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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] the meeting has now come back to order. With us in i understand that admiral will have a hard stop at 11 ha 45678 thats 25 minutes from now. We will go into a second round of questioning but we will recognize that you will have to leave and we appreciate that. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Im going to begin the second round. Referring to while, yield myself five minutes. Okay. Thank you. Now, President Trump just tweet out a statement that im going to quote. In reverence to my chart about the comparing the cases. He says that the United States has far more cases than europe and because we do much more testing than any other country in the world. If we had no test organize bad test it would show very few cases. And dr. Fauci, do you agree with president s statement or too you stand by your previous answer that the difference is caused by multiple factors including the fact that some states did not do a good job of reopening . I stand by my previous statement that the increase in cases was done due to a number of factors one of which was that in the attempt to reopen, that in some situations states did not abide strictly by the guidelines that task force and the white house hat had put out and others that did abide by it the people in the state actually were congregating in crowds and not Wearing Masks. I might also just bring something that it thought but and mentioned to you were, mr. Chairman, and we talk but crowds and masks. Its always better outdoors than indoors and being crowds indoors is worse that crowd outdoors bass of the circulation of ware. So we should avoid crowds but wearing a mask is the critical issue. I agree with that and i think that i will good to restaurants to allow me to sit outdoors, and not indoors, so i have been following the science and ive been agreeing with all three of you as to how we ought to conduct out out of conduct ourselves. Let me just say and i field strongly but this the First Amendment to the United States constitution need means a whole lot to me. Im sitting here as a result of a protest. We opened up this meeting today and many of you, dr. Redfield especially, and you, mr. Ranking member, talk but our great friend john lewis with whom i enjoyed a 60 year relationship. We met protesting, trying to get off the back of the bus, trying to instant great school, trying to be able to shop a five and ten cent store and that be arrested for shoplifting. Trying to get down and eat a hamburger ump im glad the government did not limit our protests. And so the First Amendment has constraints, the Supreme Court told us that you cant yell fire in a crowded theater but you can peaceably assembly to bring to redress grievances. You can do that. Dont think any of those people who are marching out here on this plaza thats out in called black lives matter plaza, they were not carrying guns, they were not disturbing anybody. They were peaceful. They were peaceful. And john lewis went across thed minute pettus bridge. They were peaceful. They were met by weapons. And so i dont want us to get confused here. And so im going to close out my five minutes here by asking whether or not this disconnect that seems to be between what the white house is saying publicly and what theyre sending out to the states privately, and as we mentioned earlier in the letter, several of those states seem to be reacting to the Public Statements from the white house and not following the recommendations of the task force that are being sent to them privately. Now, this week, a leaked White House Coronavirus Task Force Report paints a very different picture i have the document here this was send out to the states. And the states in red zone that are refusing to comply as you hear from us. So, im not being partisan here. Were trying to save lives. I started my professional career as a Public School teacher. I have a tower who spent 25 years in a classroom and telling me every day, how concerned teachers are about returning to School Without the safety precautions that so Many School Districts have asked us to do. That is what my concern is. Its not about going back to school. I know the value of going to school. I know what it is. To represent a district where thousands of children are not do not have the internet and cannot receive Online Learning if want them in the classroom. I want them to be educated but i want them safe. And thats what this is about. And im not going to ask for an answer to that. Ive gone over my time but i yield back. I yield to the Ranking Member. Thank the gentleman for yielding and ill start my question i with where the gentleman from South Carolina end and that is with safely reopening schools if want to point out this is a report from the United States department of treasury as of june 30th, based hope to c. A. R. E. S pacific and he 150 billion that we in Congress Working with President Trump sent the states for various covid19 recovery issues, every state still has billions of dollars remaining in those accounts and i would urge any School System, because we dont want any School System to open up without safety precautions. In fact the Maricopa County pediatrics lays out how to reopen schools the centers for Disease Control lays out clearly how to safely reopen schools and that includes masks, sanitizers, any local School System that wanted to claim they dont have the football do that, got straight to your governor. Your for has billions of dollars in their accounts we appropriated, sit thing waiting for you to buy supplies. Its fully eligible weapon dont need to change a Law Enforcement billions of dollars. Eave state state hays now for schmids. I youve run out give us a call it right no theyre miss money in you states accounts to buy supplies to safely reopen but now lets talk about why its so important to safely reopen. And ill ask you, dr. Red field because you have done work on this with see the strict of columbia is district of columnways not going to reopen with inschool learning. Thats right not been a single death of anybody under the age of 19 in the district of columbia in virginia youre seeing Northern Virginia take this same closed minded approach, not a single death in the entire part of the entire state of virginia of a person under the age of 19 from covid19. But now lets talk but the danger, the detriment that this is doing to those children. I want to dig deeper into the studies ive seen on some of the things you talk about. Mental health, a lack of streak and child abuse. Ive seen that maybe 14,000 cases of child abuse are reported in schools eave year. Thats not happening. And for those children that are in those Home Settings where the parents are abusing the children, nobody is getting reported because the children are sitting at home. Theyre not right now in many cases going to be allowed to go into the school writ can be detected and it is detected every year. We dont talk about its lot. Its an unfortunate part of the done are yous society but it happens. Children abused and so many cases detected in the school. Theft not going to happy these schools dont open. Can you talk about those numbers. Have you seen that dat. Congressman, irk just reemphasize what youve said, and its obviously one of the more disturbing consequences of the lack now of that reporting north just at schools which have been so responsible for mandatory reporting child abuse but the other place that sometimes its recognized is obviously in the clinical setting, and as we know pediatric visits have been curtailed in clinical settings. So it is a highly significant situation now, and you can imagine what it must be like to be one of those who are currently abused children that is sort of lost their safety nets. And i apologize. Were running low on time i just urge any local School System making their decisions, go look at the cdc guidelines. Look at all of he data out there. For teachers, for students, how to safely reopen. You can do it. You owe it to those kids, 50,000 kids in district of columbia. Over 50 million children are counting on us to do this right. It can be done. You have to go do it. You owe it to the kids. Dont deknee them. I if you need money theres billions of dollars sitting out there for the supplies to keep the schools safe. Go make it happen. Dr. Fauci i want to talk but operation warp speed and i want to thank you for talk budget over 250,000 people have signed up for clinical tried. What the website again if somebody wants to be part of the trial . Coronavirus treatment prevention. Org. Thank you. Now to ask about i know people dont really know the details and again, of all of the plans out there, these are plan some people, including