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Thinoverreach. 1 i the officer they are hoots inol men c you to the8 court. Therll give them ooting a,t something he should not have done. Ahim. Should he or his be immune from suit . Solutely not. He÷qt should be held accountable for hiaused. Y. A hold a deterrent and hold officers to a highertaif that does not the culture feel of i testimony up on capitol hill. You saw leeerritt, a lawyer who reprents s familiesby police. Kane, who writes for the that some of thosethe white hous that after in the le merritt and six families impacted by police vio supremacy left, opted out ofonfollowing eight families will be appearing shortly with civil attorney lee if senate. Yo see the families listed there. G you just saw. ÷hif you missed it, go to our website cspan. Org and you can watch it. Carl in in west thank you for hanging on. Reform . Caller what happenednsituation, but what we have is a kneejerk reaction. Ferguson effect where the cops look ti have two friends, another is a sheriffs getting very short on retirement. They seven months. They both tell me look the other way. Ifiving drunk, if they do them to have a nice day and leave. What this is coming to. Lks in the media fan tflames. Gogram on what happens in chicago every night . They sweep mor host voices of lawenforcementive on t morning, we have a line for law enfo them about what it is like for and what changes,more o meeting from lee merritt. Pic e civil leadersmiliesappeal for federall after theyou a ahead. D i believe there should be reform. According g could just forget what th d do in goodn. Ed supposed to serve our communities, our sntif we do not have you are a teacher you thought it wasaw itthey can comeision. Ecision, and you do not have consequences, then what is the purpose of having the lawhost colorado. What Police Reforms would you support . Caller lified immunity has tot go. A culture of accountability we need to and society as a whole. If hbwhat incentives and disincentives that people ha and deter certain behaviors . That, i think when judgments com to do not think he taxpayers. Curr iver the civil wrongs. D come out of the Police Pension fund. That iay ere is but al , if the collective, the police , if they are ou policing. Now they are hurtifinancially. 0rrtthat we have to look at it from a financial take different approaches because clearly it has norked in the past. Silence that has been it has been known tflout oftenimes. To assetrfeitures tn in terms of improving acbi the role of police. Thmentality, a shift iterms of view humanity say a thousand things about howinto, but we also need to look athiin terms of the military as well. We are not going to talk about thatterms of the cultu of vio depression we seewe need to Start Connecting the protests to our we havnt to be healthy, we have totaroaches. The military funding, just like Police Funding i encourage citizens look at the bget. Tate budgets. Expand that to our federal budg will move oto matt in what is your perspectiayoav cen[ b gt jentke py sl ifo k. 3mtjlaic uase tit is typical democratic overreach. One of your colleagues says the bill does not go farh . Senator rand paul once a ban on no knock warrants. Y bill does not go far enough either. What we will try to do is pa different opinions, but i think it is an important subject in needs to be addressed. Addressed talking about it. It means to accomplish something. A good example of that is the bill on the floor right now. We are in the process of making a law, not just making a point. Host center Mitch Mcconnell hosting a News Conference at 9 30 with tim, leaving the legislative effort foraccording to mr. Scotts office, a draft of the legislation would reduce federal funds to departments that have not banned chokeholds, increases funding for body cameras r reporting of the use of force requires states to provide data on no knock warrants, and adds conspiracy to commit a h crime the criminal code. As we approach 8 00 a. M. Here on the east coast what Police Reforms would you support . Louisiana. Morning. Caller good morning, greta. I oing to say a few things and i will try to hurry. Ok. I will tell you this. You know it . Especially these young 8bfolks, are not taught how to act when the police stop you. A lodo be told they do not have to do with the police say to. They dsetting them up to get killed. I have been stopped by but i am so nice and respecttowards t three times. I am so, they do not even write me a ticket. A Police Officer i have a grand niece that is a Police Officer. They are some of the nicest people you would ever want to host it is ok. Finish your thought. If they do all of the things that the young people, and some of the democrat politicians want done to to want to be a police . If you tie their hands yes there is some training that needs to be done and m that is well and find, but if you take away all their protections, nobodys going to want to be a police. And shreveport that is a war zone. There are peop killing people over there day and night, just like in the south side of chicago. I am going to tell you this, a lot of people that dont like the police, it is because they want to be able to break the law and get away with it. They dont want to stand the consequences. I want to Say Something else that please dont hang up. This needs to be said. Host ok. Caller all these black people demonstrating, they they have found out they can get white folks to jump through hoops and do it they want to do because they are too scared to be called a racist, but all of this is going to destroy the country. Already, darling. Thank you. Haguest host the president yesterday in the rose garden signing the executive order on Police Reform. The president had to say. Pres. Trump we will authorize funding to Police Departments that seek independent credentialing, certimeat high standards and certain cases the highest standard that is really the best, on the use of force and deescalation training. For example, many believe for training what have prevented the deaths of antwon rose and both john. Ch banned except if an officers life is at risk, and we have dealt with all of the various departments and everybody said it is time, we have to do it. Additionally, we are looking at new, advanced, and powerful, prevent deadly interactions. New devices are being developed looking at the besbject. No object. S executive order, departments will also need a share of information about credible abuses so that officers with significant issues do not simply move from one Police Department to the next. That is a probthe heads of our Police Department said whatever you can do about that,let us know. We are letting you know. We are doing a lot about it. Ition, my order will direct federal funding and supporting offices dealing with Homeless Individuals and those who have Mental Illness and Substance Abuse problems. We will provide more resouforho can help officers manage these complex encounters, and this is what they have studied and worked on all of their lives. They uwere going to get the best of them put an hour police our host police. The president in the rose garden yesterday. As we told you all morning, th other side of the house judiciary ce in policing 2020 act, and they will debate that for to six hours today. We will bring that to you on interrupted and unfiltered on crg, and on our cspan radio app. We expect Senate Republicans to talk about the legislation around 9 30 a. M. Eastern time today. You can watch that on our website, cspan. Org. Lets go to teach it in california. Good morning, t j. Caller good morning, gret i am doing fine. Caller three things legalize drugs. It if you legalize drugs, you have way less police. House the homeless mu them on the street, in and out of hospitals wherever elsit costs a lot of money to have powder street, and higher have them out on the street. Hire more black Police Officers, or more diverse Police Department. Host all right. Ajs suggestion pjs suggestions there. Host william. What you think . Caller first time caller. i am glad what are your thoughts . Caller i think each state needs to create a truly independent free from politics off to investigate all Police Investigate any deaths or serious injuries with people involved in Police Interactions. Assistance through a Grant Program covering up to 50 of the costs. Host ok. Bob. Rock hill, South Carolina. It is your turn. Bob, good morning. Caller yes. I believe i am 58 years old. Back in the 1980s, i have seen a lot of interaction with cops and people drunk and on drugs and never in my seen anyone having to shoot someone running away from them, even though a gentleman said something about a phaser and he does not know if he has a heart condition or Something Like that, and he could have died. I guess all of these tasers should be taken away because nobody knows what kind of condition people are into start with. I have copd and i cannot breathe if i lay flat on my back. Tasers should be gone. Running they let this gentleman get back in his car drive it out of the drivethrough drunk to start with but after what happened floyd, i could see that man being worried about getting handcuffed because he oh, my god. Youre going to have will have good cops, but if you look at that go overseas, fight wars, do not come home for six or nine months or dont come home at all, we could get more good cops that would not have story about if they get sued or not, because mentally is the problem. It is the few that dont have the mental capacity to now not now, i heard a car got hitthem bullets with four people in it. I dont see too much of ths. I believe when the gases there ahalf, something should already be done that host in congress. And, bob, listen to this conversation on capitol hill, where we showed you a little earlier, senator cornyn, republican of texas, during witness testimony about what should be done on Police Reform here is the conversation he had with witnesses. [video clip] to what extent is the problem that we have with excessive use of force and lack of trust with police a matter of class as opposed to race . ÷a it depend on the color of your skin or whether you are poor and lack opportunities in our society . Senator states of america it is difficult to disentangle those institution in the country suffered that isnt suffering from Structural Racism given our history. I think the goal of taking action in this moment is to recognize there are things that congress can do to and the killings in our streets, provide Law Enforcement with greater training support to meet National Standards on things that, frankie, should have been National Standards years ago. This is the time to take action given the paint on the streets and in communities, and this is just the reality of what communities have been expensive. Senator cornyn i dont have long questions you change the phrase from systemic to Structural Racism what does that mean, every thing every institution, every person in america is a racist . It means there is bias built into existing institutions, and policing there have been any number of courageousolice ory of systemic racism as well. Senator cornyn you think systemic or Structural Racism can exist in a system that requires individual , or do you think it is one or the other . Ry American Institution has been shaped by these forces, and our goal is to do what we can as policymakers as advocates, to take that out to try to find fight it in the modernday iterations that it appears. Do you believe, basically all americans are racist . I believe we all have implicit bias, yes, i do. Host another hearing on ca chairman Jerome Powell at thatr elizabeth warren, democrat of massachusetts, asked the chair about how cutting off expanded Unemployment Benefits that were put into place to respond to the pandemic would impact minorities. [video clip] senator warren back in march cong temporary extension ofprogram and now were only a few weeks out from that help running out. Some people in Congress Want to let that help expire,saying mission accomplished. Mr. Chairman, you noted that the Unemployment Rate is higher for black americans and now we have said it is actually increasing. If congress lets Unemployment Insurance benefits expire, which families are going to find it hardest to pay their bills, make rent, or to afford groceries . Jerome the