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Tonight ng welcome. Tonight is the first time democrats oxchitl torres small interpublic and ms. Herrell have debated in the same rapada in the same room. The candidates have agreed to social distancing measures. Therell be no handshaking tonight, and the candidates are distanced from the crew inside of her studio. This race is a rematch from 2018 when taurus mall narrowly defeated herrell and we are excited to have an opportunity to give both a platform to voters. The candidates have agreed to all the rules. Candidates will have one minute for opening remarks two minutes , to answer each question 90 seconds for closing remarks. Moderators may enter up to moderators may interrupt candidates who exceeds the time limit at the moderators discretion we will take to very short commercial breaks. Earlier this week candidates , agreed agree to a coin flip to determine order of appearance for opening and closing remarks. Ms. Herrell will go first and oxchitl torres small is going second. Ms. Herrell, you may begin your opening statement. Ms. Herrell first off i want to thank all of you for tuning in the thank you for hosting this debate. This is one of the most important debates of our lifetime. For me its about people over politics and i want to thank our Law Enforcement right now want i want to thank you for your service to our community and our state and i also want to , thank our veterans and the servicemembers to keep our nation safe. Again this is about putting people over politics eliminating limiting the size of government and taking your values to washington d. C. For far too long we seen division washington. The losers are the people, because our values are not being represented. I am asked to debate because i want to earn your support but i want to earn your vote and i want you to know who i am as a candidate, as a christian, and as a new mexican so thank you. Congresswoman herrell you may congresswoman herrell you may give your opening remarks. You may give your opening remarks. Thank you for hosting this debate and thank you to all the viewers. Im deeply grateful to represent new mexicos the Congressional District because i know this is a hardworking district industrious humble often overlooked in underserved and thats why i wake up every single morning dedicated to working just as hard as the new mexicans work every single day. Because i havent been in congress for very long but over the two years one of the things ive learned is that we would all be a lot better off if we had more new mexican values in d. C. Values like looking out for our neighbors and working hard to find Solutions Together to fix the challenges that we all have to confront. That is why the longest distance to travel listened from las cruces to d. C. But the 45 inches that separates democrats from republicans on the house floor. I know that feeling way we will get things done for next weekends. Representative torah small thank you. Well jump in our first question for the day. The federal government has more than 11 billion so far building a wall between mexico and the u. S. As of today it is not finished and it may never be. What do you believe is the right future of this wall and beyond the wall . Why to your ideas increase Border Security . Ms. Herrell we begin with you. Order security has been something ive been proactive on and i supported President Trump administration to build the border wall and im proud he is built over 1060 miles a day. Thats part of the solution. We have to improve our order security measures. We need to give our orders as the tools that they need and found them completely so they can do their job to keep mexicans and americans safe. We have to watch that we are not allowing people into this nation illegally and then giving them benefits that are from taxpaying citizens. We have drug traffickers and we have human traffickers. We have a lot of problems on the border wall but we know better works and we know when we are pushing people to decide we can capture those coming here illegally its safety for new macs ends and the muck and people but we ever forms that take place in washington through being too weak sure their immigration policies are working and force the ones that are on the books and ensure that those that want to come to the nation legally have a way to do so that a swift and not standing in line at paying dollars upon dollars to do so. A fundamental piece of Border Security is a clear and moral system. Thats why i believe if you want to work hard and contribute to our economy and follow our laws, there can be a way to do that. Thats why ive worked with republicans and democrats to reform the visa process, thats why supported the dream and promise act to help those whose only home they know is new mexico and the ability to earn their citizenship. Those are the type of solutions i will continue to work on across the aisle to build a stronger, more vibrant border. Covid19xt question, has exposed the large gaps in , and small andn rural families often do not. Should congress addressed those, and if so, what is the right answer . I mother was a schoolteacher for 30 years. Growing up, watching her hard work, i know how important our Education System is. As a product of new mexicos public schools, i know we have to invest in quality education to make sure you can have your best opportunities right here in new mexico, and thats why supported a budget with additional 16 billion for education. Thats why were talking with reliable internet across the district. As we face covid19 i have , talked to families who are struggling to make sure their kids have the support they need thethats why ive joined problem solvers who have put together a proposal for covid19 givef, to give kids to Schools Support they need to teach their kids. Would you repeat the question. Do you believe there are gaps in education and if so what is the right way to close those gaps . You believe there are gaps in education and if so what is the right way to close those gaps . No doubt about it and for far too long we are a disservice to the future of new mexico and its not fair to the teachers who put their heart and soul into the profession and then to provide funding that is necessary but also putting control back into the local hands that would support these policies. That if they had a skill set we can enhance and to come out with a skill set that would work for them and