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Announcer ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The event will begin momentarily. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the chairwoman of the Republican National committee. Hello this convention will come to order [cheers and applause] 2020ates, welcome to the Republican National convention. Offering todays invitation, invocation, please welcome from vermont, j sheppard. Thank you, ronna. My name is jay and i am a republican. I am also a catholic donald trump republican. By the grace of god, i am an american. So let us pray. Thank you, o lord, for all the gifts you provide us, not because we deserve them, but solely through your grace and mercy, let us acknowledge the many gifts that god has bestowed upon us, starting with a president and Vice President that reflect the values of our founding fathers. And are willing to fight for those values, starting with life, knowing that all life is precious, from conception to natural death. There is no choice to fight for the unborn. For those of us who are true to our catholic faith, we pray for an end for the intrinsic evil that is abortion. Give us the strength to fight for our religious freedom as our president does, and instill in us a spirit and commitment to stand with the poor in a continued fight for religious freedom. We pray in thanksgiving for the members of our armed forces and their families who sacrifice greatly to ensure our sacred freedom. That we all too often take for granted so that we can live in the land of the free. Foreverlord, we will be rate for that you have blessed this nation with great men and have grateful that you blessed this nation with great men and women. We will not forget that we cannot be a great nation and serve you without the rule of law. We are all sinners and none of us are perfect. We recognize that faith is a journey. It is not where we start that journey, but where we are now and where we strive to be. Help us all to follow President Trump, whose actions show he is on the journey to you, lord. That is not be deceived by those who were once close to you but have turned away in favor of embracing political ideology yet claiming catholic beliefs and words while their actions turn them and their followers away from you. We pray that you would change their hearts and bring them back to you. You have chosen us, o lord, yes, all of us gathered here today, to make a difference in the world. Most of all, help us recognize through thehere mercy and grace of you, our creator, and that as americans we are blessed and should be thankful every day for the gifts you have provided us. Please, lord, continue to guide our party to the light. From thehat those other party will turn away from the darkness and join us in our march 2 you, our lord and savior. In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, amen. Amen. Now, performing the national anthem, please give a bin. Welcome from mary mill be n [applause] notice that we are [music plays] say can y oou see early lights we hailedoudly gleamingilights last whose broad stripes and bright stars thro flightrilous fight watched ramparts we were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air the night thato our flag was still there say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free of the brave . America, it is a great a great country. Yes it is. Seed still we can as the years have gone by land is a dream in our like a flame that keeps your and a land of hope theres still time stream hope in freedom in freedoms dream through the light of our childrens journey up our eyes we shall see and this is our starspangled banner yet wave freethe land of the and the home brave America America America America america come bless america God Bless America ronna thank you, mary. The chair calls on the delicate from alaska, peter goldberg, to lead us in the pledge of allegiance. On the delegate from alaska, peter goldberg, to lead us in the pledge of allegiance. Last, ine week before the Democrat National convention, we know that at least two caucuses removed two words, under god, from the pledge of allegiance. We know, too, that in a previous democrat convention, a recent was almostrd god totally removed from the platform. That could not and would not happen here. [applause] we know as republicans that trusta must put its full and faith in that god. In order to do so, so that every american, every american citizen , can have the blessings of security, the opportunities for prosperity, and the ability to enjoy all of those freedoms that are enshrined in that divinely inspired document, the constitution of the United States of america. So, as you join me in the pledge and render the appropriate salute, i ask you to remember comma befores no i pledge under god allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and the to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. Ronna ladies and gentlemen, welcome to charlotte, North Carolina, for the 2020 republican convention. [cheers and applause] i went to give an enormous thanks to our host, especially charlotte mayor via liles. We are obviously disappointed we could not hold this event in the same way we originally planned, but you and the city and Mecklenburg County have been great partners and we are still so pleased we were able to renominate the president and Vice President in the queen city. Thank you, mayor. I would also like to thank marcia lee kelly, the president and ceo of the 2020 National Convention, and her entire team. They have worked so hard to make this event happen. Next i would like to thank tony and a show, the chair of the rnc committee on arrangement. And the members who served on. He committee on arrangement tony has leadership that was indispensable on the committee. I would like to thank all of our delegates, guests who are not with us today. Let us give a huge thanks to them for their service to our party. And thank you to all of you. We appreciate you and we are to be with you. I also want to thank my cochair tommy. You know what a great person he is. Committee to reelect the president is so happy to have him as so lucky to have him. I would like to thank my family, patrick, abigail, ed nash. The order of business, and nash. The order of business, any motion offered or any demand for a roll call has met the requirements for 37 E National Convention procedures, the chair would like to put the delegates on notice tha there must be satisfactory written support from the necessary number of taste required by rule 37 E National Convention procedures. This written confirmation is consistent with the modern practice and precedent during previous conventions with similar announcements. The 37E National Convention procedures adhere as faithfully as possible to the spirit and letter of the rnc rules that govern proceedings for a traditional convention whose principal purpose is to nominate the partys candidate for president and Vice President of the United States. And provide for the continued governance of the Republican Partys business affairs. Given these considerations, we will continue to follow precedent requiring the said the net a sensory the necessary satisfaction written support motion offered or any demand for a roll call. Also the chair would like to remind all delegates that the rule 37E National Convention procedures require that notification of evidence of written support necessary to resent a name for a candidate for the office of president and Vice President of the United States must submit it to the secretary of the convention no later than one hour prior to placing the names of these candidates for nomination. For the avoidance of doubt, while the rule 37E National Convention procedures utilized the existing rnc rules 2642 for Convention Proceedings whenever feasible, any modification to 37eule to govern rulE National Convention procedures shall apply only to the 20 tony rule 37e 2020 convention and constitutes in no way permanent changes to the rnc rule. Further, to depart from the roles, they do so by option of rule 37e and the limitations imposed by that rule. Out of necessity, caused by the current emergency situation, and based on recognition that substantive changes to the rnc rules and republican platform should be avoided in a nontraditional Convention Setting where fewer delegates will be deliberating and participating in person. Lastly, i also wish to remind any guests that participation in convention visits is limited to delegates on the floor unless permission is granted. It is important that any guests in the gallery remain silent ensurethe voice votes to that the chair can hear the accurate results. Vickiair now recognizes drummond, secretary of the convention, for the purpose of reading the call to convention. Please give her a warm welcome. [applause] thank you. The call for the convention. To the Republican Voters in the United States of america in accordance with the rules of the Republican Party, adopted by the 2016 Republican National on july 18, 2016, in cleveland, ohio, and as amended by the Republican National , 2018, inon june 20 austin, the Republican National that aee hereby directs National Convention of delegated representatives of the Republican Party be convened in charlotte, North Carolina, no earlier than 8 00 a. M. And no on monday,9 00 p. M. , on august4, 2020 24, 2020, except for an emergency. And to continue thereafter from day to day as long as may be necessary, for the purpose of nominating candidates for president and Vice President , to be voted for at the president ial 3,ction on tuesday, november 2020. And for transactions of other properlyness, as made copy for it. Ronna the chair recognizes the delegate from iowa for the purpose of making a motion. I move for a reading that the call may be dispensed with and that the secretary may be moved to complete the call with the same force and effect as though read in full. Ronna the motion to dispense with the reading of the entire call for the convention and that the call be made part of the convention has been moved by the delegate from iowa. Is there a second . Second. I second the motion. Ronna the motion has been made and seconded. Is there any discussion . Hearing no discussion, the chair will call for a vote. Thatvor risk don by saying favor, respond by saying ay e. Aye. Opposed . As adopted bys the Republican National executive conveyed by content, 2020, on august 27, 2020, the rule 37E National Convention procedures shall constitute that standing rules for the permanent proceedings of this rule 37e convention. Of therummond, sec. Republican National Committee, has presented to that share the temporary role of delegates and alternates to the convention. Be temporary role has been referred to the committee on credential. The chair now recognizes the delegate from illinois for the purpose of offering a resolution. Madam chair, i am richard courter, delegate from illinois. I offer the following resolution. Resolve that the following committee is hereby appointed. A committee on credentials. This Committee Shall be entitled to consist of one man and one woman delegate from each state, American Samoa, the District Of Columbia, guam, the northern Mariana Islands, puerto rico, and the virgin islands. The chairman and cochairman of the committee come appointed by the chairman of the Republican National committee, and the person selected by various delegations whose names are filed with the secretary pursuant to rule 41 and the rule 3070 National Procedures shall 7e, the name of the reading of person shall be dispensed with in the proceeding of the convention. I move the adoption of this resolution. A the delegate death gentleman from illinois has made the resolution. There is there a second . The book of madame chair, i am rosie tripp, a delegate from new mexico, and i second the motion. Ronna the motion has been made and seconded. Any discussion . All those in favor signify by saying aye. Aye. ] the motion is adopted in the committee is appointed. On row web,e calls chairman of the credentials can be. Ofon doyle webb, chairman the Credentials Committee. His doyle here . Doyle here . Here . Thank you, madam chair. I am state chairman for the great state of arkansas. The Convention Committee on credentials. He temporary Convention Committee on credentials met yesterday afternoon to review delegate certification, documentation submitted by the all members of the Convention Committee and iedentials to stand, and asked the full convention to stand at ease while the Convention Committee on credentials briefly convenes. I now call the permanent Convention Committee of credentials meeting to order. As a reminder, participation in committee on credentials business is for members of the committee on credentials only. Anyone who is not a member of the Convention Committee will not be recognized. The permanent Convention Committee on credentials will not consider certification, will now consider certification of the names of the delegates and alternate delegates as the permanent role of the convention. I will now recognize the , andate from mississippi cochair of the committee on the credentials for the purpose of the motion. Chairman, i am jeannie delegate from the great state of mississippi. Ofove the temporary role delegate and alternate delegates as presented to this committee be certified for approval by the full 37 eE National Convention at the permanent role of the 2020 Republican National convention. The delegate from mississippi has made the motion to certify the permanent role. Is there a second . I am jim dickie from the state of ohio, mr. Chairman, and i second the motion. Thank you, mr. Dickey. Emotion has been made and seconded. Is there any discussion . Hearing no discussion, the chair will call for a vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The Credentials Committee has adopted its report. The committee may be seated. Without exception, the committee is adjourned and i will return the gavel to chairwoman mcdaniel. Doyle. Thank you, is there a motion to adopt the report of the Convention Committee on credentials . Madame chair, i move that we adopt the report of the committee on credentials. The motion has been made to adopt the report on the committee on credentials. Is there a second . Delegate i am the delegate from georgia and i second the motion. There any discussion . Hearing no discussion, the chair will call for a vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed, signify by saying no. Is adopted. All delegates of the 2020 National Convention. If there is no objection, staff will be allowed to make technical corrections as needed. The chair hears no objection and to do so ordered. 31f, the chairman of the National Committee south select the officers of the rule 37e convention, which will be voted on and adopted by the rule 37 e convention. Convention rule 37 e officers is included on the order of business, and you have a copy in front of you. Chair now recognizes the delegate from texas for the purpose of making a motion. Madame chairman, i am tony and a shield from texas. I move to adopt a list of the Convention Officers selected by the chairman of the Republican National committee. Is thed on this list selection of a temporary chairman of the convention, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. Of the permanent chairman the convention, republican leader Kevin Mccarthy. The did is there a second . I am the delegate from massachusetts and i set i second the motion. Ronna is there any discussion . Hearing no discussion, the chair will call for a vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, signify by saying no. The ayes have it. National Convention Officers ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor and privilege to introduce the republican leader of the United States house of representatives and permanent chairman of the convention, Kevin Mccarthy. [applause] senator mccarthy sent on mccarthy thank you very much. First of all, lets give applause to Ronna Mcdaniel. Isnt she doing a great job . When i first took over as leader in congress, there were 19 scenes we would need to retire nancy pelosi. Today it is 17. We did something you had not done. We got a democrat to reregister as a republican. Wanthing we also did and i to give a big shout out to california and jessica. We did something we had not done in 22 years. We took a democrat seat in california and made it republican. So it is good to be with so many friends. I think you for your help. It is always great to see christy, one of the greatest governors in the entire country. Ray to have you with us. Nextets move on to our item on the order of business. E, to ruleo rule 41 37numeral e of a procedures, it will knock convened during the 37 e proceedings. The only rules that will be deemed an order is a motion to make a technical correction to rule 12 by removing the year 2018. He the redline version of the technical correction is on the screen. Pursuant to 37E National Convention procedures, the motion to adopt the correction shall not be subject to any amendment at any motion to make any other rule amendment shall not be in order. Of pope from the specific change made we will adjourn today with the rules of the Republican Party in the same form as amended by the republican on july 20, 2018. The official rules of the Republican Party. The rules will be considered adopted as of today. The rules of the Republican Party by the 2020 Republican National convention, august when he 4, 2020. The chair now recognizes the delegate from washington from the purpose for the purpose of making a motion. Jeff kent,rman, i am delegate from Washington State. Under the emergency procedures set forth under rule 37numeral e, we will not be adopting an adoptionersion of the of the rules of the Republican Party until the convention in 2024. However, the republic test Republican National committee will update as needed. I moved to strike the following clause from rule 12 no subject shall be adopted no a member shall be adopted after september of 2018, and replace it with, no such rule will be adopted after september 30 two years prior to the year in which the next National Convention is to be held. The delegate from washington has made a motion to correct rule 12, the root pool the rules of the Republican Party. Is there a second . My name is peter goldberg, i am from the largest state in the union, the great state of alaska, and i second mr. Kents motion. The book of the motion has been made and seconded. Hearing no further discussion, the chair will call for a vote. In favor, signify by saying aye. Aye. It. He ayes have the motion has been adopted. The chair now recognizes the delegate from District Of Columbia for the purpose of offering a resolution. I am jillirman, toman, delegate from the District Of Columbia, and i offered the following resolution. Resolve that those elected as members of the Republican National committee, under the , thedures of each state District Of Columbia, guam, puerto rico, and the northern Mariana Islands, whose names have been submitted to the secretary of the convention, are hereby declared ratified to serve as members of the Republican National committee from the adjournment of this Republican National convention until the successor committee has been ratified by the next Republican National convention. Mr. Chairman, i move the adoption of the resolution. Thehe delegate from District Of Columbia has made a motion to adopt the resolution. Is there a second . My name is john fry, delegate from connecticut, and i second the motion. Is there any discussion . Hearing no discussion, the chair will call for a vote. All in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed signify by saying nay. The motion is adopted. I can gradually each of you on their election. The chair recognizes the delegate you can applaud, thats all right. We can be excited. [applause] the chair recognizes the delegate from michigan for the purpose of offering a solution. I offer the file in my the following resolution resolve that the secretary of the convention is hereby directed to prepare and publish for the convention a full and complete report of official proceedings under the direction of the Republican National committee, and as authorized to make all necessary clerical and grammatical corrections, and to make technical and conforming amendments as necessary in order to for notions and resolutions considered by the convention to reflect his actions. Adoptairman, i moved to this resolution. The gentlewoman from michigan has made a motion to adopt the resolution. Is there a second . I am andrew hit, and i second the motion. The book of the motion has been made and seconded. Is there any discussion . Hearing no further discussion, i will call for the vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Any opposed, day. The eyes have it. The motion is adopted. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for us to determine our nominee for the office of Vice President of the United States. The chair states that in compliance with rule 40 c, the chairman has been furnished with evidence that up her alley of delegates from each of five or more states who barely support run foridate who will the nomination of Vice President of the United States. The chair would like to remind delegates of 40a, which provide that if there is only one candidate for president of the United States, who demonstrated the report of paragraph b of the rule a motion to nominate such office by acclamation. She will be an order at no call for the role with respect to much office shall be required. At this point there is evidence that there is only one candidate for the nomination for the office of Vice President of the United States, who has demonstrated the support required under rule 40b of the rules of the convention. Finally, pursuant to rule 37e, National Convention procedures speeches will be three minutes each. Been customary for mr. Church or recognize nondelegates for making recommending speeches. The chair recommends the chair now recognizes Governor Scott walker for the purpose of nominating. Please give him a warm applause. [applause] mr. Chairman, it is my honor to nominate my friend michael r. Fore, the 2020 candidate Vice President of these United States of america. [applause] pursuant to rule 48, a motion is in order. The chairman now recognizes guy hunter, delegate from indiana. Mr. Chairman, i move the Vice President michael r. Pence from the great state of indiana be nominated by acclamation by this Republican National convention as its candidate for the office of Vice President of the United States of america. [applause] the motion to nominate michael r. Pence has been made by the gentleman from indiana. Is there a second . I am anneirman, hathaway, delegate from indiana, and i second the motion. The motion has been made and seconded. Is there any further discussion . Hearing no discussion, all those in favor, signify by saying aye. Aye. Opposed . G hearing no one opposed, the ayes have it. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, delegates and guests, i am proud to pence, nominee for office of the Vice President of the United States of america. Without objection, i will turn back to this amazing chairwoman, Ronna Mcdaniel. Please join me in welcoming her. [applause] thank you, leader mc mccarthy. How exciting that we have nominated mike pence once again for Vice President of the United States of america [applause] this is aegates, historic moment as we make official the nomination of donald trump and mike pence as our nominee for president and Vice President of the United States. Events respect the unified support that we have from republicans along with independents and discerning democrats all across america. Our party is unified, our supporters are energized, and now we will go forward confident in our cause of reelecting President Trump and Vice President pence in 70 days from now. Now, i know i no that i know that i am not alone when i say that the Democrats Convention last week was hard to watch. Depressing, doom and. Loom night after night it was short on substance, but it was a masterpiece in fiction about President Trumps record and what he has accomplished for the American People. Democrats were telling the truth about one thing, though. We are at a crossroads as a nation. I never thought i never thought i would agree with Hillary Clinton. But she is right about one thing. We have to vote like our lives and our country depend on it november. Joe biden and Kamala Harris are running on the most radical socialist extreme farleft ticket in american history. Would have been unthinkable a decade ago banning fossil fuels, eliminating private health insurance, tax funded health care for people who come here illegally, and defunding the police, are now mainstream in the democrat party. Their argument for joe biden boils down to the fact that they think he is a nice guy. Well, let me tell you, raising taxes on 82 of the American People is not nice. Eliminating 10 million good paying oil and gas jobs and raising gas and heating prices on American Families is not nice. Policies that force jobs to flee our country or allow abortion up until the point of birth are not nice. Is the truth is there is only one person, so it is emphasized with Everyday Americans and fighting for them every single day over the past four years, and that is president donald j. Trump. Over the next four days, President Trump and republicans are going to talk about all we have achieved the past four years and cast an aspirational forwardlooking vision about what we can achieve in the next four. Our convention is going to feature hardworking, Everyday Americans, not hollywood celebrities, who are going to help tell the Great American story and how President Trumps policies have made our lives better. Policies like cutting taxes and rolling back jobs. Creating over 9000 opportunities in all 50 states, and fighting for School Choice. Andilding the military securing our southern border, including nearly 300 miles of border wall yes, he is building that wall. Clear, fairer trade deals like the usmca, appointing constitutional conservatives to the federal bench, over 200 of them, including neil gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Ofering in a new era American Energy independence, and taking out tariffs like albaghdadi and general soleimani full taking out terrorists like albaghdadi and general soleimani. Brokering a landmark Peace Agreement between israel and the united arab emirates. Fellow republicans, as we reflect on the crossroads we are at this november, we can look to the words of our First Republican president , Abraham Lincoln, for guidance. Lincoln cautioned that his countrymen, that if america was to suffer the familiar fate of so many nations and empires throughout history, the cause of our downfall would not come from abroad but from within. , if destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be an author. Wild passion in place of silver judgment, and the danger posed by savage mobs. Abraham lincoln could just as easily be writing these words today. We see the chaos playing out in places like portland, seattle, chicago, new york, and other democrat run cities. We see suppression of free speech. The rule oftead of law. Elected officials putting politics ahead of Public Safety. These images are a preview of what would happen nationwide if joe biden and Kamala Harris win this election. It does not have to be that way. Donald trump will always stand for the rule of law. Donald trump will defend our fundamental freedoms, preserve our american way of life. And work day and night to build our economy back to the historic levels of growth. [applause] he has been doing all that and more for the past four years, and he will do it as president in the next four when the American People reelect him to a second term. Thank you all, god bless you, god bless the United States of america. Must win november 3, lets reelect President Trump. Lets keep the senate and lets take back the house [applause] so some of you may have figured out, we may be having some special guests come today. Just a few, i dont know. , the chair would ask that without objection the convention will stand in recess until the call of the chair. Is in recessn until the call of the chair. Thank you so much. [applause] announcer ladies and gentlemen, we have recess but will return shortly. Please remain nearby until we do. Announcer the Republican National Convention Taking Place today through thursday in charlotte, North Carolina, President Donald Trump has said he will speak all four nights. Just taking a break here at the rnc. [indistinct conversations] announcer the Republican National convention in a break. This is taking place in charlotte, today through thursday. E expected speeches ar up next, then the roll call. Announcer the Republican National convention taking a break after they started earlier this morning. The nominating speeches are expected next, then the roll call. Join us this evening for coverage on day one of the convention when we will hear from the South Carolina senator and the former ambassador, nikki haley. [indistinct conversations] announcer the Republican National convention on its first day. The next order of business, the nominating speeches, then the roll call. We will have live coverage starting tonight at 8 30, when we will hear from jim jordan of ohio and matt gaetz of florida. Againect things to begin here shortly. Announcer the first day of the Republican National convention. Next, the nominating speeches, then the roll call. Then more live coverage tonight when we will hear from the South Carolina senator, tim scott, and at the former u. S. Ambassador, nikki haley. Some of this Mornings Program while we wait. Delegates, this is a historic moment as we make a fish of the nomination for donald trump and mike pence. Todays events reflect the unified reported that donald trump and mike pence has, along with rep. Timmons along with republicans, democrats and independents across the country. We are energized and it now we will go forward confident in our cause of reelecting President Trump and Vice President pence in 70 days from now. [applause] now, i know that i am not alone when i say that the ion lasts convent week was hard to watch. Andas depressing, doom gloom night after night. It was short on substance, but it was a masterpiece in fiction about Donald Trumps record and what he has accomplished for the American People. Democrats were telling the truth about one thing, though, we are at a crossroads as a nation. I never thought, i never thought i would agree with Hillary Clinton, but she is right about one thing we have to vote like our lives and our country depend on it this november. And Kamala Harris are running on the most radical, socialist, extreme farleft ticket in american history. Policies that would have been unthinkable a decade ago, and eliminating private health insurance, Taxpayer Funded Health Care for people who come here illegally, and defending the police d the police are now mainstream in the Democratic Party. The argument for joe biden balls down to the fact they think he is boils down to the fact they think he is a nice guy. They think taxes on 82 of the American People is not nice. 10 million good paying oil and gas jobs and raising gas and heating prices on American Families is not nice. Toicies that forced jobs flee our country or allow abortion up until the point of birth are not nice. [applause] is, the truthth is there is only one person who with Everyday Americans and has actually been fighting for them every single day over the past four years, and that is president donald j. Trump. [applause] ronna over the next four days, President Trump and republicans will talk about all we have achieved the past four years, and casting forwardlooking vision about what we can achieve in the next four years. Our convention will feature hardworking, Everyday Americans, not hollywood celebrities, who are going to help tell the Great American story and how President Trumps policies have made their lives better. Andcies like cutting taxes rolling, back job killing regulations creating opportunity zones in all 50 states and fighting for School Choice. Rehabilitating the military and is securing our southern border, including nearly 300 miles of border wall yes, he did building that wall. Ergotiating for your and fair trade deals, appointing over two t hundred judges to the bench. Including neil gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Ushering in a new era of american independent energy and taking out terrorists like general solemani. [applause] ronna and brokering a landmark Peace Agreement between israel and the united arab emirates. [applause] fellow republicans, as we reflect on the crossroads we are at this november, we can look to the words of our First Republican president , Abraham Lincoln, for guidance. F americaned that i was to suffer the familiar state of so many empires, the cause of our downfall would not come from abroad, but from within. Lincoln wrote, if destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author. He warned of substituting wild passions in place of judgment, and the danger posed by savage mobs. Abraham lincoln could just as easily be writing these words today. Out inthe chaos playing portland, seattle, chicago, new york, and other democrat run cities. We see suppression of free rule, mom rule mob elected officials putting politics ahead of safety. These images are a peer who of what would happen nationwide. We when i proceeded to our next item of business, the renomination of donald j. Trump for president of the United States. [applause] four more years. Four more years. [chanting] four more years. Four more years. Ronna it is music to my ears. Before we begin, i would like to remind the delegates of the rules that require each candidate for nomination for president of the United States demonstrates sufficient support prior to the presentation of the name of that candidate for nomination. The chair wishes to inform the delegates it has been furnished evidence of sufficient support of the candidate who will be presented for president of the United States in compliance with the rules of the convention. As a reminder, nominating and seconding will be limited to three minutes each. The reading of the roll call for representing the names of candidates is dispensed with and nondelegates should be permitted to make nominating and dissecting speeches. A recognize the delegate and state chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, michael whatley, for the purpose of nominating. Please give him a warm welcome. [applause] thank you, madam chair. It is my honor of the chairman of the Republican Party in North Carolina to welcome President Trump, Vice President pence, and all of our delegates to the old north state. Four years ago in cleveland, donald j. Trump accepted the republican nomination for president and promised to build a stronger america, here and abroad. Since winning the 2016 election in historic fashion, President Trump has worked relentlessly every single day to keep his promises to the American People. He has built the strongest economy in u. S. History by enacting recordsetting tax cuts , dramatically cutting red tape and bringing manufacturing back to america. Promise made, promise kept. The americant armed forces, supported our military families and has honored our veterans. Promise made, promise kept. He has reshaped the judiciary by nominating over 200 conservative federal judges, including neil gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Promise made, promise cap. Kept. He is put America First by standing up to china and negotiating the usmca and the phase one china trade deal, with american farmers, manufacturers and Small Businesses f fairly. I would submit that no president has done more for the American People in his first four years than president donald j. Trump. [applause] as we look at the challenges at that america will face over the next four years, it is Crystal Clear that we need a leader who has the strength to fight for every american, every day. When it comes to this election, there is only one choice for america, only President Trump will eradicate the coronavirus and rebuild our economy, only President Trump will end our reliance on china and bring jobs back to america. Only President Trump will provide School Choice to every american child. President trump will ensure that Law Enforcement is funded and protect the Second Amendment. Only President Trump will finish building the wall, protect our borders and this Human Trafficking networks. And only President Trump has the strength to lead our country through our great challenges so every american can have the chance to live the American Dream. It is my honor and great pleasure to nominate donald j. Trump for the office of president to the United States of america. [applause] [cheering] four more years. Four years. The chair now recognizes the delegate and estate chairman from the president s home state of florida, job routers job routers. Im the chairman from the great state of florida, which is not only the most politically important state in the country, but also home to the 45th president of the u. S. , donald j. Trump. I rise today to second the nomination of the economic heavyweight champion of the world, donald j. Trump, to be the republican nominee for president. Who better to lead our country out of the economic hardships we face from the rouhani virus than the president that has unemployment for asian americans, hispanics, women and for americans without college degrees. Under President Trumps watch, excessive regulations that once stifled job growth have been eliminated. Jobs once shipped overseas are returning to our shores. 