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Mr. Mccaul i yield myself as much time as i may consume. The speaker the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccaul on october 7, the israelis woke to rockets raining down on them from gaza and gunmen broke down their doors and invaded their homes. Hamas terrorists killed babies and toddlers and killed elderly grandmothers and grandfathers. They killed moms and dads. They killed teenage kids in their homes. No one was spared from their brutality. Following world war ii, my fathers war, i never believed the world would bear witness to the slaughter of the jewish people like weve seen at the bloody hands of hamas. October 7 was the deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. Additionally, hamas is holding 220 hostages, including americans. This is a flier, mother and son taken hostage by hamas, bring them home now. Theyre using them as human shields and threatening to execute them. They must all be released unconditionally now. This is one of the darkest moments in the history of the state of israel. I was in one of the kibbutz kibbutz right on the border of gaza meeting with members of the community and i saw their Daycare Center, that same kibbutz was overrun by 70 Hamas Terrorists. Many of the residents i met were slaughtered, most viciously, the babies and the children i visited in the Daycare Center were slaughtered, shot to death, beheaded, and burned alive. When the press says it didnt happen, theyre just wrong. It did. Because ive seen the pictures of the burned babies and the decapitated children and the blood that you see here in the babys crib, for gods sakes. What is going on in the world today . In one of the most horrific stories to emerge, a pregnant woman who had her baby cut out in front of her very eyes as they murdered her baby before her and before they shot her in the head. Simply put, mr. Speaker, they are monsters. At a Music Festival to celebrate peace, chaos, gunfire and explosions ripped through the air, piercing hundreds of bodies with bullets and shrapnel. And while the attendees attempted to three the area, gunmen surrounded them from every direction. In total, 260 attendees assembled in peace to enjoy music were massacred. Among other atrocities weve heard reported include children with their hands bound, shot in the back of the head execution style. Women who were raped and slaughtered, one of whom was dragged through the streets of gaza. Families, including babies, and Young Children were burned alive in their homes in front of their parents. The but heeding of Israeli Soldiers and parents gunned down as they shielded their children before the onslaught of gunfire. This is sheer terror. Its evil. And it cannot stand in this world. We are witnessing in real time hamas carrying out their covenant that outlines their goal of eradicating israel through jihad. In fact, their covenant states, quote, israel will exist and continue to exist until islam will obliterate it, obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it. As they specifically discuss jihad, noting, quote, the day the enemies usurp part of muslim land, jihad becomes the individual duty of every muslim. Its compulsory the banner of jihad is raised and it was indeed raised october 7th. To be completely clear, despite repeated efforts by israel to secure peace, the hamas covenant states, quote, peace initiatives and socalled Peaceful Solutions and International Conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the islamic resistant movement. Theres no solution by the palestinians except by jihad. This declaration calling on the annihilation of the jewish state must be confronted with zero equivocation. That is why i worked with my good friend, Ranking Member meeks, to introduce this bipartisan resolution. It condemns in the strongest possible terms the atrocities of hamas and reiterates israels right to defend herself, along with americas unwavering support for the state of israel. All roads lead to iran. Their fingerprints are all over this attack. Theyve consistently funded hamas and other palestinian groups to the tune of 100 million per year. This resolution condemns hamas and iran for its support of terrorist groups such as hamas and the Palestinian Islamic jihad, and calling for all sanctions on iran to be fully enforced. So i urge my colleagues to support this important resolution. It will send a clear message across the world that terrorists and their sponsors will be held to account for their atrocities, their crimes against humanity, their crimes of genocide. On december 7, 1941 in response to the bombing of pearl harbor, president roosevelt said it was a date which will live in infamy. So, too, will october 7, 2023. And with that, mr. Speaker, i urge support and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker the gentleman from texas reserves, the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself as much time as i may consume. The speaker the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meeks i rise in support of this extraordinary important resolution written with my friend and colleague, chairman mccall. 18 days ago the state of israel suffered the greatest mass murder perpetuated against the jewish people since the holocaust when Hamas Terrorists invaded israel by land, by sea, and by air. Behaving just like isis, Hamas Terrorists murdered and beheaded soldiers and civilians alike, babies were shot and burned in their cribs and reduced to smoldering piles of ash, babies. Children were murdered. Teenagers were murdered. Men and women were murdered. Elderly people, including holocaust survivors, murdered. Hamas has also taken 200 of those who survived into gaza as hostages, including unaccompanied children, holocaust survivors, and Many American citizens. Mr. Speaker, hamas attack was truly unprecedented. And when you consider the size of israels population, proportionately, it would be like 30,000 people dying in new york on 9 11. Just let that sink in a little. We must all acknowledge that hamas is a cutthroat terrorist organization that exists solely to destroy israel. And hamas terrorism does not help the palestinians. And in this moment, it is critical for israel to know that the United States of america stands firmly by its side in this battle against hamas. Mr. Speaker, what im about to say next is also very important. There are innocent palestinians in both gaza and the west bank that seek normal and free lives and what nothing to do with hamas or other terrorist organizations, so we cannot lose sight of this and we must keep them, many of whom are also children and their safety and their wellbeing in mind. And we must find a way to ensure the safety of those innocents who are in gazas war zone. And i support the Biden Administrations efforts towards