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Thank you all for being here. About to start today by congratulating the people of israel and of the uae. Today is a historic breakthrough for peace. I want to congratulate President Trump on this milestone. He worked hard on this with his team. We worked with the Prime Minister and crown prince who are two visionary leaders who made a big step forward today to change the region. The last time we had an agreement this in the region was 1994 when israel made an agreement with the kingdom of jordan which stopped aggression and brought forward peace. With the last 26 years, there has been a lot of development in the region. Some positive but many that have set the region back. Andas led to lives lost open trinity destroyed. In a region that is had a lot of problems. When President Trump came into office, we had a caliphate for isis in the middle east which was the size of ohio. Instability,of arounds aggression was being felt throughout the region and their proxies were very wellfunded causing instability in yemen, syria, and other places. Now, we are in a position where we have been able to work with our allies. A lot of our allies felt abandoned. President trump has been able to rebuild those relationships. His first trip was to saudi arabia in may of 2017 where he laid out the problems and articulated that in order to make process progress, we would have to Work Together around common goals and we would have to acknowledge differences and conflicts. But we cannot let those conflict hold us back. President trumps leadership, work with the leaders in the region, people realized we needed a new paradigm. In his visit to saudi arabia, we made an agreement with many of these countries. We have worked to limit the amount of funding that has gone to extremist groups. We worked with saudi arabia which is the custodian of the two holy sites. We worked to create a counter extremism center. That has made a difference because you cannot solve this shortterm problem without taking on a longterm fight. They have given rights to women and taken steps in the right direction which have been very positive. Todays rate through allows us to go forward. Deal,e you ground on this this is something that has been in discussions for over a year and a half. We have been talking with the uae and israel moving forward. Because of the israeli elections and other things happening in the region, this is something that was talked about, but it never got in the right place to happen. Deals happen when deals are ready and peace deals are rare and historic. There are a lot of reasons why people would be held back from moving forward. We saw when the president rolled out his vision for peace which we work hard on for a couple of years to try to understand the issues in the region between the israelis, palestinians, he put together pages of detail on how we can address the issues of the past and figure out how to move forward. During that acknowledgment, President Trump was able to get israel to agree to have a two state solution with the palestinians and to agree to a map that outlined the territory that they would be willing to work with in order to see that happen. Thatshowed a lot of people israel was serious about moving forward in making peace and showed them the President Trumps leadership and diplomacy could make things happen that hadnt happened previously. What happened as israel was his cousin with us providing taking israeli law and sovereignty to arias of the west bank areas of the west bank, the discussions between uae and israel started accelerating around this being a potential path. We saw an oped that said he thought applying sovereignty would be detrimental to the region. A new option was created that was discussed that ultimately both countries that would be eight more viable option to go forward. Israel has agreed to suspend the efforts at this time and as a result, we will focus on bringing these two countries together. This is a historic rate through and it shows that President Trumps leadership, you see a different middle east than what he inherited and there are more good things to come. This is an icebreaker between these two countries. This is the first arab country to normalize relations with israel in a long time. What we will hopefully see is more countries start to do the same. The final thing i will say is that here in america, the biggest threat we saw in the last campaign was two things. Theer one was isis, caliphate was growing, we saw journalists being beheaded, we saw people burned in cages. The threat of isis was something scary to a lot of americans. It needed to be stopped. The instability was providing a plan for extremists to attacks, terrible things. The extremists were trying to radicalize the next generation. One of the biggest excuses that extremists used to radicalize the next generation is the mosque saying it is being threatened and the fact that muslims are able to pray there. This will allow for flights from dubai to tel aviv which allows them to come visit israel peacefully and allows them to come pray at the mosque. This is a big through. As people go there and pray and seek that it is available, they will share it with their friends. They will share pictures on social media. People will see that the mosque is safe and that all people are welcome there. This is a great step forward for the region, for the country, for the world. The threecomplement leaders who worked hard to make this possible. Prime minister netanyahu of israel, the crown prince, and President Trump. Thank you to jared for that summary. It has been extraordinary work a number of fine diplomats. Working under President Trumps leadership to arrive at todays outcome. Jared kushner has been at the forefront of those efforts. Others have put in tremendous work under the president s direction to get where we are here today. Jared, you dont have a diplomat title but we dont have a finer ambassador especially in the region. Thank you for those remarks and for the incredible effort. I want to start by congratulating the president of the United States, the Prime Minister of israel, and the crown prince. This is a remarkable achievement. The achievement will now be known as the abraham accord. Countries it is something very special. Its not something that happens very often. My predecessors have been able to come to this