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But even a classified and we will leave this event at this point and you can see the rest on our website. We will take you less to michigan for remarks from 2020 democratic president ial nominee joe biden. He is expected to talk about health care in a suburb of detroit. Live coverage here on seized and on cspan. Thank god joe biden stood up for the Auto Industry and continued to make sure Michigan Center of the Auto Industry and i am so proud to be here with Governor Whitmer and the work she has been doing to keep people safe. Governor whitmer believes in science. , our state is in a much better position than we would be otherwise. And it is a pleasure to be here with my colleague Debbie Stabenow. Passion toes our make sure that everyone has access to quality care, reducing the price of Prescription Drugs, dealing with Mental Health challenges. We are the onetwo punch. We are here today to talk about health care. It is to focusnt on the fact that everyone in this country should have access to quality, Affordable Health care, particularly now in the midst of a pandemic. We need leadership. We need National Leadership to guide us through this. Biden has proved he can provide that leadership. When we were looking at the Affordable Care act at the beginning of the obama administration, it was joe biden that helped lead and ushered that through and made it a reality so it became law. A result of that, has helped thousands of people across the state of michigan, and millions across our country and it was an incredible fight. Folksmber that fight as who were republicans were trying to demonize it and plotting against us every step of the way. I represent a pretty republican district. I had just gotten elected. I was the first democrat since 1893 to represent the district. Folks said if you vote for this, theres no way you will get reelected. So what did i do . I read the bill. I said, its not perfect, but it moves us forward in a meaningful way, and at that time, if you recall, we at the situation were tens of thousands of people died every year in this country because they did not have quality affordable quality, Affordable Health care. You, i still vividly remember pushing that green button when we went up to vote to vote for it and i said, this probably means im not coming back to congress. Just pushten can you a button and literally save thousands of lives . Thats what we need to make sure we do. That is why we have to make sure that that bill is on the ballot this year. After all that fighting, all that struggling, all that held across the country, its on the ballot now. Because of trumps reckless lawsuit for the Supreme Court, which will be taken up it could well be thrown out. It could be thrown out. What will happen . Battle go back to the days where if you had a preexisting condition youre not protect it the bad old days or if you had a preexisting condition youre not protected. I do think we are in a pandemic when those numbers a preexisting conditions will go up. Old days to the bad where being a woman was a preexisting condition. Back to the battle days were seniors have to pay higher Prescription Drug prices on medicare. We go back to the bad old days all of this could go away. And they will be back to annual caps being eliminated and lifetime caps eliminated so folks would find themselves being forced into bankruptcy if they have a very difficult situation. So donald trump is not alone trying to dismantle the Affordable Care act. My opponents in the senate race supports donald trump 2000 . Thats a pretty big percents, 2000 . And like donald trump might he is no plan. He has a plan. The republicans have never come up with a plan. They have time to do it. If you ask whats the plan, they give you a blank stare and they will have shallow talking points and never addressed the issues. Ladies and gentlemen, these are serious times. We are in the middle of a pandemic. We have people losing health care. We need serious leadership. We need steady leadership. Ladies and gentlemen, we need joe biden as the next president of the United States. And joe biden also needs friends. He needs a majority in the United States senate so we can move this agenda. He cannot do it alone. , this say in closing issue is not academic. This is not talk. This is real. These are real stories. Have people with visions of the Affordable Care act come into my office in tears, not knowing what the future will mean for them and their families. Peoples lives literally hang in the balance. That is why i am so proud to have the opportunity to introduce my friend who will share her story about what Affordable Health care means to her and her family. Please welcome alexia. Peopleam everyday yeah, yeah wow. What an incredible honor to be here today. Vice president biden, governor ,hitmer, senator peters i am grateful to be her with you. Im a stayathome mom with three amazing children. A 10 euros, an eightyearold, and a fouryearold my husband michael operates our Small Business. Staffed, ourully Staff Members do not qualify to negotiate with health care companies. Because of that, before the Affordable Care act, my family did not have Health Care Coverage until 2014. We sadly couldnt afford it. To say this for a lot of stress on her family is an understatement. Y husband, like so many americans, has Mental Health issues. It was always worse when he could not see a doctor or take his medication regularly. Fear my kidsnstant would lose their dad, i would lose my husband, and we would lose our business. When i was pregnant in 2010 and 2012, i try to get coverage and was told there was no way to get coverage at rates i could afford. It was not until the aca we could take a deep breath. As you best believe as soon the marketplace opened up, we were