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It could be the leftist marksist point of view that we allow to typeover in this bolshevik of conduct thats going on, or we can resort and restore the law and order and the freedoms that we have long held dear. And make sure those freedoms apply to every citizen in our society. I have great and tremendous hope in this people. I know our president has that same hope. And i believe were going to get there. Were going to restore this and we will be at peace and will be prosperous again. With that, i yield back to my good friend from texas. Mr. Gohmert i appreciate so much my friend from arizona and i was asked earlier today by someone, you know, who Everybody Needs friends. Who are your friends in congress . Im looking at two of my best friends right here. Because maybe sad but thats the case. And im grateful for the friendship. But you know, we have press conference, the Freedom Caucus did, i appreciate your my ership, ill address remarks to the chair. I appreciate so much the leadership of the chairman of the Freedom Caucus in having the press conference. But one guy said he had a question and congressman biggs called on him and he ends up saying, you know, he made a case that youre not spending enough money here in washington on local police. Probably the same clown that goes out and says, you know, we need to defund the police. We need to defund the military. Because thats going on and the great irony, then he comes up to us and say we need you to spend more money because were trying to defund the police back home. Quite ironic. I want to yield time such as he may consume to my friend from florida, weve been through a lot together, i have such Great Respect and man, im going to miss the gentleman from florida, and it may be because he is a veterinarian before he came up here, so he was quite used to dealing with the wrong end of a horse, trained well for being in congress, but i yield whatever time to the gentleman. I thank the gentleman from texas. It was easier dealing with the south end of a northbound horse and the stuff that comes out was easier to wash off. Im sure im like you. I get a lot of people back home calling me, especially in the last week. Heres a message a friend sent, my 58yearold mother, who is always very calm and nice, last night looked at me and said you need to call your congressman, you need to call him and ask him what we can do. We have to do something to stop these idiots, in quotes, for tearing down statues and burning down flags. His wife jumped up and said what can we do . I was at a loss for words, what can we do . Mr. Yoho my response was, these people will be charged, arrested and have to pay fines for damaging that property. Being a christian as i know you are, louie this too shall pass. You know, we have to have the faith that this country will live beyond us. You know, ive had the privilege to being the chairman of the asia pacific subcommittee last congress and im the Ranking Member this congress which means youre the lead republican. We dealt with the asia pacific theater. Weve dealt with hong kong. And we all know hong kong is a province of china. There was an agreement 50 years, or 1997, for 50 years hong kong was supposed to be rules as a semiautonomous region and an independent judiciary. Xinping nto that, xi said thats full and void. Theyre putting Chinese Communist party rules in hong kong. The students are rioting. Not just the students. 25 of the population. From babies with their mothers an dads, to grandparents. 25 . Two Million People are out in the streets, you know why . Because they have had liberty and freedom. Thats the only thing theyve ever known. The Chinese Communist party cannot tolerate liberty and freedom because it scares them. So these people have a very strong need to protect. But they dont have the ability to protest because 23 you protest over there, youre going to prison. Youre being picked up, i mean, well have a hearing next week, were hearing how the police picked these people up and the things they do to them and you know, some of those people will never be heard from again. But yet in our country, we are so blessed with the liberties and freedoms that i wonder sometimes, and i know myself as guilty of this, sometimes i take those liberties and freedoms for granted. But i tell you what, at times like this, this is not a time to take these for granted. We need to thank every Service Member currently serving, our Law Enforcement, first responders, for the liberties and freedoms we can experience every day. And that posterity of past generations has passed that on to us. I was going to go down to the statue today but unfortunately votes got, in we didnt get out of here until almost thirty. The emancipation statue. When you know the story of that, its unconscionable that anybody would want to tear that down regardless of political beliefs. I want to read something and i want to put this in perspective. I want the people out there protesting, and absolutely you have a right to protest. What happened to george floyd should not happen to any american. I dont care what the color of your skin is, that should not happen to anybody. But this quote i want to read, i think puts things very much in perspective, and it says, the lessons taught at this point by Human Experience is simply this. That a man who will get up will be helped up and the man who will not get up will be allowed to stay down. Personal independence is a virtue. And it is the soul out of which comes the sturdiest manhood. But there can be no independence without a large share of selfdependence. And this virtue cannot be bestowed. It must be developed from within. And im going to add in a country that honors liberties and freedoms and