podium to announce a peace deal in the middle east. As i said earlier in the oval office today, the president is going to be known in history as one of the changemakers and one of the remarkable leaders in the middle east. That is not something you may have thought of when he came into office. One of his very first steps was repairing our relationship with israel which had been badly damaged especially in the last month of the prior administration. The president did something unheard of. Many had promised that they would move the United States embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem. President trump had the courage to do it and he developed wonderful credibility and a reservoir of good will in israel. He recognized the Golan Heights as being israeli territory and took those away from what could have been a destabilized situation in syria. He destroyed physical caliphate of isis which was the size of ohio. It stretched across the middle east and terror rained because of the caliphate. He brought justice to albaghdadi who had killed so many americans. He put maximum pressure on iran and cut off much of the terrorist funding that was going to proxy wars in yemen and hezbollah and lebanon and syria and throughout the region. Today, we have the abraham accords. He has brought peace to the middle east, peace between the uae and israel. Is thehave said president is often known as the greatest dealmaker. He is creek considered a great dealmaker. I think history is going to remember the president for being a great peacemaker. He brought peace to israel and the uae. Historicmat signed a court in afghanistan. We havent had an american casualty in combat in afghanistan since february 29. He used his offices and his pressure to stop idlib from being overrun in syria. And he brought a ceasefire agreement when turkey had invaded northern syria. A lot of people said there would be war in north korea. Through personal diplomacy, he is kept that situation from turning into a connecticut event. Inetic event. When you look at what this president has done on the peace front, it wont surprise me it will take some time but it wouldnt surprise me if the president is eventually nominated for a nobel prize. Todays work is an example of why he would be rightly considered and should be a front runner for the nobel peace prize. Congratulate the crown prince. There have been two other great arab leaders who have made peace with israel. Ziad joinsed bin those leaders. I want to current cash congratulate Prime Minister netanyahu who was under pressure to extend law to portions of the country but he has stepped up against the political pressure to make peace. He put the interest of his country and his people first. We have some courageous leaders who worked with the president to come to todays tremendous accord. Stepping back from, what does this mean beyond the historic idea of a major arab country making peace with israel all of these years after 1948 . It makes sense on some a different levels. The uae and israel are both capable Security Partners of the United States and close partners of ours in the region standing up to around and islamic extremism. Iran andng up to islamic extremism. These are very innovative countries. Israel is called the start of nation. You feel like you are driving through palo alto through half the country. The uae is also innovative. Putting those two nations together is going to create a dynamic of creativity and the region. Both countries are populated by incredibly dynamic people. There are tremendous opportunities that are going to arise from this agreement. Jared talked about the idea of arab and muslim pilgrims going to the mosque. Go into the mount and having the opportunity to pray in peace and israel. Israel. President trump has made religious freedom a centerpoint point of his foreignpolicy and this is a great step toward fulfilling the idea that the great faiths came from the holy city. Christianity, judaism, and islam. It will be able to pray and interact peacefully together in the beautiful city of jerusalem. Andism, with abu dhabi dubai they have become meccas for tourism. Especially before the chinese virus. That will expand. Trade between the uae and israel which both have incredible economies. As we recover from covid, this will help those economies expand. You will see an increase in jobs and all three countries as a result of these accords. With respect to the Peace Process overall, we have a great team. That team is going to be fanning out. We will be working the phones, we will be in the region and we believe there are other andtries that will watch see the tremendous response to the courage of the Prime Minister and crown prince have been received by their people and by the world. I have already been on the phone with a number of european counterparts who have called to congratulate us for our role in this accord but some of whom are astounded that this took place. Toalso think this could lead a great deal for the Palestinian People. It is a people of the president that the president has not forgotten. He has endorsed a two state solution. He wants to see the Palestinian People prosperous in a country of their own and the groundwork has been laid for that. It will be working very hard on those efforts in the coming months and years. Again, today is a great day for the people of the uae, israel, and the United States as we played a role that we have traditionally played throughout the world and coming intermediate difficult situations and achieve peace and prosperity for our friends and neighbors. I am honored to be a part of the president s team on this. Congratulations to the president for his leadership and to Prime Minister netanyahu and crown prince, been ziad. Thank you very much. Crown Prince Mohammed bin ziad. [indiscernible] the suspension will last. It will take a while for these agreements to get fully enforced. The focus that israel is going to be applying is toward building this relationship. Opportunities that are now created from it investment, innovation, health, tourism point of view. And from a Security Point of view. They are very robust. The foreseeable future, you will see both countries focusing on that. I also think israel sees a lot of exciting opportunity in doing what is done today with other arab and muslim countries as well. That is going to be the focus where we are in with