one of the first families to sign up coverage. A tremendous weight was lifted from our shoulders. We have not had to switch providers and the pricing of our medications are consistent prices we can afford. Ive got to tell you, this is been a really tough year. I know we can all feel that. Our business has been hit hard by covid19. Since reopening, business has been unpredictable at best. My business worked seven days a week. The peace of mind that we can get through the. Hallenge what the Trump Administration is trained to do i am infuriated. President and the senate has had four years to come up with a plan. They have had for years to prove they will not kick people off their coverage. Years to show as they will protect people with preexisting conditions like my husband, and they have done nothing but try to stop the aca at every single turn. Elect joey we need to biden and gary peters in november. Joe biden is someone we can trust. He is someone with integrity who does what he says is going to do. He believes in science, and i believe in him. Country andin our whats to do what is best for all of us. He will truly be a president for all of the American People, regardless of whether you voted for him or not. Does notnt president care much about me or my family or our Small Business either. If you did, he would have taken the seriously from the beginning if he did, he would have taken this seriously from the beginning. He wouldve had a plan. He would have tried to protect all americans. He would not try to gut the insurance of 20 million americans. Elect joe biden and Kamala Harris and we need to reelect gary peters to the senate. They will fight for us and our health care, and with that, i would like to introduce i am so proud to say our great , gretchen whitmer, and our next president of the United States, joe biden. Keep on learning on warringeep keep on turning whitmer i am so pleased to be here with all of you and i am so pleased that joe biden is back in michigan. We know this. Importante most election in our lifetimes, and that is important for many reasons. Compellingmost reasons is the health care of millions of people is on the ballot and this is a personal issue. Is personal for so many families. Is personal for me. 18 years ago i became a member of the sandwich generation, and that simply means i was sandwiched between two members of my own family for whom i was the primary caregiver. My mother at the end of her life and my daughter at the beginning of hers. While my mom battled brain cancer, i was on the phone fighting her insurance company, who was wrongfully denying covering her chemotherapy. Many americans that have a similar story that have gone through this or are going through it right now. The brain cancer that killed my mom was the same kind that took vp bidens son beau. Of my life was devastating and it changed me, and that is precisely why i worked across the aisle to deliver health care for michiganders, to ensure we expanded medicaid, and now 800,000 people have health care because i was able to work across the aisle. It took working across the aisle to get it done. We had a republican governor. I was the Senate Democratic leader. We found Common Ground because it was about the health of the people in the state. I know that joe biden will do the same. Upnow that joe biden shows and has our back when we need him. He worked with president obama. He worked to expand health care to millions of americans. He was here during the Auto Industry rescue. Michigan supports joe biden because joe biden supports michigan. The joe biden we all know and who rollse joe biden up his sleeves and works to get things done and works with anyone he needs to. Decent american expand whoand will protect and expand health care. Good paying jobs, jobs you can support a family on. And he will make sure that no matter who you are where you come from, you have a fair shot. He will make health care more available for more americans. Trump notesident focused on finding Common Ground. Gorgedbeen running us earth agenda for years a scorched earth agenda for years. Takenly does he want to away health care, but hes in court right now trying to dismantle the aca. Instead of bringing the heat down, he ratcheted up with incendiary rhetoric. Bridges, heuilding focuses on building walls. He always has been. In this upcoming election, our choice could not be more clear. Expandoe biden works to health care in the midst of a Global Pandemic that has killed 218,000 americans, nearly 7000 michiganders, the trump takeistration works to that health care away. They have endangered their own supporters. Not only is the trump virus response threatening our lives and economy, but the Trump Administration continues on their quest to deny coverage to people with preexisting. Onditions nearly 8 million americans have been diagnosed with covid19. Diagnosedhave been are at risk of losing their coverage, too. The difference could not be more clear. Thats why we are optimistic. With our historic leadership, our phenomenal capacity for cuttingedge research, industry, and evasion, and manufacturing, haveca can have and should reformed with the unified Covid Response that would have saved lives, mitigated the economic fallout and made us a global leader, the envy of the world. The Trump Administration never had a plan to protect americans. They squandered our might and our capacity by making this Public Health crisis a political football. It did not have to be this way. Tens of thousands of american avoidedould have been had the president treated covid19 like the crisis he knew it to be from the beginning. More than 60 Million People have filed for unemployment in the United States. 