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Education project which brings together the magic of history and the arts in the classroom. This Partnership Helped hundreds of thousands of High School Students forge connections to our founding era. It is making history itself, inspiring the next generation of historians, writers, performers, and leaders. Our continued support for the transformative initiatives such as this, and our broader connection to education, humanities, and the arts are vital. Linmanuel, i am truly convinced everyone that the arts are what will bring our country together. [applause] Speaker Pelosi you have been a force in that regard. David mccullough pointed to the statue of cleo, the muse of history, up there. For almost two centuries, cleo and her clock have reminded men and women in this hallowed halls that we are part of history. That our words and actions will face the judgment of history, and that we are part of a long and honorable heritage of our democracy. Now, under cleos gaze, we celebrate Linmanuel Miranda, a man gifted by the muse of history, and all others of artists and historians of our modern era. Thank you Linmanuel Miranda for giving us the story of america then told by a america now. I am honored that we will hear from john lewis who will present the award, but all of us who are here and honored to be in your presence, to celebrate your triumph in hamilton and to congratulate you. Thank you for your passion, your talent, your gift. Thank you for your exceptional contributions to revitalize and advancing our democracy. Thank you, Linmanuel Miranda. [applause] thank you, madam speaker, for your kind words. A number of members of the house and senate are here, mixed in with the crowd that is here this evening. Would you please raise your hand, so we can acknowledge your presence . [applause] thank you for being here. Leader pelosi mentioned linmanuels parents. I want to mention them again because they made it all possible. [laughter] so, would you please stand again . [applause] also with us this evening is ron churnow, who wrote the book hamilton. [applause] where are you . Way back there. The book obviously inspired linmanuel. Thank you for being with us this evening. Also to sarah elisa miller, the director of philanthropy and special projects at 5000 broadway productions. Would you please stand . [applause] thank you. Murray horowitz, acclaimed radio host and playwright and mentor to mr. Miranda, would you please stand and be recognized . [applause] were honored that all of you are here this evening to share this evening with us. It is now my pleasure to introduce senator lisa murkowski, chair of the appropriations subcommittee on interior environment and related agencies. Among the related agencies are the two National Endowments for the arts and the humanities. She is a dedicated advocate for the arts. In lisas words, there is nothing that holds us together more as americans or human beings as what comes to us through the arts. The u. S. Capitol Historical Society was honored in 2004 to be awarded the humanities medal. With a ceremony in the white house, a very exciting moment for the society, and personally for me. So, i would like to now bring to the podium senator lisa murkowski. [applause] senator murkowski ron, thank you for that. It is indeed an honor to be with you this evening. To the family, mr. And mrs. Miranda, wonderful to have you with us as we recognize this evening Linmanuel Miranda. There may not be Many Americans who are familiar with the u. S. Capitol Historical Society and the role that it plays. An incredibly Important Role actually, because not only does the society preserve the past and honor this truly magnificent building and those who have served here through programs like the Freedom Award, but the americans to see the living connections between the past and where we are today. And it helps us to understand that this capitol is the symbol of america as a living institution. That is why, choosing to honor Linmanuel Miranda with this years Freedom Award is such a perfect, beautiful choice. You look around you here. Look at where we are standing. And the history that surrounds us. The men and the women. We see the old murals not necessarily in this room but in the room just adjacent. We have the statues of famous but long dead americans like george washington. We have sacagawea. Then we see those whose lives are more contemporary with our own, like president eisenhower, president reagan, helen keller. We have rosa parks right up here. More importantly, each and every day, americans from all walks of life and every age walk through these halls. They walk through this room. And they are looking up at the statues, they are looking at the amazing history surrounding us. And you have to believe that each are inspired to learn, to enjoy, but just truly be inspired by the history around us. And i like to listen to the School Groups particularly, because sometimes you catch these kids giving you just a glimmer of what is going on in their heads. Of what is beyond all this. They will see a particular statue and be captivated by it. Then, someone will tell them the story of rosa parks, through the eyes of the child what they learned in their classroom. And it is a reminder to me that these figures are not just anchored in bronze, that is a living history here. How we share this and inspire one another, that is what this award is all about today. For Linmanuel Miranda has inspired americans young and old, rich and poor, whether you are from new york or you are usm alaska, you has inspired to see the dry dust of our Founding Fathers in a fresh way. In a way that modernizes them and allows us to see ourselves in them. In short, what linmanuel has been able to do is engage new audiences to appreciate our past through a form of art, a through Broadway Musical. You have to think hamilton it justadway musical, does not connect. But that is why it is so brilliant. That is why it is so perfect, because it forces us to imagine. And at the same time, what he has done is he has exposed the typical Broadway Musical goer to art forms they probably have