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[indistinct conversations] quest legacies far enough down the line. I guess he is far enough down the line. The committee will reconvene. I will recognize myself for five minutes. I have asked staff to provide you with a cover with this. Hart when numbers are that far apart, mine and yours, i think the public and the record are deserving to know what we are talking about here. These chart are people who are traditional unemployment people. I think that is your number. ,hen you add the red to that with the contractors, you get up to about 27 million. We need to make sure we are talking about the same thing. People. King about all we would be more than happy staff and reconcile this afterwards. On ank if you add them up cumulative basis, as opposed to how many people are on employment assistance as of august 4, because there are more people here than there are unemployed but i would be happy to follow up and reconcile. Thank you. A couple of things that were said in the first round, i want to really clarify. Was he talking about, it is the democrats, reopening state governments. The fact is, many of us have cried out for a long time for a National Program, which we do not have. This is an international pandemic. To have a National Program in response to it, which we do not have. The states, all it is not reopen. It is not just democratic governors. Not reopening schools and businesses. Is every governor taking into account the Health Situation in their particular state. About, if thess democratic governors would reopen their states, i am looking forward to all 50 states reopening. We are not there yet. Though,like to ask these record high unemployment our economy is coming back extremely strong with a fantastic Third Quarter, i would ask that i have seen the headlines today. What a great day. Stock market is doing great and the investor class is doing fantastic. Ive represented an equal number. F people they are not feeling it. 1 wall st and thousands of main streets. They are not doing well. I have a real problem with us judging the economy based on someone new to percent doing millions, literally, being evicted. For three months now, not able to pay rent. People seeking merciful mortgages, no jobs and no food on the table. Into our factor them thinking when you talk about a great third order, and we are now in the final months of this great Third Quarter . How do you reconcile that . I agree with you that we are far from where we were in january. When we had a record economy. Still 10 Million People impacted by a loss of jobs as a result of this. Great is a relative term, relative to people thinking we would have 40 million unemployed, we are doing great. Relative to where we were in january, we have more work to do, particularly in certain areas of the economy that were hit very hard. That is why we support Congress Moving forward with more targeted measures especially for the people still impacted, through no fault of their own. It is not like the recession. It is a help Health Related issue. , if democrats in the house and we are for whatever reason, to the day today people, simply because we represent congressional districts, not states, a Smaller Group of people we work with, and we are concerns,dressing the these small, local governments, about to lay off people, which would then close down some local banks that i know, i spent 14 years before coming here. I know a bit about banks and what they rely upon. Takes saying we think it 3. 2 trillion to address the issue so local governors can be and you are proposing a 1 trillion program with no regard for state and local governments at all. We are saying lets find Common Ground and we are willing to come down for 23 . 2 trillion if you are willing to come up and included what youre doing state and local governments. Is that unreasonable . Sec. Mnuchin if the speaker wants to include you in the at the negotiating table, i would welcome you. Before, unprecedented bipartisan support. We spent 15 of gdp. Last time, we agreed to support state and local. The president and i have agreed for more money on state and local. Like any other negotiation, in my opinion, we should agree on areas we can agree and move forward for the benefit of the American People. That is what we are all here for. Whether it is 1 trillion or one point 5 trillion, its lets not get caught on a number. Lets move forward on a bipartisan basis now. Right outcome the is zero. Nobody does. Youo i can understand, agree that we need to have state included . Governments table some more money for bipartisan deal. It was in an effort to reach an agreement. As i said before, we could do multiple deals again. We do not know where the economy is going. Quickly to the American Workers. I think my time is expired. The chair recognizes mr. Jordan for five minutes. Dont they have some money allocated . S they also have access to Federal Reserve result a Federal Reserve facility. Wouldnt a smarter approach be legislation that my colleagues from our state put forward to give additional flexibility to state and local governments with that money . My understanding was it was targeted for a covid why dont they give flexibility . Additional dollars, money that could be used to keep a policeman on the force, keep that first responder. Why not just have that flexibility, does that make sense . We already have guidelines so money can be spent for firemen, policemen, health workers, first responders. But we do agree with you. Would support additional flexibility within legislation. It is so commonsense. The money is out the door and in some cases, a lot of money has not been spent. Give local governments the money to do this. An additional 3 trillion that the democrats want to spend. I have to run. Time thank you. Ms. Waters, do you need to unmute . Yes, the house passed a . 4 trillion 3. 4 trillion dollars for the heroes act. And at this point, you mentioned perhaps 2. 