your constitutional right. That was spoken by this gentleman right here. Mr. Frederick douglass, in the 1800s. Frederick douglass, born into slavery, rose himself out of that, educated himself to read, went through slavery, the civil war, and he said this when he was there with president lincoln at the dedication of the emancipation statue. I think theres a lot to be learned from these people who are out there, and i dont want to say theyre ignorant in a dumb way but theyre ignorant in either not recognizing their history or ignoring it. Theres not a big difference. They should learn from the past. They should learn from a man that was there. With that, i thank the gentleman for allowing me to be here. I truly will miss you as one of the members of congress. God bless you. Mr. Gohmert i thank my brother. Frederick douglass, what an extraordinary story. And he was extremely helpful to lincoln, prodding him on when others were encouraging lincoln not to do what needed to be done. Incredible man, how he could go through all the horrors that he did and yet he still had his eyes on freedom, not just for himself, but for everybody. As my friend from florida was pointing out about the ignorance of protesters, it could be ignorance, im quite sure theyre ignorance of their history, because of some of the things theyre tearing down and vandalizing, including the eres a story from mayor rgaret hol han, rioters vand lice vandalize, the communist emblem spray painted on North Carolina world war ii memorial. Thats from jake vima. George floyd rioters deface 16 boston statues. I dont think its fair to say those are george floyd rioters. Because George Floyds family has spoken against this kind of thing. They dont want george floyd to have a legacy of violence and destruction. In the wake and saying thats because of george floyd. They want reforms. But rioters deface 16 boston statues including the memorial honoring black civil war regiment. These people arent about black lives matter. And you can tell that every time you see some spoiled white buge waugh person going up to a black policeman or more black policemen and women and taunting them, calling them every name in the book. To that person black lives dont matter. Or they would not be treating an africanamerican the way weve seen them do it on video. Another article from daily wire, rioters destroy statue of Union Colonel who died fighting slavery, fighting confederacy. They also destroy the forward statue. Washingtons historic st. Johns church was damaged by high rioters. Rioters, another one, rioters tear down more statues including ulysses s. Grant who defeated the confederacy and destroyed the k. K. K. Rioters destroy monument onoring communist regimes. Park volunteer outraged over vandalism of philadelphia abolitionist statue. And for those who are out there rioting, abolitionist means they were trying to end slavery. I know thats a big word for you. Said, this park volunteer he hes talking about abolitionist matthias baldwin, the quote was, he was b. L. M. Before there was a slogan. And yet, Zachary Evans writes about, vandalized his statue. And then George Washingtons statue in baltimore is defaced. Nly man in history to lead a revolutionary military, win the revolution, and it was all over, he comes in, they even sent him a copy of a bill where they gave him power to make contracts, pay whatever he needed to pay, and a cover letter that basically said look, were giving you all this extra power. We know you, we know when you have no further need to have it youll give it back. Except that no one in the history of the world has before or since George Washington had that kind of power and gave it back. And he did. Malvid islands, beautiful islands south of india, in the indian ocean, and one of their leaders sitting by me during our lunch, he said you know, were relatively new democracy and he said but were always hearing rumors about military coups. Where the military, for those rioters out there a military coup is when the military tries to take over the government from the civilian government. He said theres always those rumors. Then he paused and said we never had a George Washington. To set the proper example. On the other side of the world. 180 degrees from here. This little island, they know how important what George Washington did, how important that was. Wrong to have slaves. Slavery was wrong. Thank god for William Wilber force, for people like John Quincy Adams and Daniel Webster that fought so hard to bring an end to slavery. But it tells you, these people, theyre not about freedom. Theyre about marksist, leninist, the most murderous form of government in the entire history of the world. Im joined by a friend, i sure dont want to hurt him politically, but just love this brother and he happens to represent an area in southern texas, and thats mr. Chip roy, one of the most principled people ive ever met. I yield to you all the time you wish to use. Mr. Roy i appreciate how much you have dedicated on the floor of the house of representatives is what we should be doing as members of this body and you do it often and i wish we had more. Just wish we had dwailt and amendments. But we dont. And shouldnt kid ourselves and whoever is watching it right now, this institution known as congress is badly broken. Date in ave vigorous the United States and i worked as a staffer for a number of years and i remember we would have 30, 40, 60 amendments and vote on them and at the end of that and decide we support that. We get a bill brought to the floor and are told that is the vote. Same thing in the senate and the author of the bill, senator scott, office 20 amendments to the other side and its rejected out of happened, no debate, no discussion and the people are saying what is going on. Why wont this ipstution do anything . And we have thee, maybe four members of the Union Congress in this room. Tomorrow we will have a couple votes and fly home and what wilt we have plird this week while our nation is struggling toppled, people being killed and here we sit. What is this body doing right now. They are having dinner and right w, we had 104 shootings in chicago, 14 were killed. A threeyearold boy was killed this weekend. 