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Hello everyone, President Trump delivered to defining unifying and patriotic speeches to those who honor our history and seek to advance policies. The president outlined a vision for the future. The president outlined a stronger and safer communities. President trump said what do we want . We wan a strong military, low taxes, low and order. This vision is not a culture war but embrace of our american family, our values. And with that, ill take questions. Reporter why is the president so supportive of flying the Confederate Flag . Mr. Kelly you are mischaracterizing the tweet. And conclude the that the garming door pool that had been there was not targeted at a specific individual, it was a hese 4 ull and before t times ap this was not an intentional racist act. Reporter my question why is the president so support ti of. The president that nascar because they took down the Confederate Flag. Do he think. To note the hate crime and it is not a hate crime and it was mentioned in the broader context d he vects these women are racist when in fact as it turns out what we saw with the f. B. I. Report in the incident it was an indictment to the rush to judgment calling a hate rhyme. Reporter the president says 99 f which member agree with that statement . What the president was pointing to was the factual statement which is rooted in science that mortality is very well and i i pull up charts. The first chart is the first fatality rates and it has gone lying this and also in the fatality rt and the rate is much lower than france and italy and the great work of his what the president was pointing out. Reporter you dont die, is it not harmless . These vast majority of americans will come out on the other side of this. No one wants to see anyone wants to contract covid and make sure that isnt the case. Reporter followup on the question, does he think nascar. De a mistake about he was to stand up for the men and women of nascar and rush o judgment of and the f. B. I. Concluded this isnt a act and there have been a rush to judgment. [indiscernible] does he think it was a mistake for nascar to ban. One word at the bottom of the tweet and taking it out of context and complete. Thats what he said. This nascar men and women who are being demeaned and racist and accused of committing a hate crime, these allegations were dead wrong. [indiscernible] trump rallies are not fficial gear are banged. Indiscernible] why is the president that the president should apologize . This is not a hate crime and bubba came out ap acknowledged this as well. He has. [indiscernible] one of the things this is where the president comes from and happened thd out in his july 4th speech. Unity we want defense and when you level falls you not only slander me but the american people. [indiscernible] in the bubave wallace, we shouldnt be so quick. Examples. Wo quick [indiscernible] yes. The governor of south dakota was on air force one hugged someone who tested positive. Why was that allowed to happen . Id she vr contact with the president . And does the president continue to test negative . He has tested negative and ose around him are tested as well . Why was she allowed to come on air force one when she had contact . Take the thes health. They would never put him in a ituation that would put him in harms way. [indiscernible] reporter as a candidate, he has been critical of president obama executive orders and i wanted to ask, what does he find what is the strategy ofishing one or more a week . Uses the powers in his tool kit. That is is his intent and with regard to the daca decision, the preme court has he has preat wide discretion to act. [indiscernible] reporter does the president worry that downplaying the verity of the virus whats the president is noting 05 death a day. 10fold decrease and 20 individuals and lowest sunday. The president has made clear, he wants to note the progress we and ade and we have made d i has used and pulled down bureaucracy where we can have rate. Ortality indiscernible] he tweeted indiscernible] i just explained to you and try again, what he was pointing out this rush to judgment there s a hate crime with justey schmoll et and those actions made it like they were individuals involving in a hate kime. The president said they are good, hardworking people ap not have this reaction. The f. B. I. Did their job and determined there was no hate crime. [indiscernible] why should mitchell wall Bubba Wallace have to apologize. Coming around and supporting ubba wallace and loving nascar people are. There was no hate crime. And the President Trump was saying mr. Wallace should agree with that con ken success. Reporter thats what we are trying to ask you. Im not going to answer you. [ why is the president praise nascar for nascar and african america caps and what it represent in terms of the tressonous acts gems the republic and praise them . The president takes credit when america caps are kneejerk reaction and in ag degree debate. Here in this incident, there was at suggestion and there is a vast culture and tear down ormon you mepts and tear down George Washington and lincoln and it is appalling. And the president wants no part n the tearing down ofmon youments. John greenly and he wants no part of this and stands against the deemmon nizzation of america ation. I said from the top of this iefing, he hasnt given an opinion of this. Whydoes the president toes he decide to tweet about it snsh [indiscernible] the president argued on riday and gean on saturday and nd if thats the case, is he working with secretary devos what he is seeing as a major problem and what steps is he taking and steps he has taken. And i will certainly follow up. We have a real problem in this country. When you have rioters and and litigationists and when you are historical ues ap nd the remembering victims including victory and lack of understanding of history and irld war i and world war inch memorial and the 5 regular can and and fwrinamerica soldiers. This it up to talk about situation. The president has aquiff indicated on masks and a number of republicans are saying that they need to wear each other. And what december the president say those who dont want to wear a mask. If he wasnt wearing a mask and unable and he would wear a mask and he has made that clear. And re handing out recommended. [indiscernible] bunda wallace didnt make a false report and why is the president making that report in and whether or not he displays the Confederate Flag . Not said that his tweet was o indicate approval or disprolve. It was a rush to judgment and the media was wrong about this. I never said. Perhaps one of the reporters said but i did not. And the truelingt matters. D the f. B. I. Is conducting a thorough investigation and we should be greatal that nascar fans came around with mr. Wallace and we should be aquiverl call and most america caps are hardworking people. He focused on two things at wops. What about the flying of the Confederate Flag. Why not . Indiscernible] i havent season to the president on that. Indiscernible] i dont know came up with that list but that is an extraordinary list. And Martin Tubman th are king junior and billy deprame, we can acknowledge these are american heroes. Indiscernible] i dont have any updates on phase four. Would help. Ax but p. P. E. Funding, Small Businesses across the country have gotten this and very pleased with the progress and continuing functioning of the p. P. E. . [indiscernible] i dont want to set parameters. Indiscernible] i dont have specific criteria and i have to refer to the secretary of state and secretary pompeo of where we currently stand. But President Trump has taken action to secure our homeland and a big part of that has been the travel restrictions and ight now it is about putting america first. Indiscernible] i think the world is seen as a leader on covid19. If i showed you the month talt te in italy and u. K. And United States on the month talt rate is bus of the rate we have done on p. P. E. And ventilators to help s we were able other countries. I was asked probably 12 questions about the Confederate Flag, im dismayed, i didnt receive one question on the deaths. I didnt receive one question about the new york city shootings that sky rocketed. Not one question. I didnt one question about five chin. Dad who lost, they save wlack lives matter. She didnt do nothing. Becauseure no lives are that Isa David Dorn and thank you. Captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org crmp span has the white house, Supreme Court and watch all of the programming on television, online or list own our free roo app or daily washington journal program. Cspan, created by Americas Program as a Public Service and brought to you by your television provider. Is salim furth, Senior Research fellow at George Mason Universitys mercatus center. He directs their urbanity project. Thanks for being on with us this morning. Give us some specifics. What do you study in the urbanity project . This aboutnity cities, and in a bigger sense come about living together. Beings come human as americans, solve the problems that make it hard to live near

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