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Sunday morning. When the discussion with their phone calls, facebook messages, Text Messages and. Twweets. The green partys president ial nominee Howie Hawkins, and his running mate Angela Nicole walker, gave their acceptance speeches at supporters to supporters at the national convention. The video, provided by the party, breach begins with liz walker, a labor organizer and truck driver. Liz angela walker, our Vice President ial nominee. Angela this is absolutely massive. Greetings to everybody, i am from the land that originally belonged to the pd nation in south carolina. Massive, massive, massive thing that just happened. I want to thank all of you delegates who stood with howie and i and cast your votes for us. Its not a small thing. We thank you, and i personally thank you for your trust and he will probably reiterate that. And i want you to know that i support with my whole soul. You towant to say thank the socialist party of the usa for helping them make the Red Green Alliance that we had so many years ago. It is pretty amazing. I want to think our brilliant. Ampaign manager i want to think my wonderful assistant ashley, and a huge, toe thank you, huge big ups all of our folks on our campaign team. Yall are amazing, yall are hustlers, thank yall for making for doing all of this and what you have done so that this campaign has gotten to this point. I want to think all of you who have showed up for us in various different ways, whether it was supporting with money, whether it was kind words and good thoughts. Thank you to the volunteers that the made this Campaign Topic of conversation in places where was not happening. Who have think sherry stood where i am standing right now. I think you both for reaching out and sharing your wisdom and your support with me. I want to thank all of you with whom i have showed this struggle since they occupy days, since the wisconsin uprising days, since the milwaukee uprising days in 2016. For all of you who are in the streets all around the country. To theto say think you Guardian Angel of all of us who are fighting the good fight. Andto my late friend lifelong specialists. Thank you to my running mate Howie Hawkins, who has very frequently become one of my favorite humans. And i have to say thank you to my ancestors, whose names i know, whose names i dont know. I want to thank my cousins and my family for being the place that i began to learn everything that i needed to know for this fight. Is that my grandchildren will know a world where the struggles that we are currently working against are no longer an issue. My son, i am literally fighting not riskingho are death. Can i have that . That is a direct quote on a Facebook Post that i shared about what we are going to need to do about addressing Public Education this year. Not only the absurdity of asking educational education is an students to be sacrificial victims, it reminded me how much this camp lanes implications really are. Family, this country needs us. It needs us now, and i know you have been hearing this all day today, and i am adding my voice to one more in the number. This country needs us. That is the thing that i want to rededicate us today, as a party, that our people need us. In 2016i walked away from politics to reconstruct myself. All of you will know what im talking about when i am talking about saddle work. Sitting with the parts of you that are not that shiny and photo op parts. The parts that need healing that are a part of your hold. In 2020, having received a call from Howie Hawkins about seeing his president ial running mate, i have to look at my ancestors and say, really. I have been prepared for this moment. After weeks of being in a rage about the governments criminal mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the universe gave me a good healthy shove. Do something. Show up. Show up. Who are you if you refuse . I could not imagine being in a platform and saying no because i did not want to leave the comfort of my isolated life. All of you are here for a reason. You are here because you know health care is a human right. You know that and in u. S. Imperialism is the way to heal this country and the harm it has inflicted on black and brown countries around the world. We are here because you know this glorious planet we share and that the capitalist exploitation of her resources is killing us. You are here because you know that the unsustainable and inequality driven ways this country is run has to and. And the earth deserve more and vastly better than what we are being herded towards. People may not have been ready for our message in 2012. They may not have been ready in 2016, but now, and a time when so much has been stripped away by the coronavirus pandemic, by the exposure of continued stay violence against black, indigenous and brown people, it has nowhere to hide. This country is being forced to confront its shadow, and what has been hiding in the shadows. Waiting to be seen, waiting to be acknowledge and healed. In this time of Impossible Party is readyen for the people and the people are ready for the green party. Ready for our message of solidarity, justice, to democracy, Economic Opportunity for all, and respect for the worldly, all rooted in love. They are ready for the socialist Green New Deal. They are ready to know that we came to take the white house. We came to take the white house. There not running away from point. Because its that massive. Because its that urgent. We are here to move the ineffective parties aside because its time for the people to be able to breathe. We are not asking for the right of housing and medicare for all, we are demanding these things. We are not afraid to cause a duopoly on incompetence and move it aside. This is our time. No one else is bringing the system of changes that we are proposing. We will not be pacified with were formative reform. The system must be overhauled and the green party is the party to do that. We will have to be intentional. It