not appreciated before. You probably taught a lot of history to some broadway buffs out there. This is exactly the type of engagement with the American Public that i think many of us in congress wish we could connect with. We have a little more work to do and maybe we can talk to you afterwards about how you can inspire us to be more engaging as you are. But i truly am proud to mirandalate lin manuel for earning get another recognition. Not for the strength of his writing or performance, not even for his unique and inspiring ability to bring foundational events in our nations history to life in new and exciting ways, but i want to congratulate him for his commitment to the strengths and value of our democracy. Surely, no one could write hamilton, bring it to theaters, educate students about the man and his time if he did not love his country at all it can be. Ladies and gentlemen, a man who has helped us look up, look outward as we look at the past, who has widen our eyes, opened our ears. Truly a talented, inspiring individual. The 2017 recipient of the u. S. Capitol Historical Society Freedom Award, mr. Linmanuel miranda. We cannot thank you enough. [applause] mr. Miranda hello. My thanks to all of you and especially to senator michalski, congressman lewis, leader pelosi, and the u. S. Capitol Historical Society. The Historical Society tells a story not just to lawmakers, but looks at it much more holistically. It illuminates political history. But also promotes the breathtaking history and architecture all around us. I mean, i packed a sleeping bag. [laughter] leave, i am fully night of the museum night at the museum in here. All of these guys will come to life and we will have a bit of a time. I will see you in the morning and tell you about my adventures. It is extraordinary to be surrounded by this incredible history. The house of representatives used to convene here and in this very room states were voted into the union. Through its work, the Historical Society gives us the tools to wrestle with our history. To understand the same philosophical disagreements that the underpin the Constitutional Convention and so many other flashpoints in the American Experience continue to drive what happens in this building now. Jefferson and hamilton are alive in this hall. They didnt really look like me and david, but they are in here. This is the room where it happened, the room where it happened. But, like, for realsies. [laughter] hamilton story is told by ron. Give it up for ron. [applause] mr. Miranda hamiltons story reached out to me across the centuries and wouldnt let me go on vacation, walking my dog, in the shower, there was the ghost of eliza hamilton. Get back to your piano. Tell our story. It turns out eliza is very persistent. You know sometimes you hear a tune from hamilton, it gets stuck in your head. Imagine what i felt like. [laughter] mr. Miranda they were in my head first and it took seven years to get them out of my head. Thanks to our incredible creative team. The worlds reaction and the engagement with the founding era of the result has changed all of our lives. My life in particular. Before hamilton has the chance to change my life, the humanities and arts programs did. From my earliest days in the schools, i have benefited from immersing in music, acting and literature, and visual art. I will make him stand up a third time. Stand up. [applause] mr. Miranda you will not meet two bigger musical theater dorks in your lifetime. [laughter] mr. Miranda and thanks to men the constant loop of camelot, sound of music in our subaru growing up, that is why im standing in front of you today. But there is no doubt that without the education i had as a student in a new york city public school, i would not be here. Thank you, public school. [applause] mr. Miranda if i had not been cast as captain hook in the six grade play, hamilton the musical would not exist. Real talk. Through humanities and arts programs, i learned more than how to play piano and follow stage directions. I learned to be a leader. I learned how to love collaborating. I nurtured the gift of empathy that really makes art transformational. When you are a theater kid, you make friends from different grades and social groups. You learn to work hard to create something greater than the sum of your parts. Just for the sake of making something great. You learn to trust your passion and let it lead the way. Without humanities and arts programs, i wouldnt be standing here. Without Alexander Hamilton and the countless other immigrants who built this country, it is very probable that few of us would be here either. The story includes the hundreds of thousands young people today who came to this country with their parents and know no other home. [applause] mr. Miranda their parents have no documents but their kids are Getting College degrees, working as First Responders during disasters like harvey and irma, and in the case of my own congressman, some are working as lawmakers in the United States congress. Our heritage of humanities and arts is shared, and it is irreplaceable. It belongs to every american, rich and poor, young and old, urban and rural, republican and immigrant and native, republican and democrat, statue and still alive. [laughter] mr. Miranda in every corner of our country. This is what the u. S. Historical the u. S. Capitol Historical Society does, as do so many other nonprofits in urban and rural locations alike. I am a new yorker. My dad came by way of puerto rico, and my moms parents are from puerto rico and mexico. Like most big urban centers, new york has a thriving cultural scene with countless nonprofits, theater groups, and corporate sponsors to complement these initiatives. These publicprivate partnerships are a good thing and no one would have been happier to see them then my man hamilton, who is standing in the next room. There is no reason why the but artsether humanities and should be the sole providence of the government. But most American Kids do not live in new york or San Francisco or d. C. Or l. A. Or miami or seattle. The fact is that in places like appalachia, californias central valley, native american