some people any room disaggrade with President Trumps decision to stop flights from china, for example, as you testified earlier it was the right decision it and saved lives. I guess they were okay if more lives would have been lost but that decision saved livesful part of a plan they might not agree with the plan but the plan saved lives. When one taught about warp speed i do think its real important to note, would because some people are concern there might be some cutting of corners to get to a quicker vaccine. Clearly thats not the case. But what President Trump has done is removed red tape so agency lies the fda can laser focus on putting their efforts behind finding a vaccine. President trumps worked example took toe make sure that christian contractual tiles can be run simultaneously on the most promising candidates. A very targeted plan to quickly find a vaccine that is safe. So if you want to talk but operation warp speed, how safe it and helping us to move fulfilled is red tape being removed by the plan that President Trump has. Yes, it is. And as i mentioned and just reconfirm right now, is that the speed is not at all at the compromising of safety nor of scientific integrity. Getting from the sequence to the vaccine production was record speed, had nothing to do with safety, nothing to do with cutting corners. From the vaccine to the phase one, again, was in record speed, only because red tape was really avoided and a got into phase three the same thing. Have you seen concerns about china trying to steal that information . I understand nih has an investigation going on we have seep cases where china is trying to steal the information. Clearly theyre threat that President Trump is taking on. Whatover how seen. Ive heard theres been trying to be hacking into the websites and the online components of certain of the people who are developing vaccines. Ive just heard that. I have no proof of that. Thank you, mr. Chairman i yield back. I thank the gentleman. The chair now recognize for five minutes mr. Wallace. Thank you very much. Let me first say that i was pleased to hear the very, very warm comments about john lewis this morning. We have been memorializing him in so many different ways but between the press and everybody else, we have been doing him justice for the sacrifices he has made and let me just tell you, theirs virus is not democratic or republican. Im going to send my condolences the family of herman cain who was a president ial candidate, who is a good friend of the president s, who happened to have been at the rally in tulsa june 20th, with no mask on, with a group of people around him with no mask on, and he is dead. He died. Im told that he was in good health, and that he of course contracted the virus as a result of his attendance and without a mansion there. So my condolences to his family because this is not democrat or republican. I want to remind the committee that it spoke earlier about the manipulation of hospitalization data. What the president has done basically ordering hospitals to change how they report hospitalizations rates, and i drafted an amendment to hr, 7617. One of the fiscal year 2021 prosecution pamams that include thursday my amendment prohibits in the fund being used to require hospital laboratories and acute care facilities report covid19 data under requirements impostal service its be Trump Administration, new rule was adopted i look forward to preventing harm that i believe will lead to sendless and avoidable suffering. Let me go further and say im alarmed but a the way the president is handling socalled information about children and their ability to return to school. This is a president who first called the pandemic a hoax. This is a president who said it was going to just disappear. This is a president who said you dont really need masks, didnt believe in them. He has gotten religion in the last few days. A president who disregarded social distancing, a president who recommended chloroquine as a durst and went so far as to say disinfectant could be used. Now this president who expects to us believe him, rather than the medical experts, is saying children almost immune. Is that an expert medical conclusion, dr. Fauci . , chat children are dvr what that mean, what does that mean issue children are almost. Immune from the virus. Well, generally when you say a person is. Pipe theyre protected from getting infected. And children do get infected. And so this is not an expert medical conclusion that we have had documented somewhere . Well, if you talk but a conclusion that children in general are immune, that children could get infected we not that so therefore theyre not immune. I must just say, congresswoman, that when children get infected, that when you look at the deleterious consequences they generally do much, much better because you look at the hospitalizations that children have a much, much lower rate of hospitalizations than adults. In fact the curve guess way up as you get older and older and when you get to the age group of children that generally do not get serious diseases. I understand that and ive been listening and i understand what you just described, but what i was asking really was but the president s latest comment that children are almost immune and so i think i got the answer to that. But let me just say to mrs. Scar lease si that this billions of dollars youre talking but no every state i dont know where they are, but you keep referring to supplies. Its more than about supplies. Its more than about being able to wash your hands. Its about space. And whether or not all of the schools have the space to do the social distancing. Its about whether or not children are going to wear masks and how thats going to be enforced. Its about how you keep children from gathering. It is about how do you feed them. It is about more than the fact that they need some supplies. Would the gentle lady yield . Gees. Clear chris that is all part of what is late out in cdc guidelines and the American Academy of pediatrics guidelines. They lay out the guide line okay reeker claiming my time, reclaiming my time. Let me just say this. That all of the professionals are saying that this is a decision that must be made by parents in the communities with the educators, et cetera, et cetera. You cannot hand down an answer to from the federal government that would absolutely protect these children. One decision by the federal government is not sufficient to force these schools to open. I yield back. I thank the gentle lading for yielding back. Before guy to mr. Jordan, met say toard miller, i understand you need to leave in four minutes. Would there be anything you loo like to enter into the record before leaving . No, i n reason eye leaving is because eave met with off 6,100 of the Commission Corps officers whom i have the or oh lead along with super general adams. We have done over 7,200 deployments of 4,000 individuals and the other 2,000 are hard at work taking care of people at qualified health centers, Indian Health service or the prison. I mean no disrespect for leaving but this is front line for officers on the frontline of the pandemic and i appreciate the opportunity to recognize them and be with my brothers and sisters in uniform. We thank you for your service and we thank you for that. I think you might find me to be the biggest booster in the United States congress for federally qualified Community Health centers. I consider them to be the ultimate safety net in the healthcare and i have been that way since ive been in the congress. Go back over 50 queries with Community Health centers and i believe in them. Thank you so much for bringing them in the process. For that a yield mr. Jordan. Me right to protest is important. I ive engaged in it with fellow citizens peacefully assemble to talk but important public toll si issues mitch guess is everyone as the compliesey, probably everything in the United States congress has done the same thing. But i think all the First Amendment is important. Democrats seem to think its just the right to protest. I think all of you think but the freedoms we have in the First Amendment. Freedom of religion, free only of the press, free tom to petition your government, freedom of speech. All of them are important and what is interesting to me is the very first one the founders mention was your right to practice your faith. Government is putting him odden americans ability to do that. And democrats of just fine with it. In fact democrats mayors and governors have been sued over limiting peoples right to freedom of religion if want consistency. In fact im concern but the whole constitution, democrat mayors and governments limited americans right to exercise their Second Amendment liberties. Closing down stores that allow