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Thumbsup. Welcome to the press conference as we celebrate conclusion of this Historic Mission and the official return spaceflights to american soil. L nasas Johnson Space center. Hurley spent nine weeks aboard the International Space station traveling 27. 1 millionmilance orbiting over 1024 times, and, today, our crew is home. And splashing down 45 years and nine days after the last american smash splashdown on earth. Melts ago, our two favorite space splashed down off the coast of pens control and aboard the spacex crew dragon and just concluding our first launch america mission. This historic landing left the first return of commercial built and operator american spacecraft from the International Space station. And to discuss this Historic Mission. Talk more about watch america and what we have in store for nasa is we have the briefers. Let me introduce them. First Jim Bridenstine, nasa administrator, president and ceo of spacex, steve stitch, commercial crew program manager, International Space Station Program manager and end fire crews . Astronautses, who are together and speaking us to today. So well start with open remarkance take questions for reporters who are dialed in as a reminder please take questions from the public who have used the hashtag ask fas sa. Lets begin. Jim . Opening remarks . Well, thank you bettina. This is a great day for nasa. This is a great day for the United States of america, i want to thank our spacex partners, and of course, the commercial crew program here at nasa. What an amazing day, today, we really made history, and we are entering a new rear of human spaceflight, where nasa is no longer the purchaser, owner and operator of the hardware and going to be a customer, one customer of many customers in a very robust commercial marketplace for human spaceflight to lower earth orbit buzz we want to have numerous providers that are competing against each other on cost and no innovation and safety, driving down costs and increase access to space in a way that never has been seen before and so this is really an amazing day and we need to remember, that this is just the beginning and now, is the time to capitalize on all of the great programs that have recently been established to to include going sustainably to the under a program called artemis which is mine shirt. Were going to the moon sustain be go with commercial part fers and international partnerrance outs the resource of the moon to live and work on another world for long periods of tame and take that knowledge and go to mars. This is an amazing moment, and the commercial crew program has really just proven the Business Model for how we go forward and we do more than work than we have been able to be do before, so i want to say congratulations to spacex, and elon musk, congratulations to Gwen Shotwell and certainly congratulation entire nasa team which worked diligently on this for so nan if i years, it was really, really remarkable day that couldnt have gone any better and look forward to getting into the questions. Thank you, jim. Next we go to gwen. Thank you, bob and doug northern honor you have given us to be here today and have this great achieve. I have to do a callout the great spacex team, they did extraordinary work, this was an incredibly smooth mission. I am sure we will gol that be decks perience over the 62 days here, in the q a, but i do think it is important to point out this was an extraordinary mission, an extraordinary day for nasa, for spacex purchase frankly for americans, and anyone interested in spaceflight. As he jim mentioned, this is really just beginning. Were starting the journey of bringing people regularly to and from lower earth orbit and on to the moon and then, ultimately, on to mars, so today is a great day. We should celebrate what we all accomplished here today, bringing bob and doug back but we should think about this as a springboard to doing even harder things, with the Artemis Program and then of course moving on to mars. Thank you,gwne and go on to steve. Thank you, bet ty na. Well are almost speechless. We dame into today. We had three objectives, the flight objectives really to execute the deorbit and en triv the dragon capsule to demonstrate we could recover that capsule, and then we could also bring back cargo from space and valuable science we brought back in two freezers onboard the dragon vehicle and then we demonstrated all thief those things today it was incredible day. Cannot thank enough the men and women across the country spacex and nasa who works so tirestly over five years to make this day happen to make the whole mission go sentence smoothly and it was just a great effort, i would like to thank the iss program and the partnership as well, today, we had a perfect day to land. The wind was two miles an hour landing in a clear day with no waves and the work that we did with the kenny todd and the space Station Program and actually, they moved a cargo vehicle to allow us to have this day and so thankful for that and you foe, the whole part of deorbit and entry went nominally. The trin was as expected and the parachute performance was grateful that they deployed as expected. We touched down just fine. We did have one slight issue as we were bringing the vehicle back ton the ship and we noticed a few slight toxic vapors and for