325 increase of shootings in new york city. We had a gentleman who was him g his car tire shoot in the head this the streets of the new york city. We have gone long ways away from rule of lay that is married to lit that has made. And ncumbent to do our job incumbent to us to stand up for the rule of haw and secure the blessings of liberty of the contusion. I have no idea that what is like to be a black american. And i can om imagine, i can only talk to people. Know what it is like to be a halmt person and my grandfather was a keefe of police and i worked as a u. S. Attorneyss office and 76 million interactions that we have between Law Enforcement and citizens, 76 million studies have shope that 9 of those dnt result in any of taking into cutgo todd and 98 resulted in no force that resulted in any injury. That is 7 million that heaves you 16,000 and there are egregious wrongs and we want to deal with those wrongs. We didnt debate any of those issues. We had a bill brought to the floor that wipes clean qualified immunity for our halmt officers. After 50 something years, boom, get rid of it. Why didnt we offer an amendment that would return to the standard before the court changed it and said maybe we should adjudicate because the court made that up because you know what . It its all made up by courts. This body dotionnt speak or sit down and do our job and offer our americas and debate and vote. He the lgstursm talk about this. What this ishis is what this boyd is supposed to do. That is what is so frustrating. Mr. Gohmert why didnt we offer amendments when we had the opportunity to do that. The majority said there would be no amendments allowed and i know my friend from texas and i were talking about we could have voted for a bill that included some things that were in the democrats bill but would not allow any amendments and law officers were going to get sued and they are going to spend more me noo in civil court than enforcing the law and needed to work those things out. But no amendments made because the majority said we continue need your input. We dont want your input and pass it by ourselves and stopped tim scotts bill. They didnt want to make amendments down there. They want to assemble and real fix was ot a emmet till bill into this Law Enforcement bill which is an embarrassment to say that are 10 years of being involved in a lynching would be the max muslim punishment and put a life sebt sent. Democrats are in the majority and i was willing to drop it out. They deposit want that. They wanted assemble and i yield become. Mr. Roy the gentleman is who is calling the shots and we would. And i think in all honesty this is a bipartisan problem how to get to back to regular order so we can debate and amend. I would just say as we look at our country right now we need a we are not doing that, just plain and simple. We are not doing our job to debate, vote. We are not standing up for people and defend Law Enforcement while figuring out people to make sure that liberty and justice is. We are not doing to protect back. Youments and push and i yield back but thank of thank you for joining me the time to join you and secure the lessings of liberty. Mr. Gohmert i thank my friend and i know were asking rhetorical questions and rhetorical means it is not looking for an answer back when he said we werent making amendments or we werent doing our job. I know for a fact that was rhetorical because the gentleman represents south texas and doing everything he can to make a difference. Athink we got maybe a minute most. We can Work Together if we are allowed and if the rules dont continue to be abused the way they have been, we do need good trust worth Law Enforcement and bill barr is doing everything he can but we need a different f. B. I. Direct tore as long as Christopher Wray is there too interested to say and when its not. Nonetheless, i hope we can Work Together because we are not allowed to participate. The speaker pro tempore the house stands adjourn no amendments were allowed. The bill was written in response to the death of george floyd in the custody of the Minneapolis Police one month ago. The measure seeks to change Police Department practices, ending racial profiling and the use of excessive force. It would also make Police Officers accountable for the use of deadly force. The bill heads to the senate next. The senate is working on a different policing bill written by republican leadership, which focuses more on funding to encourage Police Reform. The house returns tomorrow to debate whether the District Of Columbia should become the nations 51st state. Members will vote on overwriting president trumps veto of a congressional attempt to block a new student loan forgiveness rule. Watch live house coverage friday on cspan. Cspan has unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and Public Policy events. Watch all of cspans Public Affairs programming on television, online, or listen on our free radio app. Be part of the National Conversation through cspans daily Washington Journal Program or through our social media feed. Cspan, created by americans and Cable Television as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] debate that passed on a nearly partyline vote on the Police Reform bill. We begin

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