President ial election and the latino vote. There is no question that 2020 for the first time in our countrys history, latinos were the largest ethnic minority, with 32 million eligible voters and with record numbers of latinos turning out the vote. Indeed, both President Donald Trump and president elect joe biden benefited from the high turnout of latino voters across the us yet the support that they received from this very diverse and complex electorate and why they are read in different parts of the country. While nationally the majority of latinos mailing democratic, when it comes to the state level, there are many constituencies that cannot be so easily counted on by either party. We are thrilled that maria selena will moderate. As we transition to a new administration and enter a new year, it is important to focus on the Lessons Learned and to know that the latino voice and our vote cannot be taken for granted. It requires an authentic connection and investment. I want to take a moment to give special thanks to our panelists and to our sponsors, the Cocacola Company and wells fargo for making todays event possible. Now it is my pleasure to introduce a dear friend and one of todays sponsors. Ruben morales is Senior Vice President for external relations at wells fargo. Before joining wells fargo in the, ruben was president of San Diego Regional Chamber of commerce. He also led a consortium of organizations focused on training and electing latino and latina candidates for public office. Give a warm welcome to ruben. Thank you. Thank you so much for having us here. So proud that wells fargo can be a sponsor for todays session. Looking forward to the information. Is a former latino elected official myself, it gives me great pride to see more and more latinos and looking as being elected to office, which is obviously part of the growing latino voter population that is increasing. We are going to hear from our professionals today in terms of what is happening with the latino vote. Wells fargo is a leading lender to hispanic families, home mortgages, small businesses. And we know that latino economic power is tied to political power in the Latino Community, and so we are of is a very interested in what is happening and what to be a part of helping the Latino Community as a grows and reaches its goals here in the United States of america. Dominica, i wanna congratulate you on your new role at the Aspen Institute at the latinos and society program, and i wanna recognize vasquez and others who are helping out in that effort, as well. It is an absolute pressure for me on behalf of wells fargo to introduce our moderator this afternoon, or morning, wherever you might be. The moderator today has been recognized by the New York Times as the voice of hispanic america and you will probably recognize her as the anchor of noticiero univision. She is a pulitzer prizewinning journalist. It is my pleasure to introduce maria elena salinas. Thank you very much, ruben. That is very kind of you. Joining this very vital discussion, as we assess the impact of the latino vote in the 2020 elections. I recently asked the very respected ceo of , vargas, for a story that i did amphibious before the latino vote on the latino vote before the election. Latinos want us to be engaged in the process and not ignored. For anyone who Still Believes in that reference, latinos were wide awake in 2020. They showed up and made a difference. How they voted and why is a begin to analyze today and will do so for the upcoming months. The start this conversation with some facts. Joe biden is the president elect of the United States. Kamala harris is the Vice President elect of the United States. Fact, more americans voted in 2020 election than in any other election in more than 100 years. Fact, 2020 saw the highest voter turnout for latinos in history. Fact, latino voters made a difference in the outcome of the election in several states. Latinos are not monolithic. Trump maderesident inroads with latino voters to win the reelection. He is of mexican and native american dissent. Welcome to all of you. Now, i wanna remind those of you who are joining us in this conversation that our panelists and the q a function below [indiscernible] matt, lets start with you. Youre the first one. You with an call urgent need to know the latest numbers after an election, you always remind me that it takes time. [indiscernible] its great to be with everyone today. Great to be with you. I was especially excited to see your coverage on cbs. Its great to have such a strong latino voice on our National News coverage of the latino electorate. We are still digging through the numbers. That is the short answer. The data has not been certified and publicly recorded in every single state. But in many states, it has been. In many counties, it has been. The first headline we take away from the selection is one of the fact that you gave us. It was recordbreaking latino turnout. I looked back and look at historic data looked at historic data. In 2004, about 7. 