2, and i would like to ask the secretary whether or not you have agreed or support something in the neighborhood of 2. 2 as a compromise from your position. I do not but what is more important is what is the breakdown in getting money to American Workers and american kids, there are tremendous areas of agreement. What are those areas of agreement . On ppp, i want to thank you and others. I think the committees here in the senate have made improvements to the ppp going forward. I think there is an agreement on money for schools. There is an agreement on enhanced unemployment going forward. Maybe a slight disagreement on the amount. I think there has been an agreement on direct payments. Even an agreement on postal, which seems to have more excitement and more interest than ever in the history of time. There are plenty of areas of agreement where we may differ on unt, but again oni may, disagreement is city and state, is that right . Saying they have plenty of money. Why some want to be careful because i think it is hard to negotiate agreement in a public way. Say, we reviewed this with the president in order to get a deal done and other things that are very important for the american public, and even agreed to put more money on the table for cities and states. Schumerately, senator and Speaker Pelosi do not want to sit at the negotiating table unless we agree on a top line. My own opinion is we should go piece by piece in any area of legislation, we should have the house and the senate passed. A lot of discussion for worried,ple who are not agree that you are in essence defunding the police. Let me be clear. We are not Defunding Police or fire. We gave complete flexibility and they can use their money right now to pay policeman, fireman, first responders, instead of laying them off. That. State has with additional funding, we would be willing to provide more money. Say, they are using some of that money but for rental assistance. Evictionhem have moratoriums and those are over. We have not done anything for them in the federal government. The president of the United States in one of his executive orders did not give any support to hud and two other agencies to say to review this and take a look at this. Cities are stacking up to the plate to the degree they can. Cities are doing what they can to keep from putting people out on the sidewalk. When you talk about cities having money, you are talking about them looking at what to do or to take care of the heroes to dorst responders, what and how to be of assistance to those who need rental assistance. Do you think the cities and states have Unlimited Money to take care of everything that we are not taking care of . Did you know they are using soey to extend moratoriums people are not put out on the street . Did you know that . After the market closes, we will be releasing specific information from the administration on the moratorium. Withnk you will be pleased the impact. We did have bipartisan agreement about putting more money for rental assistance, again, we may differ on the amount, but i can essay we have i can say we have agreed with democrats on the idea of providing money for rental assistance. This is a targeted group you want to help. The forgiveness part seems more punitive than we need to have it. What are your thoughts . Mnuchin i want to thank the financial institutions, particularly the smaller institutions, a lot of institutions that were a billion dollars of assets or below 10 billion, we had over 300 cdfis that participated. We want to strike the right balance. People who have 20,000 loans, it should be easy to get forgiveness. Moving on to a different subject with regards to the package of the second round of the cares act 2. 0, everybody is talking about trying to negotiate it at the present time. I am surelyngs encouraging and hope you get in there, are dollars for Nursing Homes and hospitals, especially for testing. The continued testing that these institutions have to do is expensive, especially if you going throughovid the institution. The second group would be the schools. Most schools are financed to state funding. Groups of entities need some help, and i am hoping that will be included, and if you have thoughts, i would appreciate your thoughts. Moretary mnuchin we want testing for vaccines, i am working closely with mark meadows on the testing issue. We are pleased with the announcement last week. We are procuring 150 million tests that are point of care test that can be done right away. Five dollars a piece, costeffective. There will be enough that we can deliver them to every school so they can test students three times if needed. We will also send them to Nursing Homes, hospitals. We need more money for testing. We had more things lined up. , which isare testing now available, is critical and allows people to get results quickly, costeffectively, and on the 150 million tests, these will be paid for by the federal government and distribute it to the states to invest. My final question deals with the incentives we had, the 600 payment we had in regards to those unemployed. I am of the opinion that i would hope the next package, we basically not give incentives to stay home and not work, but we incentivize people to work through incentivizing businesses to hire or individuals to go back to work. Have you had thoughts along those lines . Mnuchin we had a series of proposals including tax credits to incentivize companies to hire people. These would be targeted to the hardest hit businesses that need help. I think it has to be a combination of having enhanced unemployment at the appropriate dollar level, and there are areas of the economy were the 600 is preventing people from being hired. I spoke to one company trying to hire 5000 people that is having a difficult time. They are having to pay their own workers 1000 per person to refer people. Employment andd incentives to rehire