must be a welcoming and so ourhing space families with disabilities, lgbtqi a and nonbinary family,ur workingclass family black indigenous and brown families. We dont need to or are going to agree on every point, but how do we strengthen our party and the communities who need us so much . How do we create a world with the u. S. Beingd the world peacekeeper instead of Law Enforcement . That all begins with us and the way that we imagine forward. Difficult time, and it inquires our imagination up to november and beyond. The green party has never been more needed than now. If you do not believe that, i hope that you take it to heart. Im ready to move forward in solidarity. I am proud to be moving forward with you. Thank you. Liz hey, angela. Thank you so much. We are really excited to have you. The last thing you are going to hear from me as your administrator is a very brief introduction to president ial nominee. Hawkins is someone i have wewn in the green party, but have been working together in the green party for almost 20 years. I was how his running mate in 2010, the first time he ran for governor and got ballot status back in new york. Have done many events, many campaigns, many initiatives together, so i am. The green announce partys 2020 president ial nominee, the original Green New Deal or, how week green new howier, how we hawkins hawkins. Howie i will assume you can hear me. I am honored and humbled by the support given by the delegates and i accept your nomination. And you just heard from angela. You can see why i asked her to be my running mate. She is a great messenger for the green party. I have known her since 2014. We can work well together as a team. She is a truck driver. I want to second that thinks angela gave to so many people in the green party, and our campaign that brought us to this point. I want to ask the former he was a friend of mine, and more than any other person, convinced me that i should take up this campaign. Linuxare drawing on his long experience of wisdom. We try to think how he would deal with problems we face. To nominate you, the delegates of the green party, the members of the green there the people out thinking about supporting the green party, to be active participants in this campaign. Everybody has to play a part. As we have been saying, our country needs the green party now because we are living in a failed state. It is failing us on these life or death issues. The covid pandemic, the systemic racism. That means were not yet a multicultural democracy. Economic inequality is a lifeanddeath issue for people on the bottom of the income spectrum. The Climate Emergency and the arms race. Our country needs the green and the legislators, and the executive brands, and the local state to provide Real Solutions. Because these two coins of the us,orate state are foiling the pandemic has expose that for everybody to see. Worldsa quarter of the covid deaths. We have a quarter of a Million People that have died from this pandemic by the election at the rate we are going. The President Donald Trump have given up. We have seen it. Now he is moving around like typhoid mary having rallies and socialks distancing, making his own staff and supporters sick. That is sick. Intunately he is collapsing the polls, he is toast, he is a loser and good riddance. I keep asking, where is joe biden . When you think of joe biden, what policy is he the champion of . There poundingn away to that press corps that we tod a Quarantine Program suppress Community Spread of this killer virus. Pound away a simple message, instead, where is he . He could be calling for universal mailin ballot options for the election this fall so everybody can vote everybody can vote. These are not controversial ideological issues. Plenty of differences with biden and the democrats, but these are Common Sense Solutions to these problems. He talks about leadership, but where the hell is he . The whole Political Leadership of both parties are demanding an emergency responsibility for the pandemic and it makes a more complicit in the hundreds of thousands of deaths that are unnecessary, that we are experiencing. We cannot open the economy and the school until we suppress the virus. We cannot do it safely. But where is the twoparty corporate state . That is why the green party needs to step up. In recent weeks we have been on the streets protesting the pandemic we have had in this country for centuries of racism. We are calling for community patrol. Thats how the police get away with murder and crime. To fire the Police Chiefs to get the racist out to oversee the policies. And investigate and discipline officers for misconduct, independent of internal affairs inside the police department. We need to reimagine public safety. They need Mental Health experts. And we have to end this war on drugs, which has led to mass incarceration. We got a quarter of the worlds prisoners. Its the largest prison system in the history of the world. So we have to treat drug abuse as a health problem. We should legalize marijuana. Instead of going to prison for possessing hard drugs, you go, you get a ticket, you have to appear in a hearing with a doctor, a lawyer and a social worker. Withteach you how to deal your addiction. Whatever it is, they are there to help. The strong people in prison building the biggest prison industrial in the world, which joe biden has a lot to do. Be treating it as a health problem, not a criminal back to thegoing police, the demand is defund the police. Resource for the departments and this is what i was talking about. But theres not enough money in the police departments. We have to defund the military so we have the resources we need to invest in the jobs, housing, schools, health cares that are needed in black, indigenous and people of color communities that have been discriminated against and exploited for generations right up to the present day. We need reparations for african americans. Reparation goes back to slavery, but the exploitation and theft of black property continues. A