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You can call us on the lines on your screen. Republicans, 202 7488000. Democrats republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. An independents, 202 7488002. We will be right back. Announcer this year, announcer tv celebrates 25 years of nonfiction books and authors. For the 27 there in a row, book tv is live with. A National Book festival. Since 2001, book tv is in partnership with Library Congress provided signature, indepth, uninterrupted coverage of the National Book festival, featuring hundreds of nonfiction authors and guests. Watch saturday as book tv once again brings you allday coverage of the National Book festival. Esan authors include library of congress carla hayden, Dustin Buttigieg on his book called i have something to tell you and a former nfl player, author of the yards between us. See our complete National Book festival schedule online at booktv. Org. The lie be of congress National Book festival Live Saturday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan2. Announcer sunday night on cspan q a. James rosen author of scalia, rise to greatness, 1936 to 1986, talks about the first of his twopart biography of the Late Supreme Court associate Justice Antonin Scalia a. Scully i think recoiled from the access of the student antiwar movement, the unrest, the silencing of debate, and all of that shaped him in ways that made him a better judge and justice so we can understand cant understand how he got to be Justice Scalia without understanding the elements of his academic career. James rosen with his book, sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. You can listen to q a and our podcasts on the free cspan now app. Cspan now is a fruit mobile app featuring unfiltered view of what is happening in washington, live and ondemand. Keep up with todays biggest events with live streams of floor proceedings and hearings from the u. S. Congress. White house events, the courts, and more from the world of politics. All at your fingertips. You can also stay current with the latest episodes of washington journal and find scheduling information for cspans tv network and cspan radio, plus a variety of podcasts. Cspan now available at the apple store, google play. Download for free today. Cspan now, your front row seat to washington anytime and anywhere. Announcer washington journal continues. Continues. Host welcome back to washington journal. I will be taking your calls until the end of the program. A quick update on the situation in hawaii, from the star advertiser, a local hawaii paper. The headline, 55 confirmed deaths with upwards of 1700 buildings destroyed on maui. The article says firefighters brought the vicious log fire to 80 protect 80 containment, three days into what may be the deadliest disaster in the state history, a catastrophe that brought frustration to the service on whether there was sufficient notice to residents of the area to evacuate. Maui county officials raised the death count to 95, an increase from wednesday. The governor expect that to keep climbing. Also in the news from politico, biden seeking 40 million in emergency funds for ukraine Disaster Relief. That total includes 13 billion in military aid to ukraine as well as billions of dollars more in funding to replenish a dwindling pot of federal Disaster Relief according to two people with knowledge of that. And we will go to randall in north dakota, democrat, good morning. Caller i wanted to make a quick comment about your recent guy there, the doctor. You had a call earlier make a mention about vaccines. I think in some ways cspan has become the twitter of the cable news network. It has in many ways, that the stream is so open and uncontrolled, that these people like the doctor who was obviously was in the trumpet ministration and he was there as a political hack job against the cdc. One of the first things i think cspan should ask everyone who comes on your show, who pays your salary . Where does the money come from . Where you have come here to represent yourself as. That is pretty much i hope you will take input to that statement. Host appreciate the input. Fabians in new york, republican, good morning. Caller good morning. First time caller, happy to be on cspan. I want to touch a few notes. I will start with the guy on the cdc. I wanted to ask a question about why they in new york have approved overthecounter birth controls. I think it is a horrible idea and now youths start to have sex unprotected and they go into the stores and get these birth controls. The guys will influence the girls to go get it and the girls will know it is there and they will get it and everybody will be having unprotected sex. Earlier, there was a caller who talked about republicans being uneducated and they are more educated than the republicans. I dont know about that. What i do know is that supporting donald trump does not mean you are racist, does not mean you are uneducated, and i think the attack on trump right now is the saddest thing to happen to the country because it is all a political thing. Thank you for having me on your show. Host jerry is an independent in new jersey. Good morning. Caller good morning. This thing with the montgomery brawl that happened last saturday, all of the scrap shows that dr. Kings socalled dream sadly is never gonna happen in my opinion and i dont know why policies on both sides of the ill play on pandering to dr. King when his dream has been dead basically for the past 20 plus years. Same thing over and over and it is sad. I do not understand why this country needs to be having this discussion as far as im concerned. Host joel is in Santa Barbara california, democrat, good morning. Caller how are you . Just a couple things, i was surprised this morning you would show a clip from newsmax and give it that platform like that is actually news. That is straight up right wing propaganda, even worse than fox. Quickly, i was a lights on conservative ever since 2016, i deftly pushed it deftly pushed me to the left and when we look around, it is clear, i study economics with my degree. When reagan came into office, the top policy for the tax policy for the elite was 70 . Now people like bezos and mosk and Warren Buffett pay 1 or 2 taxes. That is why we used to have funding to keep this country and keep our