people, and each will have my full effort and attention. I still have enough gas in my tank to thoroughly disappoint my critics and i intend to do so with all the enthusiasm with icecome accustomed. So to my colleagues, thank you for entrusting me with our success. Its been an honor to work with each of you. There will be plenty of time to express my gratitude in greater detail as i sprint towards the finish line which is now in sight. I yield the floor. With three days to go until superuesday, former President Trump will greensboro, North Carolina live today at 2 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, cspan now, our free mobile video app, and online at cspan. Org. Since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, cspan has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress, from the house and Senate Floors to congressional hearings, party briefings, and committee meetings. Cspan gives you a front row hod and decided, with no commentary, no interruptions, and completely unfiltered. Cspan, your unfiltered view of govement. Get project information for members of government right in the palm of your hand, when you preorder your copy of cspans 2024 congressional directory,win for every house and Senate Member of the 118th congress, important affirmation congressional committees, the president was the cabinets, federal agencies, and state governors. The directory costs 30. 95 plus shipping and handling, and every purchase helps support our nonprofit actions. Order your free copy today for delive this spring. Cspan is your unfiltered view of government. We are funded by these Television Companies and more, including midco. Midco supports cspan as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. Oca son hunter attended a closeddoor deposition as part of the impch the president and his familys business dealings. Before and following the deposition, the committees chair and ranking member, as well as Hunter Bidens lawyer, spoke to reporters. ■n thank you very much for being here this morning. Obviously this is a big day. This is the day that

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