people, a combination of both. I appreciate that. A couple of my employers locally in my district could not hire anybody for any amount of money, it seemed like. When the 600 check went away, they have more applications for the jobs than what they can fill. It was an incentive to many people to find work, and to find that right balance of individuals who through no fault of their own are unemployed because they are in an industry hardhit. But to incentivize people at a level you are talking about to find that balance is critical to not incentivize them to stay home. That does not help the economy or help them as well. With that, i yield back. Recognizes mr. Velasquez for five minutes. Chairman. Ou mr. I would like to react to the comment made by secretary mnuchin. You said the economy was doing so well before covid. However, the Federal Reserve stated before covid even hit, 40 of americans do not have 400 in the bank for emergency expenses. To me, that is an economy that is working for the top, working well for those of the top. You that we need to those are the ones hardest hit by this pandemic. And the countries that have not been able to get back on track. I would like to discuss with you ,he Federal Reserve facility that facility was set up by you and others. Right . Secretary mnuchin yes. August report said the main Street Lending facility and one for loans, 50 million. Why is that . If the need is there, why only 14 loans, when in the cares act, we invested 75 billion. Act, in the cares we invested 75 billion. Why only 14 loans nationwide . Secretary mnuchin i want to commend the Federal Reserve because it is really really difficult to get a program like this up and running. We would have liked to have done it quicker. It was an extraordinary work it is now well. Our estimate is we will do 25 billion dollars to 50 billion of main street. A lot of business have been able to access Bank Financing and they wont need main street read and many businesses wont be able to access main street because they have significant problems. They dont need more debt. That is why the increase in the ppp is so important. Velasquez with the financial crisis killing every corner of our country and 28 million businesses, only 5 million got pp money and another three or 4 million got other money. So to have a facility such as that, and out of the 14 loans, oight were made in florida, tw were made in pennsylvania. Grasp, how can we explain, given the need, that only 14 loans have been made . What changes are going to be made to Federal Reserve lending programs to assist small firms that truly need it . Havetary mnuchin i dont the exact number. I will get it to your office. We are up to 1 billion in volume on the way to what we think is 25 billion to for billion dollars. It is up and running. There are a lot of loans in the system. We will get you the exact number this afternoon. It is way more than 14. Velasquez eight of the loans were made in florida and to to loans including the 50 million, were made in pennsylvania. I would like to see those numbers. What changes are you going to make to the program so that we can really assist the Small Businesses that need it the most . right now ithin is up and running. The banks are originating it. It took a long time. The fat will be rolling out a facility to extend it to nonprofits. Out a fed will be rolling facility to extend it to nonprofits. I think you will see a lot more volume in the next two months. Representative velasquez president trumps executive order related to housing does little to protect homeowners facing evictions and homeowners and renters facing evictions and foreclosures. It does not provide fair funding to help households struggling for their struggling to afford their housing costs. It merely directs you as well as secretary carson to identify bonds that could be used to provide temporary assistance to renters and homeowners. You andds have secretary carson identified . Thedo they come close to 162 billion that renters and homeowners are currently estimated to need . Secretary mnuchin our first choice is Bipartisan Legislation that allocates specific rental assistance to people hardest hit. Rolled out, see after the market closes this afternoon, specific guidelines that i think you will appreciate are significant in allowing moratoriums for people who certify they cant make their rental payment due to coronavirusrelated issues. Velasquez do you mean the executive order issued by the president was a pr stunt . Secretary mnuchin no. Quite the contrary. The executive order will rollout this afternoon. You will see very significant actions. We have a couple of billion dollars but dont have enough money. Very significant guidelines that will impact not just homeowners and renters that were in coronavirus. 40 millione up to renters in the United States. All that money it is not using money. It is using executive authority to create a moratorium. To have enough money, we need legislation. Because we do not have that, the president is using executive authority that would allow a moratorium so that people impacted by this do not get out of the rental homes. He would not take money out orsection eight vouchers properties to pay for this. Including restaurants, hairdressers, all concerned septembers rent. Many businesses have already taken out ppp. But are still in need of resources. 