middleclass and do everything and now it is just the idea that lets deregulate everything and nobody pays taxes. Look around, there are Homeless People and people are hurting. We are the only modern country in the world that does not provide health care. That ghoul you had on earlier, he was a lying chill. That would make a big difference. We have a Mental Health crisis. Do they want to give Us Health Care . Of course not. You are my favorite person. Have a great day, america. Host leo, illinois, wrote publican. Caller good morning. We have a new disease in this country and i was there to the gentleman in california who asked the doctor, questioning a doctor, where was he during the pandemic. It wasnt a pandemic, it was a military biological weapon, period. I was in atlanta, i happened to get pulled over in my license was expired and i got locked up in rows well i went to Fulton County and what does this have to do . I was in a bullpen with 100 other people for three days, for three days they gave us shots and took us out one by one, they had all these desks and little cubicles. I was so tired in and out because of three days a prima snow sleep, i must have got at least 20 or 30 shots. Host shots of what . Caller i dont know because after that happened they strip you from your paperwork and everything and try to hold onto paperwork with 100 people in a cramped space. Once you got out of the bullpen. X points, and this is a comment ago, my girlfriend was pregnant. My son was born at Northside Hospital and when i saw Robert Kennedy junior the other day, i had a panic attack. He mentioned thermos all, it is mayor curie, a preservative put in shots that my son was given. My son has fullblown autism and has never said a word in his life and he was born at Northside Hospital in atlanta, so i was there. My son has autism and he has never spoken a word, it was from the mercury. Host how old is your son, leo . Caller 23. He was born in 2000. But we were down in 1999 when he received i think like 20 shots or 14 shots within like six months of his birth. So for the gentleman, that is what is going on now. This gentleman in california, i understand he is a nurse or whatever but youve got a doctor and i was there. This thing with autism and the vaccines, i dont know. Thank you, that is my comment. Host rory in massachusetts, independent, good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks for cspan. I was calling in relation to the doctors or person that was on before, relating to the covid and other illnesses that are coming in nowadays. My concern is, on the news, i am in massachusetts, and in the news in the past couple days, our governor is taking in migrants and they are not vetted as far as im concerned and they are asking the people to open up their doors and take migrants into their homes. And i am very concerned that they are not vetted and have the proper immunizations to put their children in our schools, in our workplaces, and in our homes. I think it is a very serious thing to do, and i am overwhelmed about it. One more thing, since biden will not close the borders, i am asking all the democrats to put their banners and signs back up in their yards so the migrants know where to go for housing, food, and money. Thank you. Host there is another story i want to make sure you are aware of, the front page of the New York Times this morning, it says u. S. iran risen her deal brings five americans a step closer to home. The u. S. And around reached an agreement to win the freedom of five imprisoned americans in exchange for several jailed iranians and eventual access to about 6 billion in iranian oil revenue according to several people familiar as a first step in the agreement which comes after more than two years of quiet negotiations. Iran released five iranian american dual citizens into house arrest, and heres a quote from secretary of state antony blinken, this is just the beginning of a process i hope and expect will lead to their return home to the united states. There is more work to be done tax lead bring them home. My believe is this is the beginning of the end of their nightmare. Margaret is calling from florida, democrat. Hi, margaret. Caller yes, i am totally off subject because i just turn the tv on to get your phone number. I was wondering, are you folks having anything on long covid . Host while we take that as a recommendation and we will akin to that. Anything else you wanted to say . Caller no, i just was wondering because im one of the thousand that have it and i would like to get in touch with the nih to be tested and get into the clinical trials. Host all right, maryland, michael, republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks for having me. I just want to make two points. Especially after hearing most of these people this morning, our leaders leadership seems to hate us. Everything they do they do it against us. There is no arguing that. It seems like on every front whether it is the border, whether it is on lockdowns or covid or vaccines, our leadership hates us down the line. They have been working against us for years now, it has been getting worse as i have been getting older. It is unbelievable the state our country is in today. I almost do not see a future for my own kids and i feel bad for them, at least not a future in this country or any western nation because of the leadership and direction we are going. Im not talking about International Affairs because this whole thing with ukraine, that is a way to blow a way to blow bunch of our money, stuff that we could use here, our resources. We do not need to be an empire, we need to take care of the people in the country who are americans and not give hotel rooms to people that just showed up or give preferential treatment to those people either. That is my comments, keep that in mind, everybody. Our government hates us. Host a couple programming notes i want to make sure you are awaref, the first is this years National Book festival begi today. Librian of congress and featured authors will re to start the festivities. We will have live cover the Opening Ceremony room the librarongrs beginning a 7 00 p. M. Eastern onn, cspan now, our free mobile video app, and online a cspan. Org. Senator chris coons and john cornyn and jim risch guest discuss national secury on foreign guest guest efforts in