them. I want to acknowledge the tremendous team that has worked on this today. Secretary pompeo has been leading the efforts. The Vice President has been very supportive. Others have been tremendous along the way to get to today and in the steps that will likely come forward. Journalist you guys are touting this as a good step forward but the palestinian officials are criticizing it. How is this a good thing . Have a fairly productive over response. To makeypes of things their lives better. Lets focus on the facts. Out a 180 page deal that we got israel to negotiate on the basis of. It is 50 billion into their economy and allows them to double their gdp over 10 years. It allows them to create new jobs and a better standard of life for their people. It allows them to have a secure environment. Also helps them figure out the right outcome for them to go forward. A lot of people in the region see that we cannot wait for the palestinian leadership to resolve this. Every country is going to do what is in their best interest and we have big problems in the world. We cant be stuck in the past. We have to move forward. A big part of what motivated the uae to move forward at this time and take a risk they are taking is the notion that they didnt want to see israel take provocative action of applying sovereignty to areas of the west bank which allows more space to the palestinian leadership to come to the table and make a deal. I dont know if it will happen tomorrow, next month, next year. Point, with deals there is a thing called gravity and right now, you are at a situation where israel has said they are open to making peace. A lot of people have supported the vision that the president laid out. The president is a dealmaking president. Part of that is not always showing your cards. We were able to hold this quiet until this morning when we announced it. President has had a very robust strategy for the middle east that we have been executing and we have seen things have been getting better. Problems have been getting resolved. The president has been taking things off the table, slaughtering sacred cows that have been Holding People back. If you look back at the snapshot of where the president was when he started, it was a different middle east and that is not by accident. Over time, we will continue to ask ourselves two questions with that conflict. Number one, are we doing things that allow israel to be more secure versus less secure for the israeli people . That is americas strongest ally in the region. With this step, the uae joins an exclusive club and becomes one of americas closest allies in the region. Number two, are we taking steps that allow the Palestinian People to live a better life . There are a lot of people who find historic traps where they can find excuses not to move forward, but President Trump is focused on treating a bright future, creating progress and making peoples lives better. This is a big breakthrough. It is public. We have a lot of things that are happening privately that are quite exciting and i believe that over the next years, if the president is able to keep going forward, you will see historic changes in the region that will make the world a safer and better place. Journalist you mentioned and were sadat. , a moment or envision like that for the leaders because that was something that people remember. I want to say it was 1979. I think we will have a formal signing ceremony at the white house and we will have to see who comes from the various countries. I expect Prime Minister netanyahu will be here and either the crown prince or one of the other princes would likely be here and washington. It will be a great day. As you know, i normally dont talk about things that were set on president ial phone calls but one of the leaders said we have had a tough 2020 and this is the best news of the year. It is a great story for the American People and it is great to see how the press has reacted in a polarized time. Thatis one of the stories everybody is excited about the arabthat an arab, a muslim government is making peace with israel. It is a big day and we would love to host them here the white house. I think we will have an event sometime in the nottoodistant future. You talked gerrit, about visionary leadership. To make Something Like maybe something soon like this could happen again maybe perhaps another country. Is it your sense that there is a good chance that we could have a similar announcement here in the next 80 or 90 days . Mr. Kushner i think there is a very good chance. One thing that you see in great leaders is a sense of optimism. The president is a great leader because he always wants to put forward a positive front and get people do things they are capable of doing and achieve things people dont think is possible. His optimism is one of his great traits as a leader. ,e have had several discussions obviously we stop those discussions because this one looked like it was going and it was very important to the uae to be the first. They wanted to make history. We do have several more that we have had discussions with and now we will continue those discussions to see if we can continue to move forward. At the end of the day, it is inevitable. People want to move forward, the middle east has to stand on its own two feet. We have great allies there and we will continue to work with them and help them we want to see a Security Architecture and economic architecture where people have the safety and ability to live a better life. To have jobs, prosperity, and people need to believe that their children can have a better life than they can. Once that happens, people will of thea job over some other less good arias that they less good areas that they are being tempted to go to. Can you tell us how quickly you expect to see [indiscernible] embassies to open up . To what extent is this strategy in hopes that iran will be further isolated . Mr. Kushner iran, if they want to move forward, the president has been very clear. He will not pay for a meeting but he is always happy to talk to people. That is part of him being a dealmaker and that is why he was able to make this deal and the deal for opec plus and the u. S. Mexico candidate deal. Koreanan trade deal, the deal, fee for 20 choice six, the olympics 2028. President is a dealmaker so he will always be flexible. I have seen two of the best militaries of the region coming