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The editor of the Cook Political Report. Thank you for joining us before election day tomorrow. Why dont we start with your final prediction for the Electoral College. What do you see at this point . I think well see Vice President biden winning. Would say popular vote wise, maybe 5344. In terms of an Electoral College i think he is going over 300 and let world oats, but im not and electoral votes, but im not sure how far past that. It depends on does he get six out of six or five out of six out of the six key battlegrounds and the next four, the georgia, iowa, texas, ohio. I will go with north of 300. What do you see within those numbers that gets us to the point where we are at and the prediction you are making . Go between the lines. Well, president ial elections that have no incumbent, those are choice selections were people wa eight the pros and cons. Thats not what these are. If you have an incumbent running, it is a referendum. Do you want to extend the contract or not . If youve got a president whos never been above 50 in any Major National poll . Gallup or above 49 in fox or nbc wall street journal . Is,of those, and the thing president ial job rating is the best predictor of how a president ial election will go. Just use for historic purposes, gallup. Five residents of the postwar era that had the final gallup job Approval Rating 50 and all five won. You had two that had less than 40, they both lost. Jimmy carter and george h. W. Bush, and the one in the middle was george w. Bush, 48 and 49. Election day, 2004 was kind of interesting. So for President Trump, 38 average your first year . 48 for your second . 48 for your third year . You know, 41 for your whole presidency . With numbers like that, you dont get reelected. This is before the coronavirus dont understand the betting markets. I dont understand people who refuse that look at this election through a lens of 2016 when there is virtually nothing in common. Tocharlie cook will be here take your calls and in a couple of minutes, we will get them going but i want to get the lines on the bottom of the screen. Campaign 2020 on this election eve. If you support the biden harris ticket, 2027488000. 202748, 8001. Others,upport 2027488002. A couple more questions for charlie cook. Mr. Cook, what do you see as an early sign tomorrow that would be a good one for biden or a good one for trump in terms of states . What im going to be watching, the three political Tipping Point states, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, my guess is we will have a good idea of who the president is before those are decided, so im going to be watching early in the evening, relatively early, texas. Four years ago, that was called at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. If the president is winning by five or more in texas, that would be a hopeful sign for his supporters. If hes only winning by one or two, that would worry me if i were a trump person. And if the president loses texas, then the evening is over. He has a series of about five states, hurdles he has to get over before he can get to michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. Thats texas, florida, georgia, North Carolina, ohio. He has to get past all of these and he only has a lead of a point or two in any of these states if that. Not in terms of official call, but in terms of being able to see the writing on the wall, i do not think this will be a terribly late night. Host you were recently at wrote recently at politico. Com about the six faulty assumptions on which the Trump Campaign rested. What are you saying here . Charlie there are a number of things that the trump folks thought would happen that didnt. And because of that, we are in a very different place. Obviously, they thought the economy would just continue to be roaring along all the way through the reelection. Instead, we had that little detour with the coronavirus. Second, that the coronavirus would not be bad or would be gone quickly so that the economy could come back. I am not saying that the economy is a headwind facing the president like you might normally if you had a downturn during a president ial election, but it is a loss of a tailwind. The number one reason to support him would have been, i think, was the strong economy. You take that out from under him, you remove that tailwind, and it is kind of hard to offset some of his other problems. I think they thought they would get they thought that Vice President biden would mess up in the debates. I started hearing, as far back as march, Trump Supporters saying well, he is senile, he has dementia. I was thinking, gosh, the guy i watched campaigning in iowa did not. The guy i watched in the debates didnt. You know, i just it is just a series of things. And money, that they would be able to continue to raise money at the pace and at the incline that they were back in the late spring and over the summer. You know, you have an incumbent republican president of the United States getting outspent and outraised. Just as a metric, never in our lives have we had a republican president who is having problems raising money, as this campaign has over the last couple months. Just using that as a nonpolling metric, something is amiss. Host we are speaking to charlie cook, editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report. As we take calls, we can look at the Cook Political Report where they have various electoral ratings, so they see 290 electoral votes solid for the biden ticket. 