oxidizedder and they were slightly with, they were within limits where we could have actually had the craw out. We took a little time toll do a purge to purge those vapors and to make sure that bob and doug were safe. We took a few readings inside of of the cabin as well, so just an incredible day. When i left the counselville, the helicopter landed on the ship ready to take bob and doug back to shore and bob and doug were out of the capsule getting medical checkouts so things were going well. Again, incredible day. Thanks to our team and the hard work to make this happen. Thank you, steve. Joel . American smash splashdown on thank you. For 60 plus days, bob and doug, the commercial team, the spacex vehicle were onboard doing Critical Science for us. Bob and doug completed over 110 hours of science utilization, research, Technology Development, work that will help this Great Laboratory that we have help us lower earth orbit and allow us to go to the moon and to mars and with the Artemis Program just an in cred dabble and this is just a small window to what well see in the future, this mission had two crewmembers, we have four crews members and alog us to do an incredible amount of science and Research Technology development onboard. A huge thanks to the spacex team. A congratulations to the spacex team. And congratulation commercial crew program and congratulations to all involved in human space flight. With that, thanks very much. Back to bettin pavement thank you, joel. Now the crew one team. Over to you guys. A thank you. On behalf of crew one, al the families, we want to say congratulations to bob, doug, their families. You heard it already. I was big day. It was big day for our nation. I was big day for nasa for the human spaceflight and spacex and the International Partners w. Had the opportunity to witness all of the work and the dedication that has taken to pull of the dm2 mission and it has been truly impressive and inspiring. As you can i panel gin, crew one, we got big smiles on our phrase what we saw from the dn2 mission and then, i said after the launch in a well say it again after watching splash down, it did not seem like this was the first nasa Spacex Mission with astronauts onboard, and it seems to go extremely smooth and also realized there is a lot of to work go and lack at the data. But again, overall, things need to go very, very well. And then, just a little bit on crew one. Were wrapping up the training later or earlier this week. We had a chance to see the crew one capsule, and it is a beautiful vehicle and we cannot wait to have an opportunity to talk it into space. But again, today, today is really about dm2 and Successful Mission bob and doug than the families congratulations. Thank you, mike. Were all excited to celebrate when the crew launcheses at the International Space station s. With that we art with questions are the media. Again, press star 1 to ask a question. Our first question comes from lauren gresh. Report hi. Thank you for taking the question. Obviously, a lot of us took note of the boats that were southerning the crew dragon at landing and very curious how that was allowed to happen and what nasa and spacex plan to do to prevent than the future and assuming that can get quite dangerous, if not, you know, thank . I will talk about it for second then turn it over to steve. That is not what we were anticipating. Of course, we wanted to make sure this was clearing for them to land. The coast guard did an excellent job of ensure hag, then, of course, after they landed, the boats just came in, and we need to do a better job next time sure . You will tell you, i is a beautiful sunny day. I lot of boaters were out there and certainly intrigued. Think all of america was very and thousands see the capsule land in the water. Yeah. Yeah. It is something we need to do better next time. I will just add couple of thing. We do clear area. We have like a ten not call mile area that we clear. We have a couple of coast guard cutters throughout clearing this are air and they did an excellent job waits clear for the actual splashdown event. Then as jim said, it was beautiful day, lots of people out, maybe boating or fishing and then, then saw the capsule and kind of came in. We have some work to do with spacex, well Work Together to do a better job for the next splashdown. Operate purchase thanks. Our next question comes from chris davenport. Congratses on great mission. I am just wondering if you had any updates did on bob and doug and looked like they were feeling well, but just any updays on the hos health and thanks, again, congratses everyone. When i left the control center, be about and doug were doing with. We watched them in the capsule. They were moving around, looking at dus plays. We asked them to take few readings to make sure it was fine. We had gotten them out, and they were going through medical checks and all ind cooperation they were doing well. The plan from now, the rest of the day, some helicopters will take them off the ship to Pensacola Naval air station and return to houston tonight and then looking forward to seeing them when they get here. I hats been a great flight. Thank you for that question. I am know were and thousands see be about and doug. The next question keem coms from keith. Well, before i asked that question, then, i got till, i can remember see ithing in the hotel lobby