218,000 deaths. Lines at food pantries. From travelingd to other countries and the covid numbers keep going up. Its still getting worse. Here is good news decent mancredibly running for president of the United States who is fighting for you and your family. Home, moms who are at working, trying to get their kids logged on to zoom, even the laundry done, taking care of the family, joe biden works for you. To the Small Business owners who spent a lifetime been something great and are hanging on by their fingernails, joe biden works for you. To the grandparents who have not been able to see, much less hug their grandkids, joe biden works for you. To hundreds of thousands of americans to have lost a loved one, joe biden is working for you, too. Covid19didate can get under control . Which man is going to get us back to work. Who could bring us together as a nation. In most years, in president ial elections there are two decent choices. This year there is one. Joe biden. Vote as if our lives and our livelihoods and he soul of our nation depend on it because they do. That, i want to introduce you to my friend and our next residents, joe got to make the world go round mr. Biden hello, michigan. How are you . Whats your name . Good to see you. Thanks for being here. Appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time, telling your story. Its important. Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of stories like yours all over america. I traveled the country, too many dont have to be. Folks, its great to be back. Its great to be here. Is not a better governor in the United States of america. [applause] thats a fact. Ive met virtually all of them. , we badly need you back in the United States senate, pal. We badly need you back. [applause] sister, Debbie Stabenow, god love you. We worked together so closely for so long and as Vice President as well. Folks, look, we need to send area back for another term standing up for michigan, michigan families, Small Businesses. He was our main congressional partner in 2010 when we passed critical legislation supporting Small Businesses. I remember the president giving me the responsibility to go out and round up support. Done, anduy to get it i mean it sincerely, was gary. He was the go to guy. He always shows up and he always shows up for michigan. Like all of you, jill and i are andrateful that governor her family are safe. Its an unusual year. Governor, you have been through a lot but you are a leader. You stand up straight and tall and you dont then. Its not easy to lead and moments of crisis, but that the determination whether you have a real leader, when you step up to the crisis. And you stepped up. Youve done it and you keep doing it. [applause] go ad a moment of moment ago, youre doing better than put in much everyone else in the United States of america. Youve sown youve shown this whole nation how tough and thoughtful you are. Tough like michigan. Ive got to believe this state has to be so proud of you. I know i am as i have gotten to know you and im proud to call you friend. We are grateful to the fbi and Law Enforcement who discovered these domestic terrorists and stopped it. Make no mistake, that is who they are, domestic terrorists. [applause] blow up a bridge on american soil to threaten the lives of police officers, to kidnap an elected leader, now we are finding out the same thing was happening in virginia. Yous the sort of behavior might expect from isis. It should shock the conscious of every american. The failure to condemn these folks is stunning from the outset. Matters, youve heard me say it before words matter. The words of a president particularly matter. When the president tweeted liberate michigan that is the call that was heard. That was the dog whistle, just like when he said there were very fine people on both sides in charlottesville as they came out of the fields carrying shoutingveins bulging, carryingtic confederate flags and accompanied by the ku klux klan. A young woman was killed protesting. The president was asked what do you think and he said something no president has ever, ever, ever heard there were very fine people on both sides. Like words were heard just when he stood on the debate stage with me and refused to denounce white supremacists. He told a white rate a right Wing Extremist Group to stand back and stand by. Stand back and stand by. An american president. Us, but itocked stunned the world. , we heard. You know the reason i decided to run for president , and i know debbie knows this. I hadnt planned on running ever again after my son died. But when i saw those folks come out of those woods, i thought how in gods name, how in gods name can i remain silent . I said at the time, it was somewhat not criticize but people i dont know what it was. I said we are in a battle for the soul of america. I think we are. What i saw at charlottesville in the president s response to it is why i went to gettysburg battlefield thatll field in pennsylvania last week. Is needed to stand up to hate in america and her just as lincoln did to come together as a nation. I have learned hate never goes away, it only hides. It never goes away. , it comese it oxygen out from under the rocks and grows. Clear, from the president on down, in this country, there is no place for hate in america. None. It will not be tolerated. [applause] President Trump revels in division and chaos. He will do anything to distract us from focusing on his failures to deal with this virus and protect the nation. He still living in a dream world. He keeps telling us this virus is going to disappear like a miracle. He said i think last night in his town hall i did not have the pleasure of hearing it. I was doing one myself. He said we have turned the corner. As my grandfather might say if here, hes gone around the bend. Turn the corner . My lord. Its not disappearing, in fact, it is on the rise again. Its getting worse, as predicted. We