84 businesses in the northern s are seeingstrict district are seeing part of their pen seen the pediment shut down their businesses. Consider doing the same for commercial properties . We did but i do not believe we had the executive authority to do that. It is all the more reason i think the 130 billion we have left in ppp, lets get 250 billion dollars to help all of the businesses you specifically identified and many more that cannot make their rent or pay their payroll, no fault of their own. It is all covid related. Are you committed to work with me to make the changes guardrails sout this businesses are manageable, to access the program are not able to do so . Committee toe the move forward with standalone legislation. Lets get this passed and moved to the next issue. Five minutes has expired. Chair recognizes mr. Foster for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Secretary,you, mr. For announcing yet anothers another executive order. They tend to be announced with a lot of sound and fury and when you actually look at the details and the implementation, there is a lot less than what appears to be announced. The lost wage assistance executive order, which has proven to be a weak and unworkable substitute for unemployment insurance, instead of agreeing to it simply extend the 600 benefit and executive action taken last month, it slashes the enhanced benefits by 200 to 300. It does this by raising a very limited relief fund to cover the. Ost it forces cashstrapped states to pick up the rest of the bill, those who can. On august 10, you said most states would be able to execute the Program Within the next week or two. As of friday, only six states have started to pick pay out these benefits. Can you tell us how Many Americans have received these benefits, how many are still waiting, and how many may never get them at all . I would be happy to get back to you with the exact statistics. I am not aware of how many are paying but i would be happy to followup up with you. Our first choice is to have legislation. This was an area to move forward where there was not a bipartisan agreement to move forward with something. For the people getting those 400 checks right now, that is very meaningful and it is half the country. I know the situation in illinois, even if it was able to be implemented, there were huge issues at stake. Too many to take off, among them include the fact out of the president s program, you dont access any benefits at all if you dont meet this arbitrary benefit of 100. This includes many income earners from illinois who work, some are unemployed workers and some are independent contractors. Also, it requires states to set up a parallel system to industry this eight, a huge administrative burden, when they are very busy with other things right now. Finally, it provides zero stability to workers because there is only a limited amount of money that is available to be drawn. The Program Plans to expire at the end of december, but that money is likely to be gone within a few weeks. Is it really true there is only about 44 billion in fema disaster Funds Available to cover these benefits . When you do when that runs out . Secretary mnuchin there is more fema money, but we wanted to make sure we had money for hurricanes. Overve allocated a little 40 billion. All the more reason we need legislation to replenish those funds. We are happy to follow up. I am not aware of the issues in your state. You are happy to followup up on the specifics. I will be happy to get to you on that. The second executive action is this payroll tax deferral. This is another one of his not very well thought out executive orders. A payrollderstand, is tax holiday. Is it the position of the administration that this will have to be paid back by workers next april, or not . Secretary mnuchin it is quite clear, again, the president is going to congress to get the authority, but we need congressional authority. This is a deferral. Representative as it stands right now, unless the Senate Finally passes anything, workers are going to have to pay this back . Mnuchin this is like other tax deferrals which were very helpful to people. This is money in peoples pockets that they need now that is very important and very meaningful. The president has proposed various mechanisms including this back, defunding Social Security to pay for it. Is that what you are proposing . Secretary mnuchin that is inaccurate. This is a deferral. So it will be paid back and if we passed legislation, this would come out of the general fund and make Social Security whole. There is no intention to have this cost one penny out of the Social Security trust fund, which i am managing trustee of. Representative that is interesting to compare that to statements your boss has made eerie die will yield back. Representative the chair recognizes mr. Raskin. Raskin mr. Ve secretary, im pleased to hear you are open to state and local funding in the next round of legislation this strikes a very different tone from one of our colleagues, who thinks support for state and local governments is leftwing baloney. State and local governments provide the vast majority of services to our people, fire, police, Public Health, libraries, first responders, rescue and so on and they have borne the brunt of the covid19 crisis, which has caused 180 thousand american lives and afflicted more than 6 million other people. States and localities now face nearly 1 trillion in short files. 1 trillion. Maryland is protect projecting a 2. 6 billion shortfall by the end of 2020 one and 4 billion by the end of thousand 22. Across the country, red states, blue states, northern states, southern states, state governments are forced to cannibalize rainy day funds, cut social services and lay off workers. Went 5ng to labor, one million state and local government workers have lost sinces is february february. If we dont act, another 2. 8 million could lose their jobs within the next year. Here is what our key economic thinkers are saying that chair Jerome Powell warms state and local government layoffs and budget cuts will holdback economic recovery. Former fed chairs bernanke and yellen testified state and local budget cuts and layoffs stifle economic recovery from the Great Recession and that those job losses at the state and local level, which are half of what we have seen already during covid19. Do you agree with these three fed chairs that state and local budget cuts and layoffs will exert a serious drag on National Economic recovery . Do we need to act in a way commensurate this threat . Dont knownuchin i if it is a serious drag, but the president and i think we should not be having layoffs of leachman, firemen, first responders. There are budget holes. 