nearly 20 years looking at the first drawing, i got say it was too cool for you guys. I think everybody had a tear in their eye. I want to do a followup on the question about the boats. I took all the safety classes. It is not something you mun qi. Why did you drop the space capsule in a into a location where powerboats are going to be and a guy on a sail bet and another guy with big trump nag feet away and no one tried to be shooing them off. Are you going to maybe try not to be that close to shore next time . Well look at a pump before he options. Are rooting. We can do better. Certainly, we had al the clearance that was required at landing. And then, as soon as, as soon as, i mean, that capsule was in the water for good period of time and, you know, the boats just made a b line for it. Soon, so it is a big area to have to clear and to clear all of it is probably going to require more resource and but it is, yeah. There are things that we are going to lack at to do better next time for sure. The crews that we deployed there, their focus was to make sure bob and doug got on the boat and exited safely be a not their job police the area and had to go out there for that. The Lesson Learned here we need more asset and maybe more spacex and nasa assets as well what is important that is bob and doug go on the bet and able to keep the area clear for landing then, then ask people to move back as they came a little bit too close to the dragon capsule which they did. We will be better prepared next time. Thank you. Our next question will come from irene. Congratulations, everyone. It was impressive to watch today. Cut out a little bit. Thanks for the question. Yeah. This mugs was incredibly smooth. Not say there are thing we need to work on and do better. The capsule worked but a beautifully. The operations worked extremely well, 1 00 we certainly feel comfortable that we are on the right foote carry commercial passengers. Not too long from now. Obviously, four cuss is ensuring that we get crew within lifted off in time to do a handoff with crew 2 two, but yeah, i think base on the results we have seen so far. There is more data obsly to look at. But based on the respects so far. I am comfortable. Ok. Moving on. A quick question from twitter, we have gary ask how long will it takes a very out toes to normalize after you lose the capsule. How much to return to normal life on earth . Steve, do you want to take that . Sure. Bettina, i can certainly take that. Yeah. You know, it really genes. Bob be a doug were in space for couple of mops, and so, they will come back here and they will start doing special train so you know, sometimes wan matter of a few days or weeks there. They are back to normal. So it varies a little bit from drew cru and get them back hear and start doing some special exercise and special things to get them readapted to the gravity. So far they are doing well so were look forward to getting them back here in houston. We take the next question. Thanks for going this. A question for gwynne. Based on the results so far, how Many Missions before you see flying private crewance planning to reuse crew 2 or reuse the capsule toll craw i was wondering if cue break down the process thor and how i guess nasa came to agree to reusing these capsules after they splash down and then, jim, i would love to hear your take on that as well. What kind of happened to make the crew cap soul reusable for humans. Thanks so much. So appreciate the question. Obviously, we are trying to really change the paradigm of human spaceflight in order to do that you need make sure the capsules are rapidly and readily reusable and we have been work on this with our launch customers and with nasa for probably have a decade sore and the dragon 2 vehicle itself was designed with far greater certainty and ensuring it can can be reused and the capsule days sooned for five to ten mixes, and we have to see how things worked out after we examined the capsule when it gets back to port and back to the cape to our facilities there, but, but based on the telemetry and any vill im case wes had so far. The vehicle looks like it ins good shape. And i will let steve and jim talk a little bit about the journey on getting reusability about its with, it was part of our original bid for the commercial crew program. We took a look that data and continuing to look through that and for us, it looked liability was reportable thing to go do. I think part of the question was how long does tight referb shall the vehicle, it takes about four months or so so we have a lot of margin gettinging into the fligt for crew 2 and the vehicle will start actually as soon as it gets back to area 59 at the cape and go through the maintenance and well have a nasa as part of that and press since area 59 and well polo along with every step of that painence and also, relook at the certification to make sure that there is nothing on tour and well do as this we get the about build up to the crew one launch here in the physical and paque sure we have overlap between crew one and crew two to ensure that we have access to iss anding that with joel and the iss program. A not in every case, but in most cases, and spacex has prove then channel offing that. So we are looking for ward to drew with the count still a came home. As steve said, there is a lot of to be dope between now and then and a lot of