Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Sen. Kamala Harris D-CA Campaigns In Las Vegas 20240712

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Sen. Harris than thank you. That is great to see all of you here. I am proud to represent the heart of las vegas. [indiscernible] thank you for being here. [honking] know, i wish the president a all theecovery, and patients and their families for trying to deal with this virus through no fault of their own. Now is a good time to remind all of us to wear these masks, do social distancing, wash your hands as much as possible, and we will come out stronger on the others if we are in this together. Thank you for doing that. [honking] and thank you to the Bidenharris Campaign for following those kinds of rules for all of us. That is why we are doing this. I Love Campaign season. I love going out there, shaking hands, kissing babies, seeing friends. Thisis a new approach, drivein rally. But it is leading to the notion of ridin with biden. [honking] ridin with biden, all the way to the white house. Been a very difficult time for this community. Whenever the economy has been hit nationally, las vegas gets the worst oworse of it. We have seen recently that more hotels and airlines are laying off people. I get about 100 calls from my Office Every Day from people who want to help with unemployment, who need mortgage assistance. People are suffering right now. But those of us who have been here for a while know that in las vegas, we are tough. We are vegas strong, and we are resilient. [honking] before and we it will prove it again, so thank you to all of you who are on the front lines helping us get through this. We will come out stronger on the others because we are going to have new leaders who will help us build back better, joe biden and kamala harris. [honking] think of how many jobs and lives could have been saved if we had a proper plan in the beginning and did not have to go through all of this for such a long time. Nevadaely here in [indiscernible] [honking] we had to make some very hard decisions. But because of his leadership, we are getting through this, and now he is taking time to be with us today because he knows how important this election is. Thank you, governor. [honking] this election is not just about getting the virus under control or bringing back our jobs. It is about giving our essential employees the pay that they deserve and the protections they need to be on the frontlines for us. Ensuring that the symbol of the United States is the statue of liberty and not a broken down wall that wont keep people out anyway. It is about honoring the people we lost, taking action against gun violence, not just giving thoughts and prayers. [honking] and the election is about confronting climate change, because we just dont have enough time to pretend like it doesnt exist. [honking] and this election is about addressing systemic racism, not giving marching orders to white supremacist groups. [honking] that is what is at stake. I was one of the first leaders back when joe biden, there were enough Democratic Candidates to fit on one stage. Biden, and joe biden knows us. He has the depth of knowledge, the breadth of experience, and the strength of conviction to bring this country back together. He has a plan to address the virus and restore our economy. He knows what it is like to suffer personal hardships, and has empathy for those of us who go through it, too. And he agrees with me that being progressive means making progress and getting things done, and that is what i see in him and i think he is the man of the hour, and thank you for supporting him. [honking] he cant get there without your help. We all have got to pitch in. You always hear it is the most important vote of your lifetime, but this time, it really is. Vote early, vote by mail, drop off your ballot. However you want to do it. Make a plan and go and vote. And take your neighbors, take your family, take your sunday school teacher, take your hairdresser. Drag anybody you can to the polls because casting that vote is so important. And you can start right now by 30330. Joe to get out the cell phones and text joe to 30330. That is how we are going to make a change, and that is how we are going to make joe biden and, harris. And speaking of kamala harris, we have a very special guest with us here today. I want you to help me welcome her, give her a warm, warm welcome, because she is exactly the kind of dynamic, exciting partner that joe biden needs to get this done, both in the election and in the government. Hesitated to take on powerful people or powerful interests. She is wicked smart, deeply compassionate, and has proven to be a force in the senate. , andomes from california we are close by, so nevada is like her first cousin. It doesnt get any better than that. She is already making history. She is going to be an outstanding vice president. She is a friend of ours, she is a great partner to joe biden. Give her a warm welcome, senator kamala harris. [honking] sen. Harris [laughter] honk if you love joe. [laughter] [honking] sen. Harris it is so good to be with you all. Congresswoman, thank you for that introduction and all that you do. What a fighter you have. Thank you all. Thank you, everybody. Oh, wow. First of all, there are so many incredible leaders this afternoon who have been a part of this campaign from the beginning, and we will count on them to lead us through these next 32 days of victory. I want to thank them. Shelby parks, our field organizer. The state governor. [honking] i was just hanging out with him behind the stage. Of course, or congresswoman for all she does. She is a fighter. Rosen. R jacky they were going to be here, but they wanted to stay in d. C. They are fighting home to bring they are fighting to bring home relief to nevada. They are fighting to make sure we take care of america. I want to thank you for hosting us today. I want to thank everybody for the work that you do. All right is this working . There we go. There is so much at stake in this election. There is so much at stake, and we have 36 days to get this done and we are going to get it done. Here is the thing. This campaign, our campaign, as joe said, is about fighting for the soul of our nation. And when we talk about, when joe talks about fighting for the soul of our nation, it is about fighting for working people, ed is about fighting for families, it is about fighting for children, it is about fighting for health care, it is about fighting for good union jobs, it is about fighting to preserve our climate and clean air