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The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a commune cane from the speaker. Communication from the speaker. 2020, ik september 22, hereby appoint the honorable Henry Cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2020, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. With time equally allocated between parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes. But in no event shall debate continue beyond 10 50 a. M. Chair now recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Quigley, for five minutes. Mr. Quigley thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to highlight the inequalities that covid19 assistance distribution. Back in march, House Democrats Global Health crisis was causing an economic crisis. Americans struggled, we provided them with stimulus checks to help them make ends these uncertain times. However, not everyone who was to these checks received them. The senate wrongfully included a cares act that prevented families with only one merican citizen parent and another who is a taxpaying this ant from receiving financial assistance. Let me repeat this. Citizens of the United States prevented from receiving stimulus checks because of who they love. Discrimination must be corrected. E need to help people like lacy, an amazing, hardworking citizens who works for the state to rnment and isnt able receive a stimulus check. Lacy and her spouse have been years and were married in 2010. They have raised six beautiful are u. S. All of whom citizens. For the past seven years, lacy v. A. Home in the quincy, illinois. She works long hours to make veteran residents are safe, healthy, and happy, and in her an his job made essential frontline worker. Lacy loves her job and loves her residents like they are her home family. Onset of covid, shes continued her hard work and dedication to her job. Has picked up overtime shifts to cover for coworkers who are sick and has worked hard ensure the standards of care high. Facility remain she is a United States citizen who works every day to care for nations veterans. Despite her service to our country and the fact she and her are american citizens, her family did not receive a heck all because her spouse is an immigrant using an itin and taxes jointly. Shes done everything in her power to speak out and advocate and has connected with others like her in the facebo Facebook Group mixed Family Status united. I am being quote, punished for who i married. We both work. Our taxes. Why are we being treated like secondclass citizens . Resonate because she is right. She is being treated like a citizen. Ass i ask you during a period of unprecedented challenges, when mericans are facing more than one crisis, when we are depending on essential workers is it right for our country to treat people differently based on the immigration status of their ones . As a country, i believe we can and should do better. Is no scenario in which citizens should be denied the to. They are entitled likewise, taxpaying immigrants ho are paying their fair share should not be denied assistance, left out on their own. Act, eased the heroes which the house passed more than this ys ago, rectifies issue and makes everyone eligible for a check. I believe everyone should receive a stimulus check egardless of their citizenship status, at the very least, we need to ensure all u. S. Citizens receive a check regardless who are. Spouses and underscore the necessity of ncluding a fix that corrects this provision retroactively and for any additional stimulus forward. Ovided moving we must stand with mixed status families and continue to fight them and their rights. Now more than ever we need to provide for people that are due to this pandemic. I urge my colleagues to join me n taking swift action to resolve this issue. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Joyce, for five minutes. Speaker, after too long, americans are waking up to the dangers of the Chinese Communist party. As we combat the economic and Health Ramifications of the coronavirus, its never been take on rtant that we this hostile regime. Its been my honor to serve on force and help expose the threats that the Chinese Communist party poses to our National Security and to the American People. Just yesterday, congressman Michael Mccaul released the ouse Foreign Affairs committees report into the originalins of the origins of coronavirus pandemic. Their evidence clearly confirms that the Chinese Communist party overed up the coronavirus, enabling a local outbreak to become a pandemic. Communist party knew that the coronavirus could be humantohuman transmission. And yet, this regime hid global leaders, Public Health experts, and even organization. Th leaders in the Chinese Communist government knew that this virus be catastrophic. And yet, they deliberately chose missteps p their rather than sound an alarm and virus e world that this was being unleashed. Lies cost american livelihood. Cost american lives. This pandemics destruction prevented. Been this didnt have to happen. A , americans are facing choice. If we do not act now, who will partyhe Chinese Communist from simply repeating this coverup . Is not an option. America must prevent another reaching our shores. There. Work cannot stop sadly, the chinese governments far ious acts extends beyond the coronavirus pandemic. From cyberattacks on american blatant overreach into our Virtual Networks to our academic institutions and illicit on american kills streets, we cannot ignore the governments chinese governments pervasive threats to our nation. No speaker, this is distraction. This is reality. For the safety of the american our e, for the future of nation, the Chinese Communist accountable. Held for months, the China Task Force has focused on researching these exploring legislative solutions. We are currently working on a that will detail our findings and recommend a forward. Path while our work on this report is oming to a close, our commitment to the cause will continue. Uring these busy days, i recognize that many issues are competing for americas