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You can send us a text at 2027488003 and if you do, please include your name and where you are from. Otherwise catch up with us on social media. A very good sunday morning to you. We take you to the coronavirus dashboard from Johns Hopkins university. The numbers 10 million cases worldwide, the United States counting for a quarter of those and 125,000 deaths. Amid renewed focus on the spread of this virus we are talking about masks this morning asking if you wear them. The topic came up friday at a hearing of the House Oversight committee. This is congressman jamie raskin talking to his fellow republican green. Sman mark [video clip] the mask is not to protect me. It is to protect other people in the event i am infected and the majority of infections are of presymptomatic. We had members of congress who did not know they had it in any of us would do that if that were the rule. Why is this complicated . There is one thing we can do to protect other people. It does not cost us anything. Why would we not do that . Why is that a macho thing. If i do not wear a mask, i am tough. Spend aant to be tough, day with the nurses and doctors. Listen to them. All of the First Responders are saying, save us from this nightmare. On friday, raskin and there is the map. 10 million cases confirmed worldwide. More from that Committee Hearing on friday this is mark green of tennessee. [video clip] asserting that the president has failed to contain the virus because the cases are going up blindly uninformed or malicious. It was originally to stop the curve. I am a physician. Any honest broker will realize cases are going through the roof because we are testing through the roof so what is it . We have to have more tests or know that we are, oh my, the president is failing us because there are more positives. I think the people will see the hypocrisy in that. The media continues their narrative marching in step with my democrat colleagues and they ignore the context and facts. I saw a gentleman running on the sidewalk this morning and there was nobody within 100 yards of him, yet he was wearing a mask. Dishonest the representation the media has caused. Host if you want to watch that hearing of the coronavirus Oversight Committee, you can cspan. Org, but we are spending the first hour talking about mask wearing. Not ando it, why or why why it has become political . Up on those who do not wear one. Caller i am one of those who is supposedly vulnerable, but it reminds me of the old school you when the teacher blamed for all the problems in the class and you had to fight two people after school. I had to smack somebody for coming up to me not wearing a mask. It was a young person who thought i was an old person they could shove around. I was with certain forces in the past host if you thought the young person needed a mask, why do you think you dont . Caller like i said im not going to spread anything to anybody. If you are feeling vulnerable, wear a mask. I dont need it. Yournot listen to washington slime, new york slime, usa today is nothing but the National Enquirer and rankin, i could not agree less with this guy on anything. Host the guidance from the centers for Disease Control on wearing a cloth face mask, they settingsthem in social. Phase coverings may slow the spread of the virus. Beth phase coverings may made from Household Items and the guidance from the cdc website talking about face masks. Jay is one of those who wears it in public from pennsylvania. Caller i can have the stuff and be spreading it all over the place. Company say this could be six times or 24 times worse than they believe at this point. If all you have to do is look at texas or alabama or new mexico as farce testing, that is a lot of baloney. It is going up because it is spreading like wildfire and all you have to do is go back a few months and look at how many people are dead. Look at april and march of people dying versus last year or the year before. If you wear a mask drop dead quicker, that would be fine, but if you spread it to everybody else, that is not right. I take care of two elderly parents and i could not know i have it and infect them. I am 59 which is on the verge of being too old to deal with it. Michigan. Is in way i lets put it this am skeptical they are startek to vest people believe and that is i am skeptical they are as protective as people believe and that is the concern. Great podcast on the topic. Cloth masks, the evidence behind them is marginal at best. Becauseear them, i do im not going to say i dont wear them for other people, but if you see the fog that hits your glasses, the virus could easily escape. It might negate things a bit. If you are in a taxi with an infected driver, you might have 15 minutes instead of 10, but i dont think we should overemphasize the potential for cloth masks. Surgical masks may be a bit more, but then there is a supply issue. Properly need to fit and there are a lot of people Walking Around without them covering their noses. Host you said you were going to wear it for other peoples comfort. Do you think it has come to that . It has become something of a respect as opposed to medical advice . Both, but is really absolutely. I have no desire to make other people feel uncomfortable. It is not going to harm me to where one and it might help a bit. If it is going to make you feel that much better, physical distancing is your number one priority and the amount of time you are in front of somebody who might have the disease. If you cannot physically distant, i do not recommend we start drinking and going to bars and staying close to each other thinking the mask is going to provide some degree of protection anywhere near what people think. Host in michigan, tonya is next. Caller thank you for taking my call. I love cspan. I wear my mask. I do not go out much because i am blind, but i cannot see if others are wearing one and i think it is irresponsible of people not wearing a mask. I have other Health Issues so liket wearing a mask the guy from california. He does not know if he has the virus. I think our president should show more leadership. And how are you going to have a task force and you do not do things yourself . I think that is why people are not wearing their mask. Thank you for taking my call. Carolina,a from north phone lines split up to philly this morning. If you wear a mask in public, 2027488000 . If you do not, 2027488001 . The caller talking about president ial leadership. Senator chris murphy, a democrat of connecticut, had a tweet from earlier this week saying, this antimask Movement Trump has built saying mask wearing should sees ititical but trump as a political attack against him. Now tens of thousands of americans will die needlessly. A few more tweets for members of congress. This is Republican Congress nothing says more totalitarian than mandates to wear mask that some officials are imposing. That so many are immediately acquiescent in the brunt of the brunt of limitation of mandated masks reveals that we may have lost our way. We must face the reality on thursday. Covid is spreading rapidly in florida unless we act. Many will lose their lives. Even the simple act of wearing a mask has become politicized. Im calling on my colleagues in this president to stop the games and put Public Safety first. Also looking for your tweets as well. Your Text Messages too. Is number for text 2027488003 . Mask does not keep you from getting the virus. If you are out in the virus is in the air, it is not going to keep you from getting the virus. If the virus can go through the mask from the outside, it can go through the inside. I dont know why people think wearing a mask is going to save other people. Mask, and iin a expected to breathe that stuff back in . That is gross. It is unhealthy. This thing has become so politicized and it is easy for to do a test and test these things. Put a mask on a patient and have them cough or talking to a petri dish. You can do it with a mask and without one and count the viral load. I have one test like that, a very small test, but said the masks were ineffective. Host the scientists and doctors you talk about including those of the centers for Disease Control recommending people where the mask. Do not trust the cdc . Caller show me the data, show me the tests that have been peerreviewed that say wearing the mask helps. They have never done that. At the height of this thing they said masks did not do any good. In houston, we had very low counts author of the rise of it. No one was wearing a mask. Not the people at the Grocery Store, not the workers, and the numbers did not go up. Now everyone is wearing a mask and the numbers are going up. Host on the topic of what the cdc said at the height of the coronavirus pandemic back in fauci,nd april, anthony one of the lead members of the task force, was asked about what he was recommending back then by Republican Congressman David Mckinley of west virginia. This was the exchange. [video clip] said, as late as march 31 there was no consensus on Wearing Masks in the president relies on your expertise. Do you now regret not advising weare more forcefully to masks earlier . Ok, we going to play that game. Let me explain what happened back then. It should be a yes or no. There is more than a yes or of youre tone question. Let me explain happened. At the time there was equipment our Health Care Workers needed. They put themselves in harms way. O divertot want t ppe away from them. I have two more questions. Host that was dr. Fauci before the committee back on tuesday of last week. We are taking your calls and asking whether you wear a mask in public. This is on twitter. Mask that have a ventilator shoved down your throat. It worked back in 1918. The evidence shows microns can pass through a mask. I will not shop at stores that insist masks be worn. It is a sham. Is from paul and honolulu, wear mask. I found effective ones that match my shirts with his fun. Philip is next that of california for those who do. Good morning. Caller how is it going . Host going well. Go ahead. Timer i wear mask all the once im outside. If i am riding my bike or going for a walk, i put it on. It is always around my neck. I put it on if i pass people. It is with the cdc says, but i came down with covid as my girlfriend did because she is a nurse and works in a nursing home. I think a lot of people do not realize that the mask is there to protect other people. It is not to protect you. There to be courteous to other people. That is all i have to say about that. Host william on the line for those who do not wear one in public out of North Carolina. Your next. Caller good morning. How are you . Host i am doing well, sir. Caller good. It is the cons. Says iread the word that am antivulnerable. These words are you believe and then you con sites and manipulated because is it tangible or intangible . On metal andas cardboard boxes and clothes and it lasted a certain length. Yall have a mask as the word. Host darlene is next. Genetic thyroid germs, so other peoples i can go into anaphylactic shock. A virus you might get over in i amdays, 15 days later still in the hospital. I have to use a mask. I am looking at everybody in public going, is that what i look like . We all look like bank robbers. Has a governor that wearwe are required to masks in public. He wants any business that does not enforce that fined. Host i have a tweet here from the governor out of nevada. This was his tweet from thursday. Offering is a opportunity to limit our risk for exposure and infection and keep businesses open. For nevada to stay safe, we must make Face Coverings a routine part of our daily life. This is governor phil murphy. Young people, youre not invincible. Do the right thing. Mask, wash hands, keep your distance. Here is a map of new cases out of florida. Increasese the sharp in recent days and weeks. This from the governor of florida with reporters on friday on why he has not made wearing a mask mandatory. [video clip] we did an advisory at the beginning of may and said that could make an impact. At the same time to put criminal is somethingthat that would backfire. You have seen some localities require it and they are going to have to figure out how to use the long arm of the law to enforce it. Many businesses will require one when you go in and that is fine, but a lot of what we are seeing people, ifunger they are partying, there probably not wearing a mask. You would need to change the behavior which i think would be great. At the same time it is a little bit different. I think the businesses have done a good job creating a safe environment and i think a lot of customers are going to want to see that. We are going to continue to put out the messaging. We are going to continue to put out the guidance and we trust people to make good decisions. Host Governor Desantis of florida from friday at his briefing. Heres a column from the Washington Post. Shane get us to wear mask shame get us to wear mask . The good guys are the ones that wear unmask. Do you wear a mask in public . Caller i do. I have been in health care for over 60 years and even as a dietitian going into a room for alltient i have to use personal protection devices. Care i was in health taught, even in college, to wash your hands and i wash my hands like matt. To the pharmacy for r or Grocery Store and that is what i believe. I believe would dr. Fauci and the control people say. It protects you, it protects i people, and at my age am 87 so i want to protect myself. This is what i have practiced the entire time i have been in health care. Host thank you for the call. This is bernie out of the bronx. 