that we dont have adequate see and theres no fault of the teachers or the students and we need to work in a partnership from the federal and state level to enhance additional learning with those apprenticeship programs that would allow them to develop that skill set so they can get jobs without going to college and get them prepared. Thank you. Host now we will take a short break and when we return we will take more questions in one minute. Welcome back. Looking at the differences of the second stimulus package. What word you insist be included in the next Coronavirus Relief bill and what would you absolutely not support . Ms. Herrell we have seen a lot of stalemates in washington dc when it comes to what we need. We need to expand unemployment need to make sure the tools are available for my business and the workforce in new mexico. What i cannot see in the bill that doesnt make sense for that doesnt make sense is fluff. Nancy pelosi wants to make ballot harvesting legal and wants to see mailin ballots in every state that has nothing to. Do with the coronavirus. There is the funding for the Police Department and nothing to do with the coronavirus at hand and what we need to be working on is finding a viable cure for the coronavirus and giving the tools that are necessary to the Small Business and American Workers. We are all for helping americans with a hand up, but not a handout. It is time we come together in washington dc to make decisions benefiting the American People. Ms. Torres small i have talked to many Small Business owners and folks who have lost their job through no fault of their andin the midst of covid19 know we have to have their back have their backs. And that is why i joined with republicans and democrats to put together a plan to get folks back to the table for negotiating. When it comes to what i wont except for covid19 package is a stalemate. We have to get an answer. Thats why put together this proposal that includes a second round of Paycheck Protection Program with loan forgiveness for those who have already received it, they can tear those loans off the books. Thats why i have worked hard to make sure people who have lost their job through no fault of their own receive support and thats why have worked hard to make sure there is additional funding for our health care systems, so our rural hospitals and clinics to keep their doors open and veterans can continue to receive the care they deserve and that we have promised. And so we can all get testing results in a quick enough time to do something necessary before before they get out of necessary to stop hotspots before they get out of control and to overcome this challenge together. We have to find solutions and thats why i will continue to push another package for covid19. Unfortunately my opponent in previous debates said she did not support a second relief package. I am pleased to see she now acknowledges the need of the hurt that people are facing, that i will always have the back of new mexicans and i will fight for their support. Ms. Herrell that may have been misunderstood. Ive always said i support the new mexican worker and the American Worker and i said if we need to expand additional Unemployment Benefits that we should do so. I said not at 600 a week, i think that is too much for new we have a hard time seeing mexico standards. We have a hard time seeing people get back to work because of the first cares package but yes people that need a handout , absolutely, or a hand up excuse me. But i dont want to see us fiddle a bit with frivolous things that have nothing to do with covid19. We are going to move on. The next question is about energy. You both have publicly said you understand the role gas and oil plays in our economy the voters may not know how you feel the fracking in our environment. I would like your answer to include the energy and economy and in our environment. Ms. Torres small i want to be clear i do not support a ban but i have made that clear and i stood up to my party when they tried to ban fracking or when they said they wanted to ban permitting on federal lands. Or even when they tried to exclude oil and gas workers and businesses from the Coronavirus Relief fund. Instead, i worked to make sure that extends to everyone and on the ground to make sure Small Business across new mexico and especially the hardworking people in Southeastern New Mexico were able to access those fines. , now, when it comes to Climate Change this is a challenge we have to face together having experts in the oil and gas industry to identify those challenges to solve problems and working together to make sure we are diversifying our Energy Portfolio. I know the only way to have a sustainable solution is having people at the table. Thats what ive work to do and , thats why i am proud to be endorsed by the United States chamber of commerce, and why the new mexico oil and Gas Association said im a strong advocate for the industry. You may now answer. Ms. Herrell no question it is the biggest industry employing hundreds of thousands of people , and we have seen opportunities for innovation and new technology. Sawr to covid, we production rates higher than it has ever been and we need to look at the environment but this industry has been so much better at limiting the Carbon Footprint and we know we want to save the environment. We want to ensure we have clean air and clean water. We need to Work Together and we so, but we cannot allow bills like the green new bill to dictate the future. My opponent has voted to allow future president s to ban fracking and also says she did think we should join the climate paris accord agreement. Right there looking at joe biden the other night, he said he would join the agreement and also talked about going to a new green deal. That will not work for new mexico. That will put thousands of people out of work and we can see we have a great industry here. We are one of the top producing states in the nation and we can be pro energy and keep those people employed. We can do so by protecting our environment and in a way that works for everybody with the revenues to see more production levels and keep those revenues coming into the general fund for our cost of doing business and living in new mexico. But now we have a stark difference in what we talk about with the environment and group oil and gas as an industry as a whole. I will advocate for your voters. Yes or no should the country fuels . Away