time. These threats require our action. Chinese governments coverup of the coronavirus action. Requires the chinese governments requires n of uyghurs actions. The chinese governments monopoly of the medical supply requires actions. The chinese governments attempts to control the worlds requires actions. Despite the challenges that we americang at home, the people must stand together gainst the Chinese Communist party. Our National Security should never be a partisan issue. Health of the American People should never be a issue. N by working together, we can strengthen our defenses, defend rights, spur innovation and equip americans to lead the innovation. L moving forward, it is imperative continues to strengthen our supply chain, pursue fair trade deals with and ultimately to hold the Chinese Communist party for its actions. Nce again, its been my privilege to serve the American People as a member of the China Task Force. For the eader mccarthy opportunity to serve, and i am grateful to chairman michael leadership. Is this is a long road. But its worth the fight. Believe, america will win that fight. Yield the and i remainder of tie tie my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman massachusetts, ms. Minutes. For five ms. Pressley mr. Speaker, i solidarity with alopecia. With today, nearly seven americans, i alopecia. An autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles. Highly mon condition is unpredictable. Hair can grow back in or fall and the at any time course is different for each person. Disproportionately affects children and black particularly black women. Some people may say its just hair. Living nd many people with alopecia, hair is linked to our identity and our cultural expression. Have our own unique tories with our alopecia diagnosis. Mine began nearly a year ago as patchider noticed a small of balancedness. Baldness. Waking up fter i was with sinks full of hair. Vividly. R the moment i was alone in my d. C. Separated intrated from my family. On the same day it would have 72nd birthday s and on the eve of an impeachment vote. Was standing in the bathroom staring at my reflection in the mirror and for the first time i completely bald. For months, i had dreaded the moment when it would be all gone. Looking at myself in the mirror that night, i felt relief. And acceptance. It was a moment of grace. God for that. In a matter of weeks, i would eyebrows, andhes, the rest of my hair and be diagnosed with alopecia, one of forms of alopecia. Im still coming to terms with alopecia reality and the impact of my traumatic hair loss. The supporthanks to of my family, my staff, and the broader Alopecia Community and others who have experienced hair loss, i am making progress. The making progress despite hateful comments, the cruel and constant Online Harassment about the intrusive and ignorant questions on the unsolicited the advice and stares, lots of stares. It, a bald woman entering the room, entering the house of he u. S. Representatives makes people uncomfortable. Challenges every antiquated, cultural norm about hat is professional, what a pretty, what is feminine. But in the loss, the hurt, and ache of it all, ive never lost sight of the following. I am sandy and martins daughter. I am conans wife. Am coras step mom. And i am the congresswoman for massachusetts seventh Congressional District. Mr. Speaker, i am now bald but i health and i am in incredible company. I have received an outpouring of love from people across the globe who are living with alopecia. Arly on i received a note from an elementary age schoolgirl who has alopecia. She told me about the first time she walked into school after her diagnosis. To your right up friends and tell them, im still me, she wrote. A reminder like that as they navigate the world . Those little acts of kindness solidarity have defined this experience too. Im proud to be in good company of those fighting for people with alopecia. Theres an entire community thats been working tirelessly their stories and to educate the public on the impact erada. Ecia for three decades, the National Alopecia foundation have been working to been garner congressional support for research and treatment development. Longtime friend and partner n good, congressman mcgovern, allowed medical wigs to be the Medicare Program so seniors can get wigs. The house passed my amendment to provide an additional 5 million worth in next years funding for of National Institutes health. Which will Fund Research to increase our understanding of causes, impacts, and ossible treatments of alopecia areata. I will continue to fight. My seat at the table. I will take up space. And i will create it, too. With this space, we will make change. Every Single Person deserves to world exactly as they are without fear or discrimination. Fellow alopecians, today i you may be, bring our stories to the floor of the peoples house to say we belong, our stories deserve to we are absolutely beautiful and worthy. Thank you. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from north carolina, ms. Foxx, for five minutes. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, maligned policies from democrats seek to defund, destroy, and dismantle our country are dangerous. Quite frankly, these policies pose a threat to the liberties and freedoms that define the American Dream as we know it. Republicans understand this threat and we refuse to sit idly on the sidelines. Thats why we have developed our commitment to america. The message is simple. Restoring, renewing, and rebuilding america is a mandate that we must work every day to uphold. We are fighting for families, for generations of americans to come, and for a country that has always served as a beacon of hope to the world. In short, its a blueprint that gets our country back on track. The American People deserve leaders who fight for freedom. The values that we hold dear. And the promise of the American Dream. Mr. Speaker, its such a Pivotal Moment in the history of our country. We must work to advance policies that are progrowth, profamily, and proamerica. Anything less is unacceptable. Time and