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Named the chair of youth for reagan. He is looking quite youthful today, i might add. [laughter] he supported then governor reagan during the 1976 president ial primary. And now, young larry hogan would serve as a delegate to the 1980 republican convention. And you know, we have a lot of reagan devotees join us at the institute. But i think Governor Hogan may rank above them all. You see, he didnt just support Ronald Reagan in 1976, in 1980, in 1984. He managed to support him in 2020 as well. [laughter] now, i know you consider president reagan your political hero, governor, but that, sir, thats real dedication. And by the way, you didnt have to do that just to be invited here today. [laughter] ladies and gentlemen, i want to thank you for joining us. Were honored to welcome you virtually to the reagan institute, through our center for civics, education, opportunity led by our own dr. Janet tran. We work at the nexus of these three pillars, answering president reagans call for an informed patriotism to ensure a prosperous future for america. And the 62nd governor of maryland knows quite a bit about this call. Were truly honored to have Governor Hogan with us, through pragmatic, principled leadership has carried the flame of our 40th president. Now, if you know about Governor Hogan, you know he doesnt mince words. Hes been quick to criticize members of his own party as those of the other party. That kind of equal opportunity Straight Talk is very popular in maryland. Throughout his tenure, Governor Hogan has ranked one of the most popular governors in america, usually in the top two. He reminded me before hand, recently number one. And one poll gave him a 75 approval rating. In a state that just voted for joe biden almost 21. These are numbers most politicians dream of. And its not like Governor Hogan hasnt had an easy go of it. He led through the death of freddie gray, to polarizing issues in the state legislature, to the covid19 pandemic. The people of maryland have come to rely on his steady stewardship. At the same time, hes faced extraordinary personal challenge, fighting and defeating cancer during his first term. Today i believe is the anniversary, five years since hes been given a clean bill of health. Yet, here today, hes Still Standing which, of course, is the very fitting title of his recent memoir. Now, there are a lot of Great Stories in this book from political life to legislative fights. Personal anecdotes can really be the best, like the story of his first lunch with the future first lady where they shared a waterside meal of salad and crab one accomplished painter and choir singer suggested ordering tequila shots. By the way, that might give Still Standing new meaning. But you had to read the book to get the full context. When he won the maryland Gubernatorial Race the Baltimore Sun called it a, quote, stunning upset. But after four years of smart governance guided by reaganesque optimism with a focus on economics and education, it wasnt so stunning when he cruised to reelection in 2018. But now the governor is term limited and will be out of office after 2022. So the question on many minds is this can he shock the political world again . Now, i dont know if well get an answer to this today but we might get a clue as to whats next. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming governor larry hogan. [applause] Governor Hogan thank you very much, roger, for that much too kind introduction. Good morning. Its really an honor to be back here at the Reagan Foundation and institute. The first time that i realized i was a reagan republican it got me into a little bit of trouble. I was a Young College kid. I had the honor of being selected as roger said, an alternate delegate to the Republican National convention in kansas city in 1976. My father had served in congress with gerald ford and actually played a pivotal role in ford becoming president and he was a Campaign Chairman of the ford campaign. I admired president ford. He was a good leader. And a decent and honorable man. But when it was governor reagans turn to address the convention, i was mesmerized. Reagan seemed to connect with everyday people, and he channelled that connection toward a bold and optimistic vision for america, an america everyone could be proud of. And america where everyone was part of. So there i was, enthusiastically marching on the floor with my reagan hat and carrying my reagan sign. When my dad spotted me, lets just say he wasnt completely thrilled. But it was at that moment that i proudly became a foot soldier in the reagan revolution. Of course, jimmy carter, who defeated president ford and won the white house, the aftermath of watergate had seriously tarnished the republican brand. And many wondered if the g. O. P. Could ever win National Elections ever again. The New York Times declared the Republican Party, quote, close to extinction. But then reagan built a Big Tent Coalition of republicans, independents, and reagan democrats who wanted america to be that shining city on a hill. He worked hard to heal our partys divisions rather than exacerbate them, and to move us past the scandals and division. He focused on the everyday concerns of working folks and struggling families, not the obsessions of the chattering class in washington. In 1980, just four years after the predicted demise of the g. O. P. , reagan led our party to one of the largest landslides in american history. And then went on to truly make America Great again. After this divisive election, we find ourselves, again, at a crossroads for our party and at a critical time for our nation. As we search for a way forward, we should look back at how Ronald Reagan transformed our party and restored the greatness of america. I believe that what most americans truly want, regardless of their party affiliation, is honest, effective leadership and results. They want Commonsense Solutions to the Serious Problems that face us. President reagan certainly understood this. But it seems that many in washington have lost sight of that basic truth. Reagan was known as the great communicator because he understood the limits of rhetoric. He wasnt focused on scoring partisan points. He was focused on solving real problems affecting the lives of all americans. And he knew that to be successful it would take reaching across the aisle to find Common Ground. President reagan didnt believe that compromise was a dirty word. He knew all or nothing was a false choice. For his entire presidency, democrats controlled