unemployed the people that have lost their jobs minorities are well overrepresented in that group as oursenator warren this crisis has been hard on millions and millions of americans and i know you have been thinking hard on this issue. I want to ask you directly, is it accurate to say our economy is healthy when there are serious racial gaps in how americans are doing . Jerome i think that is a longer run weakness in our economy. Even when our economy isissues, and or a very long time. Senator warren i take you would not describe this is not a healthy economy . Jerome that is not a healthy feature of our economy. Host tol hill today. Vincent, virginia beach. Good morning to you. What you think about Police Reform . Support . Caller i support anything the democrats come up with all, mcconnell, i have an issue with him he needed in his bill the Breonna Taylor bill. Being killed in his state, he has not made any mention of this woman killed by a Police Officer. When he came up with that bill coming is to bill and name it Breonna Taylor. Number two, all of your callers calling in, there are about 35, 15 million black people in this country. All of us do not come from a decent situation, and i know people that are coming from decent situations, and we have problems, and everyone else has problems in their communities as well. While we signaling of black people when it comes to Police Officers . There is a distrust. We know that can look at what Police Officers have done to us in our committee. All you callers talking about sistructure, yet we are not say anything about what people going to school, shooting people. Where their parents . Host . Greg. That a creek, michigan. Caller i am a firsttime caller myself, and i dont typically find my voice needed in the cases that we have come but when we talk about Police Reform, in my own opinion, i dont think it is the word that is the problem. I is education, and what we dont see is there is from a community standpoint in the small town that i live in right now the education of how to it really is as simple as that. I have lived in suburban areas where the Median Income has been over 100,000. I live in a small town where probably the Median Income is 18,000, but the ability to with on a day to day basis does not necessarily translate to reform. In my opinion, translates to education. Caller i think from a police standpoint that really quickly detrimentally standpoint, i think a lot of people that are police, in order to wear a badge you have to have a lot of bravery. I think what happens in those situations it is if you are literally afraid of dying, maybe you shouldnt want to be a police. Im a veteran. If i went, i know there is a possibility i am going to die. What i am trying to translate is a lot of cowards become bullies. I am not trying to sayi think what happens is that of fear of dying and people are struck with that element of fear , they fight for survival, whether you are police or a perpetrator of a crime. Host we move on to sulfur spring, texas. Go ahead and share your thoughts. Caller good morning. I have an outline here special Enforcement Task force, initial evaluation, and then the hiring process, federal law guidelines for sentencing, or, you know, complaints guidelines for officerinvolved shooting. If an officer is found guilty of a crime, he should pay the time. Simple as that. No slap on the wrist. No giving him a soft sentence because he is an officer of the law. Mental evaluation during the hiring process. A listening process. Dont go and take a class and decide to be a Police Officer. Give that person a badge and a gun. Out what kind of upbringing he was brought up in. Find out if he has any problems as far as being a racist, or ac prejudice against another color. It is not just blacks. It it is people of color. It is not just blacks. It is people of color. I was brought up in los angeles. I have seen officers beat up people in the alley in the back of my house for no particulg low, or they were out after a certain time at night. Then, they need to pay to citizen complaints against Police Officers. They need to really put that on a federal level as well. Let sooutside of the department evaluate these complaints see if they have any merit, and then take it a little bit further. Host all right, avalon. Lambert in brooklyn. Re talking about Police Reports reforms. What would you support . Caller a very good morning to you. First let me say police are civilians with the power given to them by the states. Now, over the years i have observed police that have come from the military, people who have trained and come back. They are good at it. An transforming themselves into a Police Officer i have observed it. I am not going to was, but i have observed it, but the people that have been in the military and come back has never most of the time become good police. A Police Officer should be somebody who is from the community, growing up, coming into the community and therefore the trauma of war experience in terms of combat they dont experience and therefore they approach p level, because i have observed think they are the only person who the rights in a particular situation in the streets. Not thinking that they are civilians. Is wrong. They are the they think they are on the only registry people and that is a problem. Host lambert with his observation. Here is tony who texts us it is no more acceptable to judge policee actions of a few and then to judge all people of a race by the criminal acts of a few. Andy. Texas p u r Police Officer. Yes. Host what are your thoughts on what you have seen and what changes would you like to see if any . Caller if you get rid of qualified immunity, you will get rid of police. S that allows delete Police Officers to do their jobs. I would say that is a bad idea you could have a cascading effect. Reform is needing. Training goes into that, but i am really against getting rid of qualified immunity because i see that is something that could cause second and thirdorder affects across the country. I would say be careful with that. Caller if they did get rid of it what would you do would you be able to quit and do a different job . Caller i am too far into my job to quit, but it basically would change you know, everything. Use of force is alread key support Supreme Court cases reasonable use of force, and that has been developed over half of a century in this country. I would educate people who dont know about use of force to look into because police already operating a really restrained manner. All of these ideas that are coming forward are coming from people that dont really have any training as Police Officers and do not understand use of force. Host talk about use of force continuum and how you are trained on that. Caller every Police Officer is judged off of what a reasonable officer would do at the time without 2020 hindsight, which me quarterback the officer. It has to be viewed from what a reasonable officer would view in that situation, and that is all judged off of what i just said those tworeme court cases. It is not just what a do or what they think they would do because police are allowed to use force on americans. That is one key people understand that dont understand. People think tops cannot do this or do that, it is not true. Host but when our police allowed to use force . Caller well, that all depends on the situation. Every situation in reality just to keep it real basic, any interaction with police could result in force being used depending on what is happening. A Police Officer has to use reasonable force is what i am getting at. A traffic stop could result in someone, you know, dying the interaction between the Police Officer and the subject. It can go from very limited force being used to deadly force because it depends on the crimes being committed and all the facts the Police Officer has to deal with at the scene. It can go from zero to 100 with any kind of interaction with police. Host ok. Barbra. Oklahoma city. Barbra, good morning. Caller good morning, gretta. Good morning, america. I think they s make an emphasis on hirings. I have a son that is a Police Officer in texas, and he has been on the force now for about three years. I think this is his third here. I think they should have i wanted him to join the 4 police force in Oklahoma City at 26 after he graduated from the university of oklahoma. He did not want to at that time. I think that the age too, the maturity level now he is older and he is more wise anddgment is better. I think minorities in the Police Department is mandatory. They need to put more and put i worked 15 years at the courthouse, and i know that the system, the Justice System is a Justice System where you have friends who have friends of judges and attorneys i have walked people watched people walk on cases that are white thater minorities would never get that because they dont have that connection. That has been going on for years. System is set up against minorities. It always has been. The whole system has to change. Host all right, barbra. You will hear debat this at 10 00 a. M. On cspan1 the House Judiciary Committee takes up the house and Senate Democratic proposal for Police Reform. They are expected to go five six hours. You can watch it on our website cspan. Org, or the cspan radioactive. Let me just go to set inh dallas, texas. Caller good morning. I will try to be brief. Real quick, 22 Years Military Service iraq, afghanistan the military, every year they have to Training Classes for Human Trafficking terrorism stuff like that. S a real quick, maybe 15minute Online Training class and once they finish it, they get an electronic signature. The new smithsonian africanamerican museum, there is a board of directors. Oprah winfrey is on other big quake people. The military has, that they provide all of their Service Members to take their training and that we use that model and have it implemented through every sile Police Department, every Single Person who has the power to detain, kill, and apprehend an individual, maybe even to include individual citizens that have firearms so that way everyone understands acrosstheboard how to not d Excessive Force thost let me get in john who is in pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller good morning. Good morning america . How are you . Host i am doing well. Caller i want to touch on a couple of points. I recently was involved in the Justice System. I was pulled over for allegedly speeding. I had a cop behind me the whole time in my Rearview Mirror and i was watching my speed, i knew i was not speeding. He pulled me over and i have reason to believe it had to do with the local mayors office, and things like that. Once it gets to court, gretta there is a breakdown in the system because i wanted to audio record the testimony of the police who brought these challenges against me on behalf of the commonwealth of pennsylvania and the judicial system the way it is set up in washington, county pennsylvania i was not stimony of the Police Officers. I had to rely on what turned out to be inaccurate transcribing of the testimony on behalf of the courthouse. I got transcripts back that were not accurate they were changed. There were key issues. Host john, what is your point . Caller my point is to provide accountability and transparency, under the First Amendment freedom of press, each citizen is permitted to audio record charges brought against him on behalf of the commonwealth. Host john, we will leave it there. We will return to this conversation later on in the program, but up next weekend to the Supreme Courts lgtbq with decision with Jennifer Braceras of independent law center, then later we go back to the issue of Police Reform with davijohnson of the National Black justice coalition. We will be right back johns of the National Black justice coalition. We will be right back. So, what we see with kinh the revolutionarygg the revolutionary king, he starts talking about using revolution to paralyze cities to leverage nonviolent civil disobedience to transform american society. Malcolm x. Had called for the same thing at the march on washington because he wanted a display of civil disobedience that would be muscular enough to end the racial status quo in the United States of america. The university of texas ofessor on his bookshield, on conversion ideologies