67 years old saying, i wear mask every time i go out. Downside, it fogs my glasses up. Upside, i do not have to wear my dentures. This is james out of florida who does not worry mask in public. Caller good morning. I have been watching this and there is so much to digest at one time. I did ask your screeners to reframe the question. It is not that i do not worry mask in public. Ar a mask in public. You should dr. Fauci said in the beginning we had a shortage of the type of mask that would protect us. Now he is saying there is no more shortage. Me wear a mask that will not protect ourselves when we have readily available, by the billions, n95 masks i could put on my face to protect you and me is not mandated. What is wrong with our society that we have changed to where you are going to rely on me to protect you . What if i do not like you. Host you are not ok with the mandate of masks in your area, but you would be ok if it was specifically n95 . Caller absolutely not. I am against mandating you cannot go to church for mandating all of these things. His if we are going to do something stupid, let us look at the science into it sensibly. Wear a mask that will protect me and you. To ask me to wear a mask that is not going to protect me from you n95 we have 95 available available for everyone is ridiculous. Mike is an arizona for those who do not wear a mask in public. Caller good morning. So i am one driver of the frontline guys. When we got a little crazy and everybody was hoarding everything we were running like crazy and all of a sudden it died out. Center. Red to a walmart iny require when you come that you wear a mask. I have no problem with that. If that is the policy, that is the policy. If you consider what i do for a living, i do not have extensive contact with people. Stop, drive into a truck get coffee, and drive out. I practice social distancing. One thing i have noticed and this is about my brother and brotherrivers truck drivers. I would watch them go into the restroom and not wash their hands. What is wrong with you . Common sense is not so common. Host do you think that is happening when it comes to the masks . People seeing people without masks and thinking what is wrong with you . Caller you know, i have mixed emotions about that. There is a certain part of me that does not like to be forced to wear a mask and a practice social distancing. I think i have got three bottles of Hand Sanitizer in my truck. Face, my hands, my arms, and i do wear a mask where required. If there is a sign on the door, i will do that. But i do not want to see it get over the top i dont know. Host what makes it over the top . If it comes to a state level . You are ok with individual restaurants or businesses making that decision. When does it get over the top . Caller i will give you an example. This just happened to me yesterday. I had to shut down after i delivered to this walmart. Shopked over to a coffee driveup window. Au cannot drive a semi up to window at a dutch brothers. They will not let you walk up to the door, even if you are wearing a mask, and that is getting a little extreme. Guys. Oing like, come on it is a cup of coffee. If you are that concerned, open the window, stick it outside after i paid for it. Air. Outside, open it seems like it is getting more prevalent on the west coast. That is one of the reasons i moved out of california because it has gone too crazy. I do not want anybody to catch it nor do i want to catch it. Smoker. And a my daughter flowed down on me. She is in new york and went, dad, you are out there in public. I said, somebody has got to deliver the stuff. Some of you to deliver installation, food product, masks. Somebody has got to do it. I might not be in the medical i am taking care of people who are ill, but i am still one of the frontline guys. Somebody has got to do it. Host thank you for the call. Thank you for what you do. 7 30 on thefter east coast. The question asking do you wear a mask in public . Is it something that is nonpolitical . 2027488000 if you do and 2027488001 if you do not. To confederate symbols coming down around the country some news out of mississippi. Lawmakers took a step toward changing the state flag and the confederate battle emblem following mounting pressure. Legislation lays the groundwork for a new flag moved through the house early in the afternoon. It cleared the senate. Both chambers needed to pass the resolution and file a bill to change the flag expected to occur today. The biggest hurdle was widely expected the legislation removing the flag would soon become law. That is continuing to happen today out of mississippi. Also, following up on that story on friday that got a lot of attention about the report on russian bounties on u. S. Troops in afghanistan. That report coming out friday afternoon from the New York Times. Here is the followup story. Matterls briefed on the of the New York Times reported Russian Military Intelligence Unit secretly paid taliban militants to target Coalition Troops in afghanistan including americans and mr. Trump had been briefed about it. The article reported the White House National Security Council discussed the problem at a meeting in late march, but no response had been authorized. With his joe biden reaction saying, not only has the president failed to impose consequences on russia for this egregious violation of international law, donald trump has continued his campaign of debasing himself before vladimir putin. He said the presidency has been a gift to putin, but this is beyond the pale. In action swelled on friday and saturday. Claimed he was never told. While the white house does not normally comment the chief of staff can confirm neither the president or Vice President were briefed on the alleged russian bounty intelligence. This came about 25 hours after the original article was posted. Back to your phone calls. We have about 25 minutes left to talk about mas wearing in public. Carolyn from atlanta, georgia for those who do. And i i do wear a mask am listening to the Task Force Information as a lot of older people are. The young people may not be listening to informative news. They are giving us a lot of information. We have a lot of people telling us what they think, what they believe, and we need facts. They are giving us a lot of information and we need to stick , goodimited information information, that we need to know. Getting together undercover in these neighborhoods. I know people when we have the shut down they were doing nails in their homes and apartments, they were doing hair, playing cards, in the daytime he saw no movement. If you will please get someone immunity,ing to herd we do not know anything from the informative shows. I think that will help and i helpso know if the mask slow herd immunity . Please get someone in that. Host got it. Ofdid talk to dr. Bright docotrs radio last friday if you want to find that on our website. You can put into the search bar dr. Ira bright. We always appreciate suggestions. Carolyn also mentioning the task force. The Vice President is the head of the task force. He was talking with reporters on friday about the administrations guidance unmasks. [video clip] the wearing ofe masks has become a political statement or the decision not to wear one. Are you concerned about that and is there a message you would like to send the people . Principle is that people ought to listen to state and local authorities. President trump and i could not be more grateful for the partnership we forged with governors around the country. I spoke to the governor of florida, arizona, texas within the last 12 hours and told them we would remind citizens to heed the guidance and direction of state and local officials. In some cases there is statewide guidance with regard to official coverings and with regard to events and gatherings. In other cases there is countywide or citywide directives and we believe that what is most important is that people listen to the leadership in their state and local community. Wither that has to do yo facial coverings or social gatherings. Back to your phone calls also looking for your comments via social media. Dave says, i wear a mask in public. What is harder is having shaking hands. Masketon saying, i wear a because i think it is the right thing to do. Im not using it to protest trump. Im trying to stop the virus from spreading and not making it worse. Breatheople who waste saying no. Mask said, i do not wear a when i go to credit store. I just keep my distance. David is in illinois for those who do wear a mask in public. Are you with us . There, but youk have got to be there when we pick up the line. Missourie line from for those who do not wear a mask in public. Caller good morning. I live in a rural area and there is no need to be wearing a mask all the time. The one thing that really bothers me is 90 of the people who get this fully recover. We quarantined the wrong people when this started. If you have health problems, sure, you need to quarantine and stay away. Leave the rest of us alone. If you want the virus to end, let it run its course. Mother nature will take care of it. 98 of people recover from this. Natureime to let mother take care of the problem and it will be gone. Host here is where we are on new cases in the United States. This is the seven day average reaching another peak yesterday. Cases recorded yesterday and that was as of 8 p. M. A new record in the United States in a week in which we have been setting records. Caller well host do you think that is running its course . Caller it is like anything else. 1917,t the spanish flu in 1918. It was gone and never come back. The same thing will happen to this. We are talking about less than 1 death loss. If you get it and have health problems, you should take care of yourself. But if you have a strong immune system and confided off, we need to let this thing run its course. Let Mother Nature take care of the problem. Host on deaths in the united 530 recorded yesterday. That trend continuing to go down, but those charts side by side. Charles from birmingham, alabama. Caller i would never leave home without it. I have seven. Host you have seven masks . Caller yes. I put it in the washing machine the dad come home and i rotate them. Masks do protect you from the virus and it protects others. If you maintain a distance of six feet myself, i maintain 12 feet. But they get angry with me. Host what do they get angry . Caller because i am so far away. [laughter] these sidegoing down roads. They talk about Constitutional Rights and the law mandating them. Disrespectot the constitution. It is real and it kills. If you do not protect yourself, im going to protect me. I am a newshound and i watch it all the time and they always show people who are nonbelievers die that they did not think it was real. That caller that said something about let the disease run its course. That, we would still have polio, measles, and other diseases. When people show you who they are and what come out of their mouth, believe them. Have a great morning. Host joe biden with his recent interview in pittsburgh saying he mandates the use of masks. [video clip] what would you do differently regarding the pandemic in getting these cases under control . I would go back to making sure everybody had masks. We have been making sure we stockpile all the things we need that we do not have now. These masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist on the public wearing a mask. Anyone who wanted to reopen would have to make sure they walk into a business that would wear. One. You would mandate the wearing of masks . I would make it required people had to wear mask in public. Host we have about 15 minutes left. Ron is on the line for those who do wear a mask in public from florida. Caller good morning. I am very concerned about this virus. Wear57 years old and i do a mask at my job. Andrk for Universal Studios we are required to wear a Face Covering, but i have seen some of the people after they come into the park, they take it off. As employees we have to tell them to put their Face Covering on and people get upset. Why are people getting upset . And ber Face Covering on concerned for other people. I am afraid that if i get it, i am alone, and i might land myself in the hospital and be on a ventilator. I do not want to die. Old, 70, see 60 years 90, 100 hopefully. Worldoncerned about this that does not care about what happens. Millennials in the United States do not care. The only thing they care about is themselves. Much i can defy the government, i can do whatever i want to do. Host ron, do you ask somebody to put a mask on and they get upset, can you ask them to leave if they refuse . Caller we cannot. Our security can because it is private property. Host has it gotten to that point in any interaction . Caller yes it has. Host how many times . Caller it is only happened maybe four times i know of. People who come in and appreciate the policy . Caller yes they do. They really appreciate the mask coverings and everything else. We are people have said doing a fantastic job. A an employee i think we are doing the right thing. Agree,ody else does not that is their problem. Host thank you for the call. Topeka,s is harold in kansas. Caller good morning. I do not wear a mask. You have got all these symptoms to be tested. Let us change that. If you have got it, wear mask. If you do not, dont wear one. Media needs to be pushing that 98 of the people are recovering. Let us change the news if that is true. The government gave you money. Get a n95 mask. That is the only one that works correctly. Give me masks that are supposedly available everywhere. Air escapes from those masks. I have glasses and the couple of ites ive worn one, boom, fogs up. Host have you used that money to buy a n95 mask . Caller i do not know if they are available. Host im not sure. I just thought that was something would consider doing. Caller i would. It,hey end up mandating give it to me. I have an idea how we can figure out this other stuff. We are knocking good to put names on buildings or sports complexes, no statute, no holidays, and all lives matter. Everybody have a great day. Cindy in new jersey for those who do wear a mask in public. Caller good morning. For those people who do not wear mask, how ignorant can they be . I live in new jersey. We were hit very hard. I have lost several family members. I put myt in my car, seatbelt on. It should be mandatory for everybody to wear mask. The leader of this country should be the prime example. Look at florida, arkansas, the red states that say we do not need to wear mask. Young people, you need to wear mask especially if you are going around other people. The young people who do not wear mask you may not get this, but if you are around elderly people in your family, they could have the virus. Your seatbelt and you should wear mask. I am with joe biden. Until you lose several loved ones you will not understand. Thank you for taking my call. Host i am sorry for your loss. If more comments from facebook. This is nancy saying, always wear mask. I have asthma and copd. It is no big deal for me to wear one. Sadly, others are not willing to contain the spread of the virus. Hell yes i wear mask. Nurses and doctors have been working in highly contagious safelyments for sentry by wearing a mask. Eva said, both sides of the political spectrum i know are wearing one regardless of politics. When did health, science, and caring for each other become political . John out of philadelphia for those who do not wear a mask in public. Go ahead. Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. I do not wear a mask that much or hardly because we practice social distancing and we are disabled. We came up with a plan in the beginning of this. Home andwas to stay at the only time i am out is to walk my dogs and there is hardly any people in public. Is i asked recently online to look up the co2 levels. What happened when the month of shutdowns in the world what to do due to the carbon levels . It said it dropped carbon levels by 200 million pounds. Whatever that means and it said it was equivalent to the entire lifespan of the country of britains carbon. I asked what that had done to your body. By lowering carbon levels it opens up the respiratory system that is not immune to it. It does not matter if your immune system is good or bad. The carbon levels dropped so much that we are not accustomed to this and we had already built immunity to the highest carbon levels in the world were like should not exist. John. That is this is deborah out of illinois for those who do wear a mask. Caller good morning. Three things, i do wear my mask people who say they do not wear mask because it is political i heard a lady being interviewed and she a ways she was a lady in her 50s and she was out walking her dog. She said somebody can get the flu and what is the difference . The difference is if you get a cold, you can go to the local pharmacy and get medicine for your cold. If you get the flu, you can get a vaccine and you can treat the flu yourself at home if it is not severe. Have anys does not answers yet. There is still time to figure everything out. Until they figure this out we need to be cautious, but to compare it to a cold or the flu, which we have already resolved how to treat, is ridiculous. Is i would like for you all to show the countries who have really tackle this problem and show how they did it. If i am correct, they did enforce mask wearing, cleanliness, and social distancing. We need to see a more authentic example of countries that did it right. We in america have that arrogance that we want to do it our way and we are paying the cost. We have not even gotten to the winter flu season yet. I think that is when it is going off very rapid again. Host this is the front page of the Washington Post today. One of their articles above the fold, a major surge in infections exposes the u. S. Failures as case numbers rise. The pandemic reveals a crisis in leadership. The Editorial Board of the , ahington post with a story column today. They write in part, opponents of mask orders recently came to the house of a Public Health across the bay from san francisco. On the side what they drew an arrow pointing to his residence. Tierney is not the answer someone wrote in shock. In Southern California an angry group spoke out at a county supervisors meeting against the order requiring Face Coverings. It invokes Second Amendment rights to bear arms well another allow the home address of the chief health quick. , nicole she was later given personal protection from the sheriff and after another meeting that included criticism from the board resigned. Seven Senior Health officials have quit since the pandemic began pickup. The country can ill afford to line on the gail is on the line for those who do wear mask. Caller the first time i walked out my door when our mask ago i felt months silly. That lasted about five minutes. I was fine after that. I think that is part of it. People feeling silly about wearing this thing on your head, but if you do it, it will go away quickly that feeling. The other thing is as human beings we all have defenses. I think denial is the strongest defense a human being has. The people of denying the facts are scared to death. One of the people who spoke a couple times ago said you are scaring us to death. Why are you doing this . I think that is what it is. They are scared about all these are dentinge facts the defense mechanism of denial. That is why they are so angry. How can you look at all of the people that have gotten this virus and not be scared . That is how i understand it. Is i believe the scientists. I am not a scientist, but if they are telling me this will help, i will do anything that will help myself and my family and others. Pay andsmall price to people who talk about liberty, that they were taking peoples liberty away, i think that is crazy. It does not make any sense to me. Readrticle that you just about people having to resign and stuff like that and demonizing people that are trying to help us, i do not understand at all. Talked, the one who several times ago, i thought she hit the mark. I loved what she had to say. Anyway, those were my thoughts. Host thank you from new york. One more is tom from new york. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I do not wear mask in public. Parents, because of my but then i realized when the protests hit it was like the virus was over all of a sudden and hardly anybody talked about it. You had governors condoning the protests where thousands are gathering together. Half of them were not Wearing Masks and it was not a big deal and then all of a sudden, it is a big deal again. I do not conform to the control. That is what it is. Control to mask whatever they are up to. And theyreear one never going to make me either. Host i would last caller in this first segment. Plenty more to talk about this morning including up next we are joined by the Judicial Crisis Networks Carrie Severino to talk about the Supreme Court term including the cases already decided and the important rulings yet to come. We will be right back. Monday night on the communicators, frank lucas. Come to finally appreciate how important it is to maintain our technological edge. Forward, when we move i cant imagine as a member of congress, how we would function in this pandemic without the ability to use a variety of conferencing and communication technology. Not just the phone calls we use for republican sin Republican House conferences. Zoom and a variety of platforms move information back and forth. That is not just in politics. Listening to my friends in the industry, it has been an absolute necessity. Houseahoma Republican Congressman frank lucas, monday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on the communicators on cspan2. Cspan has unfiltered coverage of congress. The white house, the Supreme Court, and Public Policy events. You can watch all of cspans Public Affairs program programming on television, online or listen on our free radio app and be part of the National Conversation through cspan daily washington journal programs or through our social media feed. Cspan, created i americans americas People Television company as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Washington journal continues. A dozenth more than rulings yet to be handed down, more decision days set for this coming week. We turn to Carrie Severino, she is the the judicials what Crisis Network is and how are you doing . Guest we are an organization committed to encouraging judges to be faithful to the constitution and to the rule of law and the text of the laws as they are written. Host has this been a good term judges to beng with the constitution, to have their rulings with the spirit of the constitution . Guest this has been the question, going with the spirit of what things are saying versus the text of them. I would say there are still some of the most important cases yet to come this term. There have been a few cases that i feel like were a real concern. In terms of looking at obeying the text of the law. This is not about the outcome in terms of the policy of the cases. But was the law followed as written. I think two of the ones that have gotten the most rest lately that fall into that category are one case and the daca case. That the law,rn as it was written, as it was understood in 1964 was changed by the Supreme Court. That is the role of the legislature and should be done by the legislature. In the daca case, there was a law that was held to a different standard because then other than other president ial executive orders have been. Order wasepealing the required to jump through a lot a procedural hoops. It looks like a double standard and that is something we dont the rule offrom court, in order to continue with the rule of law. Hopefully we are looking forward to more cases coming down in the next week or two. We will see how the court does in terms of sticking with the text of the law and constitution. The title vii case, the daca case, was one more surprising than another . It was surprising injustice gorsuchs participation. He had a long record before coming out of the Supreme Court and on the Supreme Court of a commitment to textualism. Reading the law according to how it was written. Not just how i think it should be written. What would be the best reading of it in terms of the update, today or something. But what do the actual word say words to say . And looking at the meeting, the original meeting meaning of those words. There were pages talking about how courts need to focus on the original meaning of the law. He did not do that in the b basta case. 1964, thewledged in word discrimination because of sex clearly meant because you were male or female, not hiring men because they are men or female women because they are women. They knew it was a concept such as discrimination based on orientation existed at the time, they considered adding language and they did not. Many states have added language or federal laws have added that language but it is a different concept. It is in many different laws. With respect to transgender status, that is something that clearly would not have been considered by the courts. 50 years worth of Court Decisions and all of the politicians knew what that term meant. What the court did is they added different content to that term. It is something the legislature absolutely can do and many legislatures have and others probably will. It is not the role of the court to do that. Host Carrie Severino, our guest with the judicial Crisis Network, taking your calls on phone line, split up by palooka party. 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. ,202 7488002 for independents talking about this term in the Supreme Court. A dozen or so cases left to be handed down. A few weeks to be read on the cases that are coming down, specifically the highprofile abortion case. What are you expect and, especially in light of some of the decisions we have seen so far . Guest that is the june medical case. This has to do with a law that has to do with the medical standards at abortion clinics in louisiana. In 2016, the Court Considered a similar law in texas. Abortionistss like need to have admitting privileges to hospitals and their facilities need to follow otherme procedures that Outpatient Surgical Centers would have. And the court in 2016 struck that texas law down. Significantly, chief Justice Roberts voted to uphold that law. He would have said that these limits did not have an undue burden on the right to abortion. They were trying to bring up the Health Standards so that abortions were safely performed. In louisiana, what is interesting is that the facts are different. It is easier to get those privileges. The distance you would need to travel is less than in texas, which is a huge state. The legislature, as they were passing the law, was careful to document some of the serious couple occasions that happened to women because they were unable to get hospital followup from complications following their abortions. The legislation had a clear record of here is why we need those medical procedures. Will the court treat those laws the same and, in particular, will chief Justice Roberts maintain the same position . The difference between those other two cases was Justice Kennedy was in the court voting against the texas law. We have Justice Kavanaugh on the court. How will that look and will the chief justice keep his decision consistent from texas to louisiana, for most peoples perspective, the louisiana law peoplesrom most perspective, the louisiana law is a stronger law. It will be interesting to see if he switches sides or maintained his opinion from 2016. Host what is your assessment of the job the chief justice is doing leading the court . Guest i am concerned. The palo patterns and the daca case is the most recent one. Court lookake the political. And i agree that the court should not be looking political. My concern is that what the chief justice the way he has been behaving in many cases does the opposite. You take cases like the obamacare case or the case happened that that happened in a previous turn, we have reports that the chief justice seems to have changed his vote at the last minute because he was concerned about the political ramifications of voting the way he initially thought was legally correct. Any time a judge is making a decision based on their assessment of politics, rather than their assessment of the law, that is the definition the politicized court. That is a concern because he is maybe unwittingly bringing politics into the court in a byh more serious way ironically trying to keep the political hothe button issues. If by doing so, you are making decisions that are not what you think are legally correct but are driven by political considerations, even if it is the political consideration of we are trying to keep our heads down. That is actually a very political way to behave. I would hope that this pattern would not continue. Unfortunately, we have seen that time and again, the daca case is another example. The chief justice, another 2016 case, in 2016, he voted that the dhaka program, having to do with the parents of the same dreamers, that that program was not legally constituted. While it could have been done legislatively, president obama could not do it through executive orders. The same problem holds for the daca program. For some reason, chief Justice Roberts seems to have switched his vote in the intervening four years. Whether the difference is simply the change in president and he voted against the president when obama was there and he voted against the president when trump was there, it is hard to understand his switch except through a political lens where it looks like he is trying to come up with a result that will not raise as many or make as Many Political waves. Maybe he is trying to do it because he wants to have President Trump not be responsible for rescinding d aca in an election year. Them any motivation that is not the legal analysis is incorrect. Host these terms usually end in june but with about a dozen cases yet to be handed down, we are expecting some decisions to come well into the first several days or even weeks of july. If you have questions or comments about it, now is a good time to call in as mike did out of new york, and independent. Good morning. You are up first with Carrie Severino. Caller good morning. I would just like to say that cspan is the only reason i pay my cable bill. I will just make a brief comment and then i will hang up. Arrie, i think you take principled position. I think your organization is doing admirable work. And the only encouragement i would give you is please were member these are tough remember these are tough times. The media is overwhelmingly anticonservative. Culture is overwhelmingly anticonservative. By culture, i mean entertainment, sports, large corporations are overwhelmingly anticonservative. But i think there are enough people who would agree with you and i out there, to make all of this worthwhile. Please do not be dissuaded by negativerepetitive, comments, which are