at least one chamber of congress. You have president reagan, one of most conservative president s, was also one of our most successful. He worked across party lines to pass the most conservative agenda in decades. Two rounds of tax cuts for the american people, shrinking the bloated federal bureaucracy, and historic buildup of the Nations Defense to defeat the soviet union. Reagan said, there is no limit to what you can accomplish if you dont care who gets the credit. The results spoke for themselves. Decades of unparalleled economic growth. To soviet union consigned the ash bin of history. And a renewed pride in our nation and our shared values. Today, america faces a new set of 21st century challenges. Sadly, washington insiders seem more concerned with winning arguments than actually advancing Bipartisan Solutions. Neither side seems to want to make progress. They just want to make demands and win arguments. Thats not leadership. Thats just political theater. And most of us are sick and tired of all the drama. The covid19 pandemic and the economic collapse that it has caused have shown this problem in stark relief. For months, struggling families and Small Businesses have been desperately in need of immediate relief. But instead of working until they reached a compromise, Congress Played politics and went on vacation. Contrast that with americas governors. When covid19 struck our shores, i was proud to be chairman of the National Governors association. We pulled together governors from all across the nation in a truly historic bipartisan way. Governors on both sides of the aisle stepped up on the front lines together. We understood that in times of crisis, partisan politics must be put aside. The failure of washington to effectively combat covid and the failure to pass the stimulus package are just the latest examples of the dysfunction in washington. Our nations infrastructure has been crumbling for decades. The failure of washington has made manifest in falling bridges, failing Public Health and failing schools, and an entire generation of americans who are falling behind. But in washington, people on both sides refuse to give up even a little to get a lot. Roads and bridges crumble while democrats and republicans insult each other on social media. The cost of education and Quality Health care are out of control and out of reach for everyday americans. One party wants to impose radical solutions that would create more problems than they would solve, and the other party, all too often, offers no solutions at all. The result is a crumbling vision of the american dream. The average citizen is completely fed up with politics as usual. They think washington has been fiddling while america burns. On the world stage, China Threatens not just our economy, our farmers and manufacturers and innovators and our standing in the world, but even the values we stand for. Prosperity, liberty, and freedom. Meanwhile, one party in washington refuses to acknowledge the threat, while the other abandons the very allies we need to confront it. And we never seem to be able to find any Common Ground on these urgent issues. The solution, according to the professional politicians in washington, is to give them more power. More power in washington wont fix the divisiveness and dysfunction. Itll only impose more dysfunction on our lives. Faith, civic, and Business Leaders who are serving their community, state and local governments that are working every day to solve real problems, we dont need washington to dictate. We need washington to get its act together. We need washington to make it easier, not harder, to solve problems. We need washington to be a partner, not an impediment. A large majority of americans are thoroughly convinced that our political system is fundamentally broken, that we as a people are tragically divided. And that washington is completely dysfunctional. Most of us are sick and tired of the angry, divisive politics. Americans believe in civility and pragmatism. They think Straight Talk is more valuable than empty rhetoric. These are the things that my party is going to have to focus on if we want to win National Elections again. Americans are not as divided as our politics and social media would suggest. The problem is not the american people. The problem is that politicians think the only way to get elected is to feed the extremes, to fire up the base, and that the only way to govern is through winner take all combat. The extreme voices that dominate social media, cable news and talk radio represent a teeny sliver of americans on the far left or far right. Over 70 of the rest us of belong to the majority. People who are fed up with with politics, who feel forgotten by both Political Parties and ignored by washington. Most americans want the same thing. They want humble, tolerant, respectful, and effective leaders who will Work Together to find bipartisan, Commonsense Solutions. They want us to appreciate that no one of us has all the answers or all the power. They want a discourse that tolerates contrary views among a diverse citizenry without turning political adversaries into enemies or doubting their patriotism. They want a government that protects the vulnerable without dictating their lives. They want a Strong America that stands with its allies and for freedom in the world, without taking for granted the sacrifices required for it. They want to stand together with their neighbors and feel proud of their country once again. These are the same americans who Ronald Reagan spoke to. His vision of america isnt just a relic of some bygone era. But an ideal that we can and we should once again aspire to. Six years ago, i won the Biggest Surprise upset in america by committing to usher in a new era of bipartisan cooperation and prosperity, one filled with hope and optimism. When i took office, marylands Economic Performance was 49th out of 50 states. 