of malcolm x. And Martin Luther king jr. And the importance of their thinking on the fight for civil rights in america. Q a sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Binge watch booktv this summer. Every saturday evening, settled in and watch several hours of your favorite authors. Saturday, we are featuring New York Times bestselling author david mertes author a dozen books, including once in a detroit city, and watch june 27 as researcher david mccullough. Binge watch booktv all summer on cspan2. First ladies, influence and image, on americanry tv examines the private life and public roles of the nations first ladies through interviews with top historians. Tonight, we look at racial jackson, letitia tyler, and julia tyler. Watch first ladies, influence and image tonight on American History tv on cspan3. Washington journal continues. Host is with us to talk about the Supreme Court ruling on lgtbq workers. First, what is your organization the independent womens law center . Guest we are a project for a group of women concerned with spending liberty, and Economic Freedom for all americans. Host and your opinion of the Supreme Courts ruling. Guest it is complicated. On the one hand i understand the joy and elation of the gay and Transgender Community over this ruling, on the other hand i dont that is because what the court was asked to consider in this case was whether federal a federal employment discrimination law protectsthose categories of workers it was not asked to determine whether the law should protect them. It was asked if a law passed in does protect them, and of course in 1964, when the law was passed prohibiting discrimination because of sex certainly nobody who voted for that law or any of the constituents of the people who voted for that law thought that it would have included that sex meant gender identity. Host Justice Gorsuch who wrote the majority opinion wrote this those who adopted the Civil Rights Act might not have anticipated the their work would have led to this result but the limits of the drafters imagination supply no reasons to ignore the laws demand. When the express terms of text give us one and determination suggests another it is no contest. Only the written word is the law and all persons are entitled to its benefit. Guest it is interesting because justicepplies a literal meaning of the word sex in the statute, but what is typically done is, of course, apply a common understanding of the word at the time e was adopted. That is the typical way that courts interpret statutes. If they did not determine interpret them that way, congress can pass a law about x and in 50 years the court could decide x actually means becauseb meanings and understandings evolve. What is important to look at is what they were doing at the time. Really allcomplicated questions. Our concern as a womens group here was that it is the job of the congress to update statutes and amend statu from discrimination race, color, national o sex, and religion, and those of the only categories it protected. Congress is perfectly free to add status. Congress has passed bills to do so, and my guess is congress would have done this in the next three years anyway. So, the problem is when the court does job for it, the court is not able to can take into consideration different circumstances and nuances. If congress were taking up this idea, they might say we want to protect gay and lesbian americans and Transgender Americans from discrimination in the workplace but title which deals with is a different situation, so we will handle it differently there so we can maintain singlesex athletic teams for girls and four boys. That is really our concern because once the court says that the word sex legally means gender identity that will mean that biological,t malebodied athletes will be allowed to compete and female sportsd is a Womens Organization in mother of female and the mother of female aths, is a great concern to me. It is not that we are sane society should not protect these people from discrimination. Discriminations are complicated difficult and every aspect whether it is sports, housing, employment. There are different, competing interests to be considered in the best way to consider this address is in congress. Host as you noted title vii of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is worded this way prohibits its Commission Based on race religion, sex, and national origin. Justice gorsuch writes this is the way he sees the word se an employer that fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for trades or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex plays a necessary and undiscoverable role in the decision, exactly what title seven forbids. Guest right. So, ever since title vii was passed, the way it was interpreted by courts is it has been interpreted to prevent employers from advantage in one sex over another. It has not been require that employers be sex blind and never consider or looks at an employee look at an employees sex, so for example, an employer can provide a bathroomthroom for men, and in making the decision an employer is considering sex, but they are not this thing pushing. Justice gorsuch turns it on his head and says any time an employer a decision requires an employer to think about an employees gender, a decision based on that thought is discriminatory. So, i am not sure how you narrow that, because under his reasoning, i dont see how employers, for example, can now provide male and female bathrooms. Host we will go to our viewers and see what they have to say tara in athens, ohio. Democratic caller. Caller good morning. On the bathroom issue, the government has already determined there is a special interest to keep bathrooms separate i am not sure why people are conflating the bathroom issue with this decision regarding employment. I think the idea is very simple. Whether you are a man or woman should not determine why you are fired for the person you are dating or married to. I appreciate the judges decision. They kept it short, 230 pages. I dont think it needs to be more complicated than that. Thank you. Guest i agree withbrevity of the opinion because sometimes when judges go on and on and write long opinions, it overly complicates things for the lower court, so i certainly agree with that. I think the issue is that what the court did in this case was redefined the legal meaning of sex, and putting aside the employment context, and putting aside the context of gay and lesbians by redefining sex to include transgender status, that is going to apply across federal law because there are numerous statutes that deal with sex discrimination in all sorts of context housing, courts, school so now, its sex means gender identity in the employment context it it means thtexts. So, our concern, again, as a womensnded consequences that that would have, particularly on athletic teams in sports for women and girls. Host romy. Lake worth, florida. You are next. Caller hello. I just want to give you my humble opinions. I was elated and very happy. Im 64. I am retired. I worked for government, and i had to go through the homophobia of my coworkers. When i went to the superiors which later i became one, they went tommy boys will be boys dont pay attention. Then, Sexual Harassment came in, but homophobia is alive. It is very alive. So, the fact that somebody came up with the idea that we are all equal, especially the lgtbq, who have suffered so much as termination, i blah blah blah is blah blah blah if you have a son that is gay or a daughter that is transgender would you like them to be abused or thrown out of a job you would not like that, so why do that to other humans. No one is better than no one. Thank you for listening. Guest i agree with the caller 100 . Here in massachusetts, where i live employments commission on the basis of Sexual Orientation has been a legal for many years, as well it should be. My concern is not that it shouldnt be illegal. My concern is that is congress job to make it illegal and congress has not done its job. As someone who is concerned about process and concerned about our constitutional system, it is just not the role of the court to update a statute that Congress Passed in 1964. That is the job of the congress. It is a statutory question. Congress passes law every years every year. They couldve easily updated this law, and frankly they should have a long time ago. They have not, and that does not mean it is the role of nine unelected judges to do so, and i think that sets a bad precedent on a host of other issues. Host how should Congress Update the law so that lgtbq are protected and that the same time not impact singlegender sports or the other concerns that you had . Guest well, they dont really need to do much now that the Supreme Court has ruled that sex includes gender identity. Literally that will impact every statute in the country that talks about sex discrimination. One of the things that congress should do to mitigate the damage it could potentially cost women and girls is it should cause out an exception to title ix and explicitly say in the statute that singlesex athletic teams are allowed, and that you can on the basis of biological sex for purposes on the basis of Athletic Competition and sports. That has been performed by tennis champion Martina Navratilova, who is a proponent gtbq writes, but she understands as an athlete that when women have to compete against men, women ar can add equality for women in sports is to have sex segregation, so she has come out with a proposal, actually long before this went to the Supreme Court, and she had recommended passing the equality act which provides protections for gay, lesbian, americans, but carving out an exception for title ix. That would be one thing that congress could do they could also explicitly legislate conscious protections or defenses for religious employers. There are compromises that can be made legislatively. Congress should have made him a long time ago, but they did not, and now congress has issued this bluntforce ruling that congress from you to take action to mitigate in some areas. Host dallas in atlanta georgia. A democratic caller. The morning to you. Caller how are you guys doing . Host my comment is on the last comment, you guys asked about what can be done about reforming the police. Also, i want to speak to this. This has to be done dealt with from the legislative level and dealing with systematic racism at the same time. Once we do that i think all of this falls into place. I say that to say that the amendment that they include the lgtbq community they were already a part of if they were brown, because that is why the 13th amendment was created, to protect black people, and to minimize the discrimination of systematic racism. N be brown and be lgbt etc. , so why not, like the young lady is saying, why not definitely create a law and checks and balances to make sure the gays, and lesbians, and the other consonants excuse me, i am not trying to be funny are protected. Host we go to george. Caller yes. I am not talking about the lgtbq right now. We have the death of these colored people, the protests, and now we have this. What we need to do the white house has the biggest problem. We have five more months of this presidency and it is hard to tell what situation he could get us into. What would that guy do up there if we had a world war . He would not know what to do. I think they need to change the power in the white house, and then all of this can be taken care of. Host ok, george, Jennifer Braceras, my question to you then is what other decisions are out there that could be impacted by what the court did this week . Guest well, like i said, what the court did this week was redefined the legal meaning of sex and frankly they redefine what it means to be male or female in america, and that is going to have implications across sectors, not just employment housing, sports, education, and it is going to be reverberating for a long time. Now, Justice Gorsuch said in his opinion he tried to say look, this is a narrow ruling. It applies only to employment. It applies only in the circumstances. But the fact of the matter is to reach the result that he did, he had to redefine sex, and in so doing, you know, other cases might not get to the Supreme Court for many years, but the lower courts are going