Transcripts For CSPAN Oregon Gov. Brown Holds Coronavirus Briefing 20240712

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Everyone and thank you for joining us today. I want to acknowledge that we typically have simultaneous spanish interpretation for us during our press conferences. We were not able to secure services this morning but we will provide translation online. Allen,e with pat director of the Oregon Health authority and our state epidemiologist. I will keep my remarks brief this morning. When we began reopening nearly a month ago, i was clear that covid19 cases, our count would rise. Unfortunate, we are seeing that happen in several parts of the state, in rural and urban oregon. As i said before, reopening comes with real risk, and thats why we are carefully monitoring the ability of the Public Health system to respond to covid19 cases without becoming overwhelmed. The noticeable increase in covid19 infections in oregon the past week is certainly cause for concern. To slow the transmission of the virus, i am putting all pending county reopening applications on hold for seven days. This is essentially a statewide yellow light. This oneweek pause will give Public Health experts time to assess what factors are driving the spread of the virus and determine if we need to adjust our approach to reopening. I will continue to work with doctors and Public Health experts to assess whether to lift the pause, extend the pause , or make other adjustments. Havereminder, we currently 29 counties in phase two, three counties clackamas, lincoln and washington in phase one, and have not yet applied for phase two. River,ounties hood and polk, have applied for phase two. These applications are on hold for one week. County is still not yet in phase one status. I have put their application on hold for one week as well. Fullu want to get the details on the reopening status in your community, please go coronavirus. Oregon. Gov i know how frustrating it is to move slowly. We all wish to reopening could be happening faster. Thatnians should know county leaders are working extraordinarily hard to make reopening possible. My job, however, is to make tough decisions, even when they are unpopular. When it comes to the health and safety of oregonians, the buck stops here. To all of the Business Owners who planned to reopen last weekend, i want to acknowledge how difficult this is for all of you. Many of you have invested significant time and resources into reopening safely, ordering supplies, hiring staff and keeping your lights on. However, as dr. Fauci has said, we dont make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline. Now, no matter what county you todays tase decision to pause the state is a reminder that we need to double down on the simple but effective cautions each of us should take to reduce spread of the disease. A face1 wear covering. Number 2 keep physical distance of six feet. Number 3 avoid large gatherings. Number 4 keep it local. If you want to get outside, please stay close to home. Number 5 wash your hands, cover your cough, and please, please, please stay home when you are sick. I am delighted to turn it over to pat allen, the director of the Oregon Health authority. I want to state clearly that the Health Measures we are using to monitor covid19 support this decision. We are sing enough signs of concern to tell us need to slow down. Here are some of the warning signs we are watching. New cases are rising. Yesterday, health of 30 reported 178 new cases a covid19, our highest total ever. Casesreported covid19 increased by 75 during the week ending june 7. 620 new cases total. The prior week, cases rose 18 . Testing has increased but so has the percentage of positive results. The number of covid tests reported, 18,271, increase compared to the previous week, which is good news. But the percent positive rose 3 . 1. 9 to our positive rate is well below the nations, but we want to see the positive rate stay flat or drop, not increase by half. Hospitalizations have increased. New hospitalizations were on a long downtrend but the sevenday rolling average rose from four to six cases per day. Because the number of severe coronavirus cases does not depend on the amount of testing, hospitalizations are telling how well we are doing. Yet, because they are lagging indicator, they tell us about infections that occurred many days ago, not right now. Thats why we will continue to watch hospitalizations closely. There are positive signs. Emergency department visits at hospitals for covid like illnesses are below 1 and have remained low and level for several weeks food local Health Officials are sing on top of Contact Tracing. 95 of contacts are being reached by tracers within 24 hours. Most cases of coronavirus are being linked to a known source. Only 22 of cases cannot be tracked to a prior exposure, which means a local investigators can identify people who might be contagious and isolate them, and there are fewer sporadic cases in the community. What is driving the increases we are seeing . A few things. Large workplace outbreaks. We reported an outbreak at a seafood facility in Lincoln County along with other outbreaks around the state. These outbreaks have effected our overall totals and daily numbers. We are performing increased testing. People thatng more are infected, which is what we expected. Emergency department visits remain stable, so we believe tests are finding people who are a symptom attic or presymptomatic but dont have serious onus is. Illnesses. There have been large gatherings across the state, some involving protests and some not. Ther not clear yet whe these have resulted in the spread of coronavirus but we will have more information coming days. Reopening. We said all along that reopening comes with risks. Our models told us to expect more cases as we began to resume normal activities. What has happened this week has confirmed the accuracy