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Thank you also much. It is an honor to be here today. Is Vanessa Montes car survey i am the daughter of two hardworking mexican immigrants who came here in search of the american dream. My mother is no longer here, but very present in my heart. She taught me the value of hard work and a sacrifice. Be a woman ofto faith and love above all. I grew up in phoenix arizona. Due to the immense sacrifice of my parents hard work, i was able a catholic high school, and i am up proud graduate of Arizona State university. I am a business owner. I own several Small Businesses. Including legends event center. Populare of the most venues in phoenix, arizona. If you told me earlier this year, just a few months ago, that i would be standing for you, introducing you to the future president and Vice President of the United States, i would never have believed it. This has been a hard year for many of us. In my industry, the events business, we have felt the impact of the coronavirus pandemic especially hard. My business was shut down for six months. We have only started hosting small events in recent weeks. Afraid for my families livelihood, it was a sacrifice that we made to keep our friends, but it wasnt easy. While big businesses and corporations benefited from the government assistance and loans, many Small Businesses in our communities, especially the latino community, was left to fend for ourselves. , our clothings stores, our tech companies, we are the backbone of this community and this city. In placesud to be where our families and friends celebrate major milestones and spend their hardearned money. We are proud to be a place where hard work, along with talent and innovation, can come together to create jobs and help us build better lives. Biden inhat president senator harris understand the value of hard work. They understand that my business is more than just where i work. It is part of who i am. Measureerstand that we how good our economy is doing by how well our workers are doing, whether their wages are going up and whether their families are able to get ahead. And whether their kids have a better life ahead of them. Harris haved kamala a plan to help us build back better. Whats we are getting under donald trump what we are getting under donald trump. No plan for covid19 and no plan to help us safely reopen our businesses. WeSmall Business owners, know the stakes in this election. Excited why i am so early voting started yesterday in arizona. I saw people lined up before the polls opened to be the first among to caste their ballots. This choice has never been easier. I am going to be a first week voter. My vote is counted for joe biden and Kamala Harris, i am voting not just for me, i am voting for my whole family, for my six beautiful children, and for their future. Parent low latinos latinos. I have faith that we will elect the leaders that will restore the soul of our nation. [speaking n says spanish] together, we will build back better. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great privilege and honor to introduce to you two strong and outstanding leaders, senator Kamala Harris and Vice President joe biden. Sen. Harris hi, everybody. Where is vanessa . Thank you, vanessa. Thank you so much for that introduction and for your leadership and all you do for the community. Thank you. It is good to be in the house of labor. I had a chanced to visit the indian Veterans National memorial and take tribute to the aid of americans who have served our country in uniform. We were joined by cindy mccain, a longtime friend of joes, and someone i admire. I was fortunate to serve with john mccain in the senate and what an incredible american. He was a patriot of the highest order and cindy is supporting our campaign. [applause] and she is doing it because she knows that joe and i will always do what she and john did, and that is put our country first. Cindy, wek city are grateful to be in arizona today. Talk with workers and Small Business owners who are working so hard and doing everything rights, but still struggling to get by. I was thinking about last night at the debate. This election, more than any other in our lifetime, will affect every part of our lives. Lastonsequences that may generations. There is so much at stake. Our nation is at a crossroads. Just think, all at the same time, we are experiencing the , ademic, the recession reckoning on racial justice, a changing climate that is battering our coastlines and setting the west on fire, and the future of health care hangs on top of it all. Because President Trump is in the Supreme Court right now trying to get rid of the Affordable Care act. Along with senate republicans, he is trying to jam through a Supreme Court justice who will do exactly that. Who will rip away protections from as many as 2. 