time again americans have turned their backs on the American People with a my way or the highway approach to legislating. This year alone the house of representatives has taken up a myriad of bipartisan messaging bills that do nothing to help our country. If anything, these bills send a concerning message about the democrat vision for america. Substantive legislation has been pushed to the back burner. The spirit of bipartisanship has been rendered virtually nonexistence and political posturing as replaced meaningful conversations on pressing issues. We have had ample opportunities to Work Together but democrats have taken it upon themselves to prolong a partisan blockade that stifles progress. Mr. Speaker, thats wrong and thats not leadership. Leadership is fighting for the American People at every turn. Leadership is defending the promises of American Dream. Leadership is advancing policies that raise america to new heights. Im proud to stand alongside leader mccarthy and my republican colleagues as we chart a meaningful pathway forward. The road ahead may seem uncertain or even arduous, but we are confident with steadfast leadership and commonsense policies, america will flourish. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Bera, for five minutes. Mr. Bera mr. Speaker, i rise today to celebrate the passage of my bipartisan measure, h. R. 1646, the helping Emergency Responders overcome act. The hero act. The heroes act is the best of what we do in this peoples house. Which is accessible to our constituents and others. Thats why we love the house of representatives. Over 2 1 2 years ago, two of my fire chiefs visited my office here in washington, d. C. , to talk about some issues. In passing, they also talked about the number of firefighters and First Responders that succumb to suicide, and the stresses of the job. We talked about it and we started to do a little bit of research. We realized we didnt have good statistics on the actual incidents of firefighters or First Responders that were coming to suicide. We started to talk to others, the International Association of firefighters, we talked to Law Enforcement, we realized the stresses that these individuals, men and women who are out there protecting our communities every day face. Challenges that normal human beings dont see. We started talking about this. We looked for those statistics. Talked to the Firefighter Behavioral Alliance founder, and realized we ought to challenge the c. D. C. To collect these statistics. And we ought to do something about it. We ought to help relieve the suffering of these First Responders, firefighters, Law Enforcement individuals. So we went about writing a bill, working with our partners. That was before the covid19 pandemic hit. What we have seen since the pandemic is untold pressures on our Frontline Health care workers, our nurses, the folks in the hospitals. I want to applaud a fellow doctor, republican member, mike burgess, who is the Ranking Member on the energy and Commerce Health care subcommittee. He realized this fact and working together with our staff we amended the heroes act to include and recognize the unique stresses that these Frontline Health care workers are facing. We talked about how they dont need to suffer by themselves. We could put in place pier to pier peer to peer contacts, create space where some of these individuals who might be suffering alone to talk about whats going on. I also want to thank the Ranking Member on the energy and Commerce Committee, chairman pallone the chairman pallone, Ranking Member walden, as well as the chairwoman of the e. N. C. Health subcommittee, ms. Eshoo, for helping get this bill to the floor and getting it passed yesterday in the evening. Again, the heroes act demonstrates what we can do when we come together as democrats and republicans when we listen to our constituents and work with those folks that are out there. I, again, want to applaud the Frontline Health care workers, the firefighters, the Law Enforcement individuals, and Emergency Responders that are out there keeping us safe every day. Youve got our pack. Weve got your back. Thank you to all of them. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Shimkus, for five minutes. Mr. Shimkus thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to thank a group of courageous federal employees, matt, janet, d al, jake, karen, virginia, jordan, and molly. There is no more difficult job in washington, d. C. , than that of a congressional scheduler. My thanks and apologies to go to those who served in my office these past 24 years. For me being away from home was the worst part of the job. Who booked the flight and told me i had to get back to d. C. . The scheduler did. Who would meet me in the office at 7 30 a. M. To get me to a breakfast meeting at 8 00 a. M. . Who would hang around to pick me up at 9 00 a. M. To race me to the hill for a 9 00 a. M. Meeting. The scheduler did. Who received an irate call from me wondering why no one was at the meeting in hc 5 only to be told if i looked at my schedule i would have seen that the meeting location had changed to the i Capitol Hill Capitol Hill Club . The scheduler did. Who took the frustrating call asking how i could be in a meeting in the capitol from 10 30 a. M. And 11 00 a. M. And in my office in the rayburn meeting . The scheduler did . Who took the blame when i finally cried out i need add bathroom break after consecutive 30minute meetings . The scheduler did. Who picked me up after votes at 6 30 p. M. To hit a reception at 6 45 p. M. , another one at 7 00 p. M. , and then dinner at another location at 7 30 p. M. . The scheduler did. Who scheduled the flight to get me home and then had to sweat as to whether i could make the early flight or not . Who received my continuous calls asking them if i thought i could make it . The scheduler did . Who waited in the car for that final vote just to see me run down the stairs and tell them lets go just to get caught in traffic in the plaza . Traffic on independence avenue . And traffic on interstate 395 . The scheduler did. Who had to put up with the worst back