of those predictions. For these reasons, we are slowing down organs oregons reopening. Todays pause as a reminder, not a rollback. Isimately, my biggest fear that people treat phase one or returning toe things before the pandemic began. That is not what needs to happen. We can do normal things but not the way we did them before. Keith physically separated, wear a mask when you are close to other people, go to work when you are sick, wash her hands. These are not just good ideas, he they are what we have to do to ideas, they are what we have to do to remain open. If you hear from a contact tracer, answer her questions and stay home if youve been exposed. To now going to turn it over the state Health Officer who can talk about some of the issues weve seen. Thank you. Covid19 has affected people throughout oregon with some communities especially hardhit. During this pause, i hope all oregonians will take steps to protect themselves, families and communities. Here are some of the warning signs we saw in the counties moving forward. In Multnomah County, we sell an increase of people admitted to hospitals. Positive testing is going up. Last week werees not traced to a source. Hood river county has seen an increase in new cases and is managing three simultaneous workplace outbreaks. Marion county has seen almost 40 increase in cases over the last week and hospital admissions are also increasing. Pull county again has seen increasing counties over the past week and is managing a worksite outbreak. We have also looked at the latest modeling results that show notes of caution. Our latest modeling indicates transmission rates after a month of decline appear to be increasing since we reopened. Right now, we estimate that for every person with covid19, they cause at least one additional person to be sick, but we dont know how quickly the virus is spreading. We projected three scenarios this week. In the most optimistic scenario, inpredicted a 10 increase transmission that began in the middle of may. If this trend continues, the number of new infections per day is projected to remain relatively stable. In a less optimistic scenario, we saw we predict a 15 increase after the middle of may. If that trend continues, the number of new infections per day is projected to slowly increase to as many as 270 per day by july 3. The most as a mystic scenario includes increase transmission after reopening which increases again over memorial day weekend. This came from the data and would pose a risk of hundreds and hundreds more cases each and every day. We dont see evidence that is emerging yet but we want to prevent that. It is too soon to say which scenario is likely to play out. Each one remains a possibility, but we can Work Together to suppress the virus and keep infection rates flat or contained at a manageable rate. If we all continue to be careful to reduce our own risk and the risks we post others, we can accomplish rate things. If we dont do those things, we risk a rapid rise in cases that will not only jeopardize the progress we have made but could fill our hospitals and risk that oregonians cannot access quality care. Set, covid19an is going away anytime soon and we all need to do our part to keep covid19 contain. Heroes, now of my is the time for everyone to be kind, to be calm, and to be safe. Gov. Brown thank you. I think we are ready to take questions. [indiscernible] you kind of answered my question with the businesses reopening in Multnomah County. What do you say to the citizens and workers and Business Owners who expected to reopen tomorrow i apologize, today, and were caught off guard by the late announcement last night . Gov. Brown i am sorry, we are all frustrated. As i said, as dr. Fauci said, the virus makes the timeline, we dont make the timeline. We are all in this together. I want to encourage people to , toinue to take precautions be kind toward your fellow oregonians, to be considerate toward your neighbors and community, and to continue to be safe in the world out there. This will take time, and i appreciate everyone being patient through all of this. As a kid growing up, i had the opportunity to ice skate on local ponds in minnesota and we were always very cautious when we first went onto the ice. We put our skates on and we would take a step forward and if the ice felt safe and we did not hear cracking, we would take another step and that is kind of where we are at right now. We are proceeding extremely cautiously. I would say we are pausing and waiting to see if the ice is Strong Enough to support all of us. [indiscernible] a question for director alan. I know you mentioned and might be a couple of days before we get a better sense of whether or not some of the large gatherings and protests that have taken place have caused or created an increase in recent covid transmissions, but i wanted to ask, as of this morning, june 12, have Health Officials seen any cases at all linked to protest or demonstrations the last couple weeks . I would turn that over to the doctor, who is more familiar with that information. We are working with local Health Officials to ask information about attendance at large gatherings such as the demonstrations in portland and other cities. We know some people might be reluctant to share that information with Public Health investigators, but today, we dont have any reports of people who have tested positive who have attended one of these demonstrations who are protesters. Gov. Brown i would add a couple of things. Number one, i appreciate Multnomah County opening a testing site for citizens who have protested that may be showing symptoms of covid19. Secondly, we are seeing outbreaks and one of the reasons i felt strongly about taking this pause is because we are seeing outbreaks in communities around the state. Lincoln county to union county. Us. Is impacting all of each one of our actions make a difference and i want to encourage oregonians