125 electoral votes solid at this point for the trumppence ticket. We will see how this conversation plays itself out. The Cook Political Report also has an updated look at the house totals. First call. Pompano beach, south florida. You are a biden supporter. Good morning. Caller good morning, mr. Cook. How are you, sir . My question is basically this. I am a strong biden supporter. How does that help pertaining to philadelphia and especially here in florida because we are lost y. 8 or less. But since they will not decide anytime soon in 2016, i would go by ap calls. Pennsylvania was not called until 135 time in the morning eastern. 1 35 in the morning eastern. So i am looking at these earlier states on the way and these are big states. It could bee the one that will tell us who the next president of the United States is because florida reports really quickly. They have cleaned up their act a lot since 2000. If the president comes up short in florida, then, you know, the night is over and the same thing as and ohio and i would kind of say that in georgia. Because biden is going to start off with the 232. Big three, michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, i think michigan and wisconsin, biden is in really good shape. Think, you know, i do not people keep talking about a contested election. I think the contested elections will be in the senate, where there will be legal handtohand combat over a bunch of these senate seats when we get past november 3. Host lets get alan in on the conversation. He is in fulton, mississippi. Hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. I would like to make a comment, if i may. Host please do. Caller i am a supporter of President Trump. And i am totally against biden for this reason. Smoking gun hanging over his taking 3his son and 1 of a contract million a year salary. Thisbi has not acted on for some unknown reason. If this proves to be true and the people who have got all the evidence is putin, the other oil company where his board,ked, or sat on the and also china. If this man, biden, is elected, compromised by three of the biggest countries in the world. Host thank you, alan. Charlie cook, one of the viewpoints there a trump supporter. My job is not to take sides. I suggest the caller look from some more objective sources and not sources that are slanted one way or the other where a publication has a clear preference because i counted numerous factual errors in what he said. My job is not to play fact checker, but i think a lot of times people, both on the left and the right, live in ideological silos and get their news from very ideological sources that sometimes play fast and loose with the truth and it is a problem on the left and on the right. And people have gotten away from having sort of the common way we get information. That is kind of one of the problems with massive social distancing. A good chunk of the American People have just severed their relationship with what i would call normal media, nonliberal, nonconservative, just sort of they dont listen. And as a result, it may be them do not take some things as seriously as they should, like coronavirus and masks and social distancing because they stopped watching cbs. They do not get time or newsweek. They go for a confirmation of views they already have. A trusted news source used to be walter concha right walter conkrite. Ht host what about the reliability of polls . One viewer, mickey from los writes onlyhts two organizations correctly predicted trumps victory. What is your opinion of those two polls methodology . And more broadly, the National Polls were wrong last time. I know that usc poll. I do not know the other poll, but the usc poll was the most off poll in 2016. They had donald trump winning the popular vote by 5 or 6 , which is about as often as you could possibly get. The fact is, the average, the poll average, if you went on real clear politics on the morning of the election, you would have seen Hillary Clinton at 47 and donald trump at 44 . And when all the votes were counted, she went to 48 and he went to 46 . That is at. A two point spread. That is not very one point off is not very wrong. Now, people conflated the popular vote with the Electoral College and they just assumed that if somebody was going to win the popular vote that they would win the Electoral College, which often times, usually, is right, but these things have become kind of unhinged a little , not as insync as they used to be, where we have a lot of close elections. 1948, 1960, 1968, 1976, 1992 they were all close, but they went in the same direction. Even in 2000, when al gore did when the popular vote, but only did whennd george bush the Electoral College by votes in florida. People just looked at that and thought this is a once in the century statistical fluke. We knew it happened in 1876 and but we only went 112 years before it happened, but it was the closest thing to a tie election as you could get. 2004 was close, but the popular and electoral went the same way. Not quite as close in 2000 and 2012, but what we have now is, in the case of Hillary Clinton, when you are winning california by a 4. 