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Need tochallenges that be faced because of the future is inevitable and all that it contains, but we want people to know the decisions start at the kitchen table, not at the corporate boardroom and trickle down. Thank you very much. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] House Speaker pelosi from earlier. We have a house update for you now the Associated Press calling the race in georgias seventh district for democrats carolyn bordeaux. She bested her opponent by a they were,087 fiveng to replace retiring term republican congressman rob woodall. That includes parts of when at and forsyth county. Democrats have now won 211 seats and republicans have one 194. 218 seats are needed for a majority in the house. Coming up shortly, we expect a president ial election update from the state of georgia and we will have live coverage here on cspan. We think it is going to start in just a couple of minutes. While we wait, a portion of todays washington journal. Joining us now, Hans Von Spakovsky of the heritage foundation. He serves as the election lower firm manager and a senior legal fellow area thank you for giving us your time this morning. Guest thanks for having me. Host when you hear the arguments of the Trump Campaign, what do you think of the claims they are making and what kind of evidence must they present . Guest you have to produce evidence that fraud has occurred. That will be difficult because it can be difficult to detect. People need to understand that, unfortunately, the u. S. Has a long history of election fraud. That is not me. That is the u. S. Supreme court saying that in 2008. And we need to take steps to make sure it does not happen. Is it massive and widespread . Probably not. But it happens often enough that it shows some of the vulnerabilities in the system. For anyone who thinks it does not happen, talk to the residents of paterson, new jersey, where four locals were criminally charged by the state attorney general with absentee overturnedd and they a municipal election and had redo the election. You might want to talk to the congressional districts of north localsa where several illegal vote for harvesting and tampering with absentee ballots. They had to hold a new election there too. It does happen. Host have you seen any significant evidence of fraud in this campaign, particularly toward the president . Guest right now, it is too early to tell. What concerns me is transparency democratictal to our process. That is why, in every single stay, there are state laws authorizing all of the candidates and all of the Political Parties to have election in the entire process. They can be in the polls, watching and observing to make sure everything is being done correctly. They are supposed to also be in the downtown offices where the counting of ballots is occurring. In citiess me when like detroit and philadelphia, gop observers were locked out and not allowed in to see the processing and handling and counting up absentee ballots. In philadelphia, as you may know, the trumpcare. Tothe Trump Campaign went court and got an order allowing a specials officials in. They still would not allow it. That is a fundamental violation of the principles of transparency that we have. I would like to know why in the world they were engaged in that kind of behavior. Were they trying to hide something . We dont know. There were not any observers in there to tell. Host from the legal arguments you have seen from the chum campaign, whether it be for counting ballots or otherwise, which do you think has the most effort of making some type of significant appearance in court, whether it be for the actual counting or because of state laws like pennsylvania, which allows the processing of ballots after election day . Host the arguments guest the arguments are probably strongest in pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court stepped in and changed the laws laid out by the state legislature. They extended the deadline from election day for several days after election day. Leave this to go live now to georgia for an update on the president ial vote count. We will continue to give unprecedented access to the voters of georgia deserve for transparency. ,eorgia voters deserve accurate real election results. Election workers around the state are working with integrity to ensure every legal ballot is counted. And no illegal ballots are counted. Now, georgia remains too close to call. Out of the approximately 5 million votes cast, we will have a margin of a few thousand. The

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