5 million latino voters were cast latino votes were cast. This year, we are estimating over 16 million. It has over double, the latino vote, in less than 20 years. That cannot be said for the overall american electorate. While this was a big turnout here, the overall turnout did not double from 2004. The latino vote over doubled. That trajectory is going to continue. Our population is very young. It is growing in voter registration, and we are going to continue to see that. One of the most important cameways is a latino vote through in very significant numbers. The voter turnout was really a story. I think that is a testament to just how engaged latinos were this year. For me, i think that is the most important finding of this election. That very high number of latino votes. Thank you. This question is for all of you. [indiscernible] surprised. I was really heartened to go to places like arizona. I spent a lot of time in arizona. I was involved in the litigation 10 years ago. Because when 1070 you look at what happened in saw aa in 2020, you dramatic increase in latino voter turnout, roughly 650,000 turned out in arizona in 2020. You were looking at Something Like 450,000 in 2016. Byember, joe biden one 11,000 or 12,000 votes in arizona. When i look at the battleground state by battleground state breakdown, you really see battleground states or latinos made a huge difference. I will give you one, wisconsin. Where roughly 100,000 latinos. Oted in 2016, we were regularly polling and three states, three battleground states. In 2020, we were regularly polling and doing a lot of work in 10 states. That difference reflects the fact that latinos, while the denominator varies, they can make a huge difference. Georgia is on our mind because we have an election in january there. Again, latinos are part of a future coalition. When you look at the margins of victory and you see the denominators are moving up, that is the most important thing that i think we should talk about. The percentage of folk that joe biden is getting is impressive, but the percentage of a bigger denominator means a bigger margin. My final point is, we still have work to do places like miamidade county. We didnt do as well there is we would like to. And we are analyzing that and we recognize that we have work to do there. Having said that, when i read reports that we lost florida because of latino voters in miamidade county, if we have met the benchmark for 2016 of hillary clinton, or 2012 with barack obama, we still would have lost by 250,000 votes because of the number of others, totally unrelated latino voters. In orlando, the puerto rican vote there is 70 . We performed very well elsewhere, but we have to do more work in miamidade. We are going to get back to the question of whats happened in florida. [indiscernible] the audio is a little bit difficult, but the surprise as think that i saw were twofold. Remarkably different than what we have seen in the past 25 year, 30 year trajectory. The first of the diversification the first is the durst versification the first is the diversification of the vote. There are variations we have not seen before. Mexican americans predominantly in texas voting decidedly at least from a from a perspective historically, the trend line is different than latinos and arizonalatinos in and california. Bych has created essentially percent to 27 standard for gop support. It is a in a dynamic. Dont think it is an apples to apples comparison. Part of the fun of this, every four years, there will be new states that latino votes are increasing. It is in many ways a typical similar pattern as we watch the vote mature to second and Third Generation voters. It is a completely unique way to watch america change and changing, our contour, our democracy, our culture. We like to say we are not monolithic, but the truth is, we upe been quite monolithic until the reelection cycle. It is quantifiable. This is not your grandpas voting block. This is a different dynamic or read we will continue to see diversification change the Political Landscape for years to come. Interesting. What is your take on what was surprising . Privilege and pleasure to be here with you. [indiscernible] Medicaid Expansion passing idaho by over 60 . Inout of 19 counties voted support of it. When it comes to the Kitchen Table issues, that resonates with people. What theit, that is Democratic Party is all about. In rural america, where hispanic communities are at the forefront, they are the largest population helping grow rural when it comes to the Democratic Partys messages message connecting with people, i think that was a surprise. , ford have progress instance in Kenton County where i come from, which is over 20 hispanic, we got a hispanic serving Higher Education institution, the college of western idaho, it was all minority women. That is progress. Forid have a lot more room improvement, especially when it comes to our messaging, i will give one last example. Or and going to a show and having a young latino, and chat with me and his dad to do to and they wanted to know more about my campaign. We are getting painted with a verse that does not represent what we are about. One thing that was surprising was the diversity. That they did not we know with that adversity, is thech geographical. Ame thing going how do you direct the messaging with that kind of diversity . A couple things that we did that are directly on point with 2016 we just said, in did not have the capacity to do sub ethnicity. , you want him to vote for joe biden. The most important thing i would argue that you would want to we did not have that capacity to do that ethnicity modeling. Now we do. It is indispensable. Conversations we were having with puerto ricans, many respects conversations we had with voters. Very involved. That