congress as part of this years aspen security form in colorado. The topics include the russia raine war, china, and blockade on military promotions in the senate. You can watch that at 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on cspan, cspan now, and online at cspan. Org. Robin in new york, independent. Caller hi. I was a democrat for quite a long time and i will explain why i left. I was in new york city yesterday and the confluence of antivagrancy laws, i was waiting for my bus in Port Authority and they were trying to get me to not sit on the ground. They wanted people to sit and line their luggage up and walk 15 feet away to sit in a chair in Port Authority. I love new york city but one of the most dangerous places in the world, they are so upset when people being homeless with people being homeless and i did not move. I said im not leaving my back unattended. The woman could not get the words out but i know she first said i see a seat to 30 feet away. I said im not leaving my back unattended. That is why i left the democratic party, there is no place host who are you supporting . Robin. Who are you supporting in the next president ial election . Have you made up your mind . Caller thank you. Host ok. Robert in tuscaloosa, california, good morning. Caller two points. The european democrat who said the signs up in the yard, so greens could come take their home, the immigrants doing that earlier, Indigenous People would have their homes. And then the gentleman on talking about health care on the republican party, talking about turning into the state, can you imagine what would happen in alabama when they want to turn it over to the state for health care for people . [indiscernible] and imagine what it would be like if they were to turn it over to the state of alabama. America would get no health care, all of them will die. Thank you for allowing me to make a call. Host scott in illinois, republican. Scott . Caller hello . Host hi. Caller can you hear me . Host i can. Caller good morning fellow patriotic americans. I want to touch on something in illinois. I just got garage vandalized again and im a senior citizen, via nonveteran. I called two Police Officers that came to the house and they said it is getting worse, it is getting worse. The safety, i asked them about the safety act the governor signed into law and he said they are getting out of jail. No cash bail now. You only gotta create murder is the only way to lock you up. They dont even have the paperwork done. Now i hear illinois will hire Illegal Immigrants to be Police Officers. Let me tell you, if a guatemalan tries to arrest me for a speeding ticket, im not going with them. I urge all young people to get out of this state while you can. The state is falling apart. Gas just went up another . 30 per gallon, 40 since last week, . 30 this week. What is this inflation . We cannot afford this stuff. Steaks are 25 per pound. Everything is crazy. I want to say this state, being a democratic controlled state, i live in Southern Illinois and it is mostly republican. We have no control because chicago kills us in population. I moved down 40 years from upstate new york and it was the same thing with new york city. Upstate, we are all respectful elderly people, we take care of our neighbors, and new york city it is a garbage pit. Look at it, people. We need new leadership in this direction. Host joe is in oklahoma, democrat, good morning. Caller hello. Host hello. Caller im watching the watching you on tv but i have you muted. [laughter] i want to talk about hawaii. I have not heard anything about maui turning into total destruction and nobody has brought it up, and instead we had to relitigate the covid thing forever and ever. Im tired of hearing about that. Im worried about the people in hawaii and what they are going through. Nobody else seems to give a darn. You know what i mean . Host we do give a darn and we were talking about it and here is the associated press, following their live updates. The maui mayor says the area does not resemble the town he knew after the fires. It says that the mayor surveyed the damage on thursday. He said the closest thing i think i can compare it to is perhaps the war zone and may be a bomb went off. James is next in atlanta, georgia, independent, good morning. Caller yes, i hope you will let me say what i have to say. There are so many desperately important topics but you spend so much time everybody has to say good morning back to you. If you would just be tell people to please pull ahead, maybe the people will figure out we dont have time to the pleasantries. Then they would get off the air and let someone else Say Something that matters. Thank you so much. Goodbye. Host i didnt hang up on you. Tom, buffalo, new york, good morning. Caller good morning. Im on Social Security and i get a small pension of 350 per month. If i purchase something, i use my credit card right out of my checking account. Im not having any problem whatsoever, gas go up here, price of food is pretty high but im making it through the month to get my next check and im not really having the problems where you hear a lot of people saying you cant make it. Maybe you should readjust the way youre doing things. That is all i have to say. Host all right, tom. That will be all for the calls we got today. Starting monday, coverage of this years iowa state fair. The gop president ial candida governor doug burgum of north dakota and miami mayor frenchs suarez will speak01 Francis Suarez will speak with kim reynolds about their campaign and policy ptfms. That will be monday starting at 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. Also cspan now, our free mobile video app, or online at cspan. Org. We will hear from other candidates by the way prime time to run next week including mike pence, nikki haley, and ron desantis. Follow cspan. Org for all of that information. That is all the time we got for todays washington journal. We will be back again tomorrow morning, 7 00 a. M. Eastern live here on cspan. Have a great day, everybody. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2023] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] up next, Merrick Garland announcing david weiss as special counsel overseeing the Ongoing Investigation into hunter biden

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