reparations plan and we support the bill for reparations in congress that includes to close the racial wealth gap so that american households have more resources to lead a better wife wife. Black land bases in the south culturalk economic institutions. And while we are talking about preparing families, we need to honor the trees with indigenous nations and with mexican americans under the treaty of quite a loop a aldar go. Lupe hildago. The United States is obligated to provide under this and they should provide, which they have not. Then we have the barter issues that affects the economic inequality. Workingclass inspectors that been declining in recent years. The Life Expectancy gap, 21 years. This is a moral shame on this which is so rich. We are talking about enacting an economic bill of rights to end poverty and economic despair. These rights should include the rights to a minimum wage job and Affordable Housing, medicare for all, lifelong tuition, free Public Education. We will an act the rights to a limited jobs to a wpa style jobs program with government providing jobs and Public Services and public works for anyone willing to work who cant find a living wage job in the private sector. And we will create living wages in the private sector by raising hourinimum wage to 20 an and indexing into inflation and productivity, so workers get the full value to contribute to the economy. We will an act the right to a guarantee income above poverty. We will build it into the progressive federal income act. If your income is below the poverty line, the government will send you jacks. That is what dr. King was demanding during the Poor Peoples Campaign of 1968. That it im now sold should be abolished for guaranteed income. The problem for poor people, most of whom work hard is that they dont have enough money, so we build it in the tax center so nobody is below the poverty line. We will have Affordable Housing inbuilding 25 million new the next decade so everyone has access to an affordable home. What we have the rights for Quality Health care for all by enacting medicare for all National Health insurance to pay for all medically necessary services. Over the next decade we will build that out into a community controlled National Health service. The doctors and other Health Care Workers are salaried Public Employees for maximizing services and creating a cost totrol problem for patients provide the proper care. It will be under democratic that is federated in the state and national level. We will provide tuition free Public Education, childcare and college,full secondary trade schools and continuing education. And provide secured retirement for all by doubling Social Security benefits. So no senior is living below the poverty line. Another life and death issue is the Climate Emergency. Its not just about more heat waves and schreiber storms, we are talking about mass extinctions. A collapse of agriculture. The climate scientists is estimating that we go if we go on as business as usual, the capacity to feed the population we have now, we can only feed 10 of what we have now by the end of the century. Climate changes in at the essential existential crisis. , we have beendeal campaigning for that since 2010. What did they do, they diluted it. They provide a solution for a Green New Deal from representative a ocasiocortez. Joe biden this week basically committed to fracking the hell out of the country. If we dont start practicing a new fossil fuel infrastructure, we will be worse off and that planet will be cooked. We want to help fund the Green New Deal. What happens when he give politicians a couple of decades, they go away. And that climate scientists. We have to do it if we will avoid the worst consequence. Resolution,ing the democrat said its a trick. Instead they voted for the republicans. Anybody that thinks they will get a Green New Deal from the democrats is diluted. Now the House Democrats came out with a proposal that they will reduce Carbon Emissions 37 by 2030. At 35 . Changes proposed they have to be approved by states like saudi arabia and russia in the United States. But the democrats are not even attempted to reach that conservative goal. Attempting to reach that conservative goal. The democrats act as if its a hoax. The green party is here to advance the Green New Deal. We one zero to negative Greenhouse Gas initiatives and want 100 clean energy by 2030. We have a Green New Deal on our campaigns website, which you can study. Improvise your 27. 5 trillion Public Enterprise and planning, particularly in transportation and manufacturing sectors to get to zero omissions. What are we proposing is a Crash Program like the United States did in the world were to emergency. When the federal government took over the manufacturing in this dontry and tried to democracy, to arm the allies against the fascist axis power. We need to do nothing less to defeat climate change. Our Green New Deal creates 48 million new jobs. And now, in this covid economic to green newe need deal for economic recovery and primary recovery. More lifehere is one or death issue we have got to face that none of the Major Party Candidates have addressed. That is the new nuclear arms race. There Doomsday Clock closer. U. S. , russia and other Nuclear Powers are modernizing their forces. It is becoming hypersonic. Sixtime faster than they were. You want john anticipation that the other set is about to launch. Its not even a hair trigger. We are putting it in the conventional forces. The military doctrine is escalate and deescalate. Machine, they all fly and we are done. We want to 75 cut in military spending. Nuclear weapon and disarmed to a minimum credit with Nuclear Powers on the basis of those initiatives. Completeeutral and disarmament. Nations that this week, three years ago agreed to the treaty of the weapons. The International Campaign dropped the Nobel Peace Prize for that. Hardly anybody in this country both partiescause dont want to talk about it. It should be a Campaign Issue and we will make it one. So, these are the issues we are going to fight on. The next phase of our campaign is about access. 