to start dealing with the implications of this tomorrow, right . Evil will come through saying people will come through saying sex may include trans gender identity, so we will sue about the bathrooms, health care policy, Health Insurance what is covered, what is not covered. We will sue about sports. We will sue about all these other things. The decision might of the narrow from the perspective of the Supreme Court, but for the country it is going to be very broad. Host one of our viewers sends open for people need to remember this was not a constitutional challenge but a case dispute in the meaning of the word sex. Scotrus did not hold that the law had to embrace lgtbq persons pick the lock be changed by congress. Guest right. They interpreted the title ix of the act of 1964 which prohibits on five categories, one of which is sex. Theoretically, congress could repeal that statute tomorrow. The court was not saying this was a constitutional right to be free from discrimination. Ret the words that Congress Passed in 1964, and that is one of the reasons i think Justice Gorsuch is wrong. Because in 1964 there is not a person who was alive then who would have set the discrimination because of sex meant the cause discrimination because of gender identity. Host lets go to keyport, new jersey. Pat, a republican. Guest caller i would like to know what your stance is on biological women who have a male gender identity and are in the process of transitioning arent they basically taking performanceenhancing drugs, shouldnt they be barred from girls sports . Guest the complexity of the issue. That is why you think it needs to be dealt with not with a blunt rule imposed by a Supreme Court, but probably on ase basis by local communities. There was a swimmer at Harvard College who was born female and decided to transition she was recruited to be a di swimmer at harvard, and decided to transition to mail by the time she graduated high school amateur related to college. She took a year off to do that and when he came to harvard as a man he was allowed to swim on the mens team, and no one really complained about that because this person went from recruit, and potentially one of the best swimmers in the league for women to being one of the worst, just because by definition, male athletes are stronger and faster than female athletes. So, nobody complained about that. Had it been the other way around, and had that person then taking a spot from a woman or titles from women, i think it would have been a very different story. So, it is complicated, and how we deal with these issues in a compassionate way is complicated and cant really be legislated, i think, by a court of nine unelected people. Host gary is next in indiana. Independent color. Caller good morning, gretta. Good morning is braceras and is ms. Braceras. Its break this down. The term gay rights i think it is just human rights for gays like anyone else because human, to. There is another point i want to make. What happens when people might discriminate against a gay person, fire someone, reposition them, transfer them, and they just use some other excuse, and you cannot prove it is because they are gay. Just like in the early19 80s, the dodgers had someone that was gay i want say his name. I read it in sport magazine, and they treated him and the use the pretext that we need another lefthanded hitter, and he said in the article i know deep down the dodgers traded me because i was gay. What would you say about all of that . Guest a couple of things. I think it is important to emphasize the question before the high court in this case was not whether federal law should protect gay and Transgender Americans. That wasnt the question. The only question for the court is whether congress did that in 1964, and that is, sort of, a factual determination, and that has to do with interpretation. I think it is really easy for people to say well, we dont want people to be discriminated against, and i agree. Against especially in the workplace, but it is up to congress to pass those laws. Congress passed the act in 1964 to say private employers may not discriminate based on the on the basis of race. Congress made that decision. The Supreme Court could not have stepped in, even if it wanted to, and said private employers cannot discriminate on the basis of race because they are private employers in the Supreme Court does not get to regulate private entities. So, people forget that the right to b free from discrimination in the workplace comes from congress. That is the granting authority in this case. They are the ones that regulate commerce, and employment is part of that. I dont disagree that everyone should be treated fairly in the workplace. Of course they should. But this is the, sort of, the question for the court was a technical one. Host scott peters blacksburg virginia. Democratic caller. Scott. Blacksburg, virginia. Democratic caller. Caller i just want to say i agree and understand what your guest is talking about it being a interpretation of the law and it is congresss job, but i think to fire someone just for being gay really is sex discrimination, and some of the arguments i have heard her make this morning are kind of, almost reminiscent of some of the scare tactics that we heard back when we were trying to ratify the e. R. A. The 1960s and the 1970s about transgender bathrooms we are jumping from one thing and scaring people about things that just arent going to happen, and that is really all i wanted to say. Guest it is already happening. There are already in connecticut who are winning awards left and right by competing as women. It is happening all of the time. So, cases. Like i said, my concern is with how this impacts women and girls in sports. I agree with Martina Navratilova that sex segregation in sports is the on the way to create a level Playing Field for female athletes and i would like to see that continue in our society. I dont believe that every time we make basis of sex it is necessarily discriminatory. When you separate girls and boys for the purpose of contact sports, that is not discriminatory, and in fact title ix exquisitely allows it. So, i want to preserve those rights. That is my concern. I am not trying to scare anybody one way or the other, but i know how the law works, and i know if you support and interpret the term because of sex to mean something in one context that that interpretation will be applied to other contexts. It always has been. The courts read these statutes so that it would be confusing to the world if they interpreted the word sex in one statute to mean something, and to mean something totally different with respect to another statute. So, courts have typically applied same definitions across host Congressional Democrats want to amend current law with the quality act. Do you think that is the right approach . Guest so, the equality act does essentially what the court did earlier this week. The equality added Sexual Orientation and transgender status to the list of categories that federal law prohibits discrimination against, and it would have done that in every circumstance across the board housing, sports, education, employment. That is essentially what the court did this week. Like i said, i would like to see congress act to mitigate the damage that will do two female situations, because, like i said, i think that it is a complicated and nuanced issue that deserves specific consideration in each situation and, you know, i think congress has to weigh those costs and benefits. You know, interestingly, a point that has not been made is that ive found it interesting that justice would lump and the whole court lumped Sexual Orientation and gender status into one category. They spoke of these groups together as if it was the same situation. Really, they are very different , with very different, i think, interests and needs. I thought that was sort of an unusual decision by the court, because, you know, the court was tried to trying to consider whether or not Sexual Orientation is sex, and whether gender identity is sex. Host we will have to leave the conversation there. Director of the independent womens law center. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your time. Guest thanks for having me. Host when we come back, we returned to our conversation on Police Reform. Davis john children is over the conversation. Davis johns join us for that conversation. Trump this november, we are going to take back the house , we are going to hold the senate, and we are going to keep the white house. President trump returned to the campaign trail saturday, for a rally in tulsa. Watch our live coverage starting at 8 00 p. M. , on demand, or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. Cspan has unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house the Supreme Court, and Public Policy events. You can watch all of cspans Public Affairs programming on television online, or listen on our free radio app, and be part of the National Conversation through cspans daily washington journal program, or through our social media feed. Credit is a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. The president the president s presents biographies of every president organized by the ranking by noted by noted historians from best to worst and features perspectives into the lives of our nations chief executives and leadership styles. Visit cspan. Org thepresident s and order your copy today wherever books and ebooks are sold. Host we are joined by the executive director of the justice coalition. What are you funded by . What is your mission . Guest we are the only Civil Rights Organization standing in the intersection of Racial Equity and lgbtq plus equality. Our northstar is a world where i use the term same gender loving and day is often used as a political identifier for white gay men. So much of our work is about grassroots organizations throughout the country that are working with the unique and often overlooked needs a black square people. Host who is involved with this organization . Guest we are not a membershipbased organization. We are rePublic Policy focused organization. A lot of our work is working with members of congress, numbers of the Congressional Black Caucus, state elected officials throughout the country where there are significant proportions of black square people. We do a lot of work and Community Around health and wellness, hiv and Mental Health, acknowledging a lot of increased needs in the Africanamerican Community, and also work in partnership to provide cultural competence with hbcus, k12 schools that the country, and organizations looking to be better at making space for like people. Host the Congressional Black Caucus led the effort on the house side for democrats to come up with the justice and police act of 2020. It is good to get marked up in a little less than an hour by the House Judiciary Committee. What do you think of the legislation . Guest i think it is an incredibly important piece of legislation that is responsive to the point at which we are in the movement for social justice. Related conversations managing state strengthen state sanctioned violence that black people, queer people, black where people have experienced from state sanctioned actors has been happening since africanamerics have been brought into this country as enslaved people. It is important not only for the house to continue to do the work, but for members of the senate who have not yet considered supporting this piece of legislation to act responsibly and make sure they meet the needs of the constituents who elected them to do the jobs they are sometimes not doing. Host the Senate Republicans are being led by senator tim scottrepublican of South Carolina. His legislation restricts chokehold use by restricting federal funds to the apartment that have not banned the tactic, requires investigation of uses of force that cause death or injury and adds new crimes of conspiracy to commit a hate crime to criminal codes. What do you like of what they are proposing and would you agree with what he has said there . Guest i think it is fairly comprehensive in acknowledging a lot of the challenges that black people have seen in the pursuit of justice after they have been murdered by a cop, quite frankly. Ensuring there are no not warnings is a response what we saw happen