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Further legislative session. We now bring you live coverage here on cspan. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. November 18, 2020. I hereby appoint the honorable Henry Cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of house of january 7, 2020, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate redskin nation between the parties with time equally allocated between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 1 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from michigan, police talib, for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Chair. I rise today to join my colleagues in calling for immediate action on covid relief. It is an outrage that Senate Republicans and the impeached president S Administration are more focused on undermining our Election Integrity and faith in our democracy rather than delivering relief to millions of americans who are struggling right now. With over 20 million unemployed and more than eight million have fallen into poverty, reoccurring Monthly Payments are desperately needed to protect the American People from further harm and loss. Due to the black of federal commitment and funding, the maximum amount of worker the maximum amount my worker in my district gets on unemployment is 362 a week, mr. Chair. 962 under the first stimulus payment. Now you are asking my workers, our families, our neighbors, to live with 362 a week. Not anyone here could survive on that. Due to the uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus, new stay at home orders and restrictions are necessary to protect our health. We must couple this with orders with strong, reoccurring federal support putting money directly into the pockets of americans so they can actually afford to stay home and support our local governments and businesses on the brink of collapse without more stimulus. This pandemic has also made it clear, the need of guaranteeing access to clean water to our neighbors. Washing ones hands is crucial to preventing illness and spread. We need to treat water as a human right. And ban water shutoffs nationwide and ensure every american has what they need to protect themselves during this pandemic. So, mr. Chair, spending stimulus checks, supporting state and local governments, Small Businesses, and preventing water shutoff are some of the first steps we must take to not only control the spread of this coronavirus but to recover from its devastation. I urge my republican colleagues to please join me in taking urgent action. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Shimkus, for five minutes. Mr. Shimkus thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, many of us know that the house could not function without the professional, nonpartisan bern nell who ensure we can do our job. We do it times as an institution pause and thank them them. Now is a time for me to do it personally. I thank them for their commitment, dedication, and their hard work. It would be difficult to start without mentioning the capitol police. They are here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. Since my time here, some have fallen in the line of duty. Others injured protecting those placed in their care. These are only the events that i know. Can i only iimagine the stories that they could tell. Thank you. I owe thanks to the office of attending physician. This Service Helps us stay healthy and keeps us informed on how this job affects our health. There have been many times when i watched and scrambled to attend the health needs of a member or one of our visitors. In the army, we are fond of saying the army moves on its stomach. So does the house of representatives. We and our guests can find food in numerous locations. This morning i picked up my breakfast right here in the basement of the capitol. Lunch, who knows . But i do not fret that i will not be able find something. When we depart for the day, the cleaning crew comes in. They are long gone by the time most of us arrive the next day. Mail and newspapers are dropped off by couriers. Light bulbs are replaced. Pictures are hung up. And in my case, taken down. Photos are taken of us and our guests and major events. Audio visual connectivity for chame letter and Committee Activities so the public can observe is ensured. And again as i observed this morning the electronic Voting System was turned on and checked. The recorder takes down every word. Sometimes in the heat of a rhetorical exchange, which eventually helps the chamber sort out the claims, reconcile them, and return to business. I also want to point out the Friendly Faces and voices from the office of the clerk of the house. Many of them are right in front of me, mr. Speaker. These nonpartisan employees record, file, keep in order, track time, and help the speaker or speaker pro tempore identify members and call on them. The wizard of the house is the parliamentarian and their staff. I have known four over the my career. They are the keeper of the jeffersonian rules and precedents. Any member who is smart and up to some trickery best run their idea by the parliamentarian. They will not only provide great counsel, but keep the discussion confidential. My thanks go to the office of member services. They process me in and are now processing me out. They are our office of Human Resources and as with everything as time passes, so do your needs. I have checked with them