50 states, the district of columbia and the advisory votes in guam. All contributions are up to two and 50 for individuals will be matched by uncle sam going forward, as well as those who have already contributed until august 27. We will soon have another 200,000. The more people contribute, the more we will have. We are on the ballot, we will have signatures in hand. We have appealed for release in many states from your government. Gave us relief, others we had to sue in court. We have had some victories, other cases are pending. About going warned out wearing personal protective andpment and sanitizing getting physical distance signatures. We will not left governors who will allow us to be on the ballot to keep us off the ballot. Ballot access in this country is harder than almost any other country in the world. You have to get a lot more signatures. Lets talk about national legislator. Country, if you want to run as an independent for congress it takes thousands of signatures. 3500 in york. 20,000 in georgia. You want to do that in new zealand, it takes to signatures. You want to run as an independent for the house of commons and the u. K. , it takes 10 signatures. 50, in canadats its 100, germany is 200. Until you get to the United States. Party suppression is part of Voter Suppression. We are fighting republican Voter Suppression and they are not providing enough polling places, specifically in communities of colors. We are also fighting democratic Voter Suppression. , under york democrats the cover of covid pandemic just passed a lot that tripled the votes and signatures to get on the ballot, and double the frequency we have to do that. Thedemocrats democrats seek to plan to kill third parties. To run for president is to secure ballot lines. We get to determine whether the green party has a ballot right for the next election cycle. Its 1 3 . Tes thats very achievable for us. That will enable us to run much more readily local candidates. We want to be in a thousands as we going to 2020. The local districts and state legislators in congress, that is how the green partys build up into a major party in american politics. , ballotcult as it is access is largely under our control. We know all we have to do. But getting our story covered in the Corporate Media is not under our control. Our message to the Corporate Media is, do your job as journalists. Cover the issues not just a horse race. The green party is covering the life or death issues. Cnn and thec and new york times, you have been acting like states media denied for the twoparty Corporate Media state. Do your job, cover your issues, let the green party into the debate. Dont exclude us before the election happens. Let the voters make up their own minds. I am ready to debate biden and trump, but im not sure they are ready to debate me. In serious news organizations , news organizations include all the candidates and there arent enough ballots to win the election college. That would be a fourway debate. Thats what the American People deserve. They deserve to hear all their options. Or will the Mainstream Media continue to about down to the president ial debates. Commission our president ial debates. Its a private corporation controlled by two major parties to keep the competition out. Organizations and news organizations will take acted debates for the American People and not let the two parties exclude competitions. Why are you spoiling the . Lection for joe biden our answer is, no, joe biden and the democrats have spoiled the election. The green party has given them a nonpartisan solution. To abolish the Electoral College and have a national vote. The last two republicans for loot were losers for the popular vote when they were first elected. It was the congress that put them in office it was the Electoral College that put them in office. You would think the democrats would get rid of it. It and, they whine about fight to keep us off the ballot and suppress the vote. This showed 61 of our supporters with their home if she was nonabout in 2016. If you use that ratio in any , look atke michigan the margin of differences. But democrats are not looking for solutions, which we have. Joe biden is welcome to convince people that he really believes it. ,he last thing i want to say people are saying we have to get trump out of their, maybe i need to settle for biden. If you were a Bernie Sanders supporter you were for medicare for all and tuition free public college. If you vote for joe biden, nobody knows he stands for that. You will get lost in the sauce because you joe because you voted for joe biden. If you want to make yourself accountable, vote for the green party. Everybody knows what we stand for. Your vote will count and it will be a message at a voice heard. The morevotes we got we will have after the election in advancing our program. Notbiggest votes are refugees from the sanders campaign, many of them will did, but the Biggest Group not vote in 2016. Disproportionately workingclass people of color and young people. They are alienated from the two parties that offer them no solutions, are never in their communities until elections and then disappear after elections. They wante game is, you to vote. We are giving you an opportunity to vote for something that addresses the Economic Issues you face, the education problems you face. So, we welcome as much support as we can get. This will only work if its a grassroots movement. If you want to get involved, go to the website. Look, theorate corporate twoparty state has failed us. Our country needs the green party right now to advance Real Solutions for these lifeanddeath issues of our time. Our lives depend on it. We are running out of crime on issues like climate crisis, the covid pandemic, and Real Solutions cant wait. Thank you. We are back with green Party President ial candidate Howie Hawkins, who is talking about his

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