we were there was obviously some overlap. Affects everyone across this country. We are a latino communities plural, that will never be successful, that is one of the things that we did very differently in the 2020 cycle. We have those conversations. Texas, what ised really interesting about texas when you dig in the data, we did markedly well with latino voters in the urban area. Really good numbers. The rio grande valley, a different story. We did not do as well. When you talk about the ethnicity model, sometimes the rural urban design is another dimension that we need to understand moving forward. Wese are two examples of how have been doing things differently. That really helps us to connect with voters. Misinformation, that is a big issue. The miss information infrastructure was very robust. It has been around for many years. It is a formidable infrastructure to address. I know you are the numbers find how did you was theor they and campaign able to address the issues the concern of voters in these different locations . Onthank you for building what tom just laid out. It is important to understand the Latino Community. We are all latinos and we do have many things in common. Time, for thelong better part of the 21st century, had microtarget and and understand different segments, noncollegeeducated is, segmentingt the white community. What would we what we did on the Biden Campaign was Community Driven research and outreach. It doesnt mean that we still dont have opportunities to grow, etc. This is a big corner and understanding that. Sample, very large young u. S. Born, firsttime toers as a as compared third or fourth generation who have been there for 100 years or longer. We need to keep doing that. You need to keep understanding those differences within the Latino Community so we can more effectively communicate with someone who still considers himself latino, but is may be third or fourth generation and has maybe a different sort of you. I want to encourage everyone to keep that up. That yesunderstand there still is commonality between puerto ricos and mexicans. There are things that bind us together. Our politics are you unique. I can almost hear him saying those exact words to you, latinos want to be engaged. Engaged aso be latinos, but also as americans. Campaign wasiden on the right track. I think it will continue going in that direction. Were are other groups that perhaps targeting latinos that maybe consider themselves a little bit more conservative. We need to continue those outreach efforts. We need to continue talking to them and understand what makes them tick. Before we get to the Lincoln Project, i want to followup on what we just heard. Only in some not president exas, but trump made for latinos. I know that you werent supporting President Trump, but was it what was that about his campaign, message, persona that resonated with voters . Great question, and a good segue and i think he articulated it very well what he was doing and segmenting the latino vote the way it has never been looked at before. That is very important when he is talking about p demographics, what is driving the political decisions . That is going to have to be done on campaigns going forward. Everything is so big and diverse now, segmentation will be important. Identify the trump vote tended to be a u. S. Born, male,y 40 and under, under 40. They were responding to a lot of the same messaging that weight white collegeeducated males were responding to. Latinos were not. Goingere like, we are not to have any of this nonsense. Them back with some other messaging especially a more cultural message. Economic messaging that forever for whatever reason compelled them to vote. Not dissimilar from white noncollege voters. This, one,k at should we be surprised by that . Consuming the same media, behaving the same way, the other is, a very strong economic part ofa very important Donald Trumps economic efforts were going to be solving it, there were trying to. Leads to your other question, cultural indicators historical turnout in the Latino Community. Expand the getow out and vote model, talking about those issues that we so strongly associate with latino and now thetion broad economic messaging which is what i think ultimately the polluted to mentation and Political Attitudes that we target politicalization and Political Attitudes that we target. In 20 years, it will be the one who captures the economic aspirations. The Republican Party has a significant problem with that because they are not interested in multicultural anything. Party areatic certainly way ahead of where the republicans are, but there is only so much you can prevent. As the Latino Community gets bigger, it is going to diversify. You have to be mindful that maybe democrats slipped two or three points, but it is growing so fast that you are not really losing anything. The more appropriate way to look at it is to say republicans are losing the second fastest of the electorate by 75, 25, 70, 30. You cofounded the Lincoln Project, can you describe in a couple of ways what the objective was for those who still dont know about the Lincoln Project . The Lincoln Project was a group of a republican transformer Political Consultants who recognized a little bit a year ago, this month, that there republican anded leading the country protecting the constitution of the United States. Will be view as a demagogy and threats, rise