reservations, the mississippi delta, and vast swaths of the great plains, the private resources simply do not exist to provide kids with the kinds of programs i was lucky enough to grow up with. This is why National Endowment for the humanities and National Endowment for the arts are so vital to our democracy. [applause] mr. Miranda without these resources, we are essentially telling kids without access to the arts, your world is small, do not dream too big. We do not just fill kids with we dont just fail kids with this message, we fail our democracies. Humanities and arts are a luxury, and not an essential service, and i could not disagree more. I see the opposite as true. The more opportunities kids have orread Langston Hughes georgia okeefe, to appreciate the poetry of mathematical poetry and environmental science, the more they learn to be human and what it is to be human. Nurturing the gift of empathy makes us better citizens. It makes us understand each other better. Learning to read music will help a student with her math homework, just as a good math instructor helps her make sense of iambic pentameter and the genius of shakespeare. A painter who understands chemistry is a better painter. An engineer who appreciates art is a better engineer. And citizens who have exposure to a whole consolation and of disciplines and subject areas make a better democracy and an economically viable country. Thats shared interest is shared by the humanities arts. Most of you in this room know the economic boom that arts and cultural events, jobs and tourism bring to your towns, cities my aunt districts, so i will not belabor the point. When the hamilton tour comes to your town, all the surrounding businesses benefit. If you dont believe me, ask the pizza place across from the Richard Rodgers on 46th street. Their grandma slices are the greatest. [laughter] nea and neh investments contribute directly to the prosperity of American Communities in every congressional district. They create jobs, spread tourism, and also expand horizons and shared values. Weakening these resources of vibrancy would lead to lost jobs and lost revenue, of course, but there would be a spiritual cost to a nation that loses touch with its soul, with all of the with what makes it exceptional, with all the statues in this room who are real people who worked hard to make this country. So, thank you. Thanks to all of you who stand up for and protect our shared artistic and Cultural Heritage everywhere. In some parts of the country, it might be easier to safeguard. In others, it requires virgil vigilance, and yes, government support, to see to it that no child is denied access to humanities. For that hand in your effort, i thank you so much. [applause] mr. Miranda i will finish with this. The opportunity to create the hamilton educational program, our producer, and my father, who i will not make stand up a fourth time [laughter] mr. Miranda has been the highlight of the whole thing. It fills me with great pride to see these High School Kids. I dont know if you know about this program, but High School Kids have a curriculum on hamilton and all of the founders. And they perform original works they create. On the same stage where hamilton is performed. And then to hear that they want to be teachers and historians as a result of this experience, 250,000 kids from all over the country from title i schools will have the opportunity to go through the program. And that is a for real legacy. Elizas a hamiltonian, hamilton, tell our legacy story. In they will not all grow up and going to theater, but engaging in the hamilton story in a real way they find their own. They begin to ask, what i want to do with my time here on earth . What kind of country do we want to create for ourselves . On behalf of everyone who worked tirelessly to share American Culture and history with communities throughout our country, thank you so much for this great honor. It means the world to me. Have a wonderful night. [cheers and applause] thank you, mr. Miranda, for your inspiring remarks. I am don carlson, the new chairman of the u. S. Capitol Historical Society. And with me is congressman john lewis. [applause] i am honored to stand on the same platform with this true gentleman. Three years ago, the society presented the Freedom Award to john lewis, in recognition of his lifelong commitment to civil rights. Tonight he joins us as the author of the highly acclaimed awardwinning trilogy, entitled marge. Like our award recipient, congressman lewis found a way to teach history. It is presented in graphic or comic book form. It is a great read with great graphics. Thank you, congressman lewis, for joining me as we now present the 2017 Freedom Award to Linmanuel Miranda. Lin, will you please come forward . [applause] on behalf of the u. S. Capital ol Historical Society, we want to present to you, tonight, the 2017 Freedom Award to you, Linmanuel Miranda, in recognition of your achievement in communicating the origins and continuing vitality of constitutional ideals, through creative art and education. By empowering americans across generations and origins, to see themselves in our past, you have fostered this spirit of civic engagement. Thank you. [cheers and applause] congressman lewis, would you like to make a few remarks . Thank you. Congressman lewis good evening. Good evening. Congressman lewis thank you, mr. Chairman. I am proud to join you, and congratulations, mr. Miranda, on receiving this great honor. You see, i was a champion of the arts long before i was elected to congress. Those who really know me understand that i love history and i adore the arts. Except on the occasion of music and drama, the Civil Rights Movement would have been a bird without wings. Marian anderson, nina simone and tony bennett, james baldwin, joan baez, harry belafonte, peter paul and mary. [laughter] congressman lewis these are just a few of the many, many artist who provided the anthem of a movement, who translated our feelings into literature and recorded our pain and progress. So tonight, i join our friends and colleagues in thanking you for continuing the ongoing struggle to redeem the soul of