often over the years, and that has helped prepare for my departure. Also assisting me is the office of house ethics. The last thing i want to do is screw something up as i walk out the door. They, too, are 24 7 and only a phone call away. Any time you create a list, you risk forgetting someone or some office. If i have done so, please forgive me. It has been a great ride and the nonpartisan professional staff who cover the everyday activities deserve my thanks. With that, i thank you. I yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from georgia, mrs. Mcbath, for five minutes. Mrs. Mcbath thank you, mr. Speaker. And i ask unanimous consent to address the house for five minutes and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Mcbath as we move into the last weeks of 2020rks as we move into a dark and uncertain winter, our nation continues to face an increasingly deadly pandemic. Economic hardship and anxiety can be felt in every corner of cour country of cour country. The despite the challenges, the past few weeks have seen millions of americans stand up and make their voices heard. And millions of americans have chosen unity over division. Stability over chaos. And looked forward to a future filled with faith and hope for a brighter world. That world requires something from each and every one of us. That we all must do our part. We all have a role to play in transforming our aspirations into real effective progress. Over the last two years i have heard from thousands of families who have called on my office in a moment of need. A grandparent whose Social Security checks just simply stopped gomcoming. A veteran who desperately needed an appointment at the v. A. Hospital. A Small Business that required assistance to keep their employees paid during this pandemic. For many of these people, their call to my office may have been the first time that they have ever interacted with a government official. Maybe the first time they ever asked their government for help. Each and every day we are called upon to serve our communities in congress. They are trusting us to do everything that we can to advocate on their behalf. We must never lose sight of that faith and that trust that they have placed in us. Hardworking families across georgia and from around the nation understand that the days and months ahead may be the most important of our lifetime. Americans have been very clear, they have asked their leaders to put aside their partisan bickering and focus on american fellship fellowship. And the mandate they have given us is one of compassion and cooperation t its a mandate to heal fractures and mend their wounds. It is a mandate to solve problems and protect them. And it is a mandate to compromise with common sense. Its a mandate to enact policies that provide every person in this nation an opportunity to fight for their very own american dream. For many years, before i had the honor of serving my community in congress, i worked as a Flight Attendant for delta airlines. I shared journeys with people from every corner of our globe. And every color, and every creed and every race and every religion. Yes, we all come from different backgrounds. We share different beliefs. But we all belong to different political parties, but what we must understand is that we share a common purpose that transcends partisanship. We are all uniquely american. We are all far more alike than we are different. And we all need to spend time with those that we love to share our stories with those who make us smile, make us laugh. We all want whats best for our families. On these journeys across america, i watched first generation americans chart a course toward a lifetime of new and exciting experiences. And i watched men and women in uniform fly home to surprise their young children, their mothers who have been worried sick, their who havent seen their best friend in years. I watched parents beam with pride as they reunited with their new college graduate. After decades of hard work, they knew with faith and with certainty that the days of their children would be better than their own. This is the america that our constituents sent us here to fight for and sent us here to lead. To preserve the ideas that this nation was founded upon. To protect the values that must endure long after every single one of us in this chamber is gone. Our strength as a nation has always been on our ability to come together to address americas greatest challenges, which we are in right now. And that is the opportunity that we have in this very moment. And when we look back at this time in years to come, i pray that we can all take pride in our response. That we fought against all those who seek to sow the seeds of hatred and division and all those rooted in peace and prosperity. That we fought to strengthen our fellow americans with love and with unity. That we fought for progress alongside our brothers and sisters of this great nation with unshakable resolve. That we fought for a future that we can all believe in. Thank you. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from alabama, mr. Byrne, for five minutes. Mr. Byrne mr. Speaker, i rise today in recognition of mayor dane heygood of daphne who recently retired after eight successful years in office. It is truly the jewel of southwest alabama, the fastest growth in alabama in recent years, daphne has led the way. No city could experience such rapid growth while retaining the sense of Community Without good stewardship, and the mayor deserves a tremendous amount of credit for his eight years of steady leadership. With him had he dell many, daphne was one of the chief beneficiaries in the past decade of economic exexpansion. He can leave office knowing that daphne is well positioned to continue on the path to prosperity. I congratulate him and his family. