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Peopleave more than 300 registered for this Virtual Meeting and we will try to get through as many questions as we can in the second half of this discussion. I want to note the entirety of todays session is on the record. Our discussion now and later on, the questions and answers. Mr. President , welcome. It is a pleasure to see you again. A great leisure to be with you. My prayers and wishes to the and to allrticularly the civilians that served with you. It is a great honor to be with you. Let me say how much i and many other people in this country value our partnership with you and the Afghan People over the past years. Now is at a prehistoric threshold or at least potentially so. People the afghan through the loya jirga have made the decision to release the final prisoners the taliban had and opening the pathway to negotiations which reportedly would start and the next couple of days. That is an extremely important threshold to cross, one that i know you addressed with great seriousness and conviction but the with difficulty, given sacrifices your people have made in this conflict. I know very well you are a man who likes strategy and planning. How do you see this process now unfolding from this point, assuming the door is open to negotiations . Great tribute to the collective wisdom that the Loya Jirga Grand Council resolved what could not be resolved. An additional 500 people on our , serious constitutional and legal issues. The moral basis the loya jirga 2400 men and women, over 700 of them women, has given us and opportunity to break the deadlock and we hope during this process would be conflict. Solve the the key goal for the Afghan People is to bring an end to violence which has haunted us for 40 years and we are prepared that our team is a National Team representing a National Perspective and in addition the loya jirga has provided a and key parameters that would enable us to talk. That how do you see escutcheon beginning and developing . I know you said it is a high priority to establish the ceasefire. Be do you see that coming to and how do you see the negotiations themselves proceeding . This is not a two way discussion, it has been a three way discussion because the United States has been engaged and the agreement between the United States on the 29th of february provided a framework which simultaneously [indiscernible] some of the issues pertain to the United States. There is a second set of to the wayhat relate this capability and desire of thisan troops embraced solution. During the negotiations, we are going to find out. Up to now, they held their views issue islves that main the [indiscernible] military and civilian fatalities and casualties. The violence has been very high. To get a comprehensive ceasefire as soon as possible and to be able to talk about a political framework which would bring the parts of the taliban society in. James so far, its all about taking a pretty firm hardline view as they in the little bit they have said publicly about negotiations, do you expect when the actual negotiators and you have some great people on your side, i know, as i know many of them, do you think once the afghan side, the taliban side get together in a room, they will be able to have a serious, productive discussion about these many sensitive issues you are going to have to work through . [indiscernible] the test is going to be once we encounter each other. Nationally is a and it has consensus been [indiscernible] the loya jirga decided the question into two days. That shows that Afghan Society can assemble and express itself. Thend is the agreement with interNational Community, particularly with the United States on the end state of the talks. Democratic, united, that would be at peace with itself in the world. There has been a lot of usher a lot of pressure from the Afghan Government and now the balance shifts because we have taken all there is at stake. We were not party to an agreement to release 5000 , but out of wanting peace, we did it. Now we hope all of the actors will come together in the region and build this consensus. It will show whether the desire for a stable afghanistan that would be in everybodys interest prevails over a more shirt over a more short term view in whether the taliban would now show themselves capable of politics, imaginative, constructive politics or not. The question is open. James it is a very important question, i agree. One of the key factors that needs to be examined is this process that moves forward for everybody, for the United States as well as your country and the region. Lets turn to the region a minute because you mentioned the constructive Regional Support and engagement in this process as well. We collectively in the National Community and in afghanistan have been talking about the need to train a constructive framework for afghanistan in many different facets, economic, thisity, and finally search for peace. I know your government has been consulting closely with your regional partners and others for the last couple of months. If you think there is now the groundwork laid to finally bring some of this hope for Regional Cooperation into something that is actually constructive now as you are looking toward the future . Pres. Ghani i very much hope so. Think there have been some fundamental changes. For instance, afghanistan, when i became president had a cold relationship with central asia. Today, we have become an organic part of central asia. , cooperation and very finds that ittion is