that goal. The United Nations estimates thousands of palestinians have been killed since the terrorist attack on october 7. And we dont know for certain how many of those killed were civilians. But heres what we do know, we know that Hamas Terrorists used palestinians as human shields. And we know that every single one of them would be alive today if hamas had not launched its terrorist attack. So we must be aware and do all that we can to stop this war from expanding beyond its current scope. The administration and our allies are working around the clock to send messages and warnings to iran and hezbollah to stay out. President biden underscored this message during his recent travel to israel, do not test americas will. This congress will have israels back as it degrades and eliminates hamas terrorist infrastructure. We know that it wont take a day, it will be difficult. For too long too many have been willing to contribute to the the delegitimatization of the state of israel and even concerning that Global Leaders are already white washing one of the worst terror attacks in history while hamas and its allies blanket cyberspace with misinformation about this war. Just yesterday turkish president ered juan president erdogan said its a group of mahadine defending their lands and this from the mouth of a nato ally who has its own concerns about terrorists as a existential president erdogans state suspect dead wrong, it is rank with my pockcy and its timing is dangerous. The resolution before us is a bright spot of bipartisanship today. During a very difficult time in american politics. 425 members of this house of representatives have cosponsored this resolution. There is no question in my mind that it will pass overwhelmingly. Democrats and republicans alike. And most importantly, the American People believe in the jewish state and believe in its survival. In the days, weeks, and months ahead, i know the United States will continue to stand steadfastly with israel to assure its defense and its longterm security. We will also, as President Biden has outlined, remain committed to ensuring the civilians in gaza have access to safe areas and continue to have access to food, water, medical care and other assistance without diversions by hamas. We must also stay keenly focused on working to get United States citizens and their immediate family members to exit gaza safely. I want to conclude, mr. Speaker, by raising an issue that the United States and israel must address. What does a Successful Ground operation in gaza look like . How do we achieve the goal of leaving gaza to a responsible Palestinian Government if israels effort to remove hamas is successful . One thing is for certain. The path to peace will require more arab states to recognize that israel has the right to exist. And that will hold firm and will make sure that we can have thereby a twostate solution. But if you say israel does not have the right to exist, youre saying that you do not want peace. So i urge our arab friends to join the Abraham Accords and acknowledge israels right to exist because thats the pathway to peace in the middle east. And to the people of israel, i hope you learn of the passage of this resolution today, and know that the United States congress and the American People have your back. We mourn beside you. And are working to provide the resources your government needs to defend you. We have deployed powerful military resources to the region to demonstrate just that support. We are working all of our diplomatic channels to assure your success. And we are in this together. We will not waver. We will not quit. We will stand with our ally, israel. With that, i reserve the plans of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield two minutes to the gentleman from new je jersey, on the committee of global holt. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Thank you. Our great friend and ally israel with significant assistance from the United States continues to respond to the cowardly hamas invasion that includes hamas psychotic terrorists butchering innocent civilians, rape, hostage take, the beheading of babies and daily indiscriminate attacks that are reminiscent of nazi buzz bombs and v2 rockets. Mr. Smith Prime Minister netanyahu said in the past he would never allow a second holocaust, nor should we. Antisemitism is at the root of hamas violence against israel and every jewish man, woman, and child. Israels right to defend itself from this brutal invasion is absolute. Hamas 1988 charter explicitly demands the destruction of the state of israel and pr claim, quote, israel will exist and will continue to exist until islam will obliterate it, close quote. Article 7 of the Hamas Charter demands the slaughter of all jews and says, the jews will hide behind rocks and trees and the rocks and trees will cry out there is a jew hiding behind me, come and kill him. Close quote. Article 13 explicitly rejects initiatives for peace and reconciliation and states, quote, initiatives in socalled Peaceful Solutions and International Conferences are contradictions to the principle of Islamic Resistance movement. It is 2017 in its 2017 Charter Hamas reiterated its goal of wiping israel off the face of the earth and said, and i quote there is no alternative to a fully sovereign palestinian state on the entire National Palestinian soil with jerusalem as its capital. Like the nazis before them, hamas and its chief terrorism sponsor, iran are committing genocide against the jews. The United States and all people committed to human rights and the rule of law must stand with israel. That means our support and prayers and the Weapons Systems to defeat hamas. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks im proud to yield two minutes to the gentleman from North Carolina, the honorable representative kathy manning. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Manning 18 days ago, more than 1,000 Hamas Terrorists invaded our democratic ally israel and in the most gruesome, savage and unimaginably barbaric manner attacked 22 israeli towns going housetohouse, slaughtering families, raping girls, beheading babies, setting fire to homes where children were hiding in safe rooms, burning them alive and taking more than 200 people of 40 different nationalities hostage. Taking infants and the elderly hostage. They massacred more than 260 young people attending an outdoor peace concert. They perpetrated the worst attack on the jewish people since the holocaust. Slaughtering more than 1,400 people including 39 americans. And in committing these horrific crimes against humanity, they have brought disaster to the very people they govern. The Palestinian People. They hide their fighters among civilians. They place rocket launchers and weapons in schools and hospitals. In mosque, in residential buildings. Compounding their acts of evil. I was so proud that President Biden immediately expressed the full support of the United States for the state of israel and he traveled to israel in a time of war to embrace the israeli people, to show with his presence that the jewish state has not only a right but a duty to defend itself against hamas. A terrorist group that has in its charter as its foundational purpose to murder jews and destroy the state of israel. And make no mistake, when they shout from the river to the sea, they are calling for the total destruction of the state of israel and ridding the middle east of all jews. Well, not on our watch. The United States will stand sidebyside with our democratic ally israel. I urge my colleagues to join me in voting in support of this resolution. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has exniempled gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. I yield two minutes to the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. Wagner. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. Mrs. Wagner i rise in support of h. Res. 771. Today the house has an opportunity to demonstrate moral clarity and moral courage. These past few weeks have exposed a level of antisemitism in this nation that is frightening. Whether it is schoolchildren chanting for the genocide of israelis by calling for removal from the river to the sea or radicalized College Students projecting antisemitic slogans on the side of school property, it is clear Young Americans are being indoctrinated against israel. These actions must be con deemed. Hamas is a Terror Organization. That slaughtered innocent women and children. Hamas is a Terror Organization that manipulated western media into doing their bidding by spreading lies about attacks israel did not commit. Hamas is a Terror Organization that steals foreign aid, using to construct rockets and attack israel. These are not my opinions, mr. Speaker. They are facts. And yet too many refuse to call hamas out for what it is. Evil incarnate. Focused solely on the destruction of the jewish people. Mr. Speaker, the United States government must be united in support of israel and against hamas and antisemitism. There should be no equivocation from the white house, when asked whether the rise of anticism is wrong. There should be no equivocation from a member of congress about whether to stand with israel or with terrorist groups like hamas. Today this body is speaking loudly to the International Community that israel must have the resources to defend itself from genocidal terrorists. With one voice, let us support h. Res. 771 and stand with israel and if, mr. Speaker, you cannot bring yourself to support this resolution today, i would encourage any such member to do the right thing and resign from this body. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks im proud to yield one minute to the former majority leader of this distinguished body, the gentleman from maryland, the honorable steny hoyer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hoyer i thank the gentleman for yielding. For millenia, the jews of the world have been subject all over the world to prejudice, hate, and violence. Mr. Speaker, i have visited a kibbutz over four types in the last 25 years. It was a place of community. And on october 7, hamas turned it into a place of slaughter. This Brutal Terrorist Organization will pursue its genocidal, antisemitic mission to fight and kill jews. Thats their purpose. The jewish state of israel will cease to exist if their objectives are achieved. Hamas will not yield. And neither can we. As the resolution makes clear, we will stand by our ally, israel. Have their back, mr. Chairman. Dozens of american civilians have been killed, wounded, held captive in this war. We have seen the scourge of antisemitism here in america. 30 more seconds . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is yielded 30 seconds. Mr. Hoyer we must follow this resolution with action and we must all vote for this resolution and speak with one voice. Action that shows the world that america will defend its allies in israel and ukraine and around the world. And i yield back the plans of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield two minutes to the gentleman from south carolina, mr. Wilson, chairman of the Foreign Affairs subcommittee on the middle east. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Wilson spb thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I am grateful to support this bipartisan resolution which has been offered by our chairman, mike mccaul, and Ranking Member greg meeks. I was born with an appreciatary of appreciation of the people of jewish faith my birth place of charleston charleston, south carolina, was at the time of the American Revolution had the largest Jewish Population in the new world who came here to escape oppression to achieve freedom which they achieved in america. I was grateful today to be the chairman of the middle east subcommittee and cochair of the israel caucus. Seven weeks ago i met with Prime Minister net and yao hue who is so courageous and serving there in jerusalem. I pledged my support of israel to defend itself from a nuclear iran which also includes of course support of israel from the barbarian invasion of hamas, the pickup trucks of iran who have conducted murder, killing hundreds of persons, 1200 at least, possibly more. Americas resolve i saw firsthand leading the house delegation to fulfill Donald Trumps opening of the u. S. Embassy in jerusalem with david friedman. I urge my colleagues of both parties to support the resolution and i yield back. The speaker the gentleman yields back. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i now proudly yield two minutes to the member of the house Foreign Affairs committee, the gentleman from california, representative brad sherman. The speaker the gentleman from california is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Sherman i want to thank Hakeem Jeffries for his speech in favor of the importance of this resolution. The scenes from gaza are horrendous, and some cry out for a ceasefire but hamas cannot follow a ceasefire. They exist, and it is in their charter, kill every jew in the middle east, if they ever agree to a ceasefire, theyd fall apart. They had a ceasefire october 6 which is why they killed 1, 400 civilians october 7. We can get a ceasefire when hamas agrees to release the hostages and the voices demanding a ceasefire should be shouting at that maas demanding those two actions. We hear quotes of the Gaza Ministry of health. It counts in their death counts the terrorists killed and mixes them with the civilians and the gazas administrative of health is under control of hamas. Hamas brutally murders palestinians who dare dissent and forces palestinians to act as human shields. It steals aid for civilians. 