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for them in the years ahead. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to thank mayor david baker of simms on his many years of service. He recently left the Mayoral Office after a distinguished and diverse history of service to his community. He began viss serving as a city councilman for sims n 2011. He has always been a highly visible public servant. He has overseen a period of growth and sends us well prepared to continue the growth. A proud graduate of the university of South Alabama in mobile, he retired as an officer in the United States army after 20 years of honorable service. Since becoming an educator in 2003, countless High School Students in the community have benefited from his wise instruction. I have every confidence mayor baker will remain involved in the community and i wish him and his wife the best in the days ahead. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate terry downy upon his recent retirement. Since his election in 2016, mayor downy has guided the city through a series of significant challenges, including sever severe hurricanes and recent pandemic. They have a unique heritage as a diverse home with a fishing and seafood processing industries, and the leadership helped them weather the storms and protect the lively hoods and culture of his residents. The city is well prepared to continue handling whatever else may come its way. Thank mayor down downy for his service and wish him all the best in the next phase of his life. Mr. Speaker, i rise to congratulate jimmy lines upon his retirement as director and c. E. O. Of Alabama State Port Authority. Over more than two decades, jimmys created leadership led to transformative growth at one of alabamas premiere assets his steady stewardship guided the Port Authority during economic highs and lows. Despite the challenges, the port has thrived under his leadership. The port is now one of the Fastest Growing Container Terminals in the country. It has added a steel terminal and vastly expanded its ability to load and unload automobiles. Those are a few examples. Jimmy played crate cal part in securing upgrades at the port and the channel that allow a higher number of increasingly largeships around the ships from around the globe. While he will be missed, the Alabama State Port Authority and economy is better positioned for future success than its tfer been because of him. I wish him the best. William, known by most as monty, passed away at 90 years old on only one day before his wife who was 88. Remarkable rried a 66 years. They married and found their way to mobile. Partnership enabled them to raise four wonderful children and mondayy monty to a long successful career, culminating his retirement at of mobile. Ank he served as a field representative for my and served two terms in the Alabama House of representatives. Marriage they r maintained a love and engagement to mobile. Leave behind a legacy of love for each other, their family and their community that to match in cult its intensity and longevity. Hey will be deeply missed and finally fondly remembered and felt heartfelt out to their family. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Hill, for minutes. Mr. Hill i thank the speaker. To speaker, today i rise address a pressing problem that concerns americans Constitutional Rights. Liberties enshrined in the constitution still apply to very american, even in the midst of a national emergency. Its becoming clear to many our National Life has slid towards a double standard. For weeks, officials have asked to put life on hold and help fight this virus. People did their part and are doing their part, help our sacrifices to nation and continue to do their part. Pandemic, out this weve seen a troubling trend of tate leaders leaning on religious institutions harder than any other group or organization. 2018, pope francis, while martyrdom, those who face persecution on account of he r religious beliefs, arned our nations about white martyrdom when freedom of religion is restricted. Lawsuits saying restrictions on religious filed in have been kentucky, california, louisiana, virginia, and elsewhere. Virginia, at Lighthouse Church on psalm properly ey were social distance, yet the pastor to a criminal citation. In kansas, two churches settled democratic governor kelly. A federal judge ruled that the state appeared to have singled activities for stricter treatment. Now, kansas churches can hold as long as they abide by the protocols for businesses and other establishments. As providing hand sanitizer, facemasks, and social distancing. In kentucky, despite claiming allowed order congregants to attend drivethru services, governor bashir had state police leave notices to churchgoers to windshields on Easter Sunday Maryville Baptist church outside louisville. Defiance of the mandate, the his r, jack roberts, and congregants, ripped up those notices and filed a lawsuit. Appeals court sided with the pastor and blocked the to r, allowing congregants attend drivein services. In the ruling, the