to Breonna Taylor, and ensuring that police are wearing body cams is a way to address some of what happened around her murder, for example. There are Police Departments that continue to engage in types of behaviors and using maneuvers that should not be using that have been banned. A lot of Police Departments across the country it is incredibly important and it relates to a larger conversation people are having about devasting resources from Police Departments and Police Officers who are often charged with doing things they should not have been called for because theyre not experts in. There are Community Led interventions and responses to the needs that are often not met by experts, but are often met by unnecessary police force. Host our viewers will be able to watch the markup in the House Judiciary Committee of the democratic proposal here on cspan starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time. Also on the website. And listen with the free cspan radio app. On cspan 2 at 9 30 a. M. Eastern time senator scott and majority leader Mitch Mcconnell will unveil their legislation for republicans and take questions from reporters. You can watch that on cspan two cspan 2 in about 20 minutes. I want to get your reaction to President Trump talking about americas need to support the police and not dismantle Police Departments. Pres. Trump today is about pursuing common sense and fighting for a cause like we seldom get the chance to fight for. We have to find common ground. I strongly oppose the radical and dangerous efforts to dismantle and dissolve our Police Departments, especially now, when we have achieved the lowest recorded crime rates in recent history. Americans know the truth. Without police, there is chaos. Without law, there is anarchy. That safety, there is catastrophe. We need leaders at every level of government who have the moral clarity to state these obvious facts. Americans believe we must support the brave men and women in blue who police our streets and keep us safe. Americans also believe we must improve accountability, increased transparency, and invest more resources in Police Training recruiting, and community engagement, because reducing crime and raising standards are not opposite goals. They are not mutually exclusive. They work together. They all work together. Host david johns . Guest i really there are a number of things that come to mind. One in particular is that this administration has been clear and consistent at one thing, and it is wanton disregard for doing things that are in the best interest of our country. To be clear, the chaos, the lack of safety, the catastrophe that he is imagining is a lived reality for many people throughout the country sometimes on a daily basis. I spent time just yesterday talking to a group of students, black students, children who are dealing with vestiges of the problems that adults have created. What they talk about is knowing that they fear for their lives that they dont believe that police are designed to or often show up to protect and serve them. They understand that in the history of black peoples experience in america, the police have been developed intentionally to police black bodies, to cause terror in black communities, and otherwise try to control the way we show up in the places we are allowed to inhabit. It is incredibly important for us to acknowledge that the common sense thing to do is to understand and appreciate the police are not experts in providing Mental Health services or support. Theyre not experts in providing Critical Social Services support. Theyre not experts in often responding for the needs individuals have when they are calling for emergency assistance. As such, they should not be responsible for showing up in those roles and trying to meet those needs. Instead, those funds should be devasting from Police Departments and invested in competent providers, individuals who can escalate situations, reduce the rate at which Police Officers kill people who are black, kill people with disabilities, kill people who are white to a lesser extent than they do black people, and show up with communities. So many of the words he used are dog whistles. They are intentional, harkening back to a time when people used the rule of law to identify the need to control black bodies. We should be clear about that and we should be consistent in ensuring that communities have the supports they need to be well. That has not happened heretofore. That is the reason there are so many people literally risking their lives to protest and demand we shift so our communities are safe and protected. Host were going to a color in louisville kentucky. Go ahead. We can hear you. Caller i wanted to state green with mr. Johns, but i wanted to do separate happened to rayshard brooks. When they were handcuffing him he realized he may die, and this man was fighting for his life. As i watched the video again you saw his adrenaline was pumping so hard, because he was on the ground. He got that Police Officer up on him. He was literally a black man fighting for his life. So he was fighting with everything he could. Then, when he ran he realized he was running for his life. If you remember, everything was calm until they wanted to put handcuffs on him. They wanted to handcuff him. It was fight or flight. He just saw two weeks ago an africanamerican with handcuffs on. They killed him. Also i wanted to say all of the police who want to quit if they cap have qualified immunity, please quit. We dont need you. That is the issue. They think they are above the law, and they are not. They are here to serve us. I have to train my children if anything was happening where they were in a place of danger, the first thing you do is find the police. I cant do that no more, because that is who may kill them. Also, we have too many white police. Their tuning White Supremacists on the police force. I will say that every day. They should defund the police and put that money back into communities where they belong. If the police dont want to live in those communities, they dont need to be the police. Also greta, the police, they are the only people in this country that can take a life with impunity. The doctor cant take your life. The judge cant take your life. The senator cant take your life. The president can take your life. But there is something said by a 68 euro man i know. Every time i come in the presence of a white Police Officer, my life might be in danger. I said enough. Thank you very much. Guest i appreciate that. What he said is accurate. We know based on data, quantitative data, that what he talked about is real. There are statistics that confirm what you just described. They are highly credentialed a black man who worked in the white house who has done all things wellintentioned white people will say like people should do to demonstrate they are worthy of the things white people should take for granted, and i still have a visceral response in the presence of not only Police Officers, but officers who act like they are agents of the state. I think about how reflective these moments are. There is a body of evidence that continues to grow to to confirm the experiences africanamericans have in this regard all too often. He was talking and i was thinking about the experience of knowing a young man who was choked at sativa waffle house restaurant in North Carolina years ago. Anthony talked about having baird witness just a week prior to a young man who was tased and shot by a Police Officer handcuffed. We have to be clear about the connections that exist in these moments. The last thing i will say about this is that a police in minnesota, Anthony Mireles made the point clear as day for anybody willing to listen that policing in our country is rooted in racism and antiblackness, and anyone who is unclear about how that shows up should watch should watch the central park caller who weaponized the police against a black man who simply asked her to leave her dog. Host david johns is the First Executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Initiative Educational Excellence for africanamericans. We will go to suzanne in vancouver, washington. Caller i just want to say i dont understand where you are coming from, because statistics are coming up different. But i have a suggestion maybe you did not think of. All the people of color, if you want to say it that way why dont you apply to the Police Department and become cops . Instead of telling you know and you walk a mile in the shoes, thats all im saying. About check that out, change it from within . How about that . Guest appreciate the question. Would love to know what statistics you are referencing since those i referenced a been published at my website. It is too often the case that people make statements like that without actually having statistics to back it up. The second thing is that there are africanamerican people, Asian American people, people with disabilities who show up and serve, or Police Officers. Theres also data that shows that the training that Police Officers are forced to go through changes the way that they interact with black people, so this is not a people of color issue. What people like to use people of color and they dont want to talk about what supremacy antiblackness, things that make them uncomfortable. They should make you uncomfortable. They arent comfortable things, especially if you have to experience them daily. Individuals who are black Police Officers will talk about the ways in which they feel profiled themselves because of the way they are trained to think about black people. Host anthony, albany, georgia. Caller i have been listening to cspan for over 30 years and my question is with the president doing the investigation of russia, he complained about the leadership in the fbi being corrupted, so quick to accuse them, but now the police are at the Africanamerican Community they are complaining and he said it is a very tiny group of corrupt officers. He laid the blame on the whole department of the fbi. He was a georgia Police Officer for my lifetime, and i will be 55 in a couple of weeks. They use an image of black men to keep them out of the fulfillment in their life. Once you had an arrest record you were no longer qualified for jobs, benefits, and all. They ran through the community. Society looked at this and never addressed it. It is so sad that we are now addressing it and you have got senators and congressmen still in denial, because it protects them in their wealth, and they do not want to share the wealth of this country. Thank you, greta, for taking my call, and brother johns, you are doing a great job and you got my support, and we are praying for you. Have a good day. Guest i appreciate that. I thought about two things as he was talking. One is that antilynching legislation was first introduced in congress after the death of emmett till. That was quite some time ago. And it is still the reality that there are states in this country, primarily in the south primarily occupied disproportionately by like people, that still do not have antilynching laws. That is why there are so many people that are marching in georgia. And we have to be clear about this, right . We live in a country where justice is applied to people based on their zip code. It is literally a reality now that white people who have access to the privileged associate with whiteness can call the police and know that they will be protected. They know they will be protected. They know that they can expect that justice will be served whenever they need it to be served. It is also the reality that for black people, we can be killed by somebody who has a badge or a blue uniform, and justice is the hope that the person might be arrested. Justice is the hope that if they are arrested, they are convicted. Justice is the hope that they might serve some time for taking a life. But we also know there has been evidence that that seldom happens. And in the event that there is a judgment rendered against the Police Officer has taken ones life, it is the community that pays the debt. The officer does not. The officer gets to continue to collect the pension. They continue to benefit from the privileges they might otherwise have taken for granted. And it is the community who has to pay that debt. That is wrong. That is not justice. It is also not