seat driver in washington, d. C. . The scheduler did. My schedulers took the brunt of my frustration as we tried to fit 36 hours of work into a 24hour day. They took the barbs of criticism when i missed my family f there was ever a single group i need to apologize to, it is them. Having said this, this group of workers professionally conducted their job with poise, confidence, efficiency, and compassion. I can say without hesitation that because of me the toughest job in my office is that of the scheduler. Matt, janet, jake, karen, virginia, jordan, joy, perry, and molly i thank you. With that, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. Tonga, for five minutes. Mr. Tonga thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Tonga thank you, mr. Speaker. Secretary of health and Human Services alex azar said that every death we experience is a tragedy. When he said it, the United States had just hit the grim milestone of 100,000 souls lost from the covid19 pandemic. That was mid may. Around the same time democrats advanced the heroes act in the house. In the four months that followed, 100,000 more americans have died as the epidemic has spiraled out of control and chaos has continued to reign from the white house. We have reached the breaking points, plain and simple, it is time for the senate to pass our comprehensive rescue package or offer a real alternative of their own. No more waiting, no more excuses. Throughout this crycy, the Senate Majority has abdicated responsibility to this president s insufficient leadership and papered over his deadly shortcomings. For the lives and livelihoods of every one of my constituents, i beg my colleagues on the other side of the capitol to seize this moment to follow a new guide. Let that guide be science. Let it be truth because politics, really truly bad politics, has brought america low in the face of this crisis. But its not too late. On january 22, President Trump tweeted, china has been working very hard to contain the coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. He made similar remarks again on january 30, and on february 7. The very same day President Trump was privately admitting to Journalist Bob Woodward that the coronavirus is an airborne pathogen more deadly than the flu. Despite this his full awareness of the danger, he kept going praising china and publicly down playing the coronavirus threat. Politico has found at least 15 examples of President Trump publicly praising chinas Coronavirus Response during this period, including on february 10, 13, 18, 23, 26, 27, and 29. He said it over and over. In the following weeks and months he would repeatedly down play the danger and suggest fully aware of his deception that this virus was comparable to a seasonal flu. President trumps deception on these matters is not opinion. He was recorded. He is literally on the record saying that he intended to down play this disease and deny the American People the information we would need to make vital decision force ourselves, our families, our communities, and, indeed, our nation. Every death that result interested this was a tragedy. In february, President Trump said, its going like a miracle, its going to disappear. He knew better. At this point the virus had been given nearly two months to circulate unchecked. Americans were still going about our daily lives. Flocking to movie theaters, churches, synagogues, going to mardi gras, on spring break unaware of the true extent of the threat spreading all around us. On march 11, President Trump took only his second Major National step. Another travel ban. It was around this time that congress stepped up the scale of our response to this threat. We moved quickly to pass the cares act, including delivering emergency funds for americas hospitals and staff, Small Business owners, laid off workers, and the cares act was a rescue plan. It wasnt perfect, but it was americas first real effort to stem the side. That rescue was powerful but no substitute for executive leadership. Sadly we are still waiting for executive leadership. Between march and may, america saw its death toll skyrocket past 100,000. The members of this chamber again moved swiftly to advance another rescue package, the heroes act. Since the house passed the heroes act on may 15, more than 110,000 americans have died of covid19. For comparison, this is the equivalent of losing every soul living in albany, new york, or state capital, that i represent. Thats just the recorded death toll since mid may. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell responded that states should file for bankruptcy instead and the senate would wait and see. Wait for what . Havent we seen . We have waited four months and paid dearly for it. Enough of this craven politics. Senators, consider your oath to the people you serve. What will you say when they ask what you did to stop this disease from stealing their loved ones . From destroying their Small Business . What will you say to the teachers being laid off as states and cities drastically cut their budgets from undermining americas standing in the world . To my colleagues i say this, we have a plan. Join us. Lets invest heavily in research and follow science and Public Health guidance. They are the fastest route to get us to the other side of this crisis. Our heroes act gets it done. Lets deliver emergency funding to sustain local essential services and salaries of First Responders, nurses, teachers, infrastructure maintenance workers, and many more. The heroes act gets that done, too. Lets save lives and turn the corner on this crisis with a coordinated National Plan for testing and tracing. The heroes act gets it done. Lets deliver the Financial Support our essential workers, unemployed workers, and financially strained americans need to weather the storm, the heroes act gets it done. Lets rescue our schools, our health care providers, our First Responders, our hungriest families. The republican skinny bill just doesnt get it done. I say pass the heroes act. With that, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from missouri, mrs. Minutes. For five mrs. Hartzler i rise to honor harold who was one of 43 brave men who paid the on july 24, ifice 1944, aboard the u. S. S. Colorado. The u. S. S. G aboard gunnars mate dick was guam where he ultimately lost his life. Missing he was listed in action, his body and his hipmates were recovered and preserved in saipan. Ended, he came back states. Nited unfortunately, gunnars mate second class dicks remains were identified so he unknown in manila, philippines. Was identified on november 26, 2018. Harold lee 6 years, dick will finally be returning o his hometown of tipton, missouri, on october 10 to be laid to rest next to his parents and his sister. Join me in honoring gunnars mate second class harold ultimate sacrifice as he finally returns home. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to friend, ate my good ernie cecil on his retirement after serving nearly 28 years as pastor at antioch Southern Baptist service. Was a spiritual leader in our community. During his team at he antioch, e had a revamp website and social media pages. During the pandemic, ernie was nstrumental in establishing a drivein Worship Service even prolonged his retirement. It was complete with live music. Nited our community during these difficult times. His his love for y for community, ernie touched the during his y people service. His legacy of love and service will be felt into eternity. Issouris fourth Congressional District is blessed to have had ecil serving others and the lord. I wish him my best and gods in his blessings welldeserved retirement. Speaker, i rise today to give recognition to ken and sue, owners of the worlds american splay of revolutiona revolutionary warera flags. Recently, i visited their collection in collins, missouri, see over 315 o eplica flags used by american colonists and their allies from 1781. O i was very impressed by their extensive collection and their nowledge of the history behind each individual flag. During his High School Teaching ken began researching flags and his ra ife, sue, a skilled seem seamstress. Their flags serve as a learning of and interactive way keeping history alive. I greatly appreciate ken and sue theirking time to show me flag collection. Educational e, experience that highlights the courage and sacrifice of our patriots. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to hurst. Nd thank mr. Blake bureau issouris farm president since 2010. He has fierce support for his of ers needs and a dose creative humor. He understands agriculture. Row crops with his nephews, others, sonsinlaws. As blake prepares to retire at of this year, his legacy will continue to serve as an inspiration for those of us who worked alongside him as he aggressively advanced farm the past orities for 25 years. Its been an absolute honor to ork with blake and his team throughout the years and missouris agriculture industry s better because of his leadership. I sincerely hope blake will be able to ensure a welldeserved amid the greenhouse, him grandkids and i wish the best. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to onor mr. School philips as the Scott Philips as the recipient of the annual hairmans award during missouris pork expo. When we were children and scotts dad served in the air force and wanted to try his farming. Scott followed in his dads flying a10 jets in the air force and then going passion, farming. He operates two hog farms with his brother and nephew. Producers ication to and his positive influence on the pork industry can be seen hroughout his leadership roles from the local level to the national level. Am sh scott the best and proud to represent him. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. Tempore the o chair recognizes the gentleman from nebraska, mr. Bacon, for five minutes. Bacon mr. Speaker, i rise today to commemorate native month by air tiff honoring the ponca tribe of as a federally recognized tribe. The ponca tribe was originally of the omaha tribe in 1793. In 1877 the ponca tribe was removed from their homeland and sent to indian territory in central oklahoma. Year in eir first oklahoma, 25 of the ponca tribe malaria and starvation. Among the dead was chief standee eldest son, bear shield, who was laid to rest in their burial sacred grounds. Standing bear began the 600mile trek to their homeland. Two days shy of their homeland, during a brief stop at groupaha reservation, the was stopped and arrested for leaving oklahoma. He arrest led to the landmark case of Standing Bear vs. Kruk which established the precedent recognizing and i say, quote, indian, unquote, equal under the law. Ncluding the guarantee of equality. He has the famous words that and is not the color of yours but if i prick it the blood will pain. Nd i shall feel the blood is the same color as yours. And i am a man. They were allowed to return to homeland. However, in 1962, congress decided the ponca tribe would be tribes no longer recognized. Two decades later in 1986, the Ponca Restoration Committee was created by fred eroy, a veteran and a ponca himself. Within two years, leroy drafted the petition for restoration and the ponca tribe met the requirements of the bureau of recognition. S for in 1990, the legislation was into law and the ponca was once again recognized by the government. Fred lee roy was leroy was amed president of the ponca tribe. They have established Service Delivery areas throughout nebraska, iowa, and south dakota. Have centers offering health, social, domestic violence, and education services. One such center was aptly named leroy health center. Through the tremendous help of ponca not roy, the only preserved but further heritage. Their current chairman, larry wright 1,800 s the purchase of acres of the original homeland, including chief Standing Bears site. The chairman illustrated the belief because their ancestors river valley, he ponca d. N. A. Is infused within the land, water, animals, grows there, t completing the circle of life. Three different statues pay tribute to Standing Bear. Of the Centennial Mall in lincoln, nebraska. Of lly, a bronze statue chief Standing Bear stands in statuary law e of in the