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The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. August 22, 2020. I hereby appoint the honorable brenda l. Lawrence to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of us all, thank you for giving us another day. Bless the members of the peoples house gathered here at the capitol for an extraordinary session in extraordinary times. Inspire them with wisdom as they hope to address the needs of our nation in such a difficult period of our shared history. Continue to bless those who labor to attend to the sick among our citizens and those also who strive to find effective treatments and vaccines. Keep us all safe in your divine mercy. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceedings is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led today by the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Is the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from the Virgin Islands seek recognition . Ms. Plaskett i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Plaskett thank you, madam speaker. First, thank you to the postal workers across this nation who work tirelessly to ensure we receive our mail in a timely fashion and are now doing it under treatment difficulty. Almost every business from the Largest Corporation to the smallest hometown operation relies on the Postal Service. But those businesses, those families, medicine, food, goods, are in jeopardy. Not from a foreign adversary, not from war, but from attack within our borders. From those in charge. From the postmaster general. Why . What is the primary purpose . To subvert an election. Today and monday we will combat that attack. We will give the funding procedures necessary to restore and support the u. S. Postal service. We have also responded to the unanimous request of the Trump Administration appointed postal board of governors for 25 billion in much needed emergency operational relief. For over 200 years, neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night have stayed these courors from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. Let it not be on our watch that legacy ends. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. For what purpose does the the gentlewoman from North Carolina rise . Ms. Foxx thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Foxx thank you, madam speaker. 10 years ago the bluffs restaurant, a wonderfully historic establishment on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Fifth District closed its doors. Today its reopening thanks to over 500 donors who contributed more than 1 million for repairs. In 1949 the bluffs was the first restaurant to open on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and it served customers for more than 61 years. Generations of families have passed through its doors and they returned time and again. For them its not just about the food, its also about the countless memories that have been made there. My plan was to attend the reopening event today. Unfortunately, i could not. But i still want to thank owners Shana Whitehead and bill health for reopening and wishing them the best in this endeavor. With that i yield back, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise . Seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Higgins madam speaker, for 228 years, the United States Postal Service has delivered for the American People. Its an institution built on trust. Trust that the United States military veterans will receive their prescriptions each and every month. Trust that Social Security recipients will receive their checks each and every month. Trust that Small Businesses can manage and grow with the assistance of the United States Postal Service. Today the trust and confidence the United States Postal Service is under attack bay the very administration and the postmaster general who should be protecting the time honored tradition of that institution. Yesterday we stood outside the Mail Processing facility in buffalo where five sorting machines were removed. Without explanation. This house will prove today that delivering for american act, an act to protect the United States Postal Service from a destructive acts of the president and his postmaster disaster. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Madam speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise today to pay tribute to fallen warrior and a true American Hero from the beautiful 25th district of california. Egunry Sergeant Diego Pongo of ssimi valley was killed in the mountains of iraq back on marchle of this year. He was a marine and part of the reheat unit the raiders charged with eliminating entrenched bastions of isis in iraq. Because of delays as a result of the covid pandemic, his soon funeral and ceremony were held wo days ago at the haloed Hallowed Ground at Arlington National cemetery. My thoughts and prayers are with diego and his family. His brothers, his exwife, and most of you will his beautiful 8yearold daughter, avery. Madam speaker mr. Garcia we lost a true American Patriot and hero. We as a nation are eternally indebted to him and his family. May we never forget. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the the gentlewoman from michigan rise . Mrs. Dingell i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Dingell thank you, madam speaker. Through the civil war, the spanish flu, the great depression, and two world wars the United States Postal Service has not stopped. No matter the conditions, snow, rain, heat, or darkness the dedicated men and women of the Postal Service have carried out their mission with pride. The Postal Service is one of the great pillars of our democracy. It is enshrined in the constitution and it is an essential service for so many. The actions by the postmaster general in recent weeks is a sabotage campaign, aimed at manipulating mail service. And whatever the intent, its hurting everyday americans. Seniors, veterans, working men and women. In michigan we have been told that just this month 10 mail sorting machines have been removed and destroyed. This American Institution is being deliberately dismantled. Its not only an attack on the Postal Service, its an attack on our constitution. Way of life, and, yes, our democracy. My message is simple. Protect the Postal Service and our republic. Thank you, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina rise . Mr. Wilson madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Wilson thank you, madam speaker. This weeks announcement of the u. S. Promoted peace treaty between United Arab Emirates and israel is an achievement of historic proportions. It is the clear result of president Donald Trumps bold Foreign Policy agenda with Jared Kushner creating peace through strength. This is maimingor step towards a more stable, peaceful, and prosperous middle east in which all people and religions can coexist answer prosper. Considered as read sit due to you donald trump, Prime Minister netanyahu, and crown prince for their commitment to peace and prosperity. The Washington Examiner editorial entitled trump Team Deserves congratulations on the u. A. E. Israel peace deal is right. This agreement is a substantive and significant vick trick for the israelis antiTrump Administration. The u. A. E. Is ably represented washington by ue self working with the ambassador in jerusalem n conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never for get september 11 antiglobal war on terrorism. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island rise today . Mr. Cicilline ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cicilline thank you to the extraordinary men and women who serve us in the United States Postal Service. I rise today to highlight President Trumps shameless attempts to degrade the United States Postal Service. A refeared American Institution. These actions not only undermine our elections, they are gambling with peoples lives. These past several weeks i received thousands of emails, calls, and letters from constituents pleading that these changes be reversed. Just this week i heard from a constituent with diabetes who feared her family was at risk of losing insurance after she learned her payment arrived a month late after it was mailed. Covid19 has brought on significant financial trouble for so many families. To further hurt working families now facing late fees on rent or car payments through no fault of their own is unconscionable. House democrats have promised to get government working for the people and todays bill is another example of that commitment. Everybody loves the post office. It has been with us since the founding of our country knitting together communities. This attempt to undermine and degrade services is not only undermining services to our constituents, its threatening our democracy. With that, madam speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from indiana rise . I seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pence madam speaker, nancy pelosi is dragging the entire house of representatives back here to washington, d. C. , on taxpayer dollars, for an unnecessary political vote. Speaker pelosi is choosing to vote on a political Conspiracy Theory regarding the United States Postal Service. Instead, the house should be working on commonsense, covid19 legislation to address Liability Protections for states, counties, cities, schools, nonprofits, and businesses that are trying to reopen. This bill is nothing more than an attempt to utilize the courts to shut down the 2020 election. We need to stop wasting time on a sham political vote like h. R. 8015. Because in reality House Democrats are the ones trying to scare the American People, blame President Trump, and, yes, undermine the 2020 election results. In these days and weeks before the election, democrats are clearly desperate. Why cant we focus on providing covid19 relief for Small Business, support infrastructure the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Pence i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Takano thank you, madam speaker. I rise today to honor a visionary who believed in education for the masses. Salvatorery rotella. He dedicated his life to a uniquely american form of education. Americas community colleges. He led the Riverside Community College District from 1991 to 2007 while i was a trustee. Sal oversaw the expansion of our the system into one of three separate accredited colleges while facing severe fiscal constraints. He healed the divided faculty and continually challenged the board of trustees to do the right thing. One of sals significant achievements was passport to college, which helps students believe that college was an attainable dream for them. Sal was more than just a leader, he was an exceptional family man and mentor to me and so many others. Had he a way of getting people to take their lives seriously, as if they really mattered. Now that hes gone, i take comfort in knowing that his lifes example will live on through others who have learned from him. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore thank you. For what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin rise . Id like to ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Thank you. At this time when the coronavirus is going on, i realize a lot of energy is expended as we work towards a possible vaccine. Mr. Grothman i would like the centers for Disease Control to bring up two other topics which may be helpful though not quite as expensive. One is three universities, rinity in dublin, harvard, and Northwestern University have shown that vitamin d can do a lot to lessen the damage of covid. 40 of americans suffer from a lack of vitamin d, you can get vuff night min d in addition to going outside if you are not staying inside too much, you can get it at your local drugstore. I wish the centers for Disease Control would spend more time publicizing this as 40 of americans are short of vitamin d. I wish they would deal with one at srael they are looking and perhaps this common anticholesterol drug can also lives as we await vaccine. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the back. Man yields for what purpose does the gentleman rise, from california, to seek recognition . Speaker, to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Rise today aker, i silla ze practice ceda made us proud and she earned the spot as student at the National Graduate together America High School student class of 2020. Also thank our Santa Ana High School principal support. Op for his mr. Correa of course, i want to for the debate coach bringing the championship to the high school. Out of santampions ana. To college headed degree. Graduate congratulations, priscilla. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The hat purpose does gentleman from pennsylvania speaker, to madam address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore rise . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized. R. Thompson thank you, madam speaker. I rise to recognize and congratulate georgia abby on ecent retirement as executive director at Leadership Center county. It was founded in 1991 and has development of qualified Leaders Within the Center County community. Over the years, more than 1,000 of grad have graduated from the program who hen went on to be committee chairs, Board Members in Center County organizations. m proud to be one of those Leadership Center county graduates. L. C. C. Has different values that strive to illustrate. T include gratitude, mutual respect, inclusion. They believe effective leaders improve the quality of life for their communities. 21 years, georgia abby has played a major role in goals of the Leadership Center county. And high s, oriented manageme management at l. C. C. Has contributed to the tremendous success of this organization. And her husband, kevin, the best all the best in the next phase of life retirement. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the back. Eman yields for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts rise . Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i to addressus consent the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without bjection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, covid19 is having a devastating Global Hunger and food security, especially among children. Efore the pandemic, malnutrition and hunger rates rise. N the globally, 144 million children wasting om stunting, effects, 47 million. Over 130mic could push Million People into hunger by 2020. D of in july, one estimated that without timely action, the lobal prevalence of child wasting could rise by a shocking 14 . Affecting nearly seven million children and causing more than 10,000 additional child deaths every month. Unprecedented need, Congress Must act. E must help fund a Global Response to the covid19 pandemic. This potential hunger and malnutrition kriers. Crisis. Dren the children of the world, just like us, need us. I yield back. For peaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Mr. Lamalfa to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, madam speaker. Ts that time again in california. Tens or hundreds of acres are on fire and our forests and our even burning into some of our cities and neighborhoods. So whats the deal . Were not prepared. Some of our federal agencies not prepared to have the on pment, the firefighters hand contracted, ready to go when we knew this was coming. As well, our people at procure werericity and govern that not ready for the rolling blackouts that would come along from a high heat wave as well as shutdowns that would have to occur in burning areas. What is wrong with government not plan to do serve their people to keep them safe from fire and help keep the electricity on . What is wrong that they cant add up how many power plants available online, how much hydropower we have, how how water behind the dams, much we have available during wave to helpf heat keep the lights on . What is wrong with federal plan to that cannot have people, even during covid, ready to go . Better because were disserving our people. Back. D the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the texas rise, rom seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the ouse for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. I stand here today because the service is s postal under attack by the current administration. Ms. Garcia this is an assault and our mocracy economy. And its hurting americans across the country. Hurting the veteran in my who receives his medication from the v. A. Through the mail who is now worried what ill happen to him if his medications get delayed. Its hurting my neighbor from her le park who cares for elderly mother and didnt receive her Social Security time. In the mail on further stressing her financial situation and leaving her unable mothers utilities. And its hurting the Small Businesses in my neighborhood, region, already crippled by this pandemic, that depend on the Postal Service to out payments and products. By as people are hurting. Ostal services delivers money, medicines, merchandise, and, yes, mail ballots. E must keep the Postal Service running. People are hurting. Thank you, madam speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for the gentleman es from North Carolina rise and seek recognition . Madam speaker, to address the house for one, unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. Withoutker pro tempore objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you. Rise today to i honor the lifesaving work of of the brooks yandal white lakes police department. Over the weekend of july 4, responded to a call about a 43yearold woman unresponsive to c. P. R. Arriving, officer yandal determined that the victim had verdosed on heroin and took quick action to resuscitate her and save her life. His is not the first time officer yandal has acted to save lives. He saved a grandmother and her four grandchildren found unconscious and suffering from Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Yandals courage and decisiveness has saved multiple a credit to the noble profession of Law Enforcement. m proud to pay tribute today to him and to the entire White Lake Police department. Thank you, madam speaker. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the texas rise and recognition . Madam speaker, i rise to address the house and to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is 1. Ognized recognized for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee this morning, arrived in washington to fight for postal workers, service, tes postal and h. R. 8015, but i want to ake this moment to acknowledge lose to 175,000 almost of dead americans who have died from covid19. Havet to applaud those who taken out of the moment to march for those who have passed and mourn for those families. America. Ot i want to acknowledge Something Else that has come to my attention that hurts my heart as a mother and that is the trump dministrations policy to separate children. That the United Nations has condemned it as torture and children. Some upwards of 5,000 children. And their own white house specialist, if you will, wanted it to be 25,000 children. This is not america. We fight for those who have come to our doors in rain, snow, or shine. Must also fight for the children and never again in any policy that snatches children away from notr families, immigrant or immigrant. We are americans who have values something. For equality and justice. I yield back, madam speaker. Thank you for your leadership. Thank aker pro tempore you. For what purpose does the rise . Man from tennessee madam speaker, i ask to be recognized for one minute and to my remarks. Xtend the speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. United States Congress needs to get back to work, maam. Dealing on tart issues that deal with our constituents. One of those is of grave concern is invasive asian carp. Theyre a niece nuisance, enjoying people from our lakes, waters, streams. Expressed legitimate concerns over asian carp and their potential spread into our waters. Mr. Burchett ive been proud with them to tackle this issue. These rol the spread of pests ive worked to secure 25 fiscal in funding in year 2021, madam speaker. If approved by the senate, this, with language in the act, well study to e are better equipped battle these invaders. I want to thanks those on the transportation and infrastructure for working with on these requests. Roblematic asian carp harass boaters, fishermen, swimmers. They are compassionate about asian carp out of our waters. I look forward to working with them further on this important local issue. You, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Does the urpose gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Madam speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is minute. Ed for one madam speaker, i rise today to recognize the hard work and mr. Joe fibrisio eighth grade students in county. They write letters on topics. Mr. Fitzpatrick and its staff looks forward to. One of the most important things, madam speaker, that one an do as a citizen is communicate with your elected fficials, by sending a letter, sending an email or making a visit. Playing a nts are role. They know that the decisions our government makes today will eventually it will be their turn to make decisions in our government. My colleagues in the house would very much benefit from being able to read these letters. Speaker, i seek unanimous consent to submit them in the congressional record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Fitzpatrick madam speaker, taking the time to write our elected officials regarding ssues important to them, it shows these students truly care bout our district and our nation. And we have faith in the future of our nation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the back. Man yields for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i send to the desk a privileged report from the committee on rule. For filing under the the speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. He clerk report to accompany House Resolution 1092, resolution providing for consideration of the bill h. R. To maintain prompt and reliable Postal Services during emergency, health and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore to the house calendar and ordered printed. For what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts recognition . Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, by the direction of the Committee House s, i call up resolution 1092 and ask for its immediate consideration. The peaker pro tempore clerk will report the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 90, House Resolution 1092. Resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house without intervention of any question of consideration the bill h. R. 8015, to maintain prompt and reliable Postal Services during the covid19 health emergency, and for other purposes. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11661, modified by the amendment printed in the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution, shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except, one, two hours of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on oversight and reform, and two, one motion to recommit with or without instructions. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one hour. Mr. Mcgovern thank you. Madam speaker, for the purposes of debate only i yield the customary 30 minutes to the gentleman from georgia, my friend, mr. Woodall, pending which i yield myself such time as i may consume. During consideration of this resolution all time yielded is for the purposes of debate only. I ask unanimous consent that all members be given five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, on friday, the rules committee met and reported a rule, House Resolution 1092, providing for consideration of h. R. 8015, the delivering for america act, under a closed rule. The rule selfexecutes a managers amendment from chairwoman maloney, provides two hours of general debate on the bill, equally divided and controlled by the chair and Ranking Member of the committee on oversight and reform, and provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Madam speaker, we are here today because our democracy is being eroded by this administration. It is under siege on all fronts. I read the report released this week by the Senate Intelligence committee. A republicanled committee. It was truly shocking. It found that some in the president s campaign created, and i quote, notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities, end quote. Make no mistake. They welcomed help from russia and they knowingly used intelligence from putins regime. While this report was released, the president continued to attack his political enemies. He continued all the lies. This week he even floated the idea that america should hold a doover of the upcoming election in november if he doesnt like the outcome. Are you kidding me . On top of this, this administration has moved to dismantle the United States Postal Service. We have all seen the images of mailboxes uprooted. Others have been chained shut. Sorting machines have disappeared. Mail service has slowed to a crowell for some of our americans. Threatening the delivery of everything from medications to Social Security checks. Did you know, madam speaker, that 80 of our veterans Prescription Medications are delivered by mail . Why would anyone want to place their health in harms way . Why, madam speaker . Because this Administration Knows that