3 million vote margin, that means that 4. 3 million are wastedotes because they do not get you electoral votes. In in new york state and illinois. Theersely, republicans, states they went by big margins buy big margins are smaller and mediumsized states. The fact is that a democrat needs to win the National Popular vote by 3 or 4 before they can be comfortable. But the National Polls were not off much at all. I do not consider one point off. And 47 states went pretty much the way we thought. If you had gotten up on election day and looked at cook political. Com, we had 40 states solidly went for clinton or trump. We had two states that were tossups. We were wrong on three. Those were where the polls were wrong. And with the professional group, the society of pollsters, looked at it and rain that by the files. Underid find a systemic sampling of whites with less than a Fouryear College degree and oversampling of whites with. And most of the time, that would not have made a whole lot of difference, but this time it did. Ofald trump got the support all kinds of people, but his Strongest Group absolutely was whites with less than a Fouryear College degree, particularly white men. Anything that under samples them at all would affect. ,o they started weighting adjusting, by educational status, and the polls in 2018 are fine. One last thing. I know i have talked to long. Too long. There is this assumption that if there is a polling error, it will going trump go in trumps favor. It could go either way. Turnout is high. I think every Demographic Group will go up. But if you have white, suburban, College Educated women turnout in higher numbers than they might otherwise, you could have a polling error go in the other way and these may be understating joe biden. Solid, bestw, the methodological polls are showing biden ahead by 8, 9, 10 points, and they fixed the problem in 2016. People need to be more cognizant of the Electoral College and how that works in individual states and not rely solely on the popular vote. Host we have carol on the line from norwich, new york. A biden supporter. Hello. Caller good morning. I would like to switch the focus from the president ial race to the 22nd congressional district, two candidatesen there. You have consistently rated that is a tossup, and i would like to ask you just a comment in general about that race and mentionke a minute and the libertarian that is also in that race. Andi have a second question that relates to about two years ago, i called in when you are on and you were reading senator mccains book. I ask you about the then new book about political alignment. You said it was the next book you are going to read that was on your bedstand to read. I would like to ask you what you thought about that book and kind of his what i considered to be pretty rigorous analysis of the electoral the electorate. One thing i took away from it was the number of partisans who do not so much love their own candidate but hate the opponent in the other party, and i think that was pretty well demonstrated the last hour, the number of democrats who, when asked about how they voted, why they are for biden, talked about how much they despised trump. Host carol, think you for calling. Charlie cook. Guest i know David Wasserman, our house editor, was on the show, a week or so ago. We have the 22nd district of new tossup. Ed as a it is a state that has got a six percentage point tilt towards republicans in president ial it, but the catch is means it votes six points more republican than the average district around the country. The thing is, we are seeing a about 6, 7,2016 of 8 points, where you just sort of subtract from a republican where fromwere in 2016 or President Trump where he was in 2016 in these places and you will get basically where things were in 2018 and where things look like they may be headed right now. We have that as a tossup race because the district has a natural tilt towards republicans, but, given the environment, it kind of evens it back up. It is one of the few democratic tossups we have. I do not think, in the year like unlikely to see Democratic House incumbents lose this year, just as in 2010 and in 2014 you did not see republican incumbents losing, where voters were sort of punishing democrats in those two Midterm Elections. This has the feel of a Midterm Election, but it is in a president ial year, and more importantly, a year that ends in zero, which means the census is this year. They recut the lines for the next decade. House members on the ballot this year, they are the ones that will be involved in drying the maps drawing the maps. This is a huge race. Abramowitzs book, and he is a friend of mine, and we are in the same emailed chain multiple times a day, i think his idea of negative partisanship is dead on. The sort of vitriolic hatred of leaders of the other party. If you just think of the last few president s, the anger and the hate that a lot of republicans had for bill clinton inmed unprecedented at least our lifetimes. Among democrats, then, towards gorge george w. Bush. Fromit went the other way, republicans towards obama, and now it has gone the other way, from democrats towards trump. Just kind of