capitol representing nebraska. Housands of nebraskans and millions will come now to know story. Cas and their unfortunately, social disconnects of Racial Disparity and basic human rights still and s in our country recognizing the ponca tribes abundant history, we highlight a despair, ppression, struggle, perseverance. Today we honor and celebrate the onca tribe of nebraska and every native american once person. Ed a half american author and civil rights activist lord said its not our that divide us, its our ability to recognize and celebrate those differences. Ever, we must unite as americans and celebrate our diversity to heal the wounds racial injustice. I yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from indiana, mrs. Brooks, for five minutes. Brooks mr. Speaker, today, i rise in recognition of the 7574, the h. R. Strengthening americas trategic National Stockpile act, which builds on the bipartisan work done by the energy and Commerce Committee on issues. Preparedness im honored to have coled this bipartisan bill with my congresswoman slotkin of michigan. I also want to thank ranking and chairwoman eshoo who has been a longtime champion on biodefense issues, importantly, the energy and Commerce Committee staff for tireless bipartisan work on this legislation. Us can agree that iodefense must be a bipartisan issue. Covid19 has clearly exposed nations in our Public Health infrastructure. I spent a good part of my career focused on biodefense and Pandemic Response legislation. I became a u. S. Attorney back in 2001, just one month after the 9 11 attacks on our country. After that were the anthrax attacks here on our capitol. And my u. S. Attorneys office, e received a hoax anthrax attack, which serves as a stark reminder of staying vigilant and he threat that a single individual can pose. As former chairwoman of the House Homeland Security ubcommittee on Emergency Preparedness response and communications, we worked on like project bioshield. When we talk about biodefense, things,ften think about chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear threats. Though, are ats, yet, as we are learning, some of the most dangerous threats to americans. Every bit as complex as cyberthreats, more of an 21st nt threat in the century than even conventional conflicts, biothreats can come anywhere. Bad actors, malicious rganizations or nation states, random industrial acts or even an act of nature can be the riginal source and once events like this begin to unfold, they can be extremely hard to predict and respond to. Im glad we continue have on this and proud to have been part of coleading the package which will improve our nations bility to respond to these threats. And im very proud that congress came together to get this done. Strategic National Stockpile is the cornerstone of our biodefense infrastructure. Its responsible for keeping arge quantities of keeping pharmaceuticals, medical countermeasures, personal protective equipment and other products for Rapid Deployment in the event of an emergency. This builds on the bipartisan by the energy and Commerce Committee when last ear in june of 2019 the pandemic allhazard preparedness reauthorized and signed law. Id also like to commend Ranking Member walden and Ranking Member guthrie because they the o. N. I. Committee for their work on energy and commerce second wave project. This critical report will serve analysis t detailed thus far of our nations Public Health response to date and some were in recommendations this legislative package. The strengthening americas National Stockpile act addresses these shortcomings and ill improve the ability of the s. N. S. To manage and maintain its inventory, empower to industry to increa increase the stockpile and create Innovative New programs create their own stockpiles. So i want to thank all the for your the house unanimous support of this important legislation because bipartisan tot be keep this country safe. And with that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Barr, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, i rise today as the chairman of the epublican study committees American Worker task force. Established ce was to have policy recommendations to empower millions of american reclaim their version of the American Dream. Mr. His task force really, speaker, is all about the American Dream, which is the of your the condition birth should not determine the outcome of your life and that in america, because of the blessings of freedom, that we anyone, regardless of race, color, or creed, gender or in life, through hard work, persistence, and etermination, can achieve upward mobility, can achieve his and r godgiven potential realize that American Dream. This afternoon the report will be unveiled to change flawed policies from washington, d. C. , to unleash the spirit of the American Dream and to give workers their opportunity at upward mobility. First, we are going to propose policy changes that will refocus labor policy to unleash the American Worker and allow them to realize their godgiven potential. This includes increasing opportunities for aprenstissships. Not Just Department of labor, washington directed, centrally planned registered apprenticeships. Apprenticeships that may or may not yield fruitful careers in indemand jobs in the labor market, in the real world. Also recognizing apprenticeships in the industry recognized, industry driven, and meet the jobs that are actually available in the labor market. We are going to be proposing ideas about eliminating overly restrictive occupational licensing requirements. Giving workers greater flexibility in the way they are compensated to choose comp time as opposed to overtime. Secondly, we want to reimagine our failed welfare policies to remove the trap of government dependency and create a system that propels american individuals and families to extraordinary success and prosperity. And this includes providing alternatives to the failed Housing First policies. To provide americans accessing Housing Assistance with wrap around services to actually meet those individuals where they are, to provide