8 million arizonans with preexisting conditions. Two point eight arizonans with preexisting conditions. Note this president did bring the virus to our shores, his reckless disregard for human life and for the wellbeing of the American People has allowed it to spread the way we have seen in the casualties have been in normas enormous. His refusal to contain this virus is what has wreaked havoc on our economy. I know folks are hurting but i also know this. We can overcome these challenges. Biden as ouroe next president. [applause] and here is the thing. Joe has had a plan for covid at least since march. He has been talking about this, he knows what this means and the kind of leadership that is required to get it under control. Joe knows these things. You may have seen the debate last night. Even when joe did not have the briefings that donald trump and had pence had mike pence joe newby because of experience that this could be serious and under his leadership, we will contain this and buildsave lives our economy back better than before. President who restores the soul of our nation. He will be a president who creates good paying jobs and eases the burden on working families. Joe will be a resident who unites the American People. Democrat and republican and independent, old and young, from all backgrounds and races to meet the greatest challenges of our time. I plan on being right by his side and [applause] will be reddy on day one. Ready on day one. Here is the thing, arizona. We need your help. Days lets not wake up the day after the election wishing we had done more. Vote inganize and numbers no one has ever seen before. Lets send mark kelly to the senate. [applause] vote like your life depends on it because right now, it really does. Yesterday, arizona, vote by mail ballots were shipped to homes across this state and early voting has started, including at the new Mcdowell Square Voting Center about a mile from here. Voter. First week there are four ways to vote in arizona. You can vote by mail, you can drop off your ballot at a dropbox, you can vote early in person, or you can vote in person on election day. To learn more, go to iwil lvote. Com az. Make a plan. Tell everyone you know to do the same. , americasuture future is in your hands. So lets elect joe biden as the next president of the United States of america and ladies and gentlemen, i introduce to you the great joe biden. [applause] mr. Biden hello, arizona. [applause] it is great to be back. It really is. Thank you, kamala. Thank you, vanessa. We met backstage and the first instant we had was to hug each other no, we have to stay 12 feet apart. Thanksto give a special to ruben and daniel for being here. Big deal, man. This is what we call a postmans holiday, coming to hear another politician speak. And putting on a tie when he shows up without a tie. I appreciate it. Thank you. Coo of thent and southwest regional council. Where are you . Is in here or is he in his office . I want to thank him. Also, the president of local 1912. Said,e been talking, we not a joke, it was coincidental, she said, i love the carpenters, the first outfit that endorsed me when i ran for attorney general in San Francisco where the carpenters. Guy,d, i remember a president of the carpenters aion from delaware, 350yearold city, was the first want to endorse me as well. We have been with them michael career. The president has been a long time friend, we have worked together a long time. That is anpenters, Incredible Army to have behind you. You, you have my full career and i hope you know i have had yours as well. Inn i was growing up scranton, the carpenters brought me to the dance and we are going home together. You are going to have a seat at the table. Skylines, shaped the who built the foundations we rely on, the carpenters. Labor brought me to dance and the only reason why ive able to run for president is because of labor. I have never forgotten everything you have done for me and you have done for the country. I really mean it. I get in trouble for saying this, but it is true. You are the backbone of america, the spine of america. You are the ones you build the country, not wall street and ceos, you are the ones who are going to be build it again and you are going to build it back better for real. Kamala and i cant thank you enough. You caught it, but the senator had a heck of a night last night. [applause] i tell you what, you want to give me credit for knowing how to pick a Vice President. I could not be prouder. She is like a younger sister. Remarkable character and vision. Always looking out for the people. Always somebody else, not her, always. I want to tell you something. Kemal and i are about to kick off a tour visiting businesses in this community. Small businesses in this community and all communities are more responsible for more community, Small Business owners, they are busting their next, than the major corporations. Small businesses create more jobs than the Major Corporate entities. This community has found itself having to go through real challenging times. The congressman knows more about it than most people know. Solana, the chef owns two restaurants in phoenix. Had she had to close one of them down. She is working hard to keep the other one afloat. We are going to be visiting it later this afternoon. It isnt easy. Loan they were able to secure back in the spring because of legislation passed by democrats in the house helps for a little while but it was not enough. She is scraping by, trying to look out for her 10 employees, some of whom have been with