eveilvation that need donees. As she said based on what we see, it looks looker in good shape. Great. Our next we could comes from marsha dunn. I am wondering if you foe, once the deorbit burn had occurred, was it pretty tense inside Flight Control there at spacex prop sitting next to elon musk and, what was it like for him and for you during those final minutes of the flight and especially right after successful splash down . Cue describe those moments, please. Thank you. So no question, it was enormous relief after months of xine ty making sure we could bring bob and doug back home safe ply, but splash down was really beginning. We wanted to make sure that bob and doug exited the vehicle safely and looked good. And so, a lot of people were cheering after splash down. I got at i love congratulations on my cell fen and emails, but we were not done until we got bob and doug out of the capsule. He hopped and flight and go to houston and meet up with the astronauts and then i still have a crew here in Mission Control making sure that bob and doug got safely on the helicopter and will get safely back to shore. Sop not tefs job is done yet, but then, it was initial relief, for sure. I was greater leaf when i saw be about and doug come out of the capsule smiling thumbs up and looking cheerful that was good moment. Thanks so much. Our next question were eric burger. Yeah hash high, thank for doing this. s question for gwnne when falcon one failed on the third plight. That is 12 years. Since then, launched three different rocket, a couple of spacecraftance put two people into space and brought them back. 12 hear heres is not a long period of time. Can you roz ses some of the transformation of spacex has hap personned during the timeframe . You foe,er, i 12 years seems like a really long time to me. Candidly, it is hard to process. Thank you for reminding me of that. You know, i never shy away are the failures. They are Incredible Opportunity opportunities to learn this company has learned a lot. I have to say we would not be the company that we are today. We would not have achieved this goal without the support the moral support, the financial support, the Technical Support that nasa has given offers the years in august of 200 when we started working close whether i nasa. So though it seems look a long time. We have done a lot in that timeframe and you know, what is so great, we have have done so much of this in Partnership Kind of handinhand with nasa. So it is a great day to sell breath not only bob and dukings return and they being the heros they are toon celebrate the extraordinary relationship we have with nasa. Hate been a great relationship. We have a question from social media. Nor the crew one team, how will the ultratraining for you so close to launch it did and how does it impact what did you iss . That is a great question. Thank you again for the opportunity to speak actual. The data cloaked is going to help us to move forward to our launch date, but again we got to refurbish this vehicle and git ready for crew 2 so we have time to hand over. And so we are ready. Were ready to go though spatial station and very close to fly the dragon to lower earth orbit and important we take some time to enjoy the accomplishment and celebrate with bob and dukings fam rain in nas and spacex team and to be in the moment, appreciate all the Amazing Things that have happened here. It is a great time to be in ma nasa. Anything else how think information impacts future missions at the is sioux so good question. You know, we took the opportunity to do some habitability studies while the vehicle was tape offed to iss so this vehicle, as everyone knows, it came up with two crewmembers, four crewmembers up there for the next vehicle and so, we didsome testing on that. And learned a few things and learned testing on where to stow itemmance how to live in that vehicle, so just a number of items we took a lot of, we took advantage of having the vehicle there for 90 dayance then, that will help us make a better vehicle in the sense of better operations for crew one and crew two in subsequent vehicles. Thank you, control. Well, well go back to the reporters in the cue. Well go next to steven clark. Hugh. Thank for taking the question. A question for gwn they. Suspects you Social Security you are using the more and more the crew dragon vehicles, i am curious, do you plan on building a fleet of vehicles going for hard . How many do you think you will heed have in your rotation another demand both from nasa and from private astronauts passengers going for with and and question for the crew one plight. Think you are the first nasa astronaut since john rounding, if i recall correctly, to fly on three different launch vehicles with the experience on soyuz and the Space Shuttle and curious if you could come par the experiences on the two vehicles riding into orbit. How you think falcon nine can compare going into it. Thanks. Thanks. A great question. Yes. Am honored to fly mission and along with my experience with the Space Shuttle and the employees. The important thing is that i am learning a lot from the pilots in and started last february. This is going back to square one. Everything is for my safety, and so every day, and you go on saying we have the crew. My small contributions a great experience and we have a different view and different backgrounds and