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We have been working on cspan to bring our viewers conversations with members of the senate and Judiciary Committee ahead of next weeks confirmation hearing for judge amy coney barrett. We talked earlier this week with senator kunz from delaware somewhere joined now with republican senator marsha blackburn. Good morning. Guest good to see you. Talk about what you have been told about how this process will work . The set up of the hearing submit heightened concerns about coronavirus . Two members on your side of the aisle on the Judiciary Committee testing positive . Guest we are going to continue with chairman blunt and Ranking Member amy klobuchar, the rules they put in place when covid started. There is an option for the committee to function in one of three ways. In person, virtual, or a hybrid number which gives individuals and witnesses, members and witnesses, the option of attending the hearing in person or virtually. We have had 125 hybrid hearings in the senate since this took place. 21 have been Judiciary Committee. That is the hybrid model, what we will use for the hearings next week. They begin on monday, they will finish on thursday. We will then begin the process of voting her from committee. We will take the final vote to move her to the floor for consideration on the 22nd. A few days later you are going to have the vote to confirm her to the court. It will be done the last week of october. Host did you get a chance to meet with her . What did you talk about . Guest yes, i talked to her about Agency Overreach and campus free speech. I really believe it is a growing issue. I hear from so many parents in tennessee who are very concerned. Their children coated college and they come their children go to college and they come home and they are being pulled to cancel culture by their professors. There are zones where it is the safe speech. You cant disagree with anyone. One mom said to me a couple of weeks ago that they had said, you should be working to understand the point and counterpoint so that you know how to defend Core Principles and how to engage in a productive argument or productive conversation. They were astounded that the professors this student had, a new college student, it was all my way or the highway. This is right, do not present a counterpoint to me. I think there are a lot of parents in that same boat. They just cant believe that their kids are having their minds opened hand to their point of view narrowed. Did sheshe say where she stands on this campus free speech issue . Guest at an ordered name she has written a good bit about originalism. In this instant gratification world, how do you make that point, and how does northern dame seem to allow for people to have a difference of opinion, a different viewpoint, a diversity of viewpoint . Our nation has been well served by having robust, respectful political debate. I hope we see that continue. Host can you talk about how meetings with senators work and finding out where she stands on a particular issue . There is a story in the Washington Post talking about her potential impact on roe v. Wouldsenators saying she support restricting or overturning roe v. Wade. Did you ask about that . Is she supposed to respond on her opinions in these meetings . Guest you can look at her writings. She has written over 100 opinions. For my team and me, we have been going through those opinions and looking at what she has delivered in those opinions. You can look at some of her works she has done at notre dame. I did not discuss roe v. Wade with her. I know in times past many of those have come forward and they considered that to be a settled issue. About youralk preparation and preparing both her arguments. How much includes preparation for what democrats will be asking her about . Guest i focused on my questions and my opening statement. Spending my time looking at her opinions. That is a more productive use of my time. You know democrats are going to go at her, because she is prolife, profamily, proreligion, probusiness, promilitary. You have to look at what she has had to say about personal beliefs and the rule of law and the constitution. She is an originalist and has written a good bit about regionalism. Originalism. Out she said when the president announced her nomination she believes it is the duty of the jurist to apply the law, not legislate from the bench. We know our friends across the aisle prefer to have more of an activist judge. We prefer to have a constitutionalist judge who is going to sit there and call balls and strikes call and strikes based on the statutes and constitution. Host do you want to give us a preview on what questions you might ask her . Guest i will probably talk about executive overreach. About Agency Overreach will stop may be something on immigration. Probably something on originalism also. Tennessee,lican from member of the Senate Judiciary committee. You will see her and her the contenders, about the men who ran for the presidency and lost but changed political history. Four time governor of new york and the first catholic candidate for any political party, al smith. Americanenders on history tv on cspan3. American history tv on cspan3, exploring the people and events who tell the american story every weekend. This weekend, sunday morning at looking back to the first president ial campaign add. Campaign ad. Author of daisy petals and mushroom clouds, and the ad that changed american politics. At 6 00 p. M. Eastern on american artifacts, a look into Arlington National cemeterys memorabilia box placed by woodrow wilson. And at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, the light and legacy of theodore rez about, exploring the american story. Watch American History tv this weekend on cspan3

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