reversed since the iron. Urtain corridor after corridor is opening. The relationships are strictly anstructive and theres enormous potential economic dividend for all of us. Bilateral relation, but all of the issues are on the take. [indiscernible] china, india, turkey, the united are large and the billiondollar question, with a constructive discussion with our isff, the key issue [indiscernible] afghanistan,able we have coined a new term. Afghanistan, we have the greatest number of friends and dont get involved in the disputes among our friends and neighbors and do not allow our territory to be used and any of them can be an anchor for stability. This possibility has been andowledged equally trenched into a civil war or conflict could do substantial harm to its neighbors. Need toances what we strike at the heart of strategy and tactics to break the balance. It is not the easiest balance, but it is a Necessary Balance to move us forward. Agree on the need to havethat balance and we been arguing, we americans have been arguing with your regional labors for some time that a stable afghanistan is of great benefit to the region rather then one that is in afghanistan that continues to be in conflict. Remarks thatm your you think that argument is gaining traction now as time has. Volved keying on to that point will be important as you get through the negotiations as you get to outside parties to try to disrupt if they wish. Do you think that realization is something you can build on as you continue your own diplomacy in the region . Our diplomacy has been constructive and effective. This future role of the United States in the region is a condition if not a determining. Actor on the Positive Side, there is an immense interest in regional and the Financial Corporation has been very engaged in this process. The afghanistan pipeline is going to be constructive. The private corridors are moving forward and there is coordination now and we are connected with 50 countries by air. Equationne part of the changed from being anotional geography for literal economic conflict. If gena stands stability is very much part. , notion ofr side lack of consistent, state responsibility and interference. Momentat that critical and we are doing our best and of other issue that is one we are veryrisk, thend that is why i american heroes that have died for your security and freedom. What is the limit of force and how do you think of politics that can truly eliminate the danger of terrorism. Those questions are interrelated. Thehe Positive Side of balance, theres an immense opportunity for cooperation. On the negative, the threats could bring us together or may. Ake time to converge again james i think many people dont understand the need Many Americans dont understand how important a role afghanistan has played in a partnership with the United States and interNational Community in combating terrorism. Bet is something we need to very mindful of going forward. And negotiations, however they proceed, theres going to be a terrorism issue to deal with and hopefully we can all find a way to cooperate on that. Before we move onto another area, i want to ask a little more about pakistan given the crucial role pakistan plays in the conflict and in the region. I know you had a long meeting with one of the generals not long ago and pakistani rhetoric and some actions have been positive in terms of moving prospects for negotiations forward. I know how you hope pakistans will evolve, but do you think it to build a Stronger Political relationship with pakistan so they can play the kind of role we hope they would be playing as negotiations start and proceed . [indiscernible] [indiscernible] of course indias rise and continued prosperity is something that is extremely important for all of us, the rest of the region, the major players. Yourselves some main questions regarding this. Number one, will a talibanrun government serve anything . Second, under what type of government can afghanistan enable the return of refugees . Three, what type of government would be able to undertake the large projects of connectivity even outgative side if of central afghanistan, what . Ould be the cost what country would be most internally given its priorities . I focus on poverty education as our central challenge. Aw would we be able to create framework given corona, given the economic downturn . Pakistan was an inherent part of region inconomic central asia and west asia. Of you employ that type dynamism . Lastly, a stable afghanistan hopefully opens the way for resolution of fundamental issues that enable all of us in the what iso benefit from clearly because of distance and perception, we are unable to use . James thank you. Lets go back and take another look at the future. Yourld be interested in views about where you realistically hope to see afghanistan arrive at as a result of these negotiations we all hope are about to begin. A cease fire is a tough is a top ready because theres been too much violence and too much needless killing, especially now that we have an agreement you are going to begin what would be a search for peace. Realisticu think a expectation is for the outcome of that discussion . Afghanistan has its own record of achievement and you have your own record of achievement over the past decades, a constitutional system, elections, protection of media, issues, on womens things most Afghan People welcome. How do you see reconciling that theanistan with the views taliban might hold about the future of the country . How does that happen . You say