401 k s that have been down in the dumps, thriving. President trump also knows that we are the land of the free because of the brave. That is why he has but record investments in the military. He has modernized the v. A. He has supported everyone of our troops. And he is not defunding the police, he is defending the police. [applause] gruters americans want to be able americans want to be able to earn an honest living and practice the religion that they choose. They want to go to School Without being indoctrinated. They respect the flag and our family founding fathers. They want jobs, not mobs. They want to sanity not leftist insanity. And they want America First policies, not american last policies. They want american pride, not american shame. And they want american hope, not american decline. Because of his agenda in his love for america as we know it, it is an honor for me that i second the nomination of donald j. Trump for a second term to the office of president of the United States of america. [applause] chairwoman mcdaniel as required by the rule 37e, National Convention procedures, the states will be caught in alphabetical order. Without objection, the state of florida may cast its a vote out of order. Each will announce the vote of each state. During the roll call, the secretary will announce each states total number of available votes and the number bound to each candidate, as nouired by rule 37c, delegation will be recognized to change its about until all delegations cast have been given a Second Opportunity to vote. Without objection, nondelegates shall be permitted to announce the vote for a state delegation. Additionally, the chair wants to remind all delegates that the secretary is required, under therts rule of order, and rules of the Republican Party, to announce and record votes in accordance of the rules of the Republican Party, state law or state party rule, to reflect the voters preferences in each state. The official results of each state are those announced by the secretary. The chair wishes to announce if a delegate requests a poll to be taken of their delegation under send37, the secretary will to supervise. After completed, the results will be delivered and the secretary shall announce the results at the end of the roll call in accordance with 37e. Lastly, i wish to remind her delegates that maintaining order during the roll is extremely important. If not in order, it will be difficult to hear the vote announcement or otherwise acknowledge it delegates seeking recognition. Now, delegates, lets commence with the roll call of the states. Please welcome back to the stage, secretary of the convention, vicki drummond. Thank you. Rummond we will not begin the roll call of the states. Alabama. Alabama, 50 delegates. 50 for President Donald Trump. Andrew representative surround, chairman from the yellow amherst estate, the state with the highest Approval Rating in the country for donald trump. The of the crimson tide, auburn tigers and it trump endorsed coach tommy took a vote, who we plan to send a washington, d. C. This november to take back our senate seat for my caretaker democrat senator. From the music of Muscle Shoals to the shipbuilding of mobile, and the white sandy beaches of the gulf coast, from the rockets and Defense Industry of huntsville, to the auto manufacturing of montgomery and tuscaloosa, this estate strongly supports our president and his policies. Alabamas motto is we dare defend our rights. This president has defended our borders, our religious liberties, cut our taxes and repealed the obamacare individual mandate. Today, it is my honor to announce alabama has unanimously cast its 50 delegate votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] pursuant toummond the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, alabama casts 50 votes, donald trump. With the9 delegates nd for President Donald Trump, 26. Madam chairman, madam secretary, alaska, the largest date in our union, known as the great land, has more rivers, lakes, streams, glaciers, volcanoes, mountains, islands and wildlife than the entire lower 48 states combined. The abundant Natural Resources are responsibly developed and harvested, preserving the pristine land and waters of the last frontier. Alaska is a land of promise, peoples, prosperity, personal responsibility, individual freedoms, and opportunities. To keep alaska great, and to keep America Great, the alaskan republican delegation proudly casts its 29 votes to nominate president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, alaska, 29 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond American Samoa, nine delegates. Nine for President Trump. From the territory of American Samoa, where we produce more nfl Football Players and military members than anywhere in the United States. Secretary, the territory of American Samoa is proud to cast all of our nine votes for our awesome and fearless president donald j. Trump. Secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and rules and procedures of this convention, American Samoa, nine votes for President Trump. Arizona, 50 delegates. Delegates, President Donald Trump. Secretary, im the chairman of the arizona delegation, home of the london bridge, home of the grand canyon, home of world war ii heroes the navajo code talkers. Thanks to our excellent president , the land of growing opportunity zones, economic security, law and order, education choice, where unborn babies matter [applause] flattened china plague curved, and miles and miles and miles of big, beautiful wall. [applause] in order toary, keep America First, the state of arizona casts our 57 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, arizona, 57 votes, President Donald Trump. Arkansas, 40 delegates. 40 delegates, President Donald Trump. Secretary, arkansas, the natural state, the reddest state not only in the south, but in the entire nation. The home of johnny cash, of Country Music fame, and a civil rights leader to the little rock nine, both of whom will be memorialized in the u. S. Capitol. The number one producer of rice. 29 of the nations rice is raised by arkansas farmers. The world shops at arkansas based walmart and tyson foods. As travelers flood to the National Buffalo mover on a daily basis, they also dig for diamonds at the nations only diamond mine. Arkansas, the state that gave donald j. Trump a 30 margin of victory over former resident, crooked hillary, and will do so again over the radical democratic ticket that has d. C. Swamp. Of the arkansas proudly casts its 40 votes for donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and rules and procedures of this convention, arkansas casts 40 votes, President Donald Trump. California, 172 delegates with 172,ollowing delegates President Trump. Congressman of Kevin Mccarthy, our National Committee woman, our National Committee man sean still, and over 5 million registered republicans from 50 to san diego and everywhere in between, im the chairwoman jessica patterson. Want to bringe, forth 172 delegates for donald trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, california casts 172 votes for President Trump. Colorado, 30 [applause] secretary drummond 37 delegates. 37 for President Trump. Madam secretary, in the past four years President Trump and Vice President pence have made a de America Great again. They have given America Great Job Opportunities with fair trade agreements. They have appointed justices and judges that do not legislate from the bench. They have created the greatest economic expansion in decades that lifted all americans, that protected us from a worldwide pandemic. Becauseunced tax cuts americans spend their money more wisely than the government. The home of cory gardner, headquarters to the bureau of Land Management and u. S. Based command proudly casts all 37 votes to keep America Great for President Donald Trump and Vice President mike pence. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, colorado casts 37 votes for President Donald Trump. Connecticut connecticut 28 delegates. 28, President Trump. Im the secretary, National Committee woman from connecticut. Connecticut, that not mag s nutmeg state and the arsenal of democracy. Champion to the huskies, womens and mens basketball teams. Connecticut proudly carries the legacy of government, even before the american revolution. Through the charter, granted by when kinges in 1662, james tried to revoke it in 1687, connecticut leaders, through sleightofhand, hid it in the charter oak tree in hartford, connecticut. For two years, until it reemerged in 1689, to enable connecticut to continue selfgovernance. Today, as a proud and independent nutmegger, i proudly cast 28 votes for donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation, and the rules and procedures of this convention, connecticut casts 28 votes, donald trump. Delegates. 6 for President Trump. Madam secretary, it was a dark and stormy night, july 1, rode toen sidney rodney philadelphia to break the tie that was preventing the colonies from declaring independence. Two days later, the declaration signed. On december 7, delaware became the first state to ratify the United States constitution. From delaware, the great state, the first state, from that great beginning, the greatness that will be ours in the future, we nominate president donald j. Trump and cast all 16 of our delegate votes for donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation, and the rules and procedures of this convention, delaware casts 16 votes, President Trump. The District Of Columbia. 9 delegates 19, President Trump. D. C. 1855, the washington, Republican Party was founded on principles of abolition of slavery and promotion of liberty. We are proud to call the late civil rights hero, frederick douglass, a former member and precinct captain, to carry on that legacy today we are proud to cast all 19 votes for donald j. Trump. [applause] pursuant toummond the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, the District Of Columbia casts 19 votes, President Trump. Georgia. The followingith 76 delegates, President Trump. Madam secretary, from the golden isles from the top of lookout mountain, the great state of georgia, home to brian kemp and our senior senator david perdue, is proud to cast every single one of its 76 votes for the renomination of president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, georgia casts 76 votes for president donald j. Trump. Guam, nine delegates. Nine votes for President Trump. A warm happyetary, day from guam, homeland of the chamorro people. We want to express our sincere foritude to President Trump making sure that the people of guam are treated as equal members of our great nation, especially with the federal relief provided to the territory during this Global Pandemic. And in providing closure to the people that suffered horrible atrocities during the three years Japanese Occupation of our island during world war ii. We reserve voices and pray to our lady, santa maria, the patron saint over our island, to bless President Trump and mike pence in this upcoming election. Madam secretary, the territory of guam is proud to cast its nine votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, guam casts all nine votes for President Trump. Hawaii [indiscernible] secretary drummond 19 delegates meh the following excuse 19 delegates, President Donald Trump. Oha. Loja al i speak to you on behalf of republicans in the democratcontrolled state of hawaii. State, itre the aloha is the safest, healthiest and happiest state in the union and we can only attribute this to the wonderful people that make up our great state. Madam secretary, we cannot attribute nay of hawaii any of hawaiis success to the 60 years of failed leadership by hawaii democrats. Democratcontroll, President Trump has helped hawaii survive in prosperous and difficult times. Hawaii and in the nation need for more years of President Trump, so i proudly cast all 19 of hawaiis votes for the reelection of donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, hawaii casts 19 votes for President Trump. Idaho, 32 delegates. 32, President Trump. Madam secretary, on behalf of idaho, the gem state, and all of our happy people, all the hardworking Beautiful People there, and by the Rocky Mountains where people love to fish, the wildlife, the land. Where people are focused on god, family, country and our sacred Second Amendment. And along with our other individual liberties, and because of those important and in defense of those individual liberties, im proud to cast all of idahos votes, 32 votes, to donald john trump. [applause] pursuant toummond the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, idaho casts 32 votes for President Trump. Illinois, 67 delegates with the following 67, President Trump. Greetings. Home of the First Republican president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and the birthplace of Ronald Reagan, i proudly cast 67 votes for our president and in the next president of the United States, donald j. Trump. Secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, illinois casts 67 votes for President Trump. 58 eight [cheers] delegates. 58, President Trump. Madam secretary, i am the indiana Republican Party chairman. The Hoosier State is proud this morning, proud on the day after the 100 for the indianapolis 500, to be the Global Capital of raising. Proud to produce the best basketball in the world with legends like larry bird, Oscar Robinson and bobby knight. Proud to have one of the strongest and most popular state leaders in the country, error . And proud that indiana was first on the board 2016 for our president , donald j. Trump. But what we are most proud of ally is that indianas michael r. Pence has been nominated as Vice President of the United States of america. [applause] indiana will once again be the first state called pencep the trump p administration in the white house for the next four years. Unanimousr votes in support for donald j. Trump for president of the United States of america. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and regulations of this convention, indiana casts 58 votes, President Trump. Iowa, 40 delegates. 40 for President Trump. Thank you, madam secretary. Mr. President , first of all, on behalf of all iowans, our deepest sympathies and condolences to you and the first family for the lost of your brother, robert. May his memory be internal. On august 10, we experienced a devastating storm, but iowans are resilient and we thank you for the swift, decisive and continued action which was done in record speed. Andpresident , i am a ceo entrepreneur. On election night, 2016, i had 400 employees. Today, we have almost 4000. [applause] to your explosive economic policies. In short, you are crushing it. With that said, the most enthusiastic state chairman, i are honored to report that on behalf of our governor, senator grassley, senator joni ernst, our delegates and our amazing congressional ticket, Ashley Miller and david young, that the great state of iowa sends unanimously all of our votes to renominate you delete our country, america, under god, for four more years. Mr. President and mr. Vice president , you are rehired [applause] pursuant toummond the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, iowa casts 40 votes, President Trump. [applause] secretary drummond kansas. 39 delegates. 39, President Trump. On behalf ofetary, the great state of kansas, the wheat state, where as our great country is celebrating the centennial of womens right to vote, in kansas we celebrate that kansas republicans were electing republican women to office before there was a 19th amendment. On behalf of our farmers and rangers, who feed the world and produce the most wheat of any state in our country, on behalf of those that participate in the air capital, kansas. Aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart was a resident, thank you, President Trump, for making America Great and for making kansas great. Kansas is proud to cast is proud to cast his vote, all 39 votes, for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, kansas cast 39 votes, President Trump. [applause] kentucky. 46 delegates. 46, President Trump. I am casey crosby, the National Committee woman from the state of kentucky. Madam secretary, the commonwealth of kentucky is proud to call him our own. We will reelect the United States senator from kentucky, our leader, mitch mcconnell. [applause] trump andpresident mr. Mcconnell have completely transformed the judicial system. Just imagine what they can do in another term. So it is with great pride from the state that is known for the best in the world and the fastest horses, we are proud to cast all 46 votes for donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, kentucky casts 46 vote, s, President Trump. Louisiana. 46 delegates. 46 for President Trump. I am of chairman, louisiana, home of Americas National champion football team. Our great oil and gas industry, who has been freed up from silly regulations by bidenent trump where joe would put us under once again. Home ofa, also the thousands of hunters across our state, where joe biden would threaten with taking away guns and ammo. Louisiana is a prolife state where we love both mother and child, but where joe biden is hiding in the dark waiting to take the lives of our unborn babies. Louisiana, where businesses have thrived for the past three years as a result of President Trumps tax cuts, but where joe biden is threatening with higher taxes and the dreariness of socialism. Madam chairman, the louisiana probably casts its 46 votes proudly casts its 46 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention , louisiana casts 46 votes, President Trump. Maine. 22 delegates. 