resilience for the cru and should be quick. Thanks. Of course we want to wait to see how many we have to build before we, you know, before well say were done building out the fleet. He want to see how this vehicle looks after we get the opportunity to spinning it and such. We do anticipate building out the fleet. Thank you. Well away back to the lines. Next is jackie goddard. My question is for the crew one folks. Mike shannon and i wondered if you could describe how you watched that splashdown and what you went through emotionally as you watched it and what it means to you knowing that your plight depended on the success of this one. Thank you. Thank for. We were together in the control centerp here in houston watch the splash down. Was socks kiting. I would say it is greet say it was emotional even for all of us. To be able to watch our colleagues our friends come home safely is always emotional even then to see how smoothly everything went during their splashdown and their in try. So were excited that it went as smoothly as it did because now, that points to the success of how h you our mission will be when we get a chance to watch. Thank you, shan on. Well go to business insider. Thank you for take the question. So this is spacexs first flight and you have tons of data to go through and then i am curious was the most surprising then your team has learned on the motion is far and in relatedly is there anyone thing you change for crew one for these guys on the call . No, i do. I have Extraordinary Team here at spacex i dont want to, i dont want to undermine any of that, but i think, probably the greatest surprise is that this mission was as smooth as it is and luck i dn want to take anything i way from the team and but this was Demonstration Mission and this was not the first flight of dragon two but this vehicle had a lot, had a lot of capability on it that was not flown during the dem me and demo one signed think, were surprised minorly surprised but obviously, incredibly pleased that this went smoothly as it did and then, then there is no question we learned some things along the way. That we will want to roll into the crew one flake and we know about preflight be a a lot of press and lacking to have upgrades there to make sure the vehicle on orbit for the six mon and the solar arrays. And bertha we anticipated and able to complete the Mission Original planned mission we had a couple of months of margin to flair so relearned some things and make sure we include those uncrew one. Far as realtime today. Instead of two gn ritor on those rescue boats we have three den generators which is one primary shall two backups that is one example kind of a small thing that well want to do going forward. Next we have andrea from the houston chronicle. Autos hugh, thanks for having us. It was great watching. We cant wait to you have back in house. So so i would like to know how landing compared to the apollo capsules . With as there new technology or was it sim flar thank you. Os war it similar . Thank you. I will take a crack at this one. I would say the landing compared to the apollo spacecraft was he very similar. Lanking a vehicle in the water requires similar kinds of chute force the drones which stabilize the vehicle and then the main parachutes are r similar. Four main parachutes and then all in all. I would say that the technology is similar and the vehicle itself compared to apollo you compare this dragon, what an incredible spacecraft, very much automated spacecraft, and the crew, the crew from the time from the deorbit burn all the way to plashdown and landing doesnt have to take very many abs on their own. The vehicle does it by itself. It is atop mouse. 1 00 all in all, you know, it is similar kind of a landing. We will go to space news. Good afternoon. Corn lations. And and talk about this a little bit and a little bit more details. And dem poe two and fou it is back. And launch the crew one mission. Thanks. We will do al few things. One, well review the all the telemetry and the grat the dragon. We have done that for the whole flight to date, well do it now for undocking all the way through splashdown and recovery so we will have engineers. We do it jointly with spacex and go through all the data for each of the various system and the life support and propulsion and so forth and go through that data to make sure there us nothing that is there. And secondly look at the parachutes. The parachutes is a the important system on the vehicle and spacex was doing a great job of recovering those chutes today and well take those back and analyze those and look at it to see they are performing well. And then, thirdly, spacex is going to take the vehicle apart. One of the benefits i would say is the fact that well take some of the, some of the vehicle apart. Some of the nose cone come off and heat shield come off t. We start in to speck and sometimes we can learn that and do that inspection then well put that data together and head to the certification view. And probably toward the ebb of the month early next month. Well away to michael from cnbc. Hi. Great to talk to you. Yon con were layses to everyone, especially bob and doug. I wanted to note that both were helped out of a capsule and i was wondering if that this is protocol space and spacex have in place or future astronauts be comfortable of this to be abe to step out