70 of both houses of my legislature are progressive democrats. But we cut taxes and regulations and created the biggest economic turn around in america. Just imagine what we could have done with a republican legislature. While both parties in washington argue about obamacare, we worked across the aisle to pass Innovative Health care reform. Reducing insurance rates for everyone by more than 30 while also covering hundreds of thousands more marylanders. While our nations infrastructure crumbles, we move forward on all the top priority transportation project our state including the largest p3 transit project in north america and moving forward on the largest p3 traffic project in the world. While weve seen nothing but gridlock from inside the capital beltway, i was working with the democratic governor of virginia on an accord to fix the gridlock on the capital beltway. As it turns out, commonsense, Bipartisan Solutions are exactly what nearly everyone seems to want. More than 70 of every single Demographic Group in my blue state approve of the job that we have been doing. I dont say this to brag. I say it to dismiss the misguided notion that to get ahead, you have to tear down the opposition. I have spent six years repudiating the debilitating politics practiced here in washington where insults substitute for debate, recrimination for negotiation, and gridlock for compromise. Where the heat, finger pointing and rancor suffocates the light , and the only result is divisiveness and dysfunction. What voters really want is for their leaders to actually focus on solving the problems we were elected to solve. And if we were able to do that and accomplish that just down the road in deep blue maryland, then theres no place in america where these very same principles cannot succeed. Just as they did under the leadership of president reagan. Ronald reagan won two landslide elections and created a movement that endured for a generation because he understood the simple truth that successful politics is about addition and multiplication, not subtraction and division. Its one thing to win a president ial election, but quite another to build a broad and durable governing coalition. To accomplish that, reagan knew that he needed to speak to all americans. Reagan stood for bold principles that were universal. For him, a Big Tent Party was not just an electoral imperative, it was also a moral one. He knew if our party wanted to truly represent america, we could not ignore any part of it. My state has not voted for a republican president ial nomination since george h. W. Bush over 30 years ago. In 2014 when i was elected governor, we had the highest democratic registration in america. And in 2018, in a blue year, with a large blue wave we lost the house. We lost governors. We lost seats in legislative bodies all across the country , but i became the second republican governor to be reelected in the entire 242year history of our state. I did it by reaching out to everyone, including those who had never even considered voting for a republican before. In some places they had never even seen a republican before. Too many in both parties have bought into the false narrative that the way you vote is predetermined by where you were born, where you live, the color of your skin, who you love, or where you worship. In this past election, the electorate was historically divided. Republicans did make some modest gains with black and hispanic voters who were turned off by far left elitism and Political Correctness run amok. But in maryland we proved that a republican can win support from black, hispanic and asian americans, suburban women and Younger Voters, not just to gain a few points, but to win overwhelming majorities. Look, the truth isnt always easy to hear. But as roger said, im a guy who tells it like it is. So heres the truth that our party needs to hear. Divisive rhetoric and toxic politics is alienating large parts of the country, and no one will listen to our message if they dont believe were listening to them. We cannot continue failing to expand our tent, the way reagan did. Addressing the real concerns of everyday people is harder than political virtue signaling or preaching to the choir. But that is what a large majority of americans want and what they deserve from their elected leaders. Reaching across the aisle and finding Common Ground is harder than simply attacking those with whom you disagree. But it can be done. As reagan said, we are once again at a time for choosing. Are we going to be a party that cant win National Elections again . Or are we willing to do the hard work of building a durable coalition that can once again shape our nations destiny . Some republicans want to return to the way things were before 2016. Others want to keep heading in the same direction. As if this election never happened. That is a false choice. The answer is to return to a party that often spoke only to the washington establishment or one that only speaks to the hard core base. For decades, republicans have appealed to the memory of Ronald Reagan, forgetting the true spirit of reagans legacy. In the name of reagan, in the name of reagan, republicans dogmatically applied obsolete policies, without recognizing how the world has changed and without questioning old assumptions, the way president reagan did. The g. O. P. Used his successes as an excuse for obstinance. Our party forgot reagans call to, quote, begin the world over again. We let reaganism become the language of the country club, washington think tanks, and the senate cloakroom. Instead of spoking to the folks in Middle America who powered the reagan revolution in the first place. Our party does not need to return control to establishment insiders. But we cannot afford to continue to perpetuate toxic politics. America is at a critical crossroads. Unless we begin to change the selfdestructive course that both parties are on, this mess will just repeat itself all over again in 2024. Ronald reagan said, freedom was never more than one generation from extinction. We must heed those words. We cannot take the blessings of liberty for granted. We must work to secure them for our children and our grandchildren. Im more than willing to stand up and fight for the things that really matter. But not for status quo politics. And not to perpetuate polarization and paralysis. We have to show those who have lost faith in our party and those who feel forgotten by washington that we can actually get things done and that we can make their lives better. We not only need to return to our principles, but we must reinvigorate them with Commonsense Solutions that work for the 21st century challenges we face. We dont need another autopsy to know that we cant bring more americans into our ranks by only speaking to the folks who already agree with us. Voters value being heard more than being told what they should want. We dont need washington politicians, the media, or Political Consultants to tell us who to hate or what to think. Americans are yearning to be brought together, not driven apart. What we need is less politics as usual and more real leadership. Ladies and gentlemen, i for one refuse to give in and accept that anger has taken the