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Working from here in Mission Control houston with the japanese Mission Control room, making sure we get good views with those cameras. We will get a little pan as the dragon makes its way away from the International Space station. That first departure burn zero brings it faster away from the station. We will get a nice view from the japanese side of the International Space station. Right now the International Space station configured for undocking. We have those solar arrays in a locked position. Station houston on the big loop. Endeavors undock sequence start time is 28 minutes from now. You heard that from capcom in Mission Control houston. That start time is 4 30 p. M. Pacific. That is the ontime start time for the undocking sequence. Once that kicks off, that will be the initiation of the umbilical retraction, followed by 12 hooks keeping dragon attached to the International Space station. Those will be released six at a time. They are in two gangs. There are two undocking burns, more like short little bursts that will physically separate dragon from the International Space station. You can hear everything right now going according to plan. We are right on the timeline. That physical separation should happen everything going well. We will continue to monitor the depressurization of the vestibule from Mission Control. Until then, we send it back over to you in hawthorne. Once bob behnken and doug hurley arrived at the space station on may 31, it did not take them long to get to work. Bob behnken ventured outside the hatch four times to upgrade those batteries. Doug hurley used the stations robotic arm from the inside. When they werent focusing on the outside of the station, they continued science and research inside the orbiting laboratory. As we mentioned, they also exercised the mandatory two hours each day. Many of you have seen some of the incredible pictures they took of our home planet. This is one beautiful view of the sun glint off the ocean. There is one we have from Comet Neowise in july. If you had the opportunity to see that from the ground, our astronauts had a great shot from the International Space station. Siva they had some cool opportunities, where sharing a lot of those photos we are share photos on twitter. Earlier this morning, as they prepared for undocking, they had more to do in packing cargo into the dragon spacecraft. Underneath their seats, they have room for powered cargo. They are bringing home about 150 kilograms, 330 pounds of cargo. Most of that is sampling hardware, about 94 kilograms of it is science that is happening aboard the station asian. Dragon has the ability to return a lot of that cargo so it can come back to earth who can continue to do human science studies on those biological samples and cold sample studies. Its really something weve been doing since our previous version. Thats one thing i was going to mention. The astronauts know theres a cargo dragon vehicle coming. It will get busy with a lot of science. Cargo dragon is the only vehicle resupply ship we have that can bring back cargo. The others burn up in the earths atmosphere upon reentry. We mentioned earlier that comment. We have it now. Look at how beautiful that is. The comet streaking across the sky. I cant imagine. H below. Yeah. The to see the glow createing that laying off of it. Really cool. This is taken from the cupola window as gary mention the bay window area on the internati thn the house. Chris cassidy may head out there to take a look outside to watch as the friends depart, we saw that on the way uphill and he was in there monitoring their arrival and taking pictures of crew dragon as it arrives as well. Aside from that science talk, we will be returning some vehicle hardware like spacewalking cooling garments which they wear under the moke unit suitance tubes of water that they can control the temperature of so when they are in the sun, and outside of the space station, it can be up 250 degrees fahrenheit and when they reason the darkness and outside of the space station it can negative 250 degrees fahrenheit so the cooling garp is in a way a little bit of a heating garment and can help them control temperature when they are outside on the spacewalk so returning some those and also some glove contextors for back on earth and along with any crew provisions like food, Small Electronics and the sleeping bags nasa will have cargo specialists embed and be able to quickly recover and unload shortly after dragon returns on the recovery ship to shore tomorrow. It was interesting. You mentioned the wide temperature variations. It is something you dont see on earth. We have air and humidity that helps us regulate that temperature. We dont have all that humidity and atmosphere around you to help with that. When you are in the sun, you are getting the full brunt of the heat. When you are not, you are getting the full coolness. Thats the reason why you need those extravehicular suits as tol as thermal on dragon help regulate that temperature into something that is palatable for humans. When the astronauts 300 tomorrow, they will be traveling they will experience temperatures up to 3500 degrees outside the crew vehicle. Inside, it will be nice and cool. There sues will have cooled air venting through them. Thats a pretty fiery reentry tomorrow. The view on your screen of the dragon fit best spacecraft. The camera that is positioned just behind bob and doug. Monitoring the vehicle. They have the ford view. On each of their individual panels, you can tell that because it looks like they have an attitude in front of them. They have of the when the middle that has their procedures and cue cards for what they can expect next. We will see here is final configuration for undocking. We are expecting that to happen, the actual command to occur, 4 30 p. M. Ime at pacific time. Shortly after that, a couple of undocking bursts that will separate any friction, any forces that may have statically built up while dragon has been hanging out on station. For 4 34n as planned p. M. Pacific time. The command ise sent from the ground to start undocking, hooks have to be retracted. Those 12 hooks. The umbilical has been providing power to dragon from the International Space station will the attached. They will use though short bursts to begin their journey home. A lot of those steps are automated. Once we issue the command for undocking configuration operators here in Mission Control, we will monitor that dragon state transition. Dragon has Flight Computers aboard that are triplicate for redundancy. If one of the Flight Computers gets out of sync, you have the other two to make a good call. We