together, that is something people should take note of. People are figuring out how they can optimize. Iran has optimum benefited from inviting and conquering. They have tried to create instability and try to have the middle east divided which is why they have always taken advantage of the palestinian issue and they have tried to stoke fear around the issue and they have used it to keep people from joining together with israel. Note israeli has ever killed and emma roddy. Emirate. I believe we will start seeing interactions quickly and that both countries are very motivated from an economic point of view, tourism point of view, health point of view, Technology Point of view to start moving forward quickly. Just to give you the opportunity to respond, can you tell us why you were meeting with kanye west . Did you discuss the election . Mr. Kushner kanye is been a friend of mine for 10 years. We talk every now and then about different things. We both happened to be in colorado so we got together and had a discussion about a lot of angst. He has great ideas for what he would like to see happen in the country. That is why he has the candidacy that he has been doing. There is a lot of issues that the president has championed that he admires and it was great to have a friendly discussion. Netanyahu said [indiscernible] temporary because you said it could be a long time. Did you get guarantees that they would adhere to that . Mr. Kushner somewhere between a long time and a short time. He says its not off the table, its not canceled. Our discussions with the Prime Minister have been very extensive. We have a lot of trust between israel and america. We have done historic things together. The people of israel trust President Trump to make the right decisions that are the in the best interest of their security. I believe the leaders will not take action to move forward unless we have an understanding between america and israel that it is the right action at the right time. It is not like a binary thing to move forward or not. Theres a lot of details that need to be considered. We had a lot of those discussions and we put them on hold as this came about. I imagine at some point in the future, this will be discussed. Today is a great deal a great day. This is a game changer for israel and the middle east and the world. For the time being, people are going to focus on that and how to optimize from that your menace opportunity. Did you discuss the campaign with kanye west . Mr. Kushner we had a general discussion more about policy. Democrats and republicans are trillions of dollars apart. Do you believe it is possible for a deal to come together . Mr. Kushner working with President Trump, i would say that with him, anything is possible. You never know and the president has accomplished a lot of things that many people did not think could be accomplished. For the specifics, i will leave that up to the negotiators. As this topic is exhausted, i will turn it over. [indiscernible] there is a danger of veto from russia and china. Congress is saying the administration is losing faith. Can you comment on that . The administration is always going to do the right thing and President Trump will always do the right thing whether there is losing face or the chinese or russians have a veto. Russians want or to start sending arms to iran and destabilizing the region, that is on them, not on us. We will always take the right position and not worry about what the russians or chinese might do the u. N. If we worried about that time, if we worried about that all the time we would not get anything done. We will make sure arms dont float into around that there is not further destabilization. We can use diplomatic and other tools. Nobody in the region wants to of iran on the receiving end or chinesees migs drones. We have made that very clear. We will continue to prosecute our case at the u. N. And hope for the best. I hope the russians and chinese do the right thing. If they dont do the right thing, we have backup steps that we will take. [indiscernible] that is certainly one of the tools that we could use. What we are focused on right now is the vote for the arms embargo. Would like to see the russians and chinese get behind it. I cant imagine anyone in the world who thinks its a good idea to put advanced armaments in the hands of the ayatollah and his regime especially in todays middle east. That makes zero cents. Hopefully, the countries of the u. N. , the security counsel will do the right thing. They will roll the arms embargo and keep it in place. If they dont do that, we will take the steps necessary. Thank you. Sec. Mcenany thank you very much. I will take a few of your questions on other matters. The president has written a memorandum that gives 100 reimbursement of the National Guard dealing with coronavirus. A number of governors are trying to get on that list. Set up a a chance to time have you set up a chance for them to talk . The Governors Association says the criteria for being one of those states to get the hundred percent are not clear. How do you make the cut where you are 100 not 75 . Sec. Mcenany in march, President Trump became the first president to authorize use of the National Guard under title 32 status with 100 cost share. The president supports the men and women of the National Guard. This was a rarely used tool. 75 of the cost share is still giving states tremendous unprecedented support. States can utilize their Coronavirus Relief fund dollars to cover the remaining 25 they need to. A few states may direct cases to the president and he obliged to support them at 100 . Toill not go state to state say where things stand. What did the president mean when he said he was going to terminate the payroll tax . Reelected, what should americans believe about his commitment to Social Security . Unwaveringy he has commitment to Social Security making sure it is fully funded seniors are supported. He wants permanent forgiveness of the deferral. He has deferred the payroll tax to the end of the year. He wants to make that a permanent forgiveness of the deferral come next year. It is very important for low and middle income americans. Hein the long term, does think the payroll tax should go away . Sec. Mcenany the president is very clear that he wants a permanent forgiveness of the deferral. He has gone further to say that he wants to make sure Social Security is fully