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Unions. Folks, good to be back in beaver county. The introduction. I do appreciate it. One other thing about the ironworkers is that i think you are all crazy. You know what i mean . Endorsedr ironworkers me early on when i ran for the senate as a kid. I guy named tommy schrank, i used to walk in all the time and say anybody crazy enough to walk up 16 stories on a beemer has to be nuts. But thank god you are. Where i grew up, you joined the trades, became a cop, firefighter, or priest. I wasnt competent enough to be anyone of them, so look what happened to me. Connor, thank you for being here. Thank you for all you have done. Ladies and gentlemen, you know, this is about more than just an election this timeout. Theres an awful lot, an awful lot at stake. Of course youre going to send connor back. Thats all right, im used to babies. Anyone is allowed to cry if they want. To make noise, too. Combine wanted to come by and say thank you, personally. Thank you very much for what you have done. The mayor is here, they tell me. I dont know where the mayor is. Mr. Mayor, thank you, pal. Being mayor is a real job. They know where you live. Terry, rob, i want to thank you. Everyone across beaver county. Folks, look, the fact is that from the beginning of my career i have found myself in a situation i have relied on, labor. I hope i demonstrated that labor can rely on me. You know, we are in the home stretch, now. We are in the home stretch. As my coach used to say in high school and college, its go time, its go time. Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow we send connor back to congress and we will hear what labor had to say. We will win pennsylvania. And we are going to show the world what america stands for. Folks, as i said, i wanted to come by and thank you personally. Thank the mayor and everyone else i just mentioned. The fact is, there is a lot at stake in this election. We are at one of those real inflection points. Its more than just two governs the next four years. What happens now, what happens tomorrow determines what this country looks like for a couple of generations. Thats not a joke. I genuinely believe that. There is so damn much at stake. In this home stretch, you find yourself going home. I find myself going home. This is like home. Im from scranton, pennsylvania. Grew up in claremont, delaware. Used to be a steel town with steelworkers. Used to have 5800 steelworkers. All gone. All gone, now. Got to get it back. Not going to get it back in claymont, but we will get it back in the United States. As i said, we are heading to a home stretch. We know the stakes have never been higher. They have never been higher. My dad used to have an expression. If he lost a job scranton, when the cold died, he took us home to my grand pops house. He made what i call the longest walk on mom or dad has to make. Up a short flight of stairs to a kids bedroom to say honey, im sorry. You cant go back to that school , cant play in that Little League club anymore. Dad lost his job, we have to move. Cant stay where we are. Took us home to my grand pops house. What happened was he said im taking us down to delaware, theres jobs down there. Ill come home every weekend and it will take me time until i can get everyone down. Thats what happened. From that point on, when dad would talk about a job, he would say a job involves more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity. Its about respect. Its about your place in the community. Its about looking your kid in the eye and saying honey, its going to be ok. Not many people are saying that these days. Too many people are worried. I never forgot, growing up in a hardworking family in scranton, these are lessons donald trump has never learned. He can only see the world from park avenue he cant let families like yours and mine have gone through. He refuses to do the work to get the virus under control. Refuses to do the work to get the schools and Small Business source business is the resources they need to stay open. Congress to bring together. He refused to bring them together to provide for the working family. He thinks wall street this country. I got news for him. You already know it. Wall street didnt build america. The middleclass did. Unions built the middle class. Unions built the middleclass. Thats a fact. Thats a natural fact. Look, i see this world from scranton. From workingclass towns around the state. That is why the bill back better plan, for the first time in a long time we are going to start rewarding work. We arent going to raise tax on anyone making less than 400,000 a year. Make more than that . Guess what, youre going to start paying your fair share and stepping up. I have asked of the big corporations and the wealthy to step up. Fortune 500 companies, 90 of them didnt pay a penny in taxes. They are trying to railroad you guys. We are going to collect money, going to the working people, to create good paying union jobs. Bridges, water systems, whole lot more being done by certified labor. No matter how many times trumped tries to lie about it, i wont ban fracking, never said i would. And trumpoing to sending jobs overseas. We have a trade strategy right in where you get 10 cut your tax if you send a job overseas. We are going to reverse it. Bring a job home, get 10 . Im going to promise you one thing, you know, the president has control of 600 billion dollars, handing out contracts and construction for everything from aircraft carriers to public housing. Heres the promise i made to you. Not one single contract will be let to a contractor that doesnt have products that are all made in america. Thats a guarantee, everyone. We are allowed to do that now, but we have never done it. Its about time we stepped up to make sure people by the way, one other thing i want to mention, donald trump talks about himself as a tough guy. I grew up with him guys like him around and scranton. They thought they could look down their nose at us because they had more money. That because they came from wellknown families they were somehow better. Well, let me tell you something. He talks about how tough he is, hardworking he is, done so much. One of the things that