place of the common good. I refuse to give up and accept that the best days of the gop and of america are a thing of the past. I come from the get to work and get things done school of politics, and our with anyone who wants to do the peoples business. I still believe that the party of lincoln and reagan is the last best hope for our nation, and i still believe, as president reagan did that america remains the last best hope of man on earth. Thank you. God bless you, and may god bless the United States of america. [applause] roger thanks, Governor Hogan. Great remarks and great introduction. Gov. Hogan well, i worked very hard on it. I dont know about the tequila shot. [laughter] roger thats a great story. A lot to unpack in those remarks. You know, listening to your approach, and the remarks really reflect what youve done as governor, youre really cutting against the grain. On the one hand, you are stridently antiestablishment. On the other hand, you are not going to allow yourself to be confined to the base. Thats a compelling idea. Explain to me why thats a compelling idea to get elected . Gov. Hogan well, the proof is in the pudding. In 2014, that formula made me the second republican in 50 years to be elected governor. In the most difficult state in america. That message helped us get reelected in 2018, when some of my colleagues, really great guys, lost their governorships. We lost the house of representatives. We lost legislative bodies, legislative seats. So the message has been proven to work. I happen to think, if youre able to reach suburban women and minority voters and Younger Voters with a message, then youre going to be much more successful, as we have been, under the most hostile of circumstances in a deep blue state. I think most people across think the same way, and most polls show that people want to see the things ive been talking about and the things weve been focused on. Roger thats in maryland. Your great its a great book. Still standing, ill give it a plug here, if you dont have it, get it, read it. Gov. Hogan still sitting. [laughter] roger but that works in maryland. Where the Party Organization is not like the national g. O. P. And, you know, you write about a primary in maryland not that it was easy, but certainly not like the complicated primary thicket like a primary hogan would have to face. How would you get through the primary with the message you share with us today . Gov. Hogan well, thats a great question. Look, in 2018, i didnt have a primary challenger. But in 2014, i ran against several elected officials, all of whom were trying to run to the right. There were four people in a primary. I was the Small Business owner who had never Held Elected Office. They were all trying to run to the right of me and focused on talking to the republican base. The voters decided they wanted actually wanted to win for the general election, and they voted for the person they identified with that. Look, its a very difficult challenge. The way our structure works, with gerrymandering for all of our congressional seats and legislative seats. Its only you only have to win a democratic primary on the left or republican primary. There are no competitive seats. But if you look at this last race, i went oat and helped a whole lot of republican candidates. Roger 2020 . Gov. Hogan in 2020. Phil scott, susan collins. Six or seven republican congressmen that were in districts or states that the president lost overwhelmingly. And where Hillary Clinton won the last race. But we were successful in helping elect every single one of them, because it is really what most people want. Roger senator collins is a great example, but, you know, its getting through that field. And particularly because the point that you make in your speech, you know, people account to that argument and say, look, President Trump received over 73 million votes. And if you remove covid19 alone, he would have received more votes than joe biden. Gov. Hogan right. Roger im just making that point. A winning formula. Gov. Hogan well, the candidates far outran the president. There are other voters out there. Look, im not saying that the president doesnt have a strong support in the republican primary voter base. But i think republicans would like to control the white house and govern america. Thats what reagan did so effectively. Like it or not, i mean, the president didnt win. So now we have joe biden as president for four years. Roger lets talk about that. President trump earlier today tweeted out, im going to quote this by memory, because its not hard i won the election. Exclamation point. I think i got it right. Whats your response . Gov. Hogan well, look, when President Trump was first elected, i was at a Governors Association meeting on a stage like this. Somebody asked, what advice do you have for President Trump . Stop tweeting. Four years later, i would give him the same advice. Look, we need to make sure every single vote is counted. Theres certainly a process for challenging any irregularities. But so far, there hasnt been any evidence or they have not won cases. Over the weekend, the president said something about joe biden winning, and then he retracted it, and now hes saying he won. It loses credibility with more and more republicans are coming out saying, were in the middle of twin crises. Covid19 is spreading across the country. People are dying. Our economy is collapsing. And the president is tweeting all day and night about beating joe biden instead of focused on lets have a really successful next couple months and focusing on these problems. Roger youre saying focus on transition and when is the right time to accept this outcome . Gov. Hogan tomorrow is two weeks. [laughs] the time has come. More and more people, very close supporters and friends of the president are giving advice, but hes not listening. Roger well move to policy matters. One of the things the president continues to put out on twitter and other forums is fraud. That this election had issues with it that we havent seen before. Certainly that puts the outcome in question. Youre a veteran of elections. Youve won elections, right, as you shared here, in a state that is blue. Whats your response to claims of fraud . Gov. Hogan well, i know a couple of the states i think in every single election, theres going to be some things that werent done properly. And there may be a dozen votes or a couple hundred votes here and there, and we ought to get to the bottom of it, because we have to make sure the process works. Were not going to make up for five million