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You here. I want to thank the amazing people of this state. [applause] voterslions of georgia who have stood up in record shattering numbers to demand change for our state and change in this country. [applause] when congressman lewis marched across that bridge 55 years ago to demand the sacred right to americans, it was so that we the people could decide who represents us, to demand our interest, our health, our prosperity, our rights be upheld, expect respected, and expanded so we could have moments like this one where georgians in their millions have said enough. [cheering and applause] incompetence, defeat corruption, division, change has come to georgia. Changes coming to america. [cheering and applause] and retirement is coming for senator david perdue. [cheering and applause] because the majority of georgians have stood up to reject his request for a second term. A senator who saw fit to continue to attack our health care in the midst of a pandemic. A senator who told us this disease has taken a quarter of a million american lives was no deadlier than the ordinary flu while he looked out for himself. Senator who has shown no spine and no independence, who has sold out our values and interests to his donors and to this president. Retirement is coming. [cheering and applause] senator entitled to this u. S. Senate seat. Guy who hasnt held a single public town hall meeting in six years. As our senator. Imagine being a sitting heted states senator and happily will sell meetings for corporate pack checks. He sells access to his home for corporate money. He sells lavish retreats on private islands to lobbyists for corporate pack money. But he has not seen fit to come out in public and defend his record or answer questions from the people at a public town hall meeting in six years. And then when it comes time for senator perdue to answer some questions in public, when it comes time for senator perdue to debate his opponent, he doesnt take kindly to being asked tough questions. He refuses to debate and end open forum because senator perdue cannot defend the indefensible. He cannot defend attacking our health care in the midst of a pandemic. He cannot defend misleading us so profoundly about a threat to our health and prosperity that has taken such a human tragedy. He cannot offend being such a weak enabler of this president. Deserve his loyalty or our support. Demanding, what we deserve from our leaders, what we deserve from our government is not that complicated. It is not mysterious. We believe every single georgia family should have access to affordable housing, Affordable Health care, education without abt, dignified work that pays living wage, equal justice under the law regardless of race and regardless of class. [cheering and applause] it is not that complicated. We expect our leaders to unite us to confront threats like this pandemic, to appeal to us to see what brings us together rather than what drives us apart. To remind us that we are all americans, we are all in this together, we rise or fall together. This is not about red versus blue, not about party labels, this is about human lives, human decency, human rights. The human consequences of elections. This race is headed to a runoff. [cheering and applause] and the people of georgia will decide on january 5, 20 21 who represents us in the United States senate. Momentum, wehe have all the energy, we are on the right side of history. Are yall ready to work . [cheering and applause] we are just getting started. Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it. The voteue to follow counting on cspan. Org election. Use our interactive map for the status of the president ial race or the Current Electoral College account and a percentage of indicators of votes counted in undeclared states. See the result of every house and senate race and the current balance of power. Watch statements from President Trump and joe biden as well as concession spaces concession and victory speeches from past elections. Find it all on cspan. Org elections. A live picture from the philadelphia Voting Center inside the Pennsylvania Conference Center in philadelphia as the counting pennsylvaniathe president ial race. Joe biden leads thereby a few th

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