President were the same room but seated at a distance. The video was produced and released on social Media Channels by mr. Bidens potential campaign. Office,we came into even before inauguration, we had seen a historic financial crisis. Out. Ponsibility had spread we had to move fast, in the first month to get the recovery act passed. We are in a situation where not only we have an economic crisis, we also have a Public Health crisis to boot. Tell me a little bit about how you are seeing the current economic crisis and how you are thinking about the economy. Vice President Biden there are three pieces i see. We have to sustain and keep people from going under forever. There are 10,000 businesses that are unlikely to open again. Number two, when they are able to come back, they are not only able to keep their folks employed, they are able to cover overhead. The idea you are going to open without social distancing, masks , that costs a lot of money. They should be able to have that added cost to stay open for the good of the country. The next stage of this is going keep, if the stimulus can people afloat, we have to deal with recovery. Recovery is not just Building Back, i am talking about Building Back better. We have to change the way we deal with allowing people the opportunity to make a living. That includes childcare. That includes making significant investments in infrastructure so people can make, not a living wage, but a union wage, making sure we build up and entire new Public Health system and making sure everybody has healthcare. And, well, now we have a chance, we can add a public option now. But this guys in court in the middle of a pandemic trying to take away the protection for 100 Million People who have preexisting conditions. I dont think he has any sense of empathy. I dont think he can associate at all. President obama you and i had experience dealing with health crises, Public Health crisis. And in each instance what you and i understood and why i have so much confidence that youre going to be able to deal with covid in the way that other countries with our kinds of resources are dealing with it right now, which is smartly. I have confidence that youre going to actually listen to the experts and youre going to Pay Attention to the science and youre not going to quit on trying to actually bend down the curve of disease and transmission rates. Vice President Biden when we left office, you had set up a Pandemic Office within the white house. We had people from the cdc, 44 people in china. We knew pandemic diseases. This wasnt going to be the only one that ever occurred. President obama and the goal was to create an Early Warning system around the world by creating International Cooperation so that when you saw it coming, you had time to prepare. Vice President Biden right. President obama i know how deeply you care about American Families and that any loss of life that is preventable. If youre president of the United States, its your job to try to prevent it. And one of the things that i think you said thats so important and we understood this during the financial crisis, you cant separate out the Public Health crisis from the economy. If you want the economy growing again, people have to feel safe. Vice President Biden what you did and what all great president s do is not only lead, they persuade. I think what you did with obamacare, the aca, and what you wanted to do to have a public option. Its the quickest, fastest way to get everyone covered. I remember when beau was toward the end, and the only person i told the detail all the time as was you, because you had a right to know exactly what and he only had months left to go. And i used to sit there and watch him in the bed and in pain and dying of glioblastoma. And i thought to myself, what would happen if his Insurance Company was able to come in, which they could have done before we passed obamacare and said, you have out run your insurance. Youve outlived it. Suffer the last five months of your life in peace. Youre on your own. All the things that it did, that it was so profound an impact on people, it was like it took them a while until they started to take it away to realize what was happening. President obama well look, i mean, you and i both know what its like to have somebody you love get really sick and in some cases to lose somebody, but that loss is compounded when you see the stress on their faces because theyre worried that theyre being a burden on their families. Theyre worried about whether the insurance is going to cover the treatments that they need. I couldnt be prouder of what we got done. 20 Million People have Health Insurance that didnt have it because of what we did. But you remember when we were talking about this, i always used to say the Affordable Care act, obamacare, its like a starter house. Its the first house you get. And its not the end of the process, its the beginning of the process. Vice President Biden we used to say that this is a starter house. Remember what i used to say, its like Social Security when it was first passed. President obama thats exactly right. Vice President Biden Social Security was first passed was this narrow. President obama very narrow. Vice President Biden Social Security now president obama and you kept on building it up. Vice President Biden kept building it up. President obama making it better. Vice President Biden well, that starter house, they got inside the house and they realized, wow, god, this is better than being out in the cold. Thats number one. But number two and then i said, but i got a guy out there banging down the house, theyre trying to take down the house. And i didnt realize the reason i had this house and whats happening now is that you have so many people now. I cant think of any time since the flu in 1918, that the public had i dont know then, but it appears, it had to be totally thoroughly aware of how vulnerable they were. Now, you have people going, oh my lord. President obama and look, youre absolutely right that it is hard to fathom anybody wanting to take away peoples healthcare in the middle of a major Public Health crisis vice President Biden and offer nothing. President obama and at a time when unemployment is in double digits. Theres another issue thats been on our minds and was on our minds during my presidency and that is the issue of race in america and how communities of color are policed, how police are interacting and oftentimes acting in ways that are racially biased. And after the george floyd tragedy, what