all know the terrible price this nation has paid. Up,s lost, unemployment way across michigan and the country, folks are worried about making their next rent payment or mortgage payment. Whether health care will be ripped away in the middle of a pandemic. You worked so dam hard, gary, to keep we talked about this budget. Kids at school, are they able to get back to school . More than 215 thousand americans, i think its 217 as of this morning, americans have died from covid19. Experts have said and have been saying for the last month and a half that nearly another 200,000 lives are likely to be lost in the coming months between now and the first of the year if we continue to refuse to follow science. You refused to embrace wearing a have youow many times seen him make fun of biden wearing a mask . Refuses to practice social distancing. He puts his supporters in such jeopardy. Folksstimated by his own if we just wore a mask almost 100,000 lives would be saved in the next few months. His own director of the cdc said we are waiting for a vaccine, even if we had a vaccine, this would prevent or deaths. Between now and the end of january, then the vaccine would. Really sad about all of this . Talking about this, but every time i repeat it, i get more well im not very happy. The president knew and lied about knowing. He knew in january. The Intelligence Community and what they call the pdp the president ial daily briefings, which i sat in on hundreds and hundreds of them as vice. Resident they laid out in detail to him how devastating this could be. Life could be lost and so on. He said he was unaware. Didnt read those reports. That surprised no one that he didnt read the reports. Did, but said maybe he then, as is acknowledged because of his ego, he wanted to impress a favorite journal a famous journalist. He did a long interview with bob woodward. Bob woodward, renowned journalist, taped the interview with him, extensive interviews, hours. He taped an interview were trump said he knew this disease was deadly, significantly worse than the flu. But thats not what he told you. Thats not what he told the public. To the reason he lied again the American People . He didnt want to panic the American People. Americans dont panic. Donald trump panicked. Thats who panicked. [applause] was overwhelming negligence how many empty chairs around the Kitchen Table this morning where the dining room table last night . How many . Many women or men that when they got in bed last night reached over to touch their husband or wife and they werent there . You all know what loss is. Its profound. Especially when it was avoidable. Of the pandemic isnt enough for trump. On top of that, he still trying to take away your health care. Trump is still determined in the midst of this pandemic by the pray guardjections, that pray god they are not right, if they are right, in the next several months, there will be over 200,000 additional deaths. , 400,000 be one year americans will have died. Thats more than lost in all of world war ii. Do you hear me . World war ii was four years. Souls would have been lost then in world war ii. But what is he doing . He still determined to destroy the Affordable Care act. This isnt hyperbole. Just like your opponent calls it a disaster, talk about a disaster there is a disaster. The guys 2000 , 200 with trump i hope everybody remembers. This isnt hyperbole. Its as real as it thats. On november 10, the United States Supreme Court will hear the Trump Administration make the case that the Affordable Care act should be struck down in its entirety. I know everybody thinks they know, but i want to remind you, 10 million of you have already lost Health Insurance because your employers Health Insurance has gone out of business. 10 million americans already without Health Insurance. Way, 20 gets his million more americans will lose their health care. Godawful, in the midst of this godawful economic crisis, 100 million americans will lose protections for preexisting conditions, including more than 4 Million People right here in michigan. Lifetime limits and benefits will be back limits on benefits will be back. Youby the way, a lot of have been through what i have been through and worse. Remembertinctly sitting on the bed with my son who came back from a year serving in iraq, which this president talks about losers with the same significant disease that your fourad, stage glioblastoma. When it was diagnosed and he got the docks, it was a matter of months, not if. We never gave up hope. I remember watching him on that bed. On that he made it almost 16 months. Toward the end, this is not about me, this is about all of you. I consciously thought to myself what would it feel like if they mr. Able to walk in and say you have outrun your Insurance Coverage . Luck. F thats whats happening. Win, and withhey s Court Packing going on what this Court Packing is about. Keep your kidsto your policy until the age of 26. Women will be charged more for their Health Care Just because they are a woman. Older folks will be able to be charged more. As the governor said, longterm complications from covid will conditionsexisting joining asthma, diabetes, even pregnancy. It will allow insurers to jack up your premiums or deny coverage altogether. Obamacare is why they are racing to get this nominee through the Supreme Court. Make no mistake about it. Trump has made it clear from the beginning as your opponent has, he wants to get rid of obamacare in its entirety. With this nominee, hes made that incredibly clear as well. Michigan deserves so much better. It deserves leaders like gary and Debbie Stabenow, Public Servants who lead with decency , who always look out for your needs. Think about how to ease the burden on your family. Thats the sort of leader youve got in gretchen, and governor