people to exercise and purchase firearms and exercise the Second Amendment liberties. I think its important that americans girlfriend an education. Get an education but democratted say we cant go back to school. Kids cant go get what they need to put them on the path to achieving the American Dream but they can protest. Everyone can protest. In portland in fact the Teachers Union says we dont want to go back to school with dont want to teach kid but they encouraged teachers to go protest. The nine week protest going nonportland where they burn the city signing inning night and last we three officers were blinded by the lasers that some of these peaceful protester use. Im concerned but all rights all the privileges, all kinds of americans right now, arent permitted to go to work. Maybe its a Small Business safeguard to put their entire life savings on the line, started the business, none of employees whose families are counting on them running the ares what did debt led government decide to they arrest them if theyve want return to their about ask ian smith and frank who run a gym in new jersey. The an to engage in your livelihood have your kids get an education, the ability to practice your faith are just as important as protesting. I just wish the democrats would look at all the righted we enjoy as americans and make sure that theyre debt with in a consistent fashion. This idea were limiting what people can practice their faith, run their business, employ people, engage in their livelihood of they poured their entire lives and familys resources into it is wrong. 0 now who else has to go to work . You know . Law enforcement has to go to work. You guys tracking what is happening to Law Enforcement aft all at these protests in im not talking about the 49 Police Officers who were attacked two week others ago in chicago. Not the three who were blinds this past week in portland. Im not even talk can about what the seattle chief ofbysaid when she said she cant deploy he had to doon awe adjusted deployment forty professor basses the protest is so bad and the defunding concept happening in our country in the cities, chief best said she had to do an adjusted deployment. Told the citizen we wont be there. Youre on tower own. Where they are out there you tracking what is happening to them . Not talking about the violence but the exposure to the coronavirus . Dr. fauci . Im sorry, sir what about the question. Are you tracking what is the opening Police Officers and their exposure to the coronavirus while their out doing their job . I dont do tracking of the infection. Thats probably more of a cdc question. Ive not tracked is that to concern . Talk talk but park police, Law Enforcement in our municipalities have been attacked. But im just talking but the expose sure to virus as well. People are yelling and screaming in their face. Im concerned about any crowds, particularly people who depth wear masks. Im concerned more about indoor crowds than i am outdoor crowd but crowds without masks are problem. Dr. Redfield . We continue to look at a variety of number of First Responders in our surveys looking at antibodies to try to understand what the virus attack rate is. We do have that for some cities. I dont have it for the west coast right now but we you do have the information on some Law Enforcement in some cities. First responders, for example we have done new york, detroit, were doing rhode island right now. And that information would be helpful to the committee when i think but what our Law Enforcement is having to enduring at the protests not just the violence but the exposure now that theyre getting to the virus from the protesters, and frank live i would wish we would get some something from the other side. The islands on what i happening at protests and the impact its having on Law Enforcement is just unfortunatement. I hope they join is in speaking out against the everything that is happening to Law Enforcement around the country. The gentlemen gentlemans time is expired and is a yield to miss maloney i will say to the gentleman im sure enough waiting on you to tell me the difference between a First Responders and an essential worker. Just think about that for a moment. With that he i yield back dish wield five minutes to miss maloney. I thank the chairman and the Ranking Member for this incredibly important hearing and for all of our participants, our witnesses. I have two questions that i think are especially relevant that have not been discussed very much. And one is what is the task force doing in relation to safeguarding elections . Were going to be all voting in november. Some states have vote by mail. Other states do not. And many people prefer to vote in person. And we have guidelines that say social distancing of six feet but possibly could it bit changed to three feet if its going to be a more of a hurried participation . But i think it would we be helpful to the American Public if the task force considered and came out with clear guidelines for the professionals working in the board of elects across the country and the people participating in voting. So i am making that request. You may want to comment on it now, dr. Fauci, or get back to us. Id be happy to get back toat and we can discuss this as a Task Force Meeting and get back to you. And to the public i would say. Congresswoman if i could just comment. Cdc did in march an updated and june guidelines for polling facilities and well obviously be looking at that to see if they need to be updated more. We do have an mmwr coming out these week looking at the primary results in wisconsin, so this an area were trying to make sure the Polling Centers and people who go to Polling Centers to vote, understand the importance of the guidance we can give. That would be very, very helpful. Secondly, as a former teacher, im concerned about the contradiction in messaging. As a teacher were taught to get your facts straight and then communicate it very simply and directly. So the task force will come out with very important, relevant information, and i try to follow it all religiously, but then its count erred by other leaders and this i think underscores or undermines the ability of the public to respond and maybe you can get back to me on that. Also want to talk but something i think is very important, that people are really not discussing, and that is the turnaround time on testing. And in new york we are working very hard, not only in supplying the tests but were also trying to trace and isolate, and the professionals working in this area say they have to wait so long, especially if its a private test, like from qwest or something, the turnaround time is like a week or 16 days in some cases. So, then they cant really trails because by the time they get the results of the tests to start tracing and isolating its too late. So, id like both of you to comment on it. This is something that my city is working very, very hard to response professional lay to everything youre recommending but they tell me theyre having a terrible time trying to implement the tracing and the isolation and they nail it on the turnaround time from the test is too slow. Well, thank you for the question, congresswoman malone in, admiral has addressed that but maybe i can summarize what he said both in this Opening Statement and upon response to a question. Theres no doubt and ive said that myself if you have to wait multiple days nor result of a test and the test is done in the context of Contact Tracing it obviates the whole purpose of doing it because if you have 0 would toe wait that long the person has been in the community for that period of time. One way to prevent that and mid gate that is that mitigate that if a person goes in for a test they should assume it is positive and essentially isolate themselves before they go back until they get the result of the toes. The art miller said the reason for that is that theres such a surge of demand for tests theyre trying to overcome that by trying to separate the testing for surveillance and give it, for example to one group and let the testing that has to do to determine if an individual is infected to be able to cut that down. He explained that but as i said hes much more capable of giving us the precise numbers. But it is an issue if you cant get it within a 24 to 48 hour period. Thank you. Yield back. Thank you. The chair ouric recognize thank you, mr. Chairman. On the rest of our healthcare needs. Another situation i thinkis concerning is as we open up our schools , one of those things is we look at the damage and concern we have for the childrens healthcare but yeti didnt a Little Research on football injuries. Where almost all in the same neighborhood with the deaths not taking into account the other severe and lifetime injuries