of the authoritarian. We decided we would do what we do best which is run campaigns. Right before every republican or u. S. Senator didnt hold up to their constitutional oaths of protecting this country. The president of the United States, our objective was to bring the house that we have to build an operation to make sure that donald trump donald trump was not elected. We are honored to be part of a coalition that was successful in that effort. Just to be clear, you approached pleasant President Trump . Very aggressively opposed to most of the Senate Candidates. We view the Republican Party as believe all ofwe those republican senators will undermine the foundation of our government. I havent left yet, they can drag me off the screen. I want to hold them up the air and show them they are not who they claim to be. Ishink the Republican Party a malicious form of white grievance identity politics. I have invited to several republicans to join this conversation and they either refuse to or were not available. Of send out several invitations, and that is why they are not joining us in this conversation because none of them were either available or accepted the invitation. I know that you are a democrats running in a red state. And you got 30 of the vote, which was pretty good, how does a latino democrat run in a state like that . What kind of mentioned deaths messaging did you have . Absolutely, without a doubt, i was born and raised in napa. There so many parts of my background that were diverse, being a member of the shoshone tribe in idaho. More importantly, i was running to stand up for people from all walks of life. Who struggle with access to Affordable Health care, like my dad who lost a factory job in 2014, got laid off, lost his insurance, shortly thereafter got diagnosed with cancer and could not get treatment. Those are the types of issues i put to the forefront, that resonated with people from all walks of life. When it comes to people needing to stand up for folks from rural communities, reservation communities, that is the message that i brought. It was received very well. I received the endorsement of idahos largest paper, the idaho statesman, lots of elected officials locally throughout the state, and it was a very positive thing. I think it is important for people who are from a place where i come from to see minorities run for office at any and all levels to normalize it. For a lot of people who dont know, the county that i come is theenton county, second most populous in the state, but we still have a lot of challenges when it comes to even just voting rights, Voter Suppression. The forefronth at of fighting that while also running a campaign because we went from having 55 polling locations to five. I sounded the alarm on it. I joined up with Senate Candidate polly jordan and we changed that got it restored. Just as recently as 2018 in camden county, there was a role that there could be no assistance for spanishspeaking community members, weve got 40 of the Hispanic Community in idaho. Growth a lot of room for and for barb progress. Other thing,n one throughout the course of my campaign, i met incredible young people from all walks of life, but i remember one in particular, tomas, who is a national guardsmen, 19 or 24 years old, he is about to become a sheriff, and he was in a marriott you band that helped me with the get out the boat event and a really incredible young man who i very much admire. By him seeing me being a candidate at a young age, already five, perhaps he will be inspired to run for Student Government to get an early start and see he can get involved with his community. We cant ignore the elephant in the room. It seems like the narrative of the latino vote has to be involved around florida, particularly miamidade county. President trump improved the margins by from 2016 by 22 points. However, you mentioned it before, and i know that you will view this as glass halffull and not halfempty. I live in miami. Saw the ad day in and day out. I saw the misinformation, i felt the misinformation really be ingrained in the minds of voters here. You have to include other essential americans. Like you tod address more or less the same issue when it comes to florida. Cuban, but the Republican Party always said anything was better than the democrats. Last two or three months. Do you feel that republicans are doing a better job . Seduce for a lack of a better word latino voters . No. Republicans have been saying this for 30 years. I know because i have been there. No, they are not. Practitioner, i dont know if im the first to answer the florida question, but there is validity as to what has is being said here. Will be are looking at florida, looking at the latino vote, we are seeing the same over consolidation in miamidade. It was working, the question is how much do you need to contest that. Focusing efforts to turn out boats and constituency. You cant win every vote. Another we are seeing it happen on the ground, i think the days of the Party Getting 75 of the vote, 80 of the voter probably gone. I think that is actually helping with democracy. Away from what the party has been doing, which is demographics the as a punching bag. Can you address that . You have been out there quite a bit for the Biden Campaign. Do you think there is a ception republicans [no audio] i do think the electorate is unique. It represents a unique area in which there