wonder escalating levels of hostility toward the other party and it is not healthy for the process. I think alan is right. Host is ruth for charlie cook. Good morning to you, ruth. Caller good morning. I have two statements before i talk about the polls. Donald trump in charlottesville. He did say there are good people , but i disavow the kkk and white supremacists. Bidens, as good as he is he the kkkle, in the 70s right up until the day he walked into the white house as Vice President , when he said, oh my, i couldnt believe it. Smart ands actually he is clean. That is what he thought about black people. In the polls, i think trump will win. Wins because trump i do not want to be a socialist country. Host all right, ruth. Charlie cook, any reaction . Guest some of the facts, i am not familiar with those and cannot really comment. I was not really following as closely as i would like to have been able to. Again, my job is not defending either candidate were side. Or side candidate or side. Each party has factions or wings. Hadhe republican side, you the tea party over here and the establishment over here. The tea party evolved into the trump base over time. In the democratic side, you have two factions. You have 40 or so who are extremely progressive. Sanders, Bernie Elizabeth warren, aoc and the squad, all of that, and they want big, major, systemic change, Something Like what the caller was describing. You have the other 60 that is not so much that way. And that is where biden came from, you know, spent his career in, and the reason he is the democratic nominee is the party chose not to go the other way. Remember, Bernie Sanders was on the cusp of winning the democratic nomination on super tuesday, and that is when the more establishment wing of the Democratic Party said, oh my gosh, we will nominate bernie and he will lose. And thats not a good thing and out they shut ,loombergs and klobuchars basically push them out to clear the deck for joe biden. Maybeiked him but they thought he was old and accidentprone and were disinclined to nominate him, but they were doing that because he is not in the wing i think the caller was describing just as a lot of other republicans are not necessarily in the trump wing. But there are factions in each party. But, you know, i would know more put biden in the farleft faction of the Democratic Party than i would put mitt romney in the far right part of the republican party. Fetish not where they are. That is just not where they are. Host lets turn to the senate and the battle for that legislative body. Charlie, you wrote, a little more than a week ago, suddenly, is Anything Possible in the senate races . See shaping up after tomorrow . Atst people tend to look the senate in a binary way. Either republicans hold the senate or democrats pick it up. I would look at it differently. Can holdepublicans their losses down to a c or two 52, thatan go to 51 or is what they are dreaming about. They are sort of resigned that they will have a net loss of a seat or two. On the other side of the break him, if democrats pick up three 0 and and it is 505 biden wins, harris breaks ties. With relatively centrist democrats having a lot of leverage of what is coming to the senate. On the other hand, the bigger the number goes i mean, there is one democratic seagoing republican, alabama. And the other democratic see that is in jeopardy at all is michigan, gary peters, and it is not close. I do not think it will go. But you have republican seats teetering on the knifes edge and a three of them have been behind for a good while and are likely to lose. And six more that are really close. Iowa, really close. Montana, really close. Both of the georgias are really close. You could see democrats picking up only a seat or two all the way to democrats picking up a net gain of seven or eight seats. I mean, it is a real wide range here, and it depends on which way the tossups. And we know from history that the races that are a toss at the very end never just split down the middle. And on average, 70 break when way or the other break one way or the other. Voting red or blue. If they are in the mood to punish republicans, it could be an ugly night for republicans. If it is like 2014, it is an ugly night for democrats. A bad year for republicans. I have only seen one wave president ial year and i have only seen one in my life, 1980, ragancarter. Win over carter was 10 points and the more reliable polls are showing this race at 10 points. Host hello, alan. Welcome to the program. Thank you for taking my call. I am a longtime watcher and i believe this is the best show on television. I also want to put in a plug for your book the president s. I highly recommend everyone get a copy of that and read it. I think it is more a referendum on president s have done, who are the good ones, who are the bad ones. All the best president s, in my opinion, were all liberal. Reagan, andd ronald personally, i thought he was a terrible president. But i also thought that most of the president s we have had have been the worst. So i disagree with the listing. Host do you have a question for mr. Cook . I thought every president who was a businessman rates among the worst. Mckinley, harding, coolidge, hoover, george w. Bush. That was my thing against trump. He is a