sustained by young men playing football in high school versus the total deaths would be anticipated from reopening our schools and i dont hear an outcry about that so perspective to me issomething we always need to consider. One of the things that concerns me also is i wish that admiral giroir was here and i asked this question last time and we didnt have enough time to continue our discussion on with regards to the sort of perverse incentive for medical folks to claim that somebody died of covid versus an Automobile Accident as long as you have covid in your system you get to clean it as a covid death and that means you get more money for an attending hospital or whatever and the ideologist statistics were getting from the states are overinflated. We found the governor of colorado who is a democrat actually did research on this and found he had to get rid of 12 percent of the deaths recorded in state. Doctor birx would you like to comment about the perverse incentive and is there an effort to dosomething different in a way that these debts are recorded so we have better numbers, better data to go with . Thank you congressman, youre correct in that weve seen this in other disease processes early in the hiv epidemic. Somebody may have a heart attack and have hiv but they prefer hiv because there is greater reimbursement so i think theres some reality to that. When it comes to death reporting ultimately its how the physician defined in the death certificate and our Health Statistics group your in hyattsville we review all those death certificates so i think its probably less operable in the cause of death although i wont say theres not some cases. I do think though when it comes to hospital reimbursement issues or individuals that get discharged, there could be some play in that for sure. The admiral acknowledged that last timehe was here so i think its very concerning. Doctor fauci you made a comment with regards to hydroxychloroquine and i have an article here that quotes the Henry Ford Health system who did an extensive study on hydroxychloroquine and they say it significantly reduces the death rate of covid patients. The study was highly analyzed by peerreviewed unlike many other studies and the quoting our executive officers as doctors and scientists look at the data for insight and the date of your clear, there was a benefit or using the joy as a treatment for and hospitalized patients and in talking to other doctors who have been around a while and i trust their judgment and their use of hydroxychloroquine. They say the initial studies didnt really use the sink with it and they say zinc is an enabler to be able to help hydroxychloroquine actually do its job of knowing after and reducing deaths in patients. Had a long conversation with the doctor earlier in the week and he said as long as think is there it definitely doeswork and without it its minimally effective. Would you like to comment on that . Thank you for that opportunity. The Henry Ford Hospital study that was published was a noncontrolled retrospective cohort study. That was compounded by a number of issues including the fact that many of the people receiving hydroxychloroquine were also receiving corticosteroids which we know from another study gives a clear benefit in reducing deaths with advanced disease. So that study is a fluid study and i think anyone who examines it carefully is that it is not a randomized procedure controlled trial. Its peerreviewed. It doesnt matter, you can peerreviewed something that the bad study is not a randomized placebocontrolled trial. The point that i think is important because we all want to keep an open mind. Any and all of the randomized placebocontrolled trials which is the Gold Standard of determining something is effective, none of them have shown any efficacy for hydroxychloroquine. Having said that i will state when i do see a randomized placebocontrolled trial that looks at any aspect of hydroxychloroquine either early study, middle study or late. If that randomized placebocontrolled trial shows efficacy i would be the first one to admit it and to promote it that i have not seen yet a randomized placebocontrolled trial thats done that and in fact every randomized siebel controlled trial that has looked at as shown no efficacy i have to go with the data. I dont have any horse in the game one way or the other , i just look at the data. The gentlemens time has expired. The chair recognizes for five minutes miss velasquez. You want to yield to kim. Mister kim isrecognized for five minutes. Thank you. I wanted tostart here picking up where i left off. I saw my last question on asking each of you if the federal government was doing Everything Possible to respond and each of you said in the capabilities of our government that we were. The reason i wanted to address this is when we talk about a National Testing strategy or greater coordination on personal protective equipment what ive heard over and over again is that its where the responsibility is real is the responsibility of the federal government or states or localities and when i talk to people in my district, what they want to know is about capability and they really dont want to just see this kind of blame game between different parts of our government and the main thing that want to ask is are we doing everythingpossible to address this crisis. And at every level of government including the federal government doing everything they can to do this and if we are not, the American People deserve to know why. So doctor fauci i want to go back to you so just to be clear when i ask you this and you said that its within the capabilities that we were, i want to ask you would you say that our response at the federal level to this crisis would this be considered in your mind drawing on all your expertise is at the Gold Standard of responses that are federal government can do . Is there nothing else you can think of from your expertise and experience we could be doing or shouldbe doing that were not already doing . I think i have to repeat what several of us said that within the context of what we have, whats available to us were doing everything we cant possibly can and ill repeat what i said clearly the thing that i am responsible for , we are doing everything we possibly can. Absolutely. And within what you see with your position on the task force for instance, are you confident in the level in which were using the defense production act to be able to bolster production. Thats something thats out of my realm congressman about the extent of the implications of the defense production act. What about when it comes to we had federally backed test site that weve stood up by 41 but theyve been handed over to states. Are you confident that was the right move, that we should be standing up or federally backed tests run by the federal government. The federally backed tests that we had stood up 41 of them across the country weve been handing them over to the state instead of continuing this inthe federal government. I dont think i could give a good answer to that because thats not something i get involved with so i dont know. Maybe bob if you have any further information about federally funded testing sites because thats out of the purview of what i do. Doctor redfield, youhave any thoughts on this . I think it was important to begin to enhance and transfer this capacity to these federally funded Health Clinics and increased capability. It is a partnership, so i think that these were appropriate moves. I do think when you ask are we doing everything that we could do. Theres two things id like to say. One is dont miss this opportunity to realize how important it is to make the investment in the core capabilities of public hope for the future. Clearly we were handicapped when this outbreak started and we dont need to havethat happen again. Actually i dont underestimate who ultimately is the most important in helping us the this pandemic and thatthe American Public themselves. I get that, but i find that to be a frustrating narrative to the cause it was certainly all individuals to take on some responsibility to be able to do this but that feels like were pushing it off to them and it feels like that responsibility is being pushed to the American People and for instance, as you know Congress Passed legislation in april that includes 25 billion in funding or testing andtracing. Im still hearing a lot of that hasnt been used and i want to ask you if you have knowledge of how much money hasnt been spent on this and whether or not the omb or any other part of the government s old and off access to do that so we have to capabilities and resources to continue toincrease our capabilities. Of that money, about 25 billion which is the amount of money, 10,250,000,000 came