is a long legacy of latino republicans elected to almost every level of government. There is an infrastructure and there has been for 30 years in miami of latino republican leadership. Even ideologically diverse within the infrastructure there, there are more centrist and even leftleaning republicans. That was the party in power, latino driven. Its been there for a very long time. I think what has happened is that the Misinformation Campaign 020 is really a powerful story of what happened in miamidade. It is the case that folks like senator rubio started working on that misinformation. He was tweeting just today additional wild theories about how some of these appointees are going to ruin america and our socialist. They have been working on that line. Otherwise, republican leaning constituency for a very long time. The dnc had an entire disinformation campaign. We would get daily updates of what was happening. I think what the democrats can do is recognize that, and they need to get in there at that level and instead of thinking that we are only going to convince people with these great they do not appear to work in miami. And penetratein more deeply and have conversations to dispel those myths about socialism and changing america. Because it is the case and it did not just happen overnight. It has been there for 30 years. Think that it is something to look at. But remember, it only represents 3 of the latino electorate nationally. There is so much more across the country. While i think it is an interesting community to dissect. To dissect, it is not representative of what happened in 2020. It is the one that across the country, maybe even across the be is the one that part of it is a attention. A happenstance of time zones. If you can all imagine a different scenario Election Night, where arizona was the first state to close, we saw these huge margins and vote numbers. 650,000 latino voters in or as an of this year. Huge margins for bidenharris. What if that had been the first piece of information we had on Election Night . Everyone would have been talking about how the mexicanamerican Community Came out and lifted arizona. Arizona was the first state to flip. It was one of the last states to certify and finalize, but it was the first state to show that biden won the state. We areame in first, dropping off from this election. Put this in perspective. Its 3 of the electorate. There is work to be done, but we should be talking about arizona, the latino vote in philadelphia. And including the latino vote in georgia, that is recordbreaking. There is more work to be done. And. Ould be investing others are a lot of Important Media station investing. E there are several organizations and a lot of that have been working to try to make sure that they register voters and that they get them out to vote. It worked this time around. What we would hear from voters not having a good choice. Democratic party take latino voters for granted . Because that is a perception out there, that they show up only two months before an election. Absolutely not. Our ethnicity modeling. When i got to the dnc and 2017, we had a lot of work to do. Part of the infrastructure rebuild as it relates to connecting to latino voters was developing the capacity to talk differently from colombians, differently from cunabos and puerto riquenos. Not is exactly what we did only in florida, but elsewhere. You look at what we were able to do when the 2018 cycle, we made tremendous progress. Turnouttino voter you saw latino voter turnout showed a higher percentage of latinos in 2018 then in 2016. That is nuts. That is remarkable. Ive been in arizona for 10 years, starting with sb 1070. We understood, not just in florida, we tend to think of latinos and arizona and florida and colorado and new mexico, latinos are different across the country. Look at nevada, look at arizona, look at wisconsin. I mentioned that before. 44,000 votes for latinos in wisconsin. We lost wisconsin by 22,000 votes or 21,000 votes in 2016. We knew that latinos could be the difference maker. We had a 40,000 vote swing in wisconsin in 2020. Same deal in michigan. Another state we would talk about Morris Joe Biden had actually won it. He came close. North carolina, you saw dramatic increase in latino voter turnout. You see the latino population is exploding. I recognize that immediately in my tenure. That is why we made these early investments not only in talking to latino voters, but also fielding and supporting latino candidates down ballots. We have seen tremendous progress in that area. Is there more to do . Of course there is. But we are far better off now than we were four years ago. All politics is personal. You cant show up every fourth of october at someones church and call that organizing. That is transactional politics. And the reason why we won in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 is because we built these relationships and we have delivered on promises. People see the contrast between what joe biden and other democrats are fighting for. I applaud the work they have project,he london because this is really about our character as a nation. The party of lincoln is dead. The party of trump is a very dangerous party. I wish the party of lincoln were not dead. I think we thrive in a twoparty democracy where both parties are operating within guardrail. Latino voters have seen that these guardrails have been