threejudge circuit the sixth u. S. Court of appeals expressed support for the churches wasnt being it reated fairly, noting, quote, hundreds, closed quote, of cars parked in the lot of the nearby rocery store on the same day the police informed churchgoers law. Were violating the the ban on religious services ogether with the haven of numerous secular exceptions should give pause to anyone who freedom. Ligious thats what the judges wrote. They continued, but its not what is sy to decide cesars and what is god and assurededly true in the context of a pandemic. I commend the judges for standing up for the fundamental religious freedom, including the freedom of wo worship. Shown they can convene for religious services in a responsible way. The compassion and care for of faith throughout the pandemic are needed now more ever. Our first chief executive, president washington, prized our irst amendment to the constitution saying no one would be more zellous than myself to zealous than myself tyranny ish horrors of and religious persecution. So lets urge our colleagues in state s, our legislatures, our governors and down at 1600 pennsylvania avenue washingtons passion for our enshrined right to liberty. Mr. Speaker, during this lameduck session, this house leadership to n achieve critical needed covid for central arkansans. The majority of these issues are easy and have significant support. N we need to extend and expand the program, rotection ease paycheck protection pandemic payments need to be addressed in a way to help families but also encourage work. Flexibilitytes need on spending money from the cares act that they need to change the end of this the year, 12 31, to a time in 2021. We cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Pelosi to speaker call targeted focus relief to the house floor today. Speaker, and i ield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. Spano, for minutes. Mr. Spano thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to highlight the Corporal Ronald r. Payne jr. A local hero who proudly served in the u. S. Marine corps and was killed in combat on may 7, 2004. Graduated from mull burry high school as a star football player. Etball he had been part of the initial force that invaded iraq and went baghdad. He returned for a second overseas tour. He was initially sent to fghanistan to help with elections but was then sent into combat. Corporal payne will be remembered as the first marine in afghanistan. He will also be remembered as a man of faith. Late journal entry reads the fear is starting to turn into excitement. Besides, what do i have to be afraid of, really . I have god on my side. Nd he said he will never leave us nor forsake us. Having him is better than any type of support or weapon that give. N to his family, our district still mourns rons loss. Salute you for raising such a hero who was also such a servant. I rise today in memory of Staff Sergeant john a local hero from floridas 14th district who erved our country in the armed forces and sadly killed in combat in the afghan theater. Fter participating in junior rotc for four years and graduating from haynes city high in the u. S. Listed army and began with the army rangers. He served at fort drum, new carson, colorado, and during this time also did two tours in iraq where he heart. D his first purple in 2010, Staff Sergeant reiners died of wounds sustained when attacked his forces in afghanistan. Awarded a second purple heart and the bronze star medal osthumously for his dedication to his team. He was also a devoted husband to casey and father to lex. The entare family, our entire family, our district and morniurns johns loss. E was the epitome of a Great American soldier and his sacrifices will not be forgotten. I honor the service and legacy ryan aluminumly a devoted husband and son, who was killed in 2011. Istan on december 3, ryan graduated from Cedar Key High School in 2008, joined the soon rmy in 2009, and thereafter reported to fort bliss in el paso, texas, where excelled in his team. 21, ryan ng age of lost his life to an improvised explosive life. Ue to his Outstanding Service and dedication to our country, ryan was awarded the National Defense service medal, the lobal war on Terrorism Service medal and several other badges and ribbons. Yan was survived by his wife, kimber, a loving family and many ometown friends who remember him for his love, patriotism. While time has passed since his legacy e, may his continue to uplift his loved ones and encourage a grateful nation. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in memory of Sergeant Daniel angus, a local hero of floridas 15th in rict who was killed action in 2010. Daniel graduated in 2000. U. S. Marine d the corps where he knew he belonged. And hoped to make a career of community and his country. Daniel stood out among his peers nd received the combat action ribbon, two good conduct medals, the afghanistan and Iraq Campaign medals, the global war service medal, and a number of other service declarations. His ved spending time with wife, bonnie, and 1yearold daughter. Alwaysyears old, may she know and treasure the knowledge of her fathers heroism. You see, men and women like who are willing to lay down their lives in defense of our country and in support of what many miles away are makes our nation the greatest on earth. Let us never take their of their or that surviving families in vain. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. Budd, for five minutes. Budd thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to sound the alarm democrats are considering a rule change that would severely limit the rights Minority Party in the house for years to come. Im referring to the partisan water down or to eliminate the motion to recommit. Speaker, the m. T. R. , as its called, is a critical procedural ool that gives the Minority Party one last opportunity to improve legislation before a floor. Ote on this house an m. T. R. Not only increases transparency between members of and their constituents but it holds members accountable on record them to go for viewpoints that they hold. Would only e m. T. R. Serve to shield members from criticism, suffocate debate on issues and overturn long standing house precedent. A blatant power grab by the majority democrat party, thats why my colleagues and i will be appealing to the rules ommittee this week in writing demanding that the m. T. R. Be preserved. Mr. Speaker, for the past two heard from an overwhelming number of my constituents, and they do not integritydence in the of novembers election. Hey are outraged that media pundits and establishment democrat politicians are neering at the very concept of taking the time to ensure that very legal vote is counted and that every illegal vote is thrown out. Very citizen has a right to seek justice in a court of law, and that includes the president states. Nited his legal team needs to be given the time to collect and present voting and tabulation irregularities. Until the courts have played role, we titutional should be weary of declaring losers. And look, if we can spend two years nvestigating conspiracy theories about russian collusion, we should be able to take a few weeks to confirm the of this election. Im glad that attorney general authorized the department of justice to all illegal ny and activity. He took this necessary step after 38 of my house colleagues that the ested department leave no stone effort. In this will also be introducing legislation this very week that d. O. J. To e the create a National Strategy to dentify and combat voter intimidation, fraud, Ballot System glitches, sabotage and hacking. Mr. Speaker, voting is the most sa nation. Ivic duty in our in an election, our our highest office involving an unprecedented number of mailin voting, we make sure that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is not counted. Important than the integrity of our ballots. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman foxx, rth carolina, ms. For five minutes. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. Speaker, its become quite apparent over the past few justs that House Democrats dont want to show up for work. They rallied behind proxy voting and ever since they have become complacent in their duties. The American People are showing up to work because their livelihoods depend on it. When it comes to Democrat Members of congress, its the exact opposite. What a stark contrast. For months my republican colleagues and i have made the trip from our districts to washington to conduct the business of the peoples house in the open. We have been present at committee hearings, votes, and other important functions. But it certainly seems our democrat colleagues dont share that same level of commitment. What does that tell you about them . Mr. Speaker, we cant ignore the fact that we are in the middle of a global pandemic. But that does not mean that we get to abdicate our duties as members of congress. Members of the United States senate have shown up to conduct their business, so why isnt the house doing the same . Whats concerning most of all is that the initial endeavor to implement proxy voting has now evolved into something more as nine asinine. Vote by text. This attempt to consolidate power by Speaker Pelosi just another feeble move and one that runs counter to the operation of this deliberative body that has stood for hundreds of years. Yet, House Democrats seem perfectly content with this idea. The american notion of showing up to work and fulfilling your duties seems to be a foreign concept to them. If they spent their time working and less time looking for ways to get out of work, we would be making progress. This is a noneffective way to legislate. In the end the American People are the ones who will bear the prunt of this imprudent course of action. The peoples house must return to regular order. And if we keep kicking the can down the road on conducting business in the open, this institution will become rife with complacency. Its time we get back to work. Stop the delays. Stop the political employs. The American People are counting on us. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from alabama, mr. Brooks, for five minutes. Mr. Brooks thank you, mr. Speaker. This is the second in a series of house floor speeches me on the recent president ial leakses. Previously i covered constitutional and federal statutory law mandating that congress not the Supreme Court decides whether to accept or reject states Electoral College vote submissions. Todays remarks focuses on who decides a president ial election if no candidate receives an Electoral College majority vote because of a tie, because multiple candidates split the Electoral College vote, or because congress rejected state Electoral College votes. Perfect the United States constitutions 12th amendment, congress, not the Supreme Court, elects the next president and Vice President of the United States if no candidate wins an Electoral College vote majority. Congress decision is final, determinative, and nonreviewable. The 12th amendment states that if no candidate has a majority of the Electoral College vote, then from the three highest vote getters for president , and i quote, the house of representatives shall choose immediately by ballot the president. But in choosing the president , the vote shall be taken by states. The representation from each state having one vote. And a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. As an aside the 12th amendment requires the senate to elect the Vice President. There is a twist in the house vote for president. A majority of congressmen does not elect the president. Rather the house votes by state delegations to elect the next president of the United States. America has 50 states. After the 2020 elections, 26 state delegations have a republican majority. 20 states have a democrat majority. The remaining state delegations are tied 5050 with iowa undecided pending an uncalled election. Hence, if Congress Rejects Electoral College votes, from states with election processes that are so badly flawed as to be unreliable and unworthy of acceptance, House Republicans control the election of the next president of the United States. Let me repeat that for emphasis. House republicans control the election of the next president of the United States. For emphasis, the 12th amendment has on occasion resulted in congress electing the next president of the United States. For example, in 1824, Andrew Jackson led the Electoral College with 99 votes to 85 votes for John Quincy Adams, to 41 votes for william crawford, to 37 votes for House Speaker henry clay. The house elected second place finisher John Quincy Adams president of the United States over first place finisher Andrew Jackson, prompting Andrew Jackson to famously declare, quote, the judas of the west has closed the contract and will receive the 30 pieces of silver. Was there ever witnessed such a bare faced corruption in any election before. In 1876 wherein democrat Samuel Tilden won the popular vote and amassed 184 Electoral College votes, one shy of Ohio Republican ruther forward b. Hays, 185 votes. Louisiana, florida, and South Carolina Electoral College votes were disputed because it strained credibility to believe these states voted republican while still suffering from the destructive effects of a republicanled invasion during the civil war. Congress appoint add 15member commission to study the matter which split on party lines. Republicans for haste haze, seven for tilden. Congress elected haze president of the United States in a deal that gave louisiana, florida, nd disputed to haze in exchange for removing occupying union troops from the south and ending reconstruction. In sum the history and law are clear. Congress not the Supreme Court determines who wins who loses president ial elections. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Muser, for five minutes. Mr. Muser mr. Speaker, many of the voters in pennsylvania and in my district are rightfully upset and concerned about the irregular actions which occurred in the past election. There are valid reasons for the collective feeling of disenfranchisement and distrust stemming from various election processes and procedural changes which were outside of statute. Thousands, no millions in pennsylvania have a feeling of intense frustration and believe that their Constitutional Rights have been violated. To start, the pennsylvania Supreme Court granted a threeday extension for late arriving ballots. Usurping the authority of the state legislator and contradicting the u. S. Constitution. Which clearly states the times times, places and manner of Holding Elections shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof. These constitutional authorities are not fairweathered laws. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The highly irregular actions of the pennsylvania Supreme Court resulted in the unlawful counting of over 10,000 ballots that arrived after the statutory required time of 8 00 p. M. On election day. Nobody disputes this. Mitigating an accurate ballot count and at the same time fueling great distrust in the process. Second, there are serious disputes over how individual mailin ballots with technical errors were handled across the commonwealth. Pennsylvanias state law dictates that mailin ballots must be signed, dated, and included in a secrecy envelope and that ballots that are missing required information and or signatures should be disqualified or at a minimum authenticated. Just hours before polls opened, the secretary of state of pennsylvania issued inconsistent and contradictory guidance giving pennsylvania counties the authority to decide whether to reject ballots that contained discrepancies or take additional measures to correct them. This happened. This is a highly irregular thing to do. As a result, philadelphia, montgomery, al beganny, and bucks county, four of the largest counties in pennsylvania, allowed literally thousands and thousands of ballots to be fixed or cured. A measure not pursued by most other counties and violated state election law. Third, republican poll watchers in philadelphia were kept at an unreasonable distance to observe the precan advancing and canvasing of ballots. Even after a court ruling allowed poll watchers