and clean water. It is about fighting for a pathway to citizenship for our brothers and sisters, and renewing productions under daca. There is so much on the line in this election. And there is not a thing we can take for granted. Not a thing we can take for granted. We are here fighting for the soul of our nation, saying yes, we can get criminal Justice Reform and policing reform. Yes, we can do what is necessary to Bring Health Care to everybody because we believe access to health care should be a right and not a privilege to those who can afford it. [honking] these are the things on the line in this election, and we have 32 days to get it done. And i dont need to tell my cousins in nevada [honking] about the change we see coming with the work we are doing. The change we see coming, when we know here in nevada we have the highest unemployment of any state in the country. Where there has been incredible devastation because of a failure of an administration to take seriously a Public Health crisis and then do what is necessary to support working people. But we see the change coming. It will not come without our investment in this fight. We have a vision of the future. Our campaign, and the work, the hard work, the sacrifice we will make over the next 32 days, is born out of knowing what is possible. And that is so much bigger than fighting against something. It is about the fight we are in for something, for the people, all the people. [honking] that is what our fight is about. And the thing about it and this is what i love about joe. You can talk about how you measure strength. Some people say, look at my muscles. Yeah, that might be one way, but the thing i love about joe, he could also say, yeah, look at my muscles the thing about joe, he understands the greatest strength that any of us, that any human being has, is displayed when we lift up the condition of other people. [applause] that is the strength of who we are. [honking] the strength of who we are and therefore, the power of the people is knowing that when we are together, when we are joined, when we are unified, when we dont allow people to try to divide us and turn on each other, we are strong and in spite of all we have been experiencing, folks, dont let anybody make you feel alone. Dont let any circumstance make you feel isolated, because we are all in this together. We are all in this together. [cars honking] but to achieve the change we see coming, we have to vote. We got to vote. So, what do we want to do . Honk if you are going to vote early. [laughter] [cars honking] honk if youre going to vote by mail. [cars honking] honk if youre going to make sure at least five people you know go and vote. [cars honking] [laughter] and here is the thing. None of us are immune. We have been reading it. We know what is going on around the country. There are some powerful people in our country that are trying to make it difficult for folks to vote. Did you guys see what happened in texas yesterday . The republican governor of texas basically started getting rid of the drop boxes in texas. Yeah, that is what they are doing. So, here is the thing. The right to vote, the right to vote, was a hardfought and hard won right. In fact, one of the biggest events i attended before the pandemic struck was to walk across the Edmund Pettus bridge in alabama with the now great ancestor john lewis, who shed his blood on that bridge for the right to vote. We honor the ancestors when we vote. Just last month, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, when those suffragettes, those powerful women, marched and fought for the right for women in america to vote. We also recognize it was not until 1965 that black women could vote. [honking] so we know there is still work to do and we are a country that is a work in progress. But this is the history of our right to vote. Our right to vote was a hardfought and won rights which we will never let anybody take from us. But we know there are obstacles around the country being put in our way. We know there are powerful people trying to suggest you cannot trust the process, trying to suggest it is rigged or this or that, but we know better. We know better. And heres the thing i want to also point out. At some point in addition to voting, it has to be about honoring the ancestors. And in addition to voting, it has to be about knowing what is at stake. And also, we have to ask, why are so many powerful people trying to mess with our right to vote . Just sit back and ask that. Why are so many powerful people going through such difficulty to try and mess with our right to vote . Here is what i believe the answer is. Because they know when we vote, things change. [honking] they know when we vote, things get better. So, nevada, never let anybody take your power. We will never let anybody take our power. We will use our power. We will vote. We know our vote is our voice. We know what is at stake. And we know we are all in this together, in this fight for the soul of our nation. And it is a fight born out of love of our country. Knowing what can be, unburdened by what has been. Thank you, nevada. Thank you. [cars honking] [cars honking] lets hear it, everybody [applause] [cars honking] Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham announced the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Amy Coney Barrett will begin monday, october 12, with opening statements. On tuesday the 13th, the nominees begin the nominee begins taking questions. Chairman graham says he expects the hearing will take three or four days. You can watch live coverage every day of the Supreme Court confirmation hearing on cspan, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free radio app. Cspans washington journal. Every day, we are taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day. And we will discuss policy issues that impact you. Theng up saturday morning, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security discusses the latest on the president and first ladys positive covid diagnosis. Then Brookings Institute senior fellow john hudak discusses the continuity of government. Reporter oncs tonights debate between South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham and democratic challenger jamie harrison. Watching cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern saturday morning. Join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, text messages, and tweets. Former senior officials from president s george h to bush and Barack Obamas administration joined a forum on

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