22, President Trump. Secretary, from the first sunrise to the woodlands of maine that provide a great living for many maine people, to our agriculture that has the best tasting potatoes in the nation, to our fishermen whose daily catches our love throughout the world, to our Many Industries working with President Trump to provide ppe and testing equipment to get our nation through this pandemic, senator, aollins, a true native mainer, who has and always will be supportive of maine businesses, our chairman probably casts 22 maine votes for president donald j. Trump. Casts 22 maine votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention , maine casts 22 votes for President Trump. Maryland. 38 delegates. 38, President Trump. I am chairman of the maryland delegation. George washington resigned his commission in the Continental Army in our statehouse in annapolis to become our nations first president. Maryland is home to brookville, which served as the capital of the United States in 1814 for a day when the british army was burning the white house. Maryland is home to the United States naval academy. , ironman cal ripken, the greatest lover of all time babe slugger of alltime, babe ruth, and the baltimore ravens. From the mountains of western maryland to the beaches of ocean city to the Chesapeake Bay and our worldclass crabs, maryland is america in miniature. Maryland is home of the underground railroad and two of our greatest abolitionists, for good douglas and harriet tubman. Frederick douglass and harriet tubman. Home of Francis Scott key, who penned our starspangled banner, proud to cast its 38 votes for the man who puts America First and will keep America Great. President donald john trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, maryland casts 38 votes, President Trump. Massachusetts. 41 delegates. 41, President Trump. I am surechairwoman, watson, chairman of the trump reelection campaign, the cochairman of america sheriffs for trump. [applause] massachusettsman, is the home of the mighty minutemen and paul revere, who bravely and courageously helped create our republic. Second,he home of the sixth, 35th, and 41st president s of the United States. And we are the home of a long history of patriots. Like samuel adams and benjamin franklin. Who acted to preserve our liberties and our constitution of the United States. In keeping with our long history of patriots defending and preserving our liberties and our constitution, massachusetts proudly and enthusiastically casts our 41 votes for one of the greatest patriots in the history of this nation, our president , donald trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and the procedures of the convention , massachusetts casts 41 votes, President Trump. Michigan. Michigan, 73 delegates. 73, President Trump. I am the secretary, chairman of the nations oldest Republican Party. Michigan put the world on wheels. The heart of the arsenal of democracy. Jackson, michigan, is the birthplace of the Republican Party. We are the proud home state of president ford, secretary betsy devos, and secretary ben carson. And lets not forget, we are the home state of the most awesome Republican Party chair, Ronna Mcdaniel. [applause] ronna shocked the world in 2016 when she switched michigan to read for president donald j. Trump. And make no mistake, this year michigan is going to stay red for president donald j. Trump and we will put john james in the u. S. Senate. [applause] madam secretary, michigan, the great lakes state, is going to cast all 73 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this invention, michigan casts 73 votes for President Trump. Minnesota. 39 delegates. 39, President Trump. I am mike lindell, chairman of the minnesota delegation. [applause] i was born and raised in minnesota. We grew up with god, family values, and our 10,000 lakes. A lot of traditional moral values. Minnesota has been blue since 1972. This actually made us in minnesota feel very sad. This year, the terrible democratic leadership in minnesota made some of the worst decisions in history. Destructionted into of so much of my great state and country. With democratic leadership being exposed for what it is and President Trumps great pragmatic leadership, we will win minnesota. [applause] democrats are flipping in minnesota, and now they are democrats for trump. [applause] week, the polls are now even in minnesota. [applause] we are one nation under god, and i am proud to give all 39 minnesota delegates to the greatest president ever. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, minnesota casts 39 votes for President Donald Trump. Mississippi. 40 delegates. 40, President Trump. Chairman of the mississippi Republican Party. On behalf of our delegation chairman, governor reeves, who cannot be here today because he has returned to the state to prepare as storms gather in the gulf of mexico, the great state of mississippi, the birthplace of bb king and elvis presley, of William Faulkner and richard wright, the state where the first heart transplant and first lung transplants in the world took place the state where the rockets that will propel man to mars and beyond are perfected at the space center, and the state that this november will overwhelmingly vote to reelect our president and return cindy smith to the senate proudly casts 40 votes to nominate donald j. Trump for president. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the this delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention 40 votes,ppi casts President Trump. Missouri. 54 delegates. 54, President Trump. Secretary, beautiful missouri, home of mighty historic rivers, fertile plains, and rolling hills, where agriculture is our number one industry. The gateway of the west. The cave state. The home of the pony express and santa fe trail. And the home of the reigning super bowl champions, the kansas city chiefs. And the home of the 2019 stanley cup champs, the st. Louis blues. Outstanding United States senators, roy blunt and josh hawley, and our outstanding governor mike parson, beautiful missouri is proud to cast its 54 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of this delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, missouri casts 54 votes, President Trump. Montana. 27 delegates. 27, President Trump. Secretary, my name is don cal call schmidt. I come from the state of montana. It is often called the big sky country, the treasure state, and the last best place. But currently, we are affectionately calling it trumptana. [applause] we are the home of the tribes, the American Indian tribes, the agriculture, timber, beef, oil, and coal, recreational activities, and culture, the Rocky Mountains, rolling hills, and streams, lakes, and great sapphires,a grizzlies, and bobcats, military andrans, cowboys, farmers, workers of recreation and industry. We fish. We hunt. We boat. And we have at least five guns in every home. [applause] and we love the Second Amendment. And we love you, President Trump. Affectionately and 27husiastically gives its votes to president donald j. Trump. God bless america. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, montana casts 27 votes, President Trump. Nebraska. 36 delegates. 36, President Trump. Madame secretary, great to be here with you today. I am dan willis, chairman of the nebraska Republican Party. Nebraska is the cornhusker state, home to some of the greatest people in the world. I am joined by some of those people. National Committee Woman lydia brush. I am also with fellow delegates cindy allen, ron smith, and teresa thibodeau. Nebraska of them, republicans, our great governor, and my little republicans at home, three and four years old, we are doing this for them and their future. I cast 36 votes for the current and next president of the United States of america, donald j. Trump. Madame secretary. Madam secretary. The chair calls for a temporary suspension of the rollcall. The chair recognizes Governor Scott walker from the state of wisconsin. [applause] thank you, madam chair. It was my honor to nominate our friend mike pence to serve as Vice President of these United States for four more years. Has outsourced his agenda to the radical left, including senator harris, whose voting record according to newsweek is actually more liberal than Bernie Sanders, thats right, joe bidens running mate is actually to the left of a self identified socialist. Meanwhile, mike pence, a successful governor from americas heartland, is the perfect partner for our president as they take on the washington establishment, an astonishment that joe biden has been part of for nearly 50 years. That makes joe biden a creature of the swamp. Mike pence is helping donald trump drain that swamp, and we need them there for four more years. [applause] mike pence is respected by governors and mayors and medical professionals all across this nation because of his leadership with the White House Task force. Mike pence help the people of indiana see their tax relief as governor and now as Vice President he has helped our president , donald trump, pass one of the largest tax cuts in american history, a tax cut that helps nearly every taxpayer in this country, a tax cut that joe biden wants to repeal. Mike pence believes in the center to life. He always has. The sanctity of life. He always has been good he always will. E is he always will. [applause] mike pence believes that every child, no matter where they come from or what they look like, every child deserves access to an excellent education. Be it at a traditional public school, a charter school, a private school with a voucher or a scholarship or a tax credit, or even a homeschool environment. He trustsands that parents to make the right choice for their children. Mike pence believes in Public Safety. He will defend our constitutional right to protect ourselves, our families, and our property. He supports Public Safety when it comes to not what joe biden supporters often talk about, defunding the police, but rather defending the police. Mike pence will always stand with the good and decent men and women of lawenforcement who protect us every single day. [applause] understands the service and sacrifice of our military. He understands the pride and prayers of our military families because he is a part of one. America deserves an outstanding Vice President like mike pence. It is up to all of us to ensure that he is just that for the next four years. Let me take a moment to tell you about mike pence, the person. He respects otherss traditions. Mike is guided by his christian faith. He loves our lord. And he loves all who are created in gods image. His faith brought him together with his wonderful wife karen, who was an outstanding first lady in indiana and who will continue to be an exceptional second lady for the United States of america. [applause] mike always asked about my sons because he understands the importance of family. He is so proud of his three children. And increasingly now of their spouses. He is so proud of michael and charlotte and audrey. I think the only thing he can possibly be more proud of is when god blesses him and karen with grandchildren in the future. He is devoted to his friends. I remember in the past when he called to see how my mother was doing. I told him that i was standing with her in the emergency room. Mike asked me to pass the phone over to my mother. I watched as he talked to her, as he comforted her, as he prayed with her. And then a few minutes later, my mom got another call. This time from the president. Mike had walked down to the oval office and asked the president to give her a call. That is the kind of person mike pence is. He is midwest nice. He is midwest nice, but he is strong. Oftentimes the media does not understand how donald trump and mike pence can be such a great team. But i got to tell you, they are a lot alike. Both are successful chief executives. Both are doers, not just talkers. And both have a deep and abiding love for america and for the American People. That is why both of them were in wisconsin last week during the democratss convention while joe biden was hanging out in his basement in delaware. Delaware, the place he has not left. Not just to go crisscross the country, but he has not been to wisconsin one time since the start of his campaign for president. Mike pence and donald trump will come back not just to wisconsin but to North Carolina and every other place across this country. Please join with me with showing our support for the current and future Vice President of these United States, mike pence. [applause] please chime in welcoming the Vice President of the United States of america, mike pence. [applause] [cheering] v. P. Pence well, hello, charlotte. Madam chairman, the republican delegates from all across america. It is a joy to be with you at the 2020 Republican National convention here in North Carolina. [applause] i want to thank you all for that warm welcome. But i also want to think a great friend of mine who was a great leader in the state of wisconsin and is one of the great conservative voices in our party today. Would you join me in thanking Governor Scott walker for those wonderful and gracious words . [applause] it is deeply humbling for me to come to you on a day like today. I heard there was a unanimous vote a little bit earlier. [applause] i will have more to say about that at fort mchenry on wednesday night. Say a momentst like this in my life, i just cant help but think of those ancient words. Who am i . Who is my family that you brought us this far . I want to thank you for the honor of this day. [applause] but i heard you are all down here in charlotte doing some business. The beginning of a great week for the Republican National convention. But i got to be honest with you, i am here for one reason and one reason only. And that is not just the Republican Party but America Needs four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [applause] [chanting four more years] it was four years ago that all of you gathered here and made it possible for america to have a fresh start. You knew we could be strong again. You knew we could be prosperous again. You knew we could have a president who put America First again. Elected016, you President Donald Trump to the white house. Think of all we have done. Throughed this economy cutting taxes, rolling back regulations, unleashing American Energy, and fighting for free and fair trade. After years of budget cuts, this president rebuilt our military. Ofrestored the arsenal democracy, and we are once again giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and spaceports the resources space force the resources they need to defend this nation every day. [applause] up for the rule of law and for our most cherished liberties. This president has seen with your support more than 200 men and women confirmed to our federal courts at every level. And they are all conservatives who will uphold the godgiven liberties enshrined in our constitution like the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. [applause] proud to bebe more Vice President to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. [applause] but today is about four more years. This week, we will take our case to the American People. We certainly heard the democratss case last week. It is remarkable to think. You understand when you listen carefully to their agenda beyond , youlatitudes and attitude hear an agenda that joe biden and the Democratic Party have been overtaken by the radical left. Taxes,genda is higher socialized medicine, open borders, abortion on demand, and cutting funding to the men and women who serve in Law Enforcement at every level. We are going to take our case to the American People. Taxes, case of lower free market, economics, secure borders, right to life, and we are going to make it clear that this president , this Vice President , and this party will always stand with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line of Law Enforcement. We are going to back the blue. [applause] [chanting back the blue] i dont have to tell you here at the Republican National convention the source in this election has never been clearer. The stakes have never been higher. We will be taking over case to the American People this week. But it will be you and the millions of americans involved in our party and every state and territory of this nation will be carrying that message to the phone lines and front doorsteps of the American People. It is the reason why i wanted to be here today. It is the reason why i got a good feeling you might just see a friend of mine at the Republican National convention today. [applause] because we wanted to say thank you. We wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done and all the work you will continue to do on the days ahead. In the car on the way here after i landed in charlotte, i was on the phone with more than 5000 volunteers all across america. We are going to be getting people together in your state and in every state and territory across this land. We already have the largest Grassroots Campaign in american history, and we are going to secure two million volunteers before election day. Reelectings about this president for four more years, but it is also about an agenda. About an agenda that made america prosperous, more prosperous than ever before, before this great Global Pandemic struck our nation. More americans were working than ever before. We were setting records in this economy left and right. In the midst of this pandemic, as i will speak about wednesday night, the leadership of this president and the compassion of the American People shown forth. [applause] and we will continue to work every day until we put this coronavirus in the past. And when we reelect president remember, it is going to be four more years. That means more jobs. Four more years means more judges. Four more years means more support for our troops and our cops. [applause] and it is going to take at least four more years to drain that swamp. [applause] so men and women of the Republican National convention, it is on. [applause] now is the time. This is the moment. For each of us to do everything we can in our power to reelect this president come of this team for four more years. But lets also do our part to reelect and elect republicans up and down the ballot. Lets reelect a republican majority in the United States senate. Leaders make sure that Kevin Mccarthy is speaker. Kevin mccarthy in a new republican majority in the United States house of representatives. [applause] so we all have work to do. And i know you are up to the task. I saw the way this party, this movement led i were nation back in 2016. And i just know each and every one of you are going to do your part this year to reelect this president and elect and reelect sound,cans with strong, conservative principles every day. I heard the other day that democracy is on the ballot. Thei think we all know economy is on the ballot. [applause] law and order is on the ballot. Our most cherished ideals of freedom and free markets are on the ballot. That is why we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [applause] [chanting four more years] so im going to slip away because i have a feeling somebody else will be here before too long. And as i said, i will have more to say about the action you took today come wednesday night at fort mchenry. But i need to tell you, it is the greatest honor of my life to be your Vice President. And i am going to work my heart out to be your Vice President for four more years. [applause] and im absolutely convinced. All we needof us do to do between now and november 3, if we organize, if we mobilize, if we hit the phones, if we hit the doorsteps, if we do our part in every state and territory of this country, we are going to elect and reelect Republican Leaders all across this land. We are going to reelect President Donald Trump for four more years. Support your continued and with gods help, we are going to make America Great again. Again. [applause] thank you all very much. It is an honor to be with you today. God bless the Republican Party. And god bless the United States of america. [applause] secretary drummond we will continue with the roll call of the states. And pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, nebraska casts 36 votes for President Donald Trump. [applause] nevada. Delegates. 