them with career counseling and perhaps if needed Addiction Recovery services and financial literacy. We want Second Chance employees to have access to the labor market, whether they have been incarcerated before. Whether they are struggling with an addiction. Whether they have failed to get the skills they need we believe that Second Chance and third chance employees are desperately needed in americas economy today. We are also want work incentives for ablebodied work capable adults especially those without dependents because we know work is a blessing, it is not a punishment. Third, we want to refine our Education System to debunk the bachelors or bust mentality. To encourage innovative careers and equipped American Workers to thrive in the ever changing 21st century economy. Its not just about a fouryear degree, its about career and Technical Education, skillsbased education. We believe that there should be deductibility for upkilling so that employers can give workers their the skills needed for them to move and advance if their careers. We think there should be transparency outcomes in higher education. And we think to deal with the Student Loan Debt crisis we need to recognize that the return on investment is very important and career and Technical Education can provide that opportunity. We believe in income sharing agreements as an alternative to the debt trap of federal student loans. The policies that constitute these three key policy platforms are the result of over a year and a half of deliberations by task force members. We conducted listening sessions with think tanks and policy experts, Small Business owners and leaders in education, workers from across our districts. Mr. Speaker, in the sixth congressle district of kentucky, which i represent in congress, i have already seen the benefits of inveesing in career and Technical Education and job training. The Kentucky Welding Institute in kentucky graduates students in less than six months, readying them for careers in welding that can earn them over 100,000 a year. And the eso county Technical Center currently under construction will be a state offart job Training Facilities scheduled to open in august of 2021. Kentuckian also train for jobs in advanced manufacturing, diesel mechanics, health sciences, information technology, and Science Technology engineering and math in addition tomorrow other industries. I am proud to have supported a 4 million grant from the Economic Development administration that would yield a return on investment in just a few months graduating taxpayers. Mr. Speaker, this report could not be a more timely endeavor in the face of the covid19 pandemic and ensuing Economic Uncertainty that is there. Although progrowth regulatory and trade policies have enabled unemployment to come back down to Single Digits and the stock market to rebound, Americans Still need congress to take up a bold comprehensive agenda to pave the way for more jobs. Mr. Speaker, i encourage everyone to consider these very important proworker recommendations. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Lamalfa, for five minutes. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, mr. Speaker. Sadly, i rise today to honor a iend, ms. Kelly krieger, who lost her life this past summer on july 5. She was killed in a midair collision above the lake engine herself and not afraid of any hard work. Mother, vived by her nancy, and two sisters, and many nieces and ephews and her lifelong best friend, vicky. Lease join me in prayers for kellys family and friends in this difficult time. Oin with my office as we personally feel this pain of her time we just is ask blessings on kelly, those closest to her. Her. Less we will never forget you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman michigan, ms. Slotkin, for five minutes. Ms. Slotkin i ask unanimous consent to address the house for five minutes. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Slotkin thank you, mr. Speaker. Rise today to commend and thank my colleagues in the house for passing my bill, the strengthening americas stockpile ational bipartisan unanimous consent to make sure we dont epend on foreign suppliers for supplies we need to keep americans safe. This was truly a bipartisan effort. And 10 republicans joining me on this bill. Questioningses divisions in congress can seem insurmountable, this bill is an we can of what we want to ensure we never repeat what we went through in the early days of the covid outbreak. My office received frantic calls and emails day after day in march and april from essential workers begging for help. As cases of covid surged, our hospitals and frontline workers simply did not have the protective equipment necessary to keep themselves safe. I heard from a physician who compared his job to being a soldier on the frontlines wearing a tshirt and a baseball cap instead of body armor and a helmet. I heard from nurses in mason that had to share one gown. Not per person, but per entire staff. I heard from doctors, nurses, and First Responders who were bravely answering the call to serve their country, yet they were battling this deadly disease with improvised face shields and homemade solutions. In my home state of michigan, we requested millions of medical supplies from the federal strategy National Stockpile. Michigan needed millions of masks, gowns, face shields, and ventilators. It quickly became clear that the aid we sought from our National Stockpile was delayed and insufficient. The supplies we did receive were woefully inadequate to meet the moment. Some masks arrived so far beyond their Expiration Date that they were starting to mold. I found myself doing anything and everything i could to get personal protective equipment for mi. Calling manufacturers, negotiating with suppliers in china, and fighting for each and every shipment. My staff remembers some sleepless nights on the phone working to get doctors and nurses in michigan enough supplies for just a few more days work in the hospital. At the same time, manufactures across my district stepped up to help fill the void and retooled their