30 of the time when it shoots a rocket in an effort to kill and is really civilian, it never leaves gaza and falls to earth where it may kill palestinians, including those who died at that hospital in gaza. And israel is characterized as somehow a european colony. Keep in mind, the majority of israeli jews are there from arab states and iran from which theyve been expelled or persecuted. There has been this is a middle eastern country, of middle eastern dissent for people who lived there 2,000 years ago but also lived there until arab states persecuted them. I look forward to a time of twostate resolution and begins with the destruction of hamas. The speaker the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul mr. Speaker, i yield 1 1 2 minutes to the gentlelady from california, mrs. Kim, from the chair of the indopacific. The speaker the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Kim i rise in strong support of this resolution to demonstrate this house stands united with israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by hamas and other terrorists. On october 7, we watched in horror as hundreds of terrorists poured across the israelgaza border and massacred, kidnapped and raped israelis. Its abhorrent. This is at the hands of hamas and hezbollah terrorist groups backed and funded by the iran regime. They want to wipe israel off the map. Thousands of rockets have fallen on israel and continue falling as we speak. This has been the worst attack on jews since the holocaust. I visited israel last year and i felt a constant threat of attack that the people of israel face. And it reminded me of my time growing up in south korea as a young girl after the korean war, and i felt that constant threat coming from north korea. This is really personal to me. Hamas now holds around 200 hostages from israel, the u. S. , and other countries around the world. Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorist aggression, bring its hostages home, and its right to exist. I thank chairman mccall and Ranking Member meeks for leading this resolution, and i urge my colleagues to support it. I yield the balance of my time. The speaker the gentlewoman yields her time. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks mr. Speaker, i now proudly yield two minutes to a strong member of the house Foreign Affairs committee, the gentleman from illinois, representative brad schneider. The speaker the gentleman is recognized for 2 1 2 minutes. Mr. Schneider thank you for leading on this resolution, mr. Meeks and mr. Mccaul. Hamas is a terrorist oh committed to hate and committed to genocide. Since its founding hamas has been dedicated to the murder of jews and destruction of israel. All who cherish life, value democracy, and seek justice must resolutely condemn hamas, condemn its heinous attack on october 7 and condemn its war with israel. And israel has the right, israel has the responsibility to defend itself against hamas, to protect its citizens, to secure its borders, and to rescue its hostages no matter how long it takes. Peace will only come after hamas releases its hostages. Hamas ceases at launching rockets from israeli neighbors, from palestinian neighborhoods, schools, and hospitals. And hamas no longer governs gaza or threatens israel. Until then, palestinians and israelis cannot know peace. Three points, hamas is a murderous organization and its aspirations are no different than al qaeda or isis. 22 years ago the United States went to war halfway across the world. Today hamas is not halfway across the world but entrenched on israels border. Israel must be able to defend itself. Point number two, defend itself and protect its citizens. And point number three, the United States, the United States congress, and the American People stand with israel. Our relationship is unbreakable. Our commitment to israels security to a Jewish Democratic state is iron clad. Israel has no better friend than the United States. And the United States has no better friend than israel. And to those who cheer hamas, who turn a blind eye to murder, rape, torture, and kidnapping, you cast your lot with the barbarians and share in their shame. I ask my colleagues to support this resolution and yield back. The speaker the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Issa. The speaker the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Issa thank you, mr. Speaker. Many in this body continue to say that no words can describe the horror that the israeli people are facing. Thats not true. There are words to describe it, and they have to be said. And some of those words are simply the facts, the real information that were not seeing. One of them is that we are constantly hearing from pro palestinian groups that in fact you have a right to resist occupation. I have been in this body since 2001. I was in israel under ariel sharon when he withdrew every settler and every soldier from gaza. Gaza has not been under occupation, just the opposite. When they didnt like the control they had after an election, hamas seized by violence the control of gaza, killing their fellow palestinians and since that time, they have been a war making machine that has in fact been financed by iran, equipped by iran, and today it is iran that owes an apology to the world, and the Palestinian People need to discount forever their association. I yield back. The speaker the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks and ill probably yield two minutes to another strong member of the house Foreign Affairs committee, the gentleman from california, representative jim costa. The speaker the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Costa i thank the gentleman from new york for putting together this strong resolution. The United States unequivocally stands with the state of israel and its people. The world is watching our actions today and tomorrow. And well determine by our actions the future of democracies around the world. So therefore we must be unified and bipartisan. Terrorism is never, ever justified. Israel has the right to exist and defend itself against hamas, a terrorist group whose only purpose is to destroy the state of israel and its people. Congress, therefore, and the president must together pass a strong bipartisan package to support our ally israel. We must send a strong message to iran, syria, hezbollah not to escalate this situation. In the president s words, dont, dont think about it. America defends its allies, israel and ukraine and other freedomloving democracies around the world. We stand by our word. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul yield one minute to the gentleman from louisiana, the majority leader, mr. Scalise. The speaker the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Scalise i thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank chairman mccall and Ranking Member meeks for coming together on this critical, important piece of legislation, this first piece of legislation under speaker mike johnson, to stand with our friend, israel, as theyre under attack from hamas and other terrorist organizations. Lets not forget what has happened, because there are reports that iran and other terrorist organizations worked with hamas for not only months but possibly up to over a year planning these vicious attacks that now result in war and death of so many people, not just israelis, americans, hostages, so many injured, thousands more. This is horrific. This is an opportunity for people all around the world to stand with israels right to defend themselves. But as we look at the casualties and we look at the devastation, the barbaric nature of the attacks coming from hamas and gaza, we must recognize that the funding that goes to these terrorist organizations can be stopped with stronger action from this congress. And i know were going to be coming together again to address some of those issues. We need to stand up against irans ability to sell oil on the World Markets because they use those billions of dollars in funds to also augment and Fund Terrorism to groups like hamas. Everybody knows it happens. Its been going on for years and years and it must stop. We must stand up against it. We must also freeze the 6 billion that still hasnt been transferred but that was negotiated as part of a settlement that even iran has admitted can be used for whatever purpose they want, including funding terrorism. We cant stand by and let that happen either. And as were taking strong action to stand with israel, our friend in the middle east, we must also stand up to the antisemitism we see here in our country that pops its ugly head during ugly times like this. So i applaud my colleagues, again, 425 cosponsors on this piece of legislation shows that even a divided congress, we can come together when its time to support our strongest ally in the region when they are under attack. We strongly stand with israel. Lets pass this legislation overwhelmingly. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks mr. Speaker, im proud to yield two minutes to the former chair of the House Appropriations committee and the current Ranking Member of the House Appropriations committee, the gentlelady from connecticut, representative rosa delauro. The speaker the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Delauro im devastated by the attacks on innocent civilians in israel which includes taking elderly people and women hostage. I stand by israel and unequivocally support its right to defend itself. This vicious assault was enabled by iran which has publicly praised the attacks, and now more than ever, it is vital the United States does not walk away from its global commitment to defend democracy. This war is against hamas. It is not the Palestinian People. And palestinians have also lost communities and even loved ones because of hamas atrocities. Israel has to end hamas role in gaza. And while we Work Together to minimize harm to civilian populations, but hamas presence is an assault on humanity, and i want to work with the unity government in israel to create the conditions for peace again. As Ranking Member of the House Appropriations committee, im intent on ensuring that we do everything that we can to provide the humanitarian, military assistance that is necessary for israel to recover from this devastation and continue to defend itself. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Mccaul i yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Burchett. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Burchett lets be honest, mr. Speaker. If hamas puts down its guns, peace will happen. If israel does it, theyll be slaughtered. These brutal attacks by Hamas Terrorists, theyve killed over 1,400 israelis, and over 200 hostages. I thought it was telling when i saw a father, jewish father, on the news celebrating that his daughter died in the initial attack because he was afraid shed been abducted and all the horrible, horrible things these dirt bags would have done to her. Weve had a few week heres of discontent here in this body. But today i think we all stand united with israel as a body. Israel and the jewish people have long been targets. Hamas must understand their time is over. They are about to meet their fate and their maker. We stand in solidarity with the people of israel. Their fight against these worthless thugs, hamas, hezbollah and other iranian backed terrorist groups. They must know we are committed to our allies and they will die. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i now yield two minutes to the former chairman of the agriculture committee, the current Ranking Member, the gentleman from georgia, representative david scott. Mr. Scott thank you very much. And the very first thing i want to say is this. Take note, those of you who are around the world watching this house of representatives in action. That the very first bill that we are putting out is a bill to send a powerful message. We not only stand with israel, we will fight with israel. Theres absolutely no way, as gotd is our maker, that we are going to stand by and see israel destroyed. Make no mistake about it. Its as clear as bell. In the holy scriptures brought down by the mighty hand of god almighty, stand with my people, the people of israel. Now, ladies and gentlemen, i was called upon as a member of the Nato Parliamentary Assembly to go to iran, write the paper on iran. I met the people of iran. And i want the people of iran to listen. Go to your leadership, they are the ones that control hamas, hezbollah, and then i call upon our friends in saudi arabia. The answer to this is in your hands. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul thank you. I yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, a member of the Foreign Affairs committee, mr. Jackson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Jackson thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Speaker, there has never been a more important moment in the relationship between the United States and israel. I call upon this body to take all necessary actions to unequivocally stand with israel as it fights for its very existence in this unprovoked war launched by iranianbacked Hamas Terrorists. I have and always will do everything in my power to stand with israel. I, like the rest of the civilized world, have been disgusted with the unspeakable and barbaric atroughsties imposed on innocent israeli women and children by these animals that call themselves hamas. We must enact poll stoic provide israel with anything and everything it needs to defend itself, to immediately end all illegal aid payments to the palestinian terrorists and to hold iran accountable. As long as i have a vote in congress i will always cast my support always cast my vote in support of the jewish state. With that, i yield back. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks im proud to yield two minutes to the speaker emery tay, the gentlewoman from speaker emerita, the gentlewoman from the state of california, the honorable nancy pelosi. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Pelosi thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I rise in strong support of this resolution to support one of the closest allies in the world and partners, israel, as she defends herself against terrorist attacks. I thank chairman mccaul for his leadership in bringing to the floor as well as Ranking Member meeks, for their leadership, working together, crafting this resounding statement of support and doing so in unifying in a unify, bipartisan way. Mr. Speaker, on october 7, we watched in horror as Hamas Terrorists unleashed a brutal assault on israels families and slaughtered weve gone into some of the detail of the brutality of it all. Outside the circumstance of civilized human behavior. Brutality. The attacks were horrible. With this resolution the United States congress resoundingly declare ours support for israel, not with revenge but with justice, that justice will be done. When doing so, we continue to remain concerned about the humanitarian situation in gaza with civilians caught in the middle of the war. I echo secretary blinkens call for humanitarian pause so that innocent lives can be saved. 80 years ago, mr. Speaker, on the floor of this house, my father, as a member of congress, called upon the Roosevelt Administration to support the establishment of the state of israel in what was known as palestine at the time. He was early in calling for that. So its in my d. N. A. To protect that state of israel. Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of the state of israel. Hamas has been declared a terrorist organization by the United States. Hamas must be destroyed. But in destroying them we must protect the children in gaza. They use them as shields. We want to protect them. So this resolution in overwhelm, bipartisan support on the floor of the house, is so necessary. I urge unanimous vote and thank the chairman and Ranking Member for their leadership. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Barr. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Barr i rise in support of this resolution affirming israels right to selfdefense against this savnl war perpetrated by hamas an other iranianbacked terrorists. While it was Hamas Terrorists who invaded peaceful communities across israel, decapitating baby, burning elderly women alive, kidnapping civilians including holocaust survivors, it was iran who was working behind the scenes to support this terror. I support this resolution because it calls out think the mullahs for this attack. How did this happen . It happened because the Biden Administration Foreign Policy allowed it to happen. Our government designated iran as a state sponsor of terror yet the Biden Administration pursued a policy of weakness and appeasement toward tehran. Since the Biden Administration took office, iran has generated approximately 80 billion in revenue from oil sales and thats because this administration rolled back the trump administrations successful maximum pressure campaign. In 2021, the administration lifted Oil Sanctions on iran that were so helpful to the regime that the deputy chief of the central bank of iran mr. Mccaul i yield an additional 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is yielded 30 seconds. Mr. Barr the deputy chief of the central bank of iran said irans foreign currency reserves were growing due to the growth of oil and other exports. For months, secretary blinken and our National Security adviser and voars chased another jcpoa to release billions in sanction assets and now we see the administration effectively incentivize to take american hostages by facilitating the transfer of 6 billion from south korea to iranian banks in qatar, a deal this administration claims it has frozen for now, for now, but qatar and iran says is available to them today. Support this resolution. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks let me inquire how much time remains. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york has seven minutes remaining. The gentleman from texas has 10 minutes remaining. Mr. Meeks i yield a minute and a half to the gentlelady from florida, weptive Debbie Wasserman schultz. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for a minute and a half. Ms. Wasserman schultz i thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise in strong support of this resolution on the state of israel and to the speak out against the horrific murtd of 1400 israeli civilians and the kidnapping of hundreds more. The unspeakable violence on the jewish people by hamas goes beyond condemnation, it requires action. I was in the region in pursuit of peace when hamas launched their cowardly attack on civilian communities. Three days later i met with israelis unified leadership and pledged continued u. S. Support for the defense of the jewish state. President biden has led our nation in mourning the dead, rescuing the kidnapped and punishing those who need it. Israel has never had a stronger ally in the oval office the unconscionable apathy of many nations and many in our own nation is a sobering reminder that israel remains surround by hostility and danger. Israel has a right to defend itself and hamas must be destroyed. As an advocate for peace, normalization and a twostate solution it must be stated that hamas is the primary obstacle to all three. We should not tolerate americans who rationalize massacres and lionize monsters while spouting off antisemitic tropes and accusations. I will not equivocate. Theres no equivalence between israels righteous efforts to protect civilians and democracy from terror and hamas using innocent palestinians as a human shield, burning families alive and raping teenage girls to death. Thank you, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from arkansas, a member of the Foreign Affairs committee, mr. Hill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hill i thank the speaker. I want to thank the chairman and thank the Ranking Member for their work on this bipartisan, strong resolution. Iran and russia are locked in a poisonous partnership committed to terror. Terror in ukraine. Terror in syria. And iran is the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism is further committed to the destruction of our ally israel. On october 7, irans pickup truck, hamas, commenced its most recent sick, savage slaughter of innocents. America, we were the first nation to recognize israel in 1948. But over the decades, we have stood at her side when shes been attacked by force over her borders. Weve stood by her side against antisemitic rhetoric in the halls of the United Nations. And together we have been seeking solutions. Today united we stand on this house floor in prayer for the safe return of all the hostages taken by hamas. I urge adoption on a strong bipartisan basis, of this resolution in support of our ally, israel. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, representative thanedar. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thanedar thank you, chairman mccaul and Ranking Member meeks. I rise in support of House Resolution 771, i firmly stand with israel in the face of terrorism from hamas. When i visited israel in august, i saw how they were surrounded by threats. Now those threats have come true in the most violent and terrible possible way. Let me be clear. Our goal is the eradication of terrorists and terrorism from the face of this earth. We call on and expect the israeli army to try to minimize civilian casualties and we should make a reasonable effort to protect innocent palestinians. But there can be no cease fire until hamas releases all hostages, stops rocket attacks and surrenders lead oars they have terrorist attack. Mr. Chairman, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, the chair of the subcommittee on europe, mr. Kaine. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Kaine i thank the gentleman for yielding me time. On october 7, hamas launched the most brutal, surprise attack on israel since the yom people were shocked with reports of Young Children beheaded and holocaust surviveors being led into gaza. I spent time with speaks with constituents who had to flee back to the United States. I stand here in support of this overwhelming bipartisan resolution which has almost every Single Member of the house of representatives as a cosponsor. As the house of representatives, we support israels right to selfdefense and survival. We stand against hamas, against its terror and against its masters in tehran. We stand with israel and its fight for survival and against antisemitism in all of its forms. Thank you and i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves, the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i yield to mr. Frankel for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Frankel my uncle fled the holocaust as others were tortured and we thought it would not happen again but on october 7 it happened again. The brutal, barbaric attacks by hamas was not about freeing innocent people, it was about destroying israel and killing view jews. So today im proud to stand with all those who condemn hamas, support israels right to defend itself and reaffirm the United States commitment to israels security and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, from the Foreign Affairs committee, mr. Lawler. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lawler women, children, babies slaughtered, the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust. Israel has a right to exist, a right to defend itself. We have members in this body who do not believe that. Members in this body who cannot muster the courage or the strength to condemn the slaughtering of babies. But have the audacity to repeat a vial and disgusting lie that israel bombed a hospital. And the fact everyone didnt sign on to the resolution tells you everything you need to know. If you cannot stand with israel, our greatest ally in the middle east, a beacon of democracy and hope and freedom, you do not belong in this body. Those members should resign in disgrace. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks how much time remains . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has four minutes remaining, the gentleman from texas has 4 1 2 minutes remaining. Mr. Meeks i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee, one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Kustoff i rise to condemn the brutal attack on israel and reiterate our strong support for our greatest ally in the middle east, israel. We all know about the heinous, unprovoked attack is barbaric. Its our responsibility as members of congress to stand united with israel. Let me be clear, israel has a fundamental right to defend herself and her people during this conflict, during this war. Im honored to be chairman of the bipartisan house knesset parliamentary friendship group. From both side of the aisles our Member Support for the only democracy in the middle east is absolutely ironclad and this resolution demonstrates our unwavering commitment to israel and our relationship. Its important for our nation and the rest of the world to hear this strong support and commitment from the United States house of representatives. I thank chairman mccall and member meeks for their membership and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i yield 1 30 to the gentleman from North Carolina, representative don davis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for 1 1 2 minutes. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in strong support of this resolution which expresses unwavering support for israel. This past august, i traveled to israel, and it was absolutely heartwrenching, as i think the very place that i stood just days later, when i was in israel, i was at the kibbutz there where 58 people in the community was massacred. Its awful to think babies killed, people slaughtered, gunned down in cold blood. 33 americans have lost their lives. Others are missing. Lets be clear, a nation must respond. And yes, we must respond. So let us continue to extend our unwavering support to israel and ensure that the people of israel have everything necessary to defend themselves in this matter, these egregious hamas fighters. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, a member of the Foreign Affairs committee, mr. Moran. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Moran as a freedom loving member of the u. S. Is house, these events of israel these past weeks are of concern and should concern every member of the house and every member no matter the religion. Hamas is a iranian backed terrorist organization whose official charter calls for the obliteration of israel and the jewish people. Consider that for a moment. These last few weeks have been proof of their commitment to this goal. How should we respond in the United States. The u. S. Should act strategically with strength and steadiness so that those enemies of the u. S. And israel are overwhelmed and defeated in their entirety. We Must Stand Firm with israel whatever they need, whatever they need. Now is not the time to timidity and time for strength and unity with israel and such action will deter evil and promote liberty p. Now is time to be all in. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Moran let us stand with israel. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from reserves. The gentleman from new york reserves. Mr. Mccaul i yield one minute to mr. Roes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Roes today i rise in support of the greatest ally in the middle east, its people and the right to defend itself against the horrifying hamas terror attacks that have taken the lives of so many innocent individuals including 33 americans. Mr. Rose since that deadly attack, ive been working to assist tennesseans and family and friends in israel and their attempts to come home. Ive also joined members of the tennessee delegation in a letter to President Biden urging him to support israel by any means possible, including by providing any weapons and munitions necessary and punishing all involved in aiding the Hamas Terrorists. And lastly, i was proud to be an original cosponsor of this resolution we are here voting on today which reaffirms our commitment to israel and condemns hamas brutal terrorist attacks. Mr. Speaker, we must do everything we can to protect and defend our friend israel. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield one minute to mr. Pfluger of texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Pfluger thank you. Its great to be back at work doing the work of the house and the United States stand together against the barbaric attacks against israel. The attack nearly 50 years to the day of the yom kippur war was horrific with hundreds taken hostage including american citizens and the brutality is unlike anything weve seen in modern years with women and children raped and babies beheaded, this cannot be the norm. Israel has every right to protect itself, to defend itself and their sovereignty. Israel must protect its citizens and withhold their sovereignty without question. With the misinformation and horrible prohamas demonstrations throughout the world, the u. S. Congress must reaffirm our unwavering support for israel and we must work towards a lasting peace that ensures the security and prosperity of our jewish friends and israel. Let us stand shoulder to shoulder unwavering in the enduring bonds that bind our nation together. We stand with israel today and forever. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks i continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield to mr. Full occur. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Full churr i rise to support israel. Theyre our most important partner in fighting terrorism and the first line of defense for the u. S. When it comes to terrorism because the sources of that terrorism is the same for both of us. Israel is a fabulous intelligence partner and liken them to a giant antenna in the middle east that serves and provides information to america. And as the only true democracy in the middle east, israel is a beacon for the american ideals of freedom, personal liberty and a market economy. Lets stand together and support israel and support h. R. 771. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Meeks im ready to close. The speaker pro tempore is the gentleman ready to close . The gentleman from new york is recognized to close. Mr. Meeks thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank my friend and colleague, the chairman of the house Foreign Affairs committee, mr. Mccaul, for his friendship and working collectively together in making sure the world knows theres no daylight between us when it comes to us standing with our friend, our ally, the state of israel, and i appreciate you. After this horrendous attack on october 7, we had a conversation. We said lets make sure we put out a statement collectively, giving our opinions as chair and Ranking Member of this committee and then immediately thereafter, we went immediately to work on a resolution so that the world would know where the United States house of representatives stood. And we thought wed get it done earlier but we knew the next thing that we would the first bill, the first resolution that would come to the floor after the house resumed its business would be this bill because this bill is so significantly important to state that we have the back of our friend and ally, and we want to make sure that hamas does not exist. Mr. Speaker, ive had the privilege and opportunity to visit israel. Several times ive been in some of those tunnels. Ive talked to the people. And when ive talked to the people of israel, all they say is they want to live in peace. When i talk to the people of the palestinian individuals in gaza or the west bank, they say they want peace. But hamas, a terrorist organization, when you look at their mandate, they say they want the destruction of israel. You cannot have peace. You cant even negotiate peace if one side says you should not exist. How can you say you want a better relationship if youre saying that one side should not . If youre saying israel should not exist . And you cant forget the horrific terrorist isislike atrocities committed on october 7. You you cannot be silent. You cant sit back and make believe it didnt happen. Because it did. So mr. Speaker, i say as we end this debate, thank you and thank you to the American People for standing with our friend and ally, the state of israel. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas is recognized to close. Mr. Mccaul i want to thank my good friend, mr. Meeks, as well. Thats how this committee operates and you know, the fact that this is the most bipartisan resolution in modern history, with 425 cosponsors, over 97 of this body, speaks volumes. And it sends a strong message to the people of israel that the United States congress and the American People stand firmly behind you. The hamas covenant states, quote, ranks will close, fighters joining other fighters, and masses everywhere in the islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty, loudly proclaiming, hail the jihad. They say this cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is is achieved. The invaders vanquished and victory comes about. In response to this we must strengthen ourry solve to stand with our ally, israel. This resolution sends a clear and unequivocal message that the United States house of representatives and the American People condemn the bar barety of the genocide and war crimes perpetrated by hamas. And we want to make it clear that israel has the right to defend herself to to prevent an event like this from ever happening again. We want to assure you that the United States will be shouldertoshoulder with israel, supporting her right to selfdefense and with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time

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