votes in all of those states. It was a pretty overwhelming victory at this point. Last time the president didnt win the popular vote, and he had less electoral votes than biden did, and he called it a landslide. [laughs] we need to find out something and we havent got that. Roger your book has a policy approach between you and President Trump. Without question, President Trump has dominated the political discussion in this country. When you look at it, whether you like the president people praise him or damning the president , what do you see the essential problem with his leadership . Really goes to element of your speech. Is it this pragmatism and how to win or is it something more deeper, fundamental that you see the difference and the problem you have with President Trump . Gov. Hogan well, look, on the issues, i think a lot of people agree with President Trump. But they but they didnt like his tone, and they didnt like what they perceived as kind of a loose affiliation with the truth sometimes. They didnt like the anger that was on both sides, but he was certainly helping to stir the pot on. And i think they didnt like he wasnt effective. Even though we had a republican congress, both houses for two years, he the things he said were one thing but what a lot of things didnt get done. Top focus was infrastructure. It was going to happen right after. Instead, they fought health care and didnt accomplish anything. Talk about the wall. Obama built more wall than trump did. His primary focus. We didnt get things done that he ran on. I think it was effectiveness, tone, and, you know, i think he could have gotten more done. I think the president was his own worst enemy. Roger so you speak in your speech about the socalled exhausted majority. Seems to be in your mind the key to really winning conservative republican winning in a president ial election. Expand on that. Who is the exhaustive majority . Is it policy, or are they exhausted by the style, or both . Gov. Hogan i think it is both. This is not my term. The New York Times did a piece that they talked about this, and its a group called more in common that talks about, i think, theres more we have more in common than we have dividing us. They did National Surveys and said this. More than 2 3 of the people felt that way. I think its a little bit of both. They dont really identify with far left. There was a rejection of the far left in this election. But they dont really identify with the far right. Theres somewhere in between. The vast majority are moderates, right of center or left of center. Small percentage are on the extremists. They talk about the 15 and 15 . The other 70 are the ones that really want Pragmatic Solutions to the problems. I dont think our commonsense conservative principles were what lost. In fact, all the candidates that i know that espouse those won. I dont think either party is speaking to those folks in the middle. I think the Democratic Party the Republican Party, as i have mentioned, has turned off a bunch of people that wouldnt even consider voting. The Democratic Party has moved so far to the left that people that would normally vote democratic, they were not happy with either of the candidates. They wish that we had more of a politics like what im talking about. Roger yet and i heard this coming out of this election and certainly during Donald Trumps presidency, the Republican Party became the party of the american worker. It left what you called in your speech the party of the establishment or the country club. Thats something you still would keep an focus on a new vision, right . Gov. Hogan i think the president did an excellent job of reaching the common, average, working person that i was talking about but then turned off young voters, suburban women , and every other demographic, whereas reagan was able to put them all together. Look, i am a conservative outsider who ran against the monopoly in annapolis who had never Held Elected Office. This was before travel when he was doing a really this was before trump, when he was doing a reality show. In 2014, i was appealing to those same people. I won bluecollar democrats and Union Workers and all those folks. We reached out and built that broader coalition. Trump did a really good job of that, but you dont get to govern if you dont win the election, and weve got to figure out why we didnt win the election, because we dont lose that many incumbent president s very often. Roger in your book, you had some lending there about the think tanker, and the establishment and policy intellectuals. Gov. Hogan i know, that was you guys. [laughter] roger i know. Those papers put me to sleep. Something like that. [laughter] thats fine. The question i had was, there is a debate inside the beltway , right . Right now about what the future of the party should look like. How much of trumpism should be integrated . Whether reaganism is a thing of the past or if there is a fusion opportunity. Things along those lines and policy ideas behind them. You as an outsider and nonestablishment person, is that debate relevant . The work of the intellectuals trying to set the gov. Hogan i think it is relevant. The point i made in my book, and i didnt mean to demean all the intellectuals that are in washington, but i serve in the board of directors of a group called the maryland Public Policy institute, and we came up with really great, thoughtful pieces about how to solve the economic problems we were faced with, but no one ever read them. So it is not the ideas that are wrong, we are not marketing them well, we are not selling them to the average person. So i started a group called change maryland, which is focused on i ran because i am a Small Businessman and knows frustrated with 43 tax hikes in a row, that half of the people in my state wanted to leave, we had killed a couple hundred thousand jobs and i wanted to change that. But i said it in a way that the average person, whether republican or democrat, said, yes thats what we want. I didnt get into divisive battles on all kinds of other issues that we didnt agree on or might not agree on. But it was taking those ideas and communicating them, which is what i think reagan did really well. Reagan did really well. Roger so youre telling me a think tank didnt come up with the taxing ring in maryland . [laughter] gov. Hogan for instance, we put out a great paper about why Stormwater Management fees were wrong to be forcing the counties to charge this stateimposed fee. No one even paid attention but i called it. I called it now theyre even taxing the