businessman. The government is not a business. Host thanks. Lets hear from dj in hampton, virginia. A supporter of President Trump. Caller good morning. I have a question and a comment. What i would like to know they keep saying so Many Democrats percentage and so many ublicans percent should republicans percentage have already voted. Isnt it a secret . How do they know . Guest some states do not have Party Registration at all. Some states do. Marilyn does, virginia does not. When you vote by mail, some states cannot tell. They are not looking. They cannot tell how you voted, but by just scanning the barcode, they can know whether this was a ballot sent to a democrat or sent to republican, and they keep account. There is a website, u. S. Electionsproject. A professor atd, the university of florida, and you can count hourbyhour how many boats have already been cast. Votes have already been cast. In about a dozen states, you can the democrats and republicans, not how they voted, but whether that ballot was returned by a democrat or a republican. You can figure some things out, because 90 of republicans will vote for trump and 90 of democrats will vote for biden, but at the same time i would not go projecting these vote totals because some of these are people who were going to vote anyway, they just voted early. I would not get too excited. In states with Party Registration, some states do track which votes have gone out and which ones have come back even without opening the envelope or whatever. They just scan the outside, the barcpde. Barcode. Diego,lizabeth from san a biden supporter. Good morning. Caller i would like to comment on an earlier callers perspective that people are more against trump than for biden. I would like to say that i really think that one of the biggest factors in this election is trump and his divisiveness. Has justlienated alienated half of america from the first moment that he gave his inaugural speech. As a blue state person, he has never come across as a president of all the people and it goes back to lincolns wonderful observation, i house divided against itself cannot stand. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Host asking you about the pending very large turnout. Based on that last call, is it a turn out to remove a president from office . A turnout to keep him in office . To what do you attribute the high, high numbers, maybe alltime numbers . Guest i would say it is both. It is Something Like we had in the Midterm Election two years where the trump base came out in enormous numbers and the antitrump base came out in enormous numbers, which is why we had the highest turnout for a Midterm Election since 1914. Im sorry yeah, 1914. I was not distracted. I was trying to look up a callersto the question about voting for or against because that is a question that the mbc wall street journal poll has been asking for a while and it should be right here. Well. Im sorry. Ask me Something Else while i am looking for this. Host why dont we take a call while you are looking for that and we can get back to both of your points . Trumperidian, idaho, supporter. Good morning. Caller i am 73 years old. The first time i have voted for a republican. Host how come . Caller i was disappointed in the way the Democratic Party actually acted with trump. I thought they were very childish. I do not believe that he was given a chance. He was put down from day one. And the news media, i believe, was very angry with him because he exposed many of the stations as far as fake news. Host pat, how do you think the president has performed in these four years . Caller i think he has done a great job. The best that he can. He has a lot of battles that he has been fighting. His personality i am not voting for his personality. I am voting for what he has done. The economy was fine when he took office. He just made it a little bit better. So if it is not broken, why fix it . Host do you have a question for charlie cook while we have him here . He willi am hoping that well,ue on doing especially in the battle states. I cannot believe i think. I dont know. I guess i do not really have a question. I have not really thought about a question for mr. Cook. Host thank you for calling. That is probably enough for mr. Cook to respond to. Your earlier question about what is driving turnout. I believe you are looking for a poll question. Caller this is a question guest this is a question from a recent wall street journal poll. Did you vote in the last election because you like President Trump . Lets see. Voted for trump because you liked his policies, 23 . Because you did not like clinton, 16 . Did not vote for trump because you did not like his policies, and voted for clinton because he liked her policies. I think this is more voting against than normal. Toward President Trump, both positive and negative, are driving turnout. Peoplee got a lot of that have very strong emotions about the president , both positive and negative. It is what it is. Your charlie cook, colleague David Wasserman has the final ratings for the u. S. House. Cook is saying that the democrats are poised to expand majority by 10 to 15 seats. Tell us more. Guest we started this cycle expecting first of all, david is our house editor and he is the expert on individual house races and collectively. I