25, President Trump. Secretary, i am chairman Michael Mcdonnell from the great state of nevada, home congas men, to the las vegas knights, the las vegas raiders. Our First Republic and president Abraham Lincoln just one week before the election in 1864. From the energy of las vegas across the great basin to the majestic sierra, crowned by the jewel of lake tahoe, nevada is truly a land blessed by god and we are privileged to call it home. All 47 members of our delegation worked hard and sacrificed to become elected to come to North Carolina to reelect our president. But due to the restrictions, they cannot be with us. Although they are not in this room, they are here in spirit. And they fully support our great president. So on behalf of of our national an, arbor National Committee man, the state of nevada probably casts all dust probably casts all of our votes for president donald j. Trump as president of the United States. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, nevada casts 25 votes, President Trump. New hampshire. 22 delegates wit. 22, President Trump. I am thechairman, chairman of the New Hampshire delegation. On behalf of the people of New Hampshire, the granite state, the first in the nation primary state, a state that picks president s, the state that delivered the president s first victory in 2016, the state where our motto comes from general stark, who said live free or die. New hampshire is the state of such luminaries as senator Daniel Webster and brave americans. We are home to the First American in space, alan shepard, and Baseball Hall of Famer Carlton fisk, whose game winning home run in the 1975 world series is remember it as one of the greatest moments in sports history. New hampshire is known forever maple syrup, comedian adam sandler, robert frost, and New York Times bestselling author corey lewandowski. New hampshire, the state that called the 14th president home and the state of hardworking god loving americans who stand for the flag and kneel only for god. Madam chairman, i hereby cast all 22 delegates to my friend and the president of the United States donald john trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, New Hampshire casts 22 votes to president donald j. Trump. New jersey. 49 delegates. 49, President Trump. Madam secretary, President Trump, Vice President pence have kept their promises to the American People. New jerseys delegation is proud to nominate them for four more years. Chairman of the new jersey Republican Party. On behalf of the garden state, proud home of thomas edison, frank sinatra, and the beautiful jersey shore, i am pleased to announce that new jerseys 49 delegates are given to donald j. Trump for president of the United States of america. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, new jersey casts 49 votes for President Trump. New mexico. 22 delegates. Trump. Sident chair, on behalf of the good people of the state of new mexico, the land of blue skies, limitless horizons, and unending business, a land where faith, freedom, and family dominate our , we also mr. Trump come down the escalator. He gave voice to the fears and anguish that we all felt for this country. And then he began to speak words of strength and purpose. Words like courage and liberty, prosperity, truth, hope, and life. And we saw him begin to rebuild this country. And then we saw that rebuilding interrupted by the covid19. So now we have a choice. A choice to continue the rebuilding, the revival, the renewing of this great land. New mexico is proud to vote for that renewal, that revival, by casting its 22 votes for donald j. Trump, the next president of the United States of america. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the this delegation and the rules and procedures of the 22vection, new mexico casts votes for President Trump. New york. 94 delegates. 94, President Trump. Hello. I am proud to serve as chairman of the new york Republican Party. New york is the proud birthplace of our president , donald j. Trump. It is where he raised his family, where he built his business. Our president embodies what it means to be new york tough. And when new york was facing some of its darkest hours a few months ago, our president stepped up and delivered for the people of the state of new york. [applause] the site of the hospital ship uss comfort sailing into our harbors gave a clear and bold message to the people of our state that our president was there to support us. Cuomour governor andrew congratulated him and thanked him for that tremendous support. It was a terrible shame last week when that same governor went to his Party Convention and lied about our president s leadership in this crisis. But new york is what is in turmoil from our bloated budget deficits to our economy in freefall. We have crime ravaging our streets. That is what america would see if it allowed biden and harris to run this country. We need to send a loud and clear message. New york is proud to stand up and say, thank you mr. President for your leadership for new york. [applause] thank you for keeping fighting for us with true new york grit. We have your back and are proud to cost over 94 delegate votes for our president , donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of this delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, new york casts 94 votes for president donald j. Trump. North carolina. [laughter] 71 delegates. 71, President Trump. History is made in North Carolina with our first settlements in the late 15 80s and is one of the original 13 colonies. 1775,y was made may 20, with the declaration of independence declaring our independence from british rule a full year before the u. S. Declaration of independence. 1795 withs made in the First Public University in america, the university of North Carolina. Today, it is the home of north thelina state university, largest Historic Black College in america. History was made in 1903 when the wright brothers, two boys from ohio, came to the superior climate of North Carolina to try their new flying contraption. Whenry was made in 1922 firstcame the Radio Station in the country and is still broadcasting today just a few miles down the street. History was made in 2010 one for the First Time Since the civil war, republicans won control of both the North Carolina house and senate. And while they inherited close to 6 billion in debt and budget deficits from the democrats, they quickly turned that into 11 billion surplus while passing the largest tax cut in North Carolina history. The carolina comeback is real, and it continues, and it will get better when we elect dan forrest as over next governor and we return senator hillis to the senate. History will be made in 2020 when North Carolina leads the nation in reelecting president donald j. Trump. Castscarolina probably all 71 votes for President Trump proudly casts all 71 votes for President Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of this delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, North Carolina casts 71 votes, President Trump. Dakota. 29 delegates. 29, President Trump. Name is secretary, my john, chairman of the north dakota delegation. North dakota is home to the biggest republican in this room, abdomen National Committee woman sandy buehler. We are think for for her service. We are thankful for her service. [applause] north dakota is the safest state in the nation because we respect life, because we value family as the cornerstone of our society, because we support private enterprise, because we exercise our Second Amendment rights, because we stand for our flag, for our military, for our police, and because we support our president and Vice President. North dakotas 29 delegates probably cast all of their votes proudly cast all of their votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, north dakota casts 29 votes for President Donald Trump. The northern Mariana Islands. Nine delegates. Nine for President Trump. Happy day from the commonwealth of the north american island. The only territory with a republican governor and republican majority in our legislature. In early march in 2016, governor torres probably endorsed donald j. Trump for president , becoming the only territory governor to do so and the third governor nationwide. Unlike Previous Administrations, President Trump has never turned his back on our island and our 8000 miles away from washington, d. C. President trump and his ministry should helped us recover from two devastating typos. Our people are deeply patriotic and our sons and daughters probably step up and serve in the u. S. Armed forces, making us one of the highest per capita in the nation. Tourism is our primary economy, and we strongly encourage everyone to visit our deep ocean and beautiful beaches. Governor andthe the entire Republican Party, madam secretary, the commonwealth of the northern Mariana Islands is proud to cast its nine votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of this delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, northern Mariana Islands casts nine votes, President Trump. Ohio. 82 delegates. 82, President Trump. I stand forretary, the state of ohio. [applause] birthplace of president s. Father of aviation. And mother of astronauts. Home to working men and women who appreciate a president that puts America First, a president who defends our brave Law Enforcement officers. I am bob, son of anthony and judy, and i cast ohios 82 votes president ortrump donald john trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, ohio casts 82 votes for President Trump. Oklahoma. 43 delegates. 43, President Trump. Steve. M secretary, delegation chair from the great state of oklahoma, a state which probably provides the senate with two great senators who are strong advocates and defenders for our National Defense and the protection of unborn lives. The state which proudly and unapologetically supports our military and the thin blue line of police officers, which devote their lives to protect and serve. The state where we understand the difference between peaceful demonstration and riots and looting. That freedom is not available to you if you cannot go to your place of business or drive down the street without your of being beaten. The state where its people recognized and hold dear the rights given to us by our creator and not by government. Yet enshrined for us in the bill of rights, which includes among religion,ech, press, and the right for our own self defense and the right to bear arms. Countiesn which all 77 voted for President Donald Trump in 20 and will do so again in 2020. Chairmanretary, our david mclean along with our National Committee man, Committee Woman, delegates, and the rest of our entire delegation casts 43 votes for the current and next president of the United States, donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, oklahoma casts 43 votes for president donald j. Trump. Oregon. Oregon, 28 delegates. 28, President Trump. Secretary, oregon, a state with a proven pioneering tradition and breathtaking natural beauty, has benefited greatly from President Trumps America First policies over the last three and half years, resulting in more and better jobs and an improved economy for our citizens. In stark contrast to our field governor and the feckless mayor of portland along with the democrat president ial candidate in hiding. [applause] President Trump has stood up to the violent thugs and denounced those who seek to destabilize our state with anarchy and destruction, giving us hope that we can make oregon safe again. And even though covid19 has reduced the size of this convention, it has not reduced our enthusiasm for renominating President Trump and Vice President pence for four more years. Believesn delegation that the best is yet to come and is therefore proud to cast all 28 of our votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and features of this convention, oregon casts 28 votes for president donald j. Trump. Pennsylvania. 88 delegates. 88, President Trump. Secretary, i am chairman of the pennsylvania delegation. I am honored to represent the great commonwealth of pennsylvania, also known as the keystone state, as one of the first members of congress to endorse then candidate donald trump. Pennsylvania was the keystone that put donald j. Trump in the white house with its electoral votes at 2 00 a. M. On election night. And we will do that again in 2020. [applause] i am proud to cast pennsylvanias 88 votes for the president that will make sure that we kneel when we pray and we stand for the flag, president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, pennsylvania casts 88 votes, President Donald Trump. Puerto rico. 23 delegates. 23, President Trump. Madam secretary, i am kevin romero, and i am the youngest delegation chair in this great and historic convention. Rico initory of puerto representation of 3. 2 million strong and resilient american citizens and to express our gratitude to our president and youamazing nation, which view achieving statehood a quality and american prosperity and reminding us all of the bloodshed and sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of puerto thats and all the patriots have served our Great American armed forces, we proudly cast all of our 23 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] secretary drummond pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, puerto rico casts 23 votes, President Donald Trump. Rhode island. 19 delegates. 19, President Trump. Rhode island, the ocean state, where we like to make waves. As evidenced just yesterday by the hundreds of boats that cruised the bay to rally for President Donald Trump. [applause] we have a long history of being rebels. From our founding on the basis of religious freedom to the independent man standing atop our statehouse. Party in the smallest state, we carry on the tradition by standing up to the tyranny of eight decades of oneparty rule. We put forth commonsense policies to help everyday Rhode Islanders who love coffee milk and doughboys, dip their claim cakes in chowder, celebrate the nations oldest fourth of july parade, cherish our memories of rocky point, light the water on fire. And yes, we eat a lot of calamari rhode island style. Made ande in promises knowses kept, and we the best is yet to come. So the biggest delegation of the state of rhode island proudly stands united to cast our 19 votes for president donald j. Trump. [applause] pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, rhode island casts 19 votes, president donald j. Trump. Carolina, 50 delegates. Bound for President Donald Trump. Secretary, im henry mcmaster, delegate and governor of the great state of south and i arehere my wife proud owners of two of mike lindos pillows. [applause] home carolina is also the of the first in the south republican primary, president ial primary. 1670 and ifled in donald trump had been around then, we would have voted for him then. So today, we proudly and happily cast all 50 of our votes for the president of the United States, donald j. Trump. Thank you. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, South Carolina casts 50 votes President Donald Trump donald j. Trump. South dakota. Delegates with the following delegates, 29, President Trump. Madam secretary, im christine olds. [applause] [cheering] the firstoud to be female governor of the great state of south dakota. We have the beautiful black hills, the greatest pheasant hunting in the world, and we have mount rushmore. The most iconic monument in this nation. And it is honoring leaders that led this nation through calendaring times. South dakota is proud to be the home of medal of honor recipient, Fighter Pilot and former governor, joe voss. We are proud of the great lakota leader, sitting bull, and author, Laura Ingalls wilder. In south dakota, under god, the people rule. Our government respects peoples rights. We love our freedoms. And we honor the men and women who have come before us to build this great nation. We are grateful to President Trump for bringing fireworks back to mount rushmore. [applause] bringing jobs to our towns and he puts America First each and every day. On behalf of south dakotas 29 delegates, i proudly cast all of our votes for the president of the United States, donald j. Trump. [applause] south dakota casts 29 delegates for donald j. Trump. If there is no objection, the chair will call the next state to cast its vote. I will call on the great state of florida to cast its vote for the republican nominee for president of the United States. Thank you, madam chairwoman. Again, joe greeters, chairman of florida, homee of to over 21 Million People including our 45th president of. We are known as the sunshine state. We have the best beaches in the world. They are second to none. We have a great economy and no income tax. We believe in the Great American comeback, and we believe there is one leader that will deliver us prosperity once again, that will defend of the rule of law and will bring great things back to our country. Florida is home to americas number one anticommunist freedom fighting senator marco rubio. We are home to americas number one senator in terms of the economy and jobs and who is making washington work for us again, senator rick scott. We are home to americas favorite governor, ron desantis, who signed the toughest sanctuary city ban in the entire country. And he welcomes over a thousand people a day from failed leadership states like new york, including individuals like our new favorite son, donald j. Trump. For the 122 delegates that are back at home, and the over 5 million republicans that we have registered, it is an honor for us to award floridas 122 delegate votes to the next president of the United States, to delay his fulltime relocation back to his home state of florida, donald j. Trump for the president of the United States. [applause] that is 122 votes for donald j. Trump for president. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the president of the United States of america and our nominee, Donald J Trump donald j. Trump. [playing god bless the usa] pres. Trump thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. [chanting four more years ] pres. Trump if you want to drive them crazy, you say 12 more years. [applause] we caught them doing some really bad things in 2016. Lets see what happens. We caught them doing some really bad things. We have to be very careful because they are trying it again with this whole 80 million mailin ballots they are working on. Sending them out to people that didnt ask for them. They just get them. Fair. Is not it is not right. And it is not going to be possible to tabulate, in my opinion. Its just my opinion. We have to be very, very careful. And you have to watch, everyone of you, you have to watch because bad things happened last time with the spying on our campaign. That goes to biden and it goes to obama. We have to be very, very careful. We have to be very, very careful. This time, they are trying to do it with the whole post office scam. Dont blame it on the post office. You can see them setting it up. Be very careful and watch it carefully. Win. Se we have to this is the most important election in the history of our country. This is the most h [applause] period of time, i would say 2016, how special was that evening . . Wasnt that great . That was one of the great evenings. But we have to be very, very careful. We have to win. Our country is counting on it. This is the biggest. This is it. Our country can go and a horrible, horrible direction or in an even greater direction. Before the plague came in from china, that is where we were going. We were going in a direction like we had never seen. The most successful economy in the history of our country. The best unemployment numbers in history for africanamerican, asian american, hispanic american, women, college students, that students, good students, everybody. If you had a diploma, if you didnt have a diploma, it didnt matter, you were doing well. Everybody was doing well. And we were actually coming together. Success brings people together. May better than anything else. Success brings people so many times people say, we were divided. We were very divided under president obama. Divided. Ve no idea how they didnt talk about it as much. They didnt say it as much. But we were really coming together. And i was speaking with the democrats all of a sudden because the success, the markets were at a alltime high, and by the way, take a look at what is happening with the markets. Take a look at your 401 k s which you probably do every hour. [laughter] take a look at your stocks. We are closing to break the breaking the record. That stack has already done it. Nasdaq has broken the record i think 16 times already. [applause] pandemic. Hopefully we will pull the final phase of the pandemic. Biden the other day said he would shut it down. He listened to some guys say that he would shut it down. We just broke a record on jobs. An alltime record. There has never been three months where we have put more people to work, over 9 Million People. And again, we are just about ready to break the alltime stock market record. You look at it. [crowd cheering] we are just about ready to do it again. And what that means is Everything Else is going to follow. Very smart of wall street. Everything else is going to be there. The economy is coming up rapidly. Our farmers are doing well. Our farmers are doing well because i got china to give them 28 million because they were targeted by china. I got the farmers 28 million. [crowd cheering] thats why. Pandemic, ande our farmers did a great job in supplying the food and all of the difficulties during this period of time. But we are getting ready to do things like no one has seen it before. The best way to bring unity is success. Success brings unity. And we were there. Then we got hit with the plague. But we will not forget that. I just want to thank the people of North Carolina because to be honest with you, i felt an obligation to be here. You have a governor who is in a total shutdown mode. 4, itantee on november will all open up. It will be proud. 4, these democratic governors, they left shut down until after the election is over because they want to make our numbers look as bad as possible for the economy. Our numbers are looking so good. I used to say av. People would say maybe not, i dont think so. Some would say no way. We have a super v, you are right. It is now looking like it is a super v. Our automobile numbers are incredible. Both used cars and brandnew cars. Our manufacturing number is incredible. We are putting manufacturing jobs to work that the Previous Administration said he would need a magic wand. You need a magic wand for manufacturing jobs. I dont think so. I guess we had the magic wand. But we are putting them back. We are bringing them back. Think of your life prior to the plague coming in. It was the best it has ever been. Your state have the best numbers theyve ever had. By far. We have the best employment numbers also. We were up to 160 million jobs. We were never anywhere near that. Then we had to shut it down. We save millions and millions of lives. We learned the enemy, we learned about the invisible enemy, how it affects really people that are older, especially older people. The elderly. But older people with problems with diabetes, with other problems. And we learned. Most of the country is right now doing very, very well. They have done an incredible job. To have a man sitting on television the other day say, i would shut it down, like it is easy, shut it down. When you shut it down, and we did the right thing, we shut it down, and then we reopened. We are well into it. [crowd cheering] [applause] if we didnt shut it down at that point, we would have had millions of people dead. Millions of people dead. You see the numbers. The job that mike pence and the task force and all of us together have done has been incredible what we have done. What weve achieved. Whether it is ventilators, whether it is supplying equipment to governors that were totally illprepared. Many of the governors were totally illprepared. Nobody wants to say that. But it is supposed to work that way. It is supposed to work that way. The governors are supposed to do it. And many of them did a fine job. And many of them came back well. But most of them didnt have the equipment that they should have had. If you have them had the ventilators which are very, very complex machines and hard to make and hard to manufacture and expensive. And we are right now making thousands of ventilators a month and we are sending them we have all we can use. Our whole country, every state, we are stocked. I always say, and i will say it again, there has never been a person that needed a ventilator but didnt get a ventilator. Every Single Person that has ever needed a ventilator, with all you have heard with how much they said that we didnt have it. Again, i took over a country whose military was depleted and whose covered on this front were bare. The cupboards were bare. We did not have anything. We didnt have a thing. We had very, very little. And we did a great job. We havent been given and it is not for me, it is for the incredible people, the generals, admirals, the doctors, the nurses, and yet you saw yesterday convalescent plasma, use our remdesivir, you will soon seen vaccines pouring out. Years ahead of what they would have been under a more traditional, lets use that term because it is nicer, a more Traditional Administration where they would have taken years to come up with this stuff. We are coming up with it like nobody has ever seen before. The fda, dr. Hana, i want to thank them, alex azar, i want to thank him. They have, with things and done things but have never been done in terms of speed. And frankly, in terms of quality. If you look at what we are doing and what we are coming up with, Drug Companies are coming out with vaccines i have seen some results already. It is good to be very, very soon. They are in stage three trials. Its unheard of. We would not be there for two years if this were a more normal situation. [applause] so, i just want to thank everybody for being here. Again, i felt an obligation to come to North Carolina. It has been a place that has been very good to me. We won a lot of big i havent been doing this that long, but i wanted every chance i had in North Carolina. I even stole a great chief of staff, mark meadows. [crowd cheering] [applause] and he Left Congress as a popular guy. Could have been there for a long time. By the way, you have a fantastic young gentleman going to take his place. Guy. A fantastic young and he is going to be a real star in the party. He is going to be a real star in the party. I just want to thank everybody from North Carolina. And i do want to show a little bit of a difference, because another state that has been good to me is wisconsin. [crowd cheering] and joe biden was going to have their convention in milwaukee. And they didnt go there at all. They didnt do this. We did this out of respect for your state. We didnt do this for any other reason then respect for the state of North Carolina. Because we said we wanted to hold our convention in North Carolina. And i think you are going to remember that on november 3. We wanted to hold our convention in North Carolina. [applause] so i did that out of respect. And if you had a governor that would have led us left as have some people, he actually told me this, we had an arena that holds 19,000 people, it was jam sold out, every hotel was for. I called him, he said, we have a shutdown going on. And according to the rules and regulation, now this is 19,000, he did say it, i dont think he will deny it. But he said according to the rules and regulations, the most people you are allowed to have in that room, meaning that arena, he viewed it as a room, is 10 people. So i say governor, i met 19,000, you are at 10. Can we work something in the middle . It didnt sound too good. We really had no choice. It was a terrible thing. I felt so badly. Economic develop in money, all the things that happened. We decided, i was with rhonda, the Vice President , everybody, mark, and we said lets have our big deal, the roll call, lets have it right here, and lets do it. And im going to show up and not tell anybody until a few minutes ago, nobody knew i was coming. Nobody knew it was coming. [crowd cheering] but what is more important on the rollcall . You are the ones calling it. Whats more important . So i have to tell you, we are going to do a lot of things. Im going to go over it briefly because we will make a speech on thursday night. I hope you all will be listening. [crowd cheering] because i came in and im on air force one, and air force one has more televisions than any plane in history. Theyve got them in closets, on ceilings, floors. Theyve got more you cant escape a television. I turned to cnn and they didnt have this. Can you believe it . They didnt have it. No, no, cnn didnt have our rollcall. And i turned to ms a d c, as i call her. [laughter] msdnc. It is a branch of the democrats. I would not say fully owned corporation, but it is certainly a fully controlled. Or they control them. Nobody really knows who is controlling who. But they had it on television. I remember watching it. And it was interesting. You see the different states, we say this, we say that. The great state of alaska, the great state of alabama, the great state of North Carolina, a great state of all of them. And it is pretty interesting to me. They have theirs on. But they didnt show it. Instead they are showing the scam because they are trying to show the post office, so that when their whole mail in thing fizzles, they will try blaming it on the post office. They are showing these hearings that are very boring, actually. And they are not showing this. They were not showing this. It, unfortunately fox was not showing it too much because they had the announcers talking, talking, talking. I set i want to hear what the delegates are saying. So i think we had to switch over to cspan or oan, or somebody. I wanted to hear them. [applause] a fewcan promise you things. Number one, we will not be taking the word god out of the pledge of allegiance. [crowd cheering] like they did a number of times at their caucuses. They took the word god out. I heard it. I was listening. I said, thats strange. Sort of weird. Youve heard it all your life. Under god, under god. Those two words are missing. I said, oh, he must have made a mistake. He must maybe the teleprompter wasnt working, or his book wasnt working, that i have right here. Something wasnt working. But the problem was, the next day i heard it again. I said, thats not a mistake. Then they immediately went into, oh no, we didnt mean that. We didnt say it for the convention. No, that is where they are coming from. You can say it or not say it. That is where they are coming from. Just like with energy, they dont want energy. Not working well in texas by the way. Just looked at a pole. By the way, just came out that we have received 51 in the big and very important my numbers went up during the democratic National Convention. [applause] 51 . Four more years ] pres. Trump thank you. I love this state i like this place. And you are from all over the place but this has been a good one for me. Think of it. We are at 51 . Did you read about it, hear about it . You dont hear about it. They do registered voters instead of, most likely, it is supposed to be likely, in other words, how about you . You are likely to vote. How about you . You are registered. But im not voting. Under their plan, where they send these ballots, you dont have to want to vote. You get the ballot, and then they have harvesting. They get guys to go, you want to vote . . Not really, i have a valid ballot. Can i have it . They will take it. In fact, harvesting is a legal in your state. They wanted to put a republican, fine man, a pastor, they wanted to put him in jail because he harvested. Now they want to make harvesting legal all of a sudden. They will put him in jail as a republican. As a democrat, they would not be thinking about it. In california, they do the same thing. No repercussion. In North Carolina, you had a fine pastor, a fine man, and they got him on harvesting and wanted to put him in jail. Now they want to make it also that everybody can harvest, because they know it is not a good thing. So people that dont want to vote will be sitting there, they will be making if you talk about 80 million ballots, 80 million, it could not be higher than that. I used to say 51 million. They said, sir, you are obsolete with the 51. I said, what is it . They said 80. I said, 80 . How is it possible to think of it. They will be dumping them in neighborhoods, people will be picking them up, they will be bribing and paying off people to grab some. This is going to be one of the greatest scams. And it is common sense. This has nothing to do with politics. Its common sense. You dont have to know politics. They will mail out 80 million ballots. Its impossible. They have no idea. Who is mailing them . States andcrat democrat governors. Supposing they dont mail them to republican neighborhoods . That means they are not going to get them. So they will complain and the election will be over and then they will complain and they will say oh well, we didnt get it. In the meantime, you might lose the election. This is the greatest scam in the history of politics, i think. And im talking about beyond our nation. And they act like they are aggrieved. Like by saying this, we are saying such a horrible thing. We are not patriotic by saying this. No. We voted during world war i. We voted at the voting board booth during world war ii. The pandemic, we are doing valid very well and people know how to handle it. Look at the crowds. They are doing very well. Its very safe. Its going to be very safe. If you have an absentee ballot where you are requested, we are all in favor of that. Absentee, like in florida. They have absentee that is good. Other than that, they are very, very bad. There will be millions of ballots. Take a look at new york. Take a look at virginia. Take a look at new jersey. All different cases. They just had one last night. Now they are thinking about recalling certain elections that took place with mail and. And these are small elections that are locally based that are easy to run. Not millions, but thousands of ballots. Thousands. Hundreds of ballots. But these are small. They cant control it. They said 23 of the ballots were defective. What does defective mean . It means fraud. It means a lot of things that we will not get into because i dont want to be accused. You see the cameras back there . [laughter] the fake news, i dont want to be accused of anything. But what it means is they are trying to steal the election from the republicans. Thats what it means. In a very, very nice way, they are trying to steal the election just like they did it last time with spying. And we caught them. That included president obama. Included, lets be nice. [laughter] this can only happen in North Carolina. [laughter] but that included them. And i got caught. Then somebody said well, what are you going to do . Well, we cant attack a president. I see. If it was me [laughter] we cant attack a president , we caught him. We caught him cold. They say, we cant attack. He was at meetings talking about it. By the way, this was spying before and after. I think it is a disgrace to our country. I think we can never let that happen again. But now they are doing something that in a certain way, is more dangerous because it is more effective. They spied on my campaign. You know what they found . Nothing. But this is big stuff. This is stealing millions of