america. [applause] congressman lewis mr. Miranda, we are in history to shape, to inform, to inspire, and to move our people. Your play in the heights gave voice to immigrants, to love, and to the american dream. Through hamilton, linmanuel, you have inspired hundreds of thousands of people to be brave and courageous, to getting trouble,e, good necessary trouble, and i say, thank you. Every day, you move the souls of men and women, the young and old, and people of all races and regions. Linmanuel, you are so young. [laughter] congressman lewis so gifted and so talented. I know in my heart of hearts that your work and wisdom will inspire generations unborn. I hope that you will continue to create, to challenge, and to channel the voices, the hopes, and the needs of all people, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Together, we must strive towards what dr. Martin luther king junior called the beloved community. Where love, peace, equality, and justice may infuse into the heart and soul of all of humankind. Linmanuel, with your inspiration, your commitment, and your dedication, we are armed. We are ready. We cannot give up, we will not give in, and more than ever before, we need your art to continue to be the wind beneath our wings. And again, i congratulate you and thank you. And salute you, again, for this welldeserved honor. [cheers and applause] this concludes our program. I would like for you to join with me in one final applause in recognition for our honoree tonight, who brings us great honor with his presence, great honor with his work, and great honor how he helps the next generation of americans. Thank you. [cheers and applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] this fourth of july weekend, President Trump is at Mount Rushmore tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern, and in washington saturday at 645 00 p. M. Eastern for what is billed as a salute to america celebration. Onch live on cspan, online cspan. Org, or listen live wherever you are on the free cspan radio app. Sunday night on q and day, an author on the u. S. Response to the covid19 pandemic and the medical science being used the combat it. I have not seen a level of collaborative spirit within the community of this ilk or stature in my life. That is very encouraging news. Things have moved as fast as it can possibly move. We will have hopefully by the end of this month two to three to maybe four potential drugs, including antibodies, that will attack the virus. They are still in advanced studies, so i cannot comment on whether they work or not or what studies they are working on. And we will also have about four ways to treat new the inflammatory phase of the virus. Q a. Tch on cspans this is a crisis. People are losing their lives. With Police Reform taking center stage in congress, watch our live, unfiltered coverage of the latest developments, plus the governments response to the coronavirus pandemic. 30,000,were going down to 20,000, and now we are going up. And briefings from the white house on foreign affairs. Congress on health care. Insight from former administration officials. I do think there is a line one should not cross where governmental power is used exclusively for personal benefit. We will stand proud and we will stand tall. And of the latest from the campaign 2020 trail. Join in the conversation every day on our live callin Program Washington journal. If you missed any of our live coverage, watch online any at cspan. Org, or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. This week on the communicators, our guest is frank rodas, the Top Republican of science, tech, and space committee. Joining us is our guest reporter. Dental men, thank you for being on the communicators this week. Congressman, what have we learned when it comes to technology in the last couple of months, and what is the role of congress in dancing that . In advancing that . We have come to appreciate as a nation how absolutely important it is that we maintain our technological edge and that we move forward, we make sure it is accessible to all americans across the landscape. I cannot imagine as a member of congress how we would function without the ability to use a communications technologies. Not just the traditional phone calls we use from our Republican House conferences, but team and zoom and webex, and a variety. That is not just in politics. Listening to my friends in the industry, it has been an absolute necessity because many of them have spent a liminal amount of time in my office. So what is the role of congress in advancing that, or is there a role . We are a facilitator. This is something going back to the telecommunication acts of the 1930s. Essentially, everyone in the country is going to have to have the best technology. And if it is going to be available to everyone, commerce has to facilitate that. There are a number of funds that help support telephone lines, but now help with broadband and other medication sources. That congress,e first the military and nasa, we would have never had the Telecommunications Satellites we have now. Some would argue we would still be in some form of transistor world as opposed to the computer chips we operate in now. We are there through policy, through research funding, through a variety of sources to, in my opinion, in a positive way, to encourage science to move forward. Peter if there an infrastructure bill in congress, would you support broadband and technology being part of that infrastructure bill . Rep. Lucas absolutely. Absolutely. Broadband is one of the great equalizers of our society. If you live in an affluent community, an urban area where you have the access to the greatest amount of bandwidth, best technology to move that forward, or you live in Rural America where perhaps the instead of customers per mile, the providers of these technologies have miles between customers. Or in challenging economically challenging areas around the country. Maybe because of a lack of financial ability, people dont have access to that technology. It is important that we help encourage equalization of at

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