businesses to manufacture personal protective equipment for our frontline workers. Hacky d, michigan, von jumped into action. They turned their did hospital gowns. One retooled their car seat fabric Assembly Line to make masks for workers and suppliers. It was American Ingenuity and michigan grit at its finest. This experience shook me to my core, and i immediately got to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to draft legislation to ensure that america is better prepared for the next pandemic or the next phase of covid. Our bill, the strengthening americas National Stockpile act, was the product of our bipartisan collaboration and makes important fixes to our National Stockpile for medical supplies so that its fully stocked, maintained, and ready whenever michigan and other states across the district need it. This is even more important as we see the number of covid cases across the country continue to increase. This bill requires constant upkeep to make sure that the items in the stockpile arent expired. It infuses transparency on how supplies are distributed from the stockpile. And it helps states create their own stockpiles. Second, it strengthens the stockpiles finances. It makes efficient use of taxpayer dollars and prevents waste by allowing the stockpile to sell excess supplies to other agencies. It also ensures that taxpayers are properly compensated for the use of stockpiled products and boost its funding. And critically, it helps reduce our overall dependence on foreign suppliers by incentivizing production of critical medical supplies here in america. It creates a 500 Million Pilot Program that will allow the stockpile to work directly with american manufacturers to reflenish replenish existing supplies, expand our manufacturing capacity, and strengthen these critical supply chains. Over the next few weeks ill visit a bunch of Michigan Companies who could directly benefit from this portion of the bill. Here in congress, we have a responsibility to respond to the way this crisis is shaking our communities. To protect our Health Care Workers and support the businesses who are adapting to this once in a generation event. Our communities are stepping up and so should we. In passing this bill to better arm our doctors and nurses against this deadly disease is an important way to do that. I thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for passing this piece of legislation with overwhelming bipartisan support. And i look forward to working together to help keep our fellow americans safe. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The messenger mr. Speaker, a message from the president a senate. From the the secretary mr. Speaker, i have been directed by the senate that the house house to inform the house that act to passed an abuse, prevention act, in which house is rence of the requested. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Thompson, for five minutes. Mr. Thompson we celebrate National Food bank day. We have an opportunity to the valuable role that food banks play in our communities. Tireless thanks to the volunteers to help feed hungerchallenged families nationwide. Matter the time of year, food banks and food pantries support with ighbors in need access to food and throughout the pandemic we have seen just be. Critical this access can in 2018, more than 37 million food ans were considered insecure, including 11 million children. The department of agriculture insecurity as, quote, a lack of consistent access to enough food for an healthy life active, healthy life, end quote. Families need access to quality, nutritious food. As former chairman of the agriculture subcommittee on nutrition, this is an issue i very passionately about. Ive been pleased to see the farmers to sdas families food box and heard a positive feedback from volunteers and Food Bank Staff in my district. Food h the coronavirus assistance program, or cfap, the usda delivered more than 90 boxes of fresh, delicious, nutritious food to need. Es in fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy have been distributed by banks, Community Centers and churches nationwide. Id be remiss if i didnt mention how helpful this has for our farmers and ranchers as well. Early in the pandemic we heard stories of Dairy Farmers dumping their milk and crops going to waste. Allows farmers to sell their products and crops to has ed in the boxes which reduced waste. John from the Christian Food my of elk county in district called the boxes a god send. Oting that recipients were deeply appreciative and amazed by the quality and variety of the food. Director for the Center County ymca said the extremely been helpful for families because the boxes provide goods that ndividuals and families with limited income may have to forgo at the grocery store. To give a special shoutout to mel curtis and those ymca. Center county ive been particularly impressed ith their highenergy, cando spirit, and mel and his team innovating always and thinking of new ways to reach out to the community. Centerleased to join the county ymca this summer to food and nations of pack grab and go lunches for local students. Table is a mobile feeding bus. Typically the bus makes six to ight stops a day delivering food, but operations have been kicked into high gear during the ymca ic thanks to the team. Mr. Speaker, that traveling mobile feeding bus was made possible largely usda. H a grant from rural Economic Development. And so just a tremendous impact it has had at a critical time that those all of our across this nation are facing. This kind of attitude and ommitment to service is a beacon of hope during these times, mr. Speaker. Hank you to the Center County ymca, the Christian Food bank of elk county, and all of our other staff, and volunteers who are helping families and their communities. Shoutout, special also, to patty long for her volunteer efforts in my own Home Community of howard. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess just last week, sleepy joe accepted for months. Information. He knew how dangerous it was. Whe

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