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You very much for having me. I was thinking about our early days together, john and i, when we first started out in 1960, helping to organize, which is still a nonviolent committee. You may recall from your studies, im sure, that the citizens started february of 1960. In north carolina. Two weeks later, i joined with a in South Carolina, and there, we organized citizens that started that month. It was so spontaneous all over the country, until we made the decision to come together and try to be more effective by coordinating our activities. In april of that year, we met up in raleigh, north carolina, at the university and decided to meet again. Really organize ourselves and try to be more effective. That is when i met john, october 15. I met Martin Luther king the same evening, and i told everybody it was that night, 2 00 in the evening to almost 4 00 in the morning. A whole transformation. John and i have been in and out with each other ever since. When he was ousted as chair in got active in i the Southern Regional council. I was in charleston, South Carolina and he was in atlanta, georgia, and we interacted through all of those years. Finally, he came to congress in 1986, and i got here 1992, and we spent 27 years together in congress. All of that stuff was flowing through my mind, and i saw the last conversation i had with him on the floor thought of the last conversation i had of him on the floor, with the black lives matter movement, it was so effective. We were happy to see that breakthrough. All of a sudden, we saw these headaches. Defund the police. John felt like i felt, that this kind of headline would ruin this effort, just like burn david byrne. Anyone who knows anything about history knows that in the 1960s, insurgents took over and started yelling burn david rne, which undercut by which undercut our efforts. John and i spoke out against it. This kind of slogan could give you a good headline, but it was not making much headway. I was thinking about all of that , sitting thereby in the rotunda as we talked about how much we loved john. Host both of you have served in the Democratic Party for many years, mr. Clyburn. Over those years in the house, as you have seen each other in hallways or talked to each other in rooms across the capital, what have you two discussed about the movement that started so many decades ago . Was anyou know, john administrator. Apostate, and my father talked about following him into the ministry, which i decided not to. John and i were active in politics. After the shooting in charleston, five years ago, john hosted a group of faith in politics people in charleston and columbia. I went with john often down to selma, to march across the bridge with him. At his invitation, several years the session in selma at the chapel. John and i talked scripture a lot. I told some people i thoughts john, more than anybody had ever met i had ever met, had internalized not just my favorite Old Testament scripture is found in michael 68. Do justly, love mercy, and walk [inaudible] nobody i ever met fulfill that scripture the way john lewis did. We talked about those types of things a lot. He was faithbased in everything he did. He internalized it, he lived it. Tactical. Le more i have not lived at the way john lewis has. Host he continues to lie in state this morning up on capitol hill. The Departure Time in moments from now that he will be returning to georgia where he will lie in state there as well. What you think of President Trump skipping the celebrations in washington this week . I wasnt all that concerned about that. The fact of the matter is, President Trump i all of that available at c span. Org. We leave this and take you back live to the house floor as votes continue. Of House Resolution 1067 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 86. House resolution 1067. Resolution providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 7617, making appropriations for the department of defense for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2021, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on adoption of the resolution. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is exsl

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