from fossil ms. Torres small first i would a rebut to my opponent since she raised the allegation. To be absolutely clear with some statements that my opponent has made lets get the facts , straight. She has been corrected by the Albuquerque Journal and the rise well daily record. And by the new mexico oil and Gas Association. I dont know what is worse, whether she said it the first time or that she continues to say it even after she has been corrected. What is clear is that she is willing to say anything to get elected. When it comes to diversifying that Energy Portfolio we need to do that with everyone at the table. You have an opportunity to rebut that statement. Its not a great idea and i would recommend that voters go to the webpages because actions do speak louder than words. Ms. Mentus the next question and i do want to let you know that the time limit is different on this question. You will have one minute each to answer. So heres the question. For two election cycles it has messy and bitter. We believe voters would appreciate you saying one thing wanting you admire about your opponent. Ms. Torres small thank you for asking that question, because i think it really is important that we continue to support each other in this challenging process. One thing i appreciate is that she leads with faith. She brings what she believes to and what we believe in and that is service is not an easy thing to step up and be willing to step up to do that , regardless of what we think about the issue, really matters and i appreciate that. And you as well, what do you admire about ms. Torres small . Ms. Herrell actually admire her as a person because i say that we obviously have seen each other over the last couple of years and it has been a Mutual Respect between the two of us. We both see ads all over tv and it does get weary to see the kind of talk but its always refreshing when we see each other at different events are on the debate stage that there is a Mutual Respect for one another and i appreciate that especially when we are running neck and neck. Its nice to see that kindness, and i do appreciate that very much. That is a great time to take a short break. Closing statements coming up in one minute. We are now moving onto closing statements. A reminder, candidates have one minute and 30 seconds to answer eats its question. You may now make your closing remarks. Next thank you so much and thank you to everyone who joined us tonight. Early this is most important election of our lifetime, i believe we are truly fighting for one nation under god and i am unashamedly progod, progun, prolife, profamily, probusiness. You can see there is a stark distance between my opponent and i. She voted to impeach President Trump twice. Ofud to have the endorsement president donald j. Trump. Nancy pelosi does not represent new mexico or understand new mexico. Yet my opponent voted with her 90 of the time. I am an advocate for life life i believe life starts at conception. Starting at planned parenthood with taxpayerfunded abortion , that is wrong. What really bothers me is my opponent has said she will vote for biden and harris out loud they have said out loud that they will raise taxes on the American People and that they will kill the energy industry. I am running because we deserve a seat at the table caring about new mexico values and a voice to washington dc. I understand the district. So lets pray for our nation and i ask for your vote in this election. Thank you very much. You may now begin with the closing remarks. Ms. Torres small thank you for engaging in our democracy today. For, to represent new mexico second Congressional District two years ago, i said i would be willing to work with anyone to deliver for new mexico, and i have forged ways to do that in congress over the last two years. Because i know that Commonsense Solutions dont come with a party label, they come with hard work. Of the drugs that come through, less than 50 of vehicles that come through that port of entry get scanned for contraband. I worked with republican colleagues to get 100 scanning and im proud to support a pilot to do just that. When our rural hospitals and clinics struggle to keep the doors open i worked at the Trump Administration i worked with them and to make sure that doctors could reach their patients over the phone with good, reliable internet, when coming into the clinic was not an option. And when it comes to supporting our robust economy i stood up to my party and for new mexicans to pass United States mexico canada agreement. The truth is theres only one of , us on the stage tonight who have demonstrated capability of working with others to deliver for new mexico. I am asking to continue that work. Im asking for your vote. Thank you. Ms. Mentus with that that does conclude us for the second Congressional District. Thank you for participating and thank you all for watching. We asked that you stay with us because coming up next, and bc will bring you the first Vice President ial debate between Vice President pence and kamala harris. And tomorrow night, another exciting night at 6 30 p. M. We have debates between candidates for the third Congressional District that represent northern new mexico. Be debating from remote locations in northern new mexico. We hope you will take the time to watch that and that it informs your vote. And we do hope you will vote between now and election day and november 3. We will have a full recap and analysis of this debate tonight. Good night, new mexico. Our campaign 2020 coverage continues with candidates campaigning and debating. Cspan, your unfiltered view of politics. Monday night on the communicators, charlie mitchell, unthreatening author of a new book on cyber security, talks about the administrations approach to cybersecurity and how its efforts compare with previous administrations and those of other countries. The message of the u. S. Government has been really progressing industry and business leaders, that the top person in an organization has to really personally take responsibility for cybersecurity and show that they are thisested in it and that is a cultural value within their organization. The government is telling that to companies, and i would think the same thing should apply to the government. At 9 00 monday night eastern on cspan2. The contenders, about the men who ran for president but lost and changed political history

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