witmer as well. In the state senate, she led the the obamacarend medicaid expansion. Some of the states republican governors did not expand even though the federal government is paying for the frontend. There are millions of people who have no coverage. After we passed obamacare with the help of debbie and gary, Debbie Stabenow and gary peters, we were able to reduce the uninsured rate by 55 in michigan. If i have the honor of becoming her president , we will build on the Affordable Care act, no matter what they do. You can choose to keep a private plan if you still have one. Some of the plans negotiated are good plans. We will also offer a medicarelike public option which will force private insurers to keep premiums low. For the first time they will have to compete for your business against a public insurer that does not have a profit motive in mind. If you choose this public option or private plan, it will increase subsidies for your premiums so they are lower. You can afford our plans with lower deductibles, lower outofpocket spending. An independent analysis found my plan will the cost of Prescription Drugs by 60 . Not a liberal think tank. Serious folks looking at this. Heres the bottom line. My plan Lowers Health care costs and gets universal coverage quickly at a time when michigan families desperately need that relief. They need it now. Families are reeling right now. They need a lifeline now. And i promise you when i am president , i will take care of your Health Coverage the same way i would my own family. I grew up, like a lot of people in the state, in scranton pennsylvania and wilmington, with four kidse and a grand pop with us. When my dad moved from scranton with no work and move down to delaware and stayed with my grandpa for a year and came home every weekend. , it ended got a job up being section eight housing but it was decent and we were happy. It took my dad three years to get a job good enough that he could actually buy a home. Bought that small home. There were 70 homes like it, three and four bedroom homes. But the walls were thin and i look back and i wonder how my mom and dad did it. Himmember you could hear restlessly rolling in the bedroom next to me and i asked my mom the next morning, whats wrong with dad . She said honey, its complicated. I said whats the matter, mom . I was like 14 years old. She said the company just lost his Health Insurance. We are going to be ok. About eople Rolling Rolling around in bed tonight, tomorrow night, last night, trump doesnt see things this way. Because he only sees things, sees the world from a park avenue perspective. Im not being a wise guy, im being literal. He can only see from his penthouse, wall street. Isee the world from where grew up. My mom taught me, my mom had a backbone like a ramrod. My mom taught me and said look at me, nobody is better than you, joey. But everybody is your equal. That is how i was raised. I, we measured people, whether you are a democrat or republican, we measure people on the strength of their character there, recognizingncy some things are bigger than just your self interest. About at its respect, decency, honor, opportunity. Our family and yours were not asking for anything, just an even shot. It a shot and the American People have never, ever, ever let their country down. Thats what michigan needs now come a shot to come back strong. Years what you needed 10 ago in your Automobile Industry, the heart and soul of michigan was on the brink. My state used to be an auto state, a small population, we had the highest population of autoworkers than any state in the nation because we had less than a Million People. The largest General Motors and chrysler plants outside of michigan. Like i do, your remember what it was like yesterday. When barack and i decided we had to bet on michigan, remember the low back, even from democrats . We cant compete. On autoworkers. We bet on the uaw, and they came through and paid off. [applause] for real. The industry wasnt in trouble, it beat wasnt in trouble because of the autoworkers, but because of management decisions. Chrysler,tors and saving over one million jobs by that one deal. [applause] dont ever underestimate the american worker. By contrast, on Donald Trumps watch, we are in a nationwide manufacturing recession before covid struck. Nearly 650,000 manufacturing jobs across the country, now. Now it is rising. In fact, donald trump will be the first president in modern American History to leave office , god willing, to leave office with fewer jobs than he had when he started in office. The last one was herbert hoover. For real. Folks, we can bring this economy back. Im positive of it. Im optimistic about it. We know how to go about doing it. An independent analysis on wall street, moodys, a wellrespected firm has done an indepth analysis of every aspect of my plan as well as his. You know what the conclusion was . This is moodys, now. My plan will create 18. 6 million jobs, 7 million more than his would, and 1 trillion more in Economic Growth and the president s plan. By investing in people. [applause] way, you see these ads in michigan biden is going to raise your taxes. Once again, flat, unadulterated lie. No one who makes less than 400,000 a year will pay a penny more. If you make more than that, you are going to start paying the rate you paid under the administration of george w. Bush. Im going to ask big corporations in the very wealthy to pay their fair share for a change. Than 2 trillion tax cut, im going to roll back 1. 