closer access, philadelphia officials actually appealed the order to the pennsylvania Supreme Court. Why would local Election Officials make the process blatantly more restrictive to poll watchers . Some of whom resorted to using binoculars to do their jobs. This, too, actually happened. An estimated 687,000 ballots were counted during this time of no lawfully required poll watchers. Such actions, mr. Speaker, raise very legitimate doubts surrounding transparency and accountability of the president ial election. Further adding to the frustration and distrust felt by millions in pennsylvania, the media projected the outcome while such valid disputes are outstanding. Before due process took place it and well before judicial rulings were made. In pennsylvania, the cases before the courts could involve tens of thousands of ballots of votes. An amount if unlawful would mandate an automatic recount n a close election counting all legal votes takes time. Yet it is absolutely essential to assure to a candidate. But more so to the voters that the vote count be honest, lawful, and fair. The implications for our country are significant. Now and beyond 2020. Along with a Fair Election of the United States of America President , what is at stake here is the integrity of our election process and the faith the American People have in it. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter, for five minutes. Mr. Carter mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate jimmy rey for being recognized as veteran of the year by the Veterans Council of chatham county. It is home to many of our nations veterans, so being recognized as veteran of the year is an incredible honor. With this title, jimmy will represent the Veterans Council with various events throughout the year. Jimmy is a past commander of the American Legion chatham post 36 which is an organization dedicated to advocating for patriotism across the United States. Among his many lifetime achievements, he helped spearhead the fundraising and construction of the world war ii memorial on river street in savannah. Hes been an active member of day vannah st. Patricks for 35 years. I cant thank him enough for his Outstanding Service to our nation throughout his life and i want to congratulate him again on this wonderful ccomplishment. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to s. C. Llc for being an awardee of the hire vets program. It was teashed by the honoring investments in recruiting and employing American Military veterans act of 2017, or the hire vets act. The hire vets me didon program is the only federal program that recognizes and honors job creators for their investments in recruiting, employing, and retaining our nations veterans. Im proud to say s. C. Datacome llc based out of savannah, georgia, achieved this small platinum award. In order to qualify for this particular award, at least 10 of the employees must be veterans. S. C. Datacome is a nationally recognized Small Business session mizing in the design, installation, and service of physical and Electronic Security systems for both private and Public Sector clients. It was founded by alanea and kathleen, a successful motherdaughter duo. I want to congratulate them for this wonderful accomplishment. Im thankful for the work they do to serve their community and veterans, and i wish them the best. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate Camden County in georgias first Congressional District for being awarded the certificate of achievement for excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and canada Camden County was recognized for its comprehensive annual Financial Report or carf, for the fiscal year which ended june 30, 2019. The car cafr is judged by an impartial panel and the high standards of the program include demonstrating a constructive spirit of full disclosure. In doing this, Camden County clearly communicated its financial story. This is a great honor because the certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of government accounting and Financial Reporting. I want to congratulate Camden County and its management for the significant accomplishment and express my gratitude for the work that they do for our community. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to ongratulate brian mixon on his retirement after four years of ctive duty and 32 years as civilian service with the department of the army. Brian served honorably as an air traffic and airspace honor and he was awarded manager of the by the air Traffic Control association in 2019. Formally al award is known as the general e. R. Cadasa award and a medallion award presented to an individual for Outstanding Achievement and during the Previous Year as an air Traffic Control manager. Time brian the first has been recognized for his exceptional work. He also earned two other awards, among many others. Of er Army Airfield is one the premiere power projection platforms in the army, which is of ized to deploy thousands soldiers and essential equipment. Brians contributions have been readiness o the capabilities of the units that utilize hunter Army Airfield. Enough for hisim many years of steadfast dedication to serving our great the n, and i wish brian best as he begins his retirement. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i back. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house until noon today

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