afghans have a long history of mediation, how do you reconcile those views that is quite different of afghanistan 20 years ago . Pres. Ghani by taking each other and discovering each other, that is fundamental. Except for the cease fire of , that one was i initiated it and the taliban responded. It was a national celebration. During that incident, not a single taliban shot, humiliated, or attacked. When societythat has a has an immense tolerance, acknowledging that fact is fundamental to moving toward peace. That now the question is will the taliban acknowledge that afghanistan has been created in the last two decades and particularly during the last six years, will they look at the loya jirga and see as the loya jirga you know cannot be censored or controlled. It is close to your town Hall Meetings in terms of its expression. Discussions, Afghan Society will need to decide if a is going to enable us a Common Future is possible or not. Including the last difficult vote to say that we taliban cannot look for dominance. It has to embrace it. Unlike their relations with the [indiscernible] usedtime has to either be productively or it can turn into destruction. How they talk, how they deal, how they frame the issues, do they search for Common Ground . Your envoy may have had a does not but society have a deadline and that changes the nature of negotiation. I want tol said and congratulate you and your compatriots forgetting to this very important point. I know it has been a very difficult journey. At this point, i think we want to ask our members to join the conversation with their questions. I want to remind every buddy again that this meeting is on the record and operators will remind our members how to join the question q. Askadies and gentlemen, to the question, click on the raise hand icon. Proceed are called on, with your name, physical affiliation and question. Please click on the link in your zoom checkbox. We will take our first question from peter galbraith. Mr. President , good to see you again, albeit virtually. I wanted to ask you about the negotiations process and whether it would result in significant constitutional change in afghanistan. Spokenad negotiator has at various times about a more parliamentary system and the other way one might think about it is a more decentralized or federal system in which the taliban might have the opportunity to govern part of the country. Do you see either of those things are both as being a possible outcome of the negotiations . More parliamentary system or federalized system . It is a great pleasure to see you virtually. Have with me my National Security adviser, the minister of education, the minister of Womens Affairs and the minister of state for peace. And our lead negotiator. There is a clear mechanism should we need to amend the constitution. The taliban has historically been centralized, not decentralized. Intoat needs to be taken account. Ready for a are parliamentary system without major parties that are law withing the regular elections, being cross offices, that we to the peopleup because any agreement that is negotiated by our negotiating team would need National Approval again. We need to understand that this must have a base of approval because of this, we should avoid the scenario of columbia where the he steel was rejected, so getting communication from the. Eople, women and men we will take our next question from ken dozier. Thank you mr. President for doing this. Ask if you felt pressured in any way by the Trump Administration to release the last tranche of 400 that u. S. Official said include taliban members convicted of terrorist attacks you can trustl the white house to fairly negotiate on your behalf as well . Finally, the australian Prime Minister has asked for a former afghan soldier that killed three australian troops not to be released. What would you do about that . Thank you for that important question. The request for relief came from the United States. Without that, we would not have convened the loya jirga. A Strong National consensus for moving. Until we are sure theres a consensus on the desirability of have the major installment of cost and that means piece will have consequences. The list is likely both a danger for us and to you because it has drug dealers and hardened criminals. Shared with all our allies and friends, but after the consensus of the loya jirga, i signed the relevant documents. Request ofsed on the the australians. I have spoken to the family years before. It is a heinous crime and we will see how we can do both. Next question, please. We will take our next question. Im Barbara Slayton with the atlantic council. The nature is about of irans relationship with the taliban. Are there specific groups they have been assisting . How do you regard that assistance and the impact of the maximum Pressure Campaign on iran, how is that affected afghanistans Economic Prosperity and potential . Pres. Ghani rate to see you virtually and my regards to the atlantic council. When the regime for removal of sanctions was negotiated, it became an important issue for us, particularly in terms of a connection to india because our strategy is based on diversification and connecting. We want to be a connector for every one of our neighbors. Transactions, legal, Financial Transactions become important. That,e had to adjust to but i would like to thank this administration for giving that exception. One of the few countries that in the time of corona when the market was unsettled, india made of 75,000 pounds of wheat. When iran can