to cdc and we got that money out to the states, tribes, local and county Health Department literally within 2, 3, 4 weeks and thats all been disputed. One last question doctor, do you have thoughts on using rapid antigen testing, things like that that couldcreate more pointofcare response . Sure, anything that gets us quicker, more rapid, more scaled up capability of testing is something that would be desirable and in fact that was one of the things i mentioned very quickly in the third component of the nih Strategic Plan area the radx, highly sensitive test. Lets work on that together. The gentlemens time has expired, mister orlovsky. Thank you doctor fauci and the one question that i have left today and its a question the American People want to know and my district in indianawants to know, is it your opinion that china covered up the origins of the crisis . You are in this closer than anybody else in our country and the American People listen to what you have to say. Ive been asking lots of questions since this committee was created because i think china should be held to higher higher standard but do you believe china covered up the origins of the crisis . It depends on what you mean origins of the crisis. The beginning of the pandemic, these disease itself as it broke on tv and we saw it. From what we know and im sure bob can comment, from the conversations we had early on it was led to believe that early on that this was jumping from an animal to a human in the context of the wet market in wuhan and that it was inefficient virus that jumped from an animal to a human and didnt necessarily spread very well from human to human area at a time when it was clear that there was at least a few weeks and maybe more of transmission from human to human that we didnt know about and when we finally found out it was a highly efficient transmitter from human to human it would have been nice to know about that sooner. So do you think china is a threat to the vaccineresearch weve been talking about . Do you believe that china is still a threat today to the american Vaccine Research effort . I think one of the things people need to understand is what we do is really transparent. We publish it, we announce it so if they want to hack into a computer and find out what the results of the vaccine trial are there going to hear about it in the new england journal of medicine in a few days anyway. When i testified i was talking about the fact that a few days ago that our country indicted by the Justice Department to chinese nationals acting the heroes working on a vaccine red china has obstructed every single thing that wevedone , turn that weve made, place that we go starting all the way back with ppe and i was very involved in my district and trying to get ppe and china was obstructing every single part of the way so i think my fellow folks in my district and in this country believe otherwise. I think the American People want to make sure when were talking about safe vaccines and were talking about fda and where cutting safety and those kinds of things i dont know how in the world that we can stand there and say i dont think china is a threat to the vaccine production in this country when we indicted two people and not just to i think that question is so important chairwoman. I think its so important and i want to ask my question i see our chairman is not here but to you madame chairwoman i think we need to investigate that answer on Cyber Security area weve already indicted more than two people just two people in the last couple of days, why cant we have a hearing in here and understand the chairman has said theres other committees having hearings on the role of china but nobodys having a hearing on the role of china versus the producers in america and a vaccine process that were looking for the heroes trying to save lives and that would be appropriate for this committee. Can i get a commitment for you sitting infor the chairman that we will actually hearing look at this . This committee is chaired by mister clyburn. Right now its chaired by you madame. I do not intend to give you an answer to a question about how to run this committee in his absence. You may address him when he returns, not me. I appreciate that answer and i will but for the record i think we still are owed an answer as to why we cant look at that in this committee. Theres no other committee set up to look at the vaccine process of oversight and this one especially having you gentlemen here today so i would yield backmy time and add that for the record. Thank you doctor fauci. Mister foster, you are now recognized for five minutes. Thank you madame chair and first off i like to second the comments of my colleague representative doctor mark green and on the letter recently sent for this committee providing for ongoing realtime bipartisan oversight of operation warp speed by the Government Accountability office, the gao. With doctor greene and myself as bipartisan points of contact directing the gao of points of interest to the committee. In my time in science i was involved in billiondollar Research Projects that were subject to gao oversight and they would bring in outside experts. Theyd asked hard questions and report back to congress the truth as they see it. Both the technical and scientific point of view but a project management interview which can often be critical. Gao is fast initially nonpartisan. They will give us realtime briefings, staff briefings and memory things and reports on the progress of the vaccine and therapeutic manufacturing under operation warp speed that they will only give us briefings on a bipartisan basis which i think is very valuable because it will be crucial that people believe when vaccines and therapeutics become available that the process was not politicized. We had bipartisan agreement and reasonable decisions free of conflicts of interest or political intrusion are being made. And the gao is intent on not becoming a tool for partisan advantage which else our government work better. So an example of this sort of thing that im interested in having them look into is something i was discussing with doctor redfield over the break which is a antibody therapeuticmanufacturing. Theres a lot of the good news is that there is in fact a strong immune response to this virus by the human immune system. This means among other things vaccines are more likely than not to work and it means antibody therapeutics are more likely than not to work as they have against recent viruses. So we may be in this position where theres a miracle cure can then prevent or cure covid19 but we do not have the manufacturing to meet the demand. Especially given the ongoing flareup of covid19 in our country so you can imagine the politics of that will become extremely fraught rapidly when we have to decide how to dispense this potentially lifesaving therapeutics. So its also a circumstance in which aggressive project management 80 crucial. You can imagine if you want to produce the maximum number of antibodies you may say we are going to choose the most effective antimoney on company a area that theyre going to produce it using optimized cell lines from company b and were going to use the highvolume Production Equipment on company see. This will require things like the defense production act in used at their fullest to just leapfrog around issues of things like intellectual property and already the companies that are optimizing cell lines are getting into fight and so on and we dont have time for that so one of the things i like the gao to look into it to make sure that we have in advance the sort of project management, that the contracts that are being made with all these anticipate this or that discussion for the applications of the defense production act are actually taking place ahead of when they will beneeded. Its one of many examples there and so i just want to encourage both of you and hhs generally to greet with open arms the gao oversight area is not always fun being subject to gao oversight but their questions make the projects better. So also i think you probably have been involved with projects that have been involved with gao oversight so theres a career Long Association of the gao personnel and the agencies they represent so that its not like youre getting a letter from congress youve got to roll your eyes and try to do the minimum. These are serious questions by professionals so when doctor greene and i intend to use that to provide real bipartisan information to this committee and congress and the American People about whats really happening and i think that will be crucial so any of you, you have any comments on other things we can do to make the public confident that the right decisions are being made for the right reasons . Thank