1 trillion is way too high. That was a twoyour number. If you look at the wall street journal today, they talk about state revenues coming in significantly higher than expected. Lets deal with and fund the issue we have now and next year we can worry if more money is needed. That is ative raskin fair point, but i keep hearing this talking point that states have a lot of money left over from the cares act. Your Department Published a report saying states only spent dollarshe 100 billion 150 billion we have left in the Coronavirus Relief fund that was set up for state and locals. But that was a disorienting claim, because 75 of cares act funding had already been allocated and obligated expenditure, so only 25 had bins and, but more than three , buters had been spent more than three quarters had been obligated, and it failed to account for state spending in july and august and also ignored the fact obligated funds werent being spent yet because of the departments own guidance and read a. Do you still assert now that most guidance and red tape. Do you still assert now that most cares act funding is Still Available . Withtary mnuchin we work our Inspector General because we didnt have authority and dusting actor general to work with us so that states would give updated reports. There are many states that are hoarding the money. They want to use it lost revenues and not use it now. Im not saying that is every case. Some states also did a very good job of passing out to local cities and counties. Other states have kept the money. There is still money available. Im not sure what it is. Theas part of a compromise president authorized to put more money on a table and asked on the table in a larger deal on the table in a larger deal. Representative have you met with any state and local government organizations or the association of cities and counties to address the budget toward paul . They did budget shortfall . They describe it in a different way than you are describing it. Secretary mnuchin i have spoken to many mayors who are democrats and republicans. I reached up to states. I have specific numbers that they need for schools and other issues so yes, i have also participated on many video calls with all the governors. Raskin i will leave it in the words of republican senator bill cassidy said, as congress drafts the next round of covid19 spending at lawmakers address whether to give states money, we should, without funding states and local governments will have to lay off workers and be unable to provide basic services to keep his this is running. Senator cassidy warned half measures would not restart our economy. I hope you Pay Attention to this bipartisan consensus that we need substantial and meaningful investment in the states and localities. Chair the chair recognizes mr. Kim. Mr. Secretary, thank you for joining us. I want to go back to some you set a couple of times earlier. You said, on things we can agree on, lets move forward. Thats a great sentiment. I want to focus on a couple of issues. Youg back to housing, agreed it is important to support americans on housing. You referenced an announcement later today on moratorium. You agree a moratorium is not enough, correct . Secretary mnuchin my first choice as it relates to rentals is rental assistance, not a moratorium. A it relates to mortgages, substantial push in the market is fannie mae and freddie mac and they have reacted a Successful Program in or ins, that in forbearance, which isa or. Representative we agree that we forbearance, which i support. Representative we agreed that we need to work for renters. We have perhaps the largest housing crisis in history 30 million to 40 million american may well be at risk of eviction in coming months. What support can we provide here . When i see the Senate Republicans pulling 3. 3 billion and the heroes act was about 100 alien dollars you said 100 alien dollars was too much. Andou look at 3. 3 billion use a conservative element of 30 million americans, the Aspen Institute estimates. 30 million americans and point we billion dollars is about 110 per person. What is the right level . The correctperson amount to help with rental assistance . Secretary mnuchin thank you for being here in person. 30 million to 40 Million People is absurdly high. There is only 40 million rental unit. Rental units. Depending on what we do with enhanced on ointment hazard ahanced unemployment has relationship to what you do with rental assistance. They can use some of that money to pay their rent. These things are interrelated 30 million to 40 million is grossly high in terms of estimates. This is nothing close to what was the mortgage and housing crisis we had during the recession. Representative let me switch gears to health care. Idea togood idea or bad have millions of americans Lose Health Care during the middle of a pandemic . Mnuchin i dont think it is a good idea. That is why isa ppp and other things that workers attached to the business, so they can continue to get health care. As part of the first bill we passed, we allowed Small Businesses to maintain money for health care. Representative despite those changes, those efforts, there is an estimated five port 4 million a minute ive point 4 million 5. 