have a legal economic relationship, the inction usually results driving economic relations underground substantially improving the economy. [indiscernible] veryat regard, we have a detailed system we are and have acknowledged equally in recent months, we have been a strong advocate for the republic hoping to see and a solution. Society withx multiple regional agendas in relationships and one relationship affects others. Relations with the United States is something that is a factor with other relationships. James next question, please. We will take our next question from nicholas schiffman. Thank you very much for doing this. Good to see you again even though you cant see me. I wanted to ask about the logistics for the next week and how you see this happening. One question on the visitors release, the taliban are concerned that some of them will forcescked by afghan after their release. If talks do and up starting early next week, how do you see that in terms of what your side will layout and how the taliban will respond to that . Pres. Ghani thank you. I see your picture. [crosstalk] pres. Ghani on the coast of california and other places, so i am jealous. Heres no fear of attack taliban security forces, i am proud to say take their civilian leadership very seriously and it has been a very disciplined force. We are multidisciplinary. We do not attack. They wanted to attack the loya jirga and our forces managed to contain it and of course, the success of Defense Forces at this event because Afghan Society is mobilized. , over a thousand of them surrender because of the community pressure. On the logistics, let me return to our lead negotiator. Now that i have made a major decision, it is up to the team. [indiscernible] discussions of lyrical framework for ending the war, taliban participation, willng with the key issues give you an illustration of the stakes that are involved. Are betweenighters 60000 and 120,000, multiply that by seven family members. We have to bring back 4 million. Efugees part of the discussion really able ocus on being the most significant issues are going to be going back a we were years to when the center of tolerance and giveandtake in our system. Our culture and all of our linguistic groups is extremely strong. Providell set to employment. Purelyit gets from ideological issues to substantive issues that unite us. It would beto that, able to make substantial headway to a stable and hopefully prosperous afghanistan. Ally, the two issues narcotics. There isnt a word about narcotics. Second, it is not al qaeda but the ecosystem of terrorism and how would that be tackled jointly by us and our partners both in the region and nationally. Key approach our team would keyt theres a list of issues and the manner discussing them either sequentially, simultaneously, or a combination of the two. I think the Vice President has raised his hand to make a comment. You should be unneeded now. An muted now. Uted now. James looks like that connection is not happening. Pres. Ghani we will reserve the right. James anytime he is available. Right now, we will go to another question. Question is from [indiscernible] you for this conversation. You have talked about tolerance and just a moment ago, you ,aised afghanistans history can we dig down and ask your vision of how afghanistan successfully blends the secular developments that have gone on in your government and the traditional communities, at least a part of which are represented by the taliban. What is your vision of how those things could blend into the future . Pres. Ghani thank you. First of all, i would like to bring your attention to a program engaged with communities two thirds will be covered in the next two years. 50 of the elected councils are led by women. Is theission to you image of the traditional afghan needs revision. [indiscernible] my grandmother, who no man dared the culture of our women in 18th century, all the leading houses engaged with were or land or state educated women. The mother of two of our Founding Fathers both were poets. Recently carried by two respected diplomats who are not shown only 24 as of the people in areas under the direct influence of the taliban Society Needs to be listened to. My vision first of all is to turn afghanistan again into a roundabout. A roundabout requires openness. If you want pipelines, transmission lines, fiberoptics, railways, highways to go through this land and enable us to intoop, that turned trillions of dollars of resources, then we need to come to consensus. Second, the government is in the process of changing from being perceived as a master to being a servant. We need to be inclusive and understanding. This is one of the youngest societies on earth. Over 70 of our population is under 35. The image, unfortunately, people including me, the generation of 1960, is still very significant. We have to gracefully give way and make this transition. Values, it cultural is always, there have been all of these great divisions, particularly in religion, they have taken the same texts against each other. We need to find Common Ground. One of the most significant things are mr. Of education will minister of education will be doing this is a 99 islamic country. How do we gain back eight tolerant sense of acceptance, particularly not living in conflict with other civilizations . Other height of the cultures, we were open, we need to go back to that. I see the greatest hope is in our children. Our children are take are thinking long term. [indiscernible] they cannot connect unfortunately. James we