you for that congressman foster. Yes, i mean the fact is that we are very transparent in what goes on in operation work speed. But there have been Public Comments by the scientists, the active collaboration set up by hhs and some of the scientists involved said i have no idea whats involved behind operation warp speed decisions. And direct answer to your question you brought up the point about the monochrome antibodies. We didnt get an opportunity to mention this in any of the questions monochrome antibodies just this week there were two trials that had been initiated, one in an outpatient basis, one in an inpatient for more advanced patients which we really have a lot of anticipation that is going to be something thats going to be an important tool in the material of how we treat fauci patients covid19 patients so i think thats important. Regarding the scrutiny of the gao or otherwise, i have been in the many years ive been doing this and many gao looking into the things ive done. In fact i have found in many respects they are very helpful. The gentlemen time has expired. Mister velasquez you are recognized for five minutes. Thank you chairwoman i want to talk about the delays in testing. Researchers at the university of pennsylvania easily found that testing sites serving communities of color in the big cities are seeing longer lines and often test faster when compared to sites in whiter areas in those same cities. A former Federal Reserve researcher ben bernardi and janet yellen told the select Committee Nothing is more important for restoring Economic Growth andimproving Public Health. Yet we have the precedent that says slowdown testing please and the most vulnerable among us are being impacted. Frontline workers, mall businesses cannot reopen safely and black and latino populations so i have some questions along these lines area doctor fauci, i have a simple question for you. Do you attribute this inability to control the virus to the delays in testing and Contact Tracing . Control of the virus is clearly a multifaceted process. That involves many things. The most important of which is what we were just speaking about before about testing, about masks, crowds , outdoor versus indoor. Distances, etc. Weve been through that multiple times duringthis hearing. Testing is a part of the process. The process of controlling infection when you talk about Contact Tracing obviously you need testing and you need testing back within a reasonable period of time and the concern that youre expressing is for the days that it takes and admiral giroir has addressed that several times during this hearing testing is a part of the comprehensive approach, not the only thing as part of the approach. South korea had rapid results for testing and tracing and the virus is essentially contained there or gone. Do you agree that what they did with respect to testing help those countries get the virus under control russian mark. The virus under control in some of the Asian Countries were due to a number of factors. Their ability to shut down almost completely as i mentioned in our remark before to the tune of 90 percent. Were they allowed to reopen the economy. They shut down, they had the capability because they got down to a low baseline to do adequate identification, isolation and Contact Tracing. Right now they are trying to reopen. Its going to remain to be seen how successfully they do that. For the record, those testing results in the us sees more covid19 cases as all the parts crossing the spread. The testing result in the us seem more cases or are other factors causing the spread . So are we seeing more cases in the us because of the testing results mark. If you do more testing youre going to see more cases but increases were seeing are real increasing in cases. As also reflected by increasing in hospitalizations and increasing index. Why is it professional sports leagues and get testing in 24 hours but we cannot do it for all americans . Some of the sports clubs have been using the rapid tests which is really very different from the tests that requires extraction of dna and it takes time in a different machine so they have bought a bunch of machine that allow testing to take place or you get a positive back in five minutes and you can declare a negative in 15 minutes. Doctor redfield, do you support the facts, do you agree with the facts that there is a disproportionate test going on among latinos, blacks, native americans . I wish that admiral was here to answer it but ive heard him answer this before that he has said disproportionately these testing sites in areas that have indications of more complex social economic status. I dont remember the exact number, maybe kelly does but more than 70 percent intentionally trying to target areas that may be more disadvantaged. So i wouldnt agree with that statement but i would like the admiral to be able to get back to you with the specifics. You havent seen the long lines in urban cities and also in states where we have Large Population of latinos . Ive seen the television lines. What i was trying to say when you said was it specifically disproportionate for hispanic latino or africanamerican or native americans, and im not comfortable supporting that comment. I would rather get the specific data from the admiral which i think the system has gone over the other way trying to make sure we enhanced the Community Health centers and these federally assisted testing site in areas thatare more disadvantaged. The chairmans time has expired. The chair yields five minutes to mister raskin. Thank you mister chairman and if youre trying to still figure out why the administration and our republican colleagues cannot formulate a plan of action look no further than the disgraceful diversions and distractions of some of our colleagues today. I want to address the First Amendment line of questioning first. Our distinguished colleague from ohio keeps raising for some reason the Supreme Court decision in south bay united hostile Church Versus newton which rejected his position just about six weeks ago in a 5 to 4 decision. Their church said that the restrictions limiting the number of people who could go to church to 100 were perfectly constitutional cause that was the exact same rule that applied to lectures, concerts, movies, spectator sports, theatrical performances, Political Party gatherings and so on. In other words there was no religious discrimination taking place is why the Supreme Court rejected the claim and there is no religious three exercise exemption to Public Health orders as you were indicating i think doctor fauci. So the parties in the case cited numerous cases of gatherings with people en masse, singing, chanting and so onthat became super spreader events. There is no religious immunity to this disease and no free exercise exemption to universal Public Health orders. As for protests let us not confuse the issue. Whether your protest is a right wing protest like boogaloo and proud boys and antiPublic Health order protesters like the ones who threatened the life of governor witmer and tried to shut down the Michigan Legislature and the exceeded into so or its the nonviolent assemblies of millions of people with black lives matter across the country endorsed by our late beloved colleague don lewis, the champion of nonviolence, the same rules apply. If a jurisdiction as a sixfoot rule and a masking rule i hope everyone of them does it applies equally to everybody and the preliminary results suggest and i know because ive been to a lot of theblack lives matter protest , these people are not getting infected as much as they are observing those rules. When you go to an antiPublic Health order, antimasking protest the kind that shut down the legislature in michigan most people are not Wearing Masks and are not observing the Public Health protocols that come to try to destroy so if youre concerned about the protests and people getting sick and we should be then we have to look at the use of tear gas and pepper spray. Everybody saw the secret federal officers who were assembled by attorney general bar in oregon remove the mask of a naval veteran and spray pepperspray right in his face. Thats extremely dangerous to remove someones mass and then to have been sneezing and coughing and so on is the use of those chemical irritants which is the real danger but admiral giroir, what i wanted to ask you was about the role that Jared Kushner has played in developing demonstrations approach. Is he still with us . Hes gone now. Doctor, let me turn to you then you are you aware of the role that Jared Kushner has played in developing the administrations approachto diagnostic testing . I have no knowledge of congressman because i have not been involved in that as well as admiral giroir being