american. Host john in dearborn heights, michigan. Your question or comment. Caller thank you. I want to go over some fbi Crime Statistics and make a quick comment. The black on white crime rate is four times its inverse. That is the fbi Crime Statistics since i believe 1980. Some years it has been higher and some years it has been low. The average has been 40 times the inverse. Like men represent about 5 of the population, yet they commit over 50 of the Violent Crime rate. Out of all interracial crime between blacks and whites, whites and hispanics, asians and blacks, black people commit over 90 of the Violent Crime. And if you are a white person and you go into detroit or st. Louis, you take your life into your own hands. So i was wondering if the person who the person could comment on that and the black privilege that he has. Thank you. Guest like privilege does not exist. Not in a world where whiteness is the default. They also have to be clear about two things. One, crime is localized. People commit crimes where they live. That is where the term black on black crime came from. What people now are talking about black on white crime. It is a distraction. The reality is that Police Departments as they are designed operate in ways that penalize black people for being black. There also statistics that confirm that black and white youth commit the same crimes at the same rate and black youth are disproportionately arrested and penalized and otherwise criminalized. The statistics education throughout this country, where data that came out of the department of justice and the department of education confirms that black male students are disproportionately disciplined and expelled at more than twice the rate of their white male counterparts. One thing that is often not discussed because people like to talk about statistics around black men who have been targeted through the history of our country is that the rate is six times higher for black girls. There are policies that have been designed, often by white people by elected officials principals, who designed policies that penalize black girls for having braids and their hair, or not looking at teachers in the classroom. These are intentional systems that have been designed by people who want to control black bodies and profit of black labor, period, full stop. Host tim in lakeview, arkansas. Welcome to the conversation. Caller greta, thank you for taking michael. You have got the statistics in the washington post. When there were nine unarmed white people shot, there were 19 unarmed white people shot. This guy has able full of lies. He needs to wake up and flush the bull and get rid of them. If he was worried about black lives, why isnt he marching in chicago . How any people die in chicago every year . Guest why do you question that we are not marching in chicago . To say to people who are doing work i do this work daily sir. I dont know what it is that you do, but to be clear, we are in communities. We have been before this was trending. We will be after this conversation. The audacity of privileged white people to parrot back statistics that benefit them. This is a systemic problem. It happens in communities throughout the country, not just cities like chicago, but in rural and isolated communities across the country as well. Host next, to mitchell who is in , georgia. Rex, georgia. Caller thanks for taking this call. I am a navy veteran. Retired officer. A lot of the problem is racism. And you can change the legislation, but you cant change a persons heart. When i was a young boy, my father told me that she said, when you grow up, you start to drive, if the police pull you over, if you can, get your lessons out. Do not get out of the car. Do not be looking around. Give them your license. One night, early in the morning they stopped me, and no reason at all to stop me. Follow me. Stopped me. I gave them my license. He said, you been drinking . I said, yes. I was raised in alabama, in tuskhe says, get out and let me see how you walk. I got out and walked to the back of the car, and his partner was standing on the curb was standing on the hood of the car with a 357 pointed dead at my chest, what we used to call center man. He asks me, he says, you had anything . Have you had a little bit of anything . I said, i dont mess with that. But that is what they expect from blacks. They are supposed to be violent drug users and stuff. And i dont see it has changed since then, and i dont think it is going to change. The Senate Legislative persons heart. You can speak on that for me, please. Guest first i want to say thank you for your service, and i also know it is challenging as evidenced by some of the conversations we have had today. Thank you, greta, for the space to change peoples minds and to encourage them to be more compassionate. And it is the work i have committed to. I think it is important for us to not only tell our stories, as you did, because of qualitative data and storytelling is important, acknowledging the way that White Supremacists often use quantitative data to defend their privilege and to maintain oppression. And there is still a lot of work that we have to do, right . I think it important to the callers points, to make this connection. According to the bureau of justice statistics, People Living in households with incomes below the federal policy threshold are twice as likely to commit a Violent Crime. So there is a connection between poverty and crime. It is also the reality in part because of White Supremacy and antiblackness that we live in a country where the poverty rate is more than twice as high among black americans as white. That is a result of laws that deny black people access to housing. That is a result of laws that deny black people access to loans or the resources to start businesses. And we should acknowledge that it was just this week that the Supreme Court of the United States the Civil Rights Act to ensure that people understand you should not discriminate against someone based on their actual or perceived identity. This is important because employment is one of the ways in which people are not impoverished. It is one of the ways in which people are more likely to commit crimes, often out of necessity. And because that is now the law of the land, there is still more work to be done, because people can still be discriminated against based on actual and perceived identity, particularly on gender expression, with your guard Public Housing in the country, as well as public accommodation accessing things like hospitals and restaurants, think that most white people take for granted having access to and that white people that most black people continue to struggle to show up in and have her humanity honored. That is why black lives have to matter for all to matter. Host we go to richmond, virginia. Caller i just wanted to tell everyone thanks for the platform and thanks for this conversation. I do believe that we do have a lot of good Police Officers out there. But we do have to look at the history of our country and why the police were formed. To me, i am a 40yearold black man. I have a black son and i have a mixed son. And i have to have the same conversation with both of my children when they leave at the house. We have most of america realizing they dont know what is going on when a generation ahead commit just my parents they experienced it. To me, a lot of america, they just refuse to see the truth. They want to act like, ok, you know what . Black people just doing craziness. You do have a group of black people doing craziness, like you having all races but if you put us all down and only one of us is going to succeed, it is going to be chaos trying to get out, crabs in a barrel. And everybody act like they dont understand that point. Everybody act like they have not been living in the United States. You can go look at thanksgiving and just look at that holiday and see the true reality of america, but people act like they dont get it. And im sorry that the coronavirus took a bunch of lives, but that was the only thing that had people in their homes to see that murder. We have had black men being killed for centuries. Nobody knows about the tulsa oklahoma massacre. Why is that not in the schoolbooks . It is whitewashing of everything. Everybody act like they dont see it. Guest i agree. I appreciate the caller being intentional. He was clear in describing that this is an act. It is a form of privilege to deny the reality, the reality that has caused many people to risk their lives to protest, to be engaged in demanding change. I think it is important to also lift up that it is not just black people who have been doing this work. We carry a disproportionate share of the burden. There are white people who have been talking about the realities of racism, antiblackness, and oppression in america. Jane elliott and Robin Dangelo talk often about the contradiction and problem of race in america. There is a powerful video i sure often where jane asks a bunch of white people if they are aware of the things that are happening to black people in the world and they all say yes. And she asks, with a volunteer in cells to experience the things that black people experience in our country, and the answer is no. She calls out the hypocrisy of people acknowledging these things as problems and choosing to do nothing about it. I also want to complicate this, because we are having a conversation about race, about likeness. There are also black people like myself who are also clear, who face hate crimes because people are homophobic or trans phobic or by phobic, or other stigmas and misinformation that they believe allows them to hurt other people. So we are talking publicly about it, and we should. Fewer people are talking about Breonna Taylor, and we should. Few people are talking about tony mcdade, the black trans man who was murdered by the tallahassee Police Department less than 18 hours after having been the victim of a hate crime because tony is a black trans man. Few people are talking about the fact that just last week, on friday, around the anniversary of the pulse nightclub massacre, on the same day that the current occupant of the oval Office Issued an order attacking Critical Health care for trans people, there were two black trans women who were recently murdered. What i am highlighting is that the many ways in which White Supremacy and antiblackness, and the systems have been designed to control our bodies and profit from our labor. It is important for us to have these conversations, especially because they make people uncomfortable. Host david johns is the director of the National Black justice coalition. We thank you for having this conversation with her viewers. Appreciate it. Guest my pleasure. Thank you for making space. Encourage everyone to do the tough work of finding actual studies, of being a student of our history, and appreciating that we have an opportunity to ensure there is protracted struggle for social justice we can all enjoy. What we know is that our communities work better together. Everyone wins. My hope is that we will all dig in together and have more conversations with like this, learn how to argue better, so that more people can be safe and not fear being discriminated against or otherwise harmed or killed. I encourage people who both agree and disagree to learn more about our work in the ways in which we have been doing this and will continue to be doing this. Host thank you. We are going to continue this conversation with you about what Police Reform you would support. Start dialing in now. As we wait for your calls, lets go to cspan2 where we have live coverage of tim scott and other senators unveiling their suggestions on Police Reform. Sen. Scott we find ourselves with a package that i think speaks to families i spoke with yesterday who lost loved ones. We hear you. I think this package speaks very clearly to the young person who is concerned when he stopped by the Law Enforcement officers. We see you. What does this package do . Three major areas. One is on the area we have to have the right information so we can direct our resources as the federal government to make sure that the outcomes lead to safer officers and safer suspects in the instances of challenges. That data collection, the information, is around making sure that when serious