used to do it. When i was first part of this newsletter, i did everything in the old days and used to have a granular knowledge of districts. And less so now, because im doing more big picture macro stuff. Normally, if a party lost 40 seats in the house in one election, they would get some back. Thater the challenger was was successful just did not work butor the dynamics change, normally you would expect that republicans would be picking up seats after a 40 seat loss. Said, thingsas i are getting more parliamentary. You either like President Trump or not and that is coloring how you are voting for congress and areeverything else, so we so this is more reflecting it really is a referendum, up or down on him, where joe biden is almost beside the point to a certain extent, which is sort of normal because people are making a judgment primarily about our president. I was talking about the house of representatives, i am sorry. The political environment started going from republicans pick up 10 seats or so, but short of the 17 they need for control, and it kind of moved back towards well, you know, republicans could gain five seats, democrats could gain 10, andadually zero to they just moved it up to one notch beyond that right now getting are just in small town rural america, republicans are doing fine. They really are. Be. Er than normal, may but in suburban america, ones with a lot of collegeeducated suburbs, it is really ugly and that is where republicans lost a bunch of seats and where they still have some that are very vulnerable. And if you looked on cookpolitical. Com and go to charts and then house, you can see our ratings, but they have evolved a lot over the last year for races getting iffier republicans than where we thought it was a year and a half ago. It is a lot of movement. We are talking to lots of strategists, officials, campaign operatives, pollsters in both parties about what is going on in individual races and all of that kind of percolates up through our estimate where david does an assessment of each individual house race on what it is likely to do based on what is going on there and then it is collectively brought in and put in a basic model. So that is where we are. We just moved it this morning. Host North Carolina come our next caller, abiding supporter. North carolina, our next caller. A biden supporter. Kent. I have been following jeb bush hadnt been governor yet. An ability to brand or does he have posters . Pollsters . When he said in 2016 that he just shoot somebody, is it an ability to get lucky when he made that statement . Has he always had people that have done polls for him and given him i mean, even calling the news fake news, you know, he can say things like that, and his base still agrees with him. I just wondered if he is getting that from polling information or if it is just his ability to bring it. There,ent, while youre what do you see happening in this North Carolina sending rate senate race between tellis and cunningham . I think tillis had lost until this latest add. This may be the first time i will be voting for a democrat. Despite the scandal. It will be the first time i voted the first time. Kasich in 2016 and i just could not vote for hillary or trump, but i think cunningham by a slimit out margin. Host mr. Cook. Guest this is one of the races that has been a premier senate race for the last year, year and a half. Martha arizona with sally make sally, tillis in North Carolina, maine, were vulnerable republican seats. It is not as much him as the president s weighing him down. To me, the fact that cunningham had been five or six points ahead, Something Like that, and then he had this sex scandal, and it moved it about a point or two, which normally you might expect it to kill a candidacy, but it did not. Isaac the reason is people are not voting for him because i think the reason is people are not voting for him because of him or his character, they are just voting blue. Just as in other years, people are voting red. Is the incumbent is mattering less and less and less in these senate and house races. Ron brownstein, a former colleague of mine, who writes or the atlantic and cnn, writes to say that the name on the jersey does not matter anymore, just the color, and i think that is exactly right. Question, i first think a lot of this i mean, yes, President Trump has a pollster. Yes, he has political advisors. Some are good, some are ok, whatever, but i think he operates off his instincts more than any politician i have ever seen. This is just sort of his gut feeling. You have to say, whether you like him or not, it is pretty remarkable for somebody that a real estate billionaire, lives on the 67th floor of a tower was able to see, understand, and tap into this sort of fear, anger, and frustration of workingclass people and people that live out in small town, rural america. I think that is off his gut. I think that was before he ever had a pollster. His instincts were to do this. I think he uses consultants just to sort of implement or finetune things a little bit, but he works off his own instinct or than anybody else i have ever seen, but i think his statement that he could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and his supporters would stay with him, i mean, i think it is basically true. I