involved in. Im sorry i missed mister giroir in the second round but vanity fair reported something astonishing which is Jared Kushner recognized there was no plan and he formed a secret working group at the white house in march and april to develop a National Testing plan which operated in a quote bubble and did not coordinate with other experts at h hr. And they actually came up with a very detailed and potentially effective National Testingplan , one person involved it wasnt Rocket Science but a real plan in which the government would coordinate the distribution of test kits and an Aggressive Program of Contact Tracing across the country but the white house reportedly dropped the plan according to this article. Jared kushners secrettesting plan went into thinair. The white house dropped the plan. On the political logic that the outbreak was going to be limited to democratic states read this is back in march. In new york and new jersey and remember there was a lot of talk about how this is a blue state disease and there was somehow some ideological immunity to getting it so they thought it would be a better strategy to pick the state againsteach other , and the vicious free for all for equipment and materials and then blame the governors when everything went wrong and weve seen a shocking devastating results of just letting it go and not having a plan all and with that highyield back to you. Thank you gentlemen for yielding back. I think we finished. Our second round of questions. And i would like to now you to the Ranking Member for any closing statement you might want to make. You mister chairman and i want to thank our witnesses for coming here including doctor giroir, doctor fauci, doctor redfield. Youre on the front lines as well as the teams working to implement present transplant to combat this virus and the doctors were all left to address thousands of people who work under him. You talk about 7000 deployment have been made under President Trumps command to have men and women in uniform going on the front lines to help at the state and local level and weve seen so much work being done in this plan and i keep going back to it because i know some people want to deny that this plan exists. Of course at the same time there criticizing components of the plan. A part of this plan in which theres thousands more pages online, this is a small part of President Trump plan to combat thecoronavirus. Part of the plan including stopping flights to china which is doctor testified saved lives. He got criticized from some of the same people who say he doesnt have a plan a criticized part of his plan and that plan work and save lives and doctor fauci you testified under oath about some of the other decisions made by President Trump working in conjunction with you and the rest of the team. These respected, internationally respected medical doctors that save lives. God President Trump keeps his focus on carrying out this plan every day while people are literally trying to disagree with it and thendo not exist at the same time. So when you look at now where we are with operation work speed and this is something that is so incredibly important. Working to find an actual vaccine for the disease and again doctor fauci you talk about this but i appreciate you giving out the website, 250,000 americans have signed up tobe tested for this virus. It might be one of the most tested trials for a new virus in american history. Probably the quickest time that weve been able to get a vaccine for a disease we knew nothing about even six months ago because china lied to us. Because china still to this day is trying to interfere with our ability while we working, china is working feverishly to try to steal the vaccine. We want to have a hearing on that mister chairman. I know ms. Pelosi b but when you look at the incredible work doctor giroir is doing on testing to get those into nursing homes, that part of President Trumps plan and in fact it is saving lives. If those five governors did not follow the federal guidelines would have followed the federal guidelines again as testimony under oath confirmed thousands of deaths would not have happened. I wish they would have followed the guidelines and share the data. Theyre still having the data those five governors area and asked them those on the republican side of one number on the democrat side would join us in asking those governors to share the data that theyrehiding from the American People. Theyre hiding from the families, the sons, daughters and grandchildren of those who died in those nursing homes. Theyre hiding the data and they will give it to us. They said they dont have to because not a majority ofthis commission had asked. I wish youd ask to get that data, whats wrong for asking for the facts. Then you look at opening schools. You want to talk about saving lives and this is one of those untold stories. There are 50 million lost children counting on us to get us right. The trumpet menstruation has laid out a plan for how to reopen schools safely. Right here you talk about School Administrators on the use of case coverings, cdc suggests all plans adhere to behaviors that prevent the spread of covid19. Washing hands and all of that, you can socially distance. You can do it in fact you need to do it but to say you cant do it is, that. This is america for Goodness Sake. We put a man on the moon. You can follow basic guidelines. If you dont want to trust cdc go to the American Academy of pediatrics who put out the guidelines for how to safely reopen schools and went further and said the dangerto children , youre hurting kids by not reopening schools as doctor redfield testified. Thousands of kids that arent getting diagnosed with things like child abuse which is happening unfortunately area it gets discovered in the schools and thats not happening. The nutrition programs, Mental Health programs, there are drug overdoses that wouldnt be happening if those kids were going back to school. You have to get it done and dont say its because of money. Heres where every state in the country has money. We put over hundred 50 billion out there. Based on this list about 100 billion of money we appropriated, President Trump signed into law about 100 billion available in every state and this money without changing the law could be used to provide all of those supplies that the expertssaid you need to reopen your school safely. Its all there for you. If you run out give us a call but the money is there really dont use that as anexcuse. If theres never been a better time to make the argument for School Choice for Goodness Sake youve got some of these unions say they dont want to go back to school. Theyre encouraging people to go to a protest where youre not socially distance but they say you should be able to safelyreopen the school but they want to make the money. How about if theres another School System is willing to safely educate your child shouldnt the parent be able to do that . Why deny parents the ability to have the same choice that otherpeople arent in low income committees have . That ought to be on the table to because there are systems that have figured it out and you dont need to reinvent the wheel. Its all there in the president s plan. You can go to the website to get to call me and ill give it to you but its there. If you dont like it but a better plan on the table and of course they havent done that in the meantime dont deny those children the opportunity to seek the American Dream that everybody else has deserved over the history of our country and thats what will happen if they dont follow those safety guidelines and safely reopen schools with that mister chairman i think the witnesses, appreciate the work youre doing. Wish we could follow up on the other issues likemister jordan , Police Officers that are being attacked and being put at risk to coronavirus. We had a hearing on our frontline healthcare workers and it was an important hearing and id like to see us have a hearing on those lawenforcement officers being put at risk by the attacks on them are seeing across the country and of course china, the role china has played from the beginning hiding information and trying to steal our information every step of the way. We ought to have a hearing to hold china accountable so i appreciate the work youre doing and please continue to do that until all the men and women sacrificing to help combat this virus working with President Trump and we thank them on behalf of all americans who want to see us get back to the things we used to do and with that ill yield back. Thank the recommend the Ranking Member. Let me begin by reminding him that we did have a hearing for essential workers and if my memory serves, Police Officers, Law Enforcement officers wereincluded. They are