rain. [laughter] 90 of the people in my state agreed we should be taxing the rain. [laughter] roger lets talk about governance. So much of what you emphasized in your speech today and in your book is what happens after you get elected, and thats part of the critique you had for President Trump. Covid19 is spiking again. Those who are back in school are questioning whether they can remain in school. Businesses that have managed to reopen at a certain capacity, your state, reducing the capacity, may not be able to remain open. Talk to us about how you prioritized public safety, Public Health and at the same time, the economy. Gov. Hogan look, this has been one of the most difficult challenges that america has ever faced, that we as governors have ever had to face. You talk about challenges early on being governor with the rioting in baltimore, and my personal struggle with cancer, i went through lots of contentious issues nothing has been as difficult as this covid19 crisis. And trying to balance keeping people safe while also worrying about those Small Business owners and those people that may lose their jobs we pulled together the best advice, the smartest people we could find, not just think tanks, but Public Health doctors and scientists and Business Leaders, and something tanks, and we just got the best advice we can get. We had to make quick decisions. Early on, i was chairing the National Governors association. Sometimes i pushed back when i thought we were not getting the help we needed on the National Testing strategy. But the white house mike pence did a great job chairing the Coronavirus Task force. I led 54 zooms with all the nations governors, thirtysomething of them with the Vice President , dr. Birx, dr. Fauci, all the cabinet and sometimes the president. We had to Work Together. Because it took everybody at the federal, state, and local level , working together as one. It is by no means behind us. And this is where i think the biggest mistake the president made he had a Great Success on operation warp speed. We have 30 Maryland Companies working on vaccines. One of them they just talked about in the conference couple of days ago. But the messaging on its going to disappear. It is only 15 people, and soon it will be nothing. Anyone that once a test can get one. It will be over in 14 days. We are going to flatten the curve. Its going to be over by easter. Its going to be over by july no, it is not. And not wearing a mask it is not a political issue. If you just wore the masks, we would not have to shut any businesses. But we didnt. Now south dakota has 60 positivity today. The virus is in the worst days ever. Hospitals are starting to overflow again. We had to use an ice rink to stack dead bodies, because the morgues and Funeral Homes or full. This is not a joke. Its real. Its the worst since the 1918 spanish flu. And we have to take it seriously. Now, the administration did some great work. They reached out to the governors. Operation warp speed. We pushed them, the governors did, to step up the defense production act, so we could make ventilators and desperatelyneeded supplies. So there have been some successes. But, we would have a great meeting with the Vice President , the whole Coronavirus Task force, all governors on both sides, and then the president would have a press conference a couple of hours later, where he would say just the opposite. And step on everything everyone else was working on. Let me pull the thread on that, because this is something thats discussed repeatedly, president elect biden will have has his task force ready, and people are skeptical that he is actually going to put forward something positively different than what the Current Administration has in terms of a plan and what theyre emphasizing. It seems like perhaps you agree with that and the difference ought to be in terms of the messaging coming from the top, or is there going to be something substantively gov. Hogan well, my biggest concern is that, number one, we dont lose the progress were making. The president s messaging had people concerned about the virus. I mean, about the vaccine. But we really have made Great Strides on the vaccine, and we have to get it done. So i dont want to see them go back to the drawing board. We have a lot of things in the process. I am concerned about them not meeting. When the president wont theres no transition. They wont give the information. You have guys that dont know anything that are coming in in the middle of were in the middle of a war, and we dont know who the generals going to be. We dont know what the game plan is. We cant wait until the end of january. I mean, you know, 200,000 people will die between now and the inauguration. We have to get on it now. Roger so, we will open up questions to the audience in just a minute. You know, one of the underlying themes here is federalism, how much of a role should the federal government have versus the states . As a governor, how jealous where you want the authority to be able to take care of your state and keep the feds out . Gov. Hogan well, look, i am a big states rights guy. The governors were on the frontlines, and we didnt mind stepping up. Theres a lot of things that we can do better, and we should have the decisionmaking on. But there were certain things that only the federal government could do. So we had 50 states competing with one another and with the federal government and with other countries for a really constrained market on desperatelyneeded supplies that were in short supply, and that was crazy, but the federal government could have taken over the process. I am not one that says, oh, the federal government should solve the problem. The governors, you know, had a huge role to play. But we were doing things that we dont normally do. You know, im negotiating with Foreign Countries to try to negotiate for roger south korea. Gov. Hogan right, because the federal government wouldnt give us any tests. There werent going to be tests in america. I had to talk to the president of south korea, the ambassador , and negotiated for 22 days to get half a million south korean coronavirus tests. At the time we got back, it was more than the top five states in america combined had test. S. Roger are you concerned, though, come january 20, that there will be an increased role of the federal government interfering in the way you want to manage your state, or do you feel what youre hearing should work out ok and get the right balance . Gov. Hogan thats a really good question. I dont have the answer to it, because we havent heard much out of the existing administration on coronavirus , because we are at the end of the election controversy. This afternoon i have a call with all the governors, with the Vice President and the Coronavirus Task force, so hopefully well have a better understanding. I am concerned that i am not sure what the Biden Transition Team they are appointing a bunch of people, none of whom have been involved. We got to get them up to speed if they are the ones that will be in charge. Roger well go to a question. Please indicate if you have a question. I dont think we have a microphone here, but we will have one out if it is required, just indicate. 