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Good afternoon, everybody. Im the former attorney general of the state of nevada. [indiscernible] evidence of voter fraud in the state of nevada. Did we get here . Morning aboute the fact that the democrats unilaterally and fundamentally altered our Voting System inside 90 days. We warned that the state of they warned that the state of nevada was not ready to give us secure election. We pointed out that the system that moved to mailin ballot inc. Simply did not have enough checks in it. We pointed out that the voter rolls in clark county had a lot weimproper voters, and pointed out that the signature verification process in the states were simply not going to protect the system. We were told that signature verification would save all chances of fraud. But what we discovered is that we have over 600,000 votes that have been counted in the state of nevada through the mail in system. Observed,ign has not has not laid our eyes on a ballot signature excuse me, and of voter role signature on a single one of those 600,000 votes. Particular, the clark county registrar went with the least 200,000t votes are counted through the signature verification process of this machine only. I repeat for the media, no human being looked at those signature matches to confirm they were in fact matches. We have Artificial Intelligence and computer photographic Forensic Experts that are absolutely positive that the fact that joe gloria, which was admitted in court, reduced the , that inettings to 40 order for that system to properly work would take months and months of testing with a , and amount of experts that simply was not done. 200,000 of the votes went through this Computer System that we cannot be sure verified these boats properly. These votes properly. Now, as we said, we were going to present evidence of major voter irregularities and voter turn itnd im going to over to matt to go into particulars. Matt thank you, adam. Someone even brought their dog. That dog might have voted, you are right. Its important for people to know that what happens in bays in vegas, the entire world needs to understand. At this point in this election cycle, it is critical that the vast majority of americans have confidence in the results of this election. We have seen political divisions like we havent seen in a number of years. Reviewede resolve division, even when you dont get your way in an election is to count every legal ballot and to make sure that we count every legal ballot, and make sure that illegal ballots do not reduce the civil rights and the votes of those who voted legally. Since we put this group together to scrutinize the information that we been able to learn while we while being cut out the , we now haverocess thousands of examples of voting irregularities. That takes several forms. Ive been involved in politics a long time. I was shocked to learn from our hotline, the conversations weve been having, from things sent to the website, that hundreds of republicans were disenfranchised, were denied the , both on election day and leading up in the early vote. Processut through a that proved impossible to satisfy in order to cast their legal vote. Finding and investigating and going through all of these examples of which i said, there are hundreds. Dead people voted in clark county. Thing, becausey obviously for these families, this is a very tragic reminder of a loss that they just recently had to go through. We have two examples that weve talked about and will talk about today. One is the death of rosemarie thel and 2017, the other is death of fred stokes junior in 2017. Miraculously, they both voted. Which means that the voter file that was used to send out these deducedballots was not by death records. We know that underage voters voted in this election. How difficult would it have been to make it clear that nobody would have been mailed a ballot if they had a birthdate after a certain year . Area whicht in this has been gripped with the idea of an economic shut down that over 100,000 people left. Yet through our due diligence, we have been able to find that at least 9000 of them voted in this election. Voted in nevada. How hard would it have been to simply go through the available to delete all those who had moved away from the voter files before these ballots mailed . . Tampering, many have witnessed wrongdoing. These are brave whistleblowers. These folks worked in the accounting centers, were involved in the tallying, and fox news recently reported that one of them one of these , andleblowers had to quit im just going to use the male pronoun, had to quit his job after he worked on about 14,000 ballots. When he would raise objections to clearly improper ballots, he was told by his supervisor, put this through the process and count them anyway. This whistleblower believes there were other such employees who were also uncomfortable with the fact that when they could see clearly objectionable ballots, they were still forced to put them in the tally. Can never be taken back out of that tally. Theres no way to remedy ballots that were put in an improper way. Who wed whistleblower have not talked about before described leaning on, and im going to use the male pronoun again, leaving on his lunch hour, and while he was on his lunch hour, he decided to exercise around the accounting center. While he was walking, he noticed , van pulled up to the center the doors of the van were open, ballots were clearly visible, ballots were opened with letter werers, and ballots resealed in envelopes. People who were involved decided toivity then create a human shield around what they were doing in the van. Its important for you to comingand that as we are and [indiscernible] for you toant understand that as we are making this information public, we are on the outside looking in. Ive never experienced an election where the idea of observing the count was considered out of bounds. Thatet i think it is clear with the evidence we are presenting, that if we had more would be able to tell you even more. As i said, dead people voted in nevada. One of those people who voted was rosemarie hartl, god rest her soul. Family a friend of the who would like to talk to you now. Hi, her husband could not make it today as he is in traffic, though i am here to say that it is heartbreaking what is happening in america, and for this family to be exploited, or anybody who has faced a tragedy in losing somebody, and their vote has been counted as a deceased person. This is just not america, and this is not right, and things need to be heard and taken care of because its just heartbreaking for my friend and his family to have received this information that her vote has been counted. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you. From chris to hear prudhomme from nevada gop. Chris my name is Chris Prudhomme with nevada gop. Time innt a lot of these offices in recent weeks fathere talked to a sonlf of his 17yearold and explain to us that his son registered to vote but actually received a ballot at 17 years old. The voter rolls need to be cleaned. There are numerous amounts of issues. Whoe are 7600 individuals entered a change of address and they are verifying at this moment if they voted or not. We have 100 76,000 individuals who have left the state of nevada, we are verifying that as well to see if they voted any other place. 