will take another question. We will take our next question from janet ketchum. Please accept the unmute now prompt. It is an honor to hear you. Yes. I know afghanistan because of the former ambassador, ted elliott, who was my husbands cousin and his wife. Our Foundation Build a school built a school for 3000 girls. Very successful school. My real question is, are we at we are building another school now. Are we at risk or do we just cross our fingers . Thank you. Pres. Ghani it is wonderful to see you. I had the honor of meeting you. For two of myyers closest friends. Both of whom are mentors. We are building 6000 schools. Largest after 700 years. We have not stopped building. The day we give up our will to build, to educate girls, to build schools for them, that that we willay lose. Seven toghtful 12. I am delighted to have created that possibility. I would like to thank you very girls. R supporting the arconic figures our iconic figures 1000 years ago. Inspired by her. Message [indiscernible] james next question please. We will take our next question. Thank you so much for taking my question. I would like to ask this question that, are there any risk lines for the Afghan Government to enter the interafghan talks . The 400 any guarantee taliban prisoners that will be released will not hurt any Afghan Security or American Forces . Thank you. Pres. Ghani thank you. Two great questions. I am delighted [indiscernible] for also very grateful having very successfully, to enable you manage. There is no risk to the public. There are no guarantees. Who can provide me with a guarantee . And has not been answered. It has not been answered. As i indicated earlier, there are risks. Policies involve risk. As for the type of guarantee that would ensure that is not possible. Extremely concerned about this issue. We will fight our best to make sure. Then again, this would be a key of whether the taliban are truly embracing peace. Promise hat the they will not engage in violence. The ableto service. Nce we have coordinated with them. They requested it. The Risk Management plans for bid any negative consequences. James very good. Next question please. We will take our next question. Please accept the unmute now b utton. We will take the next question n. Jim from theent, world justice project. I am interested in domestic Justice System issues in afghanistan. One of the most pressing issues facing courts and the legal system in afghanistan, particularly relating to the independence of the judiciary. Thank you. Pres. Ghani it is great to see you. Again, very happy memories. My best regards to colleagues on the justice project. You have done so much. The first issue is, i pride myself on not having once interfered in a judicial decision. Our Supreme Court has gained immense stature. There is no backlog. Tens of thousands of cases where erere of cases wher there. Judgment particularly in the area of corruption and abuse in a small number of cases. Justice, the value chain of justice, that begins with police. Then the attorney generals office, moving to the courts. Is back to the enforcement. There are certain people who will be protected. Regarding enforcement. Injustice and the peace. Monthsson it took five to go to 4600 was because of our respectful justice. Were expecting a similar situation. The unitedons nations [indiscernible] it underwrites peace. Peace, the release of the 400 people has been a great significant fight. Attorneys are going to think twice. A lot of justices are going to think twice. That is the reason we need it to go. Have a moral basis for a decision that was not possible. [indiscernible] people were condemned to their sentences except for commuting. 117 people were in that category. Orple who committed homicide kidnapping or committed violence against women. Peace, i think the decision would be justified. [indiscernible] where d as a day [indiscernible] james mr. President , im afraid we have come to the end of our session. My apologies to the members who are still waiting to ask questions. I want to thank you very much for being so gracious with your time and your answers and to say how good it has been for me to see you again and that you will permit me a second, i would like i send my best wishes to many old friends who are gathered with you. Have a great team. I am sure we all wish you the best of luck in the challenging days ahead. I would like to note also the audio and transcript of todays meeting will be posted on the Councils Website for the public to make use of. Thanks again, mr. President and very good luck to you. James thank you pres. Ghani thank you. It is great to see you. Many of your friends send their regards. I would like to conclude with regardinge decision engagement of the United States as a sovereign decision. Ago, i wrote to President Trump that any purelyn he will make is an internal american decision. Society will always be grateful of thesengagement nearly two decades. Terrorism. Sufficient momentum, capacity and will to be able to deal. This is a critical moment for defining our interests again. Not depend ondoes the scaling of true presence. It is the quality of the relationship. We are hoping for the best. Let me again thank the president. Soldiersmats and the who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for this opportunity and my great thanks to the council. James thank you, sir. Cspans washington journal. Every day, we are taking your calls live on the air. We will discuss policy issues that impact you. 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