Bodily Injury occurs, or death, that all that information is reported to the fbi. Today, only 40 of departments report to the fbi. When we hear about the Breonna Taylor case in louisville, kentucky, we did not have any information around no knock warrants. To start a conversation banning no knocks does not sound like a solid position based on data because we dont have that data. Once we have the information, we can then turn to the training that is necessary to deescalate situations, the duty to intervene, not standing there watching an officer with his knee on the neck, but intervening in those situations. We can train our officers that are. We can find mechanisms to deescalate the situation. We spend a lot of time in the training aspect, using the resources of grants to reduce the situations and violence in those situations. And finally, officer misconduct. We believe the preservation of records on the local level so the departments within the state have the chance to see like a reference check past history of complaints against an officer. We do not create a National Database. The president s executive order creates a National Database for that information to flow into. We believe our positions bring communities of color into a position of stronger understanding and confidence in the institutions of authority. And we believe it brings our Law Enforcement community to a place where they have the resources necessary to deescalate some of these situations, and frankly to James Lankfords work on this package, we bring in the opportunity to hire more officers and have a better perspective on the history. With that, a lot could be said but instead of saying more, i will give it over to senator mcconnell. Host senator tim scott republican of South Carolina outlining the legislation. He has been the lead with republicans with their reform proposal. You can see what they say and what questions they are asked by reporters on cspan2. Here, we want to know what you would support on Police Reform. While this is happening on the senate side, the house side, the House Judiciary Committee, democrats, are going to be marking up their legislation republicans as well on that committee, debating for five to six hours, the justice in policing act, a proposal put forward by house and senate democrats. This would reform qualified immunity amend federal criminal statutes around police misconduct, create a national registry, mandate reporting of use of force, prohibit racial per cup profiling, banned chokeholds, limit the transfer of military grade equipment, and make lynching a federal crime. In kentons bill, maryland, we will start with you. Good morning. What police are forms would you support . Caller i just wanted to say that i am a 63yearold white woman and i am jewish, and just as far as the police when the police say to you you need to get out of your car, you need to do what you need to do, and when people start running when they say stop you need to stop. You need to stop and deal with the police people. I grew up when i was 15 years old, jewish people were not allowed in ocean city, maryland. So i know all about prejudice and it is not just a black thing. I grew up with my friends parents tattooed, numbers on the wrists. The jewish people went through a lot also. We may not wear it on our skin, but we were constantly prejudiced against. I think maybe you need to look at everything, not just black lives matter. White peoples lives matter. When the police say to you do not run, stop running. That is maybe what you need to do. Host in reno, nevada, j. Caller thank you for taking my call. I want to point out a social experiment that occurred. I saw it on video. A group put together a social video of a black and white kid carrying ar15s, same city same state. The white kid was walking down the street. They called the cops. The cops roll up on him. The cop gets out of the car gradually walks up to him, says what are you doing, asks questions about why he is carrying an ar15, because it is an open carry state. Couple weeks later, they did the black kid. The black young man walking down the street, five cop cars pull up on him guns pointed, scream at him to get on the ground, handcuffed him, take the rifle away from him, because he was black. Why are people not seeing the difference between the way cops treat whites and blacks and everybody else when they carry guns . They treat people differently. Copper form, Police Reform, has to be taking a big concern and change the way they treat people. This is the perfect example of how the cops look at two different people to different ways, and they treat them differently, only because of the skin color. There was a rally with white people in the capitals with ar15s. If the black community was to do that, the army would be called, National Guard police, and guns would be drawn on them, if they were to walk to the capitals with guns and ar15s holstered to their body. This needs to change. And i am a white guy. I am 62 years old. For you people who are white and seeing this and turning a blind eye to it, that is despicable. It needs to stop. And it needs to stop now. Either you are a racist or you are compliant. Host apologies i hit the button too soon. Let me move on to diana in halifax, pennsylvania. Diana, go ahead. Caller i have certainly enjoyed watching cspan, all of it through the years, and different conversations. What is going on right now is one of the most important things we have ever faced in this country, and i certainly support all of the black leaders speaking out and so forth. But i would like to say growing up in virginia i certainly saw racism and bigotry. But my family taught me to treat everyone as an individual and interact with them as individuals. And i came from a very poor family and we worked with the blacks in our community and so forth. But i know that there is a systemic problem, and i just wanted to say my heart bleeds for those families that have lost loved ones, and i support any changes in the way that the Police Interact in this country. And my love to everyone that is going through all of this. Host diana supports any changes, she says, to help Police Interact in this country. That debate in the House Judiciary Committee taking place in about 15 minutes, right here on cspan. You will be able to listen to lawmakers discuss this issue. Our cameras are in the room and we will have gaveltogavel coverage of that on our website as well as cspan. Org and the free cspan radio app. One of our viewers says in a tweet to us as a point of logic to david johnscomments, one goal would be to narrow and illuminate the gap between white, black, and hispanic Unemployment Rates. Economic growth could achieve that goal. Over on cspan 2 right now Senate Republicans unveiling their legislation for Police Reforms, led by senator tim scott, and Mitch Mcconnell, the majority leader, telling reporters moments ago that this legislation would come up for a vote next week. Eddie in seattle, washington. Eddie, good morning to you. Caller good morning. How are you. Host good morning. Caller i was sitting here listening to everything everyone was saying about what is going on with Police Reform, but until we realize the real problem, all of these are just putting bandages on gunshot wounds. The Biggest Issue is not a skin issue. It is a sin issue. Until man starts to transform anything we are doing is only going to work temporarily. Until mans hearts are transformed, that is really when things are going to change. Until then, that is not went to matter. Thank you. Host melon in urbana illinois. Your turn, melvin. Caller as a former policeman i was a policeman for four years here in champaign urbana. And i was buoyed by the advent of the body camera, hoping that things would be recorded and we would see exactly what happened. Now i think it would be a good suggestion to upload whatever footage they have to a Central Location and technically not allow them to be able to turn off the cameras. It is one thing to talk about training, and there is another thing to talk about which you start out with. If you start out with a person who is deeply prejudiced, no amount of training is going to do any good. As a matter fact, i was involved in the social Service System after my p stent, and i can tell you one of my colleagues, social workers, complained bitterly about multicultural training. I think you have to consider what you are starting out with. But i think you need surveillance on the police. I think they have shown that they need to be surveilled, and they should not be able to turn off those cameras. Host melvin with his ideas for Police Reform. That is our question for all of you this morning as we continue here on washington journal. What Police Reforms would you support . The latest happening on capitol hill in the house and senate the day after President Trump signed an executive order on use of force and other proposals on Police Reform. Noah in west hills, california. Good morning. What do you want washington to know . Caller morning. I believe that when you hold the entire Police Forces around the country, and you hold them liable for the socalled bad apples, the risk is that all the police will proverbially wash their hands of any involvement at all in virtually all the communities. And the only time, probably, the police will involve themselves will be if it pertains to some sort of risk of themselves. And so they wont involve themselves in the community if they are im sure the crime rate is going to skyrocket in the inner cities, because, you know, they will just let the gang bangers they will find out for themselves. Why would the cops put themselves at risk or liability given the Current Situation . Host ok, noah, heard your thoughts. And in illinois, what you think . Caller i used to be a Police Officer, but that was 20 years ago. It has changed a lot. I have a problem on the atlanta issue. The guy was asleep. He was asleep. He had been drinking. He was doing no harm. It went textbook until the point he resisted. And i understand why he resisted with the way things are right now. He was not quite right in his head. He was pinned down. He ran. I dont believe the police did anything that they were not trained to do. I think the changes need to be in police policy, the zerotolerance policy on things like pulling somebody out of the car who might be inebriated. He should have been written a citation, and somebody pick him up, take him home. The first segment, i saw you take off. Host american son valley, california. Caller i know i dont have much time. Insofar as what is happening with the Police Brutality George Floyds death was unfortunate for sure. However, what we have to really understand is there is a bigger thing happening here. When you have, for example, an election coming up, sometimes the media wants to throw out some kind of chaos and want to try to divide the people. What do i mean by that . I myself grew up in the hood, as they call it. When i had my shaved head, of course i would get pulled over. That is something i had coming. We have to take ownership for our own actions. Why are we in poverty . Woe is me . We cant put that bandaid on people. We have to take ownership for our own selves. When we have high crime rates in our own neighborhood, whether it is chicago, california we have gains in our neighborhoods, the latinos in the blanks. We have to take ownership. We are in the greatest country in this world. We have every opportunity to succeed. When we dont let ourselves what do we expect . We are in a capitalist society. With antifa and black lives matter, they are all about socialism, communism, the homosexual agenda, which is fine if that is their thing. But we cannot say to ourselves look, this is dividing our country. United we stand. The Police Officers are fine officers. As far as the bad apples do not cover up crimes. I have been in situations where i have seen people die. That is something you have to attack. Attacked that. But as far as woe is me, like you had that young man speaking earlier, when you mentioned about chiraq, black on black crime is not being addressed. We have to address the social norms. Saying we need to give these people an opportunity to succeed billions of dollars into opportunity zones, criminal Justice Reform he had a malcolm x book in the background. What did