obliterated by a president who when he walked down the escalator of the trump tower five years ago, he started right away attacking our communities. Think we havey a real opportunity here that is why i think we have a real opportunity here, but we need to sustain it. That is exactly what we are going to continue to do. Continued to climb the mountain in texas. We made progress in certain parts of the state. Texas, i am certain, is going to be a real battleground state in 2024. Heres a reason. One word. Latinos. Thank you, tom. Before i go to my questions from the audience, as a republican, is this the Republican Party of donald trump . Yes, unfortunately, it is. Im not very optimistic about the Republican Party returning to the party that i joined before. I became a republican because i was concerned about Economic Issues in the Latino Community. I was not seeing that voice being addressed. Part that ismuch a driven by identity and many reasons in many reasons. Everything the party has shown for decades has shown to be a facade. Everything they advocated for. It is very much its base very much to identity. This is a great irony. The greatest purveyor of identity politics is the Republican Party. Same as california, the Republican Party is 85 white. It is not hard to see the correlation, what is happening here. Republicans are very strongly feared with whites who economic collapse, blaming other people who are other people for what they believe is the demise of america. They think the loss of trump in this campaign is perhaps the end of the beginning. We have a 20 year demographic fight to make sure that this social problem does not to try the democratic institutions. We are going to go to our first question from the audience. There was a significant increase in participation among young latino voters. The was a 330 increase in early voting turnout among the segment. What is the story here . Thank you for the question. I think reaching them where they are at, breaching them through the mediums that they use, social media, tiktok, all the platforms that they engage in, and through the things that they like. I think that is the most effective way. Partnerships with influencers, from all segments of society, whether it be athletes, journalists, elected officials, you name it. The whole gamut. That is what i believe. Question, what can 2020 tell us about how to approach voting in 2024 and 2028, and so on . I think lets pick up from the previous question and the comments, the latino electorate is by far the youngest. It will continue to get younger as more young people agent to the electorate age into the electorate. In arizona, there were 150,000 Latino High School students in 2016 in the clintontrump election. Guess what . In 2020, they were all eligible to vote. 175,000 another Latino High School students this year who just barely missed being able to vote in this president ial election who will be eligible. The youth in our community is transforming our electorate. We need to reach out to them. Get them engaged, let them feel heard, and massively target what a registration campaigns, latino votes, other groups that are targeting voter participation, to go after young latinos and bring them in, because our community is going to continue growing. You heard about the huge increase in the denominator, the number of latino voters. I mentioned it has over doubled in 16 years. That trajectory is going to continue. People need to be looking at the latino vote is a young vote, as a bicultural vote. Many of these folks are u. S. Born but have immigrant parents. Engaging them in english but through a latino lens, talking to them about their issues as americans. That is something we can do, focus on the use, and that can help us grow the latino vote for the next few elections. Thank you. The next question is for mike. What is your vision for an ideal Republican Party . How does this vision include latinos . Im not sure that i have much of a vision for the Republican Party anymore. Im not convinced, like i said, but it is one, salvageable, not interested in Party Politics generally. At fort for the Latino Community, republicans will advocate for the community, im interested in advocating for my community regardless of party. Have a belief i have a belief system that i adhere to. Im not convinced the Party Structure that we have right now is working for the best interest for the community. Thank you. Tom, how do you explain the . Osses in the house happened look at what in the cycle after the elections, we can go 2010, for instance, republicans won 60 seats or Something Like that and took over the house. What happened in 2012 is they lost a number of those seats because they won a number of seats in democratic districts, then you have a cycle, then you end up having greater turnout, then they lost some of those seats. You look at kendra horn, a wonderful member of congress from oklahoma, she won in 2018 in about 14 districts. It wonderful member. In new mexico, her district was again trump plus double digits. The list goes on. There were seven or eight people like that, who did not pull it out in this election cycle, where you had greater turnout. From the fact that we were in a president ial cycle. That is to be expected in the year after election. We had a wave. I look at where we are now and where we were four years ago, we did not have the house representatives. We now have it