more americans than ever are likely to vote by mail in november. The u. S. Postal service expects 10 times the normal amount of election mail because of the coronavirus pandemic. This president fears that more that if more people vote, the less likely he is to win a second term. We all recently mourned the passing of our dear friend, the great john lewis. Not too long ago he stood right here on this floor and he said, and i quote, when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just you have to speak up. You have to say something. You have to do something. Madam speaker, what we are seeing today cannot be dismissed as donald being donald or the president just continuing continuing to be provock initiative. This is scary stuff. It is frightening. And we have to do something. In the face of extraordinary public pressure and action by this majority, the postmaster general promised to halt further changes until after election day. But i have to tell you, i wouldnt trust this administration to tell me the correct time. Not only was there nothing in his statement about reversing the damage thats been already done, nothing about reinstalling boxes or sorting machines, and nothing about treating election material as first class mail, but the postmaster general made clear since that he has no intention of undoing what hes doing. He doesnt what hes done. Doesnt plan to lift a finger. He said as much in the Senate Hearing yesterday. He made clear that he didnt even study the impact of these changes on our seniors before they were implemented. He didnt study the impact on our veterans first. Apparently he just made them, madam speaker, struggling americans be damned. This administration isnt going to do a single thing about it. And this is why Congress Must act. My friends on the other side have tried to claim, theres no problem here. They have waved around charts that are weeks old to try to pretend that everythings just fine. That everything is just beautiful. I dont need some outdated statistics to tell me whats going on today, madam speaker. I dont need empty rhetoric from the occupant of the white house or mr. Dejoy. My constituents are my evidence. They have flooded my office with calls. They have stopped me on the streets. Something is happening here. Whether this administration or its allies want to admit it or not. Before my friends on the other side try to paint this issue as some kind of liberal conspiracy, let me remind them, there is no money for hungry families here. Although they badly need it. There is no funding for state and local governments here, though they are pleading with ll of us for relief. We have already acted on all that. Its Mitch Mcconnell in the senate who is determined to do nothing. All this bill does is get the Postal Service back to where it was at the start of the year and provide them with the resources they need. Not just to process an influx of ballots, but to continue delivering mail including americans Social Security checks and medications. It ensures that they are able to continue delivering to places in Rural America that their competitors just dont go. And it supports the Postal Services more than 630,000 hardworking employees. We all owe them a debt of gratitude for their service, especially during this pandemic. Madam speaker, if we dont undermine and tear apart the Postal Service, then they can handle the increase in mailin ballots. They handled two to three times of volume of mail and packages at christmastime. They are determined to handle the volume of election related mail. But they need their equipment. They need to pay their workers. They need confidence that management wont try to undercut them on the job. They need support from this congress. Democrats and republicans, thats it. This is all pretty barebones, madam speaker. I dont see why in the world that republicans wont join us on this. It shouldnt be a radical concept to suggest that in the United States of america every vote should count. Whether its for donald trump, joe biden, or someone else. It shouldnt be a tough call to support the United States Postal Service. More than 90 of americans view this agency favorably because it is their lifeline in so many ways. Madam speaker, this is a five alarm fire on our democracy. I think our country is worth fighting for. I hope all my colleagues join together to help us save it. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. I thank my friend from massachusetts for yielding. Thats probably where our agreement is going to end today. We are not here because democracys under siege. We are here because the Democratic House leadership is underperforming. We havent gotten Appropriations Bills negotiated to the white house. We havent gotten transportation bills negotiated to the white house. We havent gotten Water Infrastructure bills negotiated to the white house. I could go on and on and on. We are here today with yet another bill that there is absolutely no effort to negotiate and send to the white house. Madam speaker, you are going to hear more about donald trump today than the Postal Service. Thats because we are not here about the Postal Service. We are here for another round of attacks on President Trump. I get it. Folks dont like President Trump. On this side of the aisle, i get it, folks have concerns about President Trumps rhetoric on all sides of the aisle. But the Postal Service has 10 billion. I asked the question yesterday, madam speaker, for the 25 billion bailout package we are here today, how much of that money are we going to spend this year . How much do we need to protect the election infrastructure . My friend from massachusetts just described. I couldnt get an answer. Folks didnt know an answer. Conveniently, we are going to have the postmaster general called before the house for a hearing for these answers in about 48 hours. About two days after we passed this bill, we are going to get all the answer abouts why this bill may or may not be necessary. What my friend from massachusetts said, i have gotten pessimistic in light of our sixhour rules Committee Hearing yesterday. I actually agree with my friend from massachusetts on much more. Hes right we owe a thank you to our men and women of the Postal Service for the work they are doing. Postmaster general, previous postmaster general came to congress in the spring worried that mail volume was going to collapse. And the Postal Service was going to enter a period of financial instability. The truth, madam speaker, is just the opposite. Postal Office Deliveries have exploded. Folks are doing ecommerce like never before. Our men and women of the Postal Service are working harder than ever before delivering more packages today than they were six months ago. And we owe them a big, big thank you for their work during these times. My friend from massachusetts is right. It is a lifeline for so many families. Madam speaker, its an election year. Who believes that serving their constituents comes from denying veterans access to prescription drugs . Nobody. If thats what this was about, wed have got yep together, republicans and democrats, house and senate, congress and the white house and we would be moving legislation in a cooperative way. We heard from the ranking republican yesterday on the committee, he wasnt consulted in these conversations. He wasnt brought in to these conversations. There are no republican amendments here. There is no conversation going on with the senate. This is another wasteful partisan exercise in a time when my friend from massachusetts is absolutely right, there really are real crises that need to be addressed. I hoped when we were called back on a saturday, madam speaker, it would have been to address one of those crises. But the truth is its just a punctuation mark at the end of the Democratic National convention week. And to the leaderships credit, they scheduled it so it wouldnt interfere with the republican National Convention next week. How convenient. That our scheduling was dictated by two political conventions because thats the only reason that we are here today, madam speaker. Politics. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Mr. Mcgovern let me just say i yield myself such time as i may consume. Im just getting sick and tired of all the excuses as to why my republican friends dont want to join us in helping the American People. My friend mentioned the Appropriations Bills. Well, with all due respect we passed almost all of them here in the house. My friends republican leader in the senate a hasnt done a damn thing. Hasnt passed one. We passed the heroes act, which would have helped the Postal Service. Which would have provided relief to cities and towns. Which would have provided assistance to those in this country going hungry. The Senate Majority leader hasnt done a damn thing. Not anything. Hasnt lifted a finger for anybody. We even agreed to meet him halfway. Still wont negotiate. On a infrastructure bill, we passed a infrastructure bill here. Negotiate with the senate . They havent passed a thing. It is malpractice. If politicians could be sued for malpractice, then the Senate Majority leader would be sued. This is ridiculous. And here we are with a crisis in the Postal Service. Mail has slowed down. All across the country. Members are getting calls, including republican members, and whats the response . Oh, well, we just well just let it go. Well say we need to do better. Well deal with this another day. This is ridiculous. It is unconscionable. Im tired of the executions. Madam speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Pocan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Pocan thank you, madam speaker. Thank you to the gentleman from massachusetts. This president is on a warpath to destroy the Postal Service and through that our elections. After months of hearing this president and now republican members of congress spread conspiracy theories and misinformation about voting by mail, he has made g. O. P. Megadonor louis dejoy his new chief of chaos and voter suppression. An attack on the Postal Service, dejoy has removed Mail Processing equipment, collection boxes, and cut back on overtime. 90 democrats led by congressman cart run clark and have i demanded his immediate rerolf. Ton of this plateant voter suppression, trump and dejoy are hurting millions who depend on the Postal Service every day. Seniors and veterans waiting for lifesaving medication. Families waiting for paychecks. Small businesses with delayed packages whose very survival is already threatened by covid19. On thursday the progressive caucus held a hearing and heard from david williams, the former vp Vice President of the pofltse Service Board of directors. What he told us, unfortunately, shocked no one. That the Postal Service was fully prepared for mail voting until this administration manufactured an intentional crisis. To hired to find a new postmaster general, he was the candidate interviewed that was unqualified to lead the post mnuchinervice and steve saw control over core Postal Service operations and wanted to pricing practice that would ruin the Postal Service. This chaos is not the result of a pandemic. Chaos was manufactured by his administration and its intentional. Thats why congress is acting today. Reversing louis dejoys actions. We will not let anyone dismantle service. L the postal servibelongs the l belongs to the people. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Woodall ordinarily im concerned that i will have 30 rules committee debate. The lunacy makes me glad we will minutes. N 30 you know when Elijah Cummings haired the committee and mark meadows was Ranking Member, we came together to do Postal Service reforms because we all know the Postal Service needs to be r. Reformed. We all know this. Today, if it it was about Postal Service am reform, if it ce was about Postal Service improvement, but, no. Trust the postmaster general, the other side says. Dont trust the president , the other side says. Do . Do they want to give 25 million to the postal servi service. That this is a donothing congress because it fails to negotiate with the my te and the white house, friend lists half a dozen bills that this house passed effort to y with no negotiate with the senate or the white house. Madam speaker, if what we want to do is come and talk, we have a wonderful chamber to do it. Want to get something done we can only get it done together. His is the examples of the leaderships failure to partner a fashion. In stark contrast, i want to yield to one of the great a the tors in the house, gentleman who has a a gentleman who has a long history bipartisanship, the Ranking Member of the rules committee, the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. Cole. Recognize him for five minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. O thank my want that friend for yielding. Rise to oppose the rule and the underlying legislation. Id ask to enter unanimous onsent to enter four articles about the Postal Service. The speaker pro tempore without objection. R. Cole wall street journal editorial, column by rich lowry in the new york post. Washington examiner. And columnar by a former postal oner of the service appearing in the new york times. Four make it reason for them bringing this legislation is theyre and what proposing would make it difficult to reform. I rise to oppose the rule. It actually violates the rules that my friends passed at the congress. Of this the legislation before us has not gone through any committee, been marked up, not been debated, not been amended. My friends said at the beginning wouldnt gress they bring legislation like that but hey conveniently waived that yesterday so here it comes with no Committee Procedure or markup. We had a number of amendments, adam speaker, that were presented, you know, to the committee. None were made in order. I offered an amendment for open rule where any member could come down here and put forward what they better idea be a since we had no opportunity to committee. That, too, was rejected. This rule is a take it or leave it ultimatum from the majority. It means you can pass it in the house but its not going anywhere else. Ow, lets turn to the bill itself. My friends say were going to of bad things about the postmaster general. I never met him. I dont know him. People i know say hes a really good guy. I dont know. Well hear a lot of terrible him. S about at the end of the day my friends will vote to give him 25 billion and theyll do it in a has no reforms in it, just says you cant change anything. Is that . Smart you cant change anything in an nstitution thats losing 8 billion to 9 billion every single year . We dont trust the person who eads this but were going to give him 25 billion. Do we need that money . Absolutely not. Us they have lls 15 billion on hand. They have access to a 10 billion line of credit. That will more than take them to a year from now. To be spending this money right now. Its a silly, silly bill. But i want to give my friends political advice. They want to pass this bill. Hey want to get it to the senate. They want to get it to the president s desk and get it signed. I believe that. Thats true. It bigger. Do exactly what my friend, the distinguishedn chairman of the committee said, we agree stuff that on. The president said those making less than 75,000 needs help now. They need 1,200 per adult. You know, 500 per kid. That would be 3,400. Onetime payment for a family of four. This, it would pass the floor unanimously in a picked up toshion, the senate. The president told his chief of would sign Something Like that. Or do something different. We are all have our schools open across the l country. My friends passed 100 billion in the heroes act for it. We think it would take about 105 billion. Put that on this and help every america. Strict in but my friends chose not to do that. But if you do, it will pass here. Senate. Pass the the president would sign it. Or lets talk about unemployment. The president said, hey, we think the 600 extra is a little high. Were negotiating, by the way, well keep paying it. Y friends on the other side said no. They can do without the 600. And then the president said, we think 200 is could go number but we to 400. Put that on here. Every unemployed person in america would get 400. Ight now thanks to the speaker and minority leader in the United States senate, theyre getting zero. The only help theyre getting is the president who is doing herculean executive orders in order to get them relief. This is a joke. The distinguished member from georgia said, a theatric punctuating ment the two conventions. The Democratic Conventions and leading into ours. No legislations going to happen my friends arent serious about legislation. No money is going to get to the because it cant pass the senate. And the post office doesnt need it anyway. An ere going to have entertaining couple hours. Fortunately its on a saturday think many dont americans will waste their time listening to this. My friends want to get serious, and they want to negotiate move something forward, well be ready. Rule, rejection of the rejection of the bill, and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. From georgia mr. Mcgovern madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, id to spend weeks and weeks discussing this in committee. But the truth is, thats what wants. Mp administration to run out the clock before the november elections. Is rust in our democracy undermined and they can act like theres some conspiracy if he loses. The heard my friends on other side of the aisle talk about process. But i really question their here. Nt they thought that dealing with cheese was such a National Emergency last congress that used Emergency Powers to bring a bill on that topic to government ring a shutdown, no less. Soeniors cant get lifesaving medications, as our veterans cant get social ecurity checks, they want to hit pause. Our Postal Service is in chaos. Break. A you know, my friends say they aret know who the post mast general postmaster general is. Hes the least candidate for the job. A big megadonor to donald trump. Ou know, my republican friends are both believing everything that mr. Dejoy says like laiming theres no mail shutdown. Well, let me remind them what the postmaster general himself memo that recent these changes have had. Quote, unintended consequences have impacted overall our Overall Service levels. Madam re his words, speaker. He is transforming the postal all right. Transforming it from reliable to chaotic right before an election. Even if you trust mr. Dejoy, hich i do not, even he acknowledges theres something happening here. Those on the other side of the ways cannot have it both here. This administration apparently wont lift a finger to fix this congress is this acting. And i would respectfully urge my colleagues on the other side of us. Aisle to join help the American People. They should be your priority. White house. N the madam speaker, i yield 1 1 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from lee. , ms. Jackson the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Thank the lee i distinguished gentleman and i thank him for yielding. Of urgency. A sense i rise because the postal collapse. Near i rise in the name of army boudreau, stage four cancer, and katie, stage four breast cancer. Desperate people who are feeling the brunt of a service. Postal the voices i listen to are the letter carriers who are denied ability to deliver mail or the postal workers who have no mail. Es to deliver s. O. S. 15 is an emergency a act, delivering for america. It is crucial we meet today, not because we are political, because we had to get here as could to be able to acknowledge that the postal ervice is a crucial lifeline for americans. I submitted an amendment. I am glad that the rules a closed moved on rule. This is an emergency. Later on today, i will introduce democracy by securing the right to vote. That will be requesting request allow you to ballots online, by phone or mail. Ost importantly, setting a 10 business day mail return time for ballots sent by mail and are day. Arked on election why . Because as we are working today to ensure that mail ballots are under h. R. 8015, we have seniors who are listening to the scare tactics are being said from the highe highest office in the land. They are frightened. Was at the house of a blind senior citizen. Out to vote. Shell have to do a mail ballot. To rise enthuse assically support enthusiastically to rule. T the it is urgent. We need 25 billion and we need to do it now. My colleagues to support it and let it be bipartisan. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. I recognize the gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. Yield me id like to three minutes to a member of the rules committee and energy and committee, the good doctor from texas, dr. Burgess, minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Burgess i thank my colleague for the recognition. 8015, does seem rushed. And heres the biggest thing. Its not going to address the ore problem that exists in the United States Postal Service. This bill appropriates a 25 illion bailout using emergency supplemental funding, removing agreed toe previously bipartisan budget agreement umbers, and prohibits the Postal Service from making any at the until next year earliest. So if this bill is intended to mprove efficiency or effectiveliness at the Postal Service, i would effectiveness at the postal say, how are ld they supposed to do it if they are prohibited from making changes . In Postal Service is trouble. Every member in this chamber, republican and democrat, this. Tands we should be deeply concerned position ofecarious the Postal Service, but despite narratives, this problem has been decades in the making. The Postal Service operational have been festering literally for decades. 2007, mail volumes have allen year on year as American Consumers and businesses have chosen Digital Communications and mailed letters advertising. The number of addresses requiring delivery and retiring of retired Postal Service employees have continued to grow. Simple terms, revenues have fallen and costs decade. En for over a this novel coronavirus, the is only the economy, exacerbating the situation. Postal service lost 250 million in this quarter alone. This bill will continue to financial losses. No reforms to mod personize the Postal Service. The fiscal expect health to worsen. Now, in spite of all of the the d rhetoric today, Postal Service will not collapse tonight. He Postal Service has informed congress it has enough cash on hand to remain solvent through august of 2021. Year from now if youre doing the math at home. And congress has already additional lifeline by raising the Postal Services authority by 10 billion. Instead of voting on this rushed bill, members of this chamber could Work Together to solve the problem. Congress has time to work through the committees, provide the proper oversight and reforms, and preserve this essential service. Lets vote against this bill today. A dictatorial bill you brought to us by the speaker of the house. Find a meaningful and lasting fix for the United States Postal Service. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i have heard some of my republicans claimor last night in the rules committee all about statistics. Lets look at some. This is from the Postal Service most recently quarterly report. It compares ontime delivery for single first class mail this fiscal year so far as compared to last fiscal year. You seed the red line . Its going in the wrong direction. Mail is slowing. People arent getting deliveries that they need on time. And this is just through the end of june. We dont know what truly happened in july or august. But our constituents are not lying to us. Their mail is delayed. Their medications is delayed. And yesterday we were told people who are on Social Security dont have to worry because they get their swst checks electronically. We know thats not true. Close to a Million People get Social Security and s. S. I. Through the mail. This is real. This is happening. We need to do something about it. And the fact that this is happening in the middle of a pandemic, right before an election, i dont believe in coincidences. This is deliberate. And its shocking. As i said before, this is a five alarm fire on our democracy. Madam speaker, i now yield 178 1 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, distinguished member of the ules committee, ms. Scanlon. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 1 1 2 minutes. Ms. Scanlon madam speaker, id like to first seek unanimous consent to introduce an article, quit interfering and ve the post office, by the former chair of the board of governors. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Scanlon im writing to you today after skipping a day of my high Blood Pressure medication for the first time. I have not seen a postal carrier in a week or not. Not received mail for 10 days. The last couple pieces of mail were 30 days late. Im a Small Business owner. Im in a real bind. I usually ship my packages to customers. Switching to u. P. S. Or fedex would be too expensive. I would likely lose customers. These are just a few of the thousands of messages that my office has received from constituents who have been caught in the crosshairs of this administrations war on the u. S. Postal service. We are here today to deliver a message to this administration. Dont mess with the usps. This Vital Public Service is essential in our everyday lives and in a pandemic its a lifeline. These are the real consequences of this administrations illconceived efficiency measures which have disrupted Postal Service across the country and those consequence vs. Made their way to the door steps of seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and countlets families and businesses large and small countless families and businesses large and small. As millions are expected to vote by mail, many for the first time, we need to give americans the peace of mind their mail will be processed swiftly. Thats why im proud to support the delivering for america act. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The gentleman reserves. Zwrat is recognized the gentleman is recognized from georgia. Mr. Woodall i want to say to my friend from pennsylvania, i want to solve every one of those problems. Those are bipartisan concerns. This bill solves none of them. With that id like to yield four minutes, madam speaker, to another member of the committee, the gentlelady from arizona, mrs. Lesko. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from arizona is recognized for four minutes. Mrs. Lesko thank you, madam speaker. Nancy pelosi goes politically postal. Thats the catchy title of a recent oped written by the wall street Journal Editorial Board, and that is the reason we are here today. For phony political theater to once again bash President Trump just in time for the sunday talk shows and the republican National Convention. And just like all the other times, the media will lap it right up. Wouldnt it be nice if we were here today on a saturday voting on a negotiated covid relief package to help the American People that could actually be signed into law . But sadly, instead, we are here talking about a postal bill. One the wall street Journal Editorial Board called, a made for tv phony political crisis. Boy, did they get that right. Lets review the facts. A Task Force Recommends that the u. S. Postal service overhaul their Business Model in order to return it to sustainability because expenses have outpaced revenue for 13 straight years, and they lost 8. 8 billion in 2019 alone. The new postmaster general is unanimously selected by a bipartisan board of governors. Not President Trump. The postmaster general starts making some changes in an attempt to make the post office more sustainable as recommended by the task force. You know, similar to the types of changes that were made under the Obama Administration in the past. The postmaster general worries that some states allow voters to request mailin ballots too close to the election day, and is afraid that theres not enough turn around time for those ballots to get back in time. So he sends a courtesy letter to those states recommending they tell voters to mail in their ballots early so they can get them in time. Guess what . Democrats freak out. Blame trump. Say hes trying to influence the election, even though trump doesnt have control over the postmaster general. And run to the ever so willing media to spread a new trump Conspiracy Theory. Seems insane. But all too typical for the trump hating democrats to me. But dont take my word for it. Lets see what steven kerney, a 33yearold 33year veteran employee, former treasurer, and senior Vice President of the u. S. Postal service said. This Conspiracy Theory is the most farflung thing i think ive ever heard. And with that, madam speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The reserves. I recognize the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern reserve. Mr. Woodall its my pleasure to yield to the the speaker pro tempore the gentleman will suspend. The gentleman from massachusetts will is recognized. Mr. Woodall i would be happy to yield to allow my friend from massachusetts to go before me. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, let me just say for the record, because we hear this on the other side. Wouldnt it be nice if we were here negotiating a larger package on a whole range of things . We actually passed something in the house called the heroes act. Senate has passed nothing. Why . Because republicans are fighting with republicans. They cant agree on what to do. So they have done nothing. We are negotiating with an empty chair. If my friends really want to help, they ought to pick up the phone and they ought to call Mitch Mcconnell and tell him to do something. To actually do something. Madam speaker, at this time i would like to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. Delauro. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman for two gentleman gentlewoman. For two minutes. Ms. Delauro mail is a critical liveline for many. What have operational changes made to the postal system accomplished . Parts of the country are having their mail delayed by up to a week or more. This is harming veterans, seniors, and our rural communities. What has the postmaster general already done . Curtailed overtime. Restricted deliveries. Eliminated sorting machines. In hartford, connecticut, in the parking lot there is a dismantled machine. Removed mailboxes. Prohibit being employees from making late mail delivery. Directing them to leave mail undelivered overnight. Warned 46 states and the District Of Columbia that it ould not guarantee all ballots tasked by mail for the november election will arrive in time to be counted. Yes, this is about our democracy as well. This administration is undermining a pillar of our democracy. Voting for a partisan purpose. And obstructing the Postal Service for political purposes is illegal. It is illegal to interfere with the mail. During this unprecedented time, we must be streamlining not sabotaging voting by mail. The administration wants to destroy the publics faith and trust in the public service. The American People are not going to let you do it. I might add the Postal Service is has a 90 favoribility rating. It is the most popular federal agency. Would that we had a 90 favorability rating. We must fight for this essential component of our democracy and of peoples lives. We will through rain, shine, or sleet or president donald trump. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady suspends. Recognize the gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. Im sorry my enthusiasm got the best of me last time. Its only because i so rarely get to yield to the Ranking Member on one of my committees thats near and dear to my heart, the Ranking Member of the budget committee, good friend, member of the freshman class of 2010, the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Womack. One minute. The speaker pro tempore how much time . Mr. Woodall one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Womack i thank my friend, rob woodall, for the time. Thank you, madam speaker. When i was a kid i couldnt wait for saturday morning. Saturday morning in our house, my brothers and sisters wed get up and we couldnt wait to watch our favorite cartoons. Now decades later here i am again on the floor of the house of representatives watching a cartoon. About the only outcome this debate is going to have today is one of entertainment value, nothing substantive. Chairman of the rules committee called this a five alarm fire. Now that the Democratic Convention has concluded, and the Republican Convention is about to begin, we have a catastrophe. Its not going to build infrastructure. Its not going to give aid to people suffering from the pandemic. Its not going to fund the government by october 1. Its not going to become law. Just like the previous the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Womack my friends on the other side of the aisle have had to derail a duly elected president this, too, will fail. I urge a no vote. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Recognize the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, im sad that the gentleman thinks this is entertaining. We have rhett rans veterans calling our offices hod medications have been delayed getting to them. We have some people on Social Security and s. S. I. Who are worried their checks are not going to get to them. We have Small Businesses that are calling to complain. This is a crisis that this administration produced all on its own. And whether it is designed as some of us fear, to try to create more chaos around the election by the way. This is what donald trump said. Let me quote. About the money that we have in this bill. They need that money in order to have the post office work. So it can take all of these millions and millions and millions of ballots, end quote. I mean, did anybody ever think that see a president of the United States who would publicly say that he doesnt want every vote to count . This is outrageous. I cannot believe that my friends on the other side of the aisle, who i know are getting the same calls we are, are totally fine with doing nothing. Maybe if some of the republican friends would join with us it might send a message to the white house that they have to respond. They have to do the right thing. Its the complicit complicity, its the indifference, i cant understand. Given what is going on in this country right now. We have been complaining about this for a long for weeks. This hasnt happened just this week, but weeks. But its now out of control. We have to do something. Madam speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from california, distinguished member of the rules committee, ms. Matsui. The speaker pro tempore the the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Matsui thank you, madam speaker. Weve seen reports of decommission, sorting machines removal of post boxes and employees. Rs of i have never seen such an utcry, an outrage amongst my neighbors and constituents. This is serious business. We are feeling the effects of delivery and seen the reallife consequences of these operational changes, late, al documents are prescriptions, stuck in transit, our future ed about ballots being counted. Administration has alarmed so many americans. We recognize its more than letters. Ting its about the fabric of our democracy. He postmaster general has made his political preferences and business interest no secret. The u. S. Postal service should manipulated as a political or business tool. Hundreds of millions of across this country rely on the Postal Service for medications, Social Security benefits, paychecks and mailin ballots. Delivering for america act will help ensure that those Services Continue as needed. Bill takes critical steps to halt the damage being done to e providing 25 billion put the Postal Service back on track. The postmaster has recently claimed he will halt operational changes until after election, hes also stated he has no intention of machinesioning sorting and post boxes that are already shuttered. The damage is already done. Delivering to e america act to put protections in place to support Reliable Delivery for all americans. S i said, this is serious business. The post office is important to the fabric of america. With that i yield back the time. Ce of my the speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. I recognize the colleague from georgia. You, madam thank speaker. Madam speaker, though this bill is going nowhere, if we defeat question this morning, i will offer an amendment to take up three bills are Partnership Bills that can go through the senate to the a realnts desk and make difference for the American People. Dealing with important issues health care, like relief or folks suffering from covid, the covid economic crisis, and ur Law Enforcement reform activities. Id like to yield three minutes texas to tleman from speak on one of those provisions, pending which id to ask unanimous consent that the text of my previous be included dment debate. Ed with the speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from texas is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Burgess this sudden sense urgency to address the Financial Stability of a Postal Service, but i would simply ask body where was the sense of urgency from our House Democratic leadership at the of the pandemic . Look, i recognize in january this deal over in china was a deal. A novel virus, biological ehavior not known, not worked out. The Postal Service problems did not surface this week. Years. Been going on for but the Postal Service will not go bankrupt tomorrow. You called us here to vote on an issue that quite get ly is not going to solved with todays activities. But i called on the committee on nergy and commerce last february to do hearings on this novel coronavirus. Ignored and ere then subsequently dismissed because we had other important to do. Horseracing, flavored tobacco, stubs, any number of things other than work on the novel coronavirus. Could have provided support to the formal funding or vaccines and testing and more. We have done some of that in the could erm sense, but we continue to support our nations Pandemic Response in additional which is why ive ntroduced legislation that aligns with legislation already existing in the senate where we ould come together and provide our country with some of the Critical Resources necessary to this novel coronavirus. Unfortunately, the house not ratic leadership does acknowledge or seem to even be urious as to whether or not theyre up to the task. So this legislation provides 29 health for the public and social Services Emergency fund to develop additional and al countermeasures vaccines. A safe and effective vaccine is arrow in our quiver to help society return to normal. Bill would the provide 2 billion for the stockpile andonal 2 billion for the biomedical advanced, research and Development Authority for use in developing medical countermeasures. Ut you have to ask yourself why is the business plan, as promulgated by the speaker of why is it an titcal develop . Could it be because the nominee of their party this week in a speech promised the American People no miracle is coming . That because youre going to cut off the funding for barda, national rategic stockpile, for research on vaccines . Commonsense, re bipartisan ways to help our nation and help our nation respond to the coronavirus. Leadership mocratic has turned their backs on the needs of america. Urge members to vote against the previous question. Allow us to debate and pass this measure. Critical urgency. Ndeed, a miracle could be coming. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Recognize the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to insert nto the record a cnbc article entitled patients say patients say post ffice slowdown is delaying delivery of medicine. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Mcgovern i sure as hell know were doing the right thing in the house. Like to point id ut, because we heard requests questions raised by the 25 billion to the Postal Service. Why are we providing that speaker . Adam because that is what the usps governors recommended. And this board is made up of 100 of Donald Trumps appointees. Not a know, this is number that democrats made up. Board hat his republican of the usps came up with. O thats why that number is there. With that i reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. I recognize the gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. Again, in support of the and ous question legislation that we could bring to the floor that would make a difference to the american to yield two ke minutes to the Ranking Member of the Small Business committee difference e such a for so many americans, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Chabot. I thank the gentleman for yielding. Adam speaker, theres no doubt that the paycheck protection impressive produced results. All across america, p. P. P. Loans jobs. Ted 50 million thats 50 Million People who can continue to support themselves and their loved ones. Ohios first congressional district, for example, which i representing, of the program helped over 200,000 people to stay on the payroll families. T their despite this success, there are Small Businesses that still need our help. To a july 27 nfib half of all Small Business borrowers predict they ill need Additional Capital within the next six months. I pushed for targeted bipartisan make sure that our nations smallest firms have a chance to survive. Congress has acted. Now it needs to do so again to and those Small Businesses their employees. Unfortunately, the top other side of he the aisle apparently doesnt and the urgency to do so allow a vote on additional help for those Small Businesses who need it so much. Be clear, every day that goes by without action americas 30 million Small Businesses and their employees. I urge my colleagues to support the Paycheck Protection Program through december 31 and allow businesses that have suffered revenue declines to apply for a second loan. Americas Small Businesses to Work Together for a solution. On that to be voting today. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern mamgs, its adam speaker, its interesting to hear my friend talk about the xtension of p. P. P. When he voted against that in the heroes act. Luckily it passed and over in senate. Were waiting for Mitch Mcconnell to do something. My friends on the other side of with these me up ideas right now. Most were in the heroes act. Ut these are so important, wheres Mitch Mcconnell . Wheres the United States senate . Waent on vacation. Theyre gone. Were here because we have a kriers. Get ve people who cant their medication, who cant get their benefit checks. We have a crisis where we have a trying to hos undermine our elections. So we are here doing our work. Mcconnell . Tch where is the senate . How about picking up the phone and calling them to come back for the mething American People . I reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Recognize the gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. Again, if we defeat the previous uestion, we will bring muchneeded legislation to the floor and to talk about that, three minutes ld to a rising star here in the conference, the gentleman from minnesota, mr. Stauber. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Stauber thank you, madam speaker. It has been 22 days since the body has met. In those 22 days that the to work on refused real relief packages, people jobs. Heir Small Businesses have closed. Suffered. Treets have and the American People were left with the question where leaders . I have begged, the president has has d, and the senate begged, please, call the house to work on a ion bill to help suffering americans. In washington k for less than 12 hours. Embarrassing that while we could be working on vaccine small , saving businesses, and justice reform, us out ker will gavel and americans will once again be our leaders. Re are i introduced legislation that fund better training for police officers, increase the body cameras, and Fund Important grants to police help with that community policing, which builds relationships ng in the communities they serve. Been 89 days since George Floyds tragic death, and in 89 days, senator tim scott legislationut forth to fix and improve our policing. Begged democrat leadership to come to the table and address this issue that our communities have asked for. We get . What do washington, d. C. And no action on vaccine no action on small no action lief, and on police reform. Urge defeat of the previous question so we can consider this important bill and get congress work. O is use a congress at work america at work. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields. N the chair recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts. R. Mcgovern i yield myself 30 seconds. Madam speaker, the gentleman asked, where are the leaders . Were here. Our job. Ng were responding to a crisis. Wheres Mitch Mcconnell . On vacation. The president . Tweeting more insults. But were here doing our job to postal l with this crisis and we also did our job when we passed the heroes act. Mcconnell . Ch on vacation. I reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Recognizes the gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. Id like to share with my that i the chairman, have no further speakers remaining, and im prepared to close when he is. That, madam speaker, i yield myself the balance of the time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Woodall madam speaker, i how many more times ill be on the house floor between now and the end of the year. I have to t honor serve with the chairman of the rules committee, mr. Mcgovern of massachusetts, and i think all the things we all could do together and candidly weve done a lot of great things together. When it acts together does amazing things, but things happen in politics these days, madam speaker. E talk more about the bills that we passed than the changes that we make. Massachusetts talked time and time again about drafted bill passed by this house in the pring that purports to address families in need. But it included no republican input. Partnership. Had a veto message from the president. Had no chance of getting through the senate. On exactly that same exercise today with this manufactured Postal Service bill. Postal service has the money that it needs. Ill just tell my friends, mailin trump won the vote in the great state of georgia. That year i won the mailin vote 21. Theres absolutely no effort at my r suppression here, as friend from connecticut pointed out earlier, thats illegal. Table. Off the were talking about, is there enough money to fund the government at the Postal Service or not. My friend from massachusetts references a supervisors report spring when they thought mail delivery was going to go down in volume. Its gone up in volume. Revenues are higher than they expected. If the Postal Service faces a shortfall, i commit to my colleagues, we will be there together arm in arm to make that happen. Today when the Postal Service is sitting on 15 billion in cash an unused 10 billion line of credit, a blank check of another 25 billion does not solve any of the challenges that you and i know exist or solve any of the problems that all of our constituents have. Madam speaker, the frustration you hear from my colleagues on this side of the aisle is that we are back in emergency session working on language that is going nowhere, that will help no one. We can pound on our chests all we like about all the wonderful things that we think unilaterally by themselves without any bipartisan input, democrats crafted and put in this bill. But we all know from year upon year upon year of painful experience the only things they get done in this town get done together. In divided government you cannot bully your way to success. You have to partner your way to success. I know my friend from massachusetts believes that. Thats the kind of leadership style he brings to the committee which i have the honor of serving. I understand my friends have a job to do today. They need to pass this bill. They are going to do t thats not going to go anywhere, but they are going to do t defeat the previous question with me today. Lefts move p. P. E. Extension. Vaccine funding, Law Enforcement reform, lets do the political exercise you brought us here to do. Lets do these things that matter as well. With that, madam speaker, i urge defeat of the previous question and if not that, defeat of the rule. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i have Great Respect for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle which makes me especially sad to hear some of the comments we heard here today. This is a crisis that we are currently facing. We are getting calls from veterans whose medications are being delayed in the mail. We are being getting calls from others whose essential benefits are being delayed in the mail. People rely on this stuff. Its important. You have heard the testimonies that have been recounted here on our side of the aisle. This is an emergency. And on top of that, we have a president who does not want every vote counted in the upcoming election because he believes if we do count every vote he will lose. We are in the middle of a pandemic. More and more people are going to be voting by mail. And this president rather than trying to make it easier for people to vote, to have their voices be counted, is try to make it more difficult. The current postmaster general is not interested in reforming the post office, hes interested in dismantling it. Thats what hes been doing. And the bill thats before us is about more than money, i would say to my colleague from georgia. Its about undoing all the damage that the current postmaster put into place that is the result is resulting in all these delays and confusion and all this chaos. Come on. This is serious business. And im going to close with this. History is not going to look well on those who just went along to get along with this president. While he has done some things that would have been unthinkable in any other administration, democrat or republican. The complicity, the indifference. Its shocking to me. I cant believe it sometimes when i hear people defend the indefensible. What the president is doing with the Postal Service is indefensible. Everybody needs to be counted on this issue. I ask my democratic colleagues, i ask my republican colleagues to support this bill. It is the right thimming to do thing to do for your constituents. Even if the man in the white house doesnt want it, its the right thing to do. Its about time people started doing whats right for the people of this country. Mr. Speaker, i urge a yes vote on the rule and previous question. And i yield back the balance of my time. I move the previous question on the resolution. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall madam speaker, on that i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina rise . Mr. Butterfield madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Price of North Carolina, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Price will vote yes. He will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california approach the podium . Ms. Matsui madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Desaulnier, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house mr. Desaulnier will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from nevada thats the other mr. Heck, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington. Mr. Heck as the member designated by ms. Delbene, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Delbene will vote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from the state of new york rise . Mr. Jeffries as the member designated by chairwoman eddie bern knees johnson, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that chairwoman johnson will vote yes on the previous question as the member designated by by chairwoman zoe lofgren, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house chairwoman lofgren will vote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by by chairman gerry nadler, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house chairman nadler have vote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by by congressman jose serrano, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house congressman serrano will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts rise . Mr. Mcgovern as the member designated by, mr. Welch of vermont, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Welch will vote es on the previous question. Soap for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise . Miss raskin as the member designated by miss action knee, nouse i inform the house miss axne will vote aye on the previous question. As the member designated by ms. Bonamici of oregon, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house ms. Bonamici will vote aye on the previous question. As the member designated by by mr. Doggett of texas, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i nform the house, mr. Doggett will vote aye on the previous question. As the member designated by ms. Jayapal of washington, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house ms. Jayapal will vote aye on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Mcnerney of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house, mr. Mcnerney will votie on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Visclosky of indiana, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house, mr. Visclosky will vote aye on the previous uestion. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Mr. Correa thank you, madam speaker. As the member designated by Congress Member napolitano, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that Congress Member napolitano will vote yes on the previous uestion. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois rise . Ms. Underwood as the member designated by miss jan schakowsky, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that schakowsky will vote yes on the previous question es on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee rise . Mr. Cooper thank you, madam speaker. As the member designated by mr. Lipinski, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house lipinski will vote yes on the previous question. Also as the member designated by mr. Kosta, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the use that mr. Kosta will vote yes on previous question. Mr. Cicilline as the member designated by ms. Pingree of maine, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Pingree will vote yes on the previous uestion. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from delaware rise . As the member designated by ms. Degette of colorado, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Degette will vote yes on ordering the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise . Beyer i inform the house that mr. Blumenauer will vote yes on the previous. As the member designated by mr. Lowenthal of california, pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. Pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. The thal will vote yes on previous question. As the member designated by mr. Ieu of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lieu will vote yes. S the member designated by ms. Barragan, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the barragan will vote yes. As the member designated by mr. Kind of wisconsin, pursuant to 965, i inform n the house that mr. Kind will vote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by ms. Of wisconsin, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform will use that ms. Moore vote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Oster of illinois, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that dr. Foster will ote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Pursuant to rida, House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Rooney will vote no on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania rise . Scanlon, as the member designated by ms. Speier, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Speier will vote yes on the previous question. Does the urpose rise . Man from california r. Correa mr. Speaker, as a member designated by mr. Bera, pursuant to House Resolution mr. I inform the house that bera will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. As a member designated by mr. Ruiz, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Ruiz will vote on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by ms. Sanchez, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Anchez will vote yea on ordering the previous question on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman . Rom arizona rise as the member designated by representative kirkpatrick, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the representative kirkpatrick will vote aye on the previous question. For peaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentleman from florida rise . Designated by r mr. Kennedy of massachusetts, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Kennedy will vote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise . Madam speaker, as the member titus of by ms. Nevada, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the titus will vote yea on the previous question. For peaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentleman from michigan rise . Mr. Kildee as the member designated by mr. Horsford of nevada, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Horsford will ote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. California, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Hompson will vote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Panetta of california, i inform the house that mr. Panetta will the previous question. S the member designated by mr. Huffman of california, i inform will use that mr. Huffman vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the massachusetts m rise . Ms. Clark madam speaker, as the ms. R designated by brownley, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the ms. Brownley will ote yes on the previous question. And as the member designated by ms. Frankel, pursuant to house i inform the , house that ms. Frankel will vote question. Previous and as the member designated by pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the ouse that ms. Kuster will vote yes on the previous question. As the member designated by ms. Meng, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the ms. Meng will vote previous question. As the member designated by ms. Pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Pingree will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady rise . Ennsylvania as the member designated by mr. Schneider, pursuant to house 965, i inform the house that mr. Schneider will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman illinois rise . Madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Grijalva, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Grijalva will vote yea on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rise . Alifornia madam chair, as the member esignated by mr. Cardenas, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Cardenas will vote aye on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Khanna pursuant to house i inform the , house that mr. Khanna will vote aye on the previous question. As the member designated by mr. Gonzalez of texas, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the mr. Gonzalez will ote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for the purpose does gentlewoman from california rise . The gentlewoman from texas. Garcia as the member designated by ms. Escobar of pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Escobar will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from kansas rise . Ms. Davids as the member designated by mr. Clay, pursuant i House Resolution 965, inform the house that mr. Clay will vote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what reason does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Case of hawaii, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Case will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from massachusetts rise . As the member designated by ms. Omar, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Omar will vote aye on the previous question on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise . Madam speaker, as the member designated by mrs. Lowey, pursuant to House Resolution 5, i inform the house that mrs. Lowey will vote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from connecticut rise . As the member designated by ms. Wilson, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Wilson of florida will vote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania rise . As the member designated by mrs. Susan davis of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Davis will vote yes on the previous question. Mr. Pallone as the member designated by, mrs. Bonnie Watson Coleman, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform he house that Watson Coleman will vote yes. As the member designated by by mr. Bill pascrell, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Pascrell will vote yes. As the member designated by by mr. Sires, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the ouse that sires will vote yes. As the member designated by by mr. Eliot engel, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Engel will vote yes. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from minnesota rise . As the member designated by rsuant to h. R. 965, i inform the house that ms. Roybalallard allard roybalallard will vote yes on House Resolution 1029. The house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . As the member designated by mr. Garamendi, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Garamendi will vote aye on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Evans as the member designated by mr. Lawson of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lawson will vote yes on ordering the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida rise . Ms. Wasserman schultz as the member designated by miss mccarsal powell of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that miss mccarsle powell will vote yea on the previous question excuse me. Yeah on the previous question. And madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Hastings of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Hastings will vote also vote aye on the previous question. Madam speaker, as the member designated by by mr. Payne of new jersey, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Payne will vote yea on the previous question. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Peterson, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Peterson will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition . Ms. Wexton madam speaker, as the member designated by ms. Porter, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Porter will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Rush, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Rush will vote es on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new york seek recognition . Madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. Peters of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Peters will vote yes on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 230. The nays are 171. The previous question is ordered. The question is on the adoption of the resolution. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall on that i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 3 of House Resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise . Mr. Pallone mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mrs. Bonnie Watson Coleman, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Watson coleman will vote yes. Mellingd mr. Bill pascrell, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Bill pascrell will vote yes. As the member designated by mr. Sires, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Sires will vote yes. As the member designated by mr. Eliot engel, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Engel will vote yes. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition . Thank you, mr. Speaker. As the member designated by ms. Porter, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Porter will vote es on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Cooper, seek recognition . Mr. Cooper mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mr. Costa, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Costa will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Lipinski, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lipinski will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. Cooper, seek wreck negligence . Mr. Mcgone as the member designated by mr. Welch of vermont, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Welch will vote es on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition 1234 mr. Kildee mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mr. Thompson of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Thompson will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Horsford of nevada, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Horsford will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Huffman of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Huffman will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Panetta, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the ouse that mr. Panetta will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Rush, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Rush will vote es on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from new york seek recognition . Mr. Rice as the member designated by mr. Peters of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Peters will vote es on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition . Ms. Wasserman schultz as the member designated by mr. Payne of new jersey, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Payne will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Hastings of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Hastings will vote yes on h. Res. 9 1092. As the member designated by ms. Mucarselpowell of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mucarselpowell will vote yes on h. Res. 1092 as well. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from kansas seek recognition . As the member designated by i inform the house mr. Clay will vote yes on h. Res. 962. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from massachusetts seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Brownley, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Brownley will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by ms. Frankel, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Frankel will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. S the member designated by ms. Kuster, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Kuster will vote h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by ms. Meng, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Meng will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. And as the member designated by ms. Pingree, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Pingree will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady seek recognition . As the member designated by mrs. Wilson, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Wilson will vote es on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Rooney, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Rooney will vote no on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by ms. Foster, dr. Foster, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that dr. Foster ill vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by ms. Moore, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Moore will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Kind, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Kind will vote yes. As the member designated by ms. Barragan, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Barragan will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Lieu, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lieu will vote es on h. Res. 1096. As the member designated by mr. Lowenthal, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that, mr. Lowenthal. And as the member designated by mr. Blumenauer, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Blumenauer will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Mr. Jeffries as the member designated by Eddie Bernice johnson, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that chairwoman johnson will vote aye on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by chairwoman zoe lofgren, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that chairwoman lofgren will vote yea on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by chairman jerry nadler, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that chairman nadler will vote yea on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by congressman jose serrano, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that congressman serrano will vote yea on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . As the member designated by mrs. Napolitano, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that congressmen napolitano will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Delbene, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Delbene will vote es on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from illinois seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Schakowsky, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Schakowsky will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california, mr. Aguilar, seek recognition . Mr. Aguilar as the member designated by mr. Berra, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Berra will vote mr. Bera will vote yea on House Resolution 1092. As the member designated by mr. Ruiz, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Ruiz will vote aye on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by ms. Sanchez, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Sanchez will vote ea on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from massachusetts, ms. Pressley, seek recognition . Ms. Pressley as the member designated by ms. Omar, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Omar ill vote aye on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Wild, seek recognition . Ms. Wild as the member designated by mrs. Davis of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Davis will vote yes on houseres. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from delaware seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Diana degette of colorado, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Degette will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york, mr. Tonko, seek recognition . Mr. Tonko as the member designated by mrs. Lowey, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that representative lowey ville ill vote aye on h. R. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Thank you, mr. Speaker. As the member designated by mr. Grijalva of arizona, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Grijalva will vote yea on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from california, ms. Matsui, seek recognition . Ms. Matsui as the member designated by mr. Desaulnier, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Desaulnier will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Arcia, seek recognition . Ms. Garcia as the member designated by ms. Escobar, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Escobar votes yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Case of haye, of hawaii, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Case will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida, mr. Deutch, seek recognition . Mr. Deutch as the member designated by mr. Kennedy of massachusetts, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Kennedy will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition, ms. Huell hand. Ms. Huell lan as the member designated by mr. Schneider, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Schneider will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman, seek recognition . Mr. Sherman as the member designated by mr. Garamendi, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Garamendi will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Butterfield, seek recognition . Mr. Butterfield as the member designated by mr. Price of North Carolina, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Price will vote yes on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia, mr. Connolly, seek recognition . As connolly mr. Speaker, the member designated by ms. Titus of nevada, pursuant to i inform lution 965, the house that ms. Titus will motion. On the pending the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, recognition . Seek mr. Scanlon, as the member designated by ms. Speier of california, pursuant to house i inform the , house that ms. Speier will vote 1092. House resolution the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from minnesota, ms. Mccollum, seek recognition . Mccollum mr. Speaker, as the member designated by ms. Pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the ms. Roybalallard will vote yes on the rule, House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland, mr. Raskin, seek recognition . As the in mr. Speaker, member designated by ms. Bonamici of oregon, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform bonamici will ms. Ote aye on House Resolution 1092. And as the member designated by mr. Visclosky, First District of pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Visclosky will resolution house 1092. As the member designated by ms. Jayapal, pursuant to house 965, i inform the house that ms. Jayapal will vote 1092. House resolution as the member designated by mr. Doggett of texas, pursuant to i inform lution 965, the house that mr. Doggett will vote aye on House Resolution 1092. As the member designated by mrs. Axne of iowa, pursuant to house 965, i inform the house that mrs. Axne will vote 1092. House resolution as the member designated by mr. Mcnerney of california, pursuant 965, i resolution inform the house that mr. Mcnerney will vote aye on house 1092. Tion the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman arizona, mr. Gallego, seek recognition . Mr. Gallego as the member designated by representative kirkpatrick, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that representative kirkpatrick will vote aye on 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas, mr. Vela, seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Peterson, pursuant to House Resolution that mr. Form the house peterson will vote yes on House Resolution 1092. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom pennsylvania, mr. Evans, seek recognition . Speaker, as the member designated by mr. Lawson of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the mr. Lawson will vote yes on the agreement to the resolution. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california, mr. Gomez, seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Khanna, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Hanna will vote aye on h. Res. 1092. As the member designated by mr. Cardenas, pursuant to house i inform the , house that mr. Cardenas will 1092. Ye on h. Res. As the member designated by mr. Texas, pursuant to h. Res. 965, i inform the house texas will zalez of vote aye on h. Res. 1092. The speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 230, the nays are 171. The bill is passed. The joint resolution the resolution is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess for a period for the Postal Service to be able to to new that service. They are taking a break here to clean the House Chamber head of two hours of general debate on the measure, with votes expected this afternoon in the middle of the afternoon. Will be back to live coverage. In the meantime, we will show you the briefing from House Speaker nancy pelosi. As much as we can, as this break continues. Rep. Pelosi

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