9000 male in boats, were also verifying to see if they voted. The bottom line is this, folks. Theres a serious issue going on, but all we are looking to say is we want a fair and free election. The media does not get to decide. It is simply about having a fair and free election, and thats all we are simply saying because we have midterms coming up again in 2022. We want to make sure the voter rolls are clear and cleaned up. The fact that we have dead people on the voter rolls is unacceptable. That shows there is a major issue that will not be tolerated. Now we will take a few questions. The Nevada Attorney general has said this afternoon that the complaints of the election whistleblowers have not made any official complaints either online or in person. If they were so concerned about what was going on, why did they not come forward sooner . Well, because the whistleblower is scared to come forward. This is a democratic machine running this particular voting center. The attorney general is a very outspoken democrat. So she has come forward with the story and it has been sworn in an affidavit. Are you going to file a lawsuit . We are continuing to review all of our legal options, and we intend to be able to put all the evidence we are finding forward. We will seek all legal remedies. The nevada secretary of state is a republican. She said she is seen no evidence whatsoever of widespread fraud. [indiscernible] she is not involved in the system. She doesnt have people to investigate the system. It was shown to the public a couple of months ago. She has a few investigators to cover the entire state. They are a complaint based system, so that i only know what they know. At the bottom line if she has to defend the system because her name is on the line. We raised these concerns with her a few months ago, and we continue to raise to the media. We just said, please ask these questions. Please dig into this. Every Single National media person i have spoken to oneonone, when i walked through the signature verification process, not a single one, any entity, left or right, has been able to come off that phone saying that this system can guarantee that there is no fraud. It is simply impossible. The system is to lacks. Too lax. Fraud,he question of when we first started to see what the evidence was, people said you dont have evidence for fraud. Or irregularity. We have been putting these examples out on twitter. Weve been taking them public. Were definitely on the outside looking in. But i think we have to ask ourselves as a democracy, how many illegal ballots are enough illegal ballots for us to say that we have to do much better . And if we are going to water down the ballots of legal voters, dont we understand that we are violating one of the most important civil rights we have as americans . Do believe if your efforts are successful, President Trump wins nevada . We are going to continue to pursue all of these irregularities and were going to fight if we have any legal avenue to bring these abnormalities to the courts. To your specific question, have we produced enough illegal voters to overturn the election . That, of course, is an absurd question. Lets first start covering the if there are illegal only have access to so much information. I encourage you all to start asking these questions alongside us. Next question. Yes sir, right here. Let me just say one thing before you ask your question. Because of the system that was areup here, as i said, we on the outside looking in. Its literally like trying to find needles in a haystack. We have found over 9000 such needles, and we will find many more. Hold on. Do you have any evidence at all that the machine is not working . As i said, we have spoken with experts in this arena. This is very important, because looked at angs signature match, once the machine matches it, no human beings will ever look at that again, and the two problems with the machine are, one, the setting was reduced, and experts are telling us, once you reduce the setting, then the reliability goes out the window. So we intend to push forward with that, and we intend to press that case. Second, important thing, and thank you for prompting me, is this. This also came out in live testimony. The factory setting on the machine is supposed to be 200 dpi photo quality. So the machine takes the picture of the written envelope and matches with the computer image. The image that is being used by the clark county registrar is below that 200 dpi setting. Not surprisingly, because it is using an antiquated gsu system that doesnt have the highest technology and image quality. We are in the process of ascertaining how significant that is, what we believe it casts doubt on a number of those signature matches. I cant tell you whether it is small or large, but here our main point. We have 200,000 through that machine, we have another 400,000 human it are verification. We havent been able to see those. I am positive, if you all got to see those 600,000, you are going to see countless mismatches, and that makes perfect sense. Some of those will be fraud. Some of those will be people signing, attempting to just sign a loose cursive signature on an envelope. Some will be innocent signatures. We all change our signature, the dmv file is 10 years old, and its not going to look like a match, but please ask these questions of the registrar. Do these human verifiers use . How do they determine that these two matches are enough . And they will tell you there is no standard, and i hope you understand, that means there is subjectivity in the system. You may look at two signatures and say that looks like a match. The person sitting next to them a look at those and say i dont think thats a match. In a system that is open and transparent, we would be there and we would be able to say we dont think thats a match. And there would be a process to challenge that. But the process that the noocrats created, we have ability to observe or challenge any mailin ballot signature verification. Let me say one thing. Want toere because we come in a transparent fashion, share the information we are learning. If we dont answer your questions today, we will be available to answer your questions, especially as we know more. Lawsuits had two thrown out already. Are you guys clutching at straws . Use your mobile devices, laptop or phone to follow the election at cspan. Org election. Maps,ctive electoral balance of power in congress, latest video on demand from the candidates and about the election process. Go to cspan. Org election. The Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the Affordable Care act in the consolidated cases of texas be california and california v texas, on tuesday at 10 00 eastern on cspan. The Health Care Law was challenged by texas after a 2017 republican tax law illuminated the penalty for not having health care insurance. Listen to the oral arguments live at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan, on at cspan. Org Supreme Court or on the cspan radio app. At efforts tok reopen safely during the coronavirus pandemic. This discussion includes hhs assistant Health Secretary aboutl, brett, who talks the recent rise in covid19 cases and a potential timeline for having a vaccine widely available to the public. The speakers discussed reopening schools, Rapid Testing and the importance of wearing face masks. This runs one hour. Good morning and welcome to Washington Post live i am eugene scott a political reporter of the Washington Post and i would like to welcome our first guest this morning assistant Health Secretary at hhs and a member of President Trumps Coronavirus Task force admiral brett, thank you so much for joining me. Good morning it is great to be here with you this morning, thank you for the invitation. I got that correct right. I am from

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