funded. You and the president have voted by u. S. Mail. What is he trying to prevent ordinary americans from voting by mail . Sec. Mcenany i voted absentee. The president has voted absentee. He is always for voting absentee for a reason. What he is not for is mass mailin voting or mass mail out voting where everyone on the voting role is mailed out a ballot. Voting rolls in los angeles county, you have 117 of the county registered to vote. That doesnt make sense. In the least, 17 of the ballots would be subject to potential fraud. Thats what the president is standing firmly against. He has always been for absentee for a reason. Millions of americans are without a job. Secretarythe treasury seemingly, there was no progress on that call. Millions of americans could absolutely care less about the politics of arrow. What would you tell them is coming as it seems nothing is moving policy wise . Sec. Mcenany secretary mnuchin said yesterday i am willing to move forward with legislation that provides funds to schools, childcare, food, vaccines, hospitals, ppp for small businesses, until assistance, broadband airport, state and government assistance and Liability Protections for universities, schools, and businesses. We are willing to move forward on that. What we are not willing to do is rubberstamp a behemoth 3. 4 trillion deal that the democrats put forward was fundamentally making ballot harvesting mainstream. That was extremist and we will not move forward with that president. The president has taken action on victim protection, unemployment insurance, a payroll tax cut, student loan forgiveness and his exec at of capacity. His executive capacity. It is fundamentally unserious what the democrats want because they wouldnt even tell us what they would take out of the 1 trillion. They said they have come down 1 trillion wouldnt tell us what they were taking out. Nancy pelosi needs to come back from recess and negotiate. The American People deserve better. If there isnt a deal that is viable, is the white house of a ition that the 3 billion 3 trillion that has been spent that there is no more . Sec. Mcenany the president wants to see funding for schools, a direct payment for americans. Noted in terms of the fiscal cost of things in the height of this when the economy was shut down, there was a trillion dollar deal negotiated. After that when the economy was renegotiated, it was a trillion dollar deal. For the democrats to say that we want more than we negotiated and passed during economic shutdown, we want 3. 4 torian dollars, it is an unserious proposal. Your reaction to unemployment claims dipping below one million . Governors are politicizing school closures. Sec. Mcenany what he means by that is when you look around the world, many countries in the western world have opened their schools. We as the United States can do the same. President , a way the the white house has released guidance to make that happen. He doesnt want a decision that is for so important for our children to be politicized. He believes it is in the health and interest of the child. What was your first question . The undiplomatic claims dipping below one million. How surprised are you at that figure . Sec. Mcenany i am not surprised. This president was the great jobs president. He brought up the greatest economy once and he will do it again. This is evidence of that. The jobs report is exceeded expectations. This goes in line with the manufacturing ism good numbers and other good metrics. The president is already making sure we have an economic rebound that outpaces europe and other countries. President been briefed on the russian Coronavirus Vaccine . Does he think its workable . Sec. Mcenany the president has been briefed on that and our own vexing progress. One thing to note, our vaccines go through vigorous phase three Clinical Trials where we have 30,000 individuals that we test to make sure it is perfectly healthy moving forward. That is the standard we have for american vaccines and its important we do that. I do think we will have a vaccine by the end of the year and to the president the president is manufacturing vaccines in hopes that one a successful. How confident is this white aree that iran and russia finally going to be placed in their respective lanes and the advent of this deal . Sec. Mcenany we believe there is a big contrast here on where this Administration Stance and the previous administration. The obama biden administration, they cozied up to americas enemies. The iran deal was egregious. There were cash payouts to around. This president has done is diametrically opposite. Working with our allies, with israel, working on a peace agreement. When you work with our allies, engage in diplomacy, when you are a great dealmaker, you get deals like we saw today and that is a stark contrast to what we saw from the previous administration. [indiscernible] sec. Mcenany i am not going to go any further into the state of middle east peace. Focusing on the historic agreement that has been made. Ofis the president aware [indiscernible] that are apparently going to be published . Sec. Mcenany i havent looked into that or spoken to him about that. We are focused today on this Historic Deal and providing relief to the American People. s historic president deal what are the concerns that it could be kneecap in an American Company . Sec. Mcenany the only remarks i have on tiktok are that the president signed the two executive orders exercising his authority under the International Emergency powers act to address the threats posed by tiktok and we chat. The president is committed to protecting the American People from cyber thats cyber threats. The information can be accessed and used by the prc. Tiktok has a documented history of censoring free speech. We take the data of americans very seriously. One other thing i wanted to clear up is that Speaker Pelosi has been fundamentally unserious in these negotiations and engaging in blatant partisanship. One thing she said recently is billion for. 5 election funding. That is a fundamentally unserious act. I talked to the office of management and budget. They said states have been given 1. 