to continue to use face coverings, whether they are going to the Grocery Store or they are out taking action. [indiscernible] gov. Brown look, we are asking oregonians to be considerate of your fellow oregonians and to keep your Recreational Activities local. We know this is really hard. I know we all enjoy going to the beach. I enjoy going to the beach any time of year. I enjoy hiking in the gorge. I want to continue to encourage oregonians keep Recreational Activities local and to check the state parks website for park locations that are open. [indiscernible] good morning, governor. I have a policy question and a followup. The things you are announcing impactdo they have any on the countys already in phase two . Second, the doctor talked about some of the problems and some of the counties that are in phase one or baseline. Our using problems in specific counties that are in phase two that concern you . Thank you. Is. Brown gary, the pause every county is where they are at right now. For counties in phase two, they stay in phase two. For counties in phase one, they stay in phase one. From Multnomah County, they stay in baseline. Everyone is staying in the current phase. I will take the second part of that. I think what we are seeing is this is impacting communities across oregon. From urban areas to rural areas, the coast to the mountains and in between. We are seeing the spread connected to different things. We have reported on several large workplace outbreaks. Longterme to support care facilities and respond to outbreaks there for vulnerable populations. Were also seeing spread as people come together in various aspects. For social gatherings, parties, barbecues and otherwise get back together with friends and family, and we see spread in those areas. Thats why we continue to urge people to take caution. Stay physically distant. You can get together in small groups locally. Where a face covering. Take precaution. Dont attend if you are sick, wash your hands often, and together by doing these things, we can get through this without seeing significant increases in cases, because we all have a role. [indiscernible] gov. Brown thank you for the question about whether i am prepared to shut down any county regardless of what phase they are in. At this point in time, we are issuing a yellow light, asking everyone to be extra careful. Atare holding where we are and hoping to not step forward. Times,ve said a zillion the virus makes the timeline, well make the timeline. We do not make the timeline. We are asking everybody again, we are in this together. It is so important that we consider our family members, our neighbors, our friends, and our Community Every time we take a step. I want to encourage oregonians to continue to be kind, to continue to wear your face coverings, and of course to continue to be smart. [indiscernible] what benchmark did Multnomah County not meet for reopening . What specific criteria . Gov. Brown we are going to give that to the doctor. Similar to other counties when they applied to move into phase one, Multnomah County was seeing an increase in hospitalizations the last two weeks. This is concerning because we know that indicates a has happened in the past and the people are now seeking care in the hospital. We have increased testing, weve also seen the positive test percentage in multnomah going up, and 40 of the cases were not traced to a source. Taking those things together, especially the criteria for one, those of the criteria they did not meet. Gov. Brown i want to reassure oregonians that we will continue to put the health and safety at the forefront of my decisionmaking. Factorsor mentioned the that are particular concerning. Make totinue to use science and data and making those decisions. I want to say thank you to the medical professionals at the authority,th including the doctor, who are influencing my decisionmaking as well as the Advisory Panel that is assisting in these decisions. These are not easy decisions. These are really hard. We spent the day contemplating the data, talking with local elected officials, talking to epidemiologists. This was a difficult decision to make. [indiscernible] rich here in seattle. There is an increase here in washington state. I think or and washington was in a coalition and i am wondering what the status of that is, and also what health and guidance you are getting from the federal government, whether the white house or cdc. Gov. Brown thank you. We are continuing to rely on cdc guidance in our decisionmaking, and that has been extremely helpful. In terms of our coalition, our ct, our chiefs of staff continue to speak regularly and our Public Health directors are communicating regularly. We are really focused on sharing and replicating best practices, learning from one another. There is absolutely no playbook here and it has been really helpful to have our regional partners share in the work. At the outset of this work, we focused on creating similar phases and similar prerequisites for opening. I know that given the regional nature of the work we are doing that we may have taken different paths, but it has been helpful for me as governor and for my team to be able to collaborate and coordinate with other states in the western region. [indiscernible] i have a few questions. The first one is, governor, as you know, businesses in Multnomah County have been preparing for weeks to reopen and many were set on opening this morning and have been working for days to get every thing ready. The announcement did not come down until after 7 00 last night, hours before they were expecting to reopen. What took so long in announcing the decision . Gov. Brown look, i know this is extremely frustrating. We were all really disappointed. I personally miss going to my favorite restaurants and boutiques and i know other oregonians do as well. These Small Businesses are the heart and soul of the org on economy and