5 trillion of that, giveaways to the Biggest Companies in the top 1 . The money we raise, we will invest in working people, growing the middle class, this time make sure we bring everybody along, black, white, hispanic, disabled everyone comes along. [applause] say my planomists will create millions of good paying union jobs in manufacturing. We will invest in building more resilient infrastructure. Imember the president said had an infrastructure plan in than then 2018, than 2019, 2020. He doesnt have any plan. Im going to build a resilient infrastructure, creating good paying jobs, building roads and. Ridges and ports one million new jobs in Affordable Housing units. One million new Affordable Housing units. Highspeed rod band for every household. 100 billion to rebuild our crumbling schools. One reason we cant send our kids back to school, a lot of them are not even safe now. We are going to retrofit as we started in our administration when the president allowed me to run the recovery act. We are going to retrofit 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes. That alone will save hundreds of thousands, millions of barrels of oil. Done byl going to be certified union labor. [applause] im going to end he talks about his trade deals. No, he and debbie incentivizes people to send jobs abroad. Abroad. More are taking their jobs overseas. The United States government owns and maintains an enormous fleet of thecles and i promise you president controls it. Im going to convert those government fleets into clean vehicles made and sourced right here in the United States of america. Im going to expand the capacity so the United States, not china, leads the world in clean vehicle production. We are going to make it easier to switch to fuelefficient vehicles, we are going to build a network of 500,000 charging stations across the country, offer consumer rebates to swap fuel inefficient vehicles for americanmade models and together, this will mean according to the estimates, more than a million good new jobs in the american Automobile Industry because we will own the electric automobile market in the world. [applause] i guarantee you we can do this. But we have to come together. I remember you and i talking, gov, you are the only one who thought i was right. That used to be the old days. You got a lot done. You used to have to walk across the aisle to get everything done but everything has changed. Well, folks, if we cant unite the country, we are in trouble. And our system runs on consensus. Compromise is not a dirty word. Democrat,g as a proud but im going to govern as an american president. I will work as hard for those who dont support me as those who do. I do not see america in terms of red and blue. Bringing the country together, thats the job of a president. Its a duty to care, to care for everybody. We can be so much better than what we see. We can be what we are at our best, when we are the United States of america. [applause] you have devote. Two vote. E and people are turning out in overwhelming numbers around the country. If you have any doubt, go visit mi. L vote. Com early voting is happening now. In every city, township and Clerks Office across the state. You can register and vote in one quick stop. You have your ballot already, mail it or drop it in a dropbox today. Dont wait. Vote. Dont just vote for me and senator harris and gary, vote all the way down the line. We are going to need gary back in the United States senate looking out for michigan families because we are going to win back the United States senate and when we do, we are going to change things. [applause] this, its time to restore the soul of america. To rebuild the backbone of this country, the middle class. This time, lets bring everybody along. Debbie may remember my colleagues in the caucus used to kid me because i would quote president kennedy about going to the moon and his famous speech. Everybody remembers different parts of it. The one i remember more than anything else, he answers the question of that wasnt implicitly being asked why are you doing this . We refuse to postpone. I refuse to postpone the american gut the work america must do now to bring this country back. Theres nothing beyond our capacity. Theres no limit to americas future. The only thing that can tear america apart is america itself. No other country can do this. Everyone knows who donald trump is. We have to know who we are. We choose hope over fear, unity over division, science over fiction and yes, truth overlies. [applause] and may godhank you bless you and may god protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] got to make the world go round today, President Trump holds a Campaign Rally in macon, georgia. Live coverage begins at 7 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Do i let my people run it really well or badly . If i run it idly, they will probably blame him, but more portly i want to blame people. He already has cost 10 Million People their health care they had from employers because of his recession. With less than two weeks before the 2020 election, watch the president ial debate between donald trump and former Vice President joe biden thursday from Belmont University in nashville, tennessee. Live coverage begins at 8 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Foro cspan. Org debates live or ondemand streaming of cspans debate coverage. Just weeks away from election day, november 3, when control of congress and who occupies the white house next year will be decided. Stay with cspan to hear President Trump and joe biden make their case to the American Public and watch debates and some of the hotly contested house and senate races. Every day020 coverage on cspan, cspan. Org, or listen on the cspan radio app. Your place for an unfiltered view of politics. The Cook Political Report forecast 91 competitive house races, including new yorks 11th congressional district. Up next, incumbent democratic member and his opponent take part in a debate hosted by Spectrum News new york one. The 11th district is one

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