designed to do exactly that, just wait. I think you a great job. You speak very well and i think you should continue to do what you are doing. You make perfect sense. Thanks very much. Host Carrie Severino. Guest thank you so much. That is a nice comment to start with. I would hope that looking at what the court is doing, a lot of people would be interested in the real question, which is trying to make sure our constitutional system is functioning properly. We want the court to be doing their role, which is simply judging the cases. That puts the ball back in the core of the congress. They are the ones who have to update the loss, change the laws and fix the problems that they themselves have often created. And then they would have more pressure to do so. I think they are hoping to avoid doing the hard work and they would rather the courts take that over for them. I dont think i will be good and people across the political spectrum recognize that. Host out of wisconsin, this is tim, line for democrats. Good morning. Caller i was just calling. Interracial to marriage. They compare this orientation to interracial marriage. Ave dated into racially interracially. Make mixing to it with sexual orientation, i find this to be a violation of the constitution. You were talking about a textual ralist. Textural they say one thing in their confirmation hearings and do something totally opposite when they get on the bench. I dont know what it is. It on the head with roberts. He says one thing and then looks at the political ramifications. I find that to be a total violation of the vote. I expected it from all of the democratic appointees that were put on there. But roberts and gorsuch looked at political ramifications, like you said. In my opinion, i think those are grounds for impeachment for both of them. I dont know if you agree with that. Host Carrie Severino. Guest i agree with you with the analogies to interracial marriage. It is interesting the court did not even those arguments that were made in that case. The court did not adopt any of those. I think that is very much correct that it is an entirely different question and that is why they did not go on those grounds. With respect to gorsuch being equivalent to the chief, i think maybe it is too early to tell. The chief, we have a clear pattern we have seen for the nearly the last decade, since 2012. For gorsuch, he still, overwhelmingly, is very much committed to the text. He agrees with Justice Thomas more than 80 of the time, more than with any other justice. I do think he this seems to be more of an outlier for him. I cannot spec speculate why he got the text so wrong in this case and he applied a different approach than he does normally. I am optimistic that this will be an unusual decision. Even people like justice scalia, who i agreed with a great deal of the time, had decisions i think were very wrong pretty had major religious freedom decisions that were so wrong oft it prompted the passing the religious freedom restoration act by overwhelming bipartisanship. That will happen with any human being in the office. Justiceecall from chief roberts confirmation hearing, he pledged he would call balls and strikes. That means not being intimidated by one team or the other. There seems to be movements in an attempt to intimidate justices. In particular, the chief justice, maybe because people think he is gettable. You will see opeds written. You saw it in the past fall. It was signed by five senators, that basically said to the court that if you do not rule the way that we want to see rule in this case, we will pack the court, we will add justices to the court so that we can have enough to overrule you. That, to me, and too many court ruptures watchers is a shocking hyper politicization. That kind of intimidation is incredibly inappropriate and it is something that unfortunately is invited by justices if it looks like they are responding to those kinds of threats to the integrity of the court. As it happens, the court moved that case just as senator whitehouse requested. That leaves open the question of are these intimidations tactics intimidation tactics being successful . That would be a blow to our rule of law. Host more decision days coming this week. A lot of attention for the abortion decision. Of the other cases besides the abortion decision, what should viewers be looking out for . What do you think they should be paying more attention to . Guest there are a couple of cases having to do with religious freedom that are significant. Has to do withse the mimics that date back to largely anticatholic sentiments. They say state funds cannot go to religious schools and they have been used particularly against catholics. They have been used against africanamerican schools, trying to shut down private schools during segregation times. These have a very bad history and record. The Supreme Court has ruled in recent terms, in the Trinity Lutheran case, saying you cannot exclude religious organizations from generally applicable programs. That was a playground improvement program, simply because of religions. That would be discreet nation. I am optimistic the court will continue to stand up for religious organizations to at least be on equal footing with nonreligious groups in this case. There is another one that follows on a sender similar case, called the lady of guadalupe school. It has to do with religious schools rights to select their own teachers. We have a longstanding provision and or assumption in religious freedom law that the Supreme Court has most recently upheld, saying churches have the right to choose their. Inisters and the governo it will not force the church to have a female rabbi. That would be totally inappropriate. It would change the nature of those organizations. Tos question would apply it a Catholic School in california and the question is when there are teachers who are part of a Catholic School and bringing that message to their children, do those rights to choose your own ministers, including religious teachers, does that still apply . Those are also really important questions, particularly in the ruling, the bob stock which opens up a lot of cans of worms in terms of how does this new right that the court articulated, how is that going to interface with religious freedom . It is one of the many reasons the question is best dealt with legislature. Do grapple with the issue of religious freedom and they come up with a company must position that will protect all of those rights. The court did not do that. The court said we will do what those questions another day. That will lead to a lot more litigation. Maybe the answer to some of these questions will show us or point us in the direction the court is going. Is the ceelo law. How does the separation of powers work . An Administrative Agency that was intentionally created to help shield it from the oversight of the presidency. The problem is when you create an independent agency that does not have complete president ial oversight, it does not have oversight by the American People. There is no representative that can keep tabs on and make sure it is doing the right thing. That flies in the face of our constitutional system. We will see how that case goes. It is an area that Justice Kavanaugh was known for very being very strong in. Holding up the separation of power issues. I expect that may be a case where the court will be reminding us of creating these importance of creating these new agencies. About 20 minutes left with Carrie Severino. The chief counsel of policy director there, if you want to check them out online, judicial network. Com is the website. If you want to chat with Carrie Severino, you can call in as bob did out of tennessee. Republican, good morning. Caller i think the last caller was spot on. To,ink the only answer is just like black lives matter removing those statues, i think the country needs to get together and when people do like judge roberts, we need to move them out. No bodily harm, just you are coming out. Somehow, someway, we need to band together to stick together. Thatll stop this nonsense is going around in this country. Host do you want to talk about the process of judicial impeachment . Guest impeachment is something that has been is the only way to impeach a Supreme Court remove a Supreme Court justice. They serve during good behavior. The loophole is if they have not good behavior, they can be removed and the process for that is by impeachment. It is has only happened a handful of times. It is something most people have regarded pretty unlikely to be able to succeed, in terms of a justice who is even with, as i would argue some of the decisions that chief Justice Roberts or some of the other justices that might violate what i would view is their ode to uphold the constitution as it is written, you cannot change the constitution. You cannot try to alter its rules. I think it would be a very challenging effort to get them impeached. I think the most practical way to work on the direction of what the Supreme Court is doing and what has been successful for the past 50 or so years is by taking real care of the selection of judges. If you look back to the early years of 50, 60, 70 years ago, many justices were selected , who openly thought they could update the constitution. They can just go with what they think is right and not the actual what the actual words of the constitution says. We have come to a place where, in both parties, they need to profess that they need to look at the text of the law and the constitution. There are justices who support that we should allow the words to evolve and change. That, in my mind, would not respect the actual original understanding of the constitution and what you took an oath to. Looking at that process, that is something President Trump has done a good job on, in looking at their history. Obviously, sometimes i justice can change from their entire pattern. In the case of justice gorsuch, i am hoping this is an outlier simply because he has a long history of following the text. I think we need to make sure we understand going into 2020, what are the kind of justices that each president ial nominee would put on the court . Would you put justices on who will be faithful to the text and original media of the constitution . Saidt has admitted he will put up another list like in 2016, that will say who are the men and women he would choose from to put on his Supreme Court. I would love to see joe biden do the same thing. This is one of the most important things any president does. These are people who will serve for life. Any law the president signs, they are the ones were going to interpret and ultimately going to decide if this locket law gets followed. We need to know the specifics of what kind of people they would put on the court. Is it someone who has the proven record of sticking with the law . Or is it someone who looks like they were chosen for their history of activism . Are they put in the court to serve as activists in a robe . That would be something that would be a real concern. I would ask biden to step up and do the same thing. I think americans deserve to know who he would put on the core as well. Then we can have a real debate as to what kind of court the American People want to see. Host outside of the Supreme Court, how many judges has the Senate Confirmed for federal courts around this country and how does that compare during previous administrations . Guest we just, this past week, had the 200th judge confirmed and appointed by President Trump. That is a great milestone. It is more than many president s accomplish in their first term. If you look at it overall, that is a great number. If you look at the appellate judges, it is particularly important. There are multiple lairs of the carts courts federal courts. Layers of federal courts. The Supreme Court, you can always appeal to the Supreme Court. They take very few cases, less than 1 of the cases that are partitioned actually get taken. The last line are these appellate judges. In just one term, President Trump has appointed 53 of them, compared to president obama, who in two terms, appointed 55. In the first time in 40 years, there are no vacancies left in the appellate court. That is significant because these are men and women who are chosen with and i to is it to visit an eye . Omeone obeying the law i have been impressed by these men and women, having met some of them. I loved the conversation i had with a judge who said i love this job. The frustrating part is that there are sony laws that i disagree with that are wrong on the policies or sloppily written or need to be updated and i have to apply them, despite the fact i disagree with him. I thought yes, this is the sign of success. This means we are getting the right kind of judge. That means the judge really does feel that they need to stick with what the law says. That they are not going to start reaching out and become activists. This is now the new bench that future president s will have to choose from for their own Supreme Court. It is exciting to see it full of so many young men and women with principal. Oft this concern you have judges not abiding by the constitution, where are you concerned about that . The district level, the appeals level or the Supreme Court . Guest it is a problem throughout the system. We have seen in certain areas of cases in particular, when you look at city laws and immigration laws, some of the District Courts that have these widespread universal injunctions where they apply the government across the nation, based on applying a different standard to tos president then they have previous presence. Like him or dislike them, you have to apply the same laws, whether you voted for him or not or whether you agree with his policies or not. You have Appeals Courts, some of which will uphold those loss. At each level, it becomes more serious because they have a broader swath. The Appeals Court would cover several different states. If you have activists at the appellate level, that will impact a much larger group of people. The Supreme Court, this is the final word. It is always the most important to have judges who are faithful to the text and the original understanding of the laws and of the constitution. Host fairfax, virginia. This is mike, independent. Good morning. Caller i want to reiterate to the lady what the first first caller said. I think you need to hang in there. We have the press and we have certain groups and organizations out there against conservatives. Hang in there, i think we are the majority. Just hang in there. Also, what you say about roberts , i heard from a reliable source that he is playing politics and he ruled for obamacare and did not kill it when he had a chance because he wanted to get his daughter into harvard. That is politics right there. Host would you care to say who your source is . Caller no, im not going to do that. [laughter] all i will say is it is