votes. And it is going to be very hard. Now we are in courts all over the country and hopefully we have judges that are going to give it a fair call. Because if they give it a fair call, we are going to win this election. The only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election. We are going to win this election. [applause] i am just saying we cannot have ballots sent to everyone, including mostly people who never ask for them. Think of it heres the bottom line. That, in the given ands, believe it or not, that is why i respect her as respect raz mucin rasmussen. If you look at it, every single vote that they have every single vote it is going to be looked at. , man or a woman is sitting waiting for nothing, watching television, has no enthusiasm. Because on enthusiasm, the polls are saying i am up by massive numbers. Not just a little. I am also way up on the economy, by the way. When i say i am up, i am talking about we are up. So come if you could come up please. Massive numbers on a doozy as him. On enthusiasm. They are saying, i do not care if biden gets it. He has no enthusiasm. When you go to ohio, wisconsin, North Carolina, a lot of states, they have the trumppence sign on every lawn. It is all over the place. Indiana too. Indiana is great. We love bobby knight. I will tell you. All of them, they love us come in we love them. Indiana is great. Thank you. If you do not have any enthusiasm, are you going to vote . I want to watch television. All right. Here is a ballot. It just got to you. What am i going to do with this thing . They have somebody knocking on harvestingnd their and they are harvesting. Hey, have you gotten your ballot . Yeah, i have my ballot. When you sign it . Yeah. Get out of here. That is unfair. They are taking all that enthusiasm our party has, and we have tremendous enthusiasm, i think record enthusiasm. [applause] we have a base the likes of which nobody has seen, including these people. The wall street journal did a fantastic story this weekend, a cover story, on this base. It is an incredible base. Everybody here will vote. I mean, we have a tremendous base. They do not. They have no enthusiasm for their candidate. Frankly, Bernie Sanders, they had much more enthusiasm for him. Bernie sanders, excuse me again, he is the greatest loser i have ever seen. The guy can lose and he is so happy. Hillary clinton i want to use nice language. I do not want to use the word that starts with s, c. They will say he uses foul language. But Bernie Sanders got taken advantage of by Hillary Clinton, but worse, by the democrats this time because pocahontas, elizabeth warren, got out of the campaign one day prior to the super tuesday vote. Bernie sanders would have one every single state because biden one by a little bit. She did not do well, but she took thousands of votes away. If you add just a percentage of those boats back, that means of those boats back, that means bernie would have easily won the nomination. Im glad he didnt. He had the doozy as him. Smaller base, but equally as enthusiastic. They do not like joe biden. I think we will get a lot of votes. Primarily because of trade. I know how other countries take advantage of us and i understand that and that is something Bernie Sanders people feel. I understand trade. I have done usmca now. I got rid of nafta, the worst [laughter] china tariffs. China had the worst year. The worst year they have had in decades and decades and we had the best year we have ever had, but we took in billions of from china. We never took in . 10 from china. They took china and not only obama for 25 years, china was taking in anywhere between 200 billion and 550 billion from the United States. I give them all the credit, number one, for being smart and outfoxing all the people that stood here and their weresentatives, but china help to build. Yearve them 500 billion a because, before that, and before the wto, china was flatlined. China it was after that happened. And they took advantage of us because we did not have people that were smart enough to see. And by the way, biden would be the worst of all of them because his son took out 1. 5 billion and he gets fees on 1. 5 billion. Give me a break. China will own our country if this guy gets elected. [applause] so we have a big one coming. And just to finish enthusiasm. They take the enthusiasm out of the equation because they will knock on everybodys door. Here, would you sign this . Nobody knows who is signing that. They want to have it where the signature does not have to be verified. The signature does not have to be verified. How can and then they will play the game that we are not patriotic. What they are doing is using covid to steal an election. Right. Exactly. Trump they are using covid to defraud our people of a free and fair election. [applause] do not let them give you the post office stuff. The postal service, they do a great job. Lose a lot of money. I have said if they charged amazon a couple of dollars more a package, then amazon has to pay, not the customer. You know what would happen . The post office would start doing very well. Packages,ps all the why should we do it . Ofthey charged amazon, course, he owns the washington post, so when i get bad stories in the washington post, i wonder why, but i just tell it like it is, right . [applause] more duringmplished the first three and a half years of this administration than any president in the history of our country. I am not even getting pushback. I have been saying this for two , but we three years have done more lets say just about, so they cannot say somebody won a war or something just about more than any administration in history of our country. We have secured our borders. We have built our wall, to will be finished shortly. We have brought back manufacturing jobs. Entire isisated the caliphate and killed all baghdadi. Theave also killed greatest, biggest terrorist, maybe of them on, qasem soleimani. Judges byed 300 new the end of the first term. We will have appointed 300. It is an unheardof number. President obama was very nice and he gave me 142 openings. Historically, historically, you could know openings. When you become president the first question is how many judges . They will say none, sir. Because it is a very important thing, federal judges. 300 itve appointed could be even more than that by the end of the first term. First day, i said, how many judges do i get to a point . They said, 142. You know what, he thought hillary was going to win. The republicans did not make it easy, but if you have enough time, there is not much anybody can do about it. Judges and with 142 we have added many. 300, and twop with Great Supreme Court justices. [applause] saying his i am i am demanding, actually, a list. Let biden put up a list of the judges he is going to appoint. We are going to take it out of that list. We will be announcing a list in the next week with the judges we had so you know exactly where we stand. He cannot do it because he would appoint it is not him. He has no choice. The radical left will demand he appoints super radical left, wild, crazy justices going into the Supreme Court. Your American Dream will behe hd if that happens. It will be dead. And by the way, the next president i have had two. Some president s have had none. I have had two in a relatively short period of time, but the 2, 3, 4,could have even five. This is so important. Whether youre talking about life, Second Amendment, military, this is so important. We have to do this. We have to win this election. Ckt we brought ba manufacturing, rebuilt our military, wiped out isis. When i came in, isis was all over. The president of iraq was in last week. He said, i want to thank you for defeating isis. I said it me, or the United States . He said you. You defeated him, sir. I said it, tell that to the media, please. Lets see if he does. But we passed the biggest tax cut in regulation cuts in the history of our country. We have replaced the worst trade deal ever made, nafta, with a great usmca deal that will keep our companies here and be treating us very nicely. I would not say the other two countries were thrilled with it, but they were happy enough. We did that, and that is another thing. They said, you will never be. Able to replace nafta we got it. We got it through congress. We fixed a lot of our broken trade deals. We fixed a horrible deal that was made with south korea. Remember, that was a Hillary Clinton special . She said this would produce 250,000 jobs. She was right except the jobs went to south korea, not to us. Nobodyd up to china like has ever stood up between the tariffs and the trade deal which, now, do not forget when i made that, the ink was not dried before the china virus poured into our country. Very well. Last week, they had the largest order of corn, the largest order of soybeans. They are doing things. You know, they are very smart. A lot of people because they see my attitude would say, we are not going to order. They do just the opposite. The great sonny perdue is here. Secretary perdue. Ny . That right, son they ordered the largest order of corn in the history of our country twice. Twice. Twice. The largest order of corn. Here is how smart. Somebody else, running some country, could say, we will not do business with them. China is very smart. They have ordered more corn than we ever thought possible, ordered more soybeans than they ever thought possible. Now i have farmers calling me up saying, sir, we love china very much. Please do not be too tough with them. It makes it difficult, sonny. We do due to well we do too well the job sometimes. We have achieved energy independence. [applause] these phonies want to end everything we have done. I think they basically want to close up our country because they are taking away our strength, but they want to do something, but there is no such thing. Solar cannot do it. I love solar. It is all fine. Heavily expensive, but they want to go to other forms of alternative energy. I think that is ok, except we do not have them. It is not going to power these massive factories. Hydro i love. It is one of my alltime favorites. Hydro i love, i have to tell you. The great dams. You do not see that too much. You know why . The environmentalists say we cannot build a dam there. Now we can. We have done things nobody thought was possible. For example, the keystone pipeline. We got that approved. The Dakota Access pipeline. They were all bogged down. I got it approved. I got things done they said you could not get done. We were Energy Independent and they said we want to ban fracking. Right . No fracking. How do you think they will do in texas, oklahoma, north dakota, louisiana. Basically, they want no fossil fuel whatsoever. No gas, no oil, no coal, no nothing. Ok . So they do not want anything. Now, they are getting killed. The pollsters came out in texas. Texas was not happy. They want no guns, no oil and gas, and they want know god. So it is no religion, no guns, right . No oil and gas. I do not think you will do to tooin texas you will do good in texas. You know, George Washington could come back and choose as his vp the great Abraham Lincoln, and you will not win texas if you have no oil, no guns, and no religion. You are not going to win too many places. [applause] obamacaresd horrible individual mandate, which basically knocked out obamacare. We have protected your Second Amendment, so important. We have cut drug prices, first time in 51 years. We got drug prices down. I did a favored nations clause, meaning we pay the same price as the lowest country that has the best deal. The companies are going crazy, the Drug Companies. They are taking ads on me. I went to mark meadows. I said it, mark, they are killing me. They have nothing but cash. Big pharma they call it, for a reason. Nobody gives the politicians more money than big pharma. Nobody, not even close. I said, if you will not negotiate a fair deal, we will do a favored nations clause. They said, do not do that stuff. Favored nations because, you know, we have countries out there that are paying a tiny fraction of what our people are expected to pay, so if you have othersry, germany or by the way, u. K. , all of europe, canada pays 50 less. People leave our country, go to canada, pick up their drugs, and then they go back home. Can you believe it . So i say, i want a favored nations clause. I also want a rebate clause. Instead of the money going to the middleman they would have to be the richest people in the world. At least the Drug Companies make a product. I wiped out the rebate. I instituted what is called a favored nations clause. It is very simple. You have that in deals. It is, whatever the lowest price in the world, we are the biggest purchaser of Prescription Drugs by far in the world. So whatever the lowest price is that other countries pay so if you have a country paying . 10 for a pill and we are forng 2. 50, then we get it . 10. What happens is that they will go up a little bit, we will come way down. Favored nations. I want to pay with the lowest price is anywhere in the world. We are the biggest purchaser. We want a favored nations. They had a heart attack and then i signed it. They did not believe it. [applause] and now what they are doing is maybe even more than that on Prescription Drug prices. Would it not be a kick in the sleepy joe is president , and this thing kicks in in 40 days . People wake up after the election. Boy, biden has done a great job. My drug prices just went down by 70 . What a great president he has been. And sleepy joe would say, i thought about that, but everybody knew about favored nations. I was called by many politicians please do not do it, sir. I said why . They do not want to tell me why. I know why. They have been helped out. I guess we have to understand that to. But the fact is we have signed a favored nations clause in your numbers will come down 60 , 70 , and i hope you remember that on november 3 because nobody bid me would ever do it nobody but me would ever do it. The other thing i have done besides very strongly protecting your Second Amendment, which was not easy. And by the way, they will take your guns away it sure is you are standing there. They will take your guns away or r obliterate the Second Amendment. Especially when you go to portland, when you see how weak those democrats are, they are pathetic. They are saying, let us come in and solve your problems. We will solve it in one hour, just like we did in minneapolis. Five nights, six nights. Let us come in. We will solve your problem. They are almost use to it. This is the way our whole country would be if you ever let anything like this happen. Protected your preexisting conditions, very strongly. And you not hear that, but were strongly protected preexisting conditions. We eliminated the horrible individual mandate. Every republican is sworn to protecting your preexisting conditions. It is very important. You will not hear that. You will not hear that from the fake news. Try, wed right to passed v. A. Accountability and v. A. Choice, we mobilized the largest response since the second world war. We are doing an incredible job on the china virus, but i will talk to you about that thursday night. Will anybody be listening on thursday, by the way . [applause] and they quickly, second term, among many other things, we will continue with the military. We have built the Strongest Military by far. It was depleted. It was depleted like you would not believe. We have the best jets and rockets and equipment of any tanks made in ohio, lima. We will create 10 million jobs, i think in the first month. They want to raise your taxes. This is the only election where somebody has said it, we are going to raise your taxes. They are going to quadruple your taxes, they are going to add on to the regulations, so these projects that we have started will not be able to get bill. Raise youring to taxes, raise your regulations to make it impossible to build a highway. Years, 10 take eight years, 21 years to get approval to build a highway. We have it down to two years. We will have it down to one. It may get rejected, but we will know very quickly. We are not going to wait seven years. They are costing 100 times more and they are not as good. Some of them go in circles to get to a point. They want to miss a certain nest. Lets pay 37 million to miss a nest. Look we have to be smart. Also, we are going to create tax credits for companies that bring back jobs from china and other countries and impose tariffs on countries that take advantage of the United States, as they have been for years and years. I have already done it in certain cases. We have certain countries that tariff us and that and we do not tariff them. Its simple. They tariff us, we tariff them. We are going to hire more police. [applause] we are going to go with School Choice. We have made a lot of progress on School Choice for every student in america. We are going to continue to expand opportunity zones. There has been nothing better, dont forget. They got, us, together criminal Justice Reform done, the greatest thing for the black community, africanamerican community. They came and they said, we cannot believe it. Obama did not even try. Theonly that, i got funded historically black colleges and universities. I got that i got them funded. They were not funded. They were yeartoyear. They did not know if they were going to be around for another year. They would come into the white house. After three years, i said, why do you keep coming back . It is a yeartoyear deal. I said, that is not fair. We got them longterm financing and longterm funding. Nobody has done more for the historically black colleges and universities the donald trump. Nobody. Nobody has done more for the africanamerican community, no president has done as much sense, i mean, and i say it Abraham Lincoln. Its true. Criminal Justice Reform, opportunity zones, with tim scott of South Carolina, a great senator and a great gentleman. Is fantastic. Opportunity zones. But think of it. Opportunity zones. What we have done has been amazing. The most important thing is, prior to the virus, the greatest job numbers in the history of the africanamerican community, the hispanic community, and the asian, as i said. I want to thank everybody. We are going to get rid of our sanctuary cities as soon as we can so that they do not protect [applause] we put nasa back in action. Nasa had grass growing through its runway. It had grass growing through the cracks of its runways. It was closed essentially. Just a disaster. Now it is the number one space center anywhere in the world by far. You saw the ships going up. For some reason, a lot of rich people like rockets going up, so we say, lets lease them our beautiful launching areas. They pay for it. We are going to mars. We will be the first on mars. We have to do it. If we are here, it is going to happen. If it is somebody else, probably not. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are incredible warriors. You have incredible strength. You have unbelievable intelligence and patience. Is a combination of both. I do not know which is greater, the intelligencer the patients, but lets say the intelligence. We have the greatest support of anywhere, anytime, in any election, and i think people are starting to find out. They found out in 2016, and i will be honest, this election, i believe we have far greater enthusiasm in this election. And we had a level that was a record. Because they still do not believe what happened. They said it, we still do not believe what happened . Great americans who never voted because they did not like who they were watching or looking. I will never forget it. A congressman from tennessee came up. They do early voting. Tennessee, great state. They just started voting and i was in pennsylvania making a speech. Butaid, sir, i do not know, i have been doing this for a long time. He said, i have never seen anything like it. People are coming from the valleys and the hilltops. They are coming from all over. They are coming out of the rivers. Coming along those beautiful war fields we have. Sir, i have never seen anything like it. But if other states are like tennessee, youre going to win. They came from the mountains, from everywhere. He said, i have never seen anything like it. People, these were people that were never political people. Pin in theirre a life having to do with politics. It has been an incredible experience for me. And i tell you what, it is going to be a great year. It will be a year of tremendous success. We are fighting off this horrible thing that was delivered by china. And it was by china, and we are never going to forget it. We are never going to forget what they did. Because you know what . We are going to do great economic [applause] [no audio] we are going to do better economically than we did last year, but we can never forget the 175,000 people, which will go up. Remember this, though. We saved millions. If i did not put the ban on heavily infected people coming to our nation from china, that everybody told me not to do, months later they were saying we shouldnt and then they apologized or admitted it was right. And europe. I did europe very early. If we did not do that, our numbers would be at a level like you would not believe. So, i just want to thank everybody for this incredible support. Be very, very careful. This is going to be, and i really believe this, the most important election in the history of our country. It is. Trump do not let them take it away from you. [applause] North Carolina, i love you. That is why i am here. Thank you very much. Very special people. God bless you all. Thank you. [applause] young man, there is no need to feel down young man, there is a place you can go it is fun to stay at the ymca it is fun to stay at the ymca ymca fun to stay at the you can do what you feel i said it, young man, where do you want to be . It is fun to stay at the ymca ymca n to stay at the we will now resume the roll call of the states. The boundort delegates for President Trump from south dakota. Pursuant to the announcement of and the rules of the perceived and the rules and procedures of this dakota, 29 south votes for president donald j. Trump. Delegates with the following bound delegates. 58 for President Trump. Madam secretary, i would like to thank the previous speaker for warming up the crowd for tennessee. I really appreciate it. Scott coleman, i am the chairman of the tennessee Republican Party. Tennessee is known worldwide for our music and convention wide for our whiskey. Tennessee this year has the privilege of celebrating 100 years since the passage of the 19th amendment, locally known as the war of the roses, where suffragists for yellow. Daughtersof my two and the daughters across america, tennessee probably casts its 58 delegates for the president of the United States, mr. Donald trump. Thank you. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this 58 votes, tennessee, President Donald Trump. Texas [applause] 155 delegates with the following bound delegates. 155, President Trump. From the lone star state, home of the alamo, where texas is proud of our history and our culture and our history, we are the job creator of the nation. Our Energy Industry has made america Energy Independent, and our Agricultural Industry of the and feeds much world. Like President Trump, every day we thank god for the great state of texas and this great country. And like President Trump, we are prolife, we are profamily, we are pro law and order, we are pro Law Enforcement, we are promilitary, we are pro Second Amendment, and in texas, texas who own guns do not vote for democrats who want to take them away. Like the Merle Haggard song said, we still waive old glory waveat the courthouse old glory down at the courthouse, and stand for the national anthem. The president was not born in texas, but on this day, he is our favorite son. My name is dan patrick. I am proud to be the chair of the Trump Campaign in texas and to be Lieutenant Governor of our great state. On behalf of our entire delegation, we cast all 155 votes for my friend, and the only hope that every american in this country has for true liberty and true freedom and true opportunity, donald j. Trump for president of the United States of america. God bless you, mr. President , and god bless texas and this great country. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, texas, 155 votes for president donald j. Trump. The virgin islands. Nine delegates with the following bound delegates. Nine for President Trump. Pursuant to the procedures of this convention, the virgin islands, nine votes for President Donald Trump. Utah. With 40 delegates and the following bound delegates. 40, President Trump. It is a secretary, pleasure to represent the state of utah in the United States senate. My name is mike lee, and i am serving this week because this week as the chairman of utahs delegation to the Republican National convention. Madam secretary, utah is home to the very first woman who ever cast a ballot under equal suffrage laws. 1870,young did that in the first of a series of millions of votes that would be cast by american women. In utah, we love a lot of things. We love our families, which are very large. In fact, this gathering would be a sort of Family Dinner Party in utah. We love our national parks, our national forests. Love the hallmark legislation passed by the Trump Administration bringing about the series the biggest series of criminal Justice Reforms in a generation. We introduced the world to the frisbee, to fry sauce, and to fake swearwords. In utah, we love our founding fathers. And in utah, we love the idea of four more years. Secretary, we, as the utah delegation, cast all of our states 40 delegate votes to the president of the United States, donald j. Trump. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, utah casts all 40 votes for President Trump. Vermont. With the following bound delegates. 17 for President Trump. Secretary,u, madam for your Service Today and to the party. I am the proud chairwoman from the state of vermont. With me today, i have my crew. Is anya teniel and others. We are from the Green Mountain state of vermont. We have the real vermont maple syrup. We bring you microchips, cheeses, and micro breweries. Thealso the state of home of president calvin coolidge. [applause] thank you. We have some of the most accommodating homeschool policies in the country. We are proud to say that. And vermont is the only state that has never restricted a persons right to carry concealed. [applause] for all of you snow bunnies, we are also recognized as the ski capital of the east, so come ski with us. We are proud to castor 17 votes ourthe president cast 17 votes for the president , donald j. Trump. Thank you. [applause] pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this caststion, vermont 17 votes for President Trump. Virginia, 48 delegates with the following bound delegates. Virginia, 48 for President Trump. Madam secretary, madame chairman, my name is john douglas, chairman of the great commonwealth of virginia. My delegates here today hail from the oldest governing body in america, where president ago toisited us one year commemorate 400 years of democracy. Our delegates are proud of virginia. The silent men and women working in america that represent Donald Trumps army that do not show up in the polls are coming back in 2020. President trump is going to win again, only bigger. [applause] with the help of our new state chairman, rich anderson, virginia, the peoples republic of virginia, will be freed once again and go red. [applause] pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, virginia casts 48 votes for President Donald Trump. [applause] 43 delegates with the following bound delegates. 43, President Trump. Thank you, madam secretary. In the chairman of the Washington State delegation. Evergreenof the state, proudly named after our first president , the most beautiful state in the nation, home to majestic mountains, rivers, hydropower, lakes, the ,acific ocean, entrepreneurs innovators, tech companies, manufacturing, farming, agricultural, Natural Resources, and many other fantastic industries in a state that well knows the consequences of it ofocrat rule consequences democrat rule, and they are giving into radical socialists in seattle. On behalf of hundreds of thousands of Republican Voters and our 43 delegates, we cast all of our votes for President Donald Trump. [applause] pursuant to the announcement of the delegation in the rules and procedures of this convention, washington casts 43 votes for President Trump. Delegates with35 the following bound delegates. 35, President Trump. King,m virginia delegation chair for West Virginia. Madam secretary, the wild, rich,ful Natural Resource almost heaven state of West Virginia proudly casts all of its 35 votes for our history making president , donald j. Trump. We pledge our country roads will help our president on his road to victory in november. [applause] pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of the convention, West Virginia casts 35 votes for President Donald Trump. Wisconsin, 50 two delegates with the following bound delegates. 52, President Trump. Secretary, the great state of wisconsin, which since its statehood has led the nation, the great birthplace of the grand old party, the front of the movement,st which fought the democrats to end slavery, the noble colonel,e of the great with a statue in our capital square, recently toppled by statets, the welcoming that just hosted president donald j. Trump last week and hosted Vice President pence last wednesday, the proud state, nor by joe biden for the last state, ignored by joe biden for the last 664 days and counting, the dairy state of wisconsin, rld famous cheese kurds will be served in celebration when we cast our votes for donald trump, the decisive state of wisconsin, with gratitude for our president , who has heard those who have been ignored for so long, thankfully casts all of 52 votes for president donald j. Trump. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, wisconsin casts 52 votes for President Trump. Prepared to announce the results. The following candidates received the following votes. Wyoming. Sorry. Out. Ey told me to come [laughter] sorry, wyoming, we love you. Delegates with the following bound delegates. 29, President Trump. Least ut not [applause] i am delegation chair of wyoming, the last best place on earth, the way america used to be and will be again under theident trump, home of First National park, home of the First National monument, their real home of womans suffrage, having passed a law giving women 1869, at to vote in full half a century before the 19th amendment was passed, home bronco,ucking who is being written by donald trump ridden by donald trump today, happily, enthusiastically, wyoming casts all of its 29 votes with our gathered inates riverton, wyoming this morning for the president , Donald J Trump. God bless america. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, wyoming casts 29 votes for donald j. Trump. Thank you. Prepared tohair is announce the results. The following candidates received the following votes. 2550 for president donald j. Trump. [applause] the chair announces that donald j. Trump, having received a majority of these votes entitled to be cast at the convention, has been unanimously elected as the Republican Party nominee for president of the United States. [applause] pursuant to rule 40d of National Convention procedures, i formally declare donald trump and mike pence the nominees for president and Vice President. I would like to remind that the rnc members in attendance that the organizational meeting will take place shortly after the convention is adjourned. It will take place at the westin hotel the grand ballroom, which is on the second floor of the hotel. Lunch will be provided to the members. Please make sure you are thereby 1 30 p. M. Many members need to catch flights home this afternoon and evening. While we will leave charlotte today, i want you to know that we have had an amazing array of Convention Programming coming up this week. You will hear convention acceptance speeches from the president , Vice President , and first lady, with additional Celebration Events taking place the rest of the week. And now, please join me in welcoming back to the stage, leader Kevin Mccarthy. Leader mccarthy lets thank chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel for the amazing job she has done. Great job. I hope you realize the difference between republican and democratic conventions. Our nominees show up. Now at this time, the chair would like to recognize the delegate from South Carolina. From the great state of South Carolina, i move that the 2020 Republican National convention adjourns until 7 30 p. M. This evening. Leader mccarthy the motion has been made to adjourn until 7 30 p. M. This evening. Is there a second . I am henry barber from mississippi and i second the motion. The motion has been made and seconded. Is there discussion . No discussion, the chair will call for a vote. Aye. N favor, say all opposing, sene. Say nay. The ayes have it. We are adjourned. Its official. The republicans have nominated donald trump and vice pens to be there nominees for the 2020 election. They will gather again at 8 30 p. M. Eastern for the first night of speeches. Tonights theme is the land of the land of promise, excuse me. We are opening up the phone lines to get your reaction to what you heard this morning out of charlotte and the president s unannounced appearance before the delegates. Here is the line for you. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, you can also text and you can also send us a tweet as well. Here is one from linda, who says she loves the rnc roll call. Always her favorite part of a National Convention. Love to see delegates proud of their states. Always learn something new. Thank you. Delegatese of the from the state of florida, the president s home state, announcing their delegates for the president earlier today. [video clip] for the 122 delegates that are back at home, and the o ver 5 million republicans we have registered, it is an honor for us to award floridas 122 delegate votes to the president of the United States, donald j. Trump, for the president of the United States. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the president of the United States of the United States of the United States of america and our nominees, donald j. Trump. Proud to be an american, where at least i know i am free and i will not forget the men who died, who gave their life for me there aint no doubt i love this land trump making an unannounced appearance in charlotte today. He will make an appearance virtual or physically, like he did today, every night of the convention. Be givinghe will his speech and accepting the nomination from the white house. We want to get your thoughts on the convention. We will start with daniel, from wisconsin, a democratic caller. Go ahead. Caller thank you for having me today. How nbelievable america is more divided because of this guy, and trump thinks this is a tv show, that he can insult his way to the present he see. I was just in illinois, and a lot of my friends i think are blind in both eyes in her not seeing the truth that this guy cannot insult his way to the whoevercy and just bash he wants and mock people, insult women, and this guy has to go. I regret voting for this guy last time. Daniel, you voted for President Trump in 2016. Caller yeah. Host why did you not vote for Hillary Clinton . Why did you vote for President Trump . Caller it came down, for me and my family, it was the supreme were the mainrity themes. Trust clinton on those two main themes at that time. Host hasnt the president delivered on those things for how hasnt the president delivered on those things for you . Caller i will admit, the way the senate acted toward those two Supreme Court nominees, i thought the senate handled it very badly. I think they did not do it appropriately. Nominated when Ronald Reagan nominated someone on the bench, i think they probably acted better that time. To me, his tax plan did not help me. He did not repeal obama care. He did not release his taxes. They are always against everything. It more divided, the country. The reason why people are fighting and punching, just during 2016, is he is causing more violence and anger because of those because of how he is acting. Host ok. Heard that point. I want to get some other voices in. I will start with this text from chelsey of colorado, saying it was fun watching the energy and excitement in the room around nominating donald j. Trump. Jeremy in new castle, pennsylvania, republican. It is your turn. Caller this is the first time i have watched the rollcall and seen the delegates make their voices heard. I am a proud army veteran. I stand by donald trump. I stand by Law Enforcement and by the u. S. Military. Donald trump did a great job by putting two members on the Supreme Court. He has made a lot of time watching . Caller very interesting. I thought it was pretty exciting. I did not know that is how it happened. I never thought about it

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