themselves. Thanks. Will take that question. It is typical they need a little bit of asains come out. If you think about the human body when it has been in space. Be about and doug in space for 63 days. And you can live and work very well in space when you come back and thes a moss sphere and pull pulled about four times then the gravities tug on them a little bit when they come back. So it takes the bod day little while to adapt and it takes time to adapt to the gravity again soon that is what you see with be about and doug today and it is very typical situation in peck that for machine many of our missions that then Long Duration missions with about a sixmonth duration. Reporter my question is to joel. I am curious about what this is gok to mean operationally for the space station to have four people permanently aboard the u. S. Segment. Are you going to need more resupply flights . Talked about how you will need more going up and coming back. What does it mean to have four people up here instead of three on a pepper nent basis . S so were planning to have four to five Cargo Mission and resupply missions to the International Space tax in the beauty of having the fourth crew is that persons time is going to be 100 dedicated to utilization and research and Technology Development and so, today, we average about 35 hours a week in that area. And were going to increase this to 7 hours a week, once we get four crewmembers up. That fourth person wont be dedicated to it but the time he brings to the team that time win dedicated to that and looking forward to it anding be are planning for whale and had some opportunities toes do four crews as you are wear in the past and we have take than time to learn and plan forward. So the rup coming Spacex Missionance the upcoming boeing missions we are excited in ready to rock n roll. Rock and roll. Our next question comes comem mike ahl space. Com. He am curious. What kind of coverings you have want to havez with be about and doug maybe. What do you want to ask them billion how endeavor handled or how it flu. What do you want to talk to them about. That is a great question. Talk to them billion the launch and that was actual lay peat time, timely because we were able to do it when it was fresh in nain and they talked about the various stages of the lunch and what it felt like and even actually some of the point on those pad when they were sitting there and fueling the rockets and some of the feelingest this had there. So aroundly that was good and great talk to them that quickly and hopefully the tube to do that again here in the post landing again trying to talk to them while still fresh in the mine and of course we like to hear all about what in try was like and you foe, the feelings how much they came on. Within the choose open that is time inic time during the flying and so curious that experience was like. Then of course, you can imagine, well, we are curious about what it like to splash down on the water in the what it likes afterward and we are hoping ebb put in theiriest for a day like today when it ours turn to land because the water looked very smooth. It was butte and hopping that get the same thing. Yeah. The water did lack like glass. The next we go to emery kelly. Thanks for did doing this. I wanted to possibly get gwynne thoughts and maybe it is more reaction if you well the spacecraft that ride of today. Bob trusted it for his mission and bob trust note it wifes mission which is impressive and wondering if you can talk about that a little bit. Yeah. So i would like to point out that you know megan is first and foremost an astro maut when it cops to perspective aam shoo you are her and bob and her and bob have different perspective. Person that the vehicle that bob flew in today. Place flight is hard. I want to make sure everyone kinder stanes we have a loy a lot of work to do. We can do even better job. If we fly in the capsule. Our next question comes from samantha from l. A. Times. I wanted to see if maybe this is for gynne or steve. Talk about what were deked outside and limits and anything that you guys are looking at or anything that may need to be chacked for the next flight . Channeled another next flight. I am can start and then you can add. No i, i is a common are practice with any spacecraft. We did it with a Space Shuttle after landing and go around and sniff thrusttors see if threan was any slappers from the thrusters am we did that today with dragon. And we did have a slight hit on the sensor for the oxidizer and the nitrogen and think there may be some mechanism where it is getting entrapped to the Service Section from thruster firings we got lack through the data and this is speciallition on my part. Well feg gure out a way to handle it better on the next slight flight and starting with the perch z we get on the vehicle and it just, it is a normal thing. We have had similar things with other vehicle swies not say this was a big deal at all and something they took extra precaution with to make sure they are personal on the ship were safe and be about and doug and look at the data about data to see what we can do better the next plate. We will get hundreds of comments and hundreds to lack at. The flight goes well. One of the things we do in spaceflight. We pour over the data to try learn it from to make it better. Spaceflight is hard and can be unforgiving so you try