a reliable source. Host Carrie Severino, on the Affordable Care act and what could happen with that in the coming term . Guest i cant comment on his sourcing. However, my concern with that case, there are a few concerns. One is he is a plying a different set of laws applying a different set of laws than anyone had applied before. He said this was not the most natural reading of the law to in andething that was framed as a penal deep was attacks. Sayingsed his view by even if it is unlikely, we will grasp at any straw necessary to save the constitutionality of a major law. That is simply not the approach that any court had applied before. What was most disturbing was reading some of the reporting and aas done by abc, biography that came out recently that said he switched his vote and traded votes with some of the other justices in the court to try to keep the law constitutional. And then that justices kagan and breyer may have switched their vote as a provision of trade. That implicates all of them in a way that is concerning. Trading votes in congress is one thing. Sometimes that can be frustrating to see in that environment among legislators, but at least it is appropriate to say i am making a compromise and getting one thing for another. Wantu, as a justice, say i the chief to rule my way so i will switch my vote on the medicare provision, which is happened withests kagan and breyer, that is a real concern. This is wheeling and dealing that is entirely inappropriate and changing their legal conclusions to training one for another. That is not the role of a justice. And it is a real concern to see that that may be spreading even beyond the justice chief himself are doing. That is the kind of thing that, to my mind, damages the reputation and the institution of the court more than anything else. Host omaha, nebraska, this is juan. Line for democrats, good morning. Caller good morning. I guess my first issue is the isument, the constitution supposed to be a living document that goes with the times. Does it fit in there . Because is that congress is so dysfunctional, we do need a legislation on the court and, unfortunately from the president. That depends on what president we have that will make the laws. But because congress is so dysfunctional, we dont have a choice. Host Carrie Severino . Guest i agree. The constitution was designed to grow and develop with the times. That is how our framers envisioned it. They knew the world was going to be looking different in the next 100, 200 years. I dont know how long they envisioned the country continuing. They knew it would change. That is why they included provisions to allow for amendments. Sometimes we have amended it and remitted it. And saidited alcohol that was a bad idea, lets undo that previous a minute. That is the way it is designed to function. Absolutely, the constitution should be updated. It has to be updated by the Supreme Court by the people themselves. We dont want to hand that over to a group of five unelected judges. Five of the nine are the majority back and decide. That would be the opposite of the representative system that our framers thought they were putting into place. As for the dysfunction of congress, i wholeheartedly agree. Congress has become verily discount channel dysfunctional very dysfunctional. Courts were able to let congress of the hook by saying well, Congress Gave this vague law that says we want to have clean air. Then they said had some provisions that the court could fill in the blanks. They would like administrative agencies to fill in the blanks. They dont want to have to be responsible themselves and be responsible to their constituents for making those hard choices. The members if the members of congress could do anything, they would love to avoid response ability so they can run for reelection and not have to take responsibility for their choices. When they hand that off to agencies or courts, many of whom have also empowered those agencies, that is letting congress off the hook. It is allowing them to sit there and simply give speeches. And not actually do the hard work that we elected them for of legislating. , if we courts need to are going to hope that the congress is going to step up and come into its role, it will require the courts to stop covering for them, stop doing their jobs for them. That will hold their feet to the fire. If you if someone is going to do it, it has to be you guys. Step up. If their fee are not held to the fire, too many members of feet are not held to the fire, too many memos of congress are happy to talk about platitudes members of congress are happy to talk about platitudes. Int this is michael cleveland, ohio. Line for republicans, good morning. Caller good morning. Is a scenario, the column believes in the Second Amendment. Guest this is the question the court dealt with in the heller case. I was working in the court for Justice Thomas the year that came out. Is that meant to limit the entire rest of it . Who are in thele militia or in states that have malicious that have a right to bear arms or is it simply giving context for if men and women have the right to bear arms, it will permit and enable the tate state to have a well regulated militia. That is not the only context in which the right to bear arms exists. When the court looked at the history of how that was understood, they came to the conclusion that this was long recognized as a broad right that actually every man would have. Right now, we would say every man and woman would have, to have access to arms to defend themselves. That supports the militia but that was not actually the only context. The question of whether that entirety. He the Supreme Court concluded at the time that that was context but not a litigation. Of the Second Amendment might help our viewers to understand what you and the caller were talking about. The Second Amendment, a well ofulated militia, the right the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Commas in there. G the context for the reason why they wanted to make sure the right to bear arms was protected. It was not the only context in which the right to bear arms was protected. Host Carrie Severino at judicial network. Com. Always appreciate you stopping by the washington journal. Guest thanks. Host up next, about 20 minutes or so to open the phones up to you, asking for your top Public Policy issue. Phone lines for republicans, democrats and independents on your screen. You can start calling in and we will be right back. Monday night on the communicators, oklahoma Republican Congressman frank lucas. Toi think we have come finally appreciate, in mass, as a nation, how absolutely important it is we maintain our technological edge and that we it is successful to all americans across the landscape. I cannot imagine as a member of congress how we would have functioned in this pandemic without the ability to use a variety of conferencing and communications technologies. Not just traditional phone calls that we use for our Republican House conferences. Zoom and a whole variety of platforms move information back and forth. That is not just in politics. That is not just in the leslie to process. It has been an absolute necessity. Ranking member of the house science committee, oklahoma Republican Congressman frank lucas, monday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on the communicators, on cspan2. Cspan has unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the Supreme Court, and publicpolicy events. You can watch all of cspans Public Affairs programming on television, online, or listen on our free radioactive and be part of the National Conversation through cspans daily washington journal programs or through our social media feet. Span feed cspan, crated by americas People Television company, as a Public Service, and brought to you by your television provider. Washington journal continues. Host taking your phone calls in this segment of the washington journal, asking for your top Public Policy issue, giving you the phone lines. Publicans, republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 a little more on the New York Times story published about russian bounties. Russian military and paidligence units secretly taliban malicious. Tias. Liciou no response have been authorized as of yet. President trump tweeting about that story after his press secretary put out a statement yesterday about it. This was the president after 7 30 this morning, saying nobody briefed or told me or the Vice President or the chief of staff theark meadows about socalled attacks on our troops in afghanistan by russians, as reported by an anonymous source by the fake news New York Times. Everybody is nine it and there have not denying it and there have not been many attacks on us. He said nobody has been tougher on russia than the Trump Administration. Russia had a field day. Says probably just another phony times hit job. Who is there source is what the president asks. Campaign and biden the Vice President put out their own statements in response to their story. Only has heank not failed to sanction or impose any kind of consequences for this egregious violation of international law, donald trump has continued his embarrassing campaign of deference and facing himself before vladimir putin. Defacing himself before vladimir putin. That, stemming from the New York Times story from friday afternoon. Now for your phone calls. Angela out of new orleans, line for democrats. Your top Public Policy issue. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. Is it treason that the president since march that russia had a bounty on any of our soldiers in afghanistan . Is that treason . That is what i want the audience to answer. Thanks again for cspan, goodbye. Host from whitewater, wisconsin, greg is an independent. Your top policy issue this morning. Will mention the judicial news network, i like that you had them. Host we did last week, one of our segments last week, one of the reasons why we tried to get Carrie Severino on ahead of more ruling days. We do try to do that. Thanks for noting that. Caller i get that and i thank you for saying that. I would like to have them back to back within a day or within the hour so that the viewer can see the two sides. The voting is the key thing for us. I come from wisconsin and the idea of voting by absentee ballot, the idea of one of the things the Supreme Court did that concerns me is that we get into a covid situation and what is going to happen to the ballots and voting . That concerns me greatly. That is my issue. Host thanks for the call, greg. I would point you to kimberly , alaska professor history ofut the voting and talking about some of the issues you bring up. Plenty in the cspan archives on this topic and all of the topics we have been talking about this morning. Cspan. Org. It is an easy search bar at the top of the page. In tennessee, good morning, euronext. Caller hi. Host you are next. Caller hi. Host what is your top Public Policy issue . Caller i have tried for months. O get a hold of somebody they were going to look into [indiscernible] sudden, a month later, i heard they had received 12 billion. Host housing and urban development . Youre talking about some of the response money that has come out . Caller yes. Say i wanted to [indiscernible] itways, i personally believe needs to be looked into. Host there is a new committee coronavirusill, a Oversight Committee formed by democrats in the house that is looking into a lot of aspects of the coronavirus. I dont know if they are specifically looking at money that went out through hud. That would be the committee that that would go through in the house. Chuck is in georgia. A republican, chuck, good morning. Caller good morning. How are you doing today . Host i am doing well. Caller i have a question for you. I have been watching you for the past four or five years, fairly regularly and you keep bringing up these New York Times articles that are on source. To me, that is like propaganda. When are you actually going to start reporting news where there is actually a source . Dont think we should talk about any stories that have anonymous sourcing to it . Caller how many times have they lied about things . The whole russian thing, they pushed that, pushed back and pushed that and yall reported it and it was a lie and nobody came back and said they all live about that. Host is it just the New York Times you have concerns about . Caller no. Just about the whole newspaper industry is like that. Host who do you trust, chuck . Caller you keep bringing up the New York Times like they are on infallible, they are not. Host the White House Press secretary put out a statement about that story. The president tweeted about that story twice today. If they are talking about it, i feel like we should be talking about it. Caller who is the source . Do you trust . Ho what news outlets do you trust . Caller i used to trust yall but it is getting to the point where you keep bringing up all of these things. And nobody ever follows up on it. Host go ahead. Caller all of the lies that were told about the russian thing. Host chuck in georgia. This is phil in corpus christi, texas. Good morning. Caller good morning. Love your show. Deficit, about a ago, they talked about a day of reckoning is imminent. , we ran up 15 trillion more since the bowles commission. Whoever is the future president will be dealing with the collapse of the dollar or the economic armageddon. I think we are past the point of no return. That and website viewers cspan viewers are a website that cspan viewers are the debt at 3 trillion. Jan, youre next. Line for democrats. You takingppreciate my call. My issue is the headline with russia. I think the truck has Trump Administration has a problem either way they go with this. Donald trump, who has been known not to read his briefings was not informed of the situation. None of them are denying this is happening. They are saying the president and Vice President did not know. And if he did nothing about it. That is also an issue. I think he loses either way. Thanks. Host paul in west palm beach, florida. Republican, you are next. Caller thank you for taking my call. I am concerned about this mailin ballot that the Democratic Party endorses. About eight years ago, with obama running, there were people in front of walmart, people coming out, they were passing out are you registered, do you want to vote . This is how they do it. People in cars because some poor people have never been in cars. This is what could happen. Knows, a 20ive, who dollar gift card if you come in and vote for a candidate. Those other things the Democratic Party endorses. E the things the demo credit party endorses. Democratic party endorses. Host michael is next. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. The policies that seem to be the most concerning issues to me are all around jurisprudence from the attorney general down to the officers walking on our streets. I am no legal expert. But the thing that frankly our inns me is how ministry to Branch Administrative branch and attorney general seem to be working together to exert really unnatural and maybe even illegal force to accomplish their goals. So, i would like to see some more discussion around the policies that determine this separation between the Administrative Branch and the attorney general, specifically. Thank you. Host thank you. Joe from maryland, republican. What is your top policy issue . Caller i would like to follow up on that call, the call from georgia who was objecting to your using the New York Times articles. And i feel the same way. I subscribe to the times and the Washington Post. 70 or 80 of the articles, if not 100 are proleftwing, against trump. A daily basis, whoever has the calling show is quoting from the Washington Post and the New York Times. Agreer people who dont with the Washington Post and the New York Times, i find it is very upsetting that you seem to endorse their view of the news. Ofhink they drive a lot locals who are on your shows. I find that very offensive. Host we dont do a lot of endorsing here. We try to tell you what is in the news and have a conversation about it. You say you are a subscriber and you disagree, why do you still subscribe to the post and the New York Times . Caller i live in the washington, d. C. Area. If you want to go out to a restaurant or if you want to be an educated person, you want to see what all opinions are. You dont get a diversity of opinion on either of those two newspapers. Host is there another publication in the area that you think is a better job . Caller i read the more conservative outlets like free beacon and washington times. I dont just consume news from one source. Yount mean to say that endorse the New York Times or the Washington Post. On a just that, unfairly, daily basis, they seem to drive whoever the host is quotes from the post from the times. Quotes from the times. Host the host of the show gets a subscription to the Washington Post and New York Times, also the washington times, the wall street journal, usa today, the Financial Times as well. Those are not the only two publications that we have a subscription to. In addition to all of the online reporting, you mentioned the free beacon. We often cite them or breitbart or the huffington post. A big part of this job is going through all of those different sources and talking about the stories that are in the news. Caller look, i work for a living so i dont keep a daily log of how much you are presenting from the left or the right. It just seems to me, and i have turned onto cspan in the morning pretty frequently, i do hear mention of those other sources. But if you are telling me that you mentioned those other right wing, conservative sources on same frequency you reference the Washington Post and New York Times, that is just not so. Those two sources and all of the other leftwing, Mainstream Media sources dominate the conversation on your station. I am offended by it. Host i hope you keep watching and keep listening. That will do it for this segment of the washington journal. Stick around. Up next, on february 1, 19 60, 4 africanamerican students sat down in greensboro, North Carolina, watching the new wave of civil rights protests that would spread to other American Cities over the next hour. American history tv and the looks back at that time. But first, a look at the events that took place on that february day in 1960, in greensboro in the documentary, february 1. When we walked into the store , we wanted to prove that we were customers. And make sure to get receipts. Mold mulled around in the store, just trying to get some fix on where we are and what we are about to do. I felt my temperature increase. I could feel sweat coming down the side of my face. Ask did not have to always what he was thinking. We looked at each other and both walked toward the counter. Without a single word, that is how it happened. And we took our seats. Host university of massachusetts amherst professor tracy parker joins us for a discussion about the lunch counter sit ins of 1963. Who were the greensboro four and why did they sit down at that woolworths lunch counter that february day in 1960 . Werer guest those four young men who were College Freshmen in North Carolina a and t state university. Three of them had met in high school and already had a report. They had been thinking about racial injustices, how to integrate and push the movement along for some time but it wasnt until Joseph Mcneil is returning to school after 1959 when heak in is refused a meal at a greyhound train terminal. He gets back to campus and he says enough is enough and so he and his four friends decide they are going to target the woolworths and go stage a sit in to desegregate eating facilities in greensboro. Find adjusting is why a woolworths. Woolworths was a five and dime come many people of a certain age dont remember. Discountchain Department Store. It was recognizable across the United States to people. Theres a way in which you can recognize it you can see yourself in it and if you want to replicate a Similar Movement you could. It operated a very contradictory policy traffic and americans they were not allowed to eat at lunch counters or other eating facilities. They can use beauty shops or try on a return clothes. They were denied credit. Uneven or erovide Unequal Service at any moment at the whim of sales workers. Woolworths becomes a place that is very visible for showcasing Racial Discrimination and segregation of the time at the country and it also then for them could be one of the most ideal places to visit visibly dismantle this system of racial injustice. What was the state of segregation in 1960 . Six years after brown v. Board of education break what was that like in the retail and shopping realm. Guest in 1954 there is this when the brown decision comes down, outlawing racial segregation in schools. And it overturns the 1896 plessy versus ferguson decision that had stipulated separate but equal was constitutional. After the brown v. Board of education decision, actual desegregation of schools is slow. Its extremely slow. Very little is done. And then we have in december 55, rosa parks initiates the movement which of a montgomery boss bus boycotts. Between the end of that in 1956 to 1960, very little had changed. Is therethere was a generation of students, these are generations that would have been the age of emmett till when he was brutally lynched and murdered. By watching shaped the death of emmett till, watching the montgomery bus boycott, understanding when they go into the store, the rules for them were different. And that when they went to go get something to eat, the lunch counter itself was a symbol of white supremacy. It was a symbol of how the country, how the marketplace and stores try to keep them in secondclass citizenship. Host tracy parker is our guest, departed ofin the afroamerican studies at the university of massachusetts amherst. Talking of the 1960s lunch counterprotests in this hour of the washington journal and being joined by our friends on American History tv on cspan3. Inviting you to join the conversation this morning. Phone line split up regionally. 2027488000 in the eastern or central time zones. In the8001 if youre mountain or pacific time zones. For sit line set aside in participants and their family members, if you remember those days, though sit ins, 2027488002 is the number. Would love to hear from you as we go about this hour of the washington journal. Professor parker, why did this movement become the one that gets pointed to, the greensboro protest in particular, why is that the one that started this new round, this wasnt the first lunch counterprotests per their admin other others that had happened going back to the 40s and 50s. Why does this get pointed to . Caller they are in a historic guest they are in a historical moment. There is an energy and desire for immediacy among some people. First we are in a moment after the second world war, the economy is prosperous. Moreanamericans have now located to urban centers. They are making more money, they are more educated. The time is right and then we have the emmett till, the muska montgomery bus boycotts. They show us the tragedies, the realities for africanamericans. But also the possibilities of the movement. So i think for those young students, they were tired. They were frustrated. I know the greensboro four mentioned they were not only butvated by the death of also king had come to speak at their college in 1958. Then listening to him about speaking about nonviolence and listening to him speak about the injustices of the world really motivated these young men. They werent alone paired while they were having this conversation at their university, the women at the historically black Womens College, they are having similar conversations. There is an energy and a conversation going on and this seems to be the moment in which. We are also in a moment with the federal government is arguably more supportive of civil rights than it had been probably since the reconstruction. 1855 toars between 1877. Host how long did the greensboro sit in last and how much attention did it get at the time and how did it spread to other states . The sit in lasted six months. After woolworth lunch counter has lost approximately 200,000, which would be equivalent to roughly 2 million today. Integratee to finally while the College Students are on summer break. Summer break, on it was black High School Students in the area who took over the movement. The intensity continued. Finally, the manager of woolworths decided he would have three of his black workers dressed in their sunday best and sit down at the lunch counter and eat. So ideally by the time these College Students get back, business could return to normal. Host a minute ago you mentioned the Womens College in greensboro in the participants there. Who is esther terry . Was one ofest she the participants of the greensboro sit in. She helped organize the sit in, she was a University Student at the college. She speaks quite openly about how she was influenced not only by her colleagues, the women at her college, but also by her professor and by the president of the university. There was a true encouragement they participate. She participates, she is arrested one point. But esther has gone on to be a leader of what historians call the second Student Movement whereby students were not concerned necessarily about accommodations, but this time they were concerned about integrating universities. Making sure there were more black students and more black faculty at these universities. Not only that, but that the curriculum matches and collects the diverse population they are hoping these universities have. She eventually moves to massachusetts after earning a masters of arts degree. There she earns a phd in american literature. She helps found it eventually chairs the w. E. B. Dubois department of akron american stat afroamerican studies. Firstlps found one of the black Study Programs in the United States. Host one of the places where esther terry is spoke about, participating in the greensboro protest is in an oral history interview with the library of congress Available Online in its entirety. I want to show viewers a bit of that interview. [video clip] its important to know that you could sit down the woolworth became you could not sit down for coke. It was not closed to black patron spread you could go in and you could buy anything you wanted that they sold in woolworths. You just couldnt sit down to get a sandwich of the lunch counter. I think we might have been young , because honestly i felt proud. I think my mother was terrified. I know that now because i have a child. I think as a mother i would be afraid. But i was proud to sit there. I was very proud. Else, tell you something i never ever understood the hatred that came. That was absolutely surprising because i did not understand why people would glare at us with such hatred. That was a little unnerving. But i was basically very proud to have done that. Host esther terry. Tracy parker, she talked about her mother being fearful of the danger she was in. Can you talk about the reaction at the lunch to the lunch counter sit ins. Guest it is mixed. When these young men first get to the lunch counter on the arst day, they encounter waitress as we dont serve African Americans here, that white raters gets frazzled so she calls over a black waitress who quickly tells them youre making trouble and instructs them to leave. You would assume by that statement perhaps she was antithem. But in reality what she is is scared. She is scared what will possibly happen. She is scared what could happen to herself. That type of sentiment going on, but increasingly as it men, thishese four movement itself receives immense support from the surrounding community, from the black community. Should say the lunch counter, this movement wasnt simply at woolworths apartment store. It eventually spread to another five and dime. Increasingly more students planning to sit in. ,or those who arent sitting in who may have been their parents or their pastors, their teachers , those folks participate in the way of an economic boycott. So what they are doing is withholding their dollars from these stores until the stores make substantial change. , if the sit in, the notoriety thats being televised and reported in newspapers and its economic boycott that is isaging store profits that central, its integral to making change in these places. Host professor tracy parker is our guest this morning with the university of massachusetts Amherst Department of afroamerican studies. Her book, the author of Department Stores in the black freedom movement. Taking your questions and comments about the 1960 lunch counter sit ins in this hour of the washington journal and on American History tv. That special line for sit in participants and family members. Bonnie is on that line out of miami. Caller i wanted to share with you a very vivid memory from when i was 14 years old, i was living in new york city, my friends and i had gone into town to shop and we came upon a large crowd outside our very popular woolworths. They were chanting and immediately i signed on, joined in and i will share with you. 1, 2, 3, 4, dont go into woolworths store. Age, i very young immediately knew as a white girl this was wrong, there was something wrong with our country which unfortunately i would have to refer to today. And certain people who started the movement back then and succeeded of course with the integration of the lunch counters, we need them again today. Thank you so much. Host tracy parker. Guest i think that is a very typical story. I think its why the using a woolworths to change is so important. That you could have such a broad reach from not simply the one woolworths you are protesting