2024 will be 16 years since weve had a president who was a governor. Of course, president obama wasnt a governor. He came from the senate. President trump never Held Elected Office. Joe biden was in the senate for decades. Does it indicate that somehow a governor cannot win in the current political environment, part one. And part two, whats missing when you have a president who has not been in the executive before . Governor . Gov. Hogan well, first of all, i dont have any disagreement with having been a private sector, you know, real estate business guy who never Held Elected Office, because i was one. Im the outsider that never Held Elected Office and became governor two years before he became president. So that is good. Roger that is why you are ok with it. Gov. Hogan im ok with people being outsiders. You know, i think some of our best president s have been governors, and we havent had one recently, but, i mean, theres this guy from california, governor reagan that was a pretty good president. Roger pretty good. Gov. Hogan and you have bill clinton. Most of our president s were governors until recently. Not taking anything away from some of our leaders in washington, but i think being an executive, you know, running things and making decisions you know, i run a 50 billion budget with 60,000 employees. Thats different than arguing in committee, in congress, and voting on things and never getting anything passed. [laughter] roger i dont think you wished sense from your speech that you wished you were in the senate. [laughter] i got that much. Lets go to a few questions. We have 10 minutes or so left. Anita . Anita sure. Thank you very much. Roger if you dont mind waiting for the microphone. Anita sure, absolutely. Governor hogan, thank you. This was really inspiring to hear from you today. I work at American University. I also work with one of your appointees, tiffany, who we work on right now in the women pac, very excited of growing the ranks of women. Gov. Hogan i just appointed a deputy chief of staff. We have more women in our cabinet. I am a big believer. Hi nita i know you are, sir. And you are also a big believer in personnel with policy and hiring the right people that allows you to execute on your priorities. One of the things i wanted to ask you about, because i wanted to dip into your having been a youth for reagan chair, and how important it is to encourage young people to stay engaged. I have a little bit of a twopart question here. I am an advisor for the American University college republicans. Surprisingly at a very liberal university. We really have grown our ranks. They also were volunteers on your Reelection Campaign two years ago. I liked what you said about informed patriotism. So what are the elements that we should, those of us that have been in the party for long time, inspired by president reagan as well i was a volunteer in a the 1980 campaign in connecticut, not a republican state, but what should we be doing to keep them engaged . Because a number of them do feel disaffected by the rhetoric of President Trump. And it is difficult on College Campuses to be republicans. If you can tie it to, as our nation inches toward our 250th anniversary as a nation, and that informed patriotism that you talk about, how do we encourage young people to feel proud about the history of our nation, as complex and complicated as it is, and what are you doing in your state, if you all are involved from the state level, on supporting the 250th, the semiquincentennial. Gov. Hogan wow, that is a great question. First of all, thank you for your leadership and trying to get more young people interested and involved in politics. Look, i think this is a good thing. It doesnt matter to me if we get them involved in the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. We need more young people to Pay Attention and be involved in the process. I was 10 years old when my dad first ran for congress. So i was a preteen republican, then i was in the teenage republicans, college republicans, president of the young republicans, now i am an old republican. [laughter] but, you know, but my campaign was fueled by mostly young people, and i brought in people into my administration that were really young. People said, wow, you have a bunch of kids working there. But they happened to be some of the smartest ones in the room. I was talking earlier about a big portion of america being turned off by politics. I think nowhere is that more true than with young people. They just dont see how its relevant to them, and they dont feel like they can make a difference, and they have sort of just given up. They tune it out. We got to really work hard to reengage them. They are the future. The next generation, i am worried that we dont have enough young people that will be our future leaders that are interested in this. You know, not everybody will grow up reading the congressional record and working on campaigns like i did as a kid, but i think they need to pay more attention to the people making the decisions and how it impacts them. Roger jim . Jim thank you. Governor, thank you so much for being here today. Gov. Hogan thank you. Jim let me agree with anita that you are inspirational. Gov. Hogan thank you. Jim why, thank you. I served in the Reagan White House, and it was an honor and a pleasure to be able to serve the president and the first lady as well. Gov. Hogan thank you for that service. Jim thank you. Listening to your remarks, when i saw you speaking, if i hadnt seen you, i wouldnt have believed it was in a reagan speech. Gov. Hogan i had a lot better here than i do now. That is for sure. [laughter] i had a pretty good one until the cancer thing. [laughter] jim i left the Reagan White House and started to work in Higher Education and have been doing that ever since. Id ask you your position on a couple things about Higher Education. The whole world of Higher Education