2 billion in election assistance grants since 2018 and we estimate they have spent less than 16 of that funding. They still have over one billion of those funds that have not been spent. We encourage Speaker Pelosi to follow in the footsteps of the suggestion of a congressman of her own party who said i think congress should be in session. Congress hasurd been on a break. One will tell you one thing person who has not been on a break and that is this president. Thank you and i will see you at 5 30. To des moines, iowa where Vice President mike pence is speaking at a farmers and ranchers for Trump Campaign. That was a concern for democrats. In her speech yesterday, she put out the prosecutorial record against President Trump and while she stumbled during her own president ial campaign, her biggest asset is her record and skills as a prosecutor and she showed that in her speech yesterday where she laid out an argument shes going to be making about this current administration. We were talking in the last segment about whether Vice President picks matter. This pick is more significant than most. Old isen at 77 years unlikely to run for a second term. Senator harris alluded to that point. She called him something of a bridge between herself and former president obama which i thought was an interesting phrase. She is the future of the party. Joe biden is anointing kamala to watch goingne forward. This pick is more significant than most previous picks because she could be a future president. She could be someone that he is passing the baton to another future political leader within the Democratic Party. If this was the obvious pick, what did you make of the trump Team Response . It was all over the map. The Trump Campaign cant seem to get its message against senator harris and the biden ticket straight. Thats a lot of abilities senator harris has. She is one of the more liberal members of the senate. There are some folks in the Trump Campaign who want to criticize her for being too tough on crime. , or theng to divide divisions because of her prosecutorial record. In the general election, if the Trump Campaign wants to score she famouslyt her, hemmed and hawed on medicare for all. Theres a lot of the Trump Campaign can use against her. They didnt seem to use any of it and they seem to be unclear on what their ultimate message was and is going to be against the running mate. If you are a political junkie, if you like taking a deep dive into campaign 2020, now would be a great time to call in. A National Senior political columnist. The numbers to callin are as usual. Lets talk about the house and senate races. , are there anyis places were a house member or Senate Member will want her to come into their district or republicans want to use her as a foil in their races. The big picture, the senate and house them a Credit Campaign committees, the campaigns themselves very much are supportive of the pick. They believe she is at best an asset and doesnt hurt even more red state democrats running for office. Kamala harris is going to play well in the suburbs. Areasll play well in the in the midterm election. Its a good question of whether she will play well in the rater states. Redder states. Some of the races that are very close but also lean toward the republican party. She is going to do well where republicans have done well over the last few years. Im not sure if she has a broad enough appeal among slightly more conservative voters and soft Republican Voters. I think that would be a limitation because of her voting record. Tookse of the position she during the primary. She came out against fracking, the green new deal, she is very liberal and her voting record. Ultimately, that is not going to matter as much as how the back Biden Campaign utilizes her. She is a good partner for the former Vice President and a lot of these trip traditional battleground states. At thehave a Column National journal. One of your recent pieces, why iowa is the most important state on the blue,. Little matt. Political map. Donald trump needs to win iowa. There is a senate race that could determine which party holds the majority. The freshman senator is running for reelection. Her democratic opponent has been extremely close race. You have three of the fort house seats held by democrats in the state that are very competitive. This will be a big bellwether. About whether or not the democrats can make inroads. Iowa voted for trump by nine points. Democrats continue to hold their gains and continue to make inroads in a state like iowa, its not a good sign for republicans across the board. We are happy to talk about iowa or the other state. Our first color is from south carolina. Emotions emotions emotions. The only reason joe biden picked Kamala Harris is because she is a person of color. I knew he wasnt going to pick a 100 black woman because [indiscernible] anddaughter of immigrants shes married to a white man. They just used to black people year after year for votes. Nothing ever change. Who would you like to have seen biden pick . Love him to pick the qualified person not being into picking a black woman or a woman of color because she didnt identify herself as a black woman. She identified herself as an Asian American a few years ago. Excuse me, and Indian American. I used to be a democrat. Its all about the new immigrant. Nothing about illegal immigration. Without your point. Kamala harris, the daughter of jamaican and immigrant indians immigrants. 55 years old. Yesterday center the selection of senator harris as a historic. They are certainly hoping to get because they can energize africanamerican, Asian American, and Indian American voters. Kamala harris did not get a lot of traction with africanamerican voters in the primary. Bidens pulling behind joe by the time she dropped out. There is an open question, an open degree to which she will energize the voters. She is someone who didnt have a record of doing so during her own campaign, but her pick is historic. The reaction among organizations has been [indiscernible] among democrats. She is going to benefit from the historic nature of the first election. You mention how joe biden framed that. Here is that moment yesterday. Her story is americas story. Different from mine in many but also not so different in the essentials. She has worked hard. She has never backed down from a challenge. Each and every one of the accolades she has gained. Many of them in the face of obstacles that others have put in her way but never quit. This morning, all across the nation, little girls woke up, especially little black and brown girls, who often feel so overlooked and undervalued in