her for decades. On top of that, she is facing a terminal disease. She had to cancel her own Health Insurance after finishing a round of treatment to recently just to make ends meet. It is devastating. Every american should be upset about what she is going through. I think you all are. I know i am because i know we know it did not have to happen. If they had just done what you passed, just moved forward. Her story is increasingly a common story of arizona workers and Small Business owners. Too many are facing hard times now. They are trying their best but it never feels like it is enough. You are not looking for a handout, you are just looking for a fair shot. All they are looking for. Het is how my dad felt when could not find work when cold died coal died. Us up the longest walk a parent ever has to take to say, im sorry, you cant go back to st. Pauls, that has lost his job, im going to have to move. I remember him taking us to our grandpas house, me and my brother and my sister and my mom who was shortly going to have another child and i thought about how hard it must have been for my dad, so many people in this town have done the same thing, had to go to his fatherinlaw and say, i have to ask a favor. I know how much pride it cost him. Can you take their of them can you take care of that for a year . I will be back. It seems like the end of the world but by the time he was able to get a good job, enough inget us an apartment delaware, he ended up then getting a good job, a decent job managing a car dealership. He worked hard to build a decent middleclass life. He had an expression. I mean this sincerely. He said, i dont expect the government to solve my problems, but i expect them to at least understand my problems. America deserves a president who understands that the america what the American People are going through. Who sees who you are, what you want to be, who cares about your health, your prosperity, your dream, your american dream. You are facing real challenges and the last thing you need is a president to exacerbates them. Who ignores you. Im going to say it, i have been saying it, the president looks down on us. Who thinks that if you put your life on the line for the nation, you are a loser, a sucker. This is what we were talking about with cindy. Away now coming on five years, it seems like ,esterday, won the bronze star he volunteered, he was attorney general, he had to make an exception to go to iraq for a year. I promise you, he was not a loser, he was not a sucker. He, like all the veterans we met with this afternoon alongside cindy mccain, are patriots. They are people who understand that being an american is about recognizing that there are some things bigger than yourself. John mccain, who i had the privilege of asking me to do his eulogy, we used to argue, we were like brothers, we would fight like hell, but we always ended up together. That is how it used to be. It used to be that way across the board. He was not a loser. They are all heroes. They deserve better than a president who will say anything to deflect responsibility for any mistakes he makes. I dont know if you noticed, he recently said i asked where he got the covid, he said, i probably got it from blue star parents, people who lost a child in battle. He said, they like to get close to me and hugged me, i dont know how to say no. Look. We have paid too high a price for Donald Trumps chaotic leadership. 210,000 americans have lost their lives to this virus. We lose more every day. 6000 arizonans have been lost. 6000, don. Gone. 200 220,000 arizonans have been infected. 122,000 jobs in arizona still have not come back. Arizonans are on unemployment each week then before the crisis hit. Are closing, schools are not back to normal. Donald trump cant focus on what matters. The house passed the heroes acts, the second big package, to get people on their feet again. But the president and Mitch Mcconnell did nothing to move the legislation. A lot of cities and states are going bankrupt because they have to balance their budgets. Our founders were smart, the reason why they put the constitution the way they did is so congress, the senate, the house good deficit spend to compensate for being able to make sure we get out of a hole. Trump is spending more time i have been calling on this for the last four months he should get out of his bunker and out of the sand trap of his golf courses not a joke, think about it. I have been around a while. He never one single time try to bring democrats and republicans together in the white house to try to get a settlement. Not once. You cant name me a president in the lifetime of any of you that refused to deal that way in the middle of a crisis. Congresseadership of to resolve the issue is something that was not on his watch. The congress im sure you were not surprised by it on tuesday, he announced he is walking away from negotiations to provide additional relief for working the wealthy. True, itas not so would sound so bizarre. President has forgotten the people that he said he is fighting for. Will never forget, because i see the world for where i grew in scranton. Class,that the middle that the working class built this country. Success withnomic what families are talking about, sitting around their kitchen tables. About having a decent job and benefits. About keeping the Small Business dream alive. About the conversations that took place this morning. New tires. We have to wait. We cannot afford to get them. We cannot do it. Who is going to tell her that she cannot go back to Community College because we cannot borrow money anymore. Today. 