and Postsecondary Education in particular is changing as a result of changes in Artificial Intelligence and schools realizing that they have to take a new approach to making available to students what they really need. Gov. Hogan yeah. Jim traditional schools continue to do much of the same things, but some of the small ones in new england are closing because they are not offering , what students need. Gov. Hogan yeah. Jim i will say i worked closely with one of your schools, the university of maryland global campus. They have a program that offers all kinds of opportunities and credentials rather than just degrees, and the kind of opportunities that, quite frankly, are going to be even more necessary as jobs are lost. You think about 2 million Truck Drivers in the United States. If anyone thinks there will be 2 million Truck Drivers 10 years from now, it is not likely. A lot of those guys and women that are driving those trucks now, maybe 20 of them retire 10 years from now, but the rest of them will be needing skills and upscaling. I would like to get your thoughts on that. Gov. Hogan sure. Absolutely. This is a big issue. We have got to be teaching kids for the jobs of the 21st century. Some of our higher ed, people it is kind of like just taking a shot at the think tanks, and now i want to take a shot at academia roger this might be her last invitation [laughter] gov. Hogan yall might not be inviting me back. Some people are stuck in the old mindset of this is how we educate the kids, but theyre producing people that cant get a job. Meanwhile, there are skills that we really need. As an example, you mentioned a. I. University of Maryland College park has the Brendan Reeve center. He started oculus. Probably the foremost authority on Artificial Intelligence, and some of the stuff he is doing, we just opened up a big center at the university of maryland to attract more of those kids, the best in the country. The university of maryland in baltimore county, we produce more cyber talent than anywhere in america. We are the cyber capital of america. Home to the nsa and cyber command. We have an insatiable need. Private Sector Companies hiring kids at really high salaries after they go ahead these kinds of skills. We have 11 centers of cyber excellence. So you cant just teach the old things that nobody wants if theres no demand for it. Its all about Workforce Development, training. Some of it is not a fouryear degree. Some of it is going through and teaching them things that they can go get a job right away. So we are big on internships and on Workforce Development and on switching our higher ed facilities over to training for the jobs that we need. Roger we have time for just a couple more questions. I would ask our questioners to keep it to the question. In the back. Sam . Sam i am proud to see you. I am a pound maryland democrat who voted for you and supported you twice. Gov. Hogan thank you see, i wasnt making it up. [laughter] sam i am glad to see your pragmatism now getting on a national stage. In maryland, you have been a strong supporter of Public Education but floated the boost and boast bills for some School Choice. Im curious, especially with the educational suffering and covid in the k12 going on in the country, where do you see that movement leading to over the next two years, and on the national stage, what role does the federal government have in promoting School Choice . Gov. Hogan well, that is a great question. First of all, you know, i believe that every single child in america deserves a worldclass education, regardless of what neighborhood they happen to grow up in. We put record funding, six years in a row, into our Public Schools. But we also i am a big believer in School Choice, and we have helped give people the opportunity, kids who were in persistently failing schools and in bad neighborhoods who wanted to get the neighborhood, we give them boost scholarships is what we call them to attend the school of their choice, so they have more of an opportunity for a future. This is a very popular thing among democrats. Polling shows about 90 of the people in Baltimore City are in favor of School Choice, because their schools are failing, no matter how much money we put in. Some of their kids have no hope for a better future. We want to do both. We have to improve and invest in Public Education, but we also want to, you know, help our private schools, which are in covid, by the way, this is our most difficult challenge. How do we safely get some kids that need it back in the schools and the classrooms, without endangering the kids and the teachers . Most of the private schools are open. Most of the Public Schools are not. And the enrollments in the private schools are surging, because Public Schools are not providing what the parents want them to have. So this is something we are going to have to take a look at as we move forward. You know, i think it is the federal government does have a role to play, but i think most of these decisions are on the state and local level. Roger Governor Hogan, we are so grateful for you joining us here at the reagan institute. We look forward to you coming back here. We wish you the best of luck in the remaining years you have left serving as marylands governor. But no doubt you will continue to be a leading voice within the Republican Party and across the country, as we push forward into the next term ahead. Please join me in welcoming or thanking Governor Hogan for being with us today. [applause] gov. Hogan thank you very much. Thank you. I appreciate it. Roger that was really nice. Gov. Hogan i really appreciate the opportunity. [applause] [chatter] thank you, governor. Thank you, governor. Thank you very much. [indistinct conversations] oh, absolutely. I would love to see that. [indistinct conversations] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the race is one of two Georgia Senate runoff elections. We will have live debate coverage at 7 00 p. M. Eastern, online at cspan. Org, or you can listen with the free cspan radio app. Earlier this week, President Trumps attorney, rudy giuliani, argued before a federal judge in pennsylvania that mailin ballots in seven democratic counties in the state should be disqualified. Attorneys for pennsylvania countered that the complaint should be dismissed, because no claim of voter fraud has been made. We are here to conduct an on that was filed on november 15 in 16th 2020. Before we begin i need clarification as to have the defendants would like to

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