4 million americans stripped of health care since may and many more will allow an that is on top of the millions of americans that didnt have health care at the start of this pandemic. The heroes act was designed to provide federal financing to americans in special enrollment for the aca for coverage. Those are some of the efforts, but when it comes to the Republican Senate bill, none of that is in there. When you agree we dont want millions of americans losing health care during a pandemic, why are those provisions not ones you will agree on . Secretary mnuchin im not really with those visions. We will be happy to follow up. Our First Priority is getting people back at work but we would be happy to look at those areas you described. Representative i will have my office send it over it it is important. I will go back to what you said. Trying to find areas of agreement and forward on them, i want to make sure we are looking at it through the eyes of my district and below all over the country. People in my dearest that have lost health care or on the verge of losing their homes dont have the luxury of coming up with low hanging root at kicking the can down the road. We have to have these tough discussions and move forward on this. Lets start with areas of agreement, but we cant keep taking the can down the road and that is what the American People are seeing over and over and over. Im grateful for you coming in today and having a chance to talk and i hope we can continue to work forward. I have a unanimous consent request. I seek unanimous consent to enter two documents into the record, the first a wall street journal does quote article that says major lawyers are considering significant layoffs and making furloughs permanent including american airlines, cocacola, salesforce, United Airlines and many others. A recent survey according to the article found nearly half of companies that furloughed or laidoff workers are considering additional work scott. Workplace cats. Cuts. The second shows the coronavirus layoffs have led 12 Million People being shut off from the lawyer provided insurance during the middle of a Public Health crisis. Objection, we will. In closing, i want to thank the secretary for coming today. Opportunity to directly address Critical Issues with u. S. Congress works to get the country beyond this pandemic. In his twovolume work democracy in america, alexis the tocqueville observed the america lies in not being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair alts repair her faults. This pandemic has exposed some faults that need to be repaired, including significant inequities in access to economic opportunity. Todays hearing made clear the federal economic Recovery Efforts have failed to repair these faults, and is at risk of getting worse. But before we can repair these faults, we must agree on the problem. Im concerned the secretary and i seem a bit far apart on the number of on people in this country. Numbers, 10ious million, 16 million, but the demonstrates that as of 27ust date august 8, million americans were collecting some form of an ointment insurance. This number includes those on regular state jobless benefits, plusfreelancers, geek freelancers, gig workers and others who are not able to access state jobless benefits. To support this, i have entered into the record the statement from the Economic Policy institute. I think it supports what we are saying here today. We can all agree that there are steps congress and the Administration Must take now, to put our economy back on track for all americans, and ensure that taxpayer dollars are not diverged waste, fraud and abuse. First, Congressional Republicans and the administer nation oninistration must agree enhanced unemployment insurance, food and Housing Assistance to american families, and the port for state and local governments support for steak and local governments. Republicanss continued refusal to compromise his causing harm to american children, American Workers and american families. Second, treasury must implement key relief programs including the Paycheck Protection Program for Small Businesses in the payroll support row graham for the Airline Industry support program for the Airline Industry, as congress intended congress created these programs to protect workers and preserve jobs, not to final taxpayer dollars to corporate executives. Third and finally, Congress Must treasury, im sorry, Must Immediately Institute Strong safeguards to ensure that taxpayer dollars are not squandered. Compared to the secretaryss statements, it was not inevitable or necessary for millions of taxpayer dollars to be diverted to waste, fraud and use in order to quickly aid to those who needed it. Treasury must improve its oversight mechanism to ensure that relief funds in ppp and other programs are provided only to intended recipient, and that improperlyawarded funds are operably are properly returned. To implement new nextlation and work on the package, millions of americans are suffering and counting on us to help, regardless of our party or ideology. I hope you will act in accordance with de tocquevilles view of american greatness by working in a bipartisan way to repair these faults. Thank you for your testimony today. Without objection, all members will have five Business Days in which to submit written request for the secretary to the chair, which will be or would you him for his response. I ask him to please respond as prompt leave promptly as he is able. This hearing is adjourned. Block]striking [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [indistinct conversations] cspans washington journal, every day we are taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day discussing policy issues that impact you. This morning, New York Times economic reporter discusses his book about the growth of the middle class in the u. S. Josh rudolph, the fellow with the alliance for securing democracy talks about foreign interference in campaign 2020. Live washington journal, at 7 00 a. M. Eastern this morning. Join the discussion. Today democratic scanlon andves mary steve cohen join a National Constitution center for a discussion on freedom of the press. Watch live at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, online at cspan. Org, or listen with the cspan free radio app. Ladies and gentlemen of the convention. Convention

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