has bothered me most in this campaign, i had to tell you, the way he talks about our veterans as being losers. Losers. What is this guy all about . Who is he . He doesnt understand whats going on. Was the attorney general of delaware. He gave up the seat to fight in a rack for a year. He won the bronze star, the service medal. He came home and he died of cancer. He came home and guess what, he was no loser. Trump is the loser. All of you have served. All of you have served. I really mean it. Think about it, think about it. Is it any wonder why . This is the first president im aware of, the six top generals that work for him, the six fourstar admirals and generals, they all left saying that he didnt, he wasnt worthy of being commanderinchief. They quit. Special forces, these are the commanding. A lot they both endorsed me. 22 four stars,g, stepping up to endorse me because they knew i would have their back. This guy doesnt get it. I mean it. Many of you served. It took physical courage to do it. He doesnt get it. Folks, we owe the military. 1 , 1 of the americans protecting the other 99 of us. We owe them big. Look, we can only get this done, though, we can only get this done if pennsylvanians vote. We have got to make sure that whoever returns their ballot in votes tomorrow, make sure that everyone you know does the same. Its time to rebuild the back own of this country. The middleclass. This time bring everybody along. Everybody. Its time to unite this country. Thats the amazing thing about this moment in our history. On the one hand facing the biggest threat to who we are and what we believe in our lifetime. On the other hand, our future has never been more promising. I have said it many times, im more optimistic about americas future today than when i got elected as a 29yearold kid to the senate. Heres why, we are in a better position than any nation in the world to lead the 21st century. Economy in biggest the world. The Strongest Military in the history of the world. The most innovative entrepreneurs, virtually energy independent. We have more Great Research universities in the western world combined. No other nation can touch us. No other nation can lead us. We can lead by the power of example, not just the example of our power. The only thing they can tear america apart is america itself. Thats exactly what donald trump has been trying to do from the very beginning. Divide america, pit americans against each other. Rural versus urban, based on race, gender, ethnicity, national origin. Thats wrong. Thats not who we are. Everybody knows who donald trump is. What about honor, integrity, dignity. This is the United States of america. Weve got to show him who we are. We choose. We choose hope over fear, unity over division. Science over fiction. Yeah, we choose truth overlies, constant lies truth over lies, constant lies. Folks, its time to stand up and take back this democracy. We can do this. And red states, but the United States of america. Lets take it back. , promise you, i promise you like my dad used to say, the only way to deal with power is power. The only way we can deal with corporate greed in america is union power. Thats a fact. They are the only ones who keep the barbarians on the others of the gate, man. The only ones. Folks, i promise you, the fair labor standards act back in use of roosevelt state didnt say that we were allowed to have unions, it said the government should promote unions. I promise you i will be the most pro Union President you have ever seen. I guarantee you a seat at the table. God love you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Lets get this vote out. May god protect our troops. Thank you. Got to make the world go round got to make the world the people i want to do something im very v. P. Biden i want to do something im very proud of. Thats on i told you about that i lost, i want his children to come up here with me. Dont be silly. This is natalie and hunter. I want you to meet two of my other four children. Maisie, by the way, two team allstate. My oldest, naomi, named after my deceased daughter. She just graduated from law school. Aside, i want you to meet my grandchildren. Im proud to have them here with me. Ive been bragging about pennsylvania and they wanted to come be with us. So, thank you all. Thank you. Thank you, joe. V. P. Biden thank you. Thank you. Do appreciate it. Thank you. See the people got to make the world go round got to make the world now ah the people, yet with this being the last day before the election, there are several more events coming up this evening. Barack obama campaigns for joe biden in miami. Kamala harris speaks to supporters in philadelphia. After that at 8 50 eastern, joe and jill biden meet with voters in pittsburgh and we will wrap up the evening with a President Trump Campaign Rally in grand rapids, michigan, live at 10 30 eastern. All of these events are on cspan. Cspans washington journal, taking your calls everyday live on the air on the news of the day and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. Coming up Tuesday Morning on election day, election day 2020 with political reporters and writers from across the country. From thehe program, battleground state of pennsylvania, the Atlanta Journalconstitution costs greg leucine. Mcclatchy brian murphy in the key battleground state of iowa and the Dallas Morning News from washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern Tuesday Morning, and be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, messages in between. Tomorrow is election day, november 3. Stay with us. Our live coverage on Election Night starts at 9 p. M. Eastern and continues through the washington journal, at 7 a. M. Eastern. Share your experiences and hear from the candidates. Watch live on cspan, cspan. Org, and the cspan radio app. Election night on cspan, your place for the unfiltered view of politics. Earlier today, Vice President pence held a Campaign Rally in pennsylvania. Introducing the Vice President was his wife, karen. This is 50 minutes. Be heree so excited to today. I have the privilege today of introducing my best friend. Decided to run for the United States congress

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