against, but also we could connect to others. So now you have a movement in new york city that is supportive, it is in alliance with those who were trying to integrate the spaces. Core and how much involvement did National Civil Rights Groups have in the lunch counter sit ins. Guest it was the congress of racial equality. It was founded in the 1940s in chicago and one of their major tactics was actually the sit in. They had been employing in a 1940s and 50s and when the greensboro sit in began, its local naacps members who call with the understanding that they have set it up. To takerain students the attack, to stay nonviolent, to stay strong and invited them in for support. But what core is also building protest indition of the community. They are drawing not only on black protest, but also the Labor Movement. The Labor Movement had been using sit ins in the 1930s. Not only to rail against unequal, unfair employment treatment, but also to desegregate restaurants. Some of them were part of the Congress Industrial organization. More about how training worked and what people who were going to go and sit down at these lunch cowers discounters. I think nashville is one of the most, the students there were the most trained. Meticulous ine their preparation for the sit in. What they would do is they would hold classes. In in myach the sit civil rights class, there is a quote in the movie the butler where the students are in a basement and they are practicing come help each other and you have someone sitting in a chair and a friend of yours is going to act like they are a counter protester and push the chair, spit on you, call you racial epithets and its to prepare one for what could happen. Know from various pictures in film and television that what these protesters went through was frankly horrific. We had students who had hot coffee thrown in their faces, they were spit on. ,ilkshakes were thrown on them they were violently beaten, they were arrested, they were preparing the students for the fact that it might not be simply physical harm or arrest. But it could end in death. Reactwas the idea to not and continue the tradition of nonviolent protest . Was the whole idea to hold that chair and stay in that seat for as long as possible . Talk about the goals when it came to that training. Guest the goal was really to stay nonviolent. To adhere to these nonviolent principles that gandhi and dr. Martin luther king had been thisng because, and again is important to moment we are in. This is big. Students who are dressed in their sunday best with their schoolbooks often times simply trying to get their schoolwork done. Staying polite, staying nonviolent and just taking in and what the whites look like, what they look like is, they look barbaric. Look as ifngry, they something as simple as these young men and women wanting a inacola or sandwich results brutal, this brutality. It becomes a very convincing argument that africanamericans are in fact respectable, that they are dignified, that they are humans. Doing he work of making this very visible. Host the day the greensboro lunch counter protest began. Those 70of 1960, southern cities had lunch counter sit ins. Thats what were are talking about looking back, those lunch counter protest in this hour of washington journal and American History tv. Taking your phone calls online lines split up regionally and a special line for sit in participants in their family members. Kathleen, you are next. Caller thank you. I find the lunch counter demonstrations so moving, so effective. So glorious. Is arom my perspective dont see as many people protest any longer. Why does this affect you so much . Caller because it was so noble. It was exactly what our society should look like. Go eat lunch regardless of their religion, color anything. And that was noble. Martin luther king was noble. I went to Public School we were trained on his words. I find so much nobility and i thought we were finding success. From todays perspective, im very troubled. Host professor parker. Guest i think the sentiments you express are common. Is an interesting place we are in. Now what students are doing , picking up on what was unfinished with the Civil Rights Movement. And the tactics they are employing are very much those of the 1960s such as picket lines and sit ins. And just really making their presence and their voice heard. Outliers whotainly have taken a different approach, but in my view, the core philosophythe core of king and his supporters and even the young men and women who participated in the sit ins i very much see in the protest today. Teen out of milwaukee, wisconsin. Youre up next. Caller thank you for cspan. If i wore a hat, my hat would be off to you. I appreciate you being on the program. Im originally from the south, from mississippi specifically. Upcontact i want to bring his woolworths. Im not to go into all the details about my history because i am in the process of trying to write my memoirs. My experience came in a graduated from high school in jackson, mississippi and my mom could not afford to send me to college. I ended up in chicago with my mothers older sister. Shei ended up there because was the only one who could afford to send for me and bring me to a different location so i had an opportunity to go to school. I got a job at woolworths. I thought i had died and gone to heaven because there was no such womenas young black working at that store of any type in mississippi. I was put on the candy counter and i work the cashier and everything was my responsibility. I felt really important and thats what really got me going. Giving me that confidence. I think thats whats happening nowadays with all the animosity. Our children are losing confidence. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak this morning and i hope everything works out for everybody. Im fascinated by this. If youre talking about the woolworths on the south side of chicago, i have pictures at home of the location. Which are also speaking about is the fact in the south, the other part of discrimination become we speak often about the discrimination against black consumers and customers, but there is also discrimination against africanamerican workers. At a woolworths in the south, and africanamerican could not hold a job as a sales worker or as a clerical worker. These were jobs were historically reserved for white women. These were status jobs, jobs that gave people a sense of responsibility, they gave people confidence as the caller mentioned and so some sit in movements, and i dont have any evidence of the at the greensboro sit in but there were others in charlotte, North Carolina, they not only advocate on behalf of africanamericans for customers in the terminations they faced, but also black workers to ensure black workers could eventually andromoted from janitor cook and made an elevator as ator to positions such saleswoman at the candy counter or to work in the clothing department. Those were jobs that also were reflective or could showcase andcanamericans intellect they were markers of a move employment and more racially quality in the market. Back on the customer side on that experience that black customers had in 1960 in Department Stores, can you talk about rules regarding trying on clothes or returning clothes, what did they face . Africanamericans were not permitted to return clothes. They were not permitted to hold credit line. They were not permitted to use beauty shops. They were not permitted to use the same water fountains. Many Department Stores, i think for some folks, to my students for example, the generation, its hard to remember Department Stores that had every amenity you could possibly think of. In Department Stores there also beauty shops that they were not allowed to attend. Or barbershops that they werent allowed to use. Isically whats going on while they are able to shop, anyplace that white americans believed black people could taint biologically, africanamericans were not allowed to participate. Host dolores is next out of new jersey on that line for participants and their family members. Caller good morning braden good morning. That i wentto say to Morgan State College at the time in 1959, started as a freshman there. Demonstrated that a little Shopping Center down the street, we could not eat at the counter, as you said we could buy anything we wanted their, but we could sit down at the counter and then the company was a Department Store and we couldnt try on the clothes there. Mitchellnamed clarence , whose uncle i think became representative for baltimore. Clarence organized us and instructed us not to interact with any of the people that would say anything to us. We had our little signs we held up and it was a wonderful experience for me, i could cry right now just thinking about it. They eventually opened up the and the Department Store. Listening toof you you because you are saying all the things we experienced at that time. Thank you for letting me speak. Host do you remember how long that protest lasted and how quickly you said eventually changed, how long did that take . I dont want to say because i dont exactly remember, but i know while i was there. I was only there for a year and a half and then i transferred to Virginia Union in richmond. But it opened up while i was there. Host thanks for the call. Guest thank. Im from baltimore and so the story of students doing that work, i have benefited from that. I must thank you for that. It was theg, i think northwood Shopping Center that morgan state students tried to integrate and were successful at doing so. Those students are very well organized, they planned everything very well. Anotherly, thats protest movement that not simply leveraged picketing and sit ins but also the use of the economic greensboro, North Carolina is next. Caller good morning to you. Saynted to chime in and both my parents were graduates of North Carolina amt and my father was on the Football Team. Those guys staged their placement within that time and it was always amazing to hear my dad tell the stories about being , thee sidewalks antiprotester spitting on them and as a kid him telling me those stories was amazing. Going to the of university at chapel hill. There andber sitting reading my history books they were talking about the Football Team in woolworths and outside woolworths. I remember at the time being 18 or 19 years old and writing in the margins of my book that it was my dad. Because you sell those books back. I was hoping that someone down the line would see that and be inspired by it. That davido say richman, his son and i are good friends. We are still friends to this day. Greata great guy and a legacy. Guest that is wonderful to hear, thank you for your story. Imagesre some wonderful of those Football Players helping to protect other protesters as they were trying to leave and would circle around, particular female protesters come circle around them so they could safely exit the woolworths during the protest without getting injured. I dont know if you have time but there are some there is some wonderful imagery with the newspapers and television. The Football Players are very much a part of it. The caller mentioned david richmond, what eventually happens to the greensboro four . Do they go on to become leaders in the wider Civil Rights Movement in the 60s and 70s . Guest it depends on how youre defining them. Degree had aome difficult time. After the protest, they are labeled radicals. In some ways somewhat blackballed from local opportunities. David richmond remained in greensboro, i believe he ended up becoming a chanter a nursing home. Carolinato leave north because his family was there. His parents in particular. Left greensboro and are still around, some of them went on to have strong careers in military service, Joseph Mcneil. Zeal player junior zeal lair junior eventually became a teacher and counselor. So in a way, these men have cap the legacy alive and have passed along their understanding of racial equality, their ideologies onto a subsequent generation of children. That i would argue has been essential to how we end up at a moment like this when people are once again deploying similar tactics we saw in the 1960s to advance a movement that may have gotten slightly offtrack by the 1980s. In burke, virginia, this is sue. Caller i have a quick question for professor parker. When she mentioned some of the protest going on for a long amount of time, how long did it take from when it started to it ended and was it continuous . What was the process . Caller the greensboro sit guest the greensboro sit and begin february 1 and ends july 25. Its pretty much continuous. There is a two week moratorium in agreement made between protesters and the city. The ideas they would spend that two weeks trying to negotiate a plan. Of how to integrate these stores. That fails. Thats a tactic that has been used for decades. You would often call it the use of persuasion. These backdoor meetings with management to try and create change. So that doesnt work. As a result, the protest pick up again. When the students leave for college vacation, its local High Schoolers who decide to fill their shoes and continue. Continuous, but it ebbs and flows. On this host on this idea of how long it took and the change coming in the area, this is from the oral history interview of Gloria Grenell of Virginia University Virginia Union university. From her library of Congress Oral history. [video clip] i thought the world is going to change. I was so naive. I remember a Police Person was very nice to me. Arm of her when we were arrested he held my hand and help me helped me up to the paddy wagon and i thought that was so nice. She says i see you on the news into the paddy wagon. You mentioned there were some students that didnt participate and you angry. I was angry with them because i felt they lived in virginia, they should we went to a courthouse we went to jail and they put us in the cell and it was smelly and i thought not even a clean cell. And then in the court, the court was segregated. Hell . Like am i in even the courts are segregated. Then i remember a black man came in and he was you could smell theand i thought why do dredges have to come in. Thinking its going downhill fast. And i thought am i losing my mind. Horrible. Ok now thathought weve sat in, we have these attorneys and they are going and everything going to be right. Were not good to be any longer. You can change laws, but you cant change people. That comes about through your doing individually. Parker on what she remembered. She is right. I think there is for some protesters there was this notion this would happen and there would be immediate change. , there had to be some sort of consistent pressure to ensureovernments that they held their word. So while sit ins may have ended in some instances. What that meant was core,namerican groups, whether it was sclc, the naacp, or even the student nonviolent