20 Million People including here in arizona. Who worried about if they can pay this months mortgage payment. 20 million. Look at all the people who are worried that they are going to get thrown out industry if they cannot pay the rent. These guys provided for all of that. Nothing. Being able to look your kid in the eye. Joey, used to say that your job is a lot more than about your paycheck. It is about dignity, your place in the community. About respect. It is about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, it is going to be ok. And mean it. That is what kamala and i are focusing on. To say to our kids, it is going to be ok. That is what we are talking about. We are going to get this virus under control. Were going to reopen safely and strongly. If we are going to get anything we have have to get to do it together. Doneave a lot of things show, but that was the past. If we cannot bring the country together, we are dead. This is a democracy that depends on a consensus. You have to bring people together. It was somewhat presumptuous of me, but i made a major speech that i worked on really hard in gettysburg, pennsylvania. I did it two days ago. Terms,d about in lincoln that we have to bring america together. We cannot hold grudges. Proudnning with a democrat, with a capital d. By will be an american president , not a democrat president. I will work hard for those who did not support me. I promise you. Look america. That is the job of the president. It is a duty to care. For everybody. Doctors who voted for. After all that we have been through. All the americans have accomplished, we cannot allow ourselves to remain divided. Our hands, power in and do note that power is . The little sticker that you have on. The power to vote. You can still register here in arizona to vote. Early voting has already begun. The vast majority of arizonans vote by mail. Those ballots start to arrive at the next couple of days. Kamala and i are saying that the best thing that you can do is to return your ballot quickly, and not risk delays. Turn the mailin ballot as soon as you can to make sure that your voice is heard. Your voice can overcome correct and your voice through your vote, can overcome every one of the challenges that we face. You know what they are setting up . The argument that these votes are not going to matter. You saw what happens today with the fbi. The fbi arrested a group of militiamen. Planned toanned and go in and kidnap the governor of michigan. Remember those guys would be assault rifles standing in their driveways . The president saying things in my debate with them, to the proud boys, and all white the premises group, stands down and stand ready . This is serious stuff. We cannot just win by a vote. We have to all turn out. We can be better than we have seen. We cant be what we are at our breasts. Be what we are at our best. Best, we are that United States of america. Prosaic thing. The fact is, americans never fail. When standing up together. We are the only nation in the world that has come out of every crisis, war and economic, stronger than we went into the crisis. Optimistic more today about americas chances at home and in the world than i have been in a long time. I work with a lot of president s. I mean it. We have a chance. To not only improve our country, but to change the world. We have the most powerful military in the history of the world, but that is not why the west of the world compares to us. The rest of the world compares to u. S. It is not an example of our power, but a power of our example that has the rest of the world following us. That example is being trash around the world. As the senator said last night at the debate, it is true. 17 major countries in the world s asks what leaders they admire and trust the most. Do you know what they say . Trusted the leader and putin of russia rather than the president of the United States. That has profound security and economic impacts. Lets not quit folks. Quitting in america. We have never quit, and if we need you to stand up at any time in our history, we need you now. Thank you for being here. God bless you. May god protect our troops. Thank you. [applause] thank you everybody. Make the world go round. Round make the world go you may have the right we are all living an example got to make the world go round. Got to make the world go round give us what you get. Dont let our world go round. Our campaign 2020 coverage continues with candidates campaigning and debating. Cspan, your unfiltered view of politics. Next, a debate between candidates and montana. This was sponsored by montana pbs. Vote 2020,pbs, montana governors debate. Production support was provided by the greater montana foundation, encouraging communication on

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