malcolm x say . You keep voting for democrats. They have the house, the senate and the presidency, but we put them first and they put us last so they could continue to get the vote. Please or member that joe biden wrote the crime bill. He was in office 42 years, the number two most powerful man in the world and he did not make change. President trump, whatever the case may be, he actually attacked that issue with criminal Justice Reform. So i urge all americans please do not be divided by the media or george soros with the open Society Foundation donating 100 million to the black lives matter movement. Host im going to leave it there. John from virginia, good morning. Caller good morning. In all the reforms, the democrats, nobody has brought that they need to do one with the Police Unions. A state trooper wrote an editorial in the local paper, a retired state trooper. First of all, virginia already has an antichoke law. He said the biggest problem is that they cannot discipline the bad cops and get them out, just like happened in minneapolis. That guy had a history of bad behavior, and the union defended him, kept him on. So they need to get rid of the Police Unions. It is a Public Service. Just like reagan fired all the air Traffic Control you controllers when their union got out of control. If they did not have Police Unions and could we got the bad cops, we would not have the problems we have today. You know the democrats wont do that because they want union support. Thank you. Host mark, good morning. Caller im a black man from africa, and i have been listening to the conversation on reforms for the police. I want to give a perspective. Where i come from in africa, it is not a gun culture society, so the Police Officer coming to arrest somebody, it does not go down to the person being killed. It is gun culture and society. If you look at it from that perspective, people in america need to know the rights, and if it Police Officer comes to you and says i want you to do this, you have to follow instructions. But what is happening is that people are misconstruing what you are going to do. The gun determines the mindset of the individual. The police no this is already a gun society, the police come with that mindset. So you have to be very careful and be willing to listen, very careful, when instructions will be given to you by the police. If you do, i believe strongly that individuals are reacting to police, when as americans, you have rights, but you cannot have rights when it Police Officer is trying to get them from you. Host we are waiting for the House Judiciary Committee to gavel in for todays markup of the justice and policing act. That will take place here on cspan, as well as on the website, cspan. Org, and you can listen if you are out and about, on the free cspan radio app. They are expected to go 5, 6 hours today and have a debate on the proposal put forward by house and senate democrats. On the senate side and on cspan 2, the senators are holding a News Conference there to talk about the Senate Republican proposal drafted by and led by senator tim scott, republican of South Carolina. You can watch that if you missed it, on our website cspan. Org. Mitch mcconnell, the majority leader, sing the senate could vote on that as early as next week. Miriam in texas, we will go to you next as we wait for the House Judiciary Committee. Caller good morning. Im from texas and we have two republicans. It is a shame the republicans are using a black senator to get this thing going on. If i have a son and i sent him out there i dont want him to be shot by a cop because he has a calm in his pocket. Dont want a person to come into my house with a no knock warrant. I dont want it Police Officer to kill someone knowing he is not went to get thrown in jail. If the whole community is not on the bill, it should not pass. No knock warrants, it has to change. All these republicans are watering down everything. They are talking about everything on the surface and they are not getting to the nittygritty. Host reforming qualified immunity is in the democrat proposal and republicans are called that a nonstarter. The two sites have to come together if there is any legislation that is going to go to the president s desk for his signature. Sarah in fall river, massachusetts. Good morning to you. Caller good morning. A very interesting conversation going on this morning. I am a white woman, just to let youi have black friends. They are very concerned about all this. There are bad in every profession. I think that maybe black people do experience racist people that deal with them, but i have also experienced the opposite where ive had people of other races not like me for my race. We have to look at things more openly and try to root out people who will take that powerful position as Police Officers to use a little more common sense. Maybe they should have called someone to come get him and told his colleague as someone mentioned earlier. Host in tacoma, washington. Your turn to let washington know what you think on Police Reform. Caller i dont think reform will change anything. I think until you change the whole system, nothing is going to change. I am a tall guy. Im 66. My kids are close, 64 and 67. I have to teach them yearround, police not like tall people. Humble yourself a little talking little lower, smile all the time. If you dont address systemic racism it doesnt matter which rules you change because you will have the same crop of people coming there and finding a way to keep the rules and her people. Host good morning, dolores. Welcome to the conversation. Caller what im looking at is racism is something we cant see on the exterior. The only way we can really have an inside person is what they mentioned about the ethically checks of people. If there is an officer and they are witnessing extra behavior towards minority groups, it needs to be a system within the department that can protect them when they are making these reports. They need to have a system where they are protected. Host alex in Silver Springs maryland. What do you think on Police Reform . Caller i have 2 main points. Police officers are being arrested and charged with whatever crimes, how come they get special treatment. If im doing my job and someone gets killed i get held on seconddegree murder charges pay for lawyers come get held in jail until my trial. The special treatment for Police Officers needs to go away. I see this commonly happen where former military come into the Law Enforcement community. The military and of those personnel are trained to fight and win by all means necessary. Afghanistan, iraq, whatever, you look at who you are policing is the enemy. That mindset does not translate into Law Enforcement. I believe Law Enforcement should be about policing. Being former military and coming over to be a civilian officer to translate all in a good light. The Police Unions unfortunately are a large group. They do have a lot of influence. When you look at a lot of the videos and the question is, not every apple is a bad apple. In all of these videos, which apple was a good apple . In all of these different cases, so many different cases, where were the good apples . Unfortunately, the unions dont do a good job in helping promote whistleblowers and keep those whistleblowers protected. Host i will get in a couple more phone calls before we get inside the Committee Room come the House Judiciary Committee as they prepare to mark up the policing act of 2020. Caller im glad we are having these conversations. I hear a lot of things i agree with will stuff i also hear a lot of people who are not informed. I dont mean that in a nasty way, just they arent doing a lot of research on their own about what is going on in this country. Policing is something ive been next to for a long time. Im a social worker. I constantly interact with police on abuse cases. More than once throughout my career, frequently, police let me know they do not believe that the people they police are the same as them. They frequently refer to my clients as animals. That includes me, because i am black as well. I have to say they do not live in our communities. They are asked to do a remarkable amount of things that has nothing to do with policing. Thats not fair. Theyre institutionalized to believe they are here to control people. That comes across all the time. To the woman in massachusetts who said we have to follow the rules, we try to. Even when we try to i cannot tell you how many times ive had horrible interactions with the police that had nothing to do with how i behaved. Your comment is naive. The man from nevada, thank you for understanding. The young man in california, you need to do a lot of reading. Thank you. Host we will bring you inside the House Judiciary Committee on cspan. The House Judiciary Committee getting set to mark up the Police Reform legislation. It should be a fairly lengthy session happening on capitol hill at almost the same side on the senate side. Tim scott and senators introducing the justice act, the Police Reform measure that will be considered in the u. S. Senate. After votes this morning they will begin the process of taking up that legislation. There is chair jerry nadler. This is live coverage on cspan. That Senate Coverage on our station, cspan2. Try your audio real quick. How is this . Perfect, perfect, perfect. A few more minutes [indiscernible] thank you. The house judiciary session today to consider the justice in policing act the Police Reforms proposed by democrats in the house in the wake of the George Floyd Killing and protests across the nation. It is expected to be a lengthy day in the hearing room, up to 3 00 or later. You see all of the members wearing masks. The speaker issuing guidance committees holding in person hearings Must Wear Masks on capitol hill. The senate Judiciary Committee met yesterday and marked up there justice act. The legislation introduced by tim scott, the senate may get on that as early as today. A full day of hearings across capitol hill. That is before the house on cspan3. The senate is in session with several votes this morning, and they may take up the Police Reform legislation on cspan2. We will stay here live with the House Judiciary Committee on cspan. The House Judiciary Committee getting set to markup legislation, the Police Reform legislation. Scheduled to start 20 minutes ago, running late. They are in one of the largest spaces in the capital to allow for social distancing between members. This is the auditorium at the u. S. Capitol visitor center. You can look forward to politico in their look on the markup. They write that lawmakers on the notoriously fractured panel are expected to advance democrats sweeping panel in response to Police Brutality and institutional racism. Political rights the plan would banned chokehold sand no knock warrants lower the threshold for prosecuting officers, limit officers prosecution immunity and have a database of police misconduct. The police and senate on a fast track to get Police Reform legislation done possibly before the july 4 break. Votes in the house next week and legislation advancing to the senate floor as early as today. The Senate Version, authored in part i senator scott of South Carolina was introduced today in a News Conference at the capitol. You can watch that on cspan. Org. The measure the House Judiciary Committee will consider is hr720 a 137 page package that contained several bills that has languished in congress for years. Taken individually the measures have had scattershot support but the collected package put together after the death of george floyd has majority backing. The cosponsors are all democrats. Writing about the senate side, this senate is drafting its own bill being introduced today. Though Mitch Mcconnell has made clear that the house package which he says amounts to federalize in policing issues, stands no chance in his chamber. The senate may be on that measure some preliminary debate on the Senate Version as early as today after some morning votes. The senate is in session voting on the Public Lands Bill final passage. You can follow that on cspan two. [indiscernible announcement] now nearly a half hour delay and the start of the House Judiciary Committee markup of the Police Justice in policing act hr 7120

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