coordinating committee, these students are doing constant check ins with businesses to ensure that they are following the new rules, to ensure a democracy of equality is being actually practiced in these places. And the difficulty of a sit in movements you could target one store and that one store could integrate. That doesnt mean that the store next door will integrate. Lots of times however businesses would say will woolworths integrated, i dont want to be next, i saw what happened to them so i will just go ahead and quietly integrate. But its a movement its difficult because there is no umbrellaormity or organization. Even with woolworths. From theirsophy was Corporate Headquarters was that we followed the customs of the local customs at the location which was store was occupying. Politics and practices of the woolworths in greensboro could be drastically different then one that is in richmond for example. Jacquelines next out of new orleans. What is your question or comment. Caller ok. I think its more like two statements that i have. I will try to be as fast as i can. I want to mention that my mother in the 60s had a job at the waltons on canal street, that was our mall. The store name is dh holmes, like a dillards today. The main two expensive stores. My mother got a job there and my mother worked there for a few days and the weekend came. When she went to work that monday, the person that hired her said i thought i saw you and she said yes and she asked her where and said that was me, she said it couldnt be you because the man you are walking with was a black man. And my mom said thats my husband. She was very bright skinned because she was not a white lady and they thought she was white, they fired her immediately for that. When you talk with them employing black people, i understand that. Boycott, liked rosa parks and woolworths. When they stop spending their money, thats when they see the change thats when people change their minds. And that change their hearts because the dollar wasnt coming in but its sad you have to hurt a person in their pocket before they have a change of reaction. I want the people to really think about that. We should not have to boycott and not spend our money for you to change your politics. Policies. I want to say thank you. In these last three months, im 55 years old, i have learned more about black history than ever. The schools are not teaching it and i hope and pray this will get to the United States government. Inneed to have black history every school in the United States of america. It should be mandatory. Thank you for your time and god bless you and i appreciate cspan for allowing us to say what we need to say. Host professor parker. Guest thank you. You are right, the story about being fired after an employer learning that one is in fact black was actually quite common. It is something that started as early as when Department Stores. Story,amily there was a a great aunt who was very fair and had gotten a job in downtown baltimore, but it was well known that when her daughter might see her on the street, her daughter could not speak to her because of her employer found out that she was a black woman, she would be fired. And so that is quite common. Its so disappointing. With regards to businesses and governments making change and usually that change comes from because their pockets are hurt, that is the truth of the matter. Very few times are you seeing businesses change because of humanitarian efforts. Even as early as the 1940s and 50s, the quakers, the American Friends Service committee was going around throughout the , doing in large cities surveys with customers as their walking out of the store. And they would ask would you be bothered if a black person with your salesperson when you made a purchase and overwhelmingly these white customers would say i wouldnt be bothered. Im really only in there for the goods that i need. I would tolerate it, it would be fine. I wouldnt find a new store to shop in. And still, managers and retailers and Business Owners were so fearful of alienating their desired clientele, white middle upper class that they still refused to do so. About 15 minutes left with tracy parker. In the permit of afroamerican studies at the university of massachusetts amherst. Considering your post there, i want to know your thoughts on the comments about schools not teaching black history. Guest i agree. , the problem to historyis that teaching in middle school and high school is a palooka project. We are teaching students to be citizens in the ways in which Larger Forces want us to understand citizenship. And as a result, africanamerican students learned that their secondclass citizens. Its not until they get to college and universities, it so important why we need ethnic studies departments, women and gender sexuality departments. Because i hear overwhelmingly when i teach my classes on the history of civil rights or the history of black women that they students are craving the information. This is statements made not only by black students, but white students, latino and asian students, they are craving to know this history and they are able to see how important it is for this moment. Im teaching a course right now and we were having a discussion, and the connections they are making between what happened in the sit in movement or what happened in birmingham and making these parallels between whats going on right now. In all honesty, a lot of the awe,nts, they were in they were impressed, but they were also encouraged and motivated to do something, to change the racial politics of our country. Guest why cant host why cant schools in the country bring we were talking about down to police the High School Level . Guest thats a good question. I dont work with High Schoolers, soy dont know. Variety,robably a probably issues of funding, the issue of feeling like you are teaching to a test. Sure are is also im latent desire just to not teach it. Think,would be, i do that if students have a stronger understanding about where everyone in this country has come from. To understand the backgrounds in this country, to understand the influence of slavery and the legacy of slavery in this country, to understand the history of black protest in this country and the influence of black protests on other movements such as the lgbtqi a movement, such as the womens movement, the native americans have their own Freeman Movement and have one. That this is really important. Understanding who we are as citizens. Ellen waiting on the line for sitting participants. Good morning. Caller good morning. Your guest mentioned she was active in baltimore and a just wanted that brought back a ,emory to me, i was very active we were a group of white students combined with a group of students i believe from oregon state and we were in the Civic Interest Group and did some sit ins in baltimore under very hostile conditions. I just wanted to add that to the i believe it was clarence mitchell, i think he later went on and became a politician. To the things remain with me. When i was on these picket lines, it man came up to me, and im white, and he said to me with great hatred i would rather see my daughter dead then on a picket line. I think up to that point i hadnt realized the emotional dimension of what we were attempting there. Arrested, we were put in a police van and taken to a very wild and bumpy ride through and when the freddie gray case came up, that really rang a bell, they had done the same thing, they had sped up and knocked him around because the same thing happened to us. I wanted to share this. Host thank you for the call in the memories. Professor parker. Guest thank you for that comment. What youre also pointing out as the interracial nature of these protests. I mentioned it was a youth movement. It was intergenerational with if you think about it, the generation of emmett till, but ,lso his mothers generation but the sit ins had white supporters. Many of whom were white College Students, these were white members of religious communities , many times you had white students coming from the north. To help out with photo registration voter registration, to help out with accommodations, to help out with the education of africanamerican southerners, its quite important and i love this story, when the four men sat down at the counter on the very first day and they are getting these looks from onlookers of white people sitting at the counter and they are fearful they might be physically harmed or killed, an elderly white woman came up and put her arm on his shoulder and and that she was so proud that she had wished Something Like this had been done. Supportmount of white comes in a variety of ways. Its not simply the white College Students who come in the case of greensboro and coming around the Womans College unc then the case of jackson, jackson city in 1963, reverend ed king who was a white chaplain. Alongsideing and sat during the jackson sit in. White support was coming from a variety of places in the montgomery bus boycotts you have white female employers driving their domestics to work because the black domestic wasnt taking the bus out of protest. So the interracial nature of this is in ninth desk in the 1960s and i think again it is really important to the movement going on now, the diverse diversity of the protesters. As we get closer to 10 00 a. M. Eastern, we want to ask you what happened to that woolworths and that lunch counter . What stands there today . Guest woolworths is closed down from the country, but that woolworths is now a museum, you can go and they do, its fabulous. Very multimedia. There are some actors of some sort who detail what happened at the lunch counter sit ins. Definitely worth going. The lunch a couple of counter stools are in the smithsonian out in washington, d. C. If youre interested in watching viewing that. Host time for one or two more calls. Chester on the line for sit in participants out of kansas city. Caller good morning. Were four60, there females and two males who restaurantd but at a the same year when the naacp sent out a call to picket in front of woolworths to protest what they were doing. Kansas where it really touched off the city the Civil Rights Movement in kansas city, kansas. Way to, i was on my korea. I had been sent to korea. Which wascity, kansas disaggregated as birmingham, alabama or greensboro, North Carolina. Which was ae store store very similar to woolworths. They had a counter but African Americans had to sit in the back. 1952 on my way to korea. I figured if i could dying korea, i could die kansas city, kansas. Kansas branchy, of woolworths refused it really touched on the Civil Rights Movement. We became the laughing stock of america and thats where some of the people who had sat on the sidelines got involved and we started working on the Department Stores because they would not hire blacks. Even today, persons in kansas city, kansas do not like to be reminded because only a handful of us really got involved in kansas city, kansas. Host that is chester in kansas city, kansas. Guest im just can make sure got this correctly because my earpiece is going out a little bit. From what i understand is that there was the naacp was reluctant to participate in a protest. That is not surprising. And i believe he was talking about in the early 1950s. 1950scp agenda in the was to take a more litigation approach. Hence why theres brown v. Board of education and several other cases around the integration of schools. Doy were reluctant to anything that would involve direct confrontation. They sort of jump on the bandwagon or become more comfortable with it by the time they get to the student sit in movement in part because they see how effective it is. Asg himself even articulated long as it was doing this as long as it was nonviolent. In the 50s in the midst of the cold war, the naacp felt as though they didnt want to make any missteps whereby they might be labeled a communist. Time real agenda at that was to approach civil rights through the courts. You wanted to give it to to answer the questions, the legacy of the sit ins of 1960. About 1960, but they continued well beyond and they were employed in different ways. Get to by the time you somewhere around the mid 60s and late 60s in washington, d. C. In maryland, places in the upper north, we see sit ins used in conjunction with economic integrate racially workplaces, to ensure africanamericans can be hired in skilled positions. Stronglyink, i feel that the sit in Movement Really helped facilitate the creation and implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title two of which outlaws discrimination. Despite these moments of brown versus case brown the board of education, public accommodations are one of the most integrated places in america. Quites and housing remain segregated. So aa lot can be said about the success and longevity of that success when it comes to public accommodations and the efforts of those sit inners. Host tracy parker from the university of massachusetts amherst, we appreciate your time. Guest thank you. Host for those who missed any of this Mornings Program on American History tv and here on thiswashington journal, segment will reair tonight at 6 00 p. M. Eastern and 10 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan three. Havehose of you that joined us on American History tv, next, you will see the awardwinning film february 1, with extensive interviews with three of the greensboro four. That begins right now. Ust is going to do it for this morning on washington journal. We hope you join us tomorrow beginning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. We will be joined by Elisabeth Soto to talk about the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on child care and also Daniel Gerstein of the Rand Corporation to talk about the Strategic National stockpile. That is tomorrow morning beginning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] cspan has unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the Supreme Court, and Public Policy events. You can watch all of cspans Public Affairs programming on television, online, or listen on our free radio at. Radio app. Americaseated by cabletelevision companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your cable provider. Tonight on q a, university of california at berkeley historian of medicine author of vaccine nation on the lessons of the polio vaccine in the 1950s can teach us about a covid19 vaccine. We will face distribution problems. We will face problems of equity, even if we have enough vaccine for everybody. There will be those who have the privilege to say i am not comfortable getting it until 5 Million People have been vaccinated. Then there will be those that say i have to get vaccinated because i have to go to work, and i have to make sure i can provide for my family. I guarantee we will see problems of

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