essential workers. In relation to the attacks weve seen on themthat a new Development Since the hearing. I suspect that the protesters that my friend mister jordan deemed to be preoccupied with have had some statesponsored attacks made on them much like those that we remember from a not too distant past. But this week, amy White House Coronavirus Task Force Report indicates that there are 21 states in the socalled red zone and for some strange reason the report says that they were communicated with privately and im kind of troubled that the administration would hide this from us. So i dont know that this is not for questioning but im going to ask doctor redfield if you would respond to us in writing on this because i would like to know whether or not we can depend upon Going Forward these kinds of reports to be made public rather than be issued to the states privately. Because it seems to us that while the white house is maintaining a Public Statement as it relates to this virus, they have been sending some stuff to states privately. I would hope that this could come to an end. Now, i would also like to say to my friend who seems to be so concerned about kids going back to school,mister Ranking Member , we all want to see our kidsgo back to school. Im the grandfather of two schoolchildren that i want to see in school. Because they are privileged enough to have the internet available to them , their classmates, many of their classmatesdont. Therefore, many of their classmates are not going to be allowed to go to the next grade. Those same classmates are going to be subject to losing another year ofschool. We all want them back in school. I want to refer since youre talking about the American Academy ofpediatrics , they have followed us and the federation of teachers and National Education association, School Superintendents association theyre all going together and issuing a statement on july 10. And to me, for this operative. Public Health Agencies must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics. We should leave it to the experts to tell us when the time is best to open up School Buildings and listen to educators and administrators to say how we do it. I represent a Congressional District that is about half and half what we might call rural and urban so even the urban part of our district will be looked upon as being rural as some of my friends here on this panel from new york and california, so maybe i just do have a rural district. All i want to say is different in rural america. Then it is in urban america. So i dont know that we can up here, with a onesizefitsall. We should delegate to the professional were in attendance and the principles of the schools to determine how best to reopen schools. We want them to be on them with all the resources they need to do that. So this whole notion of just telling people to go back to school, that is one thing. Give principles that are superintendents of states, them the resources they need and the guidance they need and let them work with those Rural Communities that are different from urban communities where they dont have it available to them and they cant do Online Learning and they got to be able to space, they have masks. I represent families that cannot afford to buy masks every day. Many of them cant afford to buy the books but we ought not to be putting the burden on them so we have resources up here that we ought to out to the School Districts and i know i hear from teachers every day who go in their own pockets to pay for materials for their students. Thats every day and to go back to school with budgeting to do the same thing. Before we close i want to enter into the record i have another letter from the American Association of medical college. Unanimous consent this letter he entered theofficial hearing. The objections sold were. I want to thank doctor fauci, doctor redfield and admiral giroir for being here today. We appreciate the expertise you have shared as we work to end this terrible pandemic. As we heard today a comprehensive plan to reduce the spread of coronavirus would save lives. But every day affectionate action is not taken, more lives are lost. Todays hearing has made clear the Trump Administration must put aside concerns and work with Public Health and medical science experts to craft a comprehensive plan to defeat this virus. The plan must Public Health over perceived political experience he. The plan must ensure states have the testing they need. Give americans clear Public Health advice and follow the advice of legitimate experts like we have here today. Even if their assessments are difficult for Administration Officials to hear. Much of this is inconvenient to the public. Nobody feels comfortable getting up every morning looking for a mask. Nobody feels comfortable riding around all day with a mask. Its inconvenient for everybody. It was fun comparable for everybody but the plan must include support for state and local governments, Health Departments, schools and community organizations. I come from a part of the country where i know education would have been available to my parents had it not been for churches because the states did not sponsor education for them. My father was not allowed to go to school because no high school was available to the students in the county he grew up in so weve got to bring local communities in this. Churches, temples , synagogues all need to be involved in this. This is not excluding any religion. Theyre trying to bring religious organizations into this effort. And weve got to protect our students and our teachers and not go rushing intoreopening schools. Finally , the plan must address the inequities this virus has inflicted on minority communities. Our black and brown communities already faced health and wealth disparities before the coronavirus. Thats what miss velasquez was getting to in her last line ofquestioning. Particularly when were dealing with this contagious virus and in the words of doctor Martin Luther king jr. , in his letter from the Birmingham City jail most people may not agree with me on this, but vital to me is a timely doctrine. And i believe that kings letter from the Birmingham City jail is a very timely doctrine and he said in that letter injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Doctor king also said and i quote, in that same letter time itself is neutral. You may recall he is responding to a letter that he had gotten from eight nonblack ministers who said to him agreed with him. The timing was not right. King and his associates, time itself is neutral. It can either be used effectively or constructively. And then he went on. More and more i feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than the people of goodwill. This destructive virus. While it has no will. Has used the past six months to spread more than 4 million of our fellow citizens. To spread to more than 4 million. Of our fellow citizens. To prevent more lives from being lost, people of goodwill including those who are here today, hearken to be among the people i respect most. In our government. People of goodwill, must use their time constructively to combat the virus much more effectively then it has been to this point. Irrespective of how many tests we make it, irrespective of how we may shape up to the rest of the world the question for us is all are we using our time constructively. People of goodwill must correct past mistakes. Embrace the science, Work Together in a bipartisan way to defeat this grave threat to our country. And i might doctor king once more, the time is always right to do right. Without objection all members will have five units within which to submit additional written questions for the witnesses to thechair which will be ported to the witnesses for their response. I ask our witnesses to please respond as promptly as you are able. And with that this hearing was adjourned. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. Follow the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak at cspan. Org coronavirus. Watch congress, white house three things, and updates from governors. Track the spread with an interactive map. Watch ondemand any time at cspan. Org coronavirus. 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The spacex spacecraft is expected to return to earth on monday. Station, this is houston. Are you ready this is houston. Are you ready for the event . Hello, houston, were ready for the event. This is Mission Control houston. Call station for voice check. How do you hear me . Jcpao, loud and clear welcome to the space station. Thank you. Great. Welcome and good morning from houston and thank you all for joining us today. We have many questions already in the queue for our cre

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