frankly the oregon economy and friendly the heart install of our stay. I hope we can get them up and running as quickly as possible. However, have to put the safety and health of oregonians first. My major concern is we are seeing a number of cases in Multnomah County that cannot be traced to a source and that should be concerning for all of us. Spent the day yesterday talking with expert epidemiologists and physicians as well as talking with local Public Health officials. This was not an easy decision to make. This was really tough. Again, im having to put the safety and health of oregonians at the forefront of our decisionmaking. Had another question similar to that. When we look at the state and the reopening status of the different counties, Multnomah County is the only one still in the baseline phase. We know in the tricounty area, a lot of people travel back and forth between counties, washington, clackamas, Multnomah County. Does it make sense to keep Multnomah County in the baseline phase when the counties around it are in at least phase one . Gov. Brown thats a very legitimate question and one of the issues i wrestled with, the fact that people travel. They dont stop at the county line and decide not to go to clackamas county. Work or totravel for go get our hair cut or to go to a restaurant, we dont look at where the county line ends and begins in terms of jurisdictions. My would say is this purpose in issuing a yellow lightsand i see yellow as a caution. I think most of us have been trained that when we see a yellow light to slow down. Thats what i am asking oregonians to do across the state. There were a number of concerning factors in Multnomah County. As i said earlier, there have been outbreaks in communities from allow county to Lincoln County. Thats why im saying all of our actions matter. I am encouraging, cajoling, asking oregonians to wear face quivering face coverings in public. I am asking and encouraging oregonians to continue really solid handwashing and hand sanitation practices. To cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and to maintain physical distancing. We are truly all in this together and every single one of our actions matter. [indiscernible] can you hear me ok . Gov. Brown yes. Question involves a local matter. Has ournt outbreak here local Health Department faced task, contacting tracing for over 100 people at once. What is the state doing to assist our local Health Department and others in rural areas facing outbreaks . If kind of further to that, the Health Authority could clarify why it was this outbreak as originally characterized a low risk . I will take that question. This is a very large outbreak. While Lincoln County was very well prepared to deal with outbreaks, this is the kind of size and the community of this size, it would be overwhelming under any circumstances. Aid have made use of mutual organizations to increase the amount of Contact Tracing in Case Investigation they can do. We are providing resources like testing supplies, additional staff. I have a Leadership Team on the ground today working with local government Emergency Management and Public Health to better understand their needs and work weekly to meet those needs. You know, i i think the low risk characterization is a good question. I think you know about an outbreak as it starts. You say some things about it and you learn more. That is maybe not the same statement we would today based on the nature of the outbreak as we said on friday versus last saturday. I had an opportunity to talk with local elected officials there. I know their local Public Health is working very hard to address this outbreak. Appreciate the partnership and the resources that the state can bring. I want to give oregonians a sense of the minute detail that termsneed to work in in of addressing the needs, for example, of some of the workers in that community. In addition to spanishspeaking workers, we in addition have folks from guatemala. They speak an indigenous language. There are two dialects of that language. We need to both contact tracers and case investigators that are multilingual to address the needs of the community there. The community is working very hard. The local Public Health system is working very hard. They will continue to need the states assistance. We are stepping up to provide that. [indiscernible] oregoniansof ability to attend a church or mosque or synagogue, i hear you. I know this is extremely frustrating. For many of us, our faith is what sustains us. It is what creates community. It gives many of us a sense of hope. I want to encourage you to practice your faith carefully and cautiously. There are faith communities around the state that are able to open. For right now in Multnomah County we are severely limiting the numbers. We want people to stay safe. We want people to stay healthy. [indiscernible] thank you. Thanks everybody. Cspan,g up tonight on North Carolina governor roy cooper on the Record Number of coronavirus cases. Then oral argument in the perjury case against the former National Security advisor michael flynn. Rileymmissioner michael is our guest on the communicators. He discusses the impact of the pandemic on communications, the president s exit of order on other media, and issues facing the fcc. President trump gives the commencement address saturday. Social distancing measures will be in place at west point academy. Our live coverage begins at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper held a briefing today to discuss the states response to the coronavirus pandemic. Governor cooper said he would not be moving forward with efforts to further reopen the state due to a record high number of cases. The governor attributed the increase to the number to an increase in testing across the state. He expected students to return to school and for. To school in the fall

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