have ways of resetting them. Thats part of the job of the Mission Controllers, to understand the status of the vehicle. Those Flight Computers will transition the vehicle through a number of states and activate those thrusters. We will have a couple short bursts. Those are the thrusters on the lower part of the vehicle, just above the heat shield and trunk. We wont be using the bulkhead thrusters that are underneath the nose cone. We will see those two bursts. That will take dragon up and above, away from the international station, into higher orbit, letting the space station move ahead. Those will be departure burns zero and one. That will increase the opening rate, the distance from the space station. Eventually, it will have a departure burn two and three. Three puts it on the same orbit all the way around rather than having a widely varying perigee or higher point of the order. We were talking about the approach ellipsoid. Those are imaginary spheres. The keep out sphere being a 200 meter radius, i believe, sphere, around the iss it represents the space where any spacecraft in those areas need command. On the big loop. At this time we are removing iss power to endeavor. Copy. A call there from capcom. Bob and doug no longer receiving power from the International Space station through the umbilicals. Dragon operating on its own power, gathered from the solar powers around the trunk of the vehicle. That is a similar look to the new cargo dragon. Very similar look to the neocargo dragon for most of or for all the Dragon Missions until now, we saw solar wings with solar arrays now the cargo Dragon Missions will have the solar arrays wrapped around the vehicle like we s for all of the Dragon Missions until now, we saw solar wings with solar arrays and now the solar arrays will be wrapped around the vehicle like we see here with crew dragon. It adds to the overall reliability of the vehicle anytime you have a mechanism in space that is a potential to go wrong. You need a motor to drive it. Having wrapped solar panels around the trunk of the vehicle reduces that little bit of complexity and it is lighter, too, so we can add a little more cargo and add more to other parts of the system. On the others of the trunk is the thermal radiator. We have fluid running through that almost like an air conditioner. That fluid is pumped through different points in the vehicle. Earlier, we heard a call from the core mentioning the crew could adjust the hex, or heat exchanger, to the position they wanted to control internal cabin temperature. That part of the cabin air as it goes 30 revitalization system is getting passed over goes through the revitalization system is getting passed over the heat exchanger. I hope they both like it cool or warm. They are close friends. I am sure it is something they worked out over time. Earlier i took a look and it was about 76 degrees fahrenheit in the cabin, so to my tastes. I could survive in that. They are very close and they were part of the same astronaut class. They went through astronaut training together and they now get to fly a onceinalifetime mission like this. Yeah, flying a test Mission Together with your best friend has to be fun. This. Yes. Flying with your best friend has got to be very fun. So just a lack at these two Mission Controls on the left, you have the International Space station Flight Control room in houston, and that is the team that is monitoring and sending signals and controlling just a look at these two Mission Controls. On the left, the iss light control room in houston, that is the team Flight Control room in houston, that is the team controlling the International Space station side of operations. It is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. We always have someone in there protecting the astronauts in space, egging sure everything is working well on the iss. On the right, once you introduce us to Mission Control hawthorne . It is actually right behind where we are standing here in hawthorne. In that room are a number of specialists along with primary dragon operators. If youve seen other webcasts, youve seen Mission Control as well. We use the same control room for falcon operations. The third row is where most of the primary operators are and we have other specialists in other roles. Folks who devoted their careers and expertise to understanding the nuances of certain systems. Even the health and safety of the crew. We have a Flight Surgeon, a nasa Flight Surgeon, in that frontrow and he is there to make sure if bob and doug have any complains from a physiological effective, he can weigh in. A big team to make sure bob and doug get home safely both from the vehicle performing well as well as their own individual health. Speaking of the vehicle, the vestibule pressure now at less than. 3 psi, getting down as close as it can to a vacuum. Im glad you mentioned the astronauts have a flight doctor. They have someone specifically assigned to them for all of their preflight medical and inflight medical. Someone able to speak with him at almost any time, and conducts health and wellness checks, and makes sure every thing is going well while they are in the rough environment of space. Among the cargo they have a board is emergency medical kits and medical, sort of medicine and trauma kits they would use if there were a significant medical emergency. The Flight Surgeon helps them if they are working through firstaid and gives them instruction. If they need to do anything in an emergency scenario, it is those two taking care of each other. When the hatch was open, the entire iss crew taking care of each other. At this point we are about 13 minutes away from the transition for undocking and about five minutes after that we will have the two undocking burns, just short bursts from draco. We expect that to happen around 4 35 p. M. Pacific time. We heard a go nogo earlier. Dragons departure is designed to be fully autonomous and requires no action from the crew on board. Station commander Chris Cassidy will not be the prime for monitoring the dragon departure, that will be the crew on dragon, they can monitor with the screens you see here and they will be backed up by Flight Controllers on the ground. As always, bob and doug can send commands manually to the vehicle if they need to. Once the undocking sequence is complete, dragon will thrust away in a series of three carefully choreographed maneuvers, four departure burns, to increase thes distance. Next is trunk separation, closure of the nosecone, deorbit burn and deployment of main parachutes, and finally slashed down off the florida coast, at which time our crews will recover bob and doug from the water. At this point, a little