to look at minute changes in data and the data from the flight and learn from that and try do better. Yeah we made sure that based on the telemetry that we had that we didnt find any system breeches anded a them sniff the thrusters in as steve mentioned we did initiate sa Service Section purge around do that sooner next time and uncredibly calm day and not a lot of wind blowing on the capsule as will be blowing northern future. Was good lesson for us. We took an extremely conservative approach here. We could have brought them out sooner than we did but major maid shore the inside of the dragon and the cabin was not experiencing any fumes and lets take our time and make suredering the right thing here and take the time you need and were not in a hurry. It was good lesson sooner. We may not see it in the future. I think we did the right thing as kind of high anxiety driving that it was. I really wanted to see bob and doug come out. We did the rhyming thing. Before we open the hatch. I would add that just modify what steve said and he mentioned and it is not true and what is not common approach the vehicle and at close range with my tro gen in the atmosphere that is not something that is good. We need make sure were warning people not to get close to the spate craft in the future. Our next question comes from zachary hall from spacex. Com. Sure. So kind of on the same token, clearly an education taunt for the public and with splashdowns in places where there has not been in 45 years to stay back aun poe, watch the stream and learning about what was was dangerous about it. I am curious, there is sort of a safe viewing distance the public should understand and view from and then also, kind of on the same idea of inclusive ty and the involvement in space and what is kind of the better way to channel your excitement or activities and none middle of a pandemic and the parade would probably not be appropriate but is there something that could be done to kind of sell prit the moment and also involve the public. Yeah. Maybe i will let you talk about the public. We are celebrating the moment. We invited everybody to join us online and to share in the moment and all of the Different Social Media platforms and spacex did a great job the broadcast so i think there is a lot of ways we can do it. But certainly approach thing spacecraft is not among those wastes. Which aring about to be wrapping up in a few minutes but lets take one of the last questions from jackie, cnn. Thanks for doing this and congratulation. So i was consider gris we could get in sight into what has for be about and doug over the incomes few hours and days are they going to get to go whom the family tonight and how might the pan ding change how they splashdown rehabilitation goes. I can start off be about and doug have already left the ship and they have beenrance ported by helicopter pensacola. They will come back here to jsc the aircraft and later on this evening. They will get medical evaluation and i think, i am not quite sure whether the plan is to stay, stay on site or maybe go back to the families and certainly, a lot of precautions were made to protect for the pandemic and everybody on the ship was within frayed the call this experience from over 52 days on orbit what were you referring to . They were today. We had backup generator and the navigator stopped working before we set sill and so next time we are going to have two backup generators. We did mobilize another one. Make sure it got to be about and doug and we had that vehicle flanked with other ship and comfortable but that is one and then, then, the discussion that we were just having on the oxidizer on the outside is of dragon we will work on that app to make sure that we keep the astronauts and the folks around the capsule safe. Those are only two i think we had mission on orbit was incredibly kind of quiet and i can recall offhand whether there were anomalies there. There may have been small ones but certainly nothing that stands out. Thank. You with that well turn it over to Jim Bridenstine for closing remarks. Thank you. Thank you this bettina, thank you to everybody who parties paid in the. A special thanks to bob and doug and their families the entire nasa team and of course the spacex team for whether an amazing day it was is to k day. Somebody asked about what size of a fleet do you need and do you expect to grow it and of course as a private company spacex is looking at what the dea man is. I will tell you what our goal is at nasa. Our goal is to make sure that there is a big demand in the future in a would love to see a plot of crew Dragon Service just the International Space station but also commercial space stations which is why were work sog hard every day to come merrillize the activities in lower earth orbit whether it is industrialized buy oh medicine or advanced materials and there is a loft hope for humanity on earth is about and what the microgravity of space can provide so the if you tires very bright but it is going to require these Public Private partnerships which we have now proven can very, very successful successful. In a also want to say, another question came up about how spacex has you know, changed since launching you know, falcon one so many years ago and even falcon, the third launch of falcon ones with a failure, and let me be clear. Spacex is so good at adapting. As . Team is so good about sharing what the den nearing challenges are anthem responding. Af amazing partnership aint culminated in this speck take core will you event today and then, when nas sass comes and we want to create high level requirements we have a Payload Capacity that bed. We have safety require ams that need then allow a private company lake spacex. We launched rockets with nine engines. We launch rockets with the launch abort capability is in integrated into the spacecraft and spacecraft propulsion system itself and we have, fou he, a pressure vessel inside of a liquid oxygen tank and these are things that nasa never would have done on its own but because we set to high level requires then say to a private company. We say prove to us your engineering is sound through both engineering anteing and then, then as time went on, over the years behind us now, spacex proved and we of course as an agency had to make sure that what they were telling was ac drate then, then, testing it. And i will tell you it has been just a magnificent thing to watch so again, congratulations to spacex team. Congratulation those nasa team aint has been amazing partnership and i a lot more to come. One other thing before we close out. Er ruck burger sen a tweet yesterday. In that that tweet he talked about how you know, we been wut a Human Spaceflight Program for now nine years. And he said, now, we have got dagon and we have got star liner and we got starship and we got orion, and blue moon and other vehicles that are on the table, may it never be about that the United States guess a day without a human spaceflight capability in the future. And i would double down on that and say i am the first nasa as min strittor in hisly that was not alive when we had People Living and work on the moon and we did v to make sure that another generation doesnt miss this opportunity. Today was great victory but just beginning am the Artemis Program is our sustainable torn the moon and going to go though mon and stay. We are going to larn how to lib and work there for long periods of time and well take that on to mars. Swine to thank eric burger for that tweet. I also want to say that if we do things right. We will get the strong bipartisan support that we need to make sure this this program is sustainable and into the future and that i grows into the future in a also want to thank the president and the Vice President for their amazing support the budget request before the hus and the senate right now is 25. 2 billion. When my name was first floated for the nasa administrator, a little over, i guess two and a half years ago about now, actually, it was longer than. The budget for nasa was 18 billion so 18 billion to 25. 2 billion we gat bright future, a big agenda. This is an amazing tune not just foreUnited States of america but for the world and i would in plor the members of congress, bipartisan, the house and the senate, to please sign fun the budget request for nas. We have prove fun gives the resources we can deliver and the parters can liver and this is about all of america 1 00 i just want to say thank you to everybody to get us where we are and employer the folks that fun our agency to get an appropriation done than justifies the great work we did v done. So thank you guys so much. What an amazing day. We made history today. Con were lations to everybody. Congratulations. Thanks so much. That con all of their coverage of the Spacex Mission and return to earth are all on our website. Go to cspan. Org and enter Spacex Mission in the Video Library search bar. Cspans washington journal every day. We are taking your calls live on the air, on the news of the day and discussing policy issues that affect you. Monday morning, we will discuss the latest on Coronavirus Relief negotiations with roll calls a journalist from rollcall. Campaign 2020 and a conversation on how the coronavirus is affecting children with dr. Roberto of the Childrens National hospital. Watch washington journal live 7 00 eastern monday morning and is sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages and tweets. Congress ended the week without a deal on a possible covid relief package but talks continue over the weekend between top to mcgrath on the hill and officials from the white house. The house has begun its summer district work. But members may be asked to return to session if the bill is heading to the floor for a vote. The Senate Returns monday to work on a nominee for Deputy Energy secretary, with a procedural vote on the nomination late in the afternoon. The schedule for the remainder of the week depends on the status of the covid relief package. The house is out of session with no legislative business planned through labor day and the senate is back on monday with live coverage starting 3 00 p. M. 2. Tern on cspan facebook,of amazon, google and apple appeared together virtually at a subcommittee hearing on competition in the Tech Industry and took questions about the use of thirdparty seller data and allegations of anticonservative bias. The subcommittee will come to order. The chair is authorized to declare recess at any time. We welcome the hearing on market power part six, examining the dominance of apple, amazon, facebook and google. Examining the amazon, facebook and google. Before we begin, id like to remind

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