their communities. Maybe they arest seeing themselves for the first time in a new way as the stuff of president s and Vice President. Joe biden yesterday in delaware. What is the state of the race right now as we head into the convention weeks for the two parties . Joe biden holds a comfortable lead. What exists of the campaign in this unusual election season is only beginning. If you look at the national and battleground state polls, there are signs that the race is tightening a little bit. There was a democratic poll that came out from two of the top pollsters in the country on the democrat side. Trumps job approval going up from 38 in july to 43 in august. There is a little bit of an uptick. There are a lot of soft Republican Voters disillusioned with how the president was handling the pandemic. There were some signs that they may be coming onto the republican ticket. The race is always tightened as we get closer to the election. The big picture, trump is down by a fairly significant margin and more importantly, he is struggling in a lot of the big important battleground states like florida, north carolina, arizona. Ultimately, joe biden is in the pole position. We have a lot of time left, but trump, there are signs that he is getting the base back. Just over 80 days left. Caller is out of the keystone state. Good morning. Say that Kamala Harris a vpot my first choice for pick. This woman is very bright. She is articulate. She is well educated. I happen to like her. Like i said, she was not my first choice, but i happen to like her. Let me say this. I would never ever choose a man who calls women all kinds of names. I am talking about trump. That i enjoy the fact biden said i am going to listen to this woman. Im going to have her be the last person in the room that gives me an opinion. Trump has his Vice President who is a yesman. He sits around the table and throws accolades of he is a Supreme Leader kind of thing. I dont like this kind of person. What makes you stronger, and i know in my own experience, is that people who give me their own opinions and then i think about things and maybe i change my mind based on that opinion. Another thing, trump flew his little plane over pennsylvania saying vote for me. I will never ever vote for trump. Joe biden could have picked a roach and i would have voted for him. Thank you. Our next guest is kentucky. Our next caller is from kentucky. Thank you. I am still kind of deciding for this november. I like Kamala Harris, what i know about her, but i am still learning a lot. I wonder what the claims about what she did as a prosecutor in california keeping people in jail, a person on the throw, things about marijuana. How many of these are substantiated and how much is the other party playing up to tear her down . Theres a lot of substance evend her tough on crime small crimes like Marijuana Possession when she was District Attorney of San Francisco and her time as attorney general of california. About a decade ago, the mood in the Democratic Party was prolawenforcement. If you wanted to succeed in national politics, you couldnt be seen as soft on crime. Certainly if you are from the bay area of california. As someone who had brought clinical ambitions, she certainly was cognizant of that and that was consistent with her record. She was someone who did prosecute aggressively including crimes like Marijuana Possession. A lot of detractors find that is overly it overly aggressive. Record and rhetoric since then and in recent months has been much more to the left, most notably during the argument over defunding the police or decreasing funding to police departments, she came out recently in favor of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcettis proposal to decrease funding to the police department. She has certainly moved very much to the left on policing, law and order and so on. But certainly at the begin of her career when she was attorney general of california, she took a much more centrist, proprosecutor approach and that fostered a lot of angst or caused her detractors to get a little ammunition against her and criticize her from the left. To the sunshine state, this is teresa, republican. Caller hello, cspan and thank you for all you do. I wanted to comment on mr. Biden. He lost a wife, a daughter, and his beloved bo and i just dont think he is a sane man full top i think the losses have affected to see it is really sad him try to step up for the party. And far to the left kamala is far to the left and she is effective at holding the little guy accountable in her state and i really and truly withve the biggest problem our judicial system starts at the very, very top, where the people make the laws and the judges and the lawyers, so i just dont trust her. The ticket on the police lets face it, its where the laws are made, these are the problems that if you want to talk about systemic racism, it starts at the very, very top. Polling you trust the right now on where this election is . Caller i really dont. I find this to be almost surreal. No, i dont trust the polling at all and i feel like we are all boxed in as voters. How bad, talks about how weird mike pence is, but he has been very come a very consistent and kind. I didnt know what to think about him when he was running. Teresa in florida. You trust the polls right now . Guest i do. I think theres always some noise, theres always a margin of error. But there has been a remarkable consistency in both the national and battleground states poll in terms of biden being outside the margin of error and even in the battleground states, ec big leads for the biden ticket. I always say actions speak louder than polls. Look at where the campaigns are spending money, which states they are spending money and. The Trump Campaign is spending. N georgia, a very red state that shows that they are worried about a state that should be republican. They have not in michigan, a state where trump narrowly carried in that when he 16 election. Ultimately, i like to look as much at the action, the spending, the Strategic Vision either campaign and right now, the Biden Campaign is looking to expand the map and the trim campaign is playing defense, which is consistent with the polling we are seeing across the board. Host another against the grain headline. Sunbelt states are equal. Can you talk about arizona . Guest georgia is a much tougher state for democrats to crack