we have seen is this extraordinary mobilization across the country of people of every walk of life, every race, every creed, who say, were past time to do something about this. We understand were not going to fix it all in one day, but were going to take this seriously and were going to start now. And we had experiences with this during my administration. Our response was not to ignore those problems. Our response was we had a 21st Century Policing task force that we put together that drew police chiefs, academics, young members of black lives matter all in a single conversation and we arrived at a series of recommendations that are still pertinent to this day. Vice President Biden we got through the notion that if a Police Department was engaging in a practice and a pattern that was in violation of basic civil rights and civil liberties, the Justice Department of the United States of america, the federal government would intervene and stop it. President obama right. Vice President Biden well, you authorized to put in place a whole range of things that would increase what most cops, the guys i grew up with became cops, firefighters or priests. I mean, i wasnt qualified to do any one of them. The point was that they know they need more guidance. President obama and i think this is a process that were all going through and were all learning. And something that ive always admired about you, joe, is your willingness to listen and learn. It is a sign of leadership when you are willing to hear other peoples experiences. It has to do with communities that have systematically been under invested in. It has to do with hiring and the fact that or if you get on the phone, applying for a job, send in your resume, if your name is john, you might get called back, if your names jamal, you might not. Vice President Biden its about to be able to accumulate wealth. Its about being able to be in a position. You know better than i do, but ive watched it my whole life working in the city, black entrepreneurs are as successful as white entrepreneurs given a shot in the same circumstance. President obama were in a moment right now, my daughters, your granddaughters have been involved in this moment vice President Biden best friends. President obama in which this next generations saying, we have beliefs in all people being equal and we dont see that operating out of there, were going to do something about it. And i think the key right now, and this is why i have so much confidence in your administration wanting to be a partner in harnessing that energy and bringing about concrete reforms, concrete steps, not just in the criminal justice system, not just with respect to policing, but also with respect to investment, jobs, business development, is going to send a signal of decency and regard and concern and Community Around the country. Because policys important, laws are important, budgets are important. But you know whats important also is what kind of values are you communicating . Vice President Biden bingo. President obama and if we want to create a world that we want our kids and grandkids to grow up in, then were going to have to do a whole lot better than were doing right now. Vice President Biden weve got a hell of an opportunity. President obama and everybodys going to have to be involved. Vice President Biden weve got a hell of an opportunity because look whats happened. Youve got 70 of the American People saying we got to do something about this. Im not just talking about the police. President obama and thats a big change from even when you and i vice President Biden its a gigantic change. And let me tell you my thesis of why. Theres two ways in which president s motivate people, by doing something really ennobling, important and people go, oh. Or to do something really bad. This guy has generated a sense out there that people are waking up to that he ran by deliberately dividing people from the moment he came down that escalator. And i think people are now going, i dont want my kid growing up that way. President obama you know what its like as much as anybody to be in the white house during a crisis. You know what its like to have to get laws passed through congress. You know what its like to deal with foreign leaders. You know what its like and how lonely it can be to make tough decisions where not every decision is going to be perfect, but you got to make them and to take responsibility for it. Ive seen you with families that have gone through tragedies and the thing ive got confidence in, joe, is your heart and your character and the fact that you are going to be able to reassemble the kind of government that cares about people and brings people together. And for all the specific policies that were going to need more than anything, its just that basic decency and an understanding about whats best in america that i think people are going to be hungry for. Looking forward to working with you to do whatever i can to help. And i have confidence in your commitment to making sure that we seize this moment that we have right now. Vice President Biden thank you. And i have faith in the American People. Cspans washington journal. We are taking your calls live and to discuss issues that affect you. Cohenxohen discussing coronavirus legislation. And arturo over argus talks about issues important to bettina voters. Cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern. Discussionjoin the with your phone calls and tweets. Live friday, the house returns at 9 00 a. M. ,o fund the state department military construction, and veterans affairs. A house hearing with fema administrator peter gaynor. At 11 30, Washington Post live talks to dr. Anthony fauci about the pandemic. And 2 45, jill biden will discuss participate in a discussion. Week, we look back to our conversation with john lewis from 2012. Black people and white people could not be seated together. They could not use the same waiting room. We were testing a decision of the United States supreme court, trying to make it real. Join us sunday. As we look back to our conversation with representative john lewis. Live coverage of two key hearings next week. Amazons jeff bezos. Cook appear before the subcommittee as they examine dominance of online power. And william barr appears before the Judiciary Committee general oversight of the Justice Department. Monday on coverage cspan two. Watch any time cspan. Org. Carlos jimenez is the mayor of miamidade county. He spoke to the washington

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