ahead of schedule. We always put in a little margin into the schedule in case there are any problems, for example, the suits, or if any check to not go as planned. Right now, the planned time to perform the undocking commands to the spacecraft will be around 4 30 p. M. Pacific time and we expect dragon to go through a number of state transitions as well as transitions of its lifesupport system. Shortly after, we see the draco come to life briefly just to unstick us from the space station and thrust away from where it is called home the last 63 days. Those are the Services Section draco thrusters. We dont want to use something as powerful as the nosecone thrusters, the forward bulkhead thrusters just yet. The forward thrusters are a little more efficient because they expand the propulsive gases a little more. The principles of providing thrust to a rocket vehicle is you burn some propellant or have a gas, and what you are ejecting away from the spacecraft, through newtons laws, it is pushing you and giving momentum. Those four bulkhead dracos give a little better performance. But they are pointed directly at the space station. Any of that propulsive gas we are shooting from dragon would go directly to the space station, which is not ideal. Mission control houston is go for undocking. On the big loop, the final reconfigurations for undock are complete and nominal. The ground is go for undocking at the undocking sequence start time of 23 30 gmt. Please confirm your visors are down and you are ready for undock and departure. Dragon copies, go for undocking on time, our visors are down and we are ready for departure. Copy all. And we just heard the confirmation, dragon is a go to undock. Now we are waiting for the undocking sequence to begin. They are targeting that for 4 30 p. M. Minutes from now. Once that begins, it will take less than five minutes for dragon to separate from the International Space station, which it has called home for two months. The first step in the undocking sequence, which is again, automatic, for the umbilicals providing power, telemetry and command capability for space station dragon, those will retract. Then we will have and unlatch from the space station, releasing hard capture hooks, which provide the seal around the vestibule. Those come in two separate phases. We will hear a call for six of those and then for all of those to be detached. After that process, which takes about 4. 5 minutes, dragon will be ready to depart and push away and separate using its draco thrusters. Dragons initial departure from station is a little different from the other dr. Vehicles, because other docked vehicles. It uses thrusters, using a combination of draco thrusters around the base of the castle, with the first breaking any friction at the docking port and the second slowly breaking the spacecraft away. We expect the undocking sequence to begin in the next few minutes. The crew on board will be able to see the transitions, and what will be happening is the flight computer will issue itself into a state, and on every display they have a prominent display so they can see the state of the vehicle. Those of the displays they have pulled up. The middle display has the cards exciting what they can expect to see. They also have to limit tree and position relative to the International Space station. They also have views on the side, showing a forward view as well as docking hooks. At this point, the umbilicals both still installed because the command has not been issued and the vestibule should be close to vacuum. Getting closer to the undocking command being sent in about five minutes from now. Looking at data, the vestibule is. 1 psi, so not very friendly to humans. [laughter] everything moving smoothly throughout the day to bring us to this point, the crew donning their suits, closing the hatch, and Chris Cassidy closing the apas side on the space station side, as well as the forward hatch. Bringing that space close to vacuum as possible. They are conducting leak checks to make sure the seals on the hatches are solid and everything is looking good for an ontime departure today. Pretty comfy in the cabin right now. The vestibule is near vacuum, but in the cabin, it is close to where we would feel at sea level, about 76 degrees. Pretty comfortable. Bob and doug are only partially seeing that, earlier they closed down their visors, so the suits they are wearing protect them in the event of depressurization, or if there was a fire on board, they are made of fire resistant material. As we get to this critical step of separating from the space station, if something were to go wrong, the suits would provide that critical lifesupport to them, pressurizing if cabin pressure were to drop. Its part of the reason why we spent so long in the vestibule depressurization, the operators on space station side and the hawthorne Mission Control side, scrutinizing the data for any indication of the leak through the forward hatch. That leak check performed earlier with no findings showing the vehicle is nominal and ready for undocking. As we mentioned, the undocking will take a few minutes before we see the separation occur. Once the command is sent, those 12 latches will be retracted, the umbilical will be disk and aided and the dragon is already on internal power, not receiving any power from the iss. Once the umbilical is retracted and hooks removed, look for two short bursts to send dragon on its way and then things will speed up with departure burns afterward. [no audio] just a couple of minutes away from that ontime undocking, 4 30 p. M. Pacific, 11 30 p. M. Gmt, the time the astronauts use aboard the iss. [no audio] looking for the undocking command to be sent and about 30 seconds. Again, a quick preview of what we expect to happen. Umbilicals will retract and we will see those docking hooks disconnect and then we will see those undocking burns followed shortly after by a departure burn. Dragon spacex undock sequence commanded. Copy. That undocking sequence right on time. That was 4 30 p. M. Pacific time, 11 30 p. M. Gmt. The umbilicals retracting. They are over africa. Dragon spacex umbilical demix complete and nominal. Confirmation of the umbilicals retracted. No longer receiving command from the iss. There is a view of dragon, currently in eclipse. Gary, hows it looking at Mission Control in johnson . Looking good. We are inside the undocking sequence, good umbilical retraction, standing by for the driving of those hooks. 12 hooks will be released in two gangs of six. We are standing by for the hooks. We have good motion on the primary set of hooks. [no audio] again, the first set o

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