than arizona, which is a state looking more and more democratic by the day. There are lots of times the two states get group together and republican states turning democrat targeting more competitive. But arizona is a state where emma kratz have succeeded by being moderate and persuading swing suburban voters. That is a trend we are seeing with democrats making big swings. A persuasion campaign for the democrats. In georgia, the electorate is much more polarized, racially polarized, conservative, theres an evangelical component. I think a lot of times people get fooled that democrats have a floor of support, which they often do, but for a democrat to get to 50 in georgia and Southern States that have a very strong republican base, its going to be very tough for the senate candidate, the senate races going on in georgia this year, its going to be very tough even though these races let competitive, its going to be tough for democrats. Virginia,r in democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning, guys. Im a little upset this morning. I have been watching this 2010 whenshow since the Tea Party Took off. Said no to obama for six years on anything he wanted. Joe biden was the man that if anything made happen, biden was the man who made it happen. He worked with the senate, to try to get something done in this mess. Growing, buttarts they would never say yes to help make it grow. So when trump takes over, they say yes. Donald trump has failed. I cannot leave my home without a mask. My wife is sick. Its like im trapped and i can see my nation falling apart and its very disturbing. If we dont do something this election, we will be germany, hitlers germany in 10 years, i guarantee it. The color, i think, reflects a widespread sentiment certainly among democrats, but if you look at every poll, there are number people who say they will never vote for President Trump, no matter what at about 50 or even higher. So it is really hard to win an election when almost half the country will not vote for you no matter what and even if you dont love joe biden or are skeptical of senator harris, it doesnt matter because you are voting because you are casting your ballot against President Trump. Thats the face of the anger and sheer disillusionment with the president. It is very real, very high and makes it very difficult for President Trump. About 20 minutes left. The National Journal Senior National columnists there talking about campaign 2020, all aspects, if there is a race you are interested in. Host we have talked about wave elections before, but one of your columns from late last month issued a tsunami warning for republicans. Why do you think this might be a political wipeout year for the gop . Thet you can see it with polling and the decisions the campaigns are making. Ira number 2006 when democrats won this won the house and senate and followed it up with president obama election in 2008. People forget it was not just a historical election, but democrats made these historic gains in states that were never very democratic like alabama and conservative archetypes. We are seeing a similar thing and 2020 were democrats won the house back, they are within striking distance to win the senate back, but we are seeing the Montana Senate race very competitive. House races in texas, indiana, some districts that trump one by double digits in indiana, now democrats are positive they can pick up in the 2020 election. In the house, democrats hold a substantial majority and if you look at the polling on both sides, there are signs that democrats can further expand that majority to near historic levels. Can gain a couple of points in his job Approval Rating and have significant down ballot implications. Maybe it wont be a tsunami, maybe it will be a wave, but right now things are looking awfully bleak. It doesnt just mean biden is favored to win the white house, it means democrats are positioned to take back the senate and even expand their house majority. Host do the democratic committees in the house and senate do what they need to do in recruiting and in the primaries have an able to take advantage of a wave or tsunami if it were to hit on election day . Guest they did, for the most part. There are holes in the Georgia Senate race. But for the most part, democrats got good candidates to run, they raised a lot of money. Some house candidates are raising over a Million Dollars a quarter in preparation for competitive reelections and republicans, some of the races republicans and conservative districts they should do well in, they did not get the best candidate. Candidate that a can build on President Trump space. Overall, the environment is awfully favorable. Right now the question is is it just a wave, and other good election for the Democratic Party or is this one of these historic elections that democrats could get back unified control of power in washington . Rich in kingsport. Independent. Good morning. Caller good morning. I think you are the perfect person to ask since you are against the grain. I have three questions. Democrats, since the say this is the most important election in our lifetime, would there have been any constitutional impediment to having former president obama run as a mother as a running mate for joe biden . Do you think kamala with willie brown going to come up or is that going to be a third rail . As recently as january, will he brown wrote an oped taking credit for giving her her start and of course, they had a romantic past. And number three, what is up with these little mini mullets of trump and biden . Do they not have anyone that can snip off that little hair sticking out the back . Hope you can shed some light on this. Host i dont know if you want to take up the barbara question, but do you want to take up the other two . Guest i think obama would have been ineligible. I dont think the willie brown relationship in San Francisco is going to make any difference. Walker, west virginia, republican. Good morning. Caller i would like to know how you all think biden is going to win when he cant even get out of the basement to talk to everybody . Thank you. He did get out of the basement yesterday and he has actually been going between his home and wilmington and he has a Vacation Home in rehobeth beach, delaware. You are right, he has not been doing a lot of public [applause]

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