mean, his supporters are rocksolid. So thatot 40 or 42 or will be with him no matter what. On the other psych, there is about 45 , close to 50 , that will vote against him no matter what. That leaves this tiny group in like the economy and gave him full credit for the questions,t had some misgivings, doubts, feelings about his character of or whether he could trust what he says, but as long as the economy was good, it was holding those things in check. Once he lost the economy, then these other considerations became more influential and it is why he is having such a hard time winning any swing voters at and has he is rocksolid enthusiastic supporters of his base. Host lets go to one of the other states, a very interesting state, it is georgia. Forsyth, georgia, where we have al, a trump supporter. Go ahead please. You are on with charlie cook. Two or three years, the president was on an Investigation Called russian hoax, which turned out to be a hoax. That may have something to do with his campaign as of now, but as far as anything else, the president has been doing a great job. I am a supporter. The economy was shut down to save lives. That is why people lost jobs. I would like to get your opinion. Before you get off, who are you supporting in the Georgia Special election, loeffler, collins, etc. . Going withm senator loeffler because she was picked by the governor, brian kemp, and she is a big supporter of the president and his policies. That is what i am looking at. I am looking at policies, not anything else. The policies of the president that worked. We are coming back on the super economy and i think we will be in great shape as americans in the next year. Host thank you, al. Guest my job is not to defend or attack anybody, but i would suggest that the caller look at some of the statements by the current and previous directors of National Intelligence and the fbi. There are a lot of authorities that are not necessarily saying that it did influence the outcome of the election, but what they are saying is that there was unquestionably a russian attempt to influence our election, and part of it was it may or may not have been to help or hurt one candidate or another, even though prudent has long despised Hillary Clinton though putin has long despised Hillary Clinton, but to undermine our democratic process and shake it up. They were trying to destabilize us. So there is not really any question within the Law Enforcement and Intelligence Community that there was at least an attempt by russians to do these things. Went,ffect, how far it that is more subject to interpretation. Host charlie cook, we have one more time for a call we have time for one more call. We have to get over to the house. Lets hear from debbie first. Abide in supporter. A biden supporter. Caller thank you. Charlie said all the things that trump tapped into, the workingclass anger, but what he did not list was that bigoted racist vote. I am here in flint, michigan, where we are 5050 black and white. It goes back and forth every ensus, but we are 5050, and i cannot tell you how many people that are still offended we elected a black president. And a lot of the anger trump tapped into was the anger. There is a famous picture of when barack obama was doing his estate of the union, his first union, andhe there are republican senators with arms crossed and gals on their face scowls on their face. That is what we are dealing with. The attitude. A terrific book, identity crisis, by three political scientists about the role of identity in politics and how it played in the 2016 election. I saidw, the thing is, one thing about being able to tap into bluecollar anger. The caller raised other issues relating to raise, but there is a relating to race, but there is a feeling that when one person or group gets an are an opportunity, that must have been taken away from someone else. People see these new rising groups and people coming in, various minority groups, whatever, getting opportunities they have never had before, and they think these opportunities must have been taken away from me. There is a fair amount of that going on, but this is going to be an amazing election. I personally do not think it will be a late night. Maybe not will have declaration, but a decent idea early on where it is headed. I think the senate and how far it is going, it could go for days and days, but i just encourage everyone, no matter which side youre are on, go vote. Host announcer cspans washington journal. Every day were taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day and will discuss policy issues that impact you. Ing up this morning, election day. Well talk about election day 020. The key battleground state of georgia and the battleground estate of pennsylvania. And closely watched georgia. The key battleground state of orth carolina. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern this morning and be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages and tweets. Next, washington representative jaapal and todd young talk about the 2020 election at an event headed by the washington post. The cochair spoke about concerns of potential violence n Election Night and senator young discussed barretts sthrokse the supreme court. Good af

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