under speaker pelosis leadership. Yes, we have a smaller margin. Yes, i would have liked to have won the seats in texas. What we saw was some of the turnout modeling turned out not to be accurate. We lost a lot of close races. History and iat expected we were going to end up in the negative in terms of numbers of seats because we had done so well. Another explanation is, you know, in 2010 the republicans, they wiped is out in a lot of state elections for governors, statehouses. They were in charge of redistricting. We have so many states where we not only have to win, we have to beat the spread in order to win our races because of the gerrymandering that the Supreme Court sanctioned. That is another factor and that is why im glad we have eight more chambers that have flipped in 24 governors instead of 15. That is going to help us as we get into the next redistricting cycle. When we draw maps we do pretty well. Look at pennsylvania. We had a fair map in 2018. We went from five out of 18 to nine out of 18. On a certain level it makes sense. Pennsylvania is a swing state. 99 or 108. Have because of gerrymandering it is a continuing challenge. We have time for one more question and i wanted to address that to matt. Diversity we talked about today can we say that there is a latino vote . Getting thatn question a lot and it is a very important question. I think there are latino voters. As i said in the opening i think there is a lot we have in common with each other whether it is cubans, venezuelans, puerto ricans, central americans. We have a lot in common. But what we have learned the cycle is we need to understand our diversity and Everyone Wants to feel included and engaged. If you look at the areas where candidates where the Biden Campaign focused, you saw the return of investment. Use of very High Performance from these battleground states. We can still talk about latino voters, but we should not talk about the latino vote because it is so diverse. But all of us within that segment, within that diversity, we identify as latino and see something in common with other latinos. We do have that political diversity. Lets continue to remember that. Lets move forward with outreach to latinos as if theyre not the same and i think that will be the most successful strategy. I am sure there are a lot of Lessons Learned that can be applied going forward. I want to thank you. We are out of time. We could have this conversation for hours. Madrid, thank you all for your intellect and sharing your knowledge with us. Thank you to ucla and the institute for inviting me to moderate this panel. I would like to pass it on to sonja diaz, founding director of latino policy and politics initiative. Thank you for inviting me. Awesome. Thank you so much, maria. For those looking to understand the latino vote, it is great to go straight to the experts. This robust and dynamic conversation, about something many of us have been saying a long time, is simple. There is no path to the white house without the latino electorate. From are many lessons 2020. But these lessons should not be with the news cycle. One need only look to georgia and the role of the black and Brown Coalition and ensuring they can overcome Voter Suppression to cast a ballot. Latinos are not a monolith and we know engagement must be done early and automatically. They are not a single issue community. With that they want to shape our future economy. They want to decide about issues around global warming. They want access to Quality Health care, and most importantly they want to get over covid19 which has decimated black and brown communities. In order to do this, latinos, like other voters of color, cannot be taken for granted by either party, candidates, or campaign. And we know, and our research at ucla has made clear in 2018 and 2020, the campaigns that inspire latino turnout will be rewarded with winning margins. They have the power to swing outcomes like we saw this november. Now, there are states like arizona and georgia that provide a roadmap for the future. We know it is Community Organizers and advocates and young latinos, along with black and indigenous voters, who really are the smart investment. These folks are eager. They are eager to transform policy around issues like guns, police abuse, and climate change. Policy necessitates representation. Yesterday, we got news of the nomination of mayorkas toledo tomeland security two lead homeland security. Notr voices are essential only for the immediate challenges, the ones that introduce themselves in the Science Fiction of 2020, but they are necessary to get this pandemic under control. This pandemic has put so many families and households in an economically precarious situation that requires urgent action. Todays conversation make this point clear. Let me reiterate it. There is no american agenda without a latino agenda. The future prosperity of this country, and our ability to recover, to continue to be resilient, needs to center on the frontline communities. That will drive the growth